J l,.TrAWVK--.jtl asfer- IV' STATE LE6ISUTURE OMPLETE ROLL OF UPPER AND LOWER HOUSES. THE POLITICS UNO RESIDENCE Complete Vote by Counties for Land and Railroad Commissioner Two Offices Very Close. Following In tho completed roll of the scnnto and house In thu Nebraska legislature: Member of the Senate. e t. J. n. CAln, Htlmholilt 1. T. J. MfiJor, IVni I. B. It. TJurk, Uorlln , 4. W. B. Bannlnjr. Pliittrmioutli. , .Kt-p. . lt"P. Pom. .lVm. , .Iti-p. Pom. .Pom. .Dnn. . .nop. Pein. .Pun. B. A1CX. LAVPrtV. AMlllllIll K. H. Howell. Omaha Frnnk ItntiHom, Omaha. . . . J. M. Tunner. South Omaha O. It. Thompson. Winner.., Nick Kr.lti, Ponder J. D. Hittfltltl. Ni'llch 7. I: i-toii voipp, Kcrliimrr . . . .Pom. 31 C. A. llnnrinll, Xnwmuu O'vr.i.lUli, 12. I''. J. Ilrnrv. Hehuvlir. Pfin 33. J. A. Ponohop. O'NHll... 34. K. U Mynr. Kewpnrt . . . IB. .1. A. Olllt, Or.l Id. L. H. PrctH, Koainoy 57. 3. If. Ttiihrinnn, ftooliin. . . 38. R. U Kin jr. OiT0tn . O. V. Fuller. Kcwarcl.. .., 0. J. 15. Miller. Mnonln...., 15. P. Ilrnwn, Lincoln 91. Jnnroti Klitln, llnntrlro .. 12. V. W. Tlartos. Wllhor. . . . 13. Smith Ketuhum. Hirster. 24. Herman Dlori. Grrshnm IT. J. M. Cox, Hampton '. C. It. Ite-ite, lteil Cloud.. ST. O. W. TII))MltN. llnMltiRS 18. A. O. Warren. Ttnlurcsm, Porn. . .tti'P. Di'in. .Ptiiu. Ptn. . .Ilep .Pfi-p. Pom. . Il-p. . Pom. .rom. . Prim. Pom. .Hop. .Hum. .Item. ..Hop. . .lion. 2. J. O. rjnmrnlll. .StncKvllli!. so. T I., itnvnioii.l. SrotiB mutt. Hon. members or the Home. 1. Tt, A. Claik. Knolls r'lty Pom. Henry Oordf. Full Olty Pein. Otto KntoiiR. HumltoUU Pom. t. A. P. TTarrljiy, JlnnUwnltor Hep. W. 11. Knpcr, Pmvnoo City.... Hop. 3. TTrotl Hector, Auliurn Hm. H. T. Skren, Auburn Pom. 4. J. f?. O'Connrll, TooumxcH. . .Hop. 5. O. W. Poool, TooimiHoli Pom. I. a. W. TldlRh, Nehmrdm rty . iom. IC J. Rtodmiin. Nolirnnkn City .Pom. T. C. K. No.vor. I,oulRlllu Hop. P. Smith. KlmivniNl 1ST. S. M. A. TJntoH. l'lnttxmnulh Pom. . J. Jf. Gaton. l'nnllllon Pom. 10. O. IT. Tlolantl. Omnha Pom. William Ilutt. Omaha Pom. J. P. Connolly, Omiihii Pom, Tl. IT. ITolmoH, Omnhn Pom, Jeremlnli Howard. So. Omaha.. Horn, T. P. KrniifU!, South Onuilin. .Pom, W. S. 8hMmakor. Omaha Pom. W. r. fitocckcr, Omaha Pom. W. P. Thomap. Omaha Pom. 11. IT. V). RchopttKer, Fontnnollo. . .Iiom. 12. Neln Johnson, Oakland Hep. 13. T. F. Orimn. Tcknmal Tli'P. 14. W. J. McVlokor, Kromont Pom. V. P. Tjwrronro. Kromont Poni. IB. OhnrloB Graff. Ilanorort !oni. 1. D. tT. Jlofforman. llulihnd Pom. 17. Adam IllRer. Stanton pom. 18.55. Rnherpon, Ponoa Hop. 1!. .Tohn Kuhl, rtandolnh Pom. 20. J. M. Tnlcott. Croftnn Pom. 21. Georxo Fannon. NollKh Hop. 22. I. S. DvKlnnd. Alhlon Pom. 73.1.. J. Tounp. Madison Pom. 24. .TomM Grrljj, Gonon Pom. 2B. .T. II. W'oeln!, Filllorlnn Pern. 26. W. A. RnthMiok. Sohnylur llcv. 27. F. Ik Hndsr.ll. Wahoo Hop. Frank noletnl, AVnhoo Pom 28. John Poatiil, Onvld City Pom. Josoph I.itx, P.ivl.l City Pom. 29. C. A. rtltchlo, Fion-nnl Pom. Hnnry Schoelo, Howard Pom. 80. Cyrus Pluck. Hlekmnn TSop. E. W. Tlrown, I.lnooln Hop. J. W. Plyntono, Lincoln Hop. C. K. Grovrs, l.liiioln Pom. Fred Humphrey. I.lnooln Pom. 31. John Chati. Wllfoor Hem. J. IT. Hopodtiky. Wllhcr Pom. 32. Tl. IT. TIokoIo. Hcntrloe Hop. P. J. Klllon, Adams Hop. C J. MeColl, llmtiiro Hop. 3S. F. O. Kills. Poatrloo Hop. a, wen I'lcKens. I'airnuiT ....... uoni 3B. 'William Onilior, Hoiirnn Pom 86. J. P. ThloMon. Jnnxen Hep. 37. P. A. Murphy. Exotcr . . .upiii. . . . Ituni. Hop. Hep. ...Pom. . . .Pom. . . .Pent. . . .Pom. , ...lUp. . . .Pom. . ..Pom. , .. .Hop . . . Pom. . . ..Hop. H. N. Swnn, Fairmont..., 38. D. W. llaker, Ilcnodlot ... A. n. Tnvlor, York .19. TC. 13. Wilson, Oflpeola ,40. J. O. Hoolts. Central City, Ul. Tl. W. Boyd, Aurora I J. Evans. Aurora 42. P. M. Nettloton. Fairfield. J. R Broderlck, Fnlitlcld ., 48. A. II. Ilowmnn, Nelaon.., 44. R. F. Ttnlnes, Hod Cloud... 48. T. J. Cooporldor. HastlnRH 46. Erlek Johnwon. Homeland . 47. J. W. Sink. Grand Island , .Pom. K. H. 'VVost. Grand Inland Pom. 48. R. M., Frlca, Dnnnebrnj; Pom. 49. J. I,. Fojmrty, Greeley Pom. 80. H. It. Henry, O'Neill Pom. H. A. Allen, Atkinson Hep. 151. R. P. Sklllman, Alnswnrth ltep. B2. J. F. Carr, SprliiKvlcw Pom. 53. Mlentncr. ,B4. P. K. Buhec. Kimball Hop. KB. 9. J. Botts, Ord Pom. 166. W. J. Taxlor. Merna Pern. T3. Miller, 6ait-'ent Pern. 67. E. A. Brown, Loup City Pom. B8. G. W. Bnrrott, Sholton Hop. F. Armstrong, Elm Creek Hop. B9. H. T. Worthing, Overton Pom. 60. J. D. EnKland, Axtell Pom. NEBRASKA NOTES. Shallenbergcr's plurality In noughts county is 2.CC3. Mr. Bryan's plurality In Douglas county was approximately 1,500. Govornor Johnson of Minnesota has canceled his speaking date boforc the Y. M. C. A. of Lincoln. James Barton, a young colored man, shot at his wlfo at Kearney with a slnglo barreled shotgun and four shot took effect Tho wounds will not bo fatAl. Fred W Ashton, defeated for con gress in the Fifth district by 20 ma jority, may contest the election. Govornor-clcct Shallcubcrgor's ex pense account shows he spent $204.7G In tho campaign. Paul Kclhlekorn, n brlclr mnson, who was working on tho now school building at Pllgcr, fell from tho sec ond story window to tho ground. Ho waB badly bruised, but no boons were broken. County Attorney Crnhnm in tho dis trict court of Dodge county dismissed ho caso against Pasquol Crlstlano, who was chnrgod with tho murder of Tony Gcnovn A fairly largo movement of corn 'may be looked for In tho courso of , the next few weeks, according to tho statements of Omnha grain men. Ono commission man returning from tho western part of the state declared that thero Is a groat amount of grain ly ing In wire cribs in tho fields and that it will average well as to quality. 81. I ?r. Kaatman, Franklin. . ...,Im. A3. Joarph Snyder, Alma Hem. 63. K. W. Hobort.r KoUlrog Hop. m. Mintntr. 8G. Frank Moors, McCtvoll Kep. 6. W. S. Care. Btoekvlllo m. 07. Atlsslmr. Land and Railroad Commissioner. Following Us tho complete vote by counties Cowlcs' majority over Hastham Is 11,003. Cowglll's inajorlty over Wil liams in r51. The tablet is sit n 5 b 2,010 1,688 176 222 1,601 540 982 603 2,536 1,895 1,404 2,514 1,626 410 1,063 903 1,938 1,139 1.271 2,888 746 798 1,752 621 1.237 2,464 14.054 488 1,778 1,106 1,127 1.432 3.764 360 486 9B 681 2,206 1.6S3 1,140 371 642 1,676 110 905 1,980 1,392 1,043 367 431 219 1.831 8,203 1.496 147 243 245 2,111 1,168 1.077 1,669 1.532 2,279 1,515 255 1,438 1,142 1,601 1,188 1.192 .157 470 2,1.83 946 2,360 807 1,969 732 793 523 784 1.731 101 884 1,055 1,618 1,282 1,428 238 2.279 I O u AdamH . . . Antelope . Manner . .. nialne ... 1 toone .... llox Ihtttc. lloyd .... Drown . , . HufTulo ... Hurt Hutler . . . CnH.s ,.. Odar . . . . Chaise .... Cherry ... Cheyenne Clay Colfax . . ?3 S 1.97B 1.4B4 ir.9 224 1,502 014 971 ens 2,5 U 1.S80 1,418 2.S61 1,646 401 , 1,08 913 , 1.910 1.132 i 1,274 , 2,762 74t 828 , 1.721 , 517 , ),2iir. . 2,4 26 .14.477 . 487 . 1.765 . 1,089 . 1,11" . 1,418 . 3,777 . 369 191 99 . GSf. . 2,259 . 1.639 . 1,097 . 373 639 . l.r.43 . 102 . 971 . 2.076 . 1.365 . 1.020 3S . 426 218 . 1.S6S . S.225 . 1.673 . 141 . 241 . 216 . 2,127 . 1.154 . 1,065 . 1,631 . l.niio . 2,251 . 1.4S2 . 25S . 1.443 . 1,0112 . 1.493 3.241 1,402 75 154 1.C44 656 856 502 2,461 1.171 2,082 2,301 1,678 331 978 758 1,899 1,296 1,72 2.912 692 72S 1.87& 36S 1,061 2,634 15,279 384 1,982 1,309 824 3.583 2,962 348 626 93 1,077 2,220 1,599 1,126 274 625 1.745 90 1,432 1,683 1,114 1,161 304 344 lift 2,062 7,353 1,338 119 176 145 t.8,-,9 1,045 876 1,601 l.fiU" 2,363 1,091 251 1,179 1,088 2,508 1.263 1.259 2,240 219 2,180 1,042 2,553 538 1.982 703 935 45f. 812 1,060 122 727 1,014 1,422 1,035 1,291 248 1.94 1 2,287 1.445 67 160 1,662 746 870 cie 2,661 1,181 2,141 2,348 1,725 341 97? 7TS l.sao 1,281 1.746 2.76S 702 774 1.92S 877 1.147 2,661 15,720 38B Cmnliifr .. Cunt rr . . . Dakota ... PawoB . . , PnWRon .. Poticl .... Dixon .... PodKO . . . Pouxlas . . iJiincly Klllmoro . , . Franklin ... Fmntler .... Knrnns (5u0 Gat Held .... UoHpcr Grunt (Jroi.'loy Hall , Hamilton ., Harlan ..,., llayeH Illteluook ., Holt Hooker .... Hoxvnr.l ..., jofforron . . .Tohnonn ... Kearney . . K'cltli Koyu I'ttlia . Kimball ... Knox J.anr.iMcr . l.lnenhi . . . IvOKan I.onp 1.991 1,203 820 1,628 3,090 368 641 93 1,09a 3,311 1,655 1,164 271 2 1,751 2 1,468 1,741 1,111 1.181 906 326 118 2,166 7.612 1.431 166 162 146 1,896 1,086 921 1,606 1,618 2,389 1,114 263 1,288 1,036 2.608 1,302 1,370 2.231 323 2,141 1,053 2,603 624 1.978 702 926 466 823 1.688 121 736 1.040 1,418 1,096 ,1.292 245 1,987 Ali'l'hormin MudlRon ... Mt'rrlclc . . . Nnnee Nomaha ... Nnokolln ,. Otoe l'nwneo ... Perkins . . . PholpH Pierre . . . . Platto .... Polk Hod Willow HIchniMron Rook Saline, .... Sarpy SaunderH . . HcottRhluff . Seward . . . Sheridan . . 1.113 1,275 2.1 -11 473 2.03 939 2.333 795 1,')2K 720 rMicnnun Sioux r.H Stanton .... 787 Thayer 1,73ft Thomas .... 101 Thurston ... 801 Valley 1.040 'Washington, l.fion Wayne l,'J74 Wobctor .... 1,422 Whoolir .... 237 York 2.257 To.'nls . . 12R.SS0 126,977 12S,9tO 129,491 Total vole In the ninetj counties: Shrl.lon 12f!'2I5 ShallenherKor 125252 Hopewell 12, ,705 Gnrrott Ri'92? Junkln Gatnwood . . , llnrton T'rlco lirl.in Mackny lllshop A bbott Thompson . . Kloharty . . . f Viwlos Kastham . . . Wllllaiuf . . . CowrIII ...., .128,480 ....120,720 ....l.'l2,22t ....127,010 ....130,944 ....127,655 ....130,836 ....127.008 ....131.043 ....126,871 ....128,880 ....126,977 ....128,940 ....129.491 Final Figures on Hlnshaw. Illnsh.iw. Gilbert, York 289 ... Hamilton 113 GaRo 9 ... Howard 2 ... Saline 7C ... Thayer ? Jefferson 403 SniimlcrB l1llmoro Polk Butler 18 172 73 707 Totals .... 1.821 Hlnsluuv'.i not majority. 861. 970 Tho county of Kimball has register cd $5,000 high school bonds, issued tin dor tho now high school law enacted by the last legislature. Kimball coun ty is tho first In tho statn to issuo such bonds. James Svltek, tho 15-year-old son of Anton Svltek of David City, while at tempting to mount a wcBt hound Union Pacific freight at tho stock yards, fell undor tho train and both logs wore sevored below tho knccB. Majprltles of congrossmen-olect In Nebraska aro ub follows: First dis trict, Magulro, G3Ii; Second, Hitchcock, 2.57G; Third, I.atta, 1,907; Fourth, Hlnshaw, 8GC; Fifth, Norrls,'20; Sixth, Kuikald, 2,581. Governor-elect A. C. Shallenborger has said ho will appoint Dr. V M. Haxter of Prosscr in tho placo of Su perintendent Kern of tho Hastings In sane nsylum, and will namo N. C. Ab bott of Tekamah superintendent of tho Institute for tho blind at Nebraska City. Be True to Your Own Ideals. I would rather llvo on tho most dosolato crag shivering, with all tho warm wrapB of falsohoo'd stripped oft gazing after unfound truth than sit comfortably on hmoro Inhabited spotB, whero othors aro warm In a faith which Ib truo to them, but which ! false to mo. F. W. Robertson. Natural Growth of New York. Aftor eliminating tho Immigrant In ci case to tho population of Now York City, It Ib growing annually 05,800 by natural acretlon. ONE KIDNEY GONE Out Cured After Doctors 8ald There Was No Hope. Kylvantir O. Vorrlll, Mllfonl, Mo., ity: "I'lvo yearn ni;i n batl Injury pnnilyzoil mo and aflccU'il my kid noys. My back hurt, mo torrlbly, and Mio ttrlno wna built ly disordered. Doc tors nald my right kidney wbh practli rally dead. They Hald 1 could nuver' " walk mutln. I road of Dnnn'u Kidney PIIIh mid began tin Inr; them. One box made mo stroiiKor and freer from pain. I kept on uttlnR (beni and In thieo months wan ablo to Ktt out on crutches, and the kidneys wore actltiR better. I Improved rap Idly, dlucanlud tho cnitche and to tho wonder of my friends was soon completely cured." Sold by r.ll dealont. CO cents a box. KflRtfiT-MMhurn Co., HnfTalo, N. Y. USED TO IT. Old Cient Are you not ashamed to ftand there listening to such awful iatiKUUKC? Tho Hoy Oh course I ain't. I'm a Kolf cuddle. NO SKIN LEFT ON BODY. For Six Months Baby Was Expected to Die with Eczema Now Well Doctor Said to Use Cuticura. "Six months after birth my little girl broke out with eczema and 1 had two doctors In attendance. Thero was not a particle of skin left on her body, tho blood oozed out just anywhere, and wo had to wrap her In silk and carry her on a pillow for ten weeks. She was tho most terrible sight I ever saw, and for six months I looked for her to die. I used every known remedy to allevl ate her suffering, for It was terrible to witness. Dr. C gave her up. Dr. 11 recommended the Cuticura Itcmcdies. She will booh bo threo years old and has nover had a slgtA lof tho dread trouble since. Wo used about eight cukes of Cuticura Soap and threo boxes of Cuticura Ointment. JameB J. Smith, Durmld, Vu., Oct. 14 and 22, 1H0G." Blighted Faith. Edith's small friends were helping her celebrate her sixth birthday, and one embryo Prlnco Charming had been so devoted that seven-year-old Gladys slyly whispered to Edith's mamma that "Edith has got a beau." Mamma, who wasn't so very aged her self, felt that tho role of chaperon was being prematurely thrust jipon her, and explained to Gladys that small girls had llttlo boy friends, not bcaus. Gladys was not to be daunted, how ever. "Ilut I have a beau," sho announced "at least 1 .had one, but he's mar ried now. Just think, ho promised faithfully to wait for me, and then ho went off and married eomo ono elso. And now,' with profound and tragic conviction, "I'll nover bollove another man as long as I live." Not Always What They Seem. Prof, and Mrs. Hadloy were on a train bound for New York, where Yale's president was to speak before a national convention. Ho mado use of tho hour and 20 minutes ho spent In tho train by rehearsing his speech In a low voice, using his hands to em phaslzo certain pussages. A kindly matron who was sitting di rectly behind Mr. and MrB. Hadloy, and who had been watching and lis tening, leaned forward and, tapping Mrs. Hadloy on tho shoulder, said, feel ingly: "You havo my sincere sym pathy, my poor woman; I have ono Just like him at homo." Success. NEW LIFE Found In Change to Right Food. After ono suffers from acid dyspep sia, sour stomach, for months and then finds tho romedy is In getting tho right kind of food it Is something to spenk out about. A N. Y. lady and her young Bon had Btich an expcrlciico nnd sho wants others to know how to get relief. Sho writes: "For about fifteen months my llttlo boy and myself had suffered with sour stomach. Wo wero unable to retain much of anything wo ato. "Aftor suffering In this way for so long I decided to consult a specialist In stomach diseases. Instead of pro scribing drugs, ho put us both on Grape-Nuts and wo began to improvo Immediately. "It wan tho key to a now life. I found wo hud been eating too much heavy food which wo could not digest In a fow weeks after commencing Grape-Nuts I was ablo to do my house work. I wake in tho morning with a clear head and fool rested nnd havo no sour stomach. My boy Bleeps well and wakes with a laugh. "Wo havo regained our lost weight and continue to eat Grapo-Nuts for both tho morning and evening meals. Wo aro well and happy and owe It to Grnpe-Nuts." "Thero's a Reason." Namo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creok, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," in irttgs. Rvt-r rend tho above letter! A uctt one nppeura from time to time. They nre genuine, true, nnd tall ( fcamaa lBteret. r '1.KIW. ' V . J DOWN MISSOURI WAY CANADA'S RE8PECT FOR LAW AND ORDER THE SUBJECT FOR FAVORABLE COMMENT. Thoso who have visited Canada iro always Impressed with tho strict oh servanda that Is given to the laws of tho country, and the order that Is preserved everywhere. The editor of tho Gazette, of Fulton, Nuv., recently paid n visit to Western Canada. Ho was so Impressed with the conditions that he saw everywhere, that on his return homo ho was Inspired to wrlto ns follows: "Heverenco and respect for law Is n dominant characteristic of tho Canadian people. Wherever ono goes In Canada, whether east or west, thu law Is supreme. The law Is obeyed bceauso It Is law, seemingly, mid not because violation carries a penalty. Canada enforces the law and makes every law effective. No coun try Is mora free than Caunda. In name Canada is a dependency of the llrit- ish Crown. In fact, It Ik almost a third republic. All Us taxes are voted, collected and expended by the Domin ion nnd tho provinces. The nominal head of the Government Is the Gov ernor General, appointed by tho Eng lish Crown. Practically his only au thority 1h to veto the nets or parlia ment, which ho scarcely ever exer cises. Canada gives nothing to tho support of tho English government or tho English king. Sho gives England tho advantage In trade regulations and tailff laws, and In return receives tho protection of tho lirltish nrmy nnd navy. Canada enjoys the protect Ion without shnrlng In tho expense. "Thosalo of liquor la strictly regu lated. None but hotel-keepers may obtain license to vend the stuff, and beforo a license can bo secured an ap plicant must provo good character and provldo twenty rooms In his tavern for tho accommodation of guests. Tho barrooms closo at 7 o'clock Saturday evening nnd remain closed until Mon day morning. Tho schools and churches In Western Canada excite admiration. Though new, Western Canada Is not godless. Tho finest buildings In every town aro tho churches. Next eomo tho school houses." Turning to tho wheat Ileitis of West orn Canada, the editor of tho Laurel (Neb.) Advocato of Sept. 17th says: "I havo often thought that tho reason that tho characters of Charles DlckenB aro so impressed upon tho minds of his readers Is because ho dwells upon them so long nnd de scribes them so minutely that by tho time ono has waded through his long drawn out stories they aro bo burned Into his brnln that he can never forget them. It was thla way with the Cana dian wheat fields. Had wo only seen a few tho momory of them might have worn nway In time, but a long klrawn out expurlonco such as wo hud is Buro to leave an unoffnceablo Im pression. Never while wo live shall we forget tho Canadian wheat fields. They call It the grnnary of the Brit ish Empire, and wo don't blame 'em. Nobody who has seen these wheat fields can wonderattholrenthusliisni." It 1b worth while to record that these fields have now been harvested, and In many cases yields us high as Torty and fifty bushels per aero have been marketed, whllo tho general nverngo Wb been awny above 20 bushels por aero. Oats and barley have also dono well, nnd tho profits, tho prices of grains being high, havo paid tho ontiro cost of tho farms of many a f armor. There Is now 100 acres of land given awny. In addition to tho 100 acres that tho homesteader may pnrchnso nt ?3.00 an aero. Particu lars of this ns well as tho lowest rail way rales will be glv.en by tho Cana dian Government Agent. Spoils for Fashion's Followers. At auctions In London during tho lust half of 1907 thero wore catalogued for salo 10,742 skins of birds of para dise, nearly 115,000 white heron plumes nnd a vast number of tho skins and plumes of many other birds of beautiful plumage, Including alba tross quills and the tails of the lyro bird. With a smooth iron and Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist Just ns well at home as tho steam laundry can; It will havo tho proper stiffness and finish, .there will be lesfl wear and tear of the goods, and it will bo n positive pleaBiiro to use a Starch that does not stick to tho Iron. Good Stunt. "How do you preserve your teeth so beautifully ?" "I never buy nny tooth powder froii a dentist." Clovoland Leador. Wo must nover Judge of the quality of teaching by tho quality of the teacher, or allow the spots to shut out the sun. Lord Acton. Pettlt's Eye Salve for 25c. Relieve tired, congested, inflamed and orc eyed, quickly utopn eye tidies. All druggitttH or Howard UroH., ltiitTalo, N. Y. Even thu pessimist has his uso In tho world. Ho causes lots of people to bo glad they ure not in his class. Mrs. Wlnlow Soothing- Syrup. Knr children teethlnif, (oftcoa Ua Rural, retlaeci ra 0miDaUon,lUjpIo,curwwUuleolU). aftoktwtu. Money Isn't overythlng In tho world, but It's dllllcult to realize this fully unless you havo money. I'eet A the line Allen' Koot-Ka Orrr.'lU.UiUuiMlmoiilal'. UtifufcAliuluUuti, Hundfur IrmitrUI larkMii, A.H.OIiiimIixI. li llof, N, V, Time Isn't money, yot people ure alwnys spending It. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora peed brighter and tatter color than aVotrur dre. One lOo uckaoe color all fiber. Thti da In cold water belter taan ani other die. You a dn tUUBVawnfirKlMiutrloplitflaBart. WiUolorlrotlwoUot-HwetoOjr. Bleach and UuCelora. MOMHOC DRUB OO.f Qulnmy. illkftm. LEWIS' "SINGLE BINDER." A hand made cigar fresh fron? tho table, wrapped In foil, thus keeping fresh until smoked. A fresh elgar made of good tobacco lit tho Ideal smoke. The old, wull cttied tobaccos used tiro so rich In itualllv that many who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoko Lewis' Single Hinder Straight 5c. Lewis' Single Hinder costs tho dealer some more than other 5c cigars, but tho higher price enables this fac tory to use ctrii qunllly tobacco. Then' aie many Imitations; don't bo fooled. There Is no substitute! Tell the dealer you want u Lewis "Slnglo Hinder." An Intelligent Child. A small boy was playing with the scissors, ami his Kindly old Knuiit tuotber chilled Mm, "Vou musti't pla with tho t.eihsors dear. 1 know llttlo boy like you who was playing tllh a ,mlr of scissors Just like (hut pair, and he put them In his eye and put his eye out, and he could never m-c anything after that." The child listened patiently, and said, when she got through the nnr ratlve: "What was the matter with bis other eye?" Bystander MIX FOR RHEUMATISM The following Ib a never falling rom edy for rheumatism, and If followed up It will effect a complete cure of tho very worst eases: "Mix one-half pint of good whiskey with ono ounce of Torls Compound and add one ounce Syrup Sur.aparllla Compound. Take In tablespoonfnl doses bofore each meal and nt bedtime." The Ingre dients enn be procured at any drug Btoro nnd easily mixed at homo. The Horologlcal Revenge. i hniV w...i tneit win- They were looking over ding presents, lie pointed to n small bronze clock. "Seems lo me." be said, "that 1 have seen that before." "Vnii linvn" uh. ,.,liirii,il H,,roiiitK- nti hnvo, she teturned soronol. "You gave k to my llrst husbnnd and me for a wedding present. When wo divided the things after tho divorce be kept tho clock, and now he Is pending It back to us." How Rows Begin. "Hubby, I dreamed lust night (tint ' that you didn't love me." "How foolish you are." "Foolish, am I? As If I could help . what I dream about!" And the tight was on. The Real Place. Fi-st Amateur Fisherman Where Is really tho best place lo gel, the best trout? Second Ditto (confidentially) In any llrstclass fish market. Baltimore American. Wi: Slll.l. IU.XK AMI THAI'S CIIF.Al' it buy Kiu-mA. Hides. Write forenlnlou 105 N. lliilo A. Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Between being held up and blown up, the average married man hits u strenuous lime of it. 73t. -?-: a - GEHEM ini!ii!tiiiii i;miimiiimnnimiimniiiiinnii;i;ng iiii'imiiiiliriiiiiiiiMiiiifliifiMiri'fiTft-iiiimfrn-TTrtr ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYegclablc Preparation Tor As Ihc S tomachs and Bowc Is of tl,:iVfaiTWlil,IMiWI Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful ncss and Rest. Conlnins neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not "Nauc otic Vrjw tfOM DrSAMVaimfEN AkhttSitb Hitm Sfttt A perfect Remedy forConslip lion , Sour Stomacb.DiarrJioea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Vac Simile Signature off'' Tin: CesTAun Company, NEW YORK. (itiarnntecd under the Poodaw Exact Copy of Wrapper. I J3.tSQS CHRONIC CHEST COMPLAINTS of (He moit teiiou character havo been pcrmiincotljr cured with Pimm due. Coughi. coldt, hoarieneu, brooclntu and attluna quickly reipond to iu healing influence. II you have a cough or cold, if you are hoaria or hare difficulty with your breathing, get a bottle of Piio'a Cure. Imme diate benefit follow the first dote. Continued ue generally bring com plete relief. For nearly half a century Pio' Cure ha been demonrfratnsg that the mott edranccq forrai of coughi, coldi and chronic chctt compUiaU CAN CTR W '"tfwj m Tills woman say slio was suvcA from nn operation by ILydla 13. rinklminWcKctuulo Compound. LonaV. ITimry, of Norrlalown, Oa., writes to Mrs. rnikhnm: 1 suffered untold misery (rem e- malo troubles. My doctor wild nn opera tion wan tho only chance I had, and I dreaded it almost ns much nn death. " Ono day 1 read bow other women hud been mired by Lydla E. Plnkham'fl Vegetable Compound, nnd I decided to try it. Nofore I hnd taken tho first bottlo I was bolter, and now I ivm en tirely cured. "livery woman Mifferlng with any foinnlo troublo Mionld Uvlto Lyilla h. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty ymirn Lydia K Pink linm'fl Vt'Kutalilo Ooiinxnuid, iiuido from roota and litirbs, Iitw Ixx'n the standard remedy for fcnmlo ills, and lias iiosit ivcly cured thousands of women who have Iwcn troubled with ' displacement,1), inflammation, ulcera tion, r.'.vroltl tumors, irregularities, ' iierinilio nains. hackaciio. that bcar- inff-down feeling-, flatulency, indipcrp .." .i:..i.,UJ11.tll,I,niiuiimul.TiiMnn. i Viri !. i.." .,,, it v - don y"U lryilL? tl . . I M. Plnktinni '""iv WOIIUjn to WPltO llOr for JUlViCC guuled thoilHiuiclA to .Cttit. Address. Iynn. Muss, ( . . AA. M JfeHV VIiSK HF All'AliiHr Positively cared by these Llttlo Pills. They nlito rellcTe Dl trPHfroni 7)yHpcpl,In dlgentlonamlToolIrnrly Itntlnif. A perfect rem edy for PUfclncnH, Nnu-M-a, DrowHlueiiH, l)d TnHle In the Mouth, Cont rd TiniKiie, l'nln In til Side, TOIll'Hl MVKlt. 'fhry u'gulate tlm IWmel. Purely Vvsetnlil. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature BEFUSE SUISTITUTES. K:iXr-"!Thoinpioni Eye Wafer W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 48, 1908. GAST0R1A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beaxs the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THi eiMTOon aoMMHT. nnvoaarTT. BE CURED CARTERS fPlTTLE HIVER H PILLS. (CARTERS fiVg g PILLS. m i AAtT Mi II M :tl ' v H S3CfiXMrlJf.ijA&,4t , A ,, . fk.