The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1908, Image 5

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    &i &V . ,,.,
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For making quickly and perfectly
delicious hot biscuits, cake and
pastry. Renders the food more
tasty, nutritious and wholesome.
No alum, no lime phosphate
The government and food authorities have
enabled the housekeeper to protect her
family from the alum hiking powder.
They require that the label shall give her
warning. She must buy from the label and
decline any powder which the label does
not show to be made from cream of tartar.
........ ... i
Mrs. Lew Clnnn Is v sittnir roitiuves i (,.,
f . I
in uetiver.
will incetith Uev.
Smith next Wednesday nfloin on
Ituy Palmer v:is down from
is vibiting lur
Dr. K. A. Thomns wns in Cowles
Tuesdny. '
Shew ml Albrijjht was in Hsbon,
lui"-., Siiturdtiy.
Miss Edna Williams wont to Liu
col n Wednesday.
Wasted A few louuN of cobs on sub
hcriptlon at Ibis olllcc
Miss Bessie Ditcher- is hero from
Omaba visiting ber motber.
Foit Sai.i: Six room nouse, .i lots.
Inquire at Newbouse'b stwre. tf
Mrs Frank Taylor of Uiverton lias
been visiting relatives iiere.
Mr. Clnycomb of Franklin was tbe
guest of John Burgess Suuday.
Cbarles Crnbil bis been quite siek
the past woek but is b-ttor now.
Mrs. O. O. Bell of Lineoln was here
tbe llrst of tbe week vlsltiuBrelutives.
-t.iv,i Tli-nillirnok was ut irom
Woodruff, Kus , tbo ilrst of the week
Will Eil.son, who is attending
Grand Island college, eame borne to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ueitler of Him
creek precinct were In tbe city
.Tdhn Wees er returned to Webber,
Kns., Wednesday after bavin,' been
home to votu
Plneulesfor tbe Kidneys, 30 days'
trial 81. 00. Hundreds of people testify
to the merit of this preparation in tbe
relief of kidney troudle, rheumatism,
lumbago, backache. Plneules act di
rectly on tbe kidneys, purify the
i.i,i nml innlio vou feel like a new
porson. They tone the system. Sold
by IlenryCook.
Wantim) -Success Magalue requires
tbe services of a man in lied Cloud, to
look after expiring subscriptions and to
secure now business by means of spec
ial methods unusually effective; positon
permanent; prefer one with experience
but would consider any applicant
with good natural qualillcations; salary
Sl.M) per day, with commission option,
Address, with references, H.C.Poncoek
Room l02,Success Magn.lno lildg.,Nev
Wyoming is
was down
is moving
vacated by
Mrs h. II. Fort
mother at Peru.
DouglMs father of
vinitinjr his parents
Mls Suiuli Uavvey
from Inuvnle Saturday.
See IV. Stock man for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed
Mrs. Carrie McKeoby
into tbe bouse recently
Trof. It D Morit.
Mr. and Mis. T. M. Williams of Half
Mound, Kas., wore visitors at tbo homo
of L. II. Hust last week.
Mr. and Mrs John McCnllem were
down from Bladen Saturday vlsitiug
Cbas. Schult. and wife.
Patronize home industry. Special
prices on 3 to B hundred pound lots of
old wheat Hour at Jled Cloud Mills.
Mr. anil Mrs. Lew Kcnnoy of Wash
ington, D C, former resident of lied
Cloud, are visiting Mrs. .I.L. Miner.
IMmr's Little Liver Pills for bilious-
. I ness,siek headache, muddy complexion.
' They tone the liver: do not gripe. They
,' ' keep vou well. Wc. Sold by Henry
Paul Pharos, formerly editor of the
Cbiof. who is now working at Salina,
k'iim wns limnu the first of the week
...... , ...-- -
to vote.
Doilt miss tbt'llno vocal solos by Mrs
Snapp and Mr DoWolf to be givon at
the opera-house Thuuksgivelng eve
ning along with the band concert.
Popular Prices
Mrs. Abble Adamb inspector i tne
W B. C, of Superior, will meet the
members of that organization at their
hall Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 11, at
2 o'clock, ti fnll attendance Is desired.
Sales Aji:ntk Wantki S.10.00 per
week or 400 per cent profit. All samp
les, stationary, and art catalogue free.
Wc want one pernmnuent agent in
this locality for the largest picture
and frame house in America. Ex-
nnrlnnea unnecessary. Wo instruct
you bow to soil our goods and furnish
tbo capital. I f yon want a permanent,
honorab n and profitable position,
write us today for particulars, cata
logue and sample. FiiAxk William
Company, l','H W. Taylor St., Chicago,
Wa.meu A good, fresh milch cow,
K. II. Newhouse.
The Amboy sob k1 is enjoying n
week's vacation.
CMr. nnd Mrs T. C. Hacker went to
Lincoln Wednesday.
"M'iss Francis Ncblt of Inavale was
in tbo city Saturday.
Misses Marvel and (Irotn Turnure
were In Chester Sunday.
Mrs. Vaple and daughter left for
Marvsville. Mo., Wednesday.
Mrs.X. M. Ayers .'of Oaks, Oklu., Is
thognestrol Mrs. L H"liust this' week.
""Miss I'ltlin held tbo'lucky number
atthc tepoe drawliu Monday nighf
Llttlo Jessie Crablll bad . n finger
broken Tuesday by a window falling
on it
Mrs. (Seorgta Perkins of Lincoln Is
i In lied Cloud visiting relatives this
. week.
Arthur Horun and family wnv
down from Cowels Suturdny visiting
relatives. ; , CL.
Mrs. K.D. Moiitzand ohlldien went
to Blue Hill Wednesday to Wt with
Mrs.'M. Flnkenbluder returned the
last of tbo week from a visit at Law-rnce:Nobr
Tbo WC. T. U
at !J o'clock
A.T. Walkeiyetmned from Colorado
the last of the week, bringing a new
auto with him.
John Knlgge of Stillwater was in
town Wednesday delivering tlio vote
of .that precinct."
Mrs. O. M. Wright of Hebron
visiting ber parents. Mr and Mts.
Pony on Indian creek.
llrs Nellie Cast or went to Lincoln
Wednesday to attend u meeting of
the Teachers association.
Fred Baker of Oberlin, Kus., who
died of typhoid fever, was buried In
I be lied Cloud eoiueteij Thursday.
it's going to be great: What'.' The
band concert at the opera-house
I hanksgiving ningbt. Popular Prices.
Clare Pope was taken sick last
Saturday night and has not been
much in evidenso the protent week.
If you want a fountain pen that will
not leak in any position buy one of
Cottlng the druggsit, guranteed satis
faction D. B. Spanoglo was thrown, ftoin a
buggy while driving a fow milos south
of Inavale Monday, and brused up quite
For Sale A stock of general mer
chandise, two store buildings and a
residence property. Write or call on
S ti. Null, Womor, Kans.
MoFarland'a delivery horse has had
a cbango of drivers for tbe past week,
Hoy Hutchison, tbo regular driver,
being laid up for a spell.
Pinesalve curbolied acts like a poul
tice, (juick relief for bites and sting
of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns
and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by
Henry Cook.
The inembors of the M W. A enjoy
ed a social evenlhg at their lodge
looms Thursday evouing, banqueting
tbo members of the .Royal Neigbors.
A snort program was also given
At tbo operu-housu Thanksgiving
night you will have a i banco to boa r
two of tbe best clarinetists in tbe west
Mr. Alvin Snapp and Mr. James Gaunt,
in a grind fantasia Duott. Popular
cracked and bruised from
skin diseases, tan freckles,
Clothes For The Young Jflan
have long pant Suits
for Young Men of the Hour.
The making of Clothes for
these Smart Younc
has become an art,
Wc know exactly what
Young Fellows desire
and require in a Suit and wc
see that they get it when they
come here.
N The Fall Models have
every new dash of style work
ed into the cut and tailoring.
The fabrics arc new c ) 1 or
ings of Browns, Olives, Grays
and many choice and fancy
mixtures in Tweeds and
0mmb L Wc
n fsi-r JVrl . 1 fe.U,lMVJ.j. Mew
i S I Mr":rM(f SUITS AT .
Ederhcimer, Scin & Co. .?
l, "Just the tWnfi" Is what many a Yoons Fellow $
i says when iosiiing at our Suits.
Gowderr Slaley Ctetiinl gb I .
Always" ' Mc First Door North of Postoflicc C 'a
umMIj' z&Mm&i; f'WmL. - ' Jl
Imttn '' walllBlk wM "Xa
Wk aiiHK VBI M
Wv ,! liiiiiiiWo Msl 'ij
!t5-cs - a "Acs' jtirJ' H4AUAKliKJfcLLiaLL,uAMbuiA. i3l t. -v a. m sR II tlB
To fill your wants in what ever you may want in
the grocery line.. "
We are getting a nice New line of Evaporated
Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor
rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet
pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters
for Snyders Pqrk and Beans. Snyders catsup ect.
AndFalger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and
Extracts ect.
Our Best Brand or Caned goods. Call for ThoWhlto
House Brand.
Bsll Phone 4
Rural Phone 62
as boner:
cuts relieved at unco with Pinesalve
Carbollzed (acts like a poultice). Draws
out inflammation. I'ricc'JSc. Sohl,by
Henry Cook.
lluury and Arthur Yaple departed
for Jlutler, Mo., Thursday, where they
will locate, having secured a llrst class
hotel. Wo recoincnd tlio bOjH to tbe
people of 11 11 tier as food fellows to
meet and as llrst cIush hotel inon.
ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to
use wltli nozzle attucueu. Hootlies,
hcala, reduces itching and inflamma
tion. An operation lor piles will not
bo necessary ifyou use .Manan, Price
"0c. Money reiutuleu ii-not satislicd.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Tbe second number of High School
Entertainment course, tbo Vassar
Girts, draw u crowd bouse at tbe
opera house Tuesday oveniDg. The
entertinment was spoke of in tbo high
est terms by all attending.
To those aflllctcd with kidney and
bladder trouble, baekacbe, rheuma
tism, l'lneule for tbe Kidnejrs bring
relief in tbo first dose. Hundreds of
people today testify to their remark
able healing and tonic properties. 30
days' trial 31.00. They purify tbo
blood. Sold by Henry Cook,
Wanted At once, '.'ft or 30 young
men and women to take a course in
Multigraphing. Course can be com
pleted in from one month to six weeks.
Wo have a position waiting for you as
soon asjyou are ready, Halarys run
from 91S to 820 per week for beginners.
Who will be tbe first to enroll? Tuition
for'complctc course S25. For further
particulars address tbe Hebron Busi
ness College, HcbrnnNob. ,
Edison Standard Outfit No. 2
Includes genuine Edison Standard Phonograph Combination type, with neat black horn
30. and I dor. genuine Edison gold-moulded Records $4.20.
THIS SERVICEABLE OUTFIT is exactly the same as
the one known for years as Outfit No 2, except that instead of being
fitted with a small brass bell horn, it is now equipped with a horn
of the stvle illustrated above. This No. 2 is a good, handsome, re-
liable horn and certainly ought to be worth tne ennerence between
the old price and the new price, $34.20. You will admit that$34.20 .
is but little money for such a king of entertainers. A gift for all
the family. The musical results of Outfit No 2 are good and we
offer to prove it by an absolutely free trial. "'" -
Outfit Mo. 2 sold on free trial. Price $34.20
Tmrms, f8.05 Down after frmm trial than $3.75 a Month
for mmly evem months, and no Interest on payments.
Think of it! Such a good outfit for only $34.20! Justf compare this genuine Edison machine
with the imitations sold at twice the money and you will quickly be convinced that an Edison
machine is absolutely unsurpassable. The neat black horn has excellent acoustic properties
and every part of the phonograph has been thoroughly tested before shipment. We realize '
that other talking machine outfits not made in the Edison factory are sold at about the same t
.;,., nc this Edison outfit No. 2, but they do not compare in any way with the crenuine .
Edison. We prove our confidence in our goods by letting you have your choice of any ,
Edison outfit on absolutely tree inai.
ThU machine is epuipped to play the new Edison 4-minute records.
Othar outMsl?14GO, 39.59, 42.70, 44.20, 49.SO, 520.
Call and hear this wonderful entertainer of send for catalogue. Every hu sjii record
made always in stock.
. j tibial