' "vaiflrjwf ' - -t' ,i--x.MVlUrattl&t!mitlkti,mN. - --'ii mm Ti1-t T 'frf n ' V1'U4fin4HinffiUiKBi) liiimxuiimuiunj,tiiJUjii-iijnijJiii ., v t -4-fl.l t-H-tL. LOCAL fckU Mi .) K. Wall,!-, dangerously 111. loin tttlil wturmsd to'l.tili'iiln tin du. J" (eorgcV.Miml tr.mlto' Ilntiiigi , Fnth-r Flus9rtiVf triw lu Superior Sunday. ' if .' Mi.i JuiJu ilown from Oowl-s Mumlujj. Miss Wu Oriiblli spaiit S .inlay in Supotiui. lid Uurr was iy rrom Ulildo Kjok Tufodny. Jhn Cntlur is visiting, IiIb parents tills WCCl. TlioCulholiu Ludlow lluahur winiuito tl SIICCC'S. Irviu WdlKer win down from In nv.ilo Tuesday. .Mrs. Uunfunt wont. ti Wilbur .Sttu dnj morning. C. W Ivitey went to I'jiiicolu ami Uiuulm Sunday. Mr. Max Moedo of Mite Hill, wtis in town .Monday. Mr .John SslutlU was up from (.lulde Hock .Saturday. Miss Com Loekhurt une. down ftom 13 Udeti Saturday. Morllu Thompson was in Ulvertou tho last of tbc week, Mrs. Dwight .louos returned to Guide Uook Wednesday. Wa:.TI:i A few loads of oobs on sub bcridtion at tliWolllcc Mr, C. iVink lias leturnodto his homo in Chase comity. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Sitisfactiou guaranteed. Mrs. I'd Amaclc drew the dishes at tho Tepee Monday night. Mrs. C. D. llobinson entertained the CCO club Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. L. H 15lnokleuge returned from Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Ilartwell and daughter were down from Inavalo Saturday. MIgs Myra Uriffoth leturucd from Hasting the Ias,t of the week. John Suttqu and family, of Walnut Orcok Sundayed In Ked Cloud. Mrs. Ootlieb Hussar spont Sunday with her daughter Mrs, Clms Frey Sec the bone quality aud finish of Duroe Jersey hogs at sale Dee. 2lst. Miss Lillian Jones was in town Sat urday, visiting her brother Russell. Mrs. and Mrs Hrnest Hampton ftom (iiiido Hock, were in town Saturday. liert Harrison has excepted n position at Poust and Lucas new lunch room. Msss Alfa Longton was visiting friends in Superior the first of tho week. Itev. J. M, Hates went to Lincoln, Monday to spend u fow days with his family. , "Ili." Points anil wife, of Walnut Creek, woro visiting in this city a fow days ago. ARE you after something good KpqIO All vnn nppn fn All to come here to us and say Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; we'll do the rest. We'll set before you a great feast of good things; the finest clothes made; the best styles; the choicest foreign and domestic fabrics; the highest class of tailoring. . - It will be worth as much to you to buy these clothes as it's worth to us to sell them; your profit's as good as ours. This store i s t h e home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes PAUL STOREY ' Mis. J. It. ItobiiiMiii vwm qtiult ick the llit f the week, but Is ablo to bo up now. Mr. Muddy PoTuio. wifcutid diiugh ter. frum Outdo Hock. iv in tho city Tuesday . Mrs. K. L. Cummings of Khorton, tin-guest of Mrs. C I) VVhitttkor S.itgrdHy. Mis fSii'th Peek of Fall City, .NVb , Mho guent .or.MIsi littiol Whltnlur till- week. ' Miss 0 wlys Dnwton, of Guide Huik wwvtstiliijfhurailnt,Mf,J. It. llobin son Silurdny Charity .MeKiightm was kicked in thejiw by oiieol his homes lii.t ThurV day evening. If, von want to uee something nice and neat go down to l'ousl and Lucas now lunch loom Mis llutli Sntton tetuiiied horn last SiltidMy itftn a ten dujs visit with lur (Jrandinii Mt Antogon. MiHh Malic Uurke drow the chair at the CUholie llnxnr, and Mrs John l'nlniekydiow the pillow. MI"M Murl and Knthryn l'urke limvejfor alnut, town, Sntiuday, to fpoiid tho XmuH VHuntion. Vliit the sule ring of Dnroe J rsoy's atStudebaker'ttlmiii.MotidiiyDeeiliif. Ihiy and Improve jour lioid. Dr. Wintcraon of Baltimore, Md., has located lu Ued Cloud, aud will practice with Ur. It l Unities. Come to town Monday Dee. 21st and attend the pure bred and hog sale tit ytudcbakcr.s barn, Kcd Cloud. T J. Harrington, of Ued Cloud, Is visiting his old f i iend, 'JJ. Melntyre and fumilv. Superior Journal, Fay Arni'son and family, of Walnut Creek visited his mother Mrs. Mary A rneson, in Ued Cloud last Sunday. Mrs. Addle Kllng, who has bcon vis iting her sister, Mis. It. G I'michey, returned to her homo In Cowies Friday Unrgdn weak rate on Lincoln Jour nal S3 without S inday,$l with Sunday Call on this odiej Inforo December 2S. The Congregitional prayer meeting was held at the residence of Mr. Holds worth Monday evonlng, Kev. Cressman presiding. Mark I'urkos aud wife, of JfeCook, c.lme in yebterdoy and will bo the guestM of Mr. and Mrs. William 1'arkes for a couple of weclc. ltert Sptaguo, a former Hastings in in, bu t no w of Yprtc, has been solected by Jitdgo Dung.ui fAr court repprtcr to succeed V. J. Furse. At present Mr. Sprague is court loporter at York. Alin.1 Ktcord. Jim and John Knight of Inavnlo have a. gasoline ongino wliiuh Uioy nt tnch to n cjrn shollcr and have been doing considerable work on Walnut Crook, shelling for Fay Arnoson and Kick and Frank ItLiiikcnbaker. For chapped hand", face and lips l'iuesalvo Carbolizer is lin mediate lellof (Acts like a poultice) good for cuts, burns, "bruises, skin diseases. Draws out inllanunation. I'rico 2."5c. Try it sold by Henry Cook. I mill ffl $i$ )- ( ;. M'Tf 1 Cop right 1908 by . 11i. S. IlmScluuncrfi. Mine Aft 'I he versatility of Hie Company en ables them to given piogram of mitiMMi varlely. tn addition to the ocnl aud tiistiuinental solos duels and i L'liilitiys. they pi osont several nniiubor In which tho whole company uppers. Tho program oloes with n shot t sketch "Orange llo(ois." which was wiitten tpidlRt)y for.Mlsi Shlpp Ihiil hei company. At tlt Opera Ho iso l)C'0-tuUr IS. The dtMUjr In holiday Ij.ligaln ftro lining inoM of the MdVrtt4liigpnee In tho ClilBf this wTck showing Ihe gojd Oft'crs to I nciTptrd 't'ho biljiuf this Nrnon Iiim been lnnvtiM' than uMml hud Itie bnrgnltifi i1 u eniMcqiifiilly better. Do yoiu hotidiiy nhoplng early and hiiM' il oor wl' hand done. It take just' so on eh time and tho customer will have In ttr attention and will also have Ihe el in nee to make selection moio satisfactory by not putting it, oil' till tlie Inst minute. MI-h IJprul i Holcomb, of Cluy Con ler. Nobr , i the winner of the (list prljtf in th corn show' world contest, in cooking coin foods Shehfw twenty-1 eight kiiidft of otitlblpM nindr fiom corn on exhibition nt the show-. That VPnu ' IHo times a maiii hh any one else sr nt. l Tho judges didn't kuow,thf names ofj all the dishes she cooked, but on ex amination proud them to bo very pal itabli. She iiiiulo aotuo excellent, corn brend, rornuul mush, llapjuoks and pudding Miss lloloomb'dptlo wnnflS, We congratulate this young lady on her succc-s and so do her relatives in this city. Girls, learn to bagood cooks, win money, nnd your way to masculine liearts An old iniiii wanarreHtod reejntlyin Manhattan, lie was longhaired, dirty, ragged and altogether dtftteputablo in appearance Ho hud with him .seven dogs.with whlidi he slept and .divided such food as people gave him. Ho lived aro uitl in tho sheds nnd stacks until the owners would run him oir, then he would tako up his quarters elsewhere. Finury he was charged with insanity nnd brought before tliq It'll y county probate- court. In tiylngto semli him up n little and make him lnlf way pre soutable before t'kiug him into ev.irt, the olllcor tound something lu an old worn out paper. It was ton $100 bills and fifty $fi bill liesidcs tho uigiiey, two iinenslted checks wot c found Hint had been drawn nearly twenty yours ago. Ho wits pronouced insane. School Bonds Sold- A check for $2,."O0O was received Tuesday iuoriilng'(froin State Treasur.r Urino lu paj mcut of tho school bond, voted uyoarnn I ahilf ajo fv t'i e new school building. These are among tho first bonds bought by tho stite under tho now law, tolatlng to iuvest me it of the permauoiit school fund. I ho check was deposited to the credit of the school district, nnd the board is now in position -1o proceed to the orectlon of the building. Clans for tho building have leen npprovod and tho now building will undoubtedly be ready for use when school opens ext fall. Foit Sam: Six room nouse, . lots Inquire at Newhouse's htore. tf in clothes? The rln tn havp if iq v VsVVvA.y, S2b l, tflsfiPf-s AT w wtfi I n s x f MAT to r Make ' vhat you'd like Always Reliable wffi titnmimmmmnmmimmBmBmmmamamimmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmm(KW-immmammmmmmmmmmmm c-ctc&c-c-irC-fe-c-e&fec-fftf&feftfftcc-rtftce&frteeetc h? U Hi !l til til til U VI; l til til til U Ui it til ib tii tii lb U lk ! tii You have more lime to select, you can shop with comfort you get First Choice of a large slock. They will not Cost you a cent more. We have our usual large stock of ::::::::: ; : : Will yn CQinie in mil imli ihmi over? CHAS. L. tOTTING The Druggist. tii til tii tii lb vb U til til til ib lb tii tii lb b tii tii tii tii tii tii Zimimi3iiZ-i:222iaVmZ29i:mSi-i2iZVie.lt- Vl OutiuiiGtiZuCili'XunauaiiUttuliu uUnuVXuijnVilVj Pcntlis and Funerals. QWiWW! WJCTywsKSsraPOTW'.v.ll The funeral bcrvlces of 11 r Jnmes S. Akorson wore hold on 'L'ucsilsiy nf tei 110011 DoconiTjer 15, from the house of his blhtor, JIw. Jevi Mjore. l(ov. A. A. Crosstntm" couJuetod the hervicofind prenched tho sermon. .Mr. AUer-on was past 8tiLyonts old nnd for many yours was n irrout.sull'oror. Tho fuuetiil wns well attended fallowing tho eteem In which tho dlscensod wns held hy the jicople of Red Cloud. Dim) near Itmvulo last Tuobdny Docomhor Jl, of nlttoss of tho brain, Edwin agoi 11 inontln. yoiint'Ot hou of 1a1 (liwinon and vt9, tho funeral win largely nttondd,lho fnther of the child w nt. recently sent to tho insane asylum nt Lincoln. This aillictel family hns our slncoro syinimthy. teller List. LUt of lcttois lonmitilng uucallod for at postotlloo at UimI Cloud, IToti., for thu week ondlng J)fic. 17, 1003: hi. Dohtoii, Lanny Duwoy, A, W. Strowoll, 7, 11 W. Shall. Jny Thopm, . Wilder Vtiirfjtt. Tliwo wilt ! cmt to the floml h-tu-r otlioe Dv ai, JSJOS", If nuo011.il fut tiofore. lU'n tuiUljigfor ahuv 9 pl04wni sfty"ndertl5d." ,' T. Oi lUCKUit, Postmaster. -a . E. 11. DeWolf, tho former inbllsho of this paper, is no lonjjor connected with this olllce, All accounts and hub horlptloua duo the Chief nro payable to C. 1). Hale. , - SUGGESTIONS FOR "HIM" SUIT P UNDKRWEAH SHIRTS OVKfcCOAT HANDKERCHIEFS CLOVES IVAIH COAT HOUSE COAT HOSIERY BATH RODE SUSPENDERS MUrFLER NIGHT RODE UMD1ELLA TIES,c,fce giv film for Cltrislmns is problem limes a day. Our store being Mcadqunrlers for men's things, the question is very easily answered. For Men, both Old and Young, Great and Small, we've ideal gifts jusl the soil of gifts thai will be appreciated the most, after - Christmas is over. , , From our stock of Men's excellent (itinnents, correct Mcachvoar and choice Haberdashery the most appropriate Christmas gifts, it is possible to make, can be chosen. your selections early, while thc "best. Better now than later. l ; You'll find our prices no barrier to choosing exactly ' to give "Him." . A uKxszEsass&zzxw'Mtx i Rim.'PTH Ak First Door Norlh of Postoffice 1 IV V 1 1 11 11 11 t IV II 'IV m m II (H 't t m ti 'k i iv 'ft tv TV tv iv 1 IV f IV m V ti nv iv IV 11 m tv mm AIRE EIELPLESS AS HH9REN lVlicn Taken Jiiulilcnly III Here Is a t'ommon-Sciisc Sarcftuard. Bit:, stroiif,' mini is ns helpless hh an infant avIiou he is suddenly ill. Tho btuidlest chap in town usually loses his self control, and is utterly unable to repaid his condition with the common heme that character tactf his cvoiT-tlfty aotlotiH. Vov extimpie: He conies hoiueUrod, oats 11 heavy illnuer and bits down to rend and wnoho aWay a qui to evening. Sudden'y ho notice u weight on his stomach: the hlUrp puin nrouud his lionet, and u fuoling of sulfooation. ThoughlH of'henrt diueiue'Vush over hint, and hie.ngouy Iro ferns tho woit Ills troublo Wfiii neuto Indigehtion, brought on by overloading his tired utom&ch. A uouplO of Jloxall Dyspepsia. TublnU wpuld Imvo given him Instant relief would linvehiiveT'him hours of suirerlujf, ' , Cnnyu puckogf of Uexnll Di'fipopsia TnbleU in your vest pocket pr Iteop them in your room. Toko ono after ouoli heavy menl, nnd indigostloii can nevw bnthor you, Kexull Dyspopsla T.bltM euro Htomauh trnublei by iiptlylm,'tlieun 'If.tt'n' 'niiisenoi at vvhu-'i 1.4 t'i? ,1 . ill II 'silo 1 .111 1 ! - ' 1 .1 ' nolo the totn u-h tw n.. '.It, . ii(l,,, U)( .Hid to rpiickly coi u itt:i tyd bloo I. We icuoT wnt, i( ,iii Dytpitm.i Trtblete are and iviial they vvttl do Wo gunruUio them Id OHritiilii-.st 1 , atld dyspepsia. If thoy f,iil, we will l'Ofttnd your money. Price, 25 cents per full package Sold only at ur stores or by mall. Tho 11,13. (Jiloo Drug Co; Ked Cloud Nebraska. y'''vNVyAyVi vc solve many f i picking is the ,!"' I V f 1' , -1 f V JW fi'stma Gandy nad flats Special Loja Pfiees To GtffllsTpS. TRADE I A T MeFflUlt'JlHD The GFoeer AH tho Phones DON'T BUY A GUM until yow liavo ci-r-i our New f lloublo Barrel Models fitted with Steyens Compressed Forged Steel Barrels DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM Tho modo of ctfcutnic llln? ihnsn superb Trap nml Field Uttiig Jp limy tit fotui in our Ngsv Shot-pi.-rP' -iphkt. Saul two-cent -it. A you? DtIcr Tr w "" ' "" ' III IWMUMirMH m t 'A . ' .- i tlf r4 A 7 M , ;n '.! . & Tf pit , WW ,'tfl wH WW .aVM W!& i s yi ' t . ."J . M 4 A f rl"yWf&" , ! ' ,i 'I r. v U 1 'i