AtWMMMi - uri iii-... Amiw ,i ,nt nyniwiitfi4l titutolllsloricftl Society . r ' ' . & ' "M-1? -"- '-"Si?. ? - " r " -v. T , "? i?" ' '": m '! t - X m &$ Qji A Newspaper Tlmt filves Tlic News Fifty-two Weeks Ench Year For One Dollar. VOLUME XXXVI. KED CLOUD,. SimAS.KA,. DHOHMBEtt 25, 1008. Nim HJflft 52; 1HE OUD :.- y r W Ii. JJ& VsSf u, iti v. iti i) tt ift to J ilii ift) viz J) (I) ill ft to it) i m U itt to to to tii to to to to to to Hi to to to to to to to to to ,-to to to ar to to- 'A . .1? '?'??'' 'fT'f " j', f, 0im . i .. ... ". .. . .r!' fmr s -. (0 a Ohuutcde,' sorvleen. 11 20 77 r.o , ii .'i ,. : : -w 'iv J . ." 9 .-.. "',- , M K.. ,rs -j -r . . t : "; ' - : ?f i rk -v - r rvr r rwrBa bw v . .. m . t i i . ' ft m " i - -.- , - &' ' . 1 Wish -one and- .All!' :; "&? : -v':-.' llVIerry Uhristmasi: . .'. "m AND A J Happy New Year? - :M -F1K frvw VAVVV) -NEN VHOUSE BROTHERS . . i .Cash Jewelers jind Optometrists , ; C. B; & Q. Watch Inspectors at : 'r " v .ss-asH (?) m m (?) m f to m m in (tv.r m (6 (? (? m m (tv J& i (i V. ltuiiuncl, TJCIiiipltii, " V R-Anitcrson, J !' Ovcnnun, , ," s Oinnhn I'lliitlng1 Gi)i suppltos, WliUykor, jury LoM Ai'iiihtrati, " , W WIValc, Henry I'owler, " S.... . l.cTi)troiir, "".... .., It llolilrcdfre, " ... ,. ltahort Wiillnce, " ..';..., Jotm Itruslit " -.'.... Fred Mtuiil'utvUlti, S ; Bovt Wlicat, 4t John Kulfjlit. f ...- S'Van ltoutiltiK ir.WClmpllii, Jblm Turiior, , ' Cloyd Ciiinin!iiy, '! l?ranU Frlst.k'," " Juy Pops, , m. AitSpeucri, . t' Jlm I'MMi, ..-. '' Clitu-los .McLJ'uirc, .'' .Inuit'H Doiinchiuup, t' Bert 'iViiuftut, . l Huiry .loluiMin, .." WtUl.iui tJnsltti'is, 0 U ltobltiaotr. u" .' On ntotln tlm folib.viripfftlMlm worn uJiowofl: ,1V V. Iluny1 Mtimiliii'tiirtiiK Cti,, firiUIO. ditil u'urrHUt lrftwr, to? $500.(10 to apply tin pHypiout of wuno. Bonnl adjiMirued !lim illu li. w. !, work .'"irVv 10 (X) 18 20 ;27 do 17J1 00 13 00 JO 10 i;ir,6 13 -U) la ftO 11 70 ltt 20 3 CO1 IS )0 Hi to 18 70 io io 10 00 15,30 12 10 15 W i. "IS to 10 00 10 20 . Ill 10 . 15 oQ 1i CO 111 70 8 10 S 10 t TH& fiXGITEffiEflT mm THE GIIiS OF THE National Park .SerninoLry- G' i M "jal . i Over The "ROOSElEiiT EPISODE" J Is nothing to be compaied with the exciting fin ish in the great KAGE .F0R THE CHIEFS 500.00 PRIZE PIANOS ?M .) ' .'; .m SM vt " 1 'l ' . 1 '""t.! ARGAlllHCKT'S F?A?0 SOKE OF SALES, , Mmw . 1 V I ff t7PnVi k '-3 T J I W , w' i i- ,.!" 1 ' PHHyHHl ' 5 : - riftfl'-, i -" 41 , 'V a. ' CllIOlClitlN'' H'iOi THE .ODV FELLOWS SEEM F At tlio lust session of the tlnintl 1(k1,'o ,IsO. O V ot N -bciifclui, tlio ,njivdof Ilometrusteos togottiev wtllr tin? ferand mnstcr and grand secivtary, were ipstructedto purclmo iutiuor loss than a. 100 ncr." for the Old I)Vt low'u home. In deciding upon tlw atv, thubourd will tHkosovcral lldii-,'3 In consideration. It UhptsohiMy nocos-nry that tho ftirm be la one pluuu, sltui'tod In a part of tho statu iidupted to the rrtUliiff fruitaudvetables and wlicro farming Is prolltabto. It Is tlio' plurf of tlio board to seenro a trrtojt, tho product of which will help support tho llolTlO. Natural beauty of tho site and aeon COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS.. Ited-Clo id, Nebr., Dec. 15, l'JOS. Board of county couimlsciIonorH mot purs'iant to adjournment, members prcsont J. CI. Overman, V It. -Anderson, .7. 0. Chapluln, O. W. Hummel and O Ohmsteile. . - Now coinos J. C.Saylor, attorney rep resenting, the I O. Q.V; lodge and claims that liey were erroiieously as hcs.sod for tho year U'07, being asebsod on property not subject to taxation. Referred to county attorney. Annual settlement w. .th the follow ing road overseers: O. V. Baker, District1 No. fl mid Mike Strobel, DU-tr-'ct No. 11. ' In tlio mattor of tho road petition of H. H CrowoU In rofereuce tol'hc v.nlnfc lrfoatloii for bulldiugt. wuionu uoiweoti sections 4 ami v town i also be tnUon into confederation. The pluees should be noar somo town of virago where supplies can bu obtained and railroads faclllitlos- for all parts of the state nru desirable. Access to public- school's, water, lights, tiro pro (evthm and police protcctlchi are also hliddy Important, tho board is now rocoiving ' olTerfi, Mtud Ihimediatoly afwv Feb. 2, l90u, tho board after visiting tlio locations will chnoso tho one which appears to bo most conven ient ami doslMble Lincoln 8lar. WALNUT CREUK kJorn shucking la i early oVoi'. tr-i Walter Noblo Is quite t.tcl(. krs Oliver .McCall Is dangerously ill, Mr. Tewls McGraokon and Mr. lohn Connely. of Buffalo Creek, aro both dowh with ihoumatism. Mr. 'n-id Mrs. frank Co-ilsort were viuitt.ig relatives and friends i ftoud for a few days lait woolc- with IL-K. Millikeii, tho agent for tho company tho commlttoo reported a satisfactory settlement and recommen ded that thoy bo paid tho amount iigreed upon, 170.00 Instead of SMI. 45. 6n nutlon duly seconded, the report of tho commlltee was occ.pted. On motion the following bonds wero approved: . B. Martin, Itoad District N'o. 1, V. .J. Wobberman, District No. f, Louis Sctuntdt Distriot No 8, J, K. Fox, dis trict No. It, 13 B. Goblo. District No. 10, Mike $trobel, District No. 11, A., W. Cox, District No. lu.Ed .Jones, District No. 13, Clyde Pitney, District No. H, S. Soivnson, Dist let No. 15, Joseph Genoraux, District Np,'' 10. , II Blacliledge.cointy attorney, 1000 andlOK).' . Committee appointed to purchase ir' bull for Toqr fiirui herd, reported tho purchase- ol li th6rou)bred Sluuiioru. Price paid 100. Bo -ght of VV. A. Has brook. It.was moved and seconded that tho county j xlgo be supplied with ono doz en arm' chairs and tine olllco chair. Carried. h.U 'ISirrn, lie i !ofi I. . . Alice (Joombi,- ". liynnuVKssIg, '." - (!io. DimIco, " F.sriing:. w;. ; , UeK.Kuig., s . " I'M. Itellivh-x' "' $..... ' A. Nrwfn. -lir;AUi'v j-ds. . fi .ide ItVickf . '; w. ' .-a w -?4 ." JM '.l . fc'"f m range 11, thoamo coming on for hear ing on the question whether a nubile road oxlsts and obstruction thereof should bo removed as required by tho Boards order of April 28th loCB, the hearing bolrig granted pursuant to tho petitiou of said Ciowell et. at. present ed to the board Juno 10, P.i08, Thf fol lowing Witnesses were sworn and tcs.J Upon application of'ertnulo Wills', "tilled; Henry Crowd I, Frailk Crabill, to hvb the east half of tho;. uoitheast Jos Voluicky, C. V. Cathpr, Frank quarter of Section 10, tnWnMilp.1, rnngo Bean, John Krickson, Kd Itulhei'i Joe 10, appralhed,- with i view to tho pur Pavlcclt, Prank Smclsor,.) bo Havel and chasq of mime, Chalrbian appointed Sam litndsey, ;T. J. Chaplin, O. Ohmstodo nnd r. y. After hoarlmr the evidence it was " w appraise uio same, auer moved by Ohnistcdo and seconded by'.v,eJv r, appraisers reports Hummel, that road bo rejected. Chair- "3 "ow put tho q'uesUqn, the result being a tie. j "Wo tho undersigned members of Ohmstedoaud lluinmel voting aye, An-, t' l"wl f eonuly couimlesioiicrs in derson and Cliapl in voting no, tlio and for WebVterconnty Nubraaku, do oludrman casting the deciding voto in hereby certify that we have oarefully favor of the motion, and the same was . examined tho above described land nnd declared carried. llnd 'the following to be its just and run value. i;nsn jialr northeast quar ter seetion 10r township 3, range" 10, at ... J J.J. L l,.nn..tnr. ilmilrih ii.tkiiu.nt Uw, bmiwl' -" P' OM. ' IghOd, Hviry Ooulin, Jotiu UoVirUou and J(mls cr,al of hu property 'was twice- '$ J'.-SiS" ) .,, Walter Hastings, ot Vf.ulnM Creek. nfcnn.ft(, to.wlt. M.llft.v, i,,.,.,,, nwn.G(i , ' flW'ft (Appmi WturiwdUstr I'Ciday rroni . oik Nbln. 0IIC0 us.moIiey on hand and (dso as bserjUmi and sworn- to bator mo whore they hive bqwj tfomllng the lllonoy..ioftH,i, and upon motion, lM 17th day of Decembor. A J).'1wh. bu9lnos coneifn .Jnce last. MdnU'iiibit I , 0,rrto(l the t rensuror was directed ' ' n.1 v, noSs, Coi.'ntv cieik. They wHlrot-iniaWntthlrstof tlur tolufl,nrti82S.l7or thefts 12 paid.. . ' ' V, lnZ U ,! 5'car 1 CJialriuun aiipolnto.l W. B. Andpr$on On motloli the following daiui.s were Mac Fulton, n ollioHident f 'Vol- umi q-. j.i jiaj,iin u oomin ttec to settle uBowed and warrants drawn oil t'io Lnd Sell' I hoSTl"' iSvall. "t ith the Oiul,o. Printing Company in gadordl fun-Tr is reported ho WlUUlly rosiuonco iu regmu in wiuirumuu, yiiiuu vne uuuru w u licugo, uih.uiu uaif, $ at t) Bed On complaint of Mrs. Mary Joy, tax es of 1D08 paid under protest on lie- lers. W.JBuhH W -Bcelpy,'. -NiV'h Brtinuh, ift.9. K. V Tofrili,. GoxVlti?, N.ih. Bed Cloud Chief, U'etl Ulotl(l,te." , PltlCK APTBEI.MjK.' "'. J O. C.ldwdl Bod CltiiVd. Neb. B. M IMielnian, ;'- I) F. Suno'di-is, . -S,. ' Win'. Wolfe; "' ;'. Mubel BaJle.J, K 1"-. . '. .BUSH AND LAN'W;. ..' .I.N Ilii'cliiuN, , Covlc;s,ob.' Hilos Ooble. '; Bed CJndvNbrj tttnn Vx-Hinitlij i lljnVI-'JNilllliUUi lC. B. ll'uriikl'tidJnidl-Nbwh Bmneh nans. ',.., f. W, i. Miiynaril ;IA.,B. "3bnl lied, Cloud; Nebr, '- v' C. IIf Itust (l.. C'Wuiiver ' " . ',- - Anna M'irtlu (K.hlir;aid.iJtubeU) (iiiUlo Boek.: 'f ' 'K ' AV ! tudeJjaUer(yinidt-v);Bl Cloud tub .uroPiA5?Qi'" R. A.Btev ' Bed CDmdVNd. A- U Kalys t ;.j.; ". ' . Oeo, W HntdilUMUt,' ..;',' Mi-8 Sarah Baxter. ,' '.' ". There aro no "tonIls''.lli Ibis list I DON'f HANDLK' THEM! Chlokorlug 'Bros Lords" This Year. Watch for tho vKohler mid Campbell list next year. It. will be making a noise lilo "mu:do'k In miny liilmos around hro. fw,0'.n in iise In othor places give's proof of the child) tint It J Is " I'lio boH.piauo In the world for the ntonoj". 1 now huv- a llnesHiek for CilBISTMA' DBLtVBBIKS. 'V. ARGAB$1GHT, ' Potter Blojk, - - - Rsd Olo'i.l.Ncljr. TI-3IS FINE CWI JKERING BROS. PIANO Will be given away.tcutluliidy.or nirl who hasthu most .vgjs jto hor credit when the final count is math; The Contest cioses Wednesday, February 3, S9D9at4 o'clock P. M " ' ' after which tlai no vutt-s will bo leoei'ved 'Cokdknskd Rui.kS: V., '' - ' ,. Votes will hit received at Tin-; CiliKF offi'ttntil, aikriiir cltulinuVyedtUisday, January o, 1900. . ,- -'' Thestamliny: of the contestants at.. che close of busines ,;.-. .1. 1,. .... nil i i-ii.Kl.c; )., I in' tUu ic.h..A'( I i.u f inut-vif l, . KJIl JlllllillJ iu. "Ill ivv. 'i.n 1.U1 vm ! "-is i.iiiwui III. VIIH.l VJ4. ir Kj Friday, January, 2, and, will not b 'revised- ayain uiitil,the' , J final countis miile hy the. judges. .. , -,p All votes after Janua-y 20, luust be deposited in the Bat- . V lot Box which will be at the STATE BANK in. the custody" ;tj! of the Judges, and no announcement of s'nhe shall be nvdde t"?i until after the poll:; close at 4 v m .y Wednesdax , February 3. v " li ii. 1.. .1.. 1 -. - 1... ... !... 11 11 "ihil f- inc. iaoy naviug uic inosi voces snaii ue declared the winner of the first prize, the S100 Piano. In case of' a tie, tlu award will be made jointly to the'v 0$&l! winning contestants, 4;i5 but one prize of each grade will bet; , jV,. l 8 Wh ' 5V ) m A & i n h iM giveji The-other prizes shall be-awarded as previously an nouncftdi ''. - Si '-'-'' ' , '; Any contestant having1 as many as 25,600 votes at" the close of the' con;est, and who fails to win a prize, nia,y have the privilege of purchasing Tor cash, a" 'duplicate of the prize, piano at tho same special: advertising price at which it was, sold to The Ciiii'f. REMEMBER THE CONTEST CLOSES-..' ' ' JANUARY. 2o,AT THE CljIF OFFICE: . - ' FEBRUAKY 3, AT THE STATE BANK at .j, p.m. rtf'-Vf 1 4 -,.-i i 1 ' K t$ i 1 "i , '.;i K Kt lI w w '..5 I !b A '-.S I SA-.. LT5' M . "f 1 .TTf -' ' rA 1 V, ; h The winner will be announced in Tub CuiKRof Ffhnmm. "''? :si Lr . - ...,.',. it ...I if l'l 'K V t'-Ai: . I ., 1 . w .3. -jr i. 'ft ;. a . jh. .'- ,0- VK mm Si i i Blneub-s Cor tlio ICIdnoyH arc llttlo g ddiui glounlcH vriieh'uet,dli'eotly oif the klltoeya. A tv'uwill eonvluco yuu of quick nVults tn' Baelciiche Uliuuuiut'Sm, r.uinbago nid ttrc,d worn outfeellnjii. 110 day trial 8l.'l(. Jhey 5.-I9P9.; Notes of tub Contest: . It is a case of "Work and Win."- i All hail to. the Hlliltwnosc-"chier is HALE!, y M'4m Si.oo on subscription, entitles you to THR'EE' HUN4- KmW DRED vote's.. ' - ?PK It means much to beat the "Head of the List." Vf' . a,t! r?fc.,u: wrr.,1 ...:n ,,. i, i..n-,p :r i.- 1 Ifi . M'i llia i lauivivi y.uw Mii (ji mi. ii-w,uu n .auc CitH HQIO ' .- her present lead. , . fv? Back eubscripttons count. Get a list of subscribers it , .v Tub ChiivF office whit, authority to. act-as collector. ' ','tli ' In 1 t!is election the Ladits vote, and they tbte as ofteiiiiCj .l.- -1V..' - .1.. !!'- 1... ..! '. oa.'l.VT as iueyvcau ucdosil iujijj.ii uu uusqription. . War on "Wocsner" betugdn it ; - .Would be, Ruthless to begiq -it; Rvtith-was 'WsirrtMi'! wIw'Ia'vu. sf-ifhvl Aiwt tlw Hi'n cbi-vttl1 nn Ua ' iYMl' ,,.... v.. m v, ,.wfc mk (mwj., , Only five weeks more and you will ow.i) a be m s- mm teCloud and restdUereiutiio future thiuUs xea.lTo, vkf tcr ooufftreao UwfusMJkwh.Ub, .,,.,,,;, 00 purify ib blood Sold by'dinry Cook nf rhnhiiihPRt rrr.'iflo it vnn wnrlf hn'rrl Wi'Anri ,mBTI,. : i.51 7. rz-ii.:'.' I" .7:'' - ' """f " ""K utiRPnu'fl ciioh t-Hinrv c ' nob" in thio rnnfdifi MX)".-V-31 IIiHl. i7 4u1.11 tuiHK .-, VVIW.JI, VUii.01U FuJ plain 1 ere wm