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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1908)
Zl Mutmaim9asmimmMmmitiHmmer-a - wil?-6-1 iwwmksscwjsb I n ---rtVWH.! i c O J I have nothing but the best and Newest to Offer you I have dis posed of all the odds and E nds of my stock and have the clean est newest stock of clothing in Nebraska. H. S. & M. Clothes Crawford Shoes Munsing Underwear every thing new and up to-date. I I PAUL ;torey I 944333-334 JteetttC-tCfrt , Mrs. T. C. Unckcr wont to Lincoln n .,, rc .uonuay. n LQGALETTES i i m Mrs.M. limits ur.rlvod home from Jtinita Moudsy. Wantkd A few loads of cobs dn mi1 ficrldtion at this otHco1 Soo Dr. Stockman for oyc ghmis . Satisfaction jnnruntecd. . Misq llortlm Potter returned .to beward Simdiiy morning. For. Sam: Six room iioum;, . lots. Inquire at Ncwhoube's store. tf Don Clark and sister Inez, were over from Lebanon the- first of tho week. Mrs. Louisa Haney departed Tuesday for an extended visit nt Hnrlington, Iowa. Mr. ltautz. ofllnsting visited hln sister, Mrs. Roy Oatman the last of tho week C. B. HaloTins been eonllned to the house thlB week with a severe nttaet of throat trouble. Don ilartwellwas down from Inavale Saturday. Marlin Emlglf was .hero from Aurora III. this week. Trof. Dortfolt was down from Mo Cook this week. Vrof. Wright and wife returned jto Hebron Sunday Mish Norma Hiehardhou returned to Lincoln Sunday. Mr and Mrs ltcrnard MeNeny went to Lincoln Sun lay. Mrs. ilolni IStirgeS has been very sick tho p ist week. W. N Richardson returned from Onalin Saturday night. Mr. ami Mrs Uaseoc Uirch returned to Mo. tho llrst of the week. Mr. audMrs.Chas Potter entertained tho "live II initial d" Friday .veiling1. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Saylor entertained their cousin nnd wife the first of tho work. cockerel' p. in at Quo. Volland was dotffi from Klvor ton Sunday. Mrs. Dwlglit Jones returned to Qilld Hook Wednesday Miss Anna Richards returned from Hasting Saturday. Murl llolucr ilrow tho dlshos at the J Tepeo Monday night. Mr. ami Mrs Low White and baby nro hero from McCook. Mrs. Pr, Phillips of Innvulo was in Ked Cloud Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. MeOuirc rotirned from Illverton Monday. Uenunnber, it pays to trado with (he man who advertises. Miss Margort MoCutchon returuod from Histins Stt.urday, Mr. and Mrs. Dr.Nclbnn are visiting relatives in Kausns this week. Mrs. Frauk ".'nylor rotumod to Rlvorton tho llrst of tho woek. Miss Jenulo Cottlng returned from Kansas City Wedilosday evening FiMu'l'etJrs in m 1 J.C. Slo is h ivo exehangedjresidetices this week. Hugh Miner was in the western part of the stato tho Hist of the week. Missl'rb returned from Illverton Sunday where sho spent Thanksgiving attend the Poland-China hog sale, lied Cloud, December 12, 1003,2 p in. Iluy u pure brad Poland-China in ale and improve your herd of hogs. Get my rates, terms and option and and I will make you a Farm Loan No wait, monoy always on hand. J. II Halley, lied Cloud, Nebr. Tltoro will be n salo of pure bred Poland-China hog, bothsoxos, atStube baker's barn, KedCloub, Dec. VI ,1003, at 2 p.m. These are of tho largo typj and utility kind. Man'.au Pile Remedy comes ready to use with nozzle attached. Soothes, heals, reduces itching and Inflamma tion. An operation for piles will not bo necessary if you uscManZan. Price fiOo.' Money refunded if not satislled. Sold by Henry Cook. At a mooting of tho ludepeiulaut order or odd, Fellows on last Monday evening-, the following olllcers were elected for tho ensuing torin; Hooue Saunders, Noble (rand. Josept C. Saylor, Vice (Iraud Oscar G, Tool, Secretary. Elmer 1-2. Iloss, Treasurer, Paul Storey, Trustee. The appointive olllccs will bo llllod nt a later date. , I Y ou Are You Thinking CHRISTMAS? should think of what to buy for your friends and relatives. of I r.Y tr- Don't wait to long but avoid the Christmas rush. We carry every thing for a Man or a Boy and are especially well prepared to handle a large Christ mas business. Mens' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Rain Coats Hats and Caps Shoes and Holiday Slippers. Silk Umbrellas, Underwear, Neckwear, Shirt and Collars Gloves and Mittens Fine Linen and Silk Handkerchcifs. See ourTine Childs' wool and bear skin mittens 25 and 50c. Mens' Suits $5.50 to 25.00 Overcoat $5.00 to 30.00. Do yous Holiday Shopping with us and DO IT NOW GO. Cowden-Katey LP Sir Always Reliable First Door Norlh of Posloflicc irAy' 'WW'v''vv4 Get a white plytnotli roclc The Clulstmas Foason is now on and P'ym would do well to read theudvertis; on sale December 12, 1008 monts in this Issue of tho Clnoi. ' MimeoaKor uaru ia(.innlze homo industry. Special For 'Hale-Improved farm 7 miles prices on H to .1 hundred pound lots of ' south of Inayale. O. M. Noble, route old wheat Hour at Red Cloud Mills. . 2, Inavalo, on Wonior phono lino Foil Sali: Several good thorough bred Duroc-Jersey boars Como quick. N. V. Anderson, 1 mile east or Cowles. Wantkii Suecebs Magazine requires the sorvices of a man in Red Cloud, to look after expiring snbBcriptlons"nnd to secure now business by moans of spec ial methods unusually effective; poslton permanent; prefer one with experience but would consider any applicant with good natural qualifications; salary 81.G0 per day, with commission option, Address, with references, It .C.Poacock Room lO'J.Success Magazine Uldg.,New York. Tho Mlssouria (ltd returns to show you one of tho lust seasons most em phatic successes in the theatrical line, Frod Raymond's famous comedy Tho Missouri Girl. It has boon secured for dato of December loth. This season's company is said to bo tho best that has ever produced the piece, and includes somo of tho leading lights of the the atrical profession. A very elaborate 6et of now special scenory, which will bo posltlvly'usod horo, Is also carried this soason, o,nd a complete metropolitan produot is, assured. The Mary Bryan .Political Study Club will meot ut Mrs. It. E McBrido's on Monday, Docomber 7th. Subjoct. Woman's Suffrage. Wanti:i At once, '-'.. or 3u young men and women to take a course In Multigraphing. Course can bo com pleted in from one month to six weeks. We have a position waiting for you as soon as'you are ready, Salarys run from Sift to S20 per week for beginners. Who will be the llrst to enroll? Tuition for complete course S-.". For further particulars address tho Hebron Itusi ness College, IlebronNcb. It is a great pleasure to iinnouneo to tha theater goers of ! this city that the managor of tho opera house lias booked an engagement of Kred Ray mond's famous comedy Tho Missouri Girl, which created such favorable comment last season. The clean-cut comodyof this play, tho antics of Zoko and Daisy and their morry associates, arc still fresh iu our memory and as this seasons company is said to be stronger than ever,theywlll, no doubt bo greeted by a packed ho uso on their appearanco here. Word was received hero Wednesday of the death of William Outhwait, which occured at tho home of his granddaughter in Seattle, Washington Tuesday evening. Mr. Outhwait moved to Webster county from Ohio in 1874 uud settled on what is now the G. M. Pierce farm. Ho moved to SeatUo about ten years ago. Tho body was taken to Roekaway, Ohio, for burial. Mr. Outhwait was past 83 years old at the time of his death. At the opera liouso Tho Missouri Girl, which mado such n hit last season is booked for a date December 10th and judcing from tho favorable com ments head ou every hund tho attrac tion will draw an immenco crowd. Mauager RnyirioiuT'ua.i assured us that the east this reaspn far exceeds any that ho has been able to secure in tho past and contains sovoral of tho load ing lights in tho theatrical profession. An entirely new set of secuery will be used that has been painted by n leading French artist, John Goulet of Paris, France. ttefc.ff6.ftj.ftfe6tfttetftttfetfffefc-tc-fcfttctff&f?r u Mi Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml u Ml Ml Ml Mi Mi Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Mi Ml Mi Mi Ml Ml . Ml Ml Ml Mi . tt IE ARE PREPARED To fill your wants in what ever you may want in the grocery line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated , Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet ' pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect. v And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and ,, Extracts ect. Our Best Brand of Caned goods. Call for The Wh I to Houso Brand. Rural Phono 6a t ) Bell Phone 4 IOHNSON1 n L.ww BONER 'W-'W AV AAfti AA Aa Letter List. Ijist of lottors romniniug uncalled for at postofllco at Ked Oloud, Nob., for the week ending Dec. 3d, 1908: Chas !. Kddy, L..T. (ialbralth, T. K. Mooro, J. A. Nelson, t!eo M. Pnlmer, Geo H. Rusts, Miss Thoindson, Frances Leston. Those will bo sent to tho dead letter oillco Deo. 17, 11)03, if uncalled for before. When culling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Hacker, Postmaster. . i Tho Missouri Girl a comedy that has stood tho test of twelve years be fore tho public unci never yet failed to" please, willbo theofferlug at tho opera houso December 10th This production Is being advertised as" tho "greatest fun event of tho season" and amuse ment lovers whp remember tho show In" previous years say the phrase is aptly solectcd. From first to last tho play is an avalanche of laughter.'Zeko DobBon" the gawky country lad, tho ohlof f uu-maker is pronounced by tho critics tho greatest comedy character in tho history of tho stage. Tho char actor is a natural one, just such a boy as cvory'ono has not, and still tho sit uasion nro so funny and his notions so ludtcroiis that it keeps tho audience scrcming with laughter. In tho second act the country birthday party gives nn opportunity for somo excellent vuudevillo conutry danco, styled iliu clod hoppor dance, which is mi id faith fully reflects tho dancing tha, is bot liked by tho nal Ivo of the southwest ern Ml-fouri. Buy Your Present NOW! -You have more time to select, you can shop with comfort you get First Choice of a large stock. They will not Cost you a cent more. We have our usual large stock of ::::::::,::: : Christmas Gifts. Will you come in and look them over? " CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist. t- t IV n m T m m ir m m f r n n n m n m i m m n m n n SACRIFICE SALE On all the Ladies' Taiicr-made Suits and Skirts values in them. Ladies' You will find extraorninary newest style suits at $9.50, $10.50, $12.50, $14.50, $15.50 New York Store WATCH For our "Xmas" line Now Due A fine line of New Rugs, our Store is now one of the greatest in the Republican valley. See us before you buy. GAR LOAD Of Fine Apples I have jusL,received a car load of fine apples which I. am sellinq- at lowest prices. Ben Davis 75c. per bu. Grimes Golden and Black Twigs $1.00 per bu. Lower Prices Jn Large Q u AN tit 1 ES. Nowpurv Buckwheat Hour Just rocolved. An nn-to-tluto line of clcr.n fresh groceries always an lmnd. The Groeer AH tho Phonos Amadc 8 Chaney STEVENS dontbuyagun until you havo$ccn our New 'Double Barrel Models fitted with Stevens Compressed Forged Steel Barrels tgtir - - DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM Tho modo of constructing theso aupcrb Trap nnd Field Guns I3 fully set fortli In our New Shot gun Pamphlet.. Send two-cent .stamp for it. y Aik yenr Dealer' for Stereos Demi-Bloc Gont. Leaders in SFisrniture and Undertaking MOON BLOCK ALLTHEPHONES A-vns W-i ? HtS J I9r j'F AJSi .asOSS " tlisLdxiwA K ? WTrAytA ha BkntfklHIHHiitHflHMiii'ii Insist on our make. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO, P.O. On 4053 CUcope. Trlb, '.Uu, l I m I M ' . i n u ?H V m ' !l N, I ri M , ,1 '.11 1 i 'i & ...m ', l.'fflSl m Y. r "jfe -.S-j i il. fcwi. l' "(.iY ,