The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 25, 1908, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
news op the World boiled
down for busy readers. .
b -J,
Dolngt of the Busy World Which May
be Read In a Few Moment!, -National
and World-wide Events
,"."" of Importance. .
.-',.. Foreign.
President Castro, of Vonozuola, has
boon removed to a hospital In Berlin,
to undergo a courso of treatment and
dieting. "
A light earthquake Is reported, ,1a
France, but no material damage was
done. '
Cardinal Victor LocqL archbishop of
Bordeaux, died whllo returning from a
visit to Rome.
It la feared that tho antl-forolgn
movement at Cantqn, Chirm, origin
ally caused by tho doath of n coolie
on 'the etenmor Falchon, will culml
. nato in outbreaks against all foreign
ers. The demand for cigarettes In China
today Is exceeded only by that for
Japan is building a 1,100-ton torpedo
boat to havo a upood of thlrty-nlno
miles an hour and to carry a heavy
gun In addition to Your torpedo tubes.
I Three hundred and forty Japanese
Bolaiers.havo,left Chlng Waa Tao for
Japan. This la half tho total guard
that Japan has been maintaining in
Chill proylnco. ' t
A new constitutional goyerpment
has been Inaugurated in Turkey, anil
tho new parliament elected, under the
constitution promulgated by the sul
tan last July has been opened.
Governor Magoon, of Cuba,haB au
thorized tho statomont that he would
Shortly Issue a decreo empowering
President-elect Gomez to contract n
loan of $16,000,000 which should bo
applied to the payment of the Clonfu
.rob waterworks and Havana paving
and, sewer contracts.
A. destructive fire is In progress at
.the .Canadian Pacific railway coal
docks at Winnipeg, CanaJa.
Olga Stein, arrested in New York
and brought to Russia after extradi
tion proceedings, has been, put on trial
charged with forgery and cmbozzlo
went. General Inouys, of tho Japanese
army, is dead.
Genoral William Booth, commandor-
in-chief of the Salvation Army, has
been operated on for cataract and
the, doctors aro hopeful that ho will
completely recover his sight.
A. family of six woro poisoned at
Kansas City by eating pork and
William R. Kelly, cashier ot tho
Union Pacific railroad at South Oma
ha," committed sulcldo Saturday,
Two Chinese laundrymen wero
found dead In their place of business
at Winnipeg, Canada. No clue to the
Two fit. Louis men havo been in
formed that they aro part hoirs to
an estate In the heart ot Wilmington,
Dela., worth $80,000,000.
Daniel Marshall, a ton-year-old boy
of Hartford, Conn., lost his life in
trying to save his dog from being run
over by the cars. The dog cacaped
fcDonnlB Casey, who disappeared
from his homo at Powhattan, Kan., a
couple of weeks ago, was murdorod,
his body being found in a straw stack
a few. days ngo.
Senator Hansborough, ot North Da
kota, Is reportod as Improving in
Tho total vote of tho recent presi
dential election exceeded that ot 1004
by 1,341,631.
Tho government mado a profit dur
lug the past flscufcycar ot $10,541,371
on tho coinage of sllvor, nickel nnd
bronze money. This represents the
difference between tho price paid by
tho' government for tho metals' and
their coinage value.
Tbo Toledo plant ot tho Republic
Iron and Steel company employing
COO men wilt resume operations Do
comber 28h,after thirteen months idle
'llCSB. ' '
W. M. Cavanaugh, of Little Rock,
Ark.; has. been chosen to succeed him
self as president, 'Secretary and
treasurer' ot the American Southern
BBsoclatloH. of basoball clubs, s
A fourteen-story building at Gales
J.burg, Illinois,- was destroyed by .fire,
cntauing. a loss otfo.vuu.
A woman "Jointlst" was sontenced
to six months in the county jail ami
a. fine of "$200 for violating the liquor
law- In, Leavenworth,
'A, Kentucky woman has made an
nouncement .that she has $89,000 to
,spend to savo her son from being
convicted of tho murder of his father.
Executors of tho late John V. Far-
well filer! nn Inventnrv nt tho rmtntii
tfll.J. 7-t.jl ... .v.. i -'... T' - ---
u?!-wfrW,cflsP0W $8,000,000 worth of per
am'tf Ar&iwBEtflzZS: i
l-,auubuv-;jl uub ,nppjiea i"
.government for a hunt-
18 Belgian , territory in
in n.
tdck" .broker of Joplln, Mo., commit
cd sulcldo Friday by shooting hluv
Two persons wore killed by an ex
plosion In the plant of the Sonlor
Fowor company, at Morrow, Ohio.
More than G,O0O,000, In money ,or
tiers,, was sent to foreign countries
through tho port of New York between
December 2 and December 16, when
the last, of tho Christmas remittance
money ships sailed.
Iowa received first in tho awards
on state exhibits a tho National Hor
ticultural, congress Just cipso'd' at
Council Bluffs.
Three murdororn woro hanged at
UoJUnghnm,. Washington, Friday.
C. M. Buckles, nn Oklahoma hanker,
has bocn found guilty of ombozzle
ment and sentenced to a year in tho'
pen and to pay a fine, ot $3,485.
A Jury has finally been completed
(o try tho night-rider cases at tfnlon
City, Tonn.
Tho nineteenth annual mooting of
tho. Southern Educational associa
tion will bo Tibtd nt 'Atlanta, Ga., the
latter part of this month.
Prof. Edward Clark, known In Eu
rope and America as an archaeologist,
has resigned from tho faculty of tho
h'l'pon, VIb., collcgb aft6r fourteen
years of servlco Oth that institution.
Clyde M., of Kansas, h.UB bqon
appointed superintendent of tho di
visions 6t railway adjustments of th?
postofftco department.
A heavy snow storm and blizzard
Is roportcd from many of tho oastori;
The total cost of tho primary elec
tion hold in Kansas, last August will
r.ot bo far from $110,000.
Tho announcement of tho engage
ment of Lucono Goodonow, a Chicago
beauty, and Kloher fnukal, a Japa
nese who can trace his llncago back
a thousand years, was mado tho lnt
ler "part of tho week.
Tho Jury In tho Rhlnehart caso, at
Waynesburg, Ponn., disagreed after be
ing out forty-threo hours. '
The American Steel and Wire com
pany will glvo employment to 1,000
or 1.C00 Idle- men this wook,
Governor Hughes,, of Now York,
has appointed a commission to In
vestigate stock exchange mothods.-
Tho Nationnl Rivers and Harbors
congress la in favor of tho Issue by.
congress of $600,000 worth of
bonds, tho proceeds to' bo used ex
clusively for the payment of such
river and harbor work as may be
authorized by congress.
Donate Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel)
died at his home in Connecticut, aged
eighty-four years
Abraham Ruef, convicted of bribery
in San Francisco, will bo Bontencod
Saturday of this week.
Three of tho big railroads of Mich
igan have come to the relief of tho
empty state treasury and paid $750,
000 in taxcB three months ahead of
H. O. Smith, general superintend
ent of tho Frceburn Coal and Coko
company, was shot and killed in n
quarrel at DeLorme, W Vn., by H. A.
Connors, station agent for tho Nor
folk & Western railroad.
Tho total consumption of sugar In
tho United States In 1907, as shown
by tho, bureau of statistics, reached
7,089,667,975 pounds.
Tho American battleship fleet has
mado Its departure from Colombo for
Senator Dolliver, of Iowa, Is pro
paring, to make an effort for inaugura
tion of a Bcb.omo of government aid
and encouragement in tho Improve
ment of the rural schools ot the whole
Rear Admiral John E. Plllsbury,
having reached tho age' of -sixty-two
years, was 'placed on tho' retired list.
Chairman Knnpp, of tho' Interstate
commerco opmmlsslon declares 'him
Celt docldcdly of tho opinion that tho
time has 'come for tho government to
.take up the supervision ot the capital
lznuon ot great corporations.
The president is considering tho
advisability of having a thorough ex
nmlnatlon ,nnd report made on tho
character of foundations that underllo
tho locks and Important 'dams along
tho lines of tho Panama canal.
Prosldent Roosevelt has suggested
a chango in tho form of government
of tho District ot Columbia.
President Roosevelt has told a
delegation of West Virginia congress
men and friends that they woro wast
ing tlmo to recommond to him tho
name of a brother of Judge Peter
Grosscup for appointment as collector
'of Internal revenue.
There wero l!094 vessel disasters in
I ho United States in tho last fiscal
year, resulting in a property loss ot
$1,863,700, and the loss of twonty-two
lives, according to tho annual report
of the United States Bavlng service.
Tho department of commerco' and
labor Is authority for tho Btntomcnt
that between 30,000 and 35,000 work
men lose tholr lives In accidents In
tho course of their employment to
this country during tho year.
Out of a total ot forty-ono candl
lates who took tho examination for
tho consular servlco last July, only
alnetcon passed.
Physical tests once in two yoaro
for marino corps ofllcors aro pro
scribed In an cxocutlvo order Just
In tho recommendation mado by tho
Joint committee on the business meth
ods of tho postal servlco fourth class
postmasters are recommended to bo
placod on a salary basis and postal
notes or money orders without ad-,
vices are suggested for suras ;aot ex
ceedlng'fB.OO. ' ,,
Ill B. Marchbank. a nromlnont
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
" Due Consideration.
Petor Janscn, living near Jansen,
has Just sold a section of land, near
his ranch for $64,000 or $100 per aero.
Tho Empiro Hldo company's offlco
in Grand Island was robCed, thlovea
getting tho magnificent sum of novon
Burglars of .late have been unusually
busy at Holdrogo. A numbor of
places havo boon ontored, but nt.nonp
of thorn, woro tho robbors very suc
cessful. Tho South Omnh.a Stock Yards as
sociation has elected tho following
o'fflcora: R. J, Dunham, president;
John D. Crolghton, vlco prosldent; J.
O Sharp, Bccrotnry and treasurer; E.
Buckingham, genoral maungor.
Work of remodeling tho postoftice at
McCook has bogun. Tho rccont Install
ing of city carrlors has vaca'od a largo
numbor of boxes, and thoso havo been,
taken out, nnd delivery windows for
each cnrrlor placed in their stead'.
'"Ueorgo Fiank oTf Ornrd island, a
lad of about 22 years of mo, was ac
cidentally shot in tho ankle, tho dls
chargo of tho pumpgun so shattering
tho bono that nmputatlon was ncces
nary botween tho ankle and knee..
Tho Odd Fellows of Cambridge aro
1 making preparations to dodlcato their
new $14,000 brick templo. Tho build
ing Is hcarly completed and wilt bo
one of tho finest lodgo homes In tho
Tho Nebraska Improved Llvo Stock
Breeders' association will moot on
Thursday, January 21, In tho stock
judging pavllllon at the university
farm. President, Hon. Georgo Caup
land, Elgin; Nob.; secretary, Dr. A. T.
PetqrSi Lincoln. Nob.
Tho county beard of Deuel refused
saloon license to two saloons -that
havo boon operating in Oshkosh the
past two yoars. Tho Baloons of that
town havo beon. run on tho wide open
plan, and drunkenness and gambling
has given tho town a tough name and
tho law abiding cltlzons decided to
wlpo tho ovils out.
Miss Nellie May Schleo, a former
teacher in tho Lincoln schools, now
critic teacher at the stato normal at
Peru, has returned from England nnd
Germany, whero sho went in Septem
ber uuder the auspices of the National
Civic; Federation on a tour of inspec
tion of schools. They do not compare
very favorably with American schools
iu her estimation.
Tho winter meeting, ot the Nebraska
Territorial Pioneers' association will
occur January 12 and 13 In connec
tion wl the annual .mooting of "Tho
Nebraska tSato Historical society in
Lincoln. Tho usual pleasured of as
sociating with follow pioneers will ha
Increased at this meeting Vty examin
ing togethor early day relics assem
bled especially for the occasion.
Secretary ot Stato Junkin has re
ceived a copy of a proposed bill to.
guaranty bank 'dopoalts, which has
been drawn by Senator Fred H. Quln
cy of aSllna, Kan., and which -will
be introduced In the coming session
of tho Kansas, legislature. It provides
for a fund of $1,000,000 to bo raised
from assessments against banks that
desire to participate in the fund.
A formor Central City hoy has tho
honor Of winning ono ot tho four
prizes awarded by Miss Helen Gould
to men of tho United States who
should mcmorlzo COO verses from cer
tain specified portions of tho BIblo.
Tho fortuno winner is C. E. Huff, son
of Walter Huff of Central City, and
now connected with a college at To
puka, Kas., as professor of ponman?
Living for threo months with a
broken neck, J. S. Dyche, tho Clarko
citizen who was Injured last Septem
ber by failing from a haystack, flnnlly
succumbor to his Injury. Mr. Dycho
was working on a haystack when ho
was struqk by tho fork oftho stacker,
and knocked off, alighting on his head.
His nock was broken and his spinal
column Injured. Slnco that tlmo ho
was a holploss Invalid and was nar
tlally paralyzod, and" grow gradually
weakor until tho end came.
R. C. Jorden, superintendent of tho
United States Indian warohouso at
Omaha, vlsltod tho Nollgh mills for,
the purpose ot Inspecting upwards of
100,000 pounds ot cornmoal, which
goes to overy Indian agency and
school in tho Unltod States, and
makes 285 shipments. Mr. Jordan'
stated It was tho finest, meal ho over
Inspected, showing that tho quality ot
the corn crop of Antolopo county this
year is unsurpassed. ' Tho Inspector
for tho wnr department will also he
hero to pass upon 150,000 pounds of
flour for different army posts.
A largo deal In Merrick county land
was consummated last weok, when
tho 320 acros owned by tho hoirs ot
tho late A. Scuddor in Mead towpshlp
was sold to C. Larson of Racino, Wis,,
tho land bringing $12,800 or $40 por
William Kolley, tho man arrested a
tow days ago charged with stealing
a mail pouch from a Union Pacific
mall car near Grand Islaud last Oc
tobor, was roloased from custody at
Bcatrlco by United Statw Commission
er Cobboy, tho government finding
that it had not sufficient evidence to
warrant proscputlon.
Items of Greater or Lesser' Impor
tance Over the State,
Broken Bow, amid much enthusi
asm, organized a commercial club.
Tho Gage County Farmers' Insti
tuo will bo hold In Beatrice January 6
and 7 1909.
Contractors installing sewer work
nt David City havo slopped operations
until spring.
C. B. Congdon,.of Wilcox, who was
found guilty of Boiling liquors on three
counts was fined $300.00 and costs.
Improvements Involving an expendi
ture of botween $4,000 nnd $5,000 are
shortly to bo mado In tho plant ot tho
Conlral City gas company with a vlow
to improving tho servlco.
Tho only flour mill in Koarnoy coun
ty was destroyed by fl'ro at MIndon.
It was the property "of A. D. AndrowB
& Sons and was estimated to bo worth
from $25,000 to, $30,000.
Scdrlot fovcr has broken out in tho
girls' Industrial school at Genova, and
tho city cilccrs havo established a
quarantine over all InmateSand em
ployes. Poultry fanciers ot West Polntrmet
at tho dlty hall and organized the
West Point pou'try and pot stock asso
ciation. It was agreed to hold the an
nual poultry show January 13, 14
and 15.
William Bachmnn, ono ot the old
conductors of tho Bur'4ngton, died at
AUIanco of pneumonia, after a linger
ing lllnqss of about threo weeks. Tho
remains wero taken to Glenwood, la,
for- burial.
Two moro alleged crooks who aro
thought to havo boon Implicated In tho
robbory of two stores at Dillor and
Stoolo Olty wore arrested in a room
ing houBO at Wymore and taken to
Falrbury and lodged In jail.
In- district court at Ptottsmouth
Judge H. D, Trayls sentenced Matt
Bozarth to sorve In the state peni
tentiary during his natural life., Bo-J
zarth killed James Dyor by stabbing
him on the street In Greenwood on Oc
tober 6.
In district court at McCobk William
Jeffries, tho well known horseman ot
this city, secured a verdict for $920
in his suit lor damages against tho
Burlington Railroad company for In
juries, to his fast horses in shipment
and delays. '
A man named Thompson from
Brown county has written Mr. Mor
resoy, an' attorney of Valentine, want
ing him to havo a certain deed can
celed, claiming it is a. forgery. Tho
doodls mado out to ono Sutton, who
is not known in Valontfne.
A Lincoln correspondent says it
will bo a "show-mo" session of the
Nebraska legislature which bcgluB its
thirty-first session, at noon of next
New Year's day. , Every .individual
andr ovory Institution that want's an
appropriation will-have to put up a
pretty good reason for tho need of
that appropriation to get away with
the goods. -v
William Tappe, a .farmer 24 years
old, living half a mile northwest of
Benson, shot, and .probably fatally
wounded himself. Tho shooting oc
curred in tho proosneo ot Tappo'a wlfo
and while tho frantic woman waa
struggling with "her husband to pre
vent he deed. -Tappe had of lao been
drinking heavily.
At Central City W. A. Hughes has
tendered his resignation as secretary,
of the local Young; Men's Christian as
sociation, the resignation has heen ac
cepted by the board of diroctors and
bis. successor has beon chosen in the ,
person of R.L. McMillan of Crete, a
graduate of Dbane college and one ot
the state secretaries.
With a -deafening roarjand without
a second's warning the concrete dam
across the Little Blue river at .tho
Falrbury roller mjlls -went out. -The
first Bign of a weakness, in the dam
was noticod when a sixtoen-foot sec
Tion broko loose and was shoved down
tho stream twenty feet. Tho. loss is
estimated at from $6,000 to $8,000.
Tho sheriff of Grant county arrived
in Chappoll after Will Henderson of
Oshkosh, who hnd boon arrosted from
a circular sent out by tho Grant coun
ty sheriff, offering a roward of $50 for
his apprehension. Henderson Is
charged with a criminal assault on a
young woman, near Hyannls and a'so
with burglarh'.ng itho premises aftor
tho assault
Thomas L. Hlsgeii,' into candidate
tof prosldent on tho Independence
Icaguo tlckot, fis going to ask the logla
laturo of Massachusetts to enact ono
of Nebraska's laws. Mr. Hlsgen has
written Secretary of Stato Junkin for
a copy of tho law enacted last, winter
which prohibits tho selling of any com
modity at nTdlffercnt price iu one placo
than in another, freight ratos being,
CummlngB & Pease of Boatrlce fllod
n dnmago suit of $103.07 against the
Burlington railroad for falluro of tho
company to deliver sovcral cars of
cattlo ut Kausan City at the specified
tlmo. Tho plaintiffs allege that tholr
cattlo did not arrive in time for tho
morning- markots, thnt they wero
obliged to buy extra feed and bedding
and that the cattle sufforod an oxtra
shrinkage, of thirty pounds por head
henco the suit.
, Postmaster Holllngworth bos re
ceived word from Senator E, J. Bur
kett and Congressman E. H. Hinshaw
to tho effect that prospects aro bright
for tho passage of the bill appropriat
ing $15,000 for tho purchase of addi
tional ground for tho addition to tho
poBtofflco building in Boatrlce.
At MIndon In tho district court In
tho caso ot Gegrge B, Petorson, who
was charged with and found guilty of
tho crlmo of Incest, the court over
ruled tfio motion for a new trial and
'sentonccd him to" the penitentiary for
a term of three years, The caso will
be appealed to tho supreme court..
I -,. .,1V -
Tells of Its Passwords and Meetlnn
Places and Implicates Eight
of- His Comrades In
the Tragedy.
Frank Fehrlngor, tho- confessed
nlghtridor, ngod thirty-five, Mondtty
related tho Jnnor socrcts of tho or
ganization, its passwords and meeting
places .Implicating the eight defend
ants. Ho related tho killing of Rankin
nnd-posltlvoly identified four ot the
prisoners who wore with him. Ho
was brought from tho barracks whore,
ho is hold by a detachment ot sol
dlors. Fehrlngor testified that Gar
rett Johnson, ono of the defendants,
administered tho oath ono night on
the road lait summer. Ho related tho
whipping of Mrs. Emma Johnson bo
caiiso she would not dismiss a divorce
suit pending against her husband. He
explained ho rocelvcd Word from Tld
Burton that Taylor and another man
woro at tho Walnut Log hotel. He
thon. mounted a horse and notified o
number of tho riders.
Fehrlngor said the crowd, consists
ing ot thlrty-flvo masked men, left
tholr hqrsos 300 yards from the hotel
and walked tho rest of tho way. They
watched at a back window until .the
men got in tho .front, way .and then
entered tho room, where Tayl'or'and
Rankin ' were mado ,to dress. They
took them out and walked tbcm to
tho lake. Then he told the story of
the killing.
Predicts Peace In Balkans.
Tho king's speech, read by the
lord chancellor Monday at the ad
journment of parliament until Febru-.
ary 10, declared there was reason to
bellovo that wIbc, conciliatory ideas
would prevail in tho Balkans. Eng
land's rolaUons everywhere tho
the speech said, aro friendly. Several
recent treaties have been entered Into;
especially with America, concerning
Canadian relations, tending toward
groator peace and stability.
Startling Plot Points to Republic.
Spanish exiles in southwestern Franco
aro co-operating with revolutionary
leaders in Spain and Portugal in a
scheme to consolidate tho entire
southwestern peninsula into a slnglo
republic. While government author
ities aro making light of tho move
ment, thoso in a position to know de
claro tho conspiracy has reached a
stage whero the most startling dovcl
opoments are expectedly shortly.
, -
Wages Held Back by Federal Treasury
Keproseniativo Stevens of Minne
sota has made formal complaint to the
treasury department that nearly eight'
million dollars in wages to federal
employes is boing hold up. Through
his activity $42,500 for men employed
on, rivers and harbors work in the
northwest has begn forwarded. The
delay is, said to bo" due to the .desire
of the treasury department not to dis
turb bank, balances.
Bavarian' Monarch a Maniac.
King Otto, ot Bavaria, lies in a
padded room in tho palaco, bound in a
straight Jacket, and raving in tho wild
est form brfiolent insanity. The pas
sive idiocy, which, formany years has
made the monarch.te most pitlablo
figure in modern history, developed
Sunday Into a destructible mania,
alarming the entire royal household.
It is thought the death of the monarch
is near at hand.
Steps In Manhole Has Legs Cooked.
Charles Austin, head burner at the
Barber Asphalt company's, big brick
plant at Des Moines, stopped, Into an
opon manhole Monday morning which
leadB to a fluo carrying away tho
hot air and gases from the brick kilns
and was soveroly burned about the
legs and body His accident, whllo
painful will not provo fatal.
Thaw Must Remain In New York Jail.
An opinion wo handed down by tho
United, States circuit court of appeals
affirming the ordor of tho district
court in tho case of Harry K. Thaw.
The lowor court recontly refused to
ordor tho New York authorities to
produce Thaw in court at tho appear
ng ot his petition in bankruptcy,
United SUtee of Europe.
Sir Max Waochter, who is touring
the capitals of "Europo advocating the
abolition ot emperors and kings .nnd
the formation of tho United States
of Europe, was received Friday by
M. Plnchbl, French minister of foreign
nftalrs. Sir Max favors King Edward
as the first president of his proposed
American Wlfo of Chinaman Suicides.
Goorgla Ah Wong, the American
wifo of a Chinaman, ot Piano, 111.,
poisoner her tour children with wood
Icohol Monday nnd then hurled her
elf under a fust Burlington passonger
trnln and was crushed to death. She
stabbed her baby girl, aftor poisoning
it to be sure of death, Tho eldest
child Is aged twolvo, all wlll.probably
d(o. Sho. left a note saying her Ufa
was horrible and could not go on;"
that she lntonded to warn anyone
against making her daughter load tho
same kind oL& Hto-0a her own. The
woman "waajiald to be tho daughter ot
a wealthy Chlcagoan.
Ttitturm .
'I pur frfcnd Llfetn-A W$4txtutP
i Mncve n. .
WhU ns vou Iftlr-k Mf Kiv,
fa tvtr nd At fxb howwf"
7li tat IW UnoJjd en or f- f
No Nlght'e Rest for a Year and Limit
ef Hla Endurance 8eemed Near
Owes Recovery to Cutlcura.
"My eon Clyde waa almolt cosa- -
pletely covered with eczema. Physi
cians treated him for nearly a year
without helping him any1. His head,
face, and nock were corcrec with largt
Bcabs which ho would rub iinff-'v, i,
fell oft Thon blood and matter would n,.J
run nut anil Hint wnnlil tw vnnut . VI
Friends coming to sco him said that It
ho got well k. would be disfigured for
life. When it seemed '88' if ite could.,
possibly stand Jt no Joager, I use'
BomeCutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Oint
ment, and Cutlcura Resolvent That
was the first eight for nearly: a year
that he slept In the morning thero
was a great chango for the better, in
about six weeks ho was perfectly well.
Our leading physician recommends
Cutlcura for cczoma. Mr Algy
Cockburn, Shllob, O.. Juno 11, 1907."
Disease Damages Tea Crops.
A curious disease which has done
much damago to the tea crops of
northeast India is knowa as ''red
rust," An account of the species of
alga (Copaleuros vlrcscens), which
causes it, is given by C. M. Hutchla
on la the "Memoirs of the Agricultu
ral Department of India." It attacks
the leaves and stems of tkttea plant,
forming yellow patches. : K'-l' rop-
agaieu ny iwo sinus oi Bpewtyi-cw
carried by water and the
btats or Onto Crrr or Toledo, t"
Ica Oovht.. - r
Frank J. Cnsnar make oath UM
Mrtner ot the firm of F. J. dmr A
botla-M ta Uw. City ot Toledo. Consty ao4
ktorcMld. and thM mid firm wBl ear. th
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tmth ana arerr
cua ot Catamh ttt eanoot ba cured by tk bm of
mrora to Miora ma ana MiDecriDea m sty.
tbli ttb day ot December, A. D int.
j Trrr - A. W. OLBABOW. '
liif Kaun.rmue,
Han Catarrh Curo- k taken Internally w4 'ae
directly upon Uw blood and mueooa aurtaaw t tbr
(yttem. Bend tor testimonials, free. -
...... .... F.J.CTIENKYCO,T0le4.O
Bold by all Dnmtttt-, T8&
Take UaUs Family rills for eoastlpaUe
Rather Dubious,
"I hear Goldrox bought a doubtful
piece of property lately that he paid
several millions for. Did he get a
good title?"
"I don't know, I am ,uro. He
bought a duke tor his daughter." '
ImDortant to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottij
CA8TORIA a safe and sure remMy fi
Infanta and children, and see thatit
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Yearn.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The elephant smells, sot with hla
trunk, hut with the roof of hla aoath,
which contains a nostril and olfactory
-- - sr -mm - - -as-ss-
Ttt.laIUXATTVH HUmOOTjbaN. Look f Of
IB 4ntara of K. W. UIUW
errw to Cor Cold in One Cay. ate.
Nfc Uea ut WOTM
Tale would be a brighter world tt
the people who can't alng weukLa't
This woman says Xyclia B.'
jfinKuam-H vogeiauiofjompoana,
saved Iter life. Bead her letter.
Mrs. T. 0. WilladBen, of Manning.
.Iowa,wri4Ga to Mrs. Pinkham: .
T OAn f raltr flint T.-t,1I. T Tti Jt
. Ti . . i. "-w J J" , I
nam's vegetaoio uompound sayea my
life, and 1 cannot express my ffratitHde
to vou in words. For Tears I anffered
with tho worst forms of femalercoat
plaints, continually doctoringi mod1
cno.ndlno1 lnfja tf mnnnir rriollnt!
without help. I wrote you for,
igiioirou it as uirecwa, uta wok Ltjmtk
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oompoumd as4
it has restored me to perfect health.
Had it iiotr been tor yon I' should have
been in my grave to-day. I wish, every'
tmfferins woman would try'lt.w ?
For thirty' years 1-ydla K. 'Pinkii
hamM Vegetablo Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
wmrwn Th n h avn 1 vnn f -miiKlArl mi t
HcnlavimnTfu Inflammotlnn iiinow.i'
tlon, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
Eiriodlo pains, baokache, that boar
vr-down feolinor. flatulener.inditrea.
tlon,(iizzmeornerousprostxatioa i
Why don't you try r- vft-
ESih.-Aa3r i-SEBKlOTi
CaJMmr YYa,
SBBaFrtfBBsT ii7vj?assss.
Mmxxitm Bks 5c Vm-''VM '
mKr'i-'ifM X Pv.X'kaaai
'i t 7' 4 lfl
aea 5 t .' 19
38 --V 1
sT Ut. V
-1a- 1
. --V "V ' .. i
nil .ifc au-i -.
. ty i v
'. ..lii-1
7 .-,
1BBK , , ' I u L li.,' r a' .
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