The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1908, Image 7
tor o i i, Pimmm Tho evening gown at tho left is of black tulle made up over green satin. Tho underskirt or tho satin Is trimmed with a green and gold guipure and over thlB Is tho skirt of black tulle finished at tho bottom with a wide band of black liberty. Tho corsago and short sleeves are mado of tho green nnd gold embroidery bordered with tho black tullo and liberty. The undorblouse gulmpo and long sleoves nro of whlto tulle. Tho wide girdlo Is of green silk and black velvet ribbon; It Is finished In tho hack, a little at ono side, with long fringed enda of tho green and black. Tho other gown l:i of black taffeta. Tho round skirt Is encircled with two groups of deep tucks and trimmed lengthwise with a band of silk edged with a frill of tho same and ornamented with motifs of passementerie. This band apparently extends up on to the waist, which Is also encircled with tuokH and trimmed around tho yoke with a tucked insertion of tho silk bordered with bias bands of tho same. Tho sleeves aro trimmed to correspond; tho yoke and cuffs aro of whlto guipure. Tho girdle is of black velvet ornunicnted at ono side with a great deep red lose of liberty satin. AAWVWWV TUCKS FOR THE HOUSE GOWN. Varying Widths Offer Opportunity for Display of Taste. Tucks appear on most of the sleeves of the now gowns Intended Btrlctly for house use, and their varying widths offer suggestions as to what may bo dono with tho aid of energy and two klndB of material. If only just enough net Is on hand to make a scantily tucked tight-fitting long Bleeve, tho tucking would best begin half way between tho shouldor and tho elbow, and tho Intervening Bpace cov ered with a closely fitting cap of silk or Batin, elaborately hand or soutacho embroidered. Or thcro may bo wide tucks entro deux with silk or satin bands, as such a schemo will admit of any amount of piecing. Sometimes it may provo advisablo to drape the heavier fabrics over a tight lace bleeve, In which event tho under sido of tho transparency need not absolute ly match, as tho drapery may bo tacked down to tho inner section, and only tho top noed bo exposed. The woman who finds It nccossary to runko over sleeves would best provide her self with a bIcovo form on which sho may make experimental draplngs, for sho has only to bear in mind that so long as tho sleovo 1b full length and tight-fitting from tho elbow to tho wrist almost any fancy will pass mus tor in connection with a houso gown or a blouso not of tho strictly tailored type. PICTURESQUE HAT. Of lcaf-grcen felt, with ruchings nnd bows of green volvot, encircled by medallions ot green silk and dull sil ver embroidery. To Perfume the Breath. It Is considered bad form to pcrfumo the breath bo that it can bo noticed easily, but nothing can bo said against perfuming It Just enough to sweoton it. Buy a picco of orris root and chow just a small picco of this. A clovo placed in tho mouth, but not chewed, will glvo nn odor of carnations to the broath. If tho clovo la cbowed, it must bo swallowed right away or tho odor will becomo too strong. It Is nald a bit of myrrh held In tho-chcok will glvo a breath a delicately sweet odor. The Coquettish Apron. Ono strong reason why girls havo chafing dish parties la becauso of tho coquettish adornmont French aprons glvo. A moro handful of a thing Is pear-Bhapod, wlht a suggestion of a bib. Around tho odges Insertions aro designed, nnjl thcso aro edged with rullles of tho same laco. Fmh 1 ii HOUSE DRAPERIES ARE BRIGHT. Extravagance In Color a Marked Fea ture of the Season. Tho womnn who loves bcnutiful col oring and design should go through tho shops to see tho new things for household decorations. Tho extravagances of color In fabric In tho now costumes for women are not only equaled but surpassed In those for houso draperies. Dozens of new things havo been brought out, and, best of all, they aro offered at small prices. In tho Japaneso stuffs thoro Is tho wildest profusion of stamped designs, of embroidery, and of bullion work; somo aro very expensivo and are In tended only for handsome rooms. Others aro at small cost, and would delight tho heart of tho artistic wom an. For less than CO cents a ynrd there aro extra wldo Japaneso drape ries of printed crepe In palo greens with faintly colored Japaneso lanterns swinging down tho outsldo edges as a border. There aro white and vlolot crepos with wonderful designs in wistaria floating nil over tho surface. Thcso could bo used ns Bilk curtains for any room except a formal parlor or reception hall. N. Y. Times. The Utility Coat. Undoubtedly the number of women who must mako ono long coat answer for all-round daytimo servico Is great ly in tho majority, and to such Is ad dressed tho statement that tn Bolect Ing such a garment it will bo hotter to securo a material not too heavy for ordinary autumn nnd spring uso, rely ing upon extra wraps for additional warmth in winter. Any or tho medium-weight worsteds, supposing nl wayB that they aro closo and firm of weave, are advised, hut special atten tion must bo dqvoted to their color ing, which should show a preponder ance of whlto or gray rather than black, dark brown, bluo or green, ob tho dust Bccms to settlo on woavos In those colors as though with a firm determination to cling In tho pro verbially brothorly manner, whorca3 white, gray and tan simply become a bit more dull, but never look actual ly rusty. Sachets as Bridge Prizes. Sachets aro now given as bridgo prizes, so that tho hostess who posses ses more of tho vlrtuo of hospitality than money may entertain correctly II only she has a largo numbor of fresh looking silk pieces at hand. Such llt tlo hags aro of all sizes, as they nro used to drop among tho handker chiefs, tho neckwear, tho gloves and tho lingerie. They are mountod over llttlo fino whlto linen sacks which hold tho powder, and their ends may bo fringed and tied together wltn baby ribbon, or thoy may bo faced or shirred Into a sort or roso effect. Sachots nro especially acceptable those days when only vnguo Buggca tions of porfumo aro permissible. Crepe do Chine Waists. Tho high-clas3 dressmakers aro ad vocating slmplo waists of colored cropo do chlno to wear with tho winter cloth suit. Thpro is tho heavy texturo that can bo gottcu for this purpose It dooa not look too dresay in combination with soi go and cheviot. LAMENT FOR CHANGED TIMC9. Adonlram Qorntop Discourses on Present-Day Extravagance. "To, nlrco, Dill, tlm6s 1b changed slnco yoii an' mo v?ns iloln' our court ln',"vild Adonlram Corntop, with a noto 6t fBiuTncss In hla voloc, to old Andy Oliver, who had como over to "sot a npoll." "When' wo was doln our courtln', Andy, a' gnl thought alio was boln' treated right harnsom If a fellor bought her ten cents' wuth o' pcp'mlnts onco In awhile, an If ho tuk her to any doln'a In town nho didn't expect him to go down Into his jeans to tho tune of ii dollar or two for Ice cream an' soda water an' candy at fo'ly cents a paound. My non SI tuk his tlucUoy doodlo to tho hand concert In town ylatltlny an' there wa'n't u quarter loft of u dollar bill ho struck mo for tlmo ho got homo. Heats all tho way young folks throw tho money awny nowa days. I toll yo times Is changed mightily slnco wo was boys, an' tho Lawd only knows what tho end will bo with a feller layln' oilt 75 cents on a gal In ono day." Puck. 10 YEAR8 OF SUFFERING. Burning, Painful Sores on Legs Tortured Day and Night Tried Many Remedies to No Avail Cured by Cuttcura. "After an attack of rheumatism, running sores broko out on my hus band's logs, from below the knees to tho ankles. Thcro aro no words to tell all tho discomforts and great suf fering ho had to enduro night and day. Ho used every kind pf remedy and thrco physicians treated him, ono after tho other, without any good results whatovcr. Ono day I ordered somo Cuticura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, and Cutlcura Resolvent. Ho began to uso them and In thrco weeks all tho sores wcro died up. Tho burning flro stopped, and tho pains hecamo bear able. After thrco months he waB qulto well. I can provo this testimonial at any time. Mrs. V. V. Albert, Upper Trenchvlllo, Mo., July 21, 1007." Tlme'o Wonderful Changes. Harry Lauder says that when Sir Alexander Hnmsay was constructing upon his maguiflccnt cstato in Scot land a picco of machinery to drive. by means ot a small stream in his barnyard, a threshing machine, a win-1 nowing mnchino, a circular saw for splitting trees, a buy pieBs, an oat roller, etc., ho noticed an old fellow, '. who had long been about tho place, ' looking very attentively at all that was going on. "Itobby," Bald he, "won derful things peoplo can do nowadays, can't they?" "Ay said Itobby; "in deed, Sir Alexander, I'm thinking If Solomon was allvo now he'd bo thought nacthlng o'l" A Queer Harvest. Ct was llttlo Ethel's first Tislt to church,, and tho sermon had for Hb text, "Aa yo sow, so shall yo reap." Dut on her return homo sho could not remember it, and in consequence was chldcd by hor mother for being stupid. A fortnight later a seamstress carao to tho houso to do a day's work. After watching hor for awhilo fashion old stylo garments Into those that wcro' th o vogue, Ethel suddenly exclaimed: "O mamma, I know now what" tho proacher said. It was: 'What you sow in tho winter you shall rip in tho sum me.' " Starch, llko everything cIbo, Ib be ing constantly Improved, tho patent StarchcB put on tho market 25 years ago aro very different and inferior to thoso of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery DoOanco Starch all in jurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo tho addition of another ingrodlcnt, In vented by us, givos to tho Starch a strength and smoothness novcr ap proached by other brands. Savagery In Civilization. It is no .tlmo to say that man can not, In civilized society, bo guilty of cannabilism. I toll you thcro aro moro cannibals In Now York than In the isles of tho Pacific; and if tc-dny you wcro suddenly to tnko away tho support that comes from eating men, thoro would bo thousands and thou sands of empty maws to-morrow in that city. Henry Ward Docchor. Tho extraordinary popularity of fine whlto gooda this summer makes tho cholco of Starch a matter of groat im portance Doflanco Starch, being froa from all injurious chemicals, is tho only ono which Is safe to uso on fino fabrics. Its great strength ns a stiffen cr makes half tho usual quantity of Starch necessary, with tho result of perfect finish, equal to that when tho gooda wcro now. Conquering One's Self. Evory sin thou slayest, tho spirit oi that sin passes into theo, transformed into strength; every passion subduod by a higher Impulso la so much char acter. Robertson. Put new shoes on the youngster. Look at them in a week. They're usually battered, scraped, almost shapeless. Get a pair of Buster Brown Shoes. Scuffing, scraping, lacking doesn't mar them they thrive on knocks. wear. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon For younqtters, $150 to $2.50 ?OVMi White House Shoes for grown-ups. Ask your dealer for them. THE BROWN SHOE CO., MaKors ST. LOUIS, V. S.A. TlAHK HtUii QUALITY HJMK. A woman can always keep a socrot If you don't toll It to her. Mm. Wlnslow'a Rnnthlnqr rorrMWlrcn tcrtblnit, notlt n tho Riinn, reiluw In Qummstluu, allajl pln, cures Inilcollo. Ittoabotllo. Many a man lies In stand up for another. an effort to . , It Cure Wlillo You Walk Ailrn sFont-ICuM forrornnnml liiinliimi. hot. meaty callous uvlilng frit. UcnllllniKiiltts. 13eforo attempting to got what yon want find out what you want. Lewis' Sinclo Hinder utrniglit fie. Mnny mur prrler thorn to 10c rimra. Vour dcnlrr or IajwIh' Fitiloiy, l'corm, 111. Thoro aro two Bides to every Btory and somo lmvo four and a celling. Wi: sm.i, CHINS AMI THAI'S CHIMP A buy KurrtiLllidiM. Write for cttalng 10.1 A buy KurrtiLllidiM. Write forr.itnlnt; : N. V. ilidu A, Fur Co., Mimicnpolm, Alii inn. Tho obedience of the heart la tho heart of obedlenco of tho mind. Hugh llinck. Glvo Defiance Starch a fair trial try It for botn hot and cold starching, nnd if you don't think you do bettor work, in Iosb tlmo and at Bmallcr cost, return it nnd your grocer will glvo you back your money. An Expert Witness. "Money talks," observed the man who likes catch phrases. "That may sound all right to you bachelors," replied Mr. Knpcc, "but I've got a wife and a graphophouo." Exchange With a smooth Iron and Deflnnco Starch, you can launder your Bhlrt waist Just as well at homo no tho steam laundry can; it will havo tho proper stiffness and finish, thoro will bo less wear and tear of tho goods, and It will bo a pooitivo plcasuro to uso a Starch that does not stick to tho Iron. Disgruntled Dad. "I boo," said tho Wall streot man, "that you aro engaged again." "I nm," admitted tho son nnd heir. "Just when violets nnd theater tick ets aro duo for their fall riso. Why must you alwnya fall In lovo on a bull market?" KanbtVa City Journal. laundry work nt homo would be much moro satisfactory if tho right Starch woro used. In ordor to got tho desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to uso so much starch that tho beauty and fineness ot tho fabric is hidden behind a pnsto of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entlroly overcomo by using Defiance Starch, as It can bo applied much moro thinly becauso of its great- r strength than other makes. A Cure. The sinner walked along tho rocky road, his bnro foot torn and bleeding from bruises and wounds. Ho mot a stranger. "Frlond," ho exclaimed, "I havo sinned and dono wrong, I must pa tiently Buffor tho most oxtromo agony to save myself from eternal damna tion. Can you toll mo somo Bupromo test of repentance?" "Certainly," answered tho other, with an air of experience. "Go to a boarding houso nnd Hvo thoro for a year." $100 Reward, $100. The mUrra ot this paper nlll be plrascd la ltra that thcro Is at lent one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure In all Its stages, and that ii Catarrh. Uall'i Catarrh Curo Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being: n cotutltutlonal dbcaco. require a coojUIq tlotul treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In ternally, act I";: directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dratmytna: tho foundation ot the disease, nnd giving the patient strength by building up Uie constitution and assist Inil nature In doing Its work. 'Die proprietors bava ao much faith In Ita curative powers that they oflrr One Hundred Dollars for any rasa that It falls t cure. Bend for list of testimonials Address V. J. CHHNKY & CO.. Toledo. O. Hold bv all HruitKbts. 78c. 'Tako Hall's 1 amlly 1'Uls for constipation. Greek Architecture. It Is astonishing that students of Greok lltoraturo and Grcok thought should not bo definitely trained in tho knowledgo of Crock architecture. IIo who knows only tho literary expres sion of ancient Grccco, great as that is, knows but one-half of tho achieve ments of "tho suprone Caucasian mind." Tho Bulldor. Revelations of the Breakfast Tcblo. To girls about to marry ono would tender tho advoio that thoy study their intended victim at breakfast, Ii ho Is feeding llko forty, reject him as tho direct descendant of Circo'a herd of swine. If ho la molancholy, be ware of tho abrupt curves of his tem perament If ho bo boisterous and facetious, romombor that an empty drum gives tho greatest rovorbratlon, and a chatterbox at 8 a. m. ia as tiro somo as Chanticleer at 3 o'clock in the morning. By their breakfasts you shall know them. Saturday Review. FREE HERMAN nilWHURCC, SENT) add rest of two fnrtrappors and nu will send you free a mink strrtchlnir imttnm. Wrlln fornrlrrs on HAW Ji'UlW AND 1CUII GOATS. W'VCvsVTaVsw They SHOES Well Prepared. "I loarn," sho said reproachfully, "that you wcro devoted to no fewer than flvo glrla boforo you finally pro posed to mo. How do I know that you didn't make dcsperalo lovo to all of them?" "1 did," ho replied, promptly. "You did I" sho exclaimed. "Certainly," ho returned. "You don't supposo for a moment that 1 would bo foolhardy onough to try for such ii prize as jou aro without prac ticing a llttlo first, do you?" StnifCtit'vm-'iiV:imr 1 iiiiiii::ii:;:;iiiiiii:i!iiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiui vf.J m. fffJTrffJTnnTTnrnntnT ALC0MO1.-3 PEN CENT Avertable Preparation for As similnting HicFoodantincgula ling ihc Stomachs and Bowels of w V fc B333SEH33IEngai lUN Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ncssanrincst.Conlalnstieilhcr Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not "Nakc otic Ftopt efOMDrSAMUELfmtSR yi Li." : ! it B finrMi Sii' . m L'C .r. 56 :!i AnerfcctHemcdv forConsllpa lion , Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoca, tte Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcri slv ncss d Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company;. NEW YORK. h" Mil . Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Sprains " '' HermSrtJ I CttirfittlSw 1 z i imsiw:mbs Guaranteed under jho Foodarj U W fJw(rv!vS...fsi!Sli i 'ja72aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat aaaawlratwS ryTTtTaaMaatSM iml'"'-" II B taaaaaa7lVllaV nsoa RgtaHsMaaaaaV'Tr7Tyg .V ;H H Jaiifk. a 'I ??r M. . ii V aHuliHlflsiliw Sloan'3 Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. , It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tendcrest part without hurting because it doesn'tneed to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. Sloan's Liniment REEL, FURS Hill LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN OREAT VARIETY FOR, SALE tT THE LOWEST PRICES BY A.N.KKLLOGO NEWSPAPER CO. 73 W. Adam a St, Chicago DEFIANCE Gold Watir Starch taakca laundry work a pleasure. 10 oz. plur. 10& Unusually Severe Drought. Tho wntcr In Lnko Champinln duriuR tho recent drought reached tho lowest point recorded In local history, nine feet below high water mark. Btontn crs wcro obliged to abandon many ot their trips on account of tho Impossi bility of making Inudlugn at tho docks. Tho mountain brookn becamo almost dry, and tho beds of somo of tho larg est rivers woro moro threads of wa ter. Tho drought and foreitt fires wcro ruinous to agricultural Interests. Now York Suu. CASTORIA Tor Infanta nnd CklMron. The Kind You Hava' Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TQRIA Tttict-tTaunooMMNr. nswvoaaorrr. Wtf n W T 'laiiiiiiaVaHaiiiiW. is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. Price, 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass., XJSAl Sloan' book on horses, cattle, shoep and poultry lent (raw. SENflfortrlanlM)"Bottrbalt. llett in tho world for catching Mink, Vox, etc. Bom! for l'rlco IJt ot ltuw Vurs. Mention this paper. HERMAN REEL, MllwuuUce, Wis. BAIT Young Men Wanted in California DtislneBH positions at pood salaries piat-an lecd. Till!! POLYTECHNIC 1JU8INEHH COL I,i:()R, of Oakland, Onl., wants ono hundred young men from this stato to prepare tor uunl nesa jiOHltlous. Every young inan wbogrKlu. atca front the bUHlnetta nncl shorthand couraea of tblH Institution la nsaurcd of a good position. Tula college has a high Ktamllng nnd Ita work la unsurpaHaed In the United (Hales. Tuition, board and all expensex low. Ideal climate thu year 'round. Wrfte for free catalogue to PROF. W.U. aillSON.SOO mil Btrcet, Oakland, CuL Tlnflnnpn Qlnpnti nii.i a w.v.....v wiv..,.. HWIUI BUCHH W (Jljl ma iron no uiotcnos no bllBtors. AVIS makes Ironing easy and dooa not in- a? Juro tho goods. W. N. U.f LINCOLN, NO. 43, 1808, H JJ . h"tV1 a :"?,. . .!! ' ., av .m .1 ". k n . ma .