The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1908, Image 5
WW " ' ' , , , , ' ! l?-: V V1 V' a r. A " ( t ., t "'fr " ' - bi !i: e- to 1 r ttrMI - frl YlJrYl Jw,,?lWJ' "(i?5l Do You Want A Diamond? If you do why not buy it before they go up in price? Wc are ready to show you a fine selection of stones, direct from the cutters and at prices that will interest you Remember our prices arc right. Low prions our loader Mitchell Jewelry Company Ynp'o went, to Butler Mo. wont to III u Hill Is In Hlu- from from A.T. Walker Is In Wra.v,.7o1. this week on business. M reliving W'ulUer was down fiom Inuviilo ThuiMhiy. Tor high grade '"' sloiittonttlliooini cort Suturdny night. Mr. Loo Davis will render also uvory bouttfiil violin solo. Sou Dr. Stockman for oyo glosse?. Satisfaction gunratitoed Dr. ami Mrs It Mitchell ontertalnoil tlio bachelor boys Sunday ntiiinncr. SHmncr-DnvlsiCoiiccitCo. will bo at theopoia hoic Satuulity, October 111. It. I). Mot it, will move tbls week Into tlielr new rosldoiioj In tho IMatt addition. M rZ KinfcAflTster lTjoylug u visit from lior inotber, Mrs. Sanson, of Beatrice. Mrs Jones returned to libido U'JcU Turdiy' .iftv vh tin? her m )t!ur Mrs. Jobn McCune. Ills Points and wife of lnavalo spent V LOCAiETTES S I n m.i.iii in tlwi nltv vUtttmr Mrs. Points' otbor, Mrs. Aincoii. Tbe mandolin solo "Neaior My Clod to Tboe", by I eo Davis of tbo Sumiioi D.ivls Co. cannot bo o.VOflled. For Sale A block of general mor cbancllso two stoio buildings and u residence properly. Write or call on IS 15. Null, Womer, Kans. I Hands cracked and bruised from , husking, skin diseases, tan freckles, ftnii. f.iiiiii'iin m. fiii!fi Willi i mi'iiiYu r.ii-linH7i'il facts liken ttoulticc). Uraws out lutlaminatlon. Henry Cook. Dyer of Denver is in Bed Cloud j Wanted A few loads of cobs on sub hcriptlon at tbls olllce" Tlio Hryan banner svas raised Wed nesday and It is sure a beauty Ton S.M.u Six room House, . lots. Inquire at Newbouse's store. tf Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagner Friday, October 23, IOCS, a boy. Call and see tbo now lino of Picture Frames nt Argubright's Studios. What ii joy It Is to have tbo electric lights go'otitou Saturday evening just when thev nrelnecdul the most. Wo liavo lately Installed n folding machine In our olllce which will enable us to give our readers better service. Hon Matt Miller spoko on tbo issues of tlio campaign from n democratic "tandpolut to u largo tuullencj at the opera house Saturday afternoon' With every paid In advance subscrip tion we arc giving a pair of shears that cannot bo purchased at any store for less than 7nc. Call anu see mom. J. K- Anltz and wife and D. U. Whit . .aker. departed on Tuesday evening for California. Mr and Mrs. Aultz will . locate there if they like tbo country 11. O. Slater, democratic and people independent candidate for float repre sent itive for Webster and Adams coun ty, spent a couple of days in the city this week. Special services at tlio Congregation al church next Sunday tbo interest of aged andthe'-Shutinoncs. i No efforts will bo spnro.i uy mo pas- H Ued cloi. tor and peoplo to nnKo inis service holpful and Interesting to au ial welcome awaits you. Pinctilcsfor the Kidneys, 30 days' trial S1.00. Hundreds of peoplo testify to tbe merit of this preparation In the . relief of kidney troudle, rlieumausm, lumbago, backache. Pineulcs act dl- rcctly on the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feel like a new porson. They tone the system Sold by Henry Cook. Wanted Success iMagazlue requires the services of a man in Red Cloud, to look after expiring; subscriptions and to secure new business by means of spec ial methods unusually effective; poslton permanent; prefer one with cxpcriene" Ooir B ii-roiulH was in town Tuos li y. lieu y S I day M s Dr. No'son hut boon quite sick t'iU week. M.s. Will. Tabor TliuiHday' Mis L. M Viiiico of Hastings Bed Cloud. Cora Lockbnrt was down from den Saturday. Mrs John McCuno icturnod Uiildo Book Mouday. Wi-si iiiiUv Duval was down Cathertoit Saturday John Yanle returned Saturday from a buisiiiss trip in Missouri. Mrs. Thomas of Cobles has boon visi ting lior son Dr. E. A Thomas. , Mrs' Oatmaii came in from Cab, Sun day to llvo with her son at the Boyal Mis' Wllber Hamilton and chlldion came home from Guide Bock Monday , . i i M.s. Mike Fliiucli ..rnier nas - M(.s AnoI1 vialtlng her ...other at Law.ence, Nob. Mis-. Helen Overman loaves mini for Lliifoln to resume her study In music Mrs Booiio Saunders and a liavllng man from (Jruliam, Mo. diow dishes at 1 epeo FmiilOHInes has began digging tha sollor for his now residence in tbo Piatt edition. Mr and Mrs Boy Oatnmn returned ii... lnt. nt flio week from the liorlhen biiv " .w part of tbo state. .Mrs. Biebards returned to Hlgar Thursday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Morlt.. Tim Junior whist club met at Miss Hdltli MeKeighan's Monday to ie-or ganl.o for the coming winter Pationlo home industry. Special prices on H to 5 hundred pound lots of ni.i wli..nt Hour at lieu uioiui ..m. Do not fall to read the editorial pigo of this issue as it contains facts which you should know at this time. w .1 It. Hood returned Thursday to her' home In Denver, after visiting her luotber-lu-law Mrs. Low Clapp Mrs.T.A.Jones returned tbo first of tbo week from McCook whore she visited her daughter Mrs Fred Bort felt Bring your Pictures in at Arga brighfs Studios and select a framoout of our now lino of mournings now on hand, w rnn want a fountain pen that will nt i..nir in nnv nosltion buy one of Cottlng the druggslt, gurantecd satis faction The Sumner-Davis Co. arc four solo artists as well as quartette, duet and trio musicians The violin and harp solos 'are especially flue. Rev. J. M. Bates returned Tuesday from St. Paul and will hold the usual :..,.a i,.. iii-xt two -undiiVH. Next aoivii.i'i .. ..-- ..-- Sunday falling on Saint's Day, tbo ,' morning sermon and service will em , pbasize that subject. A meeting of tbo Mlulstoral Union, will bo! in me . T rooms of Rev. Mr. Bates on Monday A COnl- . ., . ,. I,..., rinssam. at . p in. ' i"n,v;' "j -"' A full attendance Is solicited. Uy order of the President. t K h I'm : U S-i . t-'al X" " c 'AJU&k&'eMi. Xr Price asc. Sold by KlinUMATISJl CUUEl) IN A DAY. Dr.Detehoim Itcllcf forUhciiinUnw riuI Neural Kin. radically crR In 1 to3(lan. ! action upon tlio yicm In remarkable and mysterious. It removes nt nnco the causo and tliuilUcaso Im mediately dUappcars. Tlio first doso Rrcatly bent-Ills. 75 rt'iits and II. Sold by 11. It. Onios. druggist, Itcd Cloud. Pinesalvo earbolla-d acts like a poul tice. Quick relief for bites and sting of insects, chapped skin, outs, burns and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by Henry Cook. Fou Iti.M -For l'.lO'.i one of tbo best stock fauns In Webster county, con sist linr of Il'JO acres. For Information ttiniitro nt this olllce or iiddress Box '17, B. P. D. No 'J, Inavale, Nebraska. Jlees Laxative Cough Syrup always brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hoarsness, whooping cough and all bronchial and throat trouble. Mothors cspcelallf recommend It for children, as It Is pleasant to take. It Is gently laxative. Should be In every Home. Guaranteed. Sold by Henry Cook. IIEUE IS RELIEF FOIl WOMEN. Mother Gray, a nurso In Now York, discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for women s Ills, called AUsTKAUANLEAF. It Is tbe only certain rcKtUator. Cures female weaknesses and backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggist or by mnll M cents. Sample KIIKE. Address. Tho Mother Gray Co., lo iioy, 14. 1 i r mrnnc riw u v m 1 UlUlllUD Ul 1Mb 1UUU 1 w A, )v $ R. ; rijr 2 ' ; Jr$M K? :' Tt Swfl i.Vi- v ' , - , ? Mir i i 'S$ ' - y ' ! m J???; h r i mil - - ; . L WfefSi ff KJf p mwm & i , im&sisxm3kW8&&. & 1 K iiKx w i s w I b fl I C 1 i rri U Mail :l . ' . Wc have long panl Suits for Young Men 'of the Hour. The making of Clothes foe these' Smart Young Dressets has become an art, Wc know exactly what these Youna Fellows dqsirje and require in a Suit and wc see that they get it when they come here. The Fall Models have every new dash of style work ed into the cut and tailoring. The fS '; v- i..v color ings of Browns, Olives, Grays and many choice and fancy mixtures in T weeds and Cheviots. ... .. . r !" . wjr;j,tN " . wOP&e t tnMV&fi , Ui Ederhcimcr, Svein & Co. M t I " ' SUITS AT $10, $15, $29 to $25. "Just the thins" is what many a YonnS Fellow says when lowing at our Suits. , mi i-liAlBUJ Always ".' First Uoor. North ol 1'ostollicc Gowdeii Clothing GO. .i- theap Land. . h.-. Parties wanting land that two crops will pay for the land should write II. P. KUNION, Uenkleinan, Nobr. lied Cloud is fortunate in securing f.-n llrst class musical entertainments, ctuNkv nioht. October 31. Tho U1113 kJfV....J "'O . Sumncr-Davls Co and tuo otner mo night of elcotlon, November -3, tho Vassar Girls. These entertainments will kelp some to keep down tho sus penso Wantmi At once, M or 30 yountf men und women to take a course In Multigraphlng. Course can be com pleted in from one month to hlx weeks. Wo have a position waning ior you us imt would consider with good nnturnl per day, wltl A.iiimsq. with refer Room l02,Succoss Mrtgn.lno Hldg., New-York. StcTn! n w'yu nre rendy' Slllarys run apputant . . beginners. Concert. Hear a good coucert Saturday night The Sumuor-Davis Co This company has played at such places lib Palls City, Wyniore, Benson, Wilbur end Pawneo City. At every placo tho peoplo were delighted with tho music. , m Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postolilco at Red Cloud, Nob., for tho week ending Oct. 22, 1008: Annie Abloud, Mrs. C A. Brown, Ralph Bcland, Frank Corteso, Harold Cooke, Bonnlo Duvall, . - Leta Gleasou, J. W. Hatfield, dmTwWffMK' I MIeW mFw. VvKviti H - ' yr5Sif Sari . I "If i i jrrf rKl i Edison Standard Outfit No. 2 Includes genuine idlson Standard Phonograph Combination type, nM i neat black bom 30. and 1 doi. ienulne Edison sold-moilded Records 4.20. ldcr any applicant , - wcc for b lnners.. Ml, McanU quallfleat Iqns; salary mmW TuH,on Ms 0wen .1, coinmlsslon option pjr ,,., Sentti CrOUCeS, R.C.l'OUeOck, ..,....'....,,. 41ll rl,roil lllisl- A-t V..rml11ln... particulars address tho Hebron llusl- ncss College, Helromeii. he ARE PREPARED To fill your wants in what ever you may want m the grocery line.. Weare getting a nice New line of Evaporated Fruits, this years crop. They are fine, the flavor rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet . pickles, "Ask to try emM We are also head quarters for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect. AndFalger's Golden gate Coffee, 'Teas and Extracts ect. Our nest Brand of Caned eoods. Call for ThoWhlto Hotiso Brand. Art Vermillion, John Wlttwor, Efllle Wilhon, R. A Whltlmin. gjThoso will be bont to tho dead lottor oillco Nov. 0, 190S, if uncalled for before. When calling for above ploaso say "advortised." T. O. Hacker, Postmaster. 't 2000 Bell Phone 4 Rural Phone 63 JOHNSON 2 BONER Real Estate TraMfers. Transfers renortcd by tha Fort Ab stract Co. for tho week ending Wed nesday, Oct. 29, 1005. John V Farvr ell Jr to Leonard Wilmot, sw 17, 1, 11, wd,... tOoO Andrew J Hayer to P M Phil- . ipps.ct al ,lt lUtpt It 12, bile , 1 Vanro's add to Guldo Rock 2( John S Klndbhcr to Thoodoro Fredrick Watt, it C, blk 8, Vance's add Guldo Hook, & Its 3, 5. 10 iv pt 0, in .),l,D,wrt 'J830 AnniviWarnor to LotUo Dovle, n2 Us 'J, 3, 1, blk 0, 1st add Bladen, wd W O Frahiu, Irus. o A. Ko posch, 1-11 pt Us 2,3, , r, 0, blkT.niuoHIU.ta.xdQcd.... - -i , l -ttjttq qptr VTr.RARLE OUTFIT is exactly the same as.. the one known for years as Outfit No 2, except that instead of being Cta ,:4-u o coll Kmcc h(A lmm. it is now eaui oped with a horn ULLCd Willi c ouium -" - - -- ---, -- Ai ,, of the style illustrated above. This No. 2 is a good, handsome, re- 1 i 1 i i .., irnniYh t in wnnn if i 1 i-.rf.iiia' iiKLWKttn liaoie norn anu tciuiiiiiyuujjm -"- .- - . , .1 -1.1 " A. L ,, naur iM-tfi a V . Y fill V1 1 I 11 L LIlLllffiO'.UI.! me oiu price ti" Ll'- 1"-V !-""-- " . ---- i 1 u... liH-lo , ! Cnr cnrli ;i lincr of entertainerb. A orift for allr the family. The rnusical results of Outfit No 2 are good and weij offer to prove it by an absolutely tree mai. f,MM Ma. 5 sold on free trial. Price S34.2Q Terms. S8.05 Down after from trial then $3.75 m Month for only amvmn months, and no Intoroaton paymmnts. Think of it!. Such a good outfit for only $34.20! Just compare this genuine Edfsorr machinef ..v .1. ...:.... om n .; li mnnv nntl vou will ouicklvbe convinced that an Edisnnl'f.1 machine is absolutely unsurpassable. The neat black horn has excellent acoustic propertied and every part of the phonograph .has been thorougniy testea Derore snipmenc. ve reaiueb .1 .t -ii.j i,:n .MfRfc nnt- mtp in xp. F!d!son factorv are sold at about theimri! tnat otner iuikihk iiwwih.luuiW ..- -.- --- - - - ..... i r:,it n,.,r, Tn r, lint-t-Vinv dn not coniDare in anv wav with the cenuinrlj price as iiii&.iiuiauu uuim. w,, -., -.-.--- .-,---- - -- t Edison. We prove our confidence in our goods by letting you have your choice of anjj. Edison outfit on absolutely free trial. ; 287 r.o rfl Mortgages filed, $8550 Mortgagc& released $10030 (C039 CQ 'n -I.:,.., :.- n,,;nn-l tn nlnv the new Ed'sii it-minute records. 1 JUS lllcll-lHUU ia ivjui. w ,-.-- -, - ---...-. i... ..fsc CM.flfl. 9.89. 427. 44.20 43.&. c-cfl i ... A f.... nl.v. (. .1 Call and hear tin1' nulv..lui ciuoriumer r buuu jui uuaiuKiu:. u.vcry luisii recor j made always in stock. . M NEWHOUSE BROTHER! W i jc 'i .' ii. xW'-