The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1908, Image 4

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Med Cloud - - Nebraska.
tnterwt In tiio rolomcc ftt Hcd Olonl.Nih,
n Second Clww MMtcr.
City officers.
Mayor........ . .-
Clerk- ..-
Councllmcn, list waul
Councllmcn 2nd wnl.-
.1.0. Cold well
I. Il.l'nrt
.!.(), Ilutlrr
-ltd Amnck
Kd I'nlMplicr
. ...T. A. McArtliur
Alf. McCnll
Supt. Light and Watci Oicur Uurronulm
Minimi. (1bt..)............................. Al Hlnljv
Marshal, night .......... Jolm Kiiifel
(fenty Off ken.
Clerk UlMrlct Court .......Ocb, W. Ilutrlilion
Judge... ...
sheriff.. ..
.1. W. Kdsou
......H. W. Itom
,...V. 0. Krahm
, II. IlUcklcdKO
....O. I). Hedge
II. ('. Hcott
tJupL Public IiiMriicllon.....
. Nellie CiMcr
Coroner- Dr. f. It. Hall
burvcyor..... Uco. Ovcrlng
Comml!loiifr... ...Ins. u. Uvvrninn
, T.J.t'liaidlu
Win. AuilcrniHi
(Ico. Hummel
E. 11. DnWoi.r,
My. Dour Sir: II Iihm boon hoiiio
wccUh since Uio returns won? in tiiul
tlio result of tlio frtll uluctimi known.
IJoforc exorcising my right nt tho bal
lot box us ti citizen or Nebraska, 1
htudiotl itlio platform of tlio two great
parties throughly. The subject of
41 Guaranty of Dnnk Deposits" intor
cstcdnno us it did iniiny others in this
tato, mid slnee the party which in
dorsed the piinciphas been Hiiecess.
ful in our own loved statu of Nebraska
wo liavo reason to buliove the matter
will reeeivo considcrntion and n law
relating to same be placed upon our
statute books In the rioir future.
I lmvo studied tho" Oklohoma Law"
hearing upon this subject and byliovo
thcro uro boiuo features that should lie
eliminated if tho sumo shall bo placed
iiB a model for this stato, or for to
Federal government I nail your atten
tion especially to tho'-Cjuarant Fund"
which is created by ussossmont and
'liold ly the stato ngiii9t possible bank
This fund to be adequate for all
emergencies would have to be at least
as largo as the deposits in our largest
bank. It would have to be-Kept in such
shape as to bo immediately available
which would prohibit the depositing
of same in tho bank(statodopositorles)
If kept in the treasury vaults it
-would reduce tho circulating medium
to that extent and bocarning nothing
either for the stato or the bank.
Liyiidea of a "Rauk Wuaranty" is
ior the stato to guarantee all deposi
tors against loss; to bo utiitrizcd to
issue " Stato Certlfeates'' payablo
(after aspect fled time) on demund .and
receivable at par at all banks; to bo
empowered to assess and collect from
each and every bank in tho state an
nmount.propor Honed by thu item of
'Deposits" shown in the last called
statement, sullieieut to redeem tho
certificate tissued by the stato on
account of a bank failure; to take
charge of tho assets of the defunct
bunk with which to replenish the fund
represented by eeitillcates issued
Jt is not my intention to outline a
"law" in detail, but call your atten
tion to the "State Certificate" plan for
payment of depositors in n failed bank.
Tlio advantages over the cash fund
1st There is no money whatever with
drawn ficm circulation.
2nd The fund Is always umplo to pay
the deposltere, and is Immediately
3rd It supplies an"Kmeigniey Cur
rency" which increases rather than
dlmininishes the circulation.
4th Itjtnour.s no expense, nor imposes
any hardships upon any banking in
institution unless a bank does fall
under the law.
The "cash fund" piopositiou lias
always seem to me the weak feature of
" Bank Guaranty" as promulgated in
the Oklahoma law. Jthhsbeeu u strong
talking point for tho opposition Last
scusott it was found necessary to re
sort to "CIcating House, Certificates"
ns an emergency currency. "Stato Cer
tificates,' with power to assess the
banks to mleen them, ought to be as
tatisfyiug, especially ton deposlter in
a defunct bank. , ;.
As to the " Principle of Hank Guar
anty of Deposits" I will lmvo moro to
Bay In a future letter I? you caro for
my views upon tho subject, and I will
treat It from a moral standpoint
HM Vorytruly yours,
Red Cloud, Neb; O. V. Argabrlght,
November 30, 1908. "
A large number of members and
Senators are already in Washington
and Let el lobbies and other places
where statesmen, politicians and
journalists assemble aro centers of
discussion, in which, pf course, tlio
turid and tho election of u Speaker of
tho Housoiro the main i-sues, It la
everywhere assumed that tho Pres
ident elect is Roing in for a more
through tevisicm than Undo Joe and
Ills cohoi t of standpatter in the house
will tolerate, Thcro were u number of
pour purlers' at tho Capitol yosterday
between wicli well known -republicans
sb A Id rich and Hale, Speaker Cannon,
and Congressmen Tawney, Payne.
Dalzoll and Burton, when I was said
that tlio conclusion was reached to go
so far into the matter of tnriir revision
that tho Prcsidt nt-elcct would have
nothing to do or to recommend. Tlio
old guard Republicans, those who
wero oppou'd to Mr. Tuft's nomination
until they wero forced to nccopt hlm-
lmvo measured their strength with a
President before and they feol that
they can meet President Tuft with as
much success at least as llioy had
when they met and opposed President
Roosevelt. It is said that those gentle
men uro anxious to have n consulta
tion with Mr. Taft, but do not want to
go to Hot Springs they are too coy
for that and imit not bo seen to
make advances. Their prcferonco
would be for a clandestine mooting,
unknown to the world or to tho pross.
This however is impossible of accomp
lishment There- is no doubt a very determined
and growing opposition to the re
election of Speaker Cannon and this
opposition will doubtless be organized
coinpletly by thu fourth of March or
(more the special session is callod
Mr. Ilurton of Ohio, Mr Fowler of
Now Jersey. Mr Townsend of Michigan
and other dlitlnii.iNhnd member of
Congiess iiiv frequently motioned to
succeed spciikor Cannon. Mr.Townsoud
speaking recently with reference to
his ownjeandidaey said: Last session
and also during the campaign, I was
in communication with a considerable
number of members who wore disposed
to s .pport mo for Speaker. However I
have not written to one of them slue,.
election day. The only aetlvo cam
paign I have decided to start on reach
ing Washington will be for the re
vision of tho houso rules so that tho
Speaker and his threi parties col
leagues on theComnitteo on Rules will
not be the whole thin jr.
- Representative M unlock of Kansas
said: "1 am against tho present Spoukcr
reelection and against tho rules, and
am for their modification, whether lie
is reelected or not l think thu Hint
move of thoso in the houso who uro
opposed to the Speaker and the rules
will bo a tight to make tho commiteo
on rules largor and to take it away
from the Speakor by making it eleetlvo
by the houso Itself.
"I have no aspirations for any com
mittee assignments, nor to becomo a
leader In teo House. All I deslro to do
as it membor of Congress is to serve
my constituents U9 well as possible."
' Tho most essential thing in the
revision of tho taritf added Mr. Mur
dock, " J.8 that it be done quickly. Got
through with the job ih tho shortest
possible timo that .will conform with
decent Investigation and reasonable
dlsousson." ,
Thcro uro many indication that
point to nu etfort on tho part of the
Republican majqrlty to reduce ox
pensos. Congress is uwuro of the big
dollelt to which tho Seerotary of tlio
Tresury will Impress! voly refer and an
effort will be mado to cut down ap
propriations. Notwithstanding tlio
program of economy, an etfort will be
for a big River and Harbor approp
riation. Many members of Congress
uro ready to voto for a bill appropciat
ing a largo sum for this purpose, bo
cause It is popular and further be
cause tho money will be spent in their
districts. Then, again, tho advocates
for n moro powerful navy uro not ex
pected to reeOde from their previous
demand and there will bo insistent
advocacy for tit least four large battle
ships, the same that wero demaudod
at tho llrst session of this Congress.
Congress may not pass tho bill, but
oven two battleships will swell the
navel budget to its usal proportions.
Then there will bo advocates for
additional regiments for the army, for
additional fortification and big guns.
The now movement for wnterway
improvements, by tho pormanent
Congress now in sosslon, plans to
securo the appropriation of fifty mill
ions of dollars a year for waterways,
and the conservation of tho forosts
and tho national resources will also in
volvo a large appropriation. Tho lime
of tho iicxtdcccnnlnlccusu8approaohs
and 'this must be prepared for and
altogether economists in Congress will
have their hands full in keeping down
WANTED-Succkss re
quires tho service of a man In Red
Cloud to look after expiring subscrip
tion ntid to securo now business by
moans of special methods unusually
effective, position pcrmaneut; prefer
ouo with experience, but would con
sider any application with good
natural qualification; salary ?1 50 per
duy, with commission option, address,
with reference, R C. Peucock, Room
102, Sucess Magazine Rldg;New York.
Pincsalvo eurbolizcd acts like c, poul
tice. Quick relief for bites and sting
of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns
and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by
Henry Cook.
llicap Lnnil.
Parlies wanting land that two crors
will pay for tho hind should wrlto
ll P, RuflioN.
lienklemau, Nebr.
The B. N. Hyde Drufc Co. Will Furnish
The Medicine Free In Every Case Where
They Fall to Cure Catarrh.
Neglect or dcssimlstn wo belleva is
the greatest enemy tho p ibllo have to
contend with w en applied to the lots
or recovery of health. Practically every
ense of consumption mights htivo been
cured if hope had been maintained mid
proper treatment had been rosoited to
at the llrst symptom of tho disease
Until tho advanced .stage is reached,
consumption is curable Catarrh Is re
sponsible, wo believe, for ovcrvcaseof
consumption. It is about Catarrh wo
wont to talk to you today,iueidontally
consumption since the two aro so closed
We lwv n medicine made from tho
prcsclplluii of ono of tho most success
ful ;catarrli specialists fknown. This
medicino has a roeord of l8 porcont of
cures, and wo boliovo it is positively
without uti equal. Wo aro so satisfied
that wd aro right, that wo will supply
tho medicino froo in overy instance
where it Is used according to direction
for a reasonable fenuth of tune and
fails to cure and give satisfaction in I
overy pratieular. Wo want everyone in
Red Cloud to try this medicino at our
risk. There aro no conditions or for
mality attached to our offer. We put
the uscri'iidertlo obligation to ns
The medicine wo want you to trv Is
Rexall Mucii-tono It is a catarrh '
remedy that goes direct to the seat of
trouble. It is carried by the blood to
every part of tho. systm. It seeks out
and dostroys the germs or parasites
which causo Catarrh . It purifies mid
enriches tho blood, tones up tho muco
colls sooths aud heals the tissuos that
were ravaged by tho catarrh parasite,
aud bring about a condition of health
and strength that prevents the germs
of consumption from ever getting n
start. Besides this Rexall Mucu-Tono
Is a wonderful appetiser d gest ve aid
and lldshbullder. Its good effects are
felt from the very firs. dose. It is ono
of the largest and tnnst satlfaetory
soiling medicines that wo have over
hud anything to do with. We know so
much of tho great good that it has
done that we personally back it up
with uur reputation and money ..which
facts should be ample guarrantoo to
satisfy anybody.
Tho II. K. I'.riee Drug Co. Red Cloud
Nebraska for 1909.
During the week of December 21 to
28 lueluslvo. Tho Lincoln Stato
Jounnl will oxcopt $3 from mail sub
scrlbors for the whole your of lOOi).
without Sunday, or $1 with Sunday,
Tho regains price SI and S3. This cut
prleo is good only during this Bargain
Week, and all you have to do Is to
mall your remittance to 'the State
Journal' Lincoln, Nebraska, and the
paper will bo mailed to your address
commencing 'January first lUO'J, and
eontinuo until January 1, l'.tlo, when
it will bo stoppod unless you pay for It
another year. All subscriptions are
payable in advauo, consequently nij
unpaid bill, and this saving togothcr
with cutting out solicitors, salaries
hotel bills and railroads expenses
muke it possible to glvo you this ,eut
price. The Journal is tlio paper you
will want to read during legislature
because its right here in Lincoln and
with Its great corps of trained news
paper men will be able to give you tho
most thorough and reliable legislative
news. Its uncontrolled by party bosses
or selfish ambition to hold or get a job
for Its probrletor. It's not afraid to
priti). nil the news nil tho time ubout
n,U things. It is clean homo paper, no
liquor or unclean medical ads. appear
In its columns. It's business is profit
able enotgh toglvoitsowncr legitimate
returns without making alliances with
any interests opposed to the public wel
fair Every public matter is treated
impartially unselfish and entirely from
the stand-point of the people's Interest.
One years' reading will convionce you
that tho State Journal is truly Nebr
aska's greatost newspaper Remember
this special rate Is only made during
tills one week December 21 to 20 to got
new subscribers and regular price of
81 and $5 will bo charged thereafter.
Why not test The Journal this ono year
and Bee If Its publishers are really con
ducting their newspaper upon such
high standards?
Meeting ef the stick-holders of the
Farmers Independent Telephone Com-
asy of Red Cloud. Nebraska.
Tho stock-holders of tho Farmers
Independent Telephone Company aro
heruby notfllcd that a mooting will bo
hold nt tho Court House, Red Cloud
Nobr., Saturday, Docembor nth, 1003.,
at 1.30 p. m. for tho purposo of
recovlug, nud acting upon, n proposi
tion from tho Nobraska Telephone
Company, to sell elty equipment o
Farmers Independent Tolephono com
puny f) Nebraska Tclophono Company,
latter Company to switch farm lines at
a rate of 2:. cents u month for oneh
phone. Also to transact such other
business ns may bo brought beforo
said mewtlng,
.,' .1, Sr Roitfle, President,
U,y Kdw. Hudson, See.
You can find
line is full and we
large assortment.
EFORE buying
watch vou should
learn about the HOW
ARD the one Ameri
can watch that has real finish and
ad justrrcnt real fineness.
u-Tlic Howard is the finest
Practical timc-piccc in the world
for daily pocket use. j
New extra-thin model HOWARD
h the first American thin-mode!
wc can guarantee as a time-keeper.
Every Howard is adjusted in
its case, and price-ticketed at the
factory 35.00 to $150.00. Price
is never cut.
We re dutributon for this diitinctive
n't FrM
Sale S)e
A improvement over many Couah. Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Come in and look over our line of Dry Goods, Notions,
, Laces, Embrideries, Combs, Gloves and Knit Goods
before buying' elsewhere.
How is your Table Linen for Thanksgeving.
Before buying come and Look at our line.
' v . 60-inch Table Cloth, all white, open work border at 45c.
"66-inch guaranteed all linen Table Linen; open work border, with Napkins to match,
,; Napkins $3.00 per doz., Table Cloth 75c.
In collars we have the high Diaectorie
styles from 25c to 50c, also a large line of
lace and silk collars from 25c to $2.50.
Bear Skin Coats
Infants Bear Skin Coats all sizes and col
ors from $2.25 to $3.00 each.
Bear Skin Hoods from 35c o 1.25.
At F.
JJ 1
something for everybody at our store. Every
invite you early so as to gat ths ba.ifit of a
We especially call your attention
to our line of watches. We can
certainly fill your .wants in this
Our fine assortment of solid gold
and gold filled jewelry will ap
peal to you.
ur Bi$
Don't Pass Thi
- :'r,simmvm&,fain
,.' -t :
Watch and Jewelry
IS and 2
Children's Sweaters
Infants all wool sweaters at 60c.
Children's air wool sweaters, edged with
contrasting colors at 75c.
All kinds and colors from 5c to 30c a
1 . id