jjfljjkjawji v -, t V ,"'""""""w"'"rrIrB!Tr .. i I 1 uf, mi yilii n U i i l-ri Christmas Dinner by Toboggan Express ALVAH MILTON KERR lUpjrlht, 11KM, bjr W. U. Chapman.) Donald Saunders had his first great adventure up In the Long's Peak country, a region famous throughout Colorado for heavy snows and ava lanches. .Donald canto over from Don vor, aftor graduating from high school, to spend tlto summer with Sumptcr Saunders, his father's youngest broth er. Sumptcr was a very young undo, Indeed, being but 27 and not vory long out of college, whllo Donald was 19. "Vnclo Sump" was a big-boned, strapping fellow who had played cen ter In his college football team, a man with laughing bluo eyes and "teas ing" ways but entertaining serious dreams of owning a great ntlno, If strength and pluck and persistence would bring ono to light. Ho was run ning a tunnel on what ho believed to bo an excellent gold-bearing prospect, up In tlto Long's Peak country. Don ald went out to holp him. The tall boy had notions of bocomlng a min ing engineer, and hero was cxperionco that might provo of valuo when he heuld be ready to enter a technical school. $ Tho world is very much In'confuston up In that country, tho earth having been flung&ubout at all sorts uf angles, heaped and ragged and tumbled. Streams sprawl In foamy Donald's Gray Eyes Dilated with Sud den Fear and Horror. abandon through the canyons and the clumps of pines on tho soaring steeps sing cheorlly In tho wind and sun. Donald found It all qulto magical. Ho bad purposod returning homo to Denvor in tho autumn, but Sumptcr having offered htm an Interest in the mine, should they succeed In striking quartz, ho concluded to remain at least until Christmas. Donald's fa ther, knowing tho valuo of practical experience, thought it qulto an well that his Bon should stay and rough it for awhile. Thero wero deer and bear and mountain grouse in that lifted, broken region, but tho two young fellows had llttlo time for hunting them, being Intent on driving tho tunnel as rap Idly and with as llttlo delay and ox penso as possible. Sumpter had built a cabin close against tlto- baso of a perpendicular wall of rock at tho side of the oanyon In which his claim lay. In this cabin they lived very snugly, going down to Ward occasionally to bring up supplies. Donald had come up to that country ovor a llttlo rail road that runs from Boulder to Ward, a bit of track upon which tho snow rotary plows aro busy moBt of tho winter. , ,, Towards Christmas tho young min ers began to grow a bit lonesome and restless; thoy especially grew weary of ham and tinned meats and longed for venison, boar, beef, or almost any sort of flesh food that was fresh. Snow was heavy on tho mountains and they could get about but llttlo savo upon snowshoes. Donald wished very ardently that he might go homo for Christmas but made up his mind that to leavo Sumptor In that white, lonely world would bo selfish and cowardly, so ho remained. Christmas morning Donald put on his snowsboos and, flinging Sumpter's rlfltf-ftcrosB his shoulder, ho declared ho was going to look for fresh meat. His undo laughed at him but tho hardy Scotch youth was resolute. "An old huntor," ho said, "told me at tho hotel down In Ward, tho last tlrao I was down, that a lot of doer wintered In tho big thickets Just back of us hero; ho said thoy were hard to got at but ho'd found them thero twice. I'm going up to see." Sumptor acsontcd reluctantly, caution ing his nephew not to go too far away. Tho day was soft and mild, the whlto world all agleam with sunshine. Donald put on a pair of smoked glasses and started up tlto canyon. A half mlto away he found a llttlo "draw," up tho slopo of which ho climbed until ho came out upon tho gleaming sldo of tho mountain; thenco ho made his way slowly west ward, passing around upheaving mauBs of dark stonw, across slopes that wero smooth ns white satin, and, still further up tho mountain side, found llttlo hollows, evidently lined with brush but now filled with straw, simply big, glistening dimples In the mountain's fat face; but ho saw no doer. Finally, being weary of laboring through what was vory much llko an Inflnlto bed of glittering down, ho reached a point on tho steep Blopo apparently a quarter of a mllo or so directly north of the cabin. As ho stood thero dobatlng It ho Bhould return to tho "draw" or attempt to find a more direct route to tho floor of tho gulch, he suddenly felt himself movlug. Ills first thought was that an earthquake was swaying tho mountnln or that ho himself had boon Eclzcd with vertigo. Then with a wild thrill ho perceived that a strip of snow 200 feet wldo and perhaps 500 feet In length was moving down tho mountain sldo! Donald's gray eyes dilated with sud den fenr and horror. Ho was thrown headlong in tho snow, hearing as ho fell tho crunch of stones that wero being ripped out of their beds and tho crash and rending of stumps and roots as they parted from tholr sock ets in tho earth. With every pulse leaping In alarm ho got to his feot, toppling and reeling and shouting for aid as ho glanced about him. Tho next Instant ho was again thrown headlong. Ho was upon tho back of a steed beside which tho fabled Horso of Death was as an Insect. Something went tht'ough his brain llko a sheet of flame, In It n picture of Sumptor sitting by tho open flro of plno logs down In tho cabin, a book In his hand, undreaming of this ruthless monster rushing down to crush him. Tho next moment Donald was again upon his feet, pitching and clutching at tho air and shouting. In that mo ment ho Baw a vory amazing thing, though everything was both amazing and not amazing as In somo sort of In descrlbablo dream. A hundred feet to tho rear of him, almost at tho up per tip of tho avalanche, ho saw a bear rolling and tossing on tho hurl ing mass. Thrown out of its hibernat ing bed among tho rocks or decaying tree-roots, tho animal was pitching about, now upon Its feet then upon its back, helpless as a fly upon an ocean surge. Donald never knew why, but ho shouted at tho bear, und ho never could recall afterwards exactly what It was ho shouted. He says now that he thinks ho commanded tho bear not to roll down upon him, which was certainly absurd. In his mind were many glancing thoughts. In such moments tho men tality of man sometimes seems as a diamond with many facets. Ho thought of tho Christmas tree to bo lighted In tho parlor at homo In Den ver, of how tired ho was of corned boef, of where thoy would bury him when they took him crushed and dead from tho snow at tho bottom of tho gulch, whether or not his school fel Iowb If th.oy now saw him would shout "Slide, Donald, slide!" as they used to when ho was running tho bases when playing ball, and many other things, all, seemingly, in a single moment. It must have bocn a very short period in which ho was leaping and tumbling and whirling about on tho mighty toboggan, for the avalanche ran down tho mountain sldo like a swiftly hurrying snake, savo that its undulations wero up and down instead of sldowlso as with a serpent. It seomed to Donald he had scarcely drawn six breaths beforo tho snow slide shot from the' precipice above tho cabin. Swift as was his flight ho was conscious that the slide had leaped from the canyon wall, for throughout a few seconds there was no noise and he seemed being borno upon a bed of feathers through spaco, then there was a roar as of muffled thunder and ho was wallowing deep In snow. The mental picturo that had flashed through Donald's mind of his young undo sitting by tho Arc engrossed In a printed romance, had been truo to the fact. Sumpter had awakened to tho coming of tho avalanche only when It neared tho brink of tho wall, 70 feot above tho cabin. His book dropped from his hand and ho made a leap for tho door. Tho next moment a bear crashed through tho root and smote tho floor la front of tho fire, leaving the luckless animal lifeless. Sumpter's faco blanched as he stared at tho strange object, then ho thought of Donald and hurriedly pushed his way out of tho door. Tho snow about tho cabin was up to hs neck and tho roof was plied deep with It, but tho bulk of tho Blldo had leaped clear over tho llttlo houso, heaping the bottom pf tho gulch to the opposite wall, somo GOO feet away. Tlto bear had dropped from tho tall of this rushing mass di rectly upon tho cabin. When Sumpter had got his fright oned nephow out of tho smother of stuff in which he was floundering, tho two young fellows stood with palo faces staring at each other for a little space, then both, seeing what they had escaped, laughed joyously. "Come Into tho cabin," Bald Sump tor, "wo will have broiled bear steak for Christmas dinner! Too many Bnowslldes around hero now; to-morrow wo will pull out for Denver. In tho spring wo will como back and tunnel until wo atrllco tho vein." All of which camo truo. ' Bad. "Did you enjoy tho play last night?" "No. It was awful. I could write a hotter one myself." "H-m. Thon It must be bad." De troit Rree Press. . i Lessons from the Christmas Woman By MARGARET SPENCER THLL you wo ought to cut It out tills year," Bald tho hurd-up hus band. Tho ChrlstmaB wom an put both hands on his shoulders. "Wo can't cut out Christ mas, dear," she told him, Btitly. "lint that five dollars which my broth er gave mo on my birthday Is going to cover every cent I spend. They'll bo just little remembrances." "That'B It," ho an b w o r e d, Impatiently. "You'll keep It up, ono way or another, and at tho last ntln uto I'll' feel mean If I don't got Into the gnmo and squander u lot of money on presents." Ho closed the door and went awny. By tho tlnto ho had boarded tho car for town ho knew that sho was right. But tho Christmas woman didn't know that ho was thinking this. Sho was busy In her own room, whore, on a work table, lay a white Bhlrt walot pattern stamped with u graceful design for embroidering. She had bought It for CO centB, marked down from ono dollnr becauso It was tho last. Her plan was to transfer Its design to other pleceB of cloth which sho had in the house and so evolvo three shirt waists, stamped for em broidering, to bestow on tho three nieces, who liked to embroider. And ull for 150 cents! But the ClirlstniUR woman had just begun work, trying bravely to forget tho hard-up husband's last words, when sho was called downstulrB to seo tho porfectly discouraged person, whoso plaint was aftor this fashion: "Oh, dear! It's nothing to mo how many 'shopping dayfl' thero aro to Christmas. I can't buy a thing." "But, tny dear," sold the Christmas woman, "think what you can make out of that luxurious box of pieces you showed mo tho other day!" Thereupon she poured forth many suggestions nbout apron and holders and shoo bagB nnd top collars enough to Insplro a church bazar: "Oh, yes, but everything you make costs a little for ribbon or something," tho perfectly discouraged person con cluded, at the end of her depressing call. "I wish Christmas waB past!" Then sho went straight home, pulled out her box of pieces, pondered over the Christmas woman's sugges tions, schemed out a plan for saving a llttlo money here and thore, and then fell to work on hor Christmas presents with new courage. But that Christmas woman didn't know Uilu. She was getting at her own work again. This tlmo she worked for fully fivo minutes undisturbed, then another visitor claimed her this time tho tlred-to-death woman, who couldn't get away from her teething baby to go shopping, or to take one stitch on Christmas presents. "Olvo me your list, nnd I'll shop for you," tho Christmas woman vol unteered. "Mercy! I couldn't, possibly tell what I waut without seeing thingH," the tired-to-death woman protested. Not until sho was well on her way down tho street did sho reallzo that, with a little planning, sho might shop by proxy after all. Tho Idea, once it had penetrated her mind, pleased her so much that she was smiling llko a really rested woman when she reached home and sat down to make out her list. But the ChrlstmaB woman didn't know this. "Have I called you downstairs when you wero doing something Impor tant?" tho dead-broke girl was asking of the Christmas woman by that time. "I'm sorry If I have, but I had to toll you my troubles. I'm in debt up to my ears. I haven't any right to glvo Christmas presents this year. I'm going to bo cross until December 20." "Ob, no!" the Christmas woman protested. "Why, keeping chcory is one kind of giving! And at least you can wrlto Christmas letters." "Why, who cares for those?" waB tho cynical attBwer. Yet an hour later, at hor desk, tho dead-broko girl was buBlly writing Christmas letters, filling them with borrowed sweetness and humming a happy tune as the words flowed from hor pen. But tho ChrlstmaB woman didn't know this. Sho had gone back to her room for tho third time to find her work tablo empty. In vain sho searched for tho shirt-waist doth. "Bridget," sho called at last, "have you taken anything out of my room?" Bridget wan washing tho windows. "Only tho clean rags for polishln' tho glass, mum," she answered. "You said they'd be on your table," "Oh!" sho began. But at sight of Bridget's sorry faco she caught her self. "Never mind, Bridget," eho add ed. "Don't fed bad about It." "Feel bad! Mo?" echoed tho astou lshed girl. Tho look In hor eyes was full of admiration. "Sure, now, this Is the first place I ever worked whoro tho lady didn't get cross beforo Christ mas!" This tlmo tho Christmas woman know. With great gladness, becauso oho had carried tho message to ono heart, sho said, softly: "Oh, but, Bridget, what do thrco llttlo presents matter? It's Joy that 'we must give I" THE TIE THAT BIND8 (SOME). Affecting Reconciliation Between Two Really Loving Heart. Thero Is a certain couplo who do elded to soparnto awhile ago. It Boemod that thoy were not alllnttles, after all, and llfo together was unon durable, so tho wlfo packed up hor bo longings nnd was preparing for a trf? homo. At tho tlmo of parting sho picked up their llttlo pot dog and tucked him under her arm, whllo hor other managed tho suit caso. "Why, you'ro not going to take Trlxy!" exclaimed tho husband. "Of courso I am," sho announced. "I couldn't ltvo without hint." "Well, I can't let tho llttlo fellow go," ho insisted. "And I simply won't loave him," sho dcclnred. So they argued for half an hour, at tho end of which sho decldod to stay, and unpacked to cook dinner, at which Trlxy was tho guest of honor. TORTURED 8IX MONTH8 By Terrible Itching Eczema Baby's Suffering Wat Terrible Soon Entirely Cured by Cutlcura. "Eczema appeared on my soii'b faco. Wo wont to a doctor who troated him for thrco months. Then ho was no bad that hla faco and head wero nothing but ono soro and his ears looked aB If they wero going to fall off, so wo tried another doctor for four months, tlto baby never getting nny hotter. His hand nnd legs hnd big sores on thorn and tho poor llttlo fellow Buffered bo terribly that ho could not Bleop. Aftor ho had suffered six months wo tried a sot of tho Cutlcura Remedies nnd tho first treatment let him nlcop and rest well; in ono week tho sores woro gono nnd in two months ho hnd a clear face. Now ho Is two years nnd has never had eczema again. Mrs. Louis Lock, R. F. D. 3, San Antonio, Tox., Apr. 1&, 1907." Ready with the Answer. Miss Baxter, feeling tho effects of a torrid afternoon lit June, wns attempt ing to nrouso tho Interest of her lan guid class by giving, ns sho supposed, an Interesting talk on tho obelisk. After speaking for half an hour she found that her efforts were wasted. Feeling utterly provoked, sho cried: "Every word that I lravo said you hnvo lot In at ono enr nnd out of tho other. You" pointing to n girl whom bIio no ticed had been particularly lnattentlvo throughout tho entlro lesson "toll mo, what Is on obelisk?" Tho pupil, grasping tho teacher's last words, rosa and promptly an swered: "An obelisk is something that goes In ono ear and out tho other." Suc cess Magazine. How's This? i Wa oiler Ona Hundred Dollars Reward lor any ease ot Catarrh thai cannot bo cured by Itall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY A CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undertime!, have known F. J. Cheney for the lait IS years, and believe him perfectly hon orable tn all uualncm transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by hto firm. WaLLINU, KlNVAN A MARVIN, Wholesale DriuglaU, Toledo. O. nall'a Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surface ot tha ayitem. Tretlmonlals tent free, l'rlce ;s cent per bottle. Sold by all DruraUU. Taie Itall'i Family Fill for conciliation. Puzzled. Now Yorkers had been warned to boll water. "What for?" they asked, with lan guid Interest. "To make It safe to drink," replied the sanitary ofllclal. "But wy drink It?" thoy queried, with a keener curiosity. Philadelphia Ledger. Important to Mothers. . Examlno carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA a safo and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that It Ttanta ifin Signature rtLjLvrT&jfcfiZ In Udo For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought A Death Each Second. Tho number of deaths In tho world annually is 33,333,333, or 91,954 per day, 3,730 per hour, GO per minute, or ono per second. It is estimated that tho population of tho earth at tho present time Is being Increased at tho rato of about 1G,COO,000 annually. we snr.i. guns and traps cheap &. buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 105 N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Truth Is violated by falsehood, and it may bo equally outraged by silence Ammiau. Mrs. Wlnatow'd Soothlna; Hjrnp. For children teething, aof ten tha Ruraa, reduce to flammaUon, allay pain, cure wind collu. 250 a bottle. A four-foot tons an acre. coal seam ylolds 6,000 Jf Your Feet Artie or Hum I MLCkaffA nf Allnn'a VmLHau f, li fet a 2So quick relief. Two million package old yearly. A tlresomo speech is apt to cheerless affair. bo a Are your shoes going down hill? They haven't lived up to the salesman's say-so. Take our say-so this time. Get stylish White House Shoes. 'They fit from tip to counter. From welt to too face. IrW mivf VBV-3f the graceful shape of your foot. LAnd they hold that shape. IfraHfAHlH tilNCOUNl M.WHITE HOUSE SHOES. FOR MEN, $3.30, $4.00. S3 OO and $6.00. wv - Y UK WOMEN, Boiler Crown Blue Ribbon Shoei for joaegsteri. THE BROWN SHOE ST. LOUIS PUTNAM Color more ooMi Brighter and ttitcrco or thn an? other die. One too oaekaos color all fibers. Thei die In cold water bettor than an ether dm. Vu aaa aa ' . iMiUMutriKilnatnart. Write lor Irao Booklet-Mow to Ore, Bluer, and Mix Celort. MONROE OHUO "aoJ, Qvlmmy, WAmmJ!? M MjtvnMl LAME BACK PRESCRIPTION Tho Increased uso of "Torls" for lamo back and rhcumntlsm is causing considerable discussion among tho medical fratorntty. It Is nn almost in falllblo euro when mixed with cef tain other Ingredients and takon prop erly. Tho following formula Is effec tive: "To one-half pint of good whlskoy add ono ottneo of Torls Com pound nnd ono ounce Syrup Snrsnpa rllla Compound. Tako lit tablespoon ful doses boforo each moal nnd be foro retiring." Torifl compound Ib n product of tho laboratories of tho Cllobo Pharmaceu tical Co., Chicago, but It ns well ns tho other Ingredients can be hnd from nny good druggist. AMONQ8T THE BULL-RU3HE8. SBcF j f0v. Lazy Larry Woof! Just lo with nil this waBtcd effort, I have won tho Murnthnn race! think, could LEWIS' "SINGLE BINDER." A hand-made cigar fresh front tin table, wrapped in foil, thus kccpltt" froah until smoked. A fresh cigar mado of good tobacco Ib tho Ideal Bmokc. Tho old, well cured tobaccos used nro no rich lit quality that tunny who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoko LuwIb' Singlo Binder Straight Cc. Lewis' Single Blttdor costs tho dealer BOtno moro than olhor ficcIgarH, but tho higher prlco enables this fac tory to ubu extra quality tobacco. Thoro aro mnny Imitations; don't bo fooled. Thoro In no substitute! Toll tho denier you want n Lewis "Singlo Binder.'! Kicks. Harry Payne Whitney tho dny IiIb own nnd other noted horsemen's rucorB wero shipped from London on tho Minnehaha, said of tho death of racing In New York: "A good mnny JoekeyB hnvo been hard hit. A Jockey told mo last week a very Bad talo of misfortune. I lis tened sympathetically." "Ah, Joo,' said I, 'when a man Ib down, few hands nro extended to him.' "Tho jockey as ho chewed a straw, smiled bitterly. "'Fow hands yes that'a right,' ho said, 'but think of the feet.' " Laundry work at homo would be such moro satisfactory If tho right Starch woro used. In order to get tha desired stiffness, It Ib usually neces sary to uso so much starch that tho beauty and fineness of tho fabric in hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goodB. This trou blo can bo entirely overcome by using Dcflanco Starch, as it can bo applied much moro thinly becauso of Its great er strength than other makes. Work with a Will. Wo are not sent into this- world to do anything Into which wo cannot put our hearts. Wo havo certain work to dp for our bread nnd that is to bo dono strenuously; other work to do for our delight and that Ib to bo dono heartily; neither is to bo dono by halves or shifts, but with a will; and what is not worth this effort Is not to be done at all. John Rusk in. A 8olemn Responsibility. "It's easy to bo gay and roako peo plo about you forgot tholr troubles." "That's all you know about it," an swered the professional comedian. "You never had a lot of people out In front wondering whether thoy were going to got their money's worth." What Worried Him. "Maud told mo to call her father 'old man.' Sho said he'd llko it" "Did ho ovor llko It?" "Never mind about that. I'm busy wondering why sho told mo to do it." 'Guar!; 33.30, $4.00 And $3.00. JOwr Atk yonr dealer for them, CO., Mailers CE MANK MEUIS.QUAUTV MAH FADELESS DYES ffigs 5yp HEimrtf enntt ads ooaciv vo T nrnm prom pi-' 1 SJ f yJx Y ly on uc ooweis,aeanses' the system offectu ally,, b assists ono in overcoming habitual constipation, permanently. To get ita W'nejicial ejects buy the temimo. Manufactured by tho California, ptc -Syrup Co SOLO DY LEADING DRUCG1ST3-G01 p.BOTTUh SICK HEADACHE Positively cured bjr these Llttlo Pllla. They nlno relieve JUm tresnfrom DjNiHpnla,Xa dlfrnttlimamlToo Hearty lentil)?. A perfect rest city for DUilnos, Naw hcit, DrotVftlrtFHR, Do 4 TftHto In tlio Muttth, Coat ed Tongue, 1'iiln In the) Hltlo, TOllPID I.IVICB. CARTERS ITTLE IVER US. Tliey rcgnlato tho Dowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERSi Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. HlTTLI Wive ITTLE IVER PILLS. For Croup and Whooping Cough there is no quicker, surer remedy known than Dr. D. Jayne'o Expectorant. Four generations of children have been relieved and cured by this old and reliable medicine DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT has been successfully em ployed for over 78 years in countless cases of Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, Inflammation of ..the Lungs and Chest, Pleu risy, and similar ailments. , For the ke of your children keep a bottle of Dr. D. Jyn'. Expectoran ii your home wheia you will have it at band In an emergency. SoldbyalldrucaUt. In three Ue bottle., S1.00, SCc and 23c. Br. D. Jayn.'t Tralc rtalfWe I. the Ideal worm medicine, and an effcctlv. tonic for adult, amt children alike. 320 Acres of.Wheat Lana IN WESTERN CANADA WILL MAKE YOU RICH Fifty bushels pet acre have been grown. Oeneral avcragegreaterthan in nny other part of the continent. Under new regulations it ia possible to secure a homestead of 160 acre free, and additional 160 acres at $3 per acre. "The development of the country baa made marvelous ttrlde. It I. n revelation, a rec ord of conquett by icttlement that I rrmnric abte." Exlrtct from corresponJtnct of M NAllensI EJttor, viha visited CuxU in Auyutt Us I. The grain crop of 1908 will net many farmers $20.00 to $23.00 per acre. Grata raisin, mixed farming and dairying are the principal industries. Climate is excel lent; social conditions the best; railway ad vantages unequalled; schools, churches and markets close at hand. Land may also be purchased from railway and land companies, Por "Latt Dett Weil" pamphlet, map and Information a to how to ecur.lowett rail way rote, apply to Superintendent of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Government Aacnti W.V.BErlBtTT. 801 New Tork Life BuflaJag, Oraib. RtWatta, fiAkHkW""" HAIR BALSAM CleaAM and. taaine tha I Manuna tha baa i-roraou a Wjvar JWU to Baatora. Ota Ualr to ita VonUiut ColorT ftvxwiui Emm. WW aealp dlMMi hair falUuc. Health and Beauty Without Drags vioroior massage ramoveswnnxie,niaeuoeoca- piaxiou ciearanu ueanuiui iure rueuiaaea am. lav. nigenuon, neuralgia, eic. Penan iort.aruben tier Henltli Vibrator, wltneoranlelolnttni. bertWay- charges pre pal J. Win.U.Klnir, )l Monroe HtOkleaajev ctlok DEFIANCE Cold WafirStarclj nukes laundry work a pleasure. 18 ox. pic;. Wo, W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 50, 1900, 1 ' a wmmmm, ftBF.ui i A !! it .' 5l t :i n ii VI 111 ,1l VJ i i' 4 .4 '4 ,i ,YH m 31 M .d fi 5fi spy 3 ' ,.x W's . :: m Vstf i- y Ml 'V', Ai t.H' i i' s$ ai'Jih . Sv,i.' virli'M(.Vi