The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1908, Image 8

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    "Vl .WWJ'fi W
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VWcumMT Vrtlty at the ttem of Of
A MtrcWftpMtM Cumpalflit.
tiilD cnr i k test oa a rait otm
mtnldslrcttCM ( fclwr Maroe!. Bo
naparte fcfahat natter of Europe.
PraMU, tW Jthle twlnces, IUIr.
Spain, weri ill 'kit, ud It ha alwaya
ten feliUrTC tu y he anouM
fcaf oao oat '3r his way to break an
aplMent wMcfc' emit have satisfied
rtm. his arnkMeaa, The best authort
ties af res (hat It was wounded vaalty.
No soonfer bad he compelled the
csar to "hand kltti 6ver Europe than he
conceived tho 'Idett ot marrying Alex
eJTor's slater. Trusty ambassadors
wofo sent to St. Petersburg on this
dollcnto mlssfon. Tho czar received
thorn courteously, but showed dlslncll
nation to nvor tho marriage. This ho
was entitled to do without Riving of
tense; but It Is said that n court busy
body heard Alexander prlvntoly say
that nothing should iuduco him to al
low his sister to marry "tho Corslcan
This was assiduously repotted to Na
poleon, who1, from that moment, plot
ted that mighty invasion of Russia,
which cost him 100,000 troops left in
tho snow, and proved "the beginning
of tho end.".
Ingenious Device for Double Locking a
1 1
A now envelope mude In Pnrls Is
proof against tho thief or the meddler
who opens a letter to oxtract or to
Tcad Its contents mid then reseats it
so cleverly as to hide any sign of It
having boon tampered with.
Tho now envolopo is really two en
volopcs. Each Is of thin paper, ono a
pronouncod blue, tho other lighter In
"Color and different in tcxturo.' Each
hasa gummed flap. '
Tho letter is first placed In tho blue
envelope, which Is slightly smaller
than tho other. Instead of sealing this
It Is placed In the outer envelope and
tho Innor .(lap brought outside and
gummed down on to tho larger en
velope. Tup outor flap is still unseated. It
Is much larger than tho Inner flap nnd
reaches down to a good sized star
shaped opening which shows through
to tho Inner envolbpe, so that when
tho outer flap Is sealed It sticks not
only to the outer euvelopo but also
through this opening to tho Inner ono.
vriio letter la tluu practlcnlly locked
aid doijblo looked. r
Act Singly.
Fear povo- but you shall bo con
sistent in whatever uirlety of ac
tions, so turn1 each bo honest nnd
natural in fhelr hour. For of ono
will, thq action's will be harmonious,
however unllkethey seem. Theso
varieties nro lost "sight of when
eon nt a little distance, at a little
Selgkt of ' thought. Ono tendency
unites them all. The voyage of
iho beat ship 'is a zigzag lino of
a hundred tacks. This Is only mi
croscopic criticism. Sco tho lino
from n sufllclont distance and It
tralghlens itself to tho average
tendency, Your genulno action will
xpinin usoir, nntt win explain your-f
-rattier genulno actions. Your conform
ity explains nothing. Act singly, and
what you have nlieady done singly
will justify you now. Emerson.
Begjruilnga of Graft.
Tremteutly one has tp deal with
chiefs, In fact In every village tho
traveler will probably be welcomed by
tho cjijcf, An Interchange of greetings
through an Interpreter establishes- a
good understanding.
An Interchange of presents Is
usual on these occasions and Is an
almost universal custom. Etlnuetto ro
Tiulrcs the chief to glvo a present in
return. As n rule a chief can only offer
a b mrh of bnnnnat, sonio or
pc-v hly n feat it. two. some of which
mi$ possibly bo welcome-.
On a si ccial occasion the q! lef may
offer tho traveler a wife, a gli't which
T10 will probably dat Ine with a great
profilslon of thanks. Tho Engineer.
In Memory of Old Hickory.
If the spirit of "Old Hickory" should
decide to Journey to tho spot near
which ho ontored the earthly house
-of this tabernacle In 1767 he would
hardly rocognlzo tho place, so great
has booh tho change. The wilderness
Sins boon made to bloom, and In Its
nldst Btands tho thriving town of
Waxhaw. Ho would soon dlscovor,
however, that ho Is not forgotten, for
bronzb tablot on tho railroad sta
tion proclaims tho fact that nonr this
place Androw Jackson wns born And
Squlro Honry N. McW'hortcr, who
.lives hard by, Is always ready to preet
fchq tfplrlt pf tho great Andrew with
'ttYclftim. dear gucut nmt Vrhoat."
)rloh League Honors President,
'JI. P. O'Connor was prescutctl with
ills' portiult In oils ot Leod by tho
tfrlsh league of Groat Brifn'Ju'ih com-mnjhp-
alien of his unbrottoti presi
dency cf tho leaguo for 25 yours.
Jolin E. Redmond made the prttasuta
r(lon anthjald a trlbuto to Mr, O'Con.
nor as a safo, consistent and cour
acous gufdo for tho Irish pooplo In
(Great nrltaln. John-Dillon ulsospoko
Rich Indeed.
"fjosplto all your wealth," snld the
tip3Jc. "your very namo will bo gen
orally , forgotten 20 years after your
''Wo,.U won't," replied tho financier.
'MjfctoStfttQ. is largo enough to koep
rbydielrsvanyers Bquabblins longer
ttranftr Asked far Directions at Un
fortunate Meminti
sj&Mf your pardon," said tho stran
ftWe&fee blcyclo, riding slowly up to
the sidewalk and steadying himself
by putting rds foet'on tho curb, "but
X am looking for a restaurant whore"' I
cam get a good meal. Can fyou direct
ne to oae?Y' ,
The man, whom Ue addressed was
landing Infroat dt a store) trying to
rub a grata of sand out of his eye with
me hand and holding .his , hat ron with
the other, for; t was a windy jlay, and
At first ho, niQde no rospbnVe. Ilut
jpre'sontly ho, spoke. r. ''.'
"Go to the noxgjlockiV he said, "and
turn to the right. Four doors down
you will find a restaurant." '
Tho Blrnngor thanked him and rado
on. About tin hour later they acci
dentally mot ngnln. Tho stranger was
on his way out of town. Ho stopped
nnd spoke.
"Sly friend," ho said, "I followed
your dliedlftjuu. I went to the ;ostnu-
rnnt you directed wo to, and I got tho i
worst meal 1 eor had In my life."
"I thought you would," nnswurcd tho
other. "If you had waited till I got '
that grain, of sand out of my eyo 1
should htno sont you to n f,.pd restau
rant, but you didn't. I just had to
dlvldo my misery with somebody, and '
you happened to bo handy." Youth's
Compnulon. I
Nurse Had No Trouble Remembering
Time for His Medicine. I
A Boston physician tolls n story of a
youngster of his own that an over- ,
strenuous vacation had put on tho sick
list. Tho father had an appropriate j
prescription filled, and left the botllo
with tho chlld'si mother. As she, how-,
over, Is very forgetful, ho gao her a
chart, and suggested that sho sot down
tho hours whun tho mcdlclno should (
bo given, checking oft each doso as '
tnken. Upon returning from his oven- (
Ing calls, howc,vor, ho found tho chart
blank. 1
"Good gracloii3, Mary," ho exclaimed;
1 "surely you haven't fnlled to give Tom
his mcdlclno?"
I "Oh, no. I did not miss a single
time," his wife assured him. 1
I "How in tho world did you romom- I
1 her It without the chart?" he asked.
Sho htnllcd. I
"That was easy. I Just told Tom this
morning at what hours ho was to have
It, and half an hour hcToro each time
ho would begin hallooing that ho
wouldn't tnko It."
Devll-Tcmptcd Ycung Men.
Thoro Is no one so dovll tempted to
day as tho young custodian of tho
cash dtawor. "llo Is tempted, because
ho assumes ho Is not paid 'enough;'
tempted because ho cannot Indulge
himself as somo who aro better pnll:
tempted becnuso ho Is vain of a good
appearance; tempted because he
wa. '? lo e1 I ie . c' j ; to . 1 ul bo
cnusn he loves devotully nnd rnnnot
shower gifts from his thin pocketbook;
trim ted because lu Is ti'iicm hyto In
forbidden mybterles to.upied. mpst
of nil, by the desire to emulate some
other apparently mircosbful young
men who have made great "killings"
on tho inco It nek or tho stock ex
change, Philadelphia Telegraph.
Turks as Beggars.
Ileggars are never suppressed In
Turkey. An American lady by mis
take gavo a beggar of Constantinople
a gold piece. Tho mnn had left his
post when she returned, but qno of his
colleagues told her "where he "re
sided." It was a fine house, and at
tho door was a servant who politely
Informed tho lady that "my. master
is dressing. He will be down soon.''
And then tho well groomed boggar.
dressed rpr dinner, appeared and glad-
ly returned the gold piece, oxclalmlng
In the meanwlillo that such mistake
were highl embarrassing. Chnrltlos
and Tho Commons.
Looking Into the Future.
A minister of n church In Edinburgh,
Scotland, recent 1 surprised tho con
gregation at a Sunday ovonlng sop.
vlco by handing In his resignation.
Ho was only 00 ycais old and was In
good health and vigor. Tho following
Sunday a commlttco of tho members
waited upon him and oxpressed their
regret at tho step ho wbb about to
take. Thoy said to him: "You have
plenty of work in you yet. Why re
sign?" "Yes," ho replied, "I know
but you had better accept my resigna
tion now. When I am 70 you will not
bo nblo to got rid of mo."
Rule of Character.
Our own problem looks exceptional
to us, but It Is not. The next man
wo meet lina nn equnlly hard sum on
his slato and Is working it out or giv
ing It up, qulto In our own fashion.
Wo think, perhaps, that nehos would
solve our difficulty Tor ii in no tlmo.
I or pleasing would soften It, or change
,..y...,. .Hiwiuiiiiv ui vuv.rr one, um
In reality thoio is only ono rulo by
which to work It out the rulo of
The Only Way.
Towne or ooiiibo tho seherno Is a
good one, but do jou think ror wlfo
will approvo of t?
Urowno Yos. If by careful hinting I
can got her to formulato it horsolf and
ninko her bellovo it's her own. '
Prcor of VcSlth.
your frlond much ,of a
"1 should cayjjp.! Ho
children, and cat)- afford
Great Ceok True to Hie Art to the
Very End,
. ' ' t
Kscoffler,' the great French cook,
said at" a dinner In New York that a
Tfood cook had the spirit of cookery
born In him. y
"It Is born In him," said M. Escof-J
Her, "and In him It nerer dies. HIS
first lisped baby word la of food; aa(l
a sauce or a navarln la- the subject f
his last dying breath u .
"Did you ever hear of poor Gaston
Laurent, the distinguished cook pf
"Gaston went pri a , voyage fo'th'q
1 South Seas ,ln $5; , .hls 4shlp ydsj
wrecked, nnd ho andijis party, w.erje'
captured by cnnrdbnlst,.? , ' '.
"Doing plumpOaston.lalns, was the
first of tho 111 fated party to bo con'
signed to the great Iron cassorolo.
"And thq survivors shy 'that noth
ing could have been rnorc touching
and moro sublime than' Gaston's last
rry front tho great pot,' 'as tho water
began to smoke and bubbla nnd ho
began to cook Gaston's last calm cry
of n great artist:
" 'Come, coino! It I already past
the tlmo for tho pepper ond'Saltl'"
X : '
Odd Shaped Stones to- Ward Off Ef
fects of Snake Poison.
Thoro arc still to bo found In Mal
ta n number of small stones shaped
' colored like tho eyes, tongues and
"thcr parts of serpents.
I 1110 BupcrstitioiiB among tlio Mat-
tcso connect these with tho tradition
that St. Paul when shipwrecked was
cast on their Island, and that It was
thoro that whllo lighting a- bundle of
sticks for a flro a viper fastened on
tho npostlo's hand. St. Paul calmly
shook tho reptllo off Into tho flames
and no harm followed. Tho natives
uear these stones as talismans, in
Vhlch character they suppose thorn
sctvlcenblo in wnrdlng, oJT dangers
from snako bites and poisons.
They nro found In St. Paul's cave,
tnbcddod In 'clay, and nro sot In rings
Aid bracelets, and when found to be
in tho shape of a tongue or liver or
heart uro hung around tho neck. They
aro also taken Internally, dissolve;! ir.
wine, which method Is attended, ac
cording to some people, by moro Im
mediate icsults.
Quaint Fijian Plant.
Thoro Is nothing nrler tho sua quite
so quaint, so weird 'and wltchllko as
tho pnndnnus prnliios dr.,FIJl. Tho
pandnnug, or screw plnnt.'ijs It is
cnlHl, Is a most grotesque s-e;Imen
or tho ogolnblo kingdom oven nt the
b03t anil In tho eaily btages of Its
H'owth. In Us very young dajs It la
b't an extraordinary screwllkc shape
ind looks as though some unkind hnnd
had taken hold of its long, swordllkc
leaves and twisted them round and
round. Later on It straightens out a
bit un.l fiom It grow a number of tnll
wooden Btllts. Its follago Is simple,
a number of drooping, ragged tufts for
nil the world like -mops, and very
mournful looking. Among these mops
linns the frn.t, In shape like a pine
al pi", made up or h.ird red nnd yellow .
kernels, woody and fibrous, and quite '
uneatable fiom a European's point or ,
' view. ,
A One-Sided View.
"A member of the Georgia lcglsla
ture,"ho remarked, "Introduced a bill
which provides that any man who is
lured Into marrying a woman who has
by artificial means enhanced her beau
ty may, If ho wlshos, havo tho mar
riage doclared null nnd void. That Is
to say, If tho bridegroom discovers
that tho bride Is compelled when sho
goes to bed to hang any or her sup
' l'oscd charms upon a chair ho may
j consider nlmscir Hep, to wed ngal
"And what about It,' askqd the
"if a bride discovers, after tho coro-1
niouy, mat ine groom wears a wig
or dyo3 Ills mustnehb?"
1 "Any woman who Is foDlMi enough
not to know a wig or n dyed mus-
, tnene w.ion she s n ono ought novor
i to make any complaint about It."
His Vscatlon Method.
Mlbs Lillian n. mil, the writer of
humorous ndvortlsemonts, told a num-
bor of Duluth Jowelers, at a recent ,
Jewelers' bnnquot, a good way to got
off Tor a vacation without being missed
from business.
, ''During tho last Easter holidays,"
sho said, "I met a jowoler at a Beasldo
"'Why, I thought you wero Buch a
busy man,' I snld. 'How do you man
age your affairs hoio at tho shoro?'
" 'O,' said ho, 'I am Just keeping my
advertisements out of tho pnpers until
my return, and so, you see, there are
uo affairs tp manage.'"
Fresh Air.
I hold to the maxim "lq and lot
dlo." It any ono choose v,UiQ. frosh
air rtetlipd of departing Ihjts'lirQ by all
moans let him tnko it. but let him ie
speot the' right or qllmr people tc
cliooao thiir own method for thorn
udlvcm. Fitwh air htyj Its. vIoUiiir no
lost than foul. Tin t,nl)eiclj bacillus
doo not onjoy frefclt nirTHs true, but
'. a o ! lant:;. f athor bacilli-whlt)h
.Vjolco m. .. -auutptlvcs thrive
out or doors, tho subjects of bronchitis
nro Ecnorallyjmly saro when thoy stay
,ln.-Dr.'J. II. Clarko, in London Chron
icle! , "".... .j
Cough Up.
"Tho rco foe an oftlco lit Uko a
street ca,r."
"Alwayj room for ono moro'
"It also has thq pays-joVontor.i'yaHfio bJV W.'1 Z Jil
aturow Kanons City Journal .lawve '
Grand look, Equalize!
a. j h-u Mtmti
i .A
V' J
. r
' ?.
15 8baps
of spr'-ng faj row.
is the time to bn -Poland
China Soar.
At Stqdebaker's Transfer Barn, Red Cloud, flea,
SATURDA , DEC. 12, 1908
I his offmiiB is (if the well
the well known slu.w and bivedmy boars, Expansion 26293, Kq mlizer 43223. Grand Look
38305. tin- sensation sweepstakes boar of the west, Gram! Wonder 18217, and others $f the
same t e.
The blood that
winninir in all
nearly half at
rasKa t;tte I
iiessrs n u i iwsoh s oms
breetln.n qti lit of the vvhele
re.inli s- uf ue.uher.
t -. II " lk .
C.J VO'i, Cletk.
Queer Bird Fricrc'aMp.
I am deeply Interested In watching
tho strange companionship or one of
tho largest black and white woodpeck
ers with red crown 1 havo ever seen
nnd a sparrow. For two weeks they
havo been about the yard constantly
together and seem to bo the very best
of fi lends. In riont of the window
where I nm wrlt'n- they spend a
great deal or their time In a dead
hoi so chestnut tieo Near the top ot
one or tho trunks Is a vu-j lar;e hole.
Whllo Mr. Wood ejker goes In to find
3omo delicacy Lady Sparrow llios
abeut the top chirping men lit. Py
their actions when Mr. Woody c':or
comes out ho must drop a "goodie"
down Lady Sparrow's throat. I have
never seen his mate around or any
other sparrow when they aro together.
Just theso two, who aro so different in
every way and still seem to be such
good friends. Wherever ho goes she
follows, always Hying about tho tree
where ho is working. Exchange.
His Incorrect Diagnosis?
He wus not a regular traveling mnn,
or tho break ho mado at a lltt'.o Mis-
' sourl hotel never would have occurred.
Tho wnltross Humeri 1111 tn lilm wltli
tho graceful gait of .1 crippled duck,
. and said:
"Steak pork chops ham an eggs an
Not hearing anything 111 tho tele
scoped sentence that appealed to tv 1
city-bred aipilte, and not rcnlirl.15
tho limitations of the hotel, ho looked
up and asked:
"Havo you got fiogs' legs?"
"Nab!" said tho waitress. Indignant
ly, "ltoomatli'.!" Chicago News.
"On Himci-lf '
A house painter In a New Hamp
Bhlro village wns proceeding down
"tho main street" one day when he
l wns accosted by a follow townsman.
"Hello, Tom!" called the latter.
"Why, I thought you wero working on
old Spinner's houso todny."
"I was about to commence tho job,"
raid tho painter, "when tho old man
picked a quarrel with mo. IIo said
he'd put tho paint on hlni'elf."'
"Do you think he'll do it?"
"Well," said tho j nlntor, with a
snulo, "when I passed Just now, that -is
whero ho had put agicat deal of It."
1 Professional
Tho llttlo dntisrUor of n homeopath
lo physician tocolvod a rjng with a
pearl In It on tho Christmas troo. Two
days Inter sho pokod her head tearful
y in at tho door of her fathor's of
tlco. ' "Papa," sho sobbed, "papa, l'vo lost
ho llttlo pill out or my ring." Har
tior's Justice.
1 Tho American ombeasler nrrtitod In"'1 " tUc rnnu ''Ufuences, JncveuB
Hondurns was nrranglng lorms of oa- -,a ofdocnaslns by erta'u ho:t In
scapc. . , tftrvals of- time, to i vlun't for a . Y, of
1 "You'ie n robber," ho b'xplnlmod to & a!z0 ,0 iswn b nio.uittn u
the natlvo official. "Why. I mlcht change dlroctlon ot- speed Our ob
i ";
f i.j
known General Utility tvt
the bi fairs of tin west They won over half at
Kansas City and three-fourths at St. losenh
ul r-tuncott, ebr., con-iijjn a
offer ny is of the best. Usual
A t I . .
' F. W. Barber &'Son, Franklin, Nfebr.
H. C. Dawson's Sons, Endicott, Neb.
- .
Factory Workers' Criticism of Louisa
M. Alcott's Great Story.
In a conversation about books which
tho author or ;'The Long Day" had
with two of her workmates at a box
factory, sho spoke enthusiastically
of "Llttlo Women," nnd told them how
sho had read It four times, nnd that
sho meant to rend It again somo day.
"Llttlo Women" was unknown to
them, but their curiosity was roused
over the unhcatd-of thing of any-i
body over wanting to read a '
book 111010 than once, and they!
pressed her to repeat tho story for
them. This sho did with gtcat accu
racy of statement, and with genuine
pleasure to herseir at being given nn
opportunity to Introduce anybody to
Meg nnd Jo and all tho rest of that
delightful March family.
When she finished, Phoebe stopped
work and Mrs. Smith looked up from
her label-pasting, saying: "Why, that's
no Btory at all."
"Why, no," echoed Phoobo, "that's
no story that's Just ovmyday hap
penings. I don't see what's the use.
putting things like that in books. I'll
bet any money that lady what wrote
It knew nil thorn boys and girls. They
just sound like real, live people; and
when you was telling about them I
could sco them ns plnln as plain could
bo couldn't you, Gwendolyn?"
"cp," yawned Gwendolyn, undls
gulsedly bored.
"I3ut I suppose farmer folks likes
them kind of stories," Phoebfi gener
ously suggested. "Thoy ain't used to
Iho same styles of anything that us
city folks are." Youth's Companion.
Exact Science Employed In Methods
of Modern Gunners.
How do wo hit with mortars? An
observer near tho shoro who sees tho
target communicates tho horizontal
and vortical angle at which to lay tho
inoiiar nnd tho Instant of tlmo In
which to flro, nnd tho gun docs tho
If you wero standing nt tho contor
of n largo clock dial laid Hat on tho
ground, and wanted lo hit with a
baseball n man walking nround-on the
outsld-, you would notlco how long it
tcok thq man to got from I to II, and
a train from II to III; then you would
deride- whother, If the bftll were
thrown over n point-half way belvyeuu
IV and V just us he arrived opposite
IV, the man nnd the bull would reach
tho same bpot tit'tho sumo time It ho
lme understood, of courso. J hat ho
maintained uniform spend and direc
tion and that tho ball was' thrown with
pmpor forcu. s "
I Instrumnntn glvo uh tho range and
' observations, and mechanical dm Ices
"IS'VJ c,'M?23Ii,Pt:.
Capl. Howell, In BcIonUilc Amo; Jean.
and Expansion
i. r
1 5 Sows ;
Add"sQine g-ood sows""fcr'
your lizard now.
the farmers' kinrl. nnrl Ma u
year. part of
this offering and the
Thn sile will be held
Lumber S Coal
FT f 1 f 1 1 1 1 lHHi 1 1 1 H . .HjfHtraBaff-j j
We hliVO ill htOI-L- lit fill limn. 0
j complete line of Building mtorial
una uooii uohi. our prices are:
reasonable. Wo solicit your patron,
age, Bell Tel. (10, V rmers tnd. 71
Tho Black 8heep. 'v'-iJ
"Wliat," asked tho man who had re
turned to his native town after an ab
sence or many years, "became of Ed
"Ed?, Oh, ho's doln' fine. Got tho
bfht 11 ory ttabln anywhoro around
hco runs tho dejot hack."
"Lot's see; he had a younger broth-c-
I'.dn't he?"
"Yes; Lorn. Ho novor amouiited'tb
much. Wrcto poetry and painted pic
tures. 1 gue-s the family kind or dis
owned Mm. At least, he wont away
cp.'eral years ago, and I dunno what
ever became of him."
Force 6i Habit, " Ifj
r German merchant's wife Corrl''
plained to an Intimate frlond re
cently: "If only my husband wore not so
absent-minded! Tho other dny, when
wo were dining nt a restaurant, tho
waiter brought hlpi somo bad fish and
all of a sudden Fritz throw tho wholo
thing, fish, plato, bread, all at my
head. I was ashamed," Mcggondorf
cr m.tetter,
Australian Accent. '
Wo follow England very . cloaoly.
Wo speak of "iUtsi" us nn Englishman
do3, and not -(it "olcvdtors,," as tho
Ameilcan. but wo have "paildocks" Iij:
stead of1 "fields,'' and 'creeks" Instond
of 'streams." and "scrubs" lustcad of
Att'nr,fll" unit "nn-inlWno" nw.1 imrt
pots" and "billy tea" at picnics and
all smts of lovely Australian things,
which make ono porfoctly homesick
to think, about. All tho anmc,1 I am
nevor homesick for tho cnulo Aus
tralian acpent. Tho British Aus
tralian. ' Physical Hardships.
v' "It s r. pity that tho band's tour lo a
failure, but don't bo too muph cast
down. Cmno, face tho mublc," , ,
tfgHovrtfiatwIr'Trhori I'm bitokinV'it?"'
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