The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1908, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nobrnsko.
Entered In tlio I'oatutnra t Kcd Cloud, Nob ,
m Second (linn Mnttor.
E. 11. Dr.WOLF
City Officers.
Mayor.......... ... ..
Treasurer.. .
Councllmcn, ll wnnl
Councllmcn 2nd wnrd......
. .J.O. Old well
I.. II. Fort
-..J.O. lliitlor
..... 1M Atnnck
Kd I'lllMplicr
..J. A. MpAttlnir
Alf. McCnll
Stipt. tight nd Wntci ....... ....Oicur llurroiiKln
MrthHljUjr........ ......,....-.... AI Hlabv
Mrli(il,nlKht........ John Klncl
m m
v"""" """"""'
mb a w m mr i a
Clctk District Court.....
Attorney.. -. ...........
'JSr. 'w.' KdSSn
-K. W. Hois
.V. 0. Kmlim
...L. II. Illncklcdco
0. 1). HedRO
-II. 0. Hcott
Ni.llln r'.tor I
Hupt, l'ubllo IiiMriictloii.
CominlMloiicri ..
.. ......Dr. f. It. Illtll
(ICO. (JVCtlllK
la. (. Overnmn
T. J. Clinf.llii
Win. Aiidentoii
(leu. ,V, lliinlinel
OiTlmrdt UIiiiimUhIu
AnollicBli Premium Of frrcil At Tiic
National Corn EAlicslI Ion.
Tin man who rxhlhiti the ln-at six
ty olini of com at the National t orn
Exposition in Omaha December i'-H',
getti tliA most valuable prize, a Port
Huron Hunker Hhreilder, worth JOu,
This is by$s5 the most costly premium
of nil those that go to make up the
premium list aggregating 451,000.
This machino complicated in make
up, is the latest achievement in farm
machinery making. It will cat up the
corn on fifteen to twenty acres a day,
husking tho ears and shredding the
stalks , producing a tine feed for stock
Or it well husk l.r.OO bashols of corn
In a tcu hour day, doing as much
work as three moil, ordinarily, merely
in tho matter of husking, to say no
thing of tho shredding which tho man
Could liot do at all.
I. Wilkes Jones, gonoral manager of
tho Corn Exposition, is confident that
this premium nlononvlll bo a uiaguot
that will draw many special exhibits
The fact that by tho expenditure of
8S0.0OO the Port Huron Engine aud
Threshing company has llnaly elimi
nated tho dangerous element of this
marvelous machine Is couutod on as
making it oven mora popular than it
wns when It was regarded as tho ''most
dangerous" of farm machines
Grain Dealers Will Attend The National
Corn Exposition.
As showing the importance attached
to tho National Corn Exposition which
opens In Omaha December t), two of
the'.largcst grain commercial organi.
ntloia In tho lVta.1 Sttjtes'lipvo jointly
arranged to clmlir.'A kpucinl train and
como to this city on Grain Dealers
Day, Dcconibcrll). These organizations
aro the famous Chicago Board of Trado
and tho Illinois Grain Dealers Associa
tion. President 13 W. Way no of Delavon
and Sceretnry E. W Strong of Pontine
of the Illinois Grain Dealers Associa
tion have written to Manager J,
"Wilkes Jones of the Corn Exposition
advising him of tho plans of these two
bottle? to bring a tralu'load of men
from tho Chicago metropolis and nil
over the great Prairie State to Omaha.
This will bo one of tho largest special
trains that will come to tho exposition.
George A. Wolls, Secretary of the
"Western' Grain Dealers Association
has called nt the corn Exposition head
quartois within tho week to make
further plans for the co-operation of
that concern. Ho also placed an
order for u $1000 trophy
i jiuwiu uuMiiiy
VW Ryal Grape Cream of Tartar
Wl .
Ut greatest healthfulness and
phosphate acids
District Ceurt Prewcdlnfts.
t Henry Dioderleh vh f.ognl Hc'irs of
Hllus Gnrhcr, foreclosure tuxjlicn, con
timed for tut in.
Hviui A osh vh Clms. h. Snylop
Kiirntaho continued for torm.
Dm ton T. .ludsuii vh Mruy S.CrotKh
ton odil, petition, dofondant given
o.ive to II lo unswor iustuitt'
Providence Jewelry Co. Willinni
A. Smith, Petition, Jury rein nod ver
dict for defendant
Charles T. Smith ti of Kcd
Cloud, damage, settled plnintifT's
Alice II. Edwards vh AlbortjlI.Kceney
notitlon.Vcrdlct for plnlntilt'n 8U(U.8(I
i Lucas M. Woouh vh John A. Uonton
I etal, petition, continued by ngrccmont
i. -.
I own Hoir and Cattle Powder Co. vb
! A- A.l'ord, nppeil, verdict for plaintiff
for llr.8. 30.
State of Nebraska vh C. J Wilson,
forfeited recoKnlzanco continued for
iJlndon Uural Teh-phono Co..vh L. W.
Ellsworth, appeal, dismissed for want
of prosecution at plaintiffs costs.
In the iiifiltt'i'of the Estate of Catho
ilno Maiipeahcr. an incompetent, con
(Irmntimi. continued lor term
Mlu-rt 'I'. alltcr s Kiiljih Mi-Cnll.
appi-itl, coiit iuiU'd ly mcrceiiii'iit.
I'hnr'i'i P.Kddy vsEdln 11. pHlmer.
iih nliumi;trat r. rtttl. equity, defend
ants iNUic mid Arthur Mycin given
leave lo Hiiftwei'.
Elmer U Overnian vh ilonas SI Sol
lms, petition, settled and dismissed
costs paid
Chester B Thomas vs Levi Thomas
etal confirmation, sale continued, deed
Occidental II. and L. Association vs
IimieH P. Male, etal, foreelosusu mortt
larvis .1. Postlewalt vs Nettie Mc
Cram etal, couflrniat'on report of
referoo approved, sale conllrmod. At
torney fees 8133.00 refcree.s fee 950 OU
costs $.'t0.ri'.,distributive share $3717.'J:i
lo McXony and l'ostlewnit.
Addio IS. Elliot vs William E. Ellioit
Sails Win.E. UosUIiih, divorce, con
tlnueil for term.
Almou W. Cox, etal vs Charles Hal
ler.appcal, plalutltV to llle amended
petition Instanter.
Mary K Simpson etal. vs Kirst Nti
lioiial lSaiik of Itluu Hill, etal, petition
continued for term.
William Anderson vs Chrlstiuuu
Anderson, divorce, decree of divorce as
prayed. '
Emma .1. Duckor, vs A. C. llalo.etal,
forocloMire, motion to strike overruled
special appearauco sustained. PlaiutliV
Majorio Sheppard vs James S. Shun
pard otal, loreeloMiro. tax Hen, default
of defendant .Iiunos S. Shoppnrd.
Thomas 11. Matters vs city of Red
Cloud, appeal, defendant,, givon ton
days to tllo answer.
lloekett vs IIo2lcett,order for service
on unknown heirs
IClrUoudall and Company vs Harvey
niederlch. otal. judgment for S7.12.00
7 per cent. Deorco of foreclosure and
ordor of sale.
State of Nebraska vs Henry llrott
hauer, larceny, verdict for defendant.
Mother (Imy, a uurim la New York, discovered
nn aromatic, iilcaranc herb cure for women'
ills, called AUTUAI,tAN-LRAKJlMii the only
certain reiitilator. Cuius femalo weakuexrea
and backache, kidney, bladder mid urinary
troublcx. At all driiKfdita or by malt 80 centa.
Sample KItKK. Address, The Mother dray Co.,
Le Hoy, N. Y
Dr.Delchouit Hollef forlthcumallem nndXoural
la radically curis In 1 lo.ldayR. Ha action upon
the tyttem In romarkabto and myBterloui. II
removes at onco the causa and thodlneano Im
mediately dlhnppcarn. The tlral iIoho grcatl)
bent llt, 7S Cfius and II. sold by II. fi, uhici
drunKlM, Ited Cloud.
fiuwuer muue irom
No alum or
Actual Starvation.
The B. N. Hyde Druft Co, (live Facts
Retarding Dyspepsia.
Although indigestion and dyspepsia
are so prevalent, most pcoplo do not
throughly understand their cause and
cure. There is no reason why people
should not eat anything they desire
if they will only chow it carefully aud
throughly. Many actualy starvo them
selves Into sickness through fear of
eating every good-looking, good sine 1
lug, and good-tasting food, because it
does not agree with them.
Dieting cannot cure Dyspopsia. If
wo rofuso overy ar'icle of food that
with us, before long wo have nothing
loft, and llndoursolvcR chronic dyspep
Wo can euro Dyspepsia. Wo are so
eonlldoutof this fact that wo guarautoo
a euro, and promise to supply the med
icine frco of all cbst to ovcryono who
will uso it, who is not porfectly sat
isfied with tho results it produces. We
exact no promises, and put no one
under any obligation whatover. Surely
nothing could be fairer. Wo are located
right hero in lied Cloud, and our rep
utation Mionhl be stilllclent ass
of the genuineness of our offer.
We want everyone in l.Vd Cloud who
is troubled with indigestion or Dys
pepwhi liiHny form como to our store
mid get a box of Ro.xall Dyspepsia
Tablets. Tnke thum home and give
Hiom si reasonablo trial, according to
directions. Tlioy arc very pleasont to
take; they sooth the Irritable stomach,
strengthen, and Invigorato tho dig
estive organs, promote n healthy and
natural bowel action, immediately re
lives nausea and allstomneh irritation
produces perfect and hoalthy degostiou
and assimilation.and promoto nutrition
A 25c packago of Itexall Dyspopsia
Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment.
In ordinary cases, tills Is sutllcieilt
to produce a cure. In more chronic
cases, u longer troatmcut. of course Is
necessary, and depends upon tho
severity of tho trouble.'
Eor such cases, we havo two larger
sizes whiuh sell Tor -Tic and 8l)o
Tho II. E. Once Drug Co. Ited Cloud
Order to Show Cause.
Statu or Xuiiiask
In Tho County
Wi:iwti:k Cor.srv
At a County Court hold at the
County Court room in and for s.iid conn
ty Thursday November 12th A. I)., 190s.
I.v tho matter of the estate of John
V. Thompson Deceased,
On reading and lllitig the petition
of William II. Thompson praying that,
administration of said estate be granted
to KecsoB Thompson, as administrator.
()Hiii:iii:n, that Thursday tho 3d
day of l)uceiubor,A. D., 1003 at one o'
clock p. m., Is assigned forbearing said
petition, when all persons interested in
said matter may appear at a County
Court to bo hold in and for paid Coun
ty and show causo why prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and that,
notice of tho Pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof he given to nil
persons Interested in said matter", by
publishing a copy of this order in tho
Kcd Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for throeoou
sccutlvo weeks prior to said day of
I W. Biwon,
County Juugf.
The Ideal Christmas Gift For
Man or Boy. ,'
There is no more suitable or appro
priate prcsont than a famous Stevens
rille, shotgun or pistol These well
known nuns have been on the market
since 1801 are guaranteed In every way
and universally concedod to bo abso
lutely the best at popular prices.
Out-of-doors with a Stevens is the
finest developer for a growing boy.
hearing to shoot well and aoqurtng
qualities of self-control, doclslon and
manliness are the invariable results of
a Stevens Firearm oduciitlou.
1'rogresslvo Hardwaro and Sporting
Goods Merchants carry Stcvons Arms
hi Stock and cun supply individuals nt
attractive prices. Insist on Stevnnn
when purchasing there nrc no
substitutes. Theso moritoriousweap.
ons are manufactured In nil Ktnn
gauges, calibers, weights lengths, etc.
Scud five cents in stamp to tho J.
Stevens Arms and Tool Co , Chlcopoo
Falls, Mass., for 100 page illustrated
cutalog, embodies detailed description
and furnishes tho most complete
number of Xmas suggestions in the
firearms line.
Romcmbor when socurlng your
gift for tho morry Yule-tldo soason a
Stevens Rifle or shotgun make a man
of your boy and no mollycoddle
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotllco at Rod Cloud, Nob.,
for tho wook ending Nov. 21, 1008:
N. J. Chapman
Anglo Dare,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ewlng,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ewlng,
Oeorge Horas,
Lizzie Thompson.
Those will b.. fcont to tho dead lettor
olllco Deo. 10, 1003. if iiiii.!.iip,i rn,.
WIlOIl oalllinr for above nlnnsn
KWBVTHtn, Puire inW
regggpl Pureinthe m
t9 bakingl I
WcctlHj of the stock-holders e? the
Farmers Independent Telephone Com
panyof Red Cloud. Nebraska.
Tho stock-holders of the Earmors
Independent Telephone Company aro
hereby notllled that a mooting will bo
hold at tho Court House, Ited Cloud
Nobr., Saturday, Djcdinbor Cth, 1003.,
at 1.H0 p. in. for the purposo of
rccovlng, and actiug upon, a proposi
tion from the Nebraska Telephone
Company, to sell city equipment of
Earniers Independent Telephono eom-
n!IHV 1 Volir5l.lrfl 'Pitlntilintii r. ..! .. I
' ' N.v.r..x,.. ..,,..,,,,,
inner lompnny t switch farm lines at
a rate of 'in eonts a fuonth for each
phone. Also to transiiet (inch other i
business ns tuny bo brought before
Slid nuHlnjf.
.). S Ueiglo, IVesido'nt.
Ity Kdw. Hanson, Sec.
ManZun Pile Remedy comes ready to
use with nozzle attached. Soothes,
heals, reduces Itching and inllatnnia
tion. An operation for piles will not
bo necessary if you usuManZan. Price
50c. Money refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Vecnn jilnco eecml youtiR men of the riant
cnllbcr In well imylni; positions in Loenl ArchIs
for tlio Oliver Typewriter In territory notnlreiidy
tnken If Interested wrllo for frcu copy ol book
"Tho ItUeof the I.ocnl Agent."
j uctuurc um iiuub un must:
llr.nn..,., .,.. : il.
S as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses.
We invite you' to the largest house in the county, one
that pays taxes on $19,000 worth of goods while our
competitors pay on $7,530. You can readily see
? where to trade to get the goods. We are here to
4 stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We are
r not undersold bv anvbodv.
ilea lIoucl
nd Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
Come in and look over our line of Dry
Laces, Embrideries, Combs, Gloves and
before buying elsewhere.
How is your Table Linen for Thanksgeving.
Before buying come and Look at our line.
60-inch Table Cloth, all white, open work border at 45c.
66-inch guaranteed all linen Table Linen; open work border, with Napkins to match,
Napkins $3.00 per doz., Table Cloth 75c.
In collars we have the high Diaectorie
styles from 25c to 50c, also a large line of
lace and silk collars from 25c to $2.50.
Bear Skin Coats
Infants Bear Skin Coats all sizes and col
ors from $2.25 to $3.00 each.
Bear Skin Hoods from 35c o 1 .25.
j . J L
Free To Our Subscribers
We will be glad to have overy reader
of our paper tako advantage of the
following olTor: If you will send your
tiamo and address to the l'iuctile Med
icine Co., .'J80 La Salle Ave., ' io,
III., they will promply mall st-
pakl a full week's trial most
excellent preparatioii.
"l'ineuies,, Thop.atlon Is put
"P In little gelatin glou tiles, easy and
plosant to tako and nro truoly remark
ttblo in'.their (julck effect on all Hack
Ache, Lame Hack, Rheumatism, and
all Kidney and Bladder affoction. In
writing them it will ho necessary to
mention this paper. Plcaso do so.
Wo hopo any of our readers who
arc suffering from any such complain
ts will tako advantngo of tills olTor at
oncc,as wo know tho preparation Is
most higly rccommendod.
Pincsalve ACTS UKCA poultice
r.UK. a MUKVEi Alt
kLlfcVLB ALli
Balsam of White Pine
and Tar is the best
cough medicine sold
in Red Cloud. Atrial!
will convince YOU dS
it has many others.
Chas. Cotting !
The Druggist
;?a. -jauKKxui SiaasffiSBffi!
I 1 . 1
yooiis are rigiu-aimost
Pass Thi
Children's Sweaters
Infants all wool sweaters at 60c.
Children's all wool sweaters, edged with
contrasting colors at 75c.
All kinds and colors from 5c to 30c a
I have just received
a car load of fine
apples which I, am
selling at ' lowest
lien Davis 75c. per bu.
Grimes Golden and Black
Twigs $1.00 per bu.
Lower Prices In Large
Q u a n t 1 t 1 e s.
Now pure Buckwheat flour
Just received.
An "p I il.i'o line
11 , ulw.-i'
of clcti freli
s on hand.
The Qroeep
All tho Phonos
5o You Want A Diamond?
If you do why not buy it before
they go up in price?
We are ready to show you a fine
selection of stones, direct from the
cutters and at prices that will
interest you
Remember our prices are right.
Low prices our leader
Mitchell . Jewelry
Goods, Notions,
Knit Goods
say "advertised.
T. C. Haouer, Postmaster.