The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1908, Image 2

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fl Vulciidc Bouquet
Co Vo, mv TritNd
by cait. Jack cwmvforo
TROm om tbe larder or my toil,
Ulbtr tutWt nytilc poltt blend
(Ulib rnrio Md flewm, 1 till love's bowl,
KM km It www to von. My frKWL
mm t
MH the swttttst, wlkkit fkww,
Aff.lia4 at th IhKaw tnrjin
flm fling to yon from nature'! tmrt.
19 miRgit wwo uutmptr gray.
CR$e are hit tcboti of the put,
Co KHttk itt hi Mtnory't cbtme$
Che tllkeit acts tbaj love bat cast,
Co (4Kb tbe tNRtbhK of my rhymes.
nrtD isn't It sweet tbit some kind deed
fn memory tbrob, a eod-sem tear
Oft' comes to cultivate the seed
Cbat we are we to sow eacb year r
DD so, I'm WNAlio tbls boaqitet
Of thankfulness and love to yon t
Sweet bnds of reciprocity,
Besprinkled wltb affection's dew.
Cbls Is the bopefnl wish I send
Cbat love of 6od and man abide
With yon and yonrs, my faltbfnl frlenl
Letter Inclosed In a box which will ar
rive about 7 a. tn. Christmas day for
(Fred, tho protcgo of learned sprites.
BAR FRED: Within
this packago you will
And some llttlo things;
Just a crumb or t,wo
of pleasure, such as
any fellow flings to a
friend no's mot but
onco or twice, and yot
considers rnthcr nlco
nnd thinks of what
tho Jolly season brings.
Wo romombor, sir,
your courtesy In. Bit
ting whllo wo lectured
ou tho knowlcdgo thnt
Is proven, uIho thnt
which is conjoctured. To our utter
gratltudo you woro never, novor rudo,
for your heart, indeed, is very flnoly
When tho series ot discourses found
Its most untimely close, wo assembled
In a cornfield, nnd indeed wo nearly
frozo. Wo'd forgotten, wo'ro so old,
(hero was such a thing as cold, and
we'ro much too Bmnit to think of
things llko thoso. But'our hearts aro
always warm, and In thinking, Fred,
of you, Buch a warmth arose as any
tl'mo would boll an oyster stow. Then,
a-basklng In tho heat, wo did all ot
us competo in discussion of what
would and wouldn't do. Onco tho argu
ment grow florco, but ovor this wo'll
draw a veil. Wo aro all of us so
learned that wo thought (you know
tne tale), that wo each of us know
beet wh3t would lend tho groatest
aost what a inodorn boy would not
consider stale.
Wo consulted Bundry lists which
only mixed us up tho worse; wo ro
jectcd como suggestions far too long
for any purso; and we bickered and
wo snickorod, whllo above tho moon
light flickered, and discovered that
ideal things woro "scurcn." And at
last wo gavo up trying to dccldo It
for each othor, and departed, saying:
"Qlvo him what you llko, my learned
brother," So each mndo his own se
lection; which accounts for tho com
plexion of tho articles wo hopo you'll
show your mother.
On tho top you'll find a ticket for a
trip around tho earth. This, of courso,
fs from old Jogerfy, tho chap who
bad a dearth ot Ideas, but in fact was
rather diligent thnn lax; he is hoping
that you realized his worth.
Noxt In order is a dictionary don't
turn up your noso. It's no ordinary
volume, as Its queer appoarauco
shows. When you'ro stuck for what
to say, turn tho knob tho propor way,
and tho word is In your mouth, and
out it goes. In this book Is overy
ianguago, o'en Including that of birds
and tho speech tho cows aro using
when thoy stroll about In herds. Why,
you cannot go astray, as to how and
what to say, It you uso tho present
sent you by old Worlds.
With apologies wo montion what
you got from Anglo-Saxon. He's tho
chap for whom tho speech of other
nations bad attraction. Ho sat down,
It eooras, and wroto you a promissory
note. You will never get tho coin with
out exaction.
From Numero, a prosent that will
eomfort you, wo feel. It's a tablo with
a marvelous, unusual kind of wheol.
Yes, a multiplication tablo; turn tho
rank, if you aro ablo, nnd you'll havo
before your, eyes a luscious meal.
014 History, the grandpa of the
whole great human race, sonds a Pat
ent Iron Memory a thing you can't
replnce. Put it 'way unto your ear,
nnd you'll And thnt all you hear you'll
remember quite distinctly for a
And lastly, Hy G. Eno, tho man who
gavo you bucIi a Bcaro, puts tn some
thing you cun always uso and some
thing you can wear. It's a thing that
makes for health; indeed, for happi
ness and wealth. It's an ovorlaatlng
bottlo of fresh air.
So remember, whon your toys aro
spread about you on tho rug, that tho
Learned Sprites have tried to make
you happy; thoy havo dug in the present-mines
ot China, than tho which
thoro's nothing finer, and we'ro Bond
ing you no much an wo could lug. If
you use these llttlo gifts that wo aro
forwarding Just right you will never
havo to listen to another learned
sprite. Rut there's ono thing moro,
to-wlt: "Merry Christmas," that is
So wo hereunto subscribe, In black
and whlto:
Menus In Which Roast Beef and Goose
Are the Leading Entrees.
For tho Christmas feast roast beef
or roast young goose aro tho prime fa
vorites, taking tho precedence of tur
key, which vory soon after tho flrst
of Deccmbor begins to loso its delicacy
of flavor. Tho English dinner of roast
beet and plum pudding Is historic, and
In recent yenrs Americans havo gen
erally followed tho custom ot sorvlng
an English dinner on Christmas,, Im
proving on tho old country menus by
the additional dainty entrees and
Hero aro sorao suggestions for
menus for Christmas homo dlnnors.
Qrapo Fruit with Blierry.
Olives. Radishes.
Small Oysters, Roasted In Shell.
Cream of Chicken.
Roast Sirloin of Reef. ,
Macaroni nil Qratln.
Bermuda Potatoes. New String Beans.
Endive Salad.
Toasted Wafers and Kdam Cheese.
Plum Pudding.
Fruit. Coffoo.
Oysters on the Half Shell.
Cream of Celery. Blurted Olives.
Fried Smelts, Banco Tartare.
Hothouso Cucumbers.
Roast Young Qooso,
Apple Bauco.
Mashed Potatoes. Boiled White Onions,
Stuffed Green Peppers.
Romalno Salad and Toasted Wafers.
Roquefort Chocso.
Plum Pudding or Mlnco Pie.
Coffee. Fruit.
She Had Tried 4t.
Bollo This holly in my hair wants
a llttlo rellof It's too red.
Aunty Well, why not put in a sprig
or two of mlstlotoo, dear?
Bollo NonsonBe, aunty! Why, I
should have nil the young mon kissing
Aunty Indeed, no, my dear. They'd
do nothing of the kind. I've tried
'em I
Saadaj Scnool Leuon for Dee. 20, 1908
908 1
Specially Arranged (or This Paper
LESSON TKXT. Luko 2:8-20. Memory
VCfflPB 21 1
GOLDEN' TEXT. -"For unlo you Is
born this day In thu city of David u
Saviour, which is Christ tho Lord."
Luko 2-11.
Comment and Suggeitlve Thought.
Jcbub wna born In the stnblo of nn
Inn, or khan, ut Bethlehem, six mllos
south of Jerusalem.
Ho was born probably about four
yenrs before our Christian era, Docem
bor, 1). C. 5, I. o., If on Deccmbor 25,
only ono week moie thnn four yonrs.
Out It Is sufllclcntly nccurnto nnd best
to count In accordance with tho dates
used in nil our histories and almanacs,
at tho beginning of tho year 1 A. D
or 1908 yenrs ago.
Note 1. Thero wob something spe
cially fitting In Bethlehem ns his birth
place, becnuso It wns tho city of David,
his royal nnceBtor.
2. This wnB In accordance with
prophecy (MIc. G:2).
3. Noto tho DIvluo Provldonco in
thus guiding Joseph and Mary to Both
lehom nl. this tlmo by n decree beyond
their control, nnd without human
A. Josus enmo to earth in the cir
cumstances best fitting him to bo the
Saviour or man. Ho begun his llfo
In n humblo way nnd was brought up
In humble life and honest toll, that ho
might bo tho friend of all men, but
especially of tho poor nnd Buffering.
6. If he was born In Deccmbor, ns
Is probable, tho time wus symbolical,
slnco tho 25th of December comes
when tho longest night or tho year
gives way, nnd tho days begin to
This Is tho greatest gift over given
to this world.
From his glorious homo ho came to
tbls world, ns tho highest expression
of God's love, to take upon himself
our human nnluro for tho salvation of
tho world from sin to holiness nnd
Tho dlvlno nnturo of Christ Is not n
mere theory, far away from human
life, but Is a fact essential to ono who
would reveal God to men, and bo tho
Saviour of men. Ho speaks to us from
personal knowledge of God, of his love,
his care, his readiness to forgive, his
uearneBs to men, his fatherhood. Ho
tells us about heaven and Immortal
llfo from his own exporienco. Only
tho Son of God could possibly mako
ntonoment of sin. Only ho could havo
power to savo us at all times and in
all places, to be our ovor-present
friend, our perfect example, our In
fallible guide.
Christmas Giving. Tho natural re
sponse to tills great gift from God, is
for us to mako gifts of lovo to others,
of help to thoso whom Jesus camo to
help. '
Christmas giving is a right expres
sion of this spirit. Often imperfoct,
often too narrow, often such that tho
thought dwells moro on tho receiving
than the giving; yet thero is no cele
bration of any holiday that is so ap
proprlato as this of giving, In the cole
bration of tho birth of Jesus.
All can give. Thero Is no ono so
poor, so unworthy, bo feoble or lonely,
but thero Is something he can glvo to
express God's will to men, deeds of
kiudiiesi, expressions ot sympathy,
words of lovo and cheer and hope and
courage. Llko tho apostles, each must
act on Peter's word: "Such ns I hao
glvo I to thco."
Tho Magnificat of Mary. Luko 1:
46-55. "H1b mercy in on them that
fear him from generation to genera
tion." Tho Benedlctus of Zacharlas. Luko
1:68-79. "To Klvo llcht to thorn thnt
sit In darkness and In the shadow of
death, to guldo our feet Into tho wav
of peaco."
The Gloria in Excolsls of tho Angels.
Luko 2:14. "Glory to God In tho
highest, and on earth pence, good will
toward mon."
"Glory to God." Glory Is tfio out
ward expression, tho outshining ot
greatness nnd goodness. When God
showed his glory to Moses on tho
mount, It wns God's goodness thnt
shono upon him.
For tho coming of Jesus wns tho
highest expression of God's glory, tho
fullness of his nature, his love, his
goodness, which passed before Mosos
when ho nsked to seo God's glory.
Tho phrase expresses both tho fact
and tho desire that all Bhould rocog
nlzo God's glory. "In tho hlchnm."
(1) In tho highest Btralns. Only tho
moBt oxqulslto music and song nro
worthy to express this thomo. (2) In
tho highest heavens. Tho glory shines
and tho prnlso sounds to tho hlghost
heavens. It Is tho noblest song nnd
tho brightest glory oven thero. (3)
In tho hlghost dogroc. Tho plan of sol
vation through Josus Christ, so In
finitely wise, bo infinitely loving, man
ifests God's glory moro than all the
wondors of creation, "when all tho
sonB of God shouted for Joy." For tho
souls of tho tjavod shall "shino as tho
brightness of tho firmament."
Tho coming of JeBUs meant "peace
on enrth," including all wolfaro, bless
Ing, love,
"Good will toward mon." Tho ox
prosslon of God's dcslro to bless mon,
to forgive them, to fit thorn for tho
best llfo on earth.
Tho Chicago Training School for
City, Homo and Foreign Missions broke
ground on Thanksgiving day for a now
chapel to cost $00,000, tho gift of N. W.
HarrlB, Chicago. Tho Training School
has also Just dedicated tho Mary
'Lemur Klnnoar Monnett Memorial
Hall, costing $30,000.
The Dark" Ages.
Tho dark ages nro tho ones during
which our sophomores aro inclined
to bellovo they know it all.
Petroleum Next to Gold.
Next to gold potroloum Is tho most
valuablo product ot California.
Can't Understand It.
Many a wlfo Is seriously wondering
why hor mother-in-law over thought
no woman was good enough for her
Food for Thought.
Tho ten-year-old girl who conquered
a burglar with a broomstick Is entitled
to all crqdlt for courage nnd vigor.
Nevertheless when she adds u dozen
years moro to her ago tho wary tin
marrlod youth may entertain doubts
as to whether hor onorgy might not
sorno tlmo bo oxcesslvo for wedded
Report of the Home of the Friendless.
At tho end of tho blennlum, Novem
ber 30, 1908, thero woro in tho Home
for tho Friendless at Lincoln Blxty
clght children nnd six nged women,
tho youngest Inmato bolng ono week
old nnd tho oldest S2 years.
Tho homo has been seriously handi
capped during the last blennlum bo
causo of a shortago of room for em
ployes nnd cramped apartments for
tho children, and in fact that It has
practically supported tho Orthopedic
hospital. Tho cooking was all done
In tho kitchen of tho homo nnd carried
across tho yard to tho sovcral dining
Tooms in tho hospital building. Tho
total expenditures for the mainten
ance of both of the Institutions for tho
blennlum was $28,630.57 or a per capi
ta cost of $267.91. Tho home has
flvo pay children.
ANNOUNCES its third annual bargain week dur
ing which subscriptions will be accepted for the
whole year or 1909 at the cut price of only $3 with
out Sunday, or $4 including Sunday. This Bargain
Rate is good only during the week of December 21 to
28 and the regular rates after that date will be $4
and $5. All new subscriptions commence January 1
and continue until January 1, 1910 at the $3 and $4
rate. All papers stopped at the end of that time
without' any effort on your part. One reason why
this cheap price can be made on such a big news
paper is that everybody pays in advance, thus having
no dead-beat bills. You pay only for your own paper
this way. Next, by cutting out traveling solicitors9
salaries, hotel bills and railroad fare, and doing all
business through Uncle Sam's mails at a cost of only
a couple cents. When an agent calls on you to
present a proposition, remember you pay every cent
of his salary and expanses; inmost cases the solicitor
gets more than you are making. It's a wastetui
metuod and you pay for the waste. Everybody is
trying to dodge the middleman here's a chance to
cut him out. The Journal does not print liquor ad
vertisements or unclean medical stuff accepted by
other state dailies. Why not protect your family
from impure advertising? The Journal is not under
obligations to a political clique because it has no job
to hold or none to get. It is free to treat every
subject in tne interests of the people. No matter
about your politics, during the legislative session
you will find The State Journal the one newspaper
whose reports are completest, fairest and earliest.
We are right on the ground and spend the money to
get the news. Remember, just this one week of cut
price and then back to the old rate. Why not try
this big state paper until January 1, 1910, at this
low price. Send your money to
State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska
"Taking the Waters."
It in tho regimen that thins. I re
member asking a leading physician at
Maricnbnd whothcr ho really believed
In tho claim that those famous waters
reduce the weight of the fat pcoplo
who Imbibe them. Ho smiled and said:
"Porhaps thoy may act as a dissolv
ent." LondonTruth.
Rock and Rye.
Many a man has been wrecked on
tho rock of adversity, but there Is
generally a little ryo on tho side.
Philadelphia Record.
The Horrid Man's Curl.
"There's no sight so pitiful to me,"
said tho pretty girl, "ns tho painful at
tempt on tho part of tho man begin
nlng to be bald to make a llttlo curl
in tho middle ot his forehead of tho
fow remnlnlng strands of hair. And
still, I know thoy don't desorve my
pity. I never havo found a man yot
with such a curl who wasn't 'horrid."
Domestic Economy. '
They had automoblled In 24 miles
to seo Mr. Highflyer's pet oculist, and
on tho return thrco tires, ono after
another, tad blown up. Whereupon
MrB. Highflyer romnrked, plaintively,
and with lntenso conviction: "My dear
Alfred, It would havo been bo much
cheaper to havo kept you at home and
bought you a glass oyol"
Three Years In Prison for Coon.
Clydo Coon of Omaha, who was
brought to Kearney to auswor a
chnrgo of forgery for passing a bogus
check on W. L. Hand, pleaded guilty
Mondny In the district court nnd was
sentenced to thrco years In tho pent-tontlary-
Coon has a wife and four
children living In Omaha. When tho
forgery wns committed ho was sup
posedly representing a railway con
struction company.
Heaven on Earth.
Heavon consists of desiring, from
tho heart, good for others more than
for one's self, nnd in serving them
with a view to their happiness, not
from any selfish aim of obtaining re
muneration, but out of lovo. Swedon
borg. Chinese Using Modern Umbrellas.
Tho Chlncso aro giving up the use
of their old oiled-paper umbrellas, and
a great numbor of foreign made um
brellas are used, of whlr'i Germany
eid Japan supply tho bunt.
Reaton for Divorces.
After a woman marries a man ho
bccb her tho greater portion of the
tlmo in clothes of tho kind that ho
never Baw boforo marriago except
on womon who were running to a Are.
Atchison Globe.
"How," walls a stenographer in a
Sunday paper, "can we girls escape
tho unwolomo attention of our em
ployers T" Might try climbing a troo,
suggests tho Cloveland Leader, and
making a nolso llko a suffragette.
Farmers should all havo telephones.
Wrlto to us and learn how to get thoi
best acrvlco for tho least money. Ne
braska Telephone Company, 18th and
Douglas streots, Omaha. "Uso tho
Lincoln Directory
Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
Main Office. 304-309 Pratcrnlty Uldg.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Bell Phono 512 Auto Phono 2&9
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