The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1908, Image 7

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Gingered Peart.
This is particularly nlco sorved with
Ico cream or muskmolon. To eight
pounds of pears chopped very thlu al
low four pounds or less of sugar, onu
cupful of wator, the Julco and thin
yellow rind of four lntnona (bo suro
jthoy aro not bitter) and one-olglitu
pound or more of green Klngor root,
scraped and cut In thin oKccs. nrlng
the sugar nnd water to a liifll, add tlio
fruit, ginger and lomon, then simmer
three-quarters of an hour or until tho
consistency of mariunlado.
Birds Foresaw Storm.
A German ofllccr describes In tho
Roto Krcuz a curious sceno ho wit
acsscd on a rido in southweat Africa.
A number of vultures, eagles and oth
er largo birds suddenly gathered on
tho trees at ono place. A few dark
clouds wore vlslblo, and cro long thero
was n vlolont tropical otorm. Tho wa
ter penetrated Into holes In tho
ground, from which presently omorged
largo numbers of snakes, scorpions
and mice, and theso tho birds pounced
upon and devoured.
The Ideal School.
If you want to mako a nation of
"bookies" by nil means cram tho
boys nnd girls in your schools with
plenty of arithmetic, but if you would
rather havo a nntlon of good men and
womeu, then train your children to
lovo all that Is beautiful In nature and
in art, all that Ib noblo in llfo or In
doath. Tho school of tho future will
bo a beautiful building In a beautiful
garden. Clarion.
The Deep Things of Life.
The hymn line: "Cast your deadly
doing down" was long ago discredited
and laughed out of court Neverthe
less, ono who pins faith to cease
less nctlvltlco, even of philanthropy
and reform, who Is contemptuous of
poetry, philosophy and religion, who
forgets to draw from tho perennial
wells of courage and Inspiration, will
sooner or later walk In a barren land
of petty interests, unablo to discover
the springs of refreshment.
Peter Pan In Real Life.
Tho lucky man is tho man who
tli rough all tho seasons of many years
remains at heart a boy. Ho will bo
asked by boys to Bharo boyish amuse
ments and to fall in with boys' Ideas
of what sport should bo, which is tho
best compliment of all. He has a
man's store of experience, nn added
patience, a maturer philosophy, but In
all else ke remains a boy. London
Greek Architecture.
It is astonishing that students of
Greek literature and Greek thought
should not be definitely trained in the
knowledge of Greek architecture. He
who knows only tho literary expres
sion of ancient Greece, great as that
Is, knows but one-half of tho achieve
ments of "tho supremo Caucasian
mind." Tho IJuildor.
The Highest Character.
The highest of characters, In my
estimation, is his who Is as ready to
pardon tho moral errors of mankind
as if ho wore overy day guilty of Homo
himself; nnd at tho snmo thno nu
cautious of committing u fnult ns it
"ho nover forgave ono. Pliny the
Silk Hat Economy.
We may regard .London as tho homo
of tho silk hat, and wo feel suro that
hero tho freo ironing of customers'
hats has had a very pornlclous effect
on tho trade. Tho avcrago silk hat
wearer will buy only ono of tlrtso huts
in a year. Outfitter.
Cultivate Cheerfulness.
Tompornment mny not bo over
come, but It can bo modi (led. Tho best
character that you can take as your
guldu is ono absolutely true nnd al
ways cheerful. Cheerfulness Is ono of
tho first of virtues.
Dangerous City "Playgrounds."
Now York city streets make dan
gerous playgrounds, but they aro tho
only ones that thousands of llttlo peo
ple have. Not a day passes without in
jury to children by vehicles, nnd about
nluo aro killed each month.
Injurious Infantile Fashion.
Out of every 100 recruits In llos
nla, G2 havo flattened skulls; tho out
como, apparently, of tho very tight
dressing of the baliy'a head in its first
months of llfo. "
The Philippines.
Systematic Investigation of the Phil
ippine Islands reveals tho fact that tho
group consists of 2,000 Islands, while
before tho American occupation tho
number wan 03tiumted at 1,200.
Work Is the Divine Gpur.
Work Is n necessity If you would
develop tho best that Is in you; It is
tho divine spur that compols a man to
unfold his possibilities by conquering
tho enemies of success und happiness.
i& Lincoln Directory
Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton
rtaln Of lice, 304-309 Fraternity Hldir,
Uncoln, ISchraslcn.
noil Phono BUS , Auto Phono MM
Liu-grot IToaso in HtiUo
GARMENTS nVnimodiuS!
137 St. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
15th & O Stroota
TUO 0(11!
Plan Hotel in Lincoln, till 0. Hum Ci.( tops.
Sands; School Lesson for Nor. 15, 1908
Specially Arranged (or This Paper
LKBSON TKXT.-IMttlm El: road nlxii
John 10:1-1$. Commit enttro I'milin.
GOI.DKN TKXT. "Tlio Uird Is my
Shcpliriil, I uliull not wuut." l'salm -1.1.
AUTHOIt. David.
TJMB. Kltlior In his youth, or Intor In
a review of Ills lite. Marlon iiIiuvn It
ilurltiK Absalom's rebellion, referring to
2 Sum. K:?7-:3.
Comment and Suggestive Thought.
Tho Good Shepherd Shepherding
His Sheep. Vs. l-;l. "On such n wil
derness of mirage, illuslvu paths, lurk
ing terrors, and Infiequent spots of
horbage, It Is evident that tho person
and chnractor of tho shepherd must
mean a great deal more to tho sheep
than they can possibly meun with us.
With us, sheop left to tltetnnolvcs mny
ho seen any day In a field or on a
hillside with a traveling wire fence
to keep them from straying. Hut I
do not remember ever to havo seen In
the enst a ilock of sheep without a
shepherd. On such a landscape ns I
havo described ho Is olivloimly Indis
pensable." Tho sheep In modern times under
civilized governments aro ns renlly
protected by tho Bhopherd ns are those
in the open Holds of tho orient; only
In a different wny. Tho laws take
the plnco of clubs and crooks. Fences
and police guards aro but another
modo of protecting tho sheep from
labyrinthine paths and desert dangers,
and of guiding them to tho green pas
tures nnd waters of rest.
This Is equally true of llfo. Hy n
fuller knowledge of natural and divine
law, by tho protection, which Christian
civilization bestows, and the guldnncc
of God's word, many things are done
for us which needed onco more vlslblo
guidnnce. Hut It Is tho same shep
herding as wits given of old.
Tho Good Shepherd love3 his sheep
with nn everlasting love. Ho gives his
llfo for tho sheep.
He left heaven, his home, and be
came innn; taught, suffered, died, that
ho might find his lost ones.
"Tho shephnrdhood of Christ nnd
tho fatherhood of God aro the two
most comforting assurances of Scrip
ture." Hugh Hlnck.
Tho Good Shepherd Knows HIb Sheop
by Name. "It is a remarkable fact In
oriental husbandry, that In a flock of
hundreds of thousands each Individual
sheep has Its name, knows It, and Is
Juiown by It." This Implies: 1. That
tho Bhepherd takes a living, personal
Interest In each Individual. 2. That
he knows each Individual's peculiar
circumstances, so that ho ministers
to each ono what ho specially needs
nnd requires. 3. That ho assigns to
each ono tho work for which he Is best
fitted. 1. That ho can accept tho lovo
nnd loyalty of each Individual. Jesuit,
tho Good Shephord, does all this and
more for his flock.
"Every llfo needs shepherding; nnd
a Bhepherd knows his sheep by their
weakness and faults, and measures his
euro of them thereby; and when tho
Good Shepherd calls his own Bheop,
he calls them by tho numo which sug
gests at onco their falling and his help,
and his call thus becomes a tender
appeal, for It Is both n remembrancer
and a promise." Hugh Ulack.
Tho Good Shepherd Is Our Guido
rrhrough Lire. "Ho leudeth me."
j"Gu!deth mo on a journey from which
jit is easy to stray from tho right
jmth." "In tho pnths of righteousness."
f'ln the right tracks, those that lead
directly aud safely to tho placo of des
tination." Prof. C. A. Hriggs. "Often
linve I roamed through tho shepherd
country in my youth und watched how
hard it is to chooso tho right path
for tho Bhecp; ono leads to u precipice,
another to a placo where tho sheep
pannot find tho way back; nnd the
shepherd wns always going ahead,
'leading' them In tho right paths,
proud of his good numo as a shep
herd." Song of tho Syrlnn Shepherd.
"Thy rod and thy stnff" "aro not
synonymous, for even tho Bhepherd of
to-dny, though often armed with a gun
carries two Instruments of wood, his
great onk club, thick enough to brain
a wild beast, and IiIb staff to lean upon
or to touch his sheop with, whllo tho
nnclent shepherd without flrcnrms
would surely still moro require both."
Georgo Adam Smith,
i The fitaff Is tho common Bhophord's
crook, by which ho can draw n wan
dering sheep toward him or pull him
out of bome crevlco or away from
homo polsonouB herb.
"They comfort mo." "Wo must no
mlsB tho forco or tho good old word
'comfort' (con, togethor; fortlB,
strong). It means far moro than sim
ply to couboIo. It signifies to tono ui
the whole nuturo, to strengthen a mar
so that all his energies, can bo brought
to bear." M. R. Vincent.
"Goodness and morcy" (tho quail
ties of God) "shall follow mo," pursue
me, hunt me.
Ono need not seek anxiously fo
them us an Uluslvo blessing, us tlr
child seeks in vnln for tho rainbow
but they will pursue him and over
tnko him, if only ho is n truo sheep
"I will dwell, in tho house of th
Lord for over." " In his house, and ur
dor tho heavenly influences of hi
house, whorover ho may be. On enrtl
and In heaven ho will Bcrvo hint tin;
and night In his temple, A memho
of God's family hero will bo a mombe
thero whoro "thoy shall hunger w
moro, neither thirst nny moro; nelthe
shall tho sun Btrlko upon thorn, no
any heat; for tho Lamb which is Jr
tho midst of tho throno shall bo tholi
shepherd, and Bhull guldo thorn unto
fountains of waters of llfo; and Got
shall wlpo away every tear from their
eyes." (Kev. 7:10,17.)
Stenographer Shoots the Porfmaster
of New York City.
NEW YORK Postmaster Edward
.V, Morgan of this city, was shot down
In the street as ho was leaving his
house In MStli street for the po.stotllru
.Monday morning by Eric II. II. Muck
ey, it stenographer omplo'd h a
downtown law firm, who then shot and
Instantly killed himself. The single
bullet which struck .Mr. .Morgan en
tered nl tho right side of the abdomen
and passed out at the left side with
out penetrating tho walls. Theto was
no Internal bleeding und there Is overy
likelihood that the wounded man will
i eeover.
The only excuse known for tho
shooting wns that Alaekey hud com
plained to tho authorities at the post
office in Washington that his mull had
been tampered with and tnnt someone
turned out an eleetrle light when ho
wiib reading by It In the corridor of
the postotllco.
Gets Credit for Success of Republican
Literary Bureau.
OMAHA Victor Rosewnter, direc
tor of the Republican literary bureau
for the western division during the ru
cent campaign, bus completed his re
port to (.'hnlrnmn Hitchcock In which
ho devotes a paragraph to the Kcpubll
c.i newspapers of the country. Mr.
Rosewnter says:
"I want to omphnslxo tne cordial co
operation accoided this bureau by tho
great army of active Republican news
papers throughout tho country. Out
of unselfish .cal and party loyalty
these newspapers havu not only riven
freely of their vnluablu space, hut
often Incurred no Inconsiderable ex
pense of their own to further Kcpubll
can success. The publishers of theso
Republican newspapers are entitled to
a large measure of credit for whatever
results may have been attained by tho
literary bureau under my directum In
combatting the nppoa.s and arguments
of the opposition."
Drafting New Tariff Law.
WASHINGTON. Tho proposed re
vision of the tariff was discussed at a
conference Monday of Representatives
Payne of New York, Halzell of Pennsyl
vania, Hill of Connecticut and Gaines
of West Virginia, leading republican
members of tho house committee on
ways and means.
Tho conference was preliminary to
the series of public hearings on the
tariff which the commlttro will hold
during tho month, beginning Tuesday
morning. That tho committee will draw
up a new law to suporsedo tho Dlngley
taiiff law which will carry out tho poli
cy advocated In the Chicago platform
was admitted by ono of the majority
members, but It is understood that the
committee has confined Its efforts to
tlio consideration of necessary chaijges
In the wording of tho law In order to
secure Its proper interpretation rather
rather than to tho question of nny
rates of duty, which has been left lor
consideration nfter the hearings have
been held.
The hearing Tuesday will bo de
voted to chemicals, oils nnd paints.
The natlonnl Wholesale Druggists as
sociation will havo no representative
at tho Iteming. This Is taken to Indi
cate that tho wholesale druggists do
not desire nny chnnges In tho present
Indications aro that adjustment lit
tho wording of various paragraphs of
schedule A, and a moro explicit classi
fication of certain articles will be all
that tho committee will he aslad to
do with regard to this schedule
Switchman Killed at Omaha.
OMAHA, Nob. .lames P. Mur
phy, -18 years of ago nnd for over twen
ty years an employe of tho Union Pa
cific rallrond In Omaha, was run over
by nn engine about 1:.'10 Sunday after
noon In tho Union Pacific yards bo
twecn California and Webster streets.
Murphy, who lived nt 18117 Norlh
Eighteenth street, wns n switchman
and was riding on tho running board
of his engine. Track ropttlrer work
ing on the track had loft a piece ot
timber lying ncross tho rails. This
caught Murphy and pulled him oft and
under tho engine, which passed over
him, cutting off both legs botween tho
knee and tho anklo.
Four Victims of Thugs.
CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn. Four pur
sons, were found during Sunday night
unconscious in tho streols ot this city,
having been kicked in tho head by
thugs. Ono of tho victims, Chas. Hag
gett, a nogro, died. IJ. Lowery, a
white fnrmor, wiib picked up with his
head cut open. When ho regained con
sciousness ho said that a negro had
Btruqk and robhod him. An unknown
young whlto man, well dressed, wiib
picked up on Wllltesldo street uncon
bcIoub. Tho last victim was a negro
woman who was wounded with a
giuibtly cut In tho center of her fore
head. Court Orders Trial of Halns Brothers.
NEW YORK Justlco Asplnwall,
Monday Issued u peremptory or
dor for tho trial of Captain and Jen
kins Halns oif Docombor 14, In tho
Queens comity supremo court.
Trouble With Cannibals.
LII1SON Advices rocelved nt this
placo stato that In rcsponso to enorgot
Ic rcprosontatlon on tho part of tho
French and Gormnn mlnlntors on- tho
subject of the killing of French and
Gormnus by natives In Portuguoso
Gulnnn the Portuguoso government has
admitted that it wan unable to quell
tho last revolt bocuuse of tho lnck of
troops. Tho govornmont, however,
brought nbout ponco temporarily by re
ducing tho hul tax. but in doing so
stood in dnngcr of losing nil prestlgo
with tho natives who aro ferocious
cannibals. A general uprising la
After Years of Backache, Dlzzlnete
and Kidney Disorders,
Mrs. R. C. Richmond, of Norlhwood,
lown, says: "For years 1 was n
mnityr to kidney
trouble, hnckncho,
dizzy spells, head
nchea nnd n ter
rible bearing-down
pain. 1 tihcd onu
remedy after an
other without bene
fit. Finally 1 used
a box of Donn's
1 1 tfx
Kidney 1'IIIb nnd the backache ceased.
Encouraged, 1 kept on, und by tho
time I had used three boxes not a
sign of tho trouble remained. My
health is perfect."
Sold by nil dealers. fit) cents a box.
JLBtor-Mllburn Co., Hulfalo, N. Y.
Clergyman's Particular Reason for
Omitting the Fifth Verse.
A clergyman In an Interior town
married a woman from whom ho ro
celved a dowry of $10,000 nnd a pros
.pect of more. Shortly afterwards,
whllo occupying the pulpit, ho gave
out a hymn, read the first verso and
proceeded to road tho fifth, com
mencing: "Forever let my grateful heart,"
then ho hesltnted and exclaimed:
"Tho choir will omit tho fifth verso."
Some of the congregation read tho
verso for themselves und Binlled aa.
thoy read:
Forever lot my grateful heart
TIIh IkiiiihIIcks Kntco ntloro.
Which kIvch ten tliouimml blosMnm now
And IiIiIb mo hope for moro.
Eczema Lasted 7 Years Face Wat All
Raw Skin Specialists Failed, But
Cutlcura Effected Cure.
"When my llttlo boy was bIx weekB
old an eruption broke out on his fncc.
I took him to n doctor, but his face
kopt on getting worse until It got so
bad that no ono could look at him.
His whole fnco wus ono crust and
must havo been very painful. Ho
Bcrntched day nnd night until his faco
was raw. Then I took him to all tho
best specialists In skin diseases but
they could not do much for htm. The
eczema got on his arms nnd legs and
wo could not gel a night's sleep in
months. I got a set of Cutlcura Reme
dies nnd ho felt relieved the llrsl time
I used them. I gavo the Cutlcura
Remedies a good trial and gradually
Uto eczoma healed nil up. Ho Is now
seven years old and 1 think tho trou
ble will nover return. Mrs. John G.
Klumpp, 80 Niagara St., Newark, N.
J., Oct. 17 and 22, 1907."
Public Credulity.
After making full allowance for the
increased Bpeinllng power of tho
masses, figures prove conclusively that
notwithstanding the wide diffusion of
knowledge, tho sproad ot education
and the raising of tho stundurd of in
tolllgenco among tho pcoplo, tho ap
peal of tho quack and tho charlatan
to tho credulity of tho public meets
with a readier responso than ever.
London Hospital.
How's This?
Wo orfrr Onn Hundred Dollars lleward for n
.aw ot Catarrh that cannot Imj cuml by Hall's
caurrli Cure.
r. j. ciiu.sT.y & co., Toiin. o.
r. tlio umIwiIkim-)!. luivo known V. J. Clirncj
for tho list 19 jinrn, nnd rxllovo him rw-rfectly hon
'ornulo In nil bimhirss tranr.-ictlonn nnd llnamlAll."
blo to curry out nny olillmtkinn madoliy nil firm.
liolorulo l)rucl!n. Toledo. O.
Hall'd Ontnrrh Ciiro li taken 'Intimally, acting
directly upon Hip blood and inucoiu Burlaw ot tlie
yMrni. TrMlmoiilnli wnt free. Prlco 75 crnui 11
botllc. Sold by nil IlrucuMx.
Toko llall'a Family rills for ronatlpatloo.
Couldn't Disprove It by Her.
"Thoy say thero's nothing now un
der tho sun," mused tho poet, Badly.
"Well," replied hla wife in a tono
dually an melancholy, "you can't dis
prove tho ndago by my wardrobe."
In Chicago.
Ella That man slipped, on my fooL
Stella Why don't you put ashcg
on It? j.
Strong Winds and Sand Storms
rijusMi granulation of the eyelid. PETTIT'S
EYE &VLVE -oothfcH nnd quickly ruliciuH.
All druBgiathorllowitid llros., HuUulo,N. Y.
Advocates of corporal punishment
evidently bellevo that an occasional
spanking makes children Bmart.
Smokers havo to call for Lewis' Single
Hinder cigar to get it. Youi' dealer or
Lewis' Factory, I'coria, 111.
Marriage is a contract, but
are lots of contr'net Jumpers
Mrs. Wlnitow'd Soothlnir Hjrrnn.
For t-blldren Icrthlntr, oftcu the iruim, reduce In.
Camiutlon,allajrajutD,cuiuawladu)llu. VScubottlo.
When a man is short ho usually has
a long face.
Walk home in almost any new shoes
They start comfortable.
(With every few
Try a pair of smart
Walk home, or
comfortable. Continue comfortable
end coitifortable- stay graceful.
FOR MSN. $3.30, 64.00, $5 OO and $6.00.
FOK WOMEN, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
Buler Brown Blue Ribbon 6boti for joaogsteri. Atic your ialtt for ihtra.
Tir Tmrvcarwr C2urr rr
"v uv wwup
Color moragaedabrlaMflrind Utter colors than am other dye. Ont too oacktoe cotora alt (tbera. Thei drain cold wator better than an. oih, rf.. vn...M..
UOAnBMfkTiUtoutrlM)lBO apart. Wmolrlrebooklol-HowtoDj8. Uloacnand Mix Colors. MONROE ORU a CO." Quln, iiihMku
A correspondent writes tlio Winni
peg (Man.) Free Piosh: "Tho Pinch
cr Creek district, (Soul hern Al
berta), tho original homo of fall
wheat, whore It hitB been grown with
out failure, dry seasons and wot, for
about 2G yars, Is excelling Itself this
year. The yield nnd quality aro both
phenomenal, as liau been the weather
for Its harvesting. Forty bushels Ib a
common yield, nnd many lleldB go up
to HO, 00 und over, und most of It No.
1 Northern. Even last your, which was ,
less favorable, similar yields wore In
Homo canes obtained, hul owing to tho
season tho quality was not so good. It
Is probably safe to say that tlio aver
ago ylold from tho Old Man's River to
tho boundary will ho 17 or -IS bushels .
per nciu, and mostly No. 1 Northern. ,
One man has just made a net profit
from his crop of $19.r! pep acre, or
little less than tho soiling prlco of
html. Lund hero Is too cheat) nt pres
ent, when n crop or two will pay for
It, and a failure almost unknown. Nor
Is tho district dependent on wheat, all
other crops do well, also stock and
dairying, ami (hcio Is a largo market
at tlio doors In the mining townu up .
tho Crown Nest Pass.and In JJrltlsh Co
lumbia, for thu abundant hay of tho I
district, nnd poultry, pork, nnd gar-
tlou truck. Coal Is near and cheap.
Jim Hill has nu vyo on Its advan
tages, nnd has Invented bore, nnd Ib
bringing the Grout Northern Railroad
Boon, when other lines will follow." I
Tho wheat, oat and barley crop In
other parts of Western Canada show
splendid yields aud will make tho
farmers of that country (nnd ninny of
I hem are Americans) rich. Tho Cana
dian Government Agent for this dis
trict advises us that ho will bo pleased
to give Information to all who dcslro
it about tho now land regulations by
which a settler may now secure 100
acres In nddlllou to his 1G0 home
stead acres, at $:!.00 nu acre, and also
how to reach theso lands Into which
railways tire being extended, It might
ho Interesting to rend what Ib said of
that country by tho Editor of tho
Mnrshnll (Minn.) Nows-Mcsscngor,
who made u trip through portions of It
In July, 100S. "Passing through moro
than three thousand miles of Western
Canada's agricultural lauds, touring
the northern nnd southorn farming
belts of tho Provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan und Alhcrtu, with nu
merous drives through tho great grain
Holds, wo wero made to renllzo not
only thu niagnlflcoiico oftho crops, but
the magnitude, in measures, of tho
vast territory opening, and to be
opened to farming Immigration, Thero
nro hundreds of thousands of fanners
there, and millions of acres under cul
tivation, but thero is room for mil
lions' moro, und other millions of acre-
' ngo available. Wo could see in Westorn
Canada In soil, 'product, topography or
climate, llttlo that is different from
MlnuoKOtu, nnd with meeting nt
overy point many buslncsa men and
fnrmora who went thero from this
stnto, it was diflleult to realize ono
wiib boyond tho boundary of tho
Rather Effeminate.
Tho Saucepan I wonder whnt
makes the kettle so happy. It hasn't
stopped singing all day."
Tho Coffee Pot Why, didn't you
notlco its now lid? Puck.
& biiv Flits &. Iliilci. Write forcatnlou 105
N. W. llidu A. Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Any man Ib In favor of reform If
allowed to select thu starting point.
'riiono Tlri'd, Ai'liluir I'ltotoT Yoiirn
nerd AIIi'u'h Kioi-K.imi. -V- nl your IlniKvlfct'A,
Write A.b.Ulmnt.-d. IO Hoy.N. Y-forMmplo.
It takes a truthful man to toll a
lie big enough to attract attention.
For fnmotiH and ilollclotu
candlrx nnd i-hocoliiteii,
write t o thti maker for rat
nloji, ivtioli-Hnln or rt-tiill,
Gunther. Confectionery
212 Slalt Slrctt, Chlcato, IIL
tep they lose com-
Wlute House Shoes.
anywhere they start
w. xisuvers mm ahk
Foiie mis
Restored to Health by LyiHa E.
Raad Whnt They Say,
RistrMli Now
York, wtlti)9: " LydU
E. I'lukhain' VVkoUv
bin Catntiouuil over
rlodla ciiffer, vjt, und
nnrvotis ho.iiluolics,
utter oYCrytlitns else
h:wl failed to hull in.
nnd I fool It a duty to
lot others know tf It
Lnf.iyotto 8t Denver,
Col., writes: "TlmnkB
Vegetable Compound I
for nioiitln from nor
Voim prostration."
Miss Mario Rtolt
man, of Luttrol, la.,
writes: "I waslnurnn-
fnroil fromr.upprnMdori,
lmllceulloii, mid poor
circulation. I ..villa 13.
rinkhain's Vcgotubld
Compound niailo me
well and strong."
of 417 N. East St., Ko.
wanoo, Ill..s.-.yK: "Ly-iIliiE.rinkham'aVege-
t.-iulo Compound uurooj
mo ot backache, Hide
nclio, and established
my portals, after tb
Int local dovtorr. had
fulled to holp me.
For thirty yours Lytlia E. Pink
Intm'u Vegetable Compound, nrndo
from roots and horbs, 1ms boon tho
Blaiulard remedy for femalo ills.
undhuH positively eurod thousands of
women -who havo licen troubled with.
fibroid tumors, irrcgularUico,
poriodie pains, backache, that bcar-mg-down
feeling, iiatulcncy.indigos
tion,di7j:ines3,ornorvou8pro3tratlon. Why don't you try it?
Mrs. IMitlchnm invites all sfclc
women to write her for tulvice.
Hlio bus guided thousands to
boulih. AddreuH Lynn. Mass.
Neglected Cold
and Coughs
are the cause of many cases
of Pneumonia and Con
sumption. No matter how
slight your Cough or Cold
may be, cure it before it haa
a chance to do any harm.
is the oldest and best known
medicine in the world for reliev
ing and curing Coughs, Colda,
Bronchltin, Pleurisy, Croup,
Whooping-Cough, and diseases.
of this chum. Your druggist
will supply you. In three sizo
bottles, $1.00, 30c. and 25c.
Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Ver
mlfufjo in an excellent tonic for
both adults and children. It is
also a oafo worm medicine.
45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre
have been grown on farm Itnds in
Much leu would fc
tatiifactory. The gen
ertl averace a abort
twenty biuhcli.
"All are loud in their
prnlots of thr great
crops und that won
tier Jul fount tv. ir-
trjct from corKSponJrme Nattoiutl EdilorUl
Association cf August, lyOi,
It it now pottible to -cute a liomeitead of 160
acrct fiee and another 160 acre at $3.00 per acre.
Hundreds have paid llie cost of their (arm (if
purchased) and then had a balanca of from $10.00
to $ 1 2.00 per acre from ono crop. Wheat, barley,
oati. flax all do well. Mixed farming u a great
tucceti and dairying is highly profitable. Excel
lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail
ways brina most every district within easy reach
of market. Railway and land companies haw
lands for ue at low prices and on easy terms.
"Last Hest West" pamphlcta ondmapsfrnt
tree. For thcue and Information us to how
to necure lowest railway rutea, apply to
Superintendent of Immlfrntioa
Ottawa, Canada
or to the authorized Canadian Government Agents
Ml Re York lit DalUlnf. Oauba, Mttirsiia.
(Tlrux aod tmitltlcs th. h.l.,
f-jviiNww i KTowin.
NTnr Tail to liestore Orny
ltalr to 1U Youthful OolorT
Curio Kslp dlwui. Si hair TkUicit.
a03,ndl.i)e Drop-In. " ,
WIDOWS'""'" N CW LAW obtalnea
iaK1tf(2Ta1k'KrC2 by JOHN W. MORRI8,
l"liWIOjN Wuaaiogton, V, O.
for starchlnaT
Uncsc linens.
"ilS WilSll Thompoon's Eyo Water
W. N. U LINCOLNi NO. 4G, 1908.
I Vuj.tiftNno5a iW
It l- WB
mvr Wm
'. .i2Kh.
H M t - f B
H m rr tmiVT H
f fy
tflll ,
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