n -v r- i-f t w: I'. DtPRICES CREaM Baking Powder A grape cream of tartar powder. Makes pure, healthful, delicious food. No alum, no lime phosphate. There is an infallible test by which every housewife may detect the unhealthy ful alum baking powders The label will tell Study the label If it does not say cream of tartar the baking powder is made from alum and must be avoided. a v, LOCAIETTES Z m . Mr. Rancy was down fro"mBluo mil Thursday. Wanted A few loads of cobs on sub hcrldtion at thisolllee- Ray Palmer left for Arizona Tues day, whore be will work. daylord Irwin was here fron Lin coln tho last of the week. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer of Inavalu visited relatives here Sunday. Foil Sam: Six room House, o lots. Inquire at Newhouse's store. tf Ike Myers and wife have moved back to Red Cloud from Lebanon, Kas., . and will make this their home. Tho M. W. A. lodge have had a new floor laid in their lodge room, and arc i making other improvements which will add materially to tho appearance of ' tho hall. Pincsalvo carholiied acts like a poul tice. (Juiuk relief for bites and sting of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns and boro.s. tan and sunburn. Sold by Henry Cook. , The Raca arc coming ngaiu next ?- .. A , Wanted A good, fresh milch cow, E. H. Ncwhouse. Mrs. C. U. Crone returned to her homo at York Monday. Miss ISlanch Ilcrrick was over from Xorth Brand) Saturday. Mrs. Josie Moranvllle wont to Denver Saturda y to visit. Miss Alfa Longtin has been suffering from the grip this week. Sec Tho Raes pleasing company at the Opera House next week. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Birch of Miss ourio'nro visiting relatives hero. Miss Mario Ilcrmanson of Campbell visited at Chas. Palmer's Sunday. Miss Edith McKeiglmn roturned from a visit at Grand Island Saturday Frank Ilines has tho framo work up for his new residence in the Piatt ud ditiou. t L-idies free Monday night at the Opera House when accompiniicfi by reserved seat ticket. t Roy ICentof Garfield piecinct ullor cl n broken leg hist Sunday, then-suit of n horse falling on him. I'nttonixe home industry. Special prices on . to .1 hundred pound lots of old wheat flour at Red Cloud .Mills. I. I'oit Sali Sevcml good thorough- The concert to be given At the opera houso Tliauksgiving evening, will be a musical treat to everyone. Our bund has been working hard far some time btod Duroe-Jersey boais t'omo quick. on a strictly standard program and ijsT. V. Andeison. 1 mile east of Cowle.s. you will be surprised at the wonderful .. , ,, , ,, . . T . ,. , Mr. and Mrs. ttert Person arc rojoie- jmprovinent made. Popular Prices. ', ... . . , . . , ... i ' Ing over the arrival of a bouncing , Pineulcsfor the Kidneys, 30 days'. babv L,irl Ilt tieir homo Thursday. Nov ember lW.li. trial 81.00. Hundreds of people testify to the merit of tliis preparation in the relief of kidney troudle, rheumatism, lumbago, backache. Pincules ct di rectly on the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feci like a new pors6n. They tone the sj'stem. Sold by Henry Cook. Wanted Success Maga.iue requires the services of a limn in Red Cloud, to look nftcr expiring subscriptions and to secure now business by moans of spec ial methods unusually effective; positon permanent; prefer one with cxperionco but would consider any applicant with good natural qualifications; salary Si. .10 per day, with commission option, Address, with references, R.C.Pcaeoclc Room lOS.Success Mngalnc Hldf.,Nuv York. Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious ness, sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep you well. Tc. Sold by Henry Cook. Sales Agents Wanted SW.oO per week or 00 per eent profit. All samp les, stationary, and art catalogue free. We want one perjuanncnt agent in this locality for the largest picture and frame house in Amerka. Ex perience unnecessary. Wo instruct you how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. I f you wnnt u permanent, lioiiorub'o and prolltablc position, write us today for particulars, cata logue and samples. Fitwic Williams Company, ,1SH W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. J KEARE PREPARED To fill your wants in what ever you may want in the grocery line.. We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor . rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect. And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and Extracts ect. Our Best Brand of Caned goods. Call for Tho Whlto Houso Brand. Bell Phone 4 Rural Phone 63 Win, Rciikel was'down from Innvale Thursday. I' rod Temple came in from Kansas City Wednesday. Will Rlfo was up fiom Beatrice the first of tho week. Mrs. Bomford returned from Wilhor Tucsdnyjevcning. ...Mrs. Stonobrcnkerjhas been on the sick list thlsjweok. L. II. Blaoklcdge was at Lincoln Monday oil bublncss. Father Fllgero!d was in Bluo Hill tho firs of the week. MissJehjUeACotUne' is vlsitlthr U KansasJClty this wcok. William Smith of ;Hot Springs, S.D,t is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kcony of Donver arc visiting oldfrionds here. Alfred Hndell wont to St, Joseph) Mo., Thursday to buy goods. Otto Pope spent a couplo of days in Lineoln,5roturulng Thursday. John Weosner wns up from Weber, Kan., Saturday visiting his parents. Charles Crablll midwife entertained tbo Junior whistclub Tuesdny evening. Mrs. E. B. DeWolf is spending a few dnys with relatives iu Stillwater pre clout, Mrs. A. A. Ford of Hayes Center is visititig her daughter, Mrs. Luther Crabill. Mrs. Mattic Hunderup of Franklin has been visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. Young, who has been visiting Mrs.j.Harry Stroup, returned 'ito hor hpmc Saturday. u . 'x mV. Walters of Blue Hill is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Frahm, and attend ing district court. ' ;, The Starke Brothers have commene-' od the erection of a bridge across the river south of u-Amboy. Some excellent plays and a bigcomp ony of clevor players with Tho Raes at tho Opora House next week. For Sale Improved farm 7 miles south of Innvale. O. M. Noblo, route S, Inavalo, on Womor phono lino. If yon wnnt a fountain pen that will not leak iu any position buy- one of Cotting the druggsit, guranteed satis faction. A farmer living bouth of town says ho is going to .take his whole family to See Tho Raes at the Opera lioti'-o next week. A certain young lady iu town is look ing for a nice young mau to take her to tho Rues show at tho Opera Houso next week. Get my vates, terms and option and and I will make you a Farm Loan Xo wnlt,"iuoney always on hand. .1. II Bailey, Red Cloud, Xebr. For Sale A .stock- of general mer chandise, two stoic buildings and a residence property. Write or call on S . Null, Womer, Kans. At tiio opera-house Thanksgiving night you will luivo in linnet to hoar twojof tlte best clarinetists in the west Mr. Alvin Snappund Mr. Jutnes Gaunt, iu a grind fantasia Duett. Popular Prices. Hands ciacked and bruised from husking, skin diseases, tan freckles, cuts relieved at onco with Piucsulvc Csirbolizcd (acts liken poultice). Draws owt inliainmation. Price 2.1c Sold by' llntiH.. Pn..l. 1 Xo those atilictod with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheuraa tinm, Pincutcb for tho Kidneys bring) relief in the first -dose. Hundreds of. people today testify to their nemnrk- able healing and tonic properties. SO days' trlnl S1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by Henry Cook. The team of the Rebekah lodge of this city went to Superior Thursday to put on the work tX the installation of the district otllcers Those Who went were: Mesdnmos C. B Hale, R.C. Itunehoy, Geo. Warren, .1. K.P.utIer,.Ioe Fogol, Ernest Welch, I. II. Holmes, It. D. Wonderly. (Hoar Teel, Frank Smith, Dow, .las. Burden, and .Misses Myra (iriillth and Mary Potoison. WANrnii At once, s." or 30 young men and women to take a course in lyjultigrnphing. Course can be com pleted in from one month to six weeks. We have a position waiting for you ns soonas'you aro ready, Salarys run from 81.1 to 820 per week for.bcginners. Who will be the first to enroll? Tuition for .complete course S2.1. For further particulars address the Hebron Busi ness College, HehronXeb. A Union Service will bo held in the Congregational church oti Thanks giving day Thursday November 20th at 10:30 a. m. Uev. Stinler of the M. E. church will preach the sermon. An offering for benevolent purposes will bo taken it is hoped that all places of business will bo closed during tho hour of service. A cordial invitation is oxtended to all to comu and manifest u spirit of thankfulness for the mcrcios of tho year. .VV.yV VvNsA,VA vv THANKSGIVING 9fi z' v JOHNSON I BONER fcj.- 7T1 Jfc- w .. F or 'our armyof friends and'patrnns for the name of giving the best values in our excellent Clothes, 2fg OTQ Hats and Haberdashery for our reputation of 'S.'$ lloinrr i 'niinrn M,,c.n" f nll'tU... 1.: "-b J'l""'' "vusv, iui ni mi3j uiniiya W WE'RE, INDEED, TRULY THANKFUL! a As Thanksgiving Day is always "dress up" day, we feel that you will, per haps, want to replenish your wardrobe with anew Suit, Overcoat, pair of Trousers a new Hat orCsomething in the Toggery line. .Vil -Thii l.'i-r' irrffrrifi tIjrsM;lll)e open until noon on ThanksgivingiDay, e . u,' , diid at Your Service with the "best. Cowden-Maley Clothing go. Always Reliable First Door North of Postofficc -SHE nAUjii BHtifari-iif.vAn,..-Fi.-iff'iI R07I1N IIN ICE esszi 3KEM5S3?7S2SaSBC5:5 zsizszsjKia 1 M any view mg I his w Strange Test of timekeep- eek. Frozen Solid But Still Keeps Perfect Time. What is probly the most unique and altogether remarkable exhibition of timekeeping cuMity in a watch, will take, place next week at the store of Newhouse Brothers, Jewelers and Qptometrists. This is nothing more nor less than a standard South Bend Watch tak-en out of stock and frozen in a solid cake of ice. 1 As though it were an animate thing, it seems almost a cruelty to subject so delicate a piece of mechanism as a modern watclto this severe test, but the watch does not seem to mind it as much as the sympathetic looker-on. This test is simply a forcible and convincing demonstration of the fact that the movements of the South Bend Watches are adjusted to heat and cold in the most perfect , manner ever acheived in the science of watchmaking. While the test is not entirely new, having previously been made at South -Bend and other places., we believe, it is seen for the first time in Red Cloud. This test is stated to be the most severe that a delicate timepiece can be subjected to and it speaks volumes for American enterprise and the skill of American watch makers that it has been possible to produce a watch so perfect in construction and adjustment that not even freezing it up carc effect its timekeeping. -.--" ' Indeed, so remarkable is the test that foreign watch makers who have so long boasted of their supremecy can' not even now realize' that it can be done.. : One of the leadjng Paris jewelers' journals, "Revue de LTIorlogerie-Bijouterie," ' expressed surprise and disbelief even yet in the possibility of this test upon hearing o,f its having been made in a recent jewelers' convention in Chicrgo, Tt is to prove its possibility that ioxdoo leading jewelers' throughout the country are' .making this exhibition this week. The fame of "the watch in the ice" has spread all over the world and it can be seen next week at the establishment of Ncwhouse Brothers. The superior timekeeping qualities of the South Bend Watch lie in its wonderful balance wheel which automatically adjusts it to heat and cold, and its perfect adjustment and construction. , Vhean Land. Parties wanting land that two crops will pay for the land should write. J' H. P. Kutyb.A ,. The "watch In Ice" will be on exhibition all next week. Nov. 15-21. NEWHOUSE BROTHERS Pf ' 7 Donkleiniin, Kchr. f'wwvywwwwwww ' iVv'awiracTCv -,t ;, ttcj-x. &?$. rT-irV ' .JV - 7?VS ft! -H S.vs i"V , V - ri in r in.! 'ffi BtMnM. H'I"