The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1908, Image 2

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The Chief
E. B. DeWOLF, Publlshor
Pennsylvania boy 10 yearn old lion
,novor heard of heaven. Tliat'B b dovl!
of a nolo!
It Is now reported Hint the lnma of,
Tibet la an Idiot Uats In tho belfry
of tho roof of tho world!
A Bclontlet tellH uh UiHl "metals got
tlrod." Now you know why tho gold
rhvo out boforo It got to you.
Women' are thlfiig"aoroplnno trips
ln Prance. But women hnvo for some
t 'tlmo boon driving cabs la Paris, which
Us much inoro dnngoroiiB.
If 131 bios wcro actually mndo a part
of tho furnishing of hotel roorrm n
good many Individuals would bo our
prised to And what Interesting reading
tho book really is.
Prom tho year 1880 to tho closo of
1906 22,840 men met death In tho coal
mlnofl of tho United 8tntcs. Not sinco
1807 has tho annual list numberod less
than 1,000, and oach year tho number
has grown largor.
That Evanntoii man who has found
a way to neutralize tho forco of grav
ity does not Beom to havo arrived at
any nort of business understanding
with tho gentlomon who aro exploltiug
tho aeroplanes.
It Is comforting to know that tho
probablo first prlco of aeroplanes is
to bo only 4,000. That brings tho
now machlno well Into competition
with speed devices on tho ground and
gives a man a cliolco.
Ono of tho richest womon in St.
Louis, says tho society women In
that city, belongs to tho Ananias club.
Society In that unhappy city seems
to bo falling clthor on parlous times
pr unusually captious crlticB.
By coming down unexpectedly a fow
toays ago a balloon completely wrecked
a gardon belonging to a hard-working
limn who lives In Germany. Is it not
traio for somo Insurance compnny to
1ssuo policies covering posslblo dam.
ages resulting from knocks by stray
flying machines?
Tho wlfo of an M. P. writes In tho
Lady's Realm: "Tho baldor a man Is
tho moro successful ho scorns to bo
In politico. Not a man with flowing
lockB Is to bo seen on either of tho
front benches, Bacred to tho groat,
wIbo and eminent of tho houso of
MIsb Anna Morgan, holrcss to $100,
000,000, says a VIonna paper, was
driven out or Borllu, whoro sho hopod
to study politico-social conditions, by
tho beggars, high and low, nobility and
others, who no sooner heard or tho nr
rlval of tho rich American girl than
they set eiogo to her dollars.
Col. Goethnls nnnouncos thnt tho
Panama canal will bo rendy for open
ing January 1, 191G, tho dato plunnod.
So now wo can all engago our pas
sago and our hotel rooniB for tho open
ing oxorciscB, and tho competition for
places on tho "first ship to pass
through tho cannl" may bogin.
A German phyHlcinn has calculated
that tho diseases to which tho human
framo Is llahlo number moro than
1,100. Hut thoro aro living plenty of
ox-ofllco boys who In tholr tlmo lmvo
had moro than that, boaldou killing off
wliolo families of relatives, whon there
really was a clinnco of tho homo
ti'am'B taking tho ponuant.
Sir Walter Parrntt, tho nowly ap
pointed professor of music in Oxford
univoislty, 1b un enthusiastic chess
pluycr. On ono occasion ho undortook
to play two men at once and at tho
samo tlmo piny on tho plauoforto
from memory pleceB selected by those
present from any of tho classical
wrltora for that Instrument
A circus lion got locao In Hound
Hrook, N. J., tho other night, and bo
foro it had moro than scrntchod u
camel, cateu a holfor and got itself
shot, 473 pnragmpbors tho country
over had suggested how much cheapor,
quicker and pleasantor It would havo
been for Mr. Koosovelt to go to Dound
llrook than to tho African veldt.
A committee- has been created by
tho British government to consider
tho dangers attendant on tho uso of
lead In pottery and to report how far
thono can bo obviated by Improved ap
pliances and methods in lead processes
by tho limitation of harmless com
pounds for raw lead, or of other mato
rlalB for lead, and by other moans.
A business concern in Park Row
which rune about nil night has missed
scores of Incandescent light globos
lately. Slnco tbcao globes aro fairly
expensive, and tho Item of loss had
becomo pretty sizable, a dotectlvo was
put on tho Job., It took him Just 24
hours to find that tho globes nro as
good as cash over tho bars of Park
Row and Ilowery ginmllls ono globo,
ono drink of whisky.
Another "Adamlcss Eden" hns beot
started on Long Island. It's none of
our business, or courso, but wo'd ltko
to know who's going to button their
walsta behind and get up In tho
night to close tho windows when It
A 15-year-old wifci Is cooking a dl.
volrce; a lC-ycar-old wife In Now
York, saved from Bulcldo, says this Is
her fifth attempt to tako her own llfo.
If thero Is a moral losson anywhero
in tlioso facta It would Bocra to bo
ugalnst marrlago for such very young
Kir la.
Voto on Other State Officers Is Very
Clo&c With Returns Favoring
Republican Candidates
Pool for Speaker.
Lato developments Indicate that
Chairman Hitchcock's cstlmato thut
Taft would receive H25 doctoral votes
may bo vindicated.
Maryland will give Mr. Tuft two
votes und Missouri is nlso claimed ax
William Howard TaCt
doubtful with the chancea favoring a
split In tho electoral vote.
Jurtgo Tnft's plmullty In tho state
of Now York, according to corrected
returns, Ik 2011,495, moru than 18,000
In excess of President Roo3uvclf.s
plurality of four years ago. Gover
nor Chariots 13 .Tlughos was ro-ulcctcd
In New York by 71,105. Tho returns
botwecu president and governor prove
a heavy splitting of tickets. The pro.
portion of scratched ballots was about
tho samo In tho up-state district n3
In Greater New York.
Almost complete returns from Ne
braska 'indicate a plurality for Bryan
of about 5,000. Sliallonbergci's plur
ality will bo S.000 more.
May Take Count.
Returns from seventy coimtlcH In
dicate that Urltm for treasurer, Bar
ton for auditor aud Thompson for at-
James 8. Sherman.
torncy general, nil republicans, aro
elected by pluralities of several thous
and. Bishop for state school super
intendent haa n leud that Indicate
tlmt ho will be elected by about 1,000.
Tho nice between Junklu and Gate
wood for secretary of slate Is close,
with tho 'chnuces favoring Junklu.
Tho democrats claim that Eastham.
Jumoeiat, is elected land commission
or, and tlmt Williams is beaten by
Covjgll! for railroad commissioner,
Many Old Members Mloilng.
A shake-up In the maku-up of tho
next congrcsa will result from this
election. Not only nro many nowly
elected congressmen opposed to tho
iu-clectloii of Cannon us speaker, but
ii n umber of tTio hendH of committees
havo boon defoatod. Among tho most
Important aro Hepburn, head of tho
interstate and foreign commerce com
mltteo; Ovorstroot, postofllco com
mittee, and Landls, the heiftl of pub
lic printing. Sherman's election ub
vlco-proslJent leavos a vacancy on
tho Important rules commlttoo,
but In tho case of WUllnmn this may
bo seriously doubted.
Considerable doubt still shrouds
tho contest between Hopewell and
Garrett for nontenant governor.
Ofllclol and unofllclul figures on
president show that In tho neighbor
hood of 50,000 votes woro cast in Ne
braska. Tho offlclnl and unofllclnl re
turns show Taft 121,980, nnd Bryan
127,013. On governor tho totals nro
112,775 for Sheldon, and 122,520 for
Possibly President May Have Place
In tho 8enate.
That President Hoosovelt may he
tho successor of Senator Piatt In tho
i,cnnto 1h considered by many In
Washington n not nt all Impossible.
Thoso who regnrd this as possible
declaro that they have nsuranco from
the prcsldont himself that ho would
not bo entirely averso to tho accep
tance of tho senatorial office under
tho cotulttIonn ns thoy will bo after
tho 4th of March So far as Is kuown
ho had mado no recent expression on
tho subject, but ho has said, within
the Inst year that with Mr. Taft as
president ho would not fool tho same
hesitancy about entering tho Semite
tlmt ho would feel with Bomeono in
tho White Houso with whom hlB re
lations woro not as Intimate aa they
nro with Mr. Taft.
Guaranty Law to De Passed.
A guaranty deposit law will be
passed by tho next legislature.
Governor-elect Shallenborger bus
announced that this will bo done nnd
ho has tho support of a democratic
legislature. Dotnlls of tho law will
await tho' ofllclul count on Btato offi
cers, ir thu state banking board Is
politically unfriendly tho details of
tho Hchemo will havo to bo changed
Tho primary law will doubtless bo
amended to provldo for an election of
United Stall's senator by direct vote
or tho people, tho legislature being
directed to select tho winner at tho
pollx bo lie republican or democrat.
Sheldon Will Return to Farm.
"It's all over. I'm tired and I'm go
ing homo. Let tho peoplo rulo."
This was Governor Sheldon's state-
Ashton C. Shallcnbcrfjcr.
ment after so many returns had been
received that ho was convinced be
yond any doubt that ho had been do
fcatcd for re-election.
Tho governor (Iocb not seem to bo
concerned about Ids political future.
Ho Is not Inclined at present to dls
cuss what ho may do. "I'm tired and
I'm going homo," is a part of his
htatement and It Is probably truo to
thu exclusion of any thought about a
political future.
It la corridor talk that Sholdon will
be a candldato of tho republicans for
souutor. This has been In tho air for
year or moro.
MILWAUKEE, Wis. Practically
complete returns from Wisconsin
plar.e Taft's plurality at S7,9Ci. Tho
entire republican state ticket Is elect
ed by 80,000. Ten republicans and
congress. Tho socialists lost two
one democrat (Weisse) nro elected to
strong lights for congressmen.
Taft Gets Two Votes In Maryland.
From Maryland, Taft will recelvo
two ami Bryan six electoral votes.
Taft had a plurality of CGI on tho
votes of tho highest elector In Mary
land. This IcavcoB the result in the
electoral rollego Taft 321, llryan 162.
A second attempt was made to burg-
lUliZO MoiTh) & Knn'u utm-n n n,.
Itral City.
Killed By News of Bryan's Defeat.
Heart failure, duo to Bryan's do
feat Is glvon us tho cause of tho
death or JoBoph J. imhoff, sovonty
two, a well-known resident of Read
Ing, Pa.
Mr. Imhoff will bo remomborcd as
ono or Nebraska's ploncors. Ho wns
landlord of tho Commercial Hotel,
now tho Capital, In tho early seven
ties, und nftorwardn an oxtonslro real
ostato dcalor. Ho left Uncola several
years ago.
kkkkkH! Jlut? WvTMi1kklWHkkm
House and Senate Democrats.
Returns from every senatorial dis
trict In Nebraska show that tho com
plexion of tho next stato Rcnato will
bo democratic. Tho republicans have
amsomhlod only thirteen memborn,
whdlo tho democrats ha,Vo twenty.
First district J. R. Cain U
Second district T. J. Majors It
Third district S. H .Buck D
Fourth district W. 11. Banning.... D
Fifth district Alex Lavorty R
Sixth district 13. K. Howoll D
Sixth district P. T. Ransom D
Sixth district J. M. Tanner D
Seventh district O. It. Thompson. R
Eighth district Nick Fritz D
Ninth district J. D. Hatfleld D
Tenth district W. D. llallor R
Klovonth district C. A. Randall... It
Twelfth district Frank .1. Henry.. D
Thirteenth district J. A. Donahue D
Fourteenth district K. L. Meyers.. R
Fifteenth district J. A. Allcs, Jr.. D
Sixteenth district 13. F. Dodlnson. D
Seventeenth district .1. II. lliiruliam D
Eighteenth district 13. L. King. ... U
Nineteenth district G. W. Fuller.. D
Twentieth district .T. B. Miller.... D
Twentieth district E. T. llrown... A
21st district Jacob Klein D
22d district P. W. Bartos D
23d district Smith Kotehum.....'. D
21th district Herman Dlers D
25th district R. O. llrown D
26th district C. R. Uesso ID
27th district G. W. Tlbbotts K
28th district A. O. Wnrtcn R
20lh district John C. Gurill R
30th district L. I,. Raymond R
The lower houso of the legislature
this winter will ho lnrgely democratic.
Tho republicans lmd CO of tho 100
members two years ago nnd this con
dition will bo reversed this winter.
It Is possible thnt tho democrats may
ovon havo a greater advantage In tho
houso. Tho following momberu havo
been elected, according to reports re
ceived up to Thursday ovenlng:
K. W. RobertB, republican, Phelps.
John Snyder, democrat, Harlan.
R. A. Clark, democrat, Richardson.
Henry Geddes, democrat, Richard-
Otto Kotouc, democrat, Richardson.
J. (3. O'Connell, republican, John-
G. W. Leldlgh, democrat, Otoo.
E. .T. Stedman, democrat, Otoe.
C. K. Noyes, republican, Cass.
D. Smith, republican, Cass.
M. T. Harrison, republican, float.
P. G. Roland, democrat, Douglas.
.1. P. Connoly, democrat, Douglas.
J. Howard, democrat, Douslas.
W. S. Shoemaker, democrat, Doug
las. V. Ilult, democrat, Douglas.
R. II. Holmes, democrat, Douglas.
J. P. Kraus, democrat, Douglas.
W. P. Stoechcr, democrat, Douglas.
W. P. Thomas, democrat, Doulav.
II. D. Schrettlgcr, republican,
11. P. Grlllln, republican, float.
Charles Graff, democrat, Dodge.
W. J. McVlckor. democrat. Dodge.
S. Saberson, republican, Dixon.
G. W. Fanuon, republican, Ante
lopo. Mr. Young, democrat, Madison.
J. W. Wcems, democrat, float.
W. A. RothencX republican, Colfax.
E. II. IlalsoH, republican, Saunders.
Frank Donezell, democrat, Saund
ers. C. A. Ritchie, democrat. Soward.
Henry Scheie, democrat, Soward.
Cyi'iM Black,' republican, Lancaster
J. W. Ulystone, republican, Lancas
ter. E. W. llrown, iepubl!can, Lancastor.
Fred Humphrey, domo6rat, Lancaster.
C. 13. Groves, democrat. 'Lancaster.
John Chad, democrat, Saline.
J. II. Hospodakl, democrat, Saline.
F. O. Ellis, republican, float.
P. A. Murphy, democrat, Fillmore.
H. M. Swan, democrat, Fillmore.
J. G. Iloltcj, democrat, Merrick.
R. W. lloyd, democrat, Hamilton.
L. J. Evarrs, democrat. Hamilton.
D. N. Nettletrin, republican, Clay.
J. E. Hroderlck, domocrat, Clay.
P. J. Cooprlilcr, domocrat, Adams.
Eric Johnson, republican, float.
W. J. Taylor, domocrat, Custer and
13. A. Rrown, democrat, Shor"
O. W. Uarrctt. republican, Buffalo.
II. J. Worthlngton, democrat, Daw
foii. J. P. England, democrat, Kearney.
Heavy Majority for New Plan.
Out of a total voto of 7,249 (offlclal),
3CG of which had to bo thrown out
bccauHo tho ballots woro unmarked,
tho proposition to rhango Lincoln's
form of municipal government to a
commission plan carried at Tuesday's
election by a voto or 5,128 to 1,765.
This voto doos not change tho gov
ernment in Lincoln, but Is simply a
"straw voto," as It wcro, to establish
tho people's wish.
Tho chartor revision committee or
tho city council will now prepare a
new chnrtcr, to bo submitted to tho
legislature this fall for ratliicatlon,
carrying out tho dotallu of tho com
mission plan. Should tho charter
pass tho legislature, tho commission
form of government will not be In uso
until next April.
Republicans Now Claim Oklahoma.
Guthrie, Okla. Tho offlclnl returns;
ure awaited to show tho exact stato
of nffalrs In Oklahoma. Croagor, re
rubllcun, claims tho Third by 1,000.
Morgan in tho Second hus apparently)
defeated hlsi democratic rival. Ropub-j
Ucun Chairman Morris still claims the,
stato for Tort.
Indiana Divided.
Indianapolis, Ind. A radical change,
in Indiana's representation In Iho na
tional houso ol representatives was
tho most striking feature of tho elec
tion. Tho latest unofficial returns com
ploto bIvo tho democratic party
olovon mornborH and tho republicans
two. This la ii gain of sevon for tho,
democrats, tho former representation
bolug nine republican and four demo
cratic members.
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interect to hte Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Tho ladles of tho Christian church
at Arapahoo cleared $10 on u Satur
day dinner. i
Tho flvo year old sou of Ernest
Lutz, of Eustls, fell and broke his leg
whllo playing horso with a stick.
Henry Vnnderhuyden, of Crookston,
fell down cellar nnd broke his collar
bono and dlslocnted his elbow.
A carload of now muchlnory for
tho now 'lVntis-Mis.slsslppl elevator at
Kearney has been received.
Rev. P. G. Hamm has closed his
pastorate of the Christian church at
Exeter and will movo to Oregon.
Jim Buttoroff, an old resident of
Dixon county, died In Alberta, Can
ada. Leonit Gaucher of Wahoo, who has
been In a Sioux City hospital for sev
eral weeks, has been removed to her
Hoiiry Llekhus of Dodge, who was
Injured In un accident several days
ago has been taken to Omaha for
Tho foundation for the new Presby
terian church at Elgin Ir about com
pleted and soon tho superstructure
will begin to go up.
Many Bchools In Nebraska shut
down a few days In order to allow
teachers to attend the stnto associa
tion meeting in Lincoln.
Miss Tilllo lllankenburg of North
Platte has been offered a position as
stenographer In tho forest resorvo de
partment of tho government
Rev. L. J. Powell has reslgued tho
pastoruto of tho Lutheran church nt
Suthorland and will go to oWst Point
to tako charge of u church there.
Verne Matteson, 21 ycare old, son
of H. ii. Matteson of Omaha, who was
visiting at Blair, accidentally shot
himself seriously "but not fatnlly.
Tho Hubbard boys, formerly of Burt
count', havo purchased a newspaper
lr. New Mexico and will assumo
chargo of It about January 1.
.... young follow nnmed Charles
Campbell has been held In a bond of
?800 nt Butto Uoyd county, on n
chargo of horse stealing. Ho could
not give tho bond and Is In Jail.
For tho first tlmo In tho history
of Lancaster county a mixed delega
tion, three democrats and four repub
licans, will go to tho legislature.
wompleto returns from Douglas
county buow that Itryan carried tho
county by n majority of 1,522, and
that Shallcnbergoi' for governor went
blm moro than u thousand better.
Andrew Llnglo of Nebraska City
was perhaps fatally stabbod by Mat
Sroas, a butcher. In a quarrel over
some money which had been borrow
ed. Both men had been drinking.
Edgar Lumbard, tho 1 1-year-old son
of D. A. Lumbard, cashier of tho First
National bank at Fremont, was acci
dentally shot In tho head and killed
bj Leslio Whitcomb, a 14-ycar-old son
or E. L. Whitcomb of that city, whllo
out hunting oh the Plntto river.
Dr. Luddcn of tho stato board was
In Kearney looking over tho normal
school, noting improvements nnd go
ing over tho records of the Inatltn
Hon. Ho addressed tho students nt
Tho boys' and girls' Industrial clubs
of Beaver City will hold tho annual
meeting at Denver City Saturday, No
vember 14. Superintendent Mundny
ban Issued a premium list with over
$100 for tho winners. Thoro Is much
interest manifested.
Tho grosB earnings of thu Union Pa
cific for tho month of September
touch a now high record nnd tho net
earnings for bath tho Union Pacific
nnd Southern I'acltlc nrao tno highest
for any such month in tho history of
theso roadB.
Sixty-four years ago Mr. and Mrs.
William Weyglnt of McCook wore
mndo husband and wlfo In Now York
Btate. This fact wbb celebrated by n
Inrgo company of friends nnd neigh
bors. Both of tho old folks aro now
88 years of ngo.
Great preparations aro being mado
by thoso having chargo of tho Young
Men's Christian association ror tho
great meeting to bo held In Columhua
on tho 22d or this month. Tho prin
cipal speaker Is to bo Bishop Nuelseu
of tho Methodist Episcopal church.
"You wero angry and I was not
wanted. Emma was cross. I didn't
come hero to ralso trouble I nm
tired of suffering, but It. will not Inst
long." Thews nro Bentences from i
ncto which Mnry WelBol of Omaha,
23 years old, wroto to Arthur Shaver
Just bcioro Bho shot herseU threo
times In tho breast, dying n row min
utes afterward. Tho girl, it is said,
had for soma tlmo been demented.
Odd Follows of Dortrnnd are put
ting up a lino building.
Tho ministers of tho various
churchea of Ponca havo Just organiz
ed a ministerial union In which they
havo dopartcd from tho customary
ruos. Tho wives of thu ministers aro
Invited to attend nil tho regular
ujrnthly meetings.
S-vin Whitehead and S. Doffonbnugh
nr out with petitions for appoint
ment as postmaster at Cairo, Hall
county, It having boon reported that
Postmaster Sfaull has resigned nnd
will go to South Dakota to go into
tho business of contracting.
Items of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Ora Smith, a York boy, had Iil leff
broken in n football gamo.
At Crowley they nro boasting of a
hnnnor potato yield of 300 bushels on
less than one acre.
J. L. May of Dawson county lost
twenty-four head of good stoorB from
an overload of alfalfa hay In their
BurglaiB entered the Banley Stato
'bank mid mndo their way through to'
the roof, but got nothing. Tho safo
was undisturbed. They secured toola
from a blacksmith ohop.
Rev. P. T. O'Reilly, pastor of tbo
St. Mary's Catholic church at Nebras
ka City, has reslgnod to accept tho
position as secretary of tho archbish
op at Chicago. Fathor Bernard of
western Nebraska eomoa to take his
While West Kads. ono of Slanton'n
ball players, wns operating a stump
puller, ho met with an accident in
which both of his, legs wero broken.
He was engaged In pulling utumpp
when tho machinery broke, tho sweep
ci lever crashed around, Btrlklng Eadw
on tho legs, silvering tho bones.
Tho month of October has averaged
up fairly well" In u meteorological way
with previous Octobers for tho hist
thirty-eight years, both In tomporo
turos nnd precipitation. Tho average
temperature for tho month was 53,
as tisnlnst tho general avorngo of
51.2 for tho past Oetobora.
Following is tho Gago couuty mort
gage record for the month of Octo
ber: Number of farm mortgagoa tiled,
18; amount, S41.89S. Numbor of farm
mortgages released. 28; amount, $35,
C02. Number of city mortgages filed.
31; amount. S2S.2S1. Numbor of city
mortgages released, 34; amount. $24.
751. Wo8 Eads of Stanton county, while
pulling stumps with a stump pulling
machine, had the misfortune to havo
both of his less broken. Ho was lead
ing tho team nnd a bolt broko, which
throw part of the machlno against his
legs, breaking both of them. Ono of
tho horse's logs wns also broken and
In bucIi i way that tho animal had to
bo killed.
Charles H. Lavera of Boston hns
been selected general secretary of the
local Y. M. C A. ut Beatrice to suc
ceed Fred Metis, who recently resign
ed to accept a similar position with
tho association at Rajld Ctly, S. D.
Mr. Lavers was until recently assist
ant secretary of tho Boston associa
tion and nt one time was engaged In
nsboclatlon work In China. Ho vflll
assume his new duties November 9.
Eugene Morey.'a civil onglnoor. W.
II. Hand. Dr. Martin. V. B. Sample.
W. S. Clapp and Theodore Il.Bolte,
all of Kearney, aro tho names of Uiosc
who have fully Incorporated the? pro
posed Kearney &. Loup Valley rail
road.. The capita! stock Is fixed at
$100,000 common and $20,000 prefer
red. Tho plan Is somewhat more
comprehensive than at first proposed,
a3 the terminals selected aro Kearney
aiid Hyannls.
A number of Austrlans. who work oh
tho Rock Island section at Ellis wore
beaten nnd robbed tho other evening,
supposedly by two ot tholr follow
countrymen. The men mako their
homo In a'enr nnd were awakenod
about midnight by two masked men
who had broken Into tho car, and
whllo ono of them hold a revolver
the other beat tho Austrlans Into In
sensibility, afterward rifling their
clothes. Tho robborB secured about
Tho West Point Fiu-mora' Inatitulo
society hns published its list of prizes
to bo awarded at tho forthcoming
county corn show. For tho best
bushel of corn, any color, $15 Is offer
ed. For yollow corn, ten oars, first
prize, $10; socond, $8; third, $6;
fourth, $1; llfth. $2, nnd on tho three
next best $1 ench. Tho samo premi
ums aro offered on whlto corn. Prizes
are offered also for tho bost single
car or corn, for sweet corn and pop
corn. Tho cornor stone for tho new Meth
odist church at Humboldt was laid
last Sunday In the midst of a largo
crowd of spectators, tho pastor. Rev.
A. S. llucll, being assisted In the
ceremonies by Rev. Gcorgo L Wright
of Nebraska City, district superin
tendent, who dellvorcd nn address af
ter tho rltunllstle work was completed. '
Underneath tho Btono tho church au
thorities placod a history of tho soci
ety slnco Its orgnnlzntton In 1871,
when tho old church was orectod.
Undo .Too Worrallil printer and Ne
braska pioneer, has been in tho city
this week, says a Tccumsch dispatch.
Whllo thoro Uncle Joo took tho pains
to look ui tho real cstato' la Johnson
county belonging to a certain man who
drew a farm In tho Rosebud drnwlng.
According to tho ruling of tho govern
ment, a man must, swear ho owns no
moro than 160 acres of land or ho can
not register. This lucky man, accord
Ing to Worrnll, owns 200 acres in John
son county. The printer reported the
enso to tho government authorities.
Thomas Stanloy of Kcncsaw had. s
over 100 bushels of potatoes oft (ess
than a half acre of ground.
A strniiEor wnB around among the
buslnesB men of Stella trying U cell
Borno rings. Upon being told thnt there
was. a robbery oi a Jowolry Btoro tho
night before ho left at onco for tho
depot to catch a train out. At this
Juncture tho sheriff arrlvod and, going
to tho depot, found tho stranger hid
In tho weeds. Ho wns placed In tho
city Jail and a thorough search mndo
of his porson, and two bags of gold
rings woro found strapped to his body,
beHides other items in tho Jowolrr line.
t-' ' i ' & ti'vM' -r v- i