The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1908, Image 7

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    -M' '"' 't,Tp'iWttM xmf,tf
Miwelf i$ for
Ily. An crfect of pluniiiKC Is gained
by using dark wnter colors, nmrklng
nil over tho body.
Jewel Cabinet.
An Ingenious little nrtlclo Is n Jewel
basket, inado of n squaro box. fitted
with jiill box drnwors, each having n
imsao partout ring for n hnndlc. It is
( Dialling rau wun rancy corners.
lu uomo Bneeis 01 wuuo uioiung paper
i InM nn n tilnnn nf linnw nnivlhnnt-rl rnv.
i tg0P P
coverod with pink or blue silk and Is a
dainty accessory for a dressing table.
Snap-Shot Album.
This is .rnado of heavy gray paper,
with covers of gray cardboard or of
erei with bright-colored wall paper
Ror creteane, mako a pretty blotter.
Corners of tho doublo naner or cre
tonne keep tho blotting paper in place.
Paper Owls.
Comical papo. owls aro made of
plain brown tlssuo pnper, crinkled by
passing through tho hands a number
of times. Stuff with wadding, and tie
at each end. Cut ono end in a point
for tho tall. Lcavo tho other end wide
and square for tho head. Sew shoo
Wb SNAP ""5!U
soft leather. It may be ornnmentcd
with any suitable quotutlon.
Box for Ball of Twine.
Twlno holders aro circular boxes
covered with leather or linen, in deep
colors. Little match boxes that arc
very charming for men's tables are
made of the ordinary match boxes that
Tho following formula is a novcr
falling remedy for colds:
Ono ounco of Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, ono ounco Toris Com
pound and one-half pint of good
whiskey, mix and shako thoroughly
each timo and uoo in doses of a table
spoonful ovory four hours.
This if followed up will euro an
acuto cold in 24 hours. Tho ingre
dients can bo gotten at any drug storo.
A Nice Hint.
"I know what I'll do," snltl tho girl
whoso bashful lover would not pro
pose. "I'll go out as a trained nurse."
"But that is a profession. You
know nothing about it," ho replied.
"Haven't I had six montliB experi
ence sitting up nights with you?" Il
lustrated Bits.
Important to Mothors.
Examine carefully evory bottlo or
CASTOHIA a safe and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that It
TTnnpn 4Yin
Signature QiZjtrzjjtM
In Uso For Over iiO YearB.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
About One.
Mrs. Hoyle What timo does your
husband get in nights?
Mrs. Doyle About tho timo the
cuckoo clock has tho least to do.
I lay lip permanently otevcomeby proper
personal cjjoris vriimrtc assistance
bfMictm? iruly IjencJiripA vxa1lwc
t-cmcdi'. S vrun o( fifi ami lU'ur ofSftma.
vltch cuablcfi onelojorm vcftufar
habttft daily .Solnal assistance to tia
turc may be gradually ctJSpcnScaVM
vtan ho longer ncccjec) as of
vemcaics,wlcn required, arc to assist
nature and not to supplant tle naVuv.
ol functions, vlucli must depend uUi
mutely upon proper ttouvistttnont,
proper covt;,ad wrfit livinfr generall.
io get it a beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine
Fig Syrup Co. only
oaf we only, ruur price 50$ t Bottle
v r.H'xxxza
In erontTarl
1. K. HKt.UM.0
andci rnTDnrvncc I
ckcu invn ru l
ptr for Ml nt th lowcut prlf k lif I
M(niirrkii(ip.. ii
I W. T liaucliu mnltea nntl 1I mom
------ -..-.. . .. . .. . - . ..
Iiirn'l o.ou nnu (W.ou li(io mnn any
nlhir manufacturer In tho wnrlil.tio
rniide they liolil ttivlr Kliapo, lit lintter,
nnd vtvnr longer limit nny other nuiko.
Shcii at All Mcii Jot Cyiry(!iJrf.f t!i
Wi.DwjtM n.eo ud to. co out Kilt he
V M'Ullxl m ur piift. W. L. StlflM 1.10 Ml
f 1.09 Um Nit la th wctM
yml Crtlir Xitttf Vtit JtrttmWtlVf
rTnlK Nn Aulinltiitn. W. I.. ljuii1
nime Kivl pn-fl II Iuirl on lotlom. Hold
eTrTl'r- bhow tnmiltrt (rem fuctgrrto ai
rtrtoliho world. rilniru (rcr,
to. U DOL'QUS, 18? Spttk St., Brxtiltit. Mt.
waiitcil. Hhlp to Nrw York vrhcro hlRlin
priori! enn nlwayn lxilinlneil. Wo piiy oxprh
lifrcB Hint Rimriuilro mitlufnrtory unJ
prompt Hrttlcmontit. Knul for prli'o lint.
AMERICAN RAW FURC0..30 E.101h Sir.. New York.
nrrillIPP QTARPll tetlo work with nil
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 49, 1908.
At futtTier inducement
to tettlement of tho
wlient-iMiinK ImJj ol
Welern Cnnadu, th
OnadiiMi Covernmenl
im incrctied llio area
that my bo token by
tomrstrndsr to 320 ncrct 160 free and ICO to
bo imrchaied nt $3.00 per ncre. Tlicio Inndj
are in the (irnin.raitlna nrcn, whera niiied farming
it lo ennird nn with uniiualifed tticceit. A
railwaywill aliottly lio built to Hudson I)y,briog
inj( the woild'a maiLrtt n thouiflnd inilet nearer
theiu wlienl. field, where tclioolj Riid churche
are convenient, climate excellent, rail wnyi dote to
all tctllemenli, and local markets good.
"It would take time to attlmltnte the revela
tions Hint visit tutlie itrent empire lylntf to
tlie Nortti of un unfolJed nt every turn."
CorresronJrmt of A National Mitor, ttio 1l3t!td
Wtstcm CttuJ Ol August, I903t
Lands may oho lie pinch died from railway and)
land curnpaniet at luw price i and on easy term.
l'or pnmpliletn, mups and Infonnntloii to
low rullwny mtet, apply to Superintendent
of ImmicrutloM, Ottuwa, Canada, or til
authorlied Canadian Government Accnlt
101 Hew York Llle Daltdloc. Oniba. HeNraaU.
For famoim nud detlctema)
C"iidlci uud chceo1a4ea(
write to the innktrf or est
ivloif, whole mil ur retail.
GunUier'a ConUctlorxry
212 Slat Strati. Ihlcaio, AL
. t "vl ll?7
buttons on circles of yellow cloth out
lined 'with black, for eyes. Attach
tho owls to a twig. Made in three
sizes, tho birds look like a littles fani-
Cut out of a picco of cardboard tho
form of a five-pointed star five inches
long. Cover with gold leaf or silver
leaf. For the rays of light take about
como by tho dozon, with a piece of
stiffened velvet and a llttlo gold paint
along tho edges, folded about it and
glued in placo to represent a little
velvet book.
15 broom straws, dip them in gold or
silver paint nnd pasto thorn back of
the Btar in bunches of thrco. Tako a
pieco of writing pnpor, roll it into a
stiff roll, fasten ono end to n twig
and pasto tho other end at tho back of
ff the star. Tho star may then bo ar
ranged nt tho top of tho treo. ,
Idea for the Christmas Table,
A new idea for a Christinas tablo Is
a Jack Horner boll. It may bo hung
from tho chnndcllor by a splashing
bow of scarlet ribbon. Tho bell is
mado of red tissuo paper, the bottom
of which is socuroly pasted ovor with
stout paper. Scarlot ribbons are
stretched from tho boll to tho plates,
,ftand at a signal from tho hostess,
v given by tbo tinkling of a little In
tislblo boll, tho ribbons aro pulled and
9gtho end of each 1b a souvenir.
An Occasion of Great Joy for Both
Young and Old.
Tho happiest and most exciting time
at Christmas for young nnd old Ib
when tho treo benms forth in all its
glory and splendor. There is great
pleasure for tho elders in drosslng it
In its gayest raiment. If the full
brauty Is to bo brought out It should
bo kept until night. It is said that
150,000 Christmas treeB will bo brought
Into tho American markot. Hemlock,
cedar, pino and spruco aro all good
for tho purpose. Tho base oan be
covered with cotton batting sprinkled
with diamond dust, and evory branch
may be laden down with tho samo arti
ficial snow. Incandescent electric
lights aro becoming moro popular each
year as thoy aro safer. However,
many prefer tho twinkling of the
candles. Colored balls and tinsel aro
draped from every branch, and gnyly
dressed dolls and toys of all sorts
sway in tho air. Then there must be
cornucopias of red and gold, filled with
candy. Tho largest presents and mys
terious packages can bo heaped around
tho foot of tho troe. Evory package
should be wrapped in whito papor and
tied with brilliant red ribbon. Many
dollars aro Bpont each year for elab
orate decorations, but many nttractlvo
and effective ornaments muy bo mado
at homo, such as strings of popcorn,
cranberries, glided and silver nuts, pa
por flowers, etc., which all add to tho
splendor of the Christmas treo.
Doing Up the Gifts.
A now way of doing up gifts which
will plcaso all, and particularly do
light tho children, is to uso whito tis
sue paper for wrappers, and, instead
of tying with ribbon, fasten tho paper
in pluco by using small seals over tho
edges whoro thoy aro folded down.
Tho seals como specially for tho pur
pose and aro decorated with tiny
sprays of holly. If you aro Bonding
off a Christmas box put a layor of
whito tissuo paper or whito cotton on
top of tho packages and ovor this
sprigs of holly or mistletoe.
Let Children Make Cards.
Ilavo a largo box at hand to drop in
pictures, fancy papers, scraps of rib
bon, and so on to give tho children to
mako Christmas cards. You will ho
surprised at their Ingenuity.
White Slave Trade
By EDWIN W. SIMS, U. S. District Attorney
N account of the prosecution of the "White Slave"
traders who, Mr. Sims states, "Have reduced the art
of ruining young girls to a national and international
system." The calmest, simplest statements of its
facts are almost beyond comprehension. The lives
of the women of the ancient cave dwellers, clubbed
and beaten insensible by brutal men, were to be preferred
to the lives of these girls who are lured from loving homes
to lives of vice. Do you know the White Slave trappers
search the Country and smaller towns for their victims? Do
you know that they go to Railway Stations and with WHAT
WILES they lure fair girls away? Do you know innocent
girls are taken to the Restaurants of the underworld, plied
with drugged wine and then sold sold for money into the
clutches of merciless, pitiless beings? This article by the
great District Attorney should be' read by every reader of
this paper.
Af afim every woman should know; every man should know; every
lYlaAHllll) person should read these most appalling facts of the age, writ
ten by a man who has stood face to face with the poor, suffering girls, and who
has talked with them, looked down into their hearts and read their misery.
This man is United States District Attorney Sims, before whom come the most
pitiable cases of White Slavery ever recorded; the U. S. government official who
has made it his business to hunt down vice, has learned the story of life-misery
from the lips of the girl slaves themselves, and now tells the facts as a warning
to the public.
This White Slave treatise by Mr. Sims is published in Woman's World
and we offer you an unusual opportunity to
Read It FREE Now
in accordance with the free offer below. WOMAN'S WORLD has the larg
est circulation of any publication in the world 2,000,000 copies monthly,
and in order to maintain this pre-eminent circulation and to demonstrate to new
readers that it is the best and largest magazine published today, the publishers
will send four issues absolutely tree at once to those who accept the special free
White blave Irade treatise by Mr. Sims, men-
U. S. District Attorney In Chicago, Who Represented
tho Government in tho Famous
$29,000,000 Standard Oil Casdi
offer below. Besides the
tioned above, these four free issues contain all the following great features, and
many more too numerous to mention:
Wli7 faiplc CmtS A CflVIX Tn!s is tno subject of a second article in one of tho free
T? llpr 9U 19 J nail UJT issues o lhu WOMAN'S WORLD by tho Honorable Hd
win W. Sims, written as was the first " Whito Slave" article, strictly from tho viewpoint of tho lawyer, who finds
himself called upon, as an officer of tho lav to deal with this delicate, difficult subject.
Brother of tho Rich," tho Greatest book sensation of the vear. Mr.
Patterson is an insider, and this article is a startling exposure of thq follies and sins of the fashionable rich. Mr.
Patterson says that wo havo in this country among these rich society people a practical Court; that society women
relegate all functions of usefulness, except one the bearing of children and they aro not inclined to discharge
this function as tliy ought.
The Sins of Society
'The Clirtatlnn Science FnlUi," by Mrs. Clara Loulsu Burnhnni, author of
"Jowol Story Hook," "TJio Open Shutters," etc.
"The Moat IiitiToittntr Thins; In the World," a faflclnatlnpr symposium by Ocorero AUc.
George Uarr McCutelieon, ForroHt Crlssey and William Hodge.
"Love Making In KorelKn J.nmlM," by Frank 1 Pixloy, author of "King Dodo," "Tho
Burgomaster," "Prlnco of l'lUen," etc.
"The Old llunitM and the New," by Hon. Adlal K. Stovonson, former VIce-Prcsldont of
tho United States. A comparison of the homo Hfo and influences of today with that of
fifty years ago .
The Sinn of the rather," by Cyrus Townscnrf Urady, nuthor of "A I-lttlo Traitor to
tho South." "niclmrd, tho Hrazon," etc. a powerful Htory dealing with "Tho Gins of tho
Fathers visited unto tho third and fourth generations."
"My llniuty nnd Health Secreix," by Miss Dolla Carflon. first prlzo wlnnor In tho Chica
go ""ribuno'H 10,000.00 lieauty Contest, ulso In World Content. Miss Carson tells tho
uecrot of how she 1ms thu appearance of a girl of sixteen, whereas sho Is thirty.
"Jieyr ArknnMiia Traveler MtorlrN," by Opio Read, author and originator of "Tho Ar
kansas Traveler."
"The Jouronl of Julie," the confidential and personal experiences of a young country
girl winning her way In a great city.
"The AVI Id Iloae I.eiicru," being tho heart secrets between Klalno, Countess of Wycher
Homo or tho other contributors to these four Issues aro: Margaret Rangster. Ella
The Chicago Tribune Says:
The revelations made by United States
District Attorney Sims in the WOMAN'S
WORLD should be given as wide a currency
as possible. The extent of the White Slav
traffic and the machinery by which it is-main-taincd
should be brought home not only to tbo
officials sworn to deal with crime, but to
parents sworn under a higher law to guard
their .young.
As Mr. Sims says, thousands of girls from
the country are entrapped each year, and be
points out the pitiful fact that the parents of
a great majority of these unfortunates arc un
aware of their fate. As a consequence of this
state of public ignorance, the traffic proceeds
unchecked save by the efforts of prosecuting
officials, which arc necessarily restricted and
temporary in effect.
The problem is enormous, but it can be
solved largely by educational means. The
responsibility for a broad and systematic cam
paign of enlightenment rests with the religious
and social agencies now existent in every com
munity the churches, the women's clubs, the
civic leagues, and associations. The press,
too, should give a reputable publicity and ex
ert its influence directly and on educational
lines, to the end that the public may know
the gravity of the evil and its conditions.
Contributors to Woman's World
Jano Addams, of Hull House, Chlcugo; Maudo But
llnxton Uootli, of Volunteers of America; Qeorgo Ado,
George Uarr McCutelieon, Will Pay no, Ilex XJeach,
Chaunooy-OIcott. Margaret Sanirnter, ISIIu Wheeler Wil
cox, noswell Mold. Kdwln W. Sims, Joseph Medlll Pat
terson, iiarnei jtcbcou opoiioro, jsiiu w. i'caiuo,
jviauiia jtutiioni vurren, uyrus xownHOnu iirnuy,
jMiwin u, uooiey, oupi,, j'udiiu kciiooib or unicf
ko; Robt. I). Anderson, former Asst. Secy. U. 8.
-.treasury; ueo. ju. iioucrw, j'rcaiuoni uom-
inoromi Nan, uauic, Chicago, and former d
rector of tho Mint at Washington; KIhIo
mum, mi! ucirvss; ucn. unus, lung, KU
win iinimer, ituiik it. mamon, Allen
Albert, Opio ltcad, Klllott Flower, Wll
iium uouitu, mo riQior; jinn. AUiai I
mcvunsuu, j'mnK j.,. nxiey, i
composer; Clara IouIbo Uurnlmm
jouii jvonurioic uangs. b.
Klser. Dr. Wm. A. Kvans,
Jicaitu commissioner. City of
uiucago, unu many outers
Its sentiment is as sweet and delicious
ly, nnd Itoso Mary of Strawberry Point (la.),
us wild honey.
wneelor Wilcox. Iloswell Klold, General Cluis. King, llurrlet Prescott Spofford, Ella W.
x-oiiiiin, jviiuuu v tower, ouinioy wnmrino, i' runic it. sianinn. jsuwin iiaimor, Maudo ltad
ford Warren, Allen D. Albert, Dr. W. I Waugh, ISUcn Stan, John Kendrlck IJangs and
many othors.
WOMAN'S WORLD Is printed In colors, 32 to 04 largo pages each Issue, ably edited
by Forrest Crlssey, Stanley Waterloo and fleorgo U. Forrest. In ordor to demonstrate
that It Is tho greatest reading value of tho times wo mako tho following froo offer.
wimo oiave anicies y air. rtims, ana an ot tno other teatures mentioned, including tho 53MrJWW
wiitisiinasjeccuiuur isuc, aubouueiy tree to nuyono wno win senu only 25 cents now to pay
tut Bjjunai tuii.j'oai a niiuutiuiuu,
EXTRA. OkRFR a,, everyone wl.o accepts this tpeclal offrr, will, In addition 10
, , " . - tho fren lour copie, bn tent u roccipt for tliolr ubtcrimlon n
beautiful lares tlxe picture ot Miss Delia Carton, the 5io,ooo.r I'riio Itaauty, with art calendar for
jog Kiiacueu, imi piciuro an caicnuar sent a a reculpt ana for introductory purpotasonly,
Woman's World
46-48 West Monroe Street
s ss
f x
e f yf
1 j y j
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wmm ws
wm ""r aVX
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yr S
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46-40 W. Monroe St, Chicago
Send mo free, nnd postpaid, at once.
tho a copies tlio Woman's World con
taining the ''Whito Slave Trado"treatisobr
Mr, Sims, and all tho other features mentioned
in your advertisement, I cnclosn 35 cents to pay
a lull years' snlwcriptlon totha Woman s World.
to commenco nftor receipt of tho four free copies.
Send mo as a subscription receipt the Delia Carsoa.
1909 art calendar. ,
Name,.., , ,....
Add ess
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Chicago, III.
S Date
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