The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1908, Image 6

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The Chief
E. B. DeWOLF, Publisher
General, Political, Religious, Sporting,
Forclfln..nnd Other Events Re
corded Hero and There.
President Roosevelt, in a letter to
Bcnnior Kiiox, mnkes an extended re
view of lnbor Ibhuob of tho campaign
and asks Mr. Drynn If tho democratic
party intends to legalise Becoiidnry
boycotts. v
Edgar Howard litis bean selected to
bo tho editor of tho democratic mat
tor to bo published In tho Lincoln
Stnto Journal and othor republican
nowspapors which have sold Bpaco to
tho democratic state committee.
President Hoosovolt held a long
conference with Seuntor Dixon of
Montana, chairman of tho republican
speakers bureau at Chicago. Sonator
Dixon gave tho president Bomo glow
ing optimistic reports for .tho cam
paign In tho west and told him Judge
Tnft would carry that section, with
tho possible exceptions of Colorado
and Nevada.
Tho domocats arc planning to send
tholr best spoakors Into Indiana and
Ohio for tho llnlsh of tho campaign.
Taft will spend thrco days In Ind
iana tho last week In tho campaign.
Arrangements were made whereby
Toft and Urynn will not clash in tholr
dates at Port Chester, N. Y.
Candidate Sherman-Bays tho demo
cratic commlttco mlsroprosontod him.
What is nnnounccd at democratic
headquarters ns u "whirlwind finish of
tho campaign In Indlnna and Ohio"
will bo ruado In tho two states men
tioned, Oct. 21. Four special trains
win bo used, two in each stato.
Tho injunction asked by Jlfty-nlx
Western railroads against tho Inter
etato Commorco commission to pro
vont tho enforcement of reduced ratcB
on llvo Htock was refused by tho fed
eral court In, St. Louis.
Joo James was hanged at Spring
field, 111., for tho murder that started
the race riots.
A physician from Centorvlllo, la.,
has been sent to Paris by Thoodor
8bonts to treat his daughter, tho
Duchess of Chaulucs.
Social functions In Japan m honor or
tho visiting American navnl officers
were concluded with n banquot on tho
battleship Fuji.
Emporor William has boon very
friendly to David Jnyno Hill, tho new
American ambassador.
Two people woro killed and bovoii
others Injured In a wreck on tho New
ton & Northwestern near Gowrle, la.
Omaha factories nro furnishing in
cubators to poultry raisers in Pales
tine. Tho supremo court or Nebraska up
holds tho constitutionality or tho Sun
day law, but does not decide whether
Kolllng cigars or newspnperH is viola
tion ns was chnrged in tho complaint
against Omaha men.
Droughton Brandonburg, wns nrrest
tul and locked up at Dayton, O., on n
chargo or forgery nml grand Inrcony.
Tho Inst farm In tho DallaB lottery
No. 0,000 was drawn by a Nebraska
man, Morris J. Morgan of AInsworth.
Tho State bank at Virgil, S. D., was
robbed or $4,400 cash. Tho bank Is
protected by burglar lusuranco.
Trains in Montana on tho 22nd
woro tied up bocauBO or snowdrirts.
Women suffragists will post bills In
their Interest at election booths over
the United States.
Boports to Nebraska Odd Fellows'
grand lodge show an lncroaso In
membership during tho year or 1,400.
Land drawing at Dnllas has ended
nnd it Is estimated that six million
dollars have been spont by land Beck
ers incident to tho Tripp county open
ing. Martin It. Lux, a Burlington euglno
man or Lincoln, got $1,000 and n Car
negie medal ror bravery.
Clmlrman Hitchcock, in an Inter
view bororo leaving Now York ror
Chicago, expressed hlmseir as well
pleased with tho progrosa or tho cam
palgn. ,
Chairman Mack enld a poll of throo
states-New York, Ohio and Indiana
convinced him Brynn will bo olected
Bennett Siegol, a merchant of Dos
Moines, Iown, was denied a potltlon
In bankrupty by tho Unltod States
circuit court of appeals at St, Louis
after ho had explained that ho had
lost $100,000 at pokor within n few
Shoop qunrantino in Nebraska haB
been raised, tho state vetorinarlan
certifying that scabbios has boen ornd
icated. W. L. Culberteon, a loading bankor
At Carroll, Iowa, killed hlmsoir.
Tbreo merabors of Clovoland's cab
inet nro making Bpoochos for Bryan.
John Mitchell, former prosldont of
tho United Mlno Workore or America,
furnished tho Associated Press with a
cl fliimnnft 4m I t. l. .
""W...U..V j nuitu iiu nays his posi-
f j won iins uoon misrepresented.
, The Into spell of warm wenthor
T greatly Increased tho death rato in
t .
Contractor nrothcrs, who brought
ohargos ngainst Colonel GooUm's, was
accuaod by tho Panama canal engi
neer of offorlng him a commission of
10 por cent to use his Influence to got
n cortain crano dovlco accepted.
M. Gaston Thomson, marine min
ister of Franco, has resigned.
Tho death list In the forest flics
may roach 100.
Tho governor of Michigan appeals
for nld for tho BUfferers from forest
fires In northern Michigan.
Tho forestry service announces a
reduction in charges for grazing shoep
on forest reserve.
A foroenst by tho Now York Suc
cess Magazino gjvon Taft fit! votes to
sparo In tho electoral collogo.
Tho increased supply of wheat ban
caused a drop in pricoo.
Through prompt action of tho
Fronch government tho Balkan war
clouds nro again dispersed.
An attompt to nBHaslnnto Uov. J, K.
Fioldlng, pastor of tho Corpus Christ!
Roman Catholic church of Chicago,
was mado, Tho would-be aBBnssln os
capod. United Stntos Senntor Francis G.
Nowlnnds of Nevada has broken
down nftor tbroo weeks of sovnro
campaigning for Urynn.
Senntor EIIcIjib Bays his family
knows nothing of tho engagement of
tholr daughter to tho Dulco of Abruzxl,
as reported In foreign dlnpatchos.
Nathan Straus of tho Democratic
IlualtiCBs Men's association reiterates
tho statement that Wall Btroet is aid
ing political campaigns, but this Is
again denied by Treasurer Sheldon
for the ropubllcnn national commlttco
Property valued at almost $1,000,000
wns destroyed by a flro which con
sumed tho International Salt Com
pany's docks in Chicago.
Tho woman suffragists In session In
Buffalo decided to nmko an effort
tho coming year to secure recognition
from congress.
Rear Admiral Sperry presented to
tlfo emperor of Jnpan tho messago or
friendship sent by President llooso-
vclt and was given a cordial greeting
In return In n function that will bo
memornblo in Toklo.
In the extradition or proceedings of
II. Clay Plorco of tho Watcrs-PIcrco
Oil company of St. Louis vs. Chief of
Polico Crcecy of that city, tho bu
prcmo court or tho United Statcsjrtc
tiled n motion ror a re-henring. PIcrco
resisted an application Tor his re
moval to Texas In connection with tho
prosecution of his company on tho
clmrgo of violating the Texas anti
trust laws.
To guard against indlscreot utter
ances of chlors or bureaus at tho navy
department during tho campaign, Sec
rotary Metcalf diroctcd that nothing
contained in nny regular annual re-
port of thoBC officers shall bo mado
public until nfter tho election in No
vember. Another stop in tho participation of
organized labor In tho political cam
paign vub taken when more organ
Izora woro ordered to Ohio by tho
American Federation of Labor.
Giving as a controlling reason that
his work In Boston Is still unfinished,
Itov. Dr. Alexander Mason, rector or
Trinity Episcopal church of that city,
has declined tho position of bishop of
"Ship nnd machinery satisfactory,"
was tho mesBogo received nt the navy
department from Cnptain Thomas Mc
Lean, president of tho naval board of
Inspection nnd survey, regarding tho
final acceptanco trial or tho first class
battleship North Curolinn.
Clerk James McKennoy or tho su
premo court or tho United States cel
ebrated the fiftieth anniversary or his
entering tho clerk's office, and the oc
casion was taken advantage of by
friends of tho bar In Washington nn-1
olsowhcro to extend their congrntula
tlons. Foreign.
Tho Spanish minister or war has
received an official telegram from
Meltlla, Morocco, nuonunclng that alf
tho Biff tribes had arisen nnd wero
uniting with hostile Intent.
Tho demonstration In Toklo In honor
of visiting Americans surpassed any
thing in tho history or tho city in en
thusiasm and volume.
Recent floods lit Luzon havo caused
tho loss of many lives.
The fourth boh of tho emperor of
Germany was married to tho duchess
of Schleswlg-Holstoln.
Ofllcors or tho Amorlcun battleship
Hoot woro guests of Promlor Kntsura
nt dinner nnd garden party In Toklo.
Tho Prussian parliament wna open
od by Kaiser Wllhelm.
Tho fact that tho Dulco of Abruzzl
will shortly leavo for tho United
Statos has boon confirmed, but thp
members or his household nro exor
cising reserve in connection with his
It is reported tho dowager quoon
of Italy has given consent to tho mar
rlngo or tho duko or tho Abruzzl to
tho daughter or Senntor ElkinB.
Judgo Tart hud to cancel somo of
h!a speaking engagements on account
of throat trouble
Richard Croker, Dublin, lroland,
sont $1,000 to tho untloiml democratic
Mr. Bryan Is on an caslorn tour thnt
will last until tho night beroro elec
tion. Irish peasants arc maintaining their
reputation ror longevity, nccordlng to
tho records nvallablo In tho Emernld
Lord Ivcngh, tho head or tho great
browing firm or Guineas, who has mado
many genorous gifts to Ids native city
or Dublin, hns Just prosontod three
well known and valuablo pictures to
tho Dublin municipal gallorv.
What la Going on Here and There
That la of Interest to hto Read
era Throughout Nebraska.
Tho Otoo county Btock show was a
great bucccsb.
A farm in Colfax county Bold for
$122.C0 por acre.
Tho political campaign Ib on this
weok with grent forco.
Christian Scientists of Omaha will
build a $40,000 church.
Methodists or Fullcrtou nro hurry
ing forward tholr now church,
Nobraskans wero highly successful
in tho Tripp land drawing.
Christian Scientists of Nebraska
nro needed. To fill all tho tankB 130,
Ithoir now church.
Pnrkor's Ico house, closo to Gordon,
caught flro from spnrkH from a pass
Ing freight nnd burned.
Tho three weeks of revival moot
lngs nt Loomls havo closed, being pro
inouncod very successful.
Charles E. Davis of Omaha, uiidor
arrest for killing Dr. Rustln of that
city will havo his trial in November.
MIbb Margarot Brown, county super
intendent of Hall county, has handed
in her resignation to tho county board
to tako effect on January 1.
Ray Lnmurcnux, foronmn of tho
sugar department nt tho Amerlcau
Boot Sugar company'B plnut In Grand
Island, had a hand crushed, requiring
tho amputation of several fingers.
A number of cases of diphtheria
iro reported in tho family of C. R.
Meyer of Blsmnrck township, Cuming
ounty, Mrs. Meyer nnd all of the
hlldrcn being afflicted.
j move is ueing made to hold a
chicken and corn show at Nobrnska
City in December and already plans
liavo been formulated for tho same
nnd many entrees h'avo been mado.
Tho Holmesvlllo Mill nnd Power
compnny, which was Incorporated re
cently by O. W. and J. H. Stolnraoyor
for $30,000, is building a now dam at
Holmesvlllo nnd otherwise improving
Jtho plant
Tho ninth nnnunl convontion of tho
Cass County Sunday School associa
tion will bo held in Weeping Water
bn Monday and Tuesday, November 9
find 10. C. D. Meigs or Indianapolis will
jbo tho chief speaker.
. Bridgeport will -probably be tho
county Beat of Morrill county, tho now
county to be formed by tho division or
Choyonno county. The question of
county division is to bo submitted to
ho voters at the coming election and
(will undoubtedly bo carried.
Fritz King, a man who has boon o
resident or Nebraska City Tor tho last
jtwenty-flvo years, was found dead on
xno Missouri Pacific tracks In Hip
southern part of tho city with one arm
jicarly severed nnd his body badly
Venus Webber, northeast of Grnnd
Island, was robbed of $500. There Is
no clue to tho thieves. Sneak thioves
entered her private rooms und took
from the desk therein a roll or bills
containing $400 nnd another containing
$100, besides somo stiver nnd n Coifs
Dr. Holland or tho Cnrneglo museum
In Pittsburg, loft Gordon for tho oast.
Ho spent tho cntlro season In north
western Ncbrnskn, conducting expedi
tions In tho fossil region. Ho takes
with him tno largest load or fossilB
over carried rrom tho Btato.
Ptor Swirt of ponca who drew tho
second piece in tho recent Tripp coun
ty land drawing Is a young man or 23
ycarB and a farmer. He has no prop
erty nnd is considered by overybody a
worthy young man nnfl woll desorvo3
tho second choice and will make good
his opportunity.
Activo work baa begun on tho now
Masonic templo building nt McCook.
W. Z. Wnrner, who has boen con
nected with tho Dompstor factory at
Beatrico for tho past twenty yoar3, has
resigned and will remove to Huron, S.
D., whoro he will qngago la tho groc
ery business.
Tho report of the coronor's Jury In
tho Inquest hold upon tho remains ot
tho unknown man found dead on a
sandbar in tho Niobrara river noar
Valentino, was to tho effect that ho
camo to his death on or about tho 17th
day of October, 1908, by n blow deliv
ered feloniously from somo blunt In
strument In tho hands of somo person
or porsoiiB to the Jury unknown.
Slnco the opening of tho elder vine
gar ractory nt Odoll 200,000 bushels or i
applos havo been purchased at from
fifteon to twenty conts por bushel.
At tho present time thero nro ion
I,"1'8 !" "i f-t0ln M;
2,500 gallons of cldor vinegar. Six
moro tanks aro bolug erected. A forco
or fifteen mon nro employed and moro
aro needd. To fill all of th tanks 130.
000 bushels of npplos will yot bo ncod
cd. Tho Englor general Btoro at Tal
mngo was brokon Into, tno safo blown
open nnd $20 takon. , Tho eafo blowers
ovldontly mado tholr escnpo by using
a hand car, as ono Is missing,
C. D. Do Pass, an Inaurnnco agent
who has beon soliciting bU3lnosa in
tho vicinity or Cortland and Clatonla,
has been arrested on "complaint or J.
B. Austin, nnothor Insurance agent,
who charges him with unlnwrully
transacting tho business or accident
Insuranco as an agent without hay
ing first socurod a certificate or au
thority rrom tho Btato auditor as pro
vidod by law.
Items of Greater or Leaser
tance Over the State.
Sugar beets are being dollverod
from tho farms near Sutherland qulto
rapidly nnd the yield Is about as good
as that of last year.
Tho potato yield around Sutherland
is very good nnd as thero Is a largo
ncrougo shipments will bo mndo from
that section.
Tho eckool board of Elwood let tho
contract for tho oroctlon of a now
$12,000 Bchool buldllng at Seward.
Tho contract wont to Peterson Bros,
of Hastings.
Mrs. O'Laughlin sued Pawnee City
for two thousand two hundred Blxty
dollars for a fall on n defcctlvo side
wain Tho Jury gavo hor one thousand
Tho large barn on tho farm of Mrs.
W. G. Rogers of Humboldt was burned
togothcr with hog sheds and a number
of barn yard buildings, which with tho
contents, belonged to the renter, Otto
Whllo riding oil tho rear end ot a
buggy tho nine-year-old daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams of Cleveland
precinct, Dawson county, had her limb
caught In tho wheel and hor thigh
badly fractured.
An accident occurred at tho Leona
school near Adams whllo playing ball.
Charlio Horton was batting and in
throwing tho bat, his brother, Fred,
was struck knocking out two teeth nnd
splitting. hla lip.
Tho contract for tho erection of
tho now $10,000 school building at
Cook, Johnson county,, wnn secured
by"W. I. Smoola of Avoca. Elinor Do
vol of Auburn has tho contract for
tho heating plant
A. M. Allen of Coznd has invented
an alfalfa meal mill which promlsos
to revolutionize tho manufacture or the
raw material into the finished product
mo rintte vniicy Milling company
at Gothenburg has put In a now 100
horse power gasoline engine.
At York Lesllo Moss narrowly es
caped being dragged to death by his
foot catching In a stirrup n8 ho was
thrown from a horse which slipped
and fell on n wet pavement. The
borso started to run with the drag
ging boy but wns rortunatoly inter
cepted b ysovoral men nenrby.
While loading stock In tho ynrds at
Alliance, Switchman A. L. Wood was
caught between a car and tho chutes
nnd crushed bo badly thnt ho died in
less than thirty minutes. Mr. Wood
was well and favorably known, having
until recently conducted a Bmall busi
ness In Alliance.
William Malchow, Br., oldest living
settler of Cuming county, who suf
fered tho amputation of his leg somo
weeks ago 1b now recovorlng and Is
nble to walk on crutches. Mr. Mal
chow is now nt homo agnln and in
spito of his age, nearly 80 years, 1b
gottlng nlong nicely.
The board, of insanity or Frontier
went to Curtis to Investigate tho con
dition or Mrs. Waller Bomar, who,
was alleged to bo Insane. Tho board
fonnjl that her condition was such
that Bho should bo committed to tho
asylum nnd Sheriff Hickman took her
to Hastings.
Thomns Hopkins, chnrged with
crlmlnnlly assaulting tho lC-year-old
daughter or JamcB Mecum, nenr Be
ntrlce, moro than a year ago, waa
arraigned beroro Judge Spnfford. Ho
pleaded not guilty and his caso was
sot for hearing later. In defnult of
$1,000 bond ho waa remanded to Jail.
Tho now Christian church nt Ches
ter was dedicated Icyit Sunday.- Dur
Ing tho afternoon servlcos subscrip
tions wero solicited to pay Tor tho
now structure and in one hour the
ontlro cost or tho church, $17,000,
was raised, six members alono giving
$1,000 each.
Nebraska City officers caught threo
men who wero trying to work tho
"short cbango racket" on several mer
chants. When, searched at tho county
Jail thero was found on them a num
bor of knives nnd othor things which
they had stolen from tho storo which
they, visited.
A flro started among tho grain
stacks on tho fnrm ot Cornelius Old-
son noar Ponca, and before it could
grain was destroyed. TIk aerator '
owned by Hough Bolton of Ponca was'
entirely conimmelT Th.lS n-
entirely consumed. Tho mnchlno waB
Insured for $200, but thoro jvas no In
surance on tho grain.
Tho now barn of Will Bauths, liv
ing Bouthwest of Mnnloy, wns totnlly
destroyed by flro by children who wero
plnyli.g ln tho barn with matches. Tho
barn was a largo struct nro, Just com
pleted this summor, and well filled
with hay; it also contnlned 400 bush
els of oats, 150 bushels of corn and
200 bushols of applos.
Sowoll Sleuman, tho Omaha mur
derer and sulcldo, wns well known In
Hastings, whoro he mado IiIb homo ror
t Mlimlino r9 sn .. .. ...1. -
mw TdiTOS.oSS firs
wont Into tho grain business nt Trum
bull, whero he beguu his Bpeculatlng
career and waa ouccessful. Ho bought
four farms near Trumbull, and on one
of thorn ho built tho finost farm houso
in tho country at great oxponso.
Fifty rnrmors havo contributed a
dollar cjxch toward tho ostabllshmont
of stock ynrdB at Darr In Dawson
Ten of twolvo Now York orphans
woro provided with good homes in
Johnson county noar tho town of
Storllng ln ojie day recently. J. W.
Swnn of University Pluco nnd- Miss
Elmlrn Hill of Now York, with tho
children In charge, enmo to Sterling,
whoro tho prospocUvo footer paronts
had tho opportunity to eomo and "take
tholr pick" ,"s it were. Of tho twelve
waifs tho parties had in charge good
homes wero provided for ten.
Smity Sclool Lenc for Nov. f i908
Specially Arranged for TIilj Paper
LESSON TEXT.-2 Huiiiu-! 35:1-12.
Memory vento tV5.
GOLDEN TEXT.- "Honor thy father
and thy mother! Ihnt thy tlaya may bo
long upon tho land which the Lord thy
Ood Rlvcth tlicc." Kxoilus t0:12.
TIME.-Tho exact lime Is uncertain.
Tho following ilatcH nro ob exact ns can
well bo obtnlnod: David liejrlns to reltm
nt ago of 30, B. C. 1W3-M12. David's Bin
nnd repentance, B. C. 1012-Ml. Amnon's
crime, ono year later, JJ. c. IMl-tflO. Ab
salom hill his brother, two years later,
11. C. 1039-9SS. Absalom'n cxllo, three
years, B. O. 103985. Absalom two years
In Jerusalem, B. C. 1034-0S3. Absalom's
plotting, throo or four years, B. C. 1030
99. Dentil of David. 11. a. lnsa-nra.
PLACL,-(1) Jerusalem tho capital and
homo of David. (2) Hebron, tho oldest
town pf Palestine, 20 miles south of
Jerusalem, whero Absalom bejrau his open
DyiP'-About 62 or a years old, in
tho thlrty-nccond year of his rclgn.
SOLOMON.-Probably eight or nlno
years old.
propnot Nathan, who wan ulso ono of
l. v,.l8.bl0Krnl,lcr8 (I Chron. 23:23). (2)
Ahlthophol, tho jjrandfathcr of Bnth
Hlieba, and a man or mnrvninua u,.i...
whoso ndvlco wuh llko "tho oraclua of
God" (2 Sam. 16:23). (3) lumbal, a wlso
Comment and 8uggestlve Thought.
Tho Young Man Absalom. Absalom
was the Bon of Mnacnh, n princess, the
daughter of Talmnl, king of Gosh'ur,
a region northeast of tho Sea of Gall
Ico in the foothills or tho Lebanon
mountains. Ho was born soon ortor
David bocame king or Israol, and
hence was between 25 nnd 30 yearn
old at tho tlmo or his rebellion.
Hia Inheritance. Being tho descend
ant or kings in both lines or descent,
or distinguished appcaranco and
princely manners, AbBalom Inherited
"all tho handsomeness, mnnlv Imnr.
ing, nnd beauty or his rathor's hand
some and manly house. Tho sacred
writer expatiates with evldont relish
upon Absalom's extraordinary boauty.
In all Israol there was none to be so
much praised as Absalom for hia
beauty. From the solo of his foot
oven to tho crown of his head thero
was no blemish In him. And tho hair
of his head is a proverb to this day."
Alexander Why to.
But this was not all ho iahorited.
From his mother he inherited all that
a corrupt court and heathen tendon
cles nnd environment had impressed
upon her nature. From his father he
inherited a great mind, a strong will,
a largo nature, strong passions, but al
so a power of self-control, an enlight
ened conscience, n religious nature,
and all that the .training of his Beth
lehem homo could Impress upon his
Conditions Favorable to a Chango'ot
Government. 1. It wag a time or gen
oral peace throughout tho wide em
pire. For all restless, warlike spirits
an opportunity was given for internal
dissension, fault-finding, and opposi
2. Thero was a growing dissatis
faction with tho king. Tho business
of tho law courts, over which tho king
himself presided, had become too vast
to bo attended to by ono man. Ap
peals from Inferior Judges nnd cases
brought directly boforo tho king could
not all recelvo a rnlr hearing.
3. David was very busy preparing
materials and gathering money ror a
futuro temple. Nothing was visibly
accomplished, yet the taxes wero high.
4. David would naturally at his ago
bo less activo, less In the people's
eye, doing less for tho outward glory
of the kingdom.
5. It is possible that tho ovonts de
scribed in tho last chaptor of 2 Sam
uel took place before this time. Tho
enrollment would bo unpopular. The
plaguo that followed would Intensify
the discontent.
C. In this cobo David waa near tho
end of life, and Absalom would try
not so much U tnko his fathor'B king
dom from him, as to insure that he
himself should be tho aucccssor.
V. 1. "Propared him chariots and
horses and 50 men to run boforo him."
Tho orientals aro vory fond or such
display. Dr. Trumbull says when his
fiH V'andso!no young "Sale"
k,Vl 8Car,,C ftn(. bluo and
reen L?"d Bold ran boforo thorn. at tho
top of his spocd, calling out for a clear
path among tho camels and donkeys
and, foot passengers. Orlontal Social
Life, p. 215.
V. 2. "Absalom rose up early" to bo
on hand when tho pcoplo camo to pro
sent their cases to tho king. Business
In tho east Is hold early, in order to
escapo tho heat of tho day. Thoy re
tired early, for modern lights wore not
ln tholr houses for pvenlng work
Kings therefore held courts ln tho
early morning. "Beside the way of tho
gate." Thero was usually an opon
markot plnco near tho gates for busi
ness nnd public mcotlngs.
Wo should tnqulro of our own
hearts whether wo aro grateful to
God for all his benefits to us, and
whether we aro showing oui gratltudo
by our lives.
The story of King Lear la a com
mentary on ingratitude,
V. 7. "And it camo to paw after 40
years." Somo think this numbor is
counted from tho beginning of David's
rolgn, but most regard It us a tran
scriber's error for four, a mistako
easily made when numbers wero des
ignated by letters often vory similar.
Tho R. V. margin eayBj "Somo ancient
authorities road 'four years. " So does
Joaephus. "Lot mo go and pay my
vow, . . j in Hebron." A placo
conveniently distant for his purposo,
and at tho beginning or David's rolgn
tho capital or Judoa.
Far worse than Ingratltudo of man
is ingratltudo of children to parent
, The Still Alarm.
A tourist in an out-oMho-wny region
of England put up ono night nt aq
amlablo old lady's cottage, tho village1
inn being full. '
Now, tho tourist was vory doafj
which fact ho took palna to Impress
upon tho old lady, togothcr with -in?
etructlonB to wako him at a particular5
hour in tho morning.
On waking a great deal later than
tlio time appointed, ho found that tho
amlablo old lady, with a commondablq
regard for propriety, had Bllppod un
dor his door a slip of papor on which'
wob written:
"Sir, it Is half-past elghtl" Harp,
cr's Weekly.
A llttlo girl six years old gavo an
afternoon tea to somo of hor frionds,
and she wished to make it as perfect
a reproduction of those gtvon by her
mother as was possible
"What shall you givo your frionds
to cat?" asked tho same mother.
"I don't know," replied tho ombryo
acsthoto, "unloss I give them pink tis
sue papor and cambric toa. Undo
Tom says that's tho most fashlonablo
h??tS?i2irT,0lUrrh ln ,hls "'"on ot countxj
SSt JSIw2tSSL4,teC0! Pul "Wther. and until tbela
mSr11? "PP"' o bo Incurable. i-or a nSj
many yeara doctors pronounced It a local dbnua aiui
prcacrtbed local rcmedk aid by coMtaoAUMmliSi
io euro with local treatment, pronounced I It bicurablcl
Science has proven catarrh to be coneMtutlonal dK
HHB SJ&Tn,S! r Mnutetrel by F. J. ciicner
u.W,lto'.1-:t',c.onlr cSnaUtutlonal ro
KS-i1??; M U taken Intcraallr In doeoi from 10
hundred delists; for anV raw'u iSs o euro. 8
for circulars and testimonials. Q
ttttfth&!Y co- - ".
Tain Hall's Farolly-l'Uls for constipation.
The Difference.
Tho woman who remains slnglo all
hor life becnuso tho only man sho ovor
loved dlod ln tho flower of his youth
Is regnrded ns a heroine. Tho man
who remains n bachelor bocause the
darling or his heart went to an early
grave Is generally supposed to bo a
Tho extraordinary popularity of flno
white goods this Bummor makes tho
choice of Starch n matter of great Im
portance. Defiance Starch, being freo
from all Injurious chemicals, is the
only ono which is safo to uso on One
fabrics. Its great strength as a otiffen
er makes half tho usual quantity ot
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
"Don't you enjoy tho glorias, of sum
mer?" "Yes," answered tho unpoetlc per
son; "it is something or a comfort to
find tho gas bills gottlng so much
Important to Mothers.
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safo and auro remedy for
Intents and children, and sco that It
Bears the jfjff sf? . T?"
Signature rtQuz&ff7&gfe
In Ubo For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Alwaya Bought
What He'd Been.
"No," said tho eminent scientist, "I
havo never seen a Plymouth rock hen
lay a corner-stone, but I havo fre
quently seen a plno-apple layor calco."
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cinar is
ood quality nil tho time. Your dealer or
xwis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Duty Is tho aubllmest word ln lan
guage, nnd Bums tho wholo ot llfo.
Hon. B. S. Tharin, Attorney ot Law
and counsel for Anil-Trust Leaguo,
writes from Pennsylvania Ave., N, W.,
Washington, D. C, ns follows:
'Ilavmir used Peruna tor catarrhal
disorders, I am able to testify to its
Jrrcat remedial, excellence and do not
icsitate to glvo it my emphatic- endorse
ment nnd curnest recommendation to
nil persons affected by that disorder. It
is also n tonic ot great usefulness."
Mr. T. llnrnecott, Woht Aylmor,
OnUirlo, Can., writes: "Last winter I
was ill with pneumonia after having la
grippe. I took Peninu for two months,
when I became qulto well. I ulsu in
duced a young' lady, who was till run
down and confined to tho house, to tako
Perunn, and nftor "tnklnj? Poruna for
threo months nlie is nblo to follow her
trade of tailoring. can recommend
Peruna for all such who nro ill and ro
quire a tonic."
Po-ru-na Tablets.
Some people prefer to tulco tablet,
rather titan to tnko medicine in a fluid
form. Such pcoplo can obtain Perunn
tablets which represent tho solid mc
dlclnal ingredients of Peruna. Each
tablet Is equivalent to ono average iIogq
of Peruna. ,
- .
.!' .
r . -