fiiJHSJWdWIJWWISB BIMTmT" V iii in. ! m i wi tii II ! I lllll I III l'!!rfTltll "T -' JltAinaiujttaMMjtolaiaiBatMilBffiaawtaM rwraur t srmr - T It t Wj . V mjK f "l -T- T"VJi r . j vj y y J IS ' "JL - . caBManwBanwwssBBn sggB.rfrer .xvwaKL sssimn&szsnassma -sees 8 WM Lower yet, hoiuosoolters, excursion , i ti the South fttitl Southwest. & !09N CIMAMA L .BjW .. .. ll HH flHfl HH HHHHHHII MH iHHi M i Vd comlu t ,(ni on tlio fii.t nl . . ' 'JE i Br, till nl Tiu'MliSr of ciiuii mouth to Sp. JMZ1 I iVK i tr T Tft if ti .--w tj . -s v , - . ' X; iLadies. IViisses and C Jii drens ( Jnafrc. .snip I "ai nr-ma nife I V -- -wk .a.w - JL VW. f. C JwAVA.l V J JH EI '11 Ii ' H n 9 V d I . il kDI -1 H MK 41 ftW 'si i I 11 . i comlu t ,oii on the fiit mid tlili'il Tiu'Mliiy of (Miuh month to tlio 1 1 1 Am IJmhIh mid Yollow ' fitono Vulley, iisftinttiifr you lit taUltij; up )fnvuinmiiU irrigated ? binds with ft 'nuroi'-fiitliiiK wuii-r 'wunply. under yovcJnnu'Jit in-tgii-Hon pliint'??-vOnly one-tenth pay ment down. No dnugo for ser vice" - , Viito fo I). QJeiif Ijoivyotv (Jonurnt jgentiIiai"lbVHftH'Hf(imntlon llu reuli, Ontuhn'or K. K. Foo, Ticket Aka'nt,MIelUijAVl,r. , BARNES: P and okirts xiiarens acea on sa 16 at o . s acniices rt rices This will include all our-newfe& garments in 'this line. Never before were snch t extraordinary values offered. ' These are the niiwest and most up-to-date coats that; j2 have been shown this season, in all the new cloths and VA Our stock of harness is .'complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any- "thing in the harness line. from a tie strap to the "best hand-made worl: or lniggy harness, call on us. 'Ve can satisfy on. JOE FOGEL North of Dftinerell ltloelc. : s Saunders Lumber fi Coal wphb 'v ' wm t v w "i 1 11 w K2Kggsgcaaa3 KIM) CI .i P. i. liif vsK Vl JltiVH ill L ok ll Ml llll,l' It I. coniptuto lhi' "I Hni'iHin.' nioiiiil '( anil Good C "i . Our prii o- nu i rRHKOiuibH'. Vt Milioit i our (mini -il nellIV " ' ,mH"' liiil. 71 "I $ 5.50 Ladies Coals at 6.50 " " " '4 7.50 " ' " " 10 00 " " " 12.50 " ," Q&t 13.50 , 15.00 18.00 " -' - 20.00 " " " ' 22.00 " " " 25.00 " " ;' 7 T.75 4.00 - oir &n 0.(35 - 9mrm r ?' 4 "A. .- 8.75 i' 9.25 fl 10.50 12.50 vff 15.50 ' ' 17.00 i j stjles, and includes our new Salz, Seal and Caracule coats which we have just received direct from New York for our Holiday business. They will all go in at this sale at these special Sacrifice Prices. m All the Misses and Children's cloaks and coats at sacrifice prices $3.50 Bearskin Coats at $2 .00 4.00 Bearskin Coats at '. 2.50 5.00 Bearskin Coats at r 3.00 6ooJ3earskin Coats at '. 3.75 All the balance of our Misses coats, sizes 6 to 1 2 years on sale at neay one-half the regular prices. , SACRIFICE SALE On all the LadieV Tailor-made Suits and Skirts Ladies' . 'V You will find extraoruinary values in them, newest style suits at " $9.50 $10.50, $82.60. $14.50, S8S.B0 ; ETC. Handsome Panama and Voile skirts at almost one-half regular prices, as they must all go. Special iot of fancy Panama Weaves in colored skirts, $7.00 and $7.50 values, Sale Price $3.85 to $4.85. iS1'v- S900 ivZORTM ,1, ', Ladies and Misses newest and best furs. This includes all the new Isabella Fox scarfs In long' and short styles, new Mink scarfs and long- furs, new Martin scarfs and furs, Etc. The entire lob placed on sale at Sacrifice Prices. This will mean a saving of nearly one-half in buying them now. x 1UJO, Swift's Premiom Hams and Bacon yih w oI ilk. ( llr9lWl airj . LSImWwM ;-- . 1 mm MM I 3 All the Heatherbloom, Feathersilk, Gilberta and Mercerized sateen and Silk Underskirts on sale at Sacrifice Prices. 1 ir 1 1 1 111 111 1 1 1 11 - 1 1 111 innriT- if , -.-. nr mhbiilijj - 90 Ladies' fieece lined and heavy Percale wrappers and house dresses, regnlar $1.50 and $1.75 quality, Sale Price 89c. ; All the balance of our stock of Ladies' Cravenette Rain Coats placed on sale at one-half regular prices. Short Jackets, Silk Jackets, at Half Prices -.' - ' Wm odn $ 'Mrtts 100 pairs Mens' Pants at 98c, $1.38, $1.88 and $1.98 per pair. Worth double the money. 25 dozen Mens' Shirts. 50c, 75c and $1.00 shirts 6n sale at 38c and 48c. iMi.M..lTm. H.IWlif .!. ti..'.ll'.MMIl .. in.mwwaww. wwi.i.i MtmtmtMtitt ' -mynimmiMn JGK3 irjh?- tf&f i7s. ywiKf. acifflrra m iwwri SY plumb's Flour fie treed 'Store. Ri d CUmd. CONFORMS TO feA; ,.AL 1iE r J', CV6 MLW. -" l-1ichii, . -flloii i'cv many Cough. Ltng nd r oiuJVl Rk.':n-. Ws, I u It rldf the '"" 'ey '" toyMyr y ftt Jf k. ,1 h i o i ,no ctlnj a a cuthaxtJe on tlie boveis. Nppii-;, i r ranted to j(iv i U -poniid lotf Qflilai, ", Lwum tli qpmi in iii rcfun5ed. Prepared by PlNLUUl MpClNi irf '.. iMit-A .;o. U. S, A, ( '. i1 V Wi ,. il.f. An lmprovcmajit ov system of a cdld lv timHcfffrtHun it Virtrt.s P ' J Wood's Hvor Jloillotno in ltqnl torm for innliln, chills am, fovor, rcgultob tl,o liver, kldjucy. and bind dpi brintfrs ulb i-olif to Wllousnubs, i.tyltlK-attnchf, m 'i-tlon. Plunsant contains sir ilio B0o size. Its tohio J?ttK r,H VT COOK'&.MIUU 8T0JIB, t, w. ... ,- -, ,,,,,, uy jiunry Poplc. l;! . i ,.