t " w Xri, -'- 3- . 1 ' ---.-- t "I - .TVWUIAWV4V iSW Hf fxv :TSr7i T -ritlll III... I. r, I...I.I I i . y ! I s 1 7 nf&? i t 4 X t ? CHIEF Rod Cloud - - Nebraska. PU13L1SHUD BVEKV VKIDW. InUirctl In the Postoihcu l Hcd Cloa..Nob . Second ('Inns MnlUr E. It. DilWOLP PCiii.isiir.u OIRTICHET. National For President W. J. Hiivan, of Nebraska. For Vice President .1. W. Kr.ua, of Indiana For Congressman, Mh district Fiii:i V. Amno.v, f Grand Island. State For Governor A. C. SiiAi.i,i:Mii:iiui:it. For Llontotiant Governor K. P. llAinmr. For Secretary of Stale Dr. A. T. Oai t:voon For Auditor Wim.iaji It. Piiicn. For Statu Treasuior ( i,aiii:ncii Mackiiv. For Superintendent or Public liistrue tlon - N. C A lino r. For'Attornoy General UAHUY It. Fl.lIllAltlV. ' 'For Commissioner of Public Lands W. P. Kami-ham. ' For Railway Commissioner Wlt.l.IAM 11. Cowuu.r.. For Senator, 2Gth district ' Cium.r.s 11 Iti:ssi:. For Float Representative 11. O Slatkii For Rcptesontativo, 44th district Fiikii II. Ointi.Arii. County For County Attorney L. II. Iti.AcUi.r.om:. , For Coinm'ssloEer, 1st district Mu.o S. Maiii-in. ttti district i Fltl'.lllMIICK II. CI.ATTIJ. Taxusoii fm in land urn climbing hUhor mid higher c.uili year whilu rallwiii'l "jiixos arc being lowero 1. I'lils Is di.e t tl.e arbitrary taxing power of (lie State nsscsvineiiL bo ml. I hey arc so nlosii t Hit) railroads and so far f iDin Uio people that the initio uls pay lcs tliaii tlieir sln-o and tlio farmor.s pay tuoro than their shtiro. A voto for Shallonbergor is a voto to curb the ar bitrary taxing power of Hie State boat d. A voto for -heldon Is a votu to leave the law iih it now standi which moans still higher Uvncs for tlio farmer. Last fail a few men got to gather in New York and after a short session, one of them presed a It ttoii and on the following morning, you cotil.lu't got your own money out of a singlo bank in the United Slates. This was an object lorsou to the people and they demanded nine safty for their money in tho banks A. ( Shallenbergcr is tlie author of the plank in his plat fotiu fanning absiiu'e sa'ety for your money on deposit. Governor Sheldon stands on a platform which Is opposed to any kind of iiguaiaiity law. A vote for Sheldon is a vote iig-dn-t tho gtmauty of bunk dcposltc. Wl.eledo yon itiitid? Voti: for Governor. SiIai.m:niieuui:h for A votb for Shalleuborger is a SECUniTY of your Hank deposits. voto Do not full to exercise your rights as $ an American citizen at the polls next Tuesday A votk for Shallotiborger is a voto for tho right to elect your, own preo lnct assessor. A vorE for tho democratic candidates, from president down, means a voto for bettor government. Do you want u bauk guaruteo law? If so voto for tho democratic candl--dates at tho polls next Tuesday. If you want a county attorney that can be entrusted to take care of tho the business of the olllee vote for L. II. Ulaukledge. IF yon would be sure that you are not making a mistake in voting for county comisslenors, cast your ballots for Martin nndClntte. Asltloii far t'.onAn.ss. Willlum J. Hryiui will lie elected Pie.sideut of the United States and as Piesldctit he is entitled ton congroB that will mppoit his policies. Wo, theiefoie, urge -voiy voter who easts his voto for Mr. llryun to vote for fus lou nominee for congress. Fred iV. Ahh'ou Is our candidate in the Fifth Distiiet. llemember to east your vote for him. Evory voto cast for Ash'oii Is an en doisemdiitof gauranteed bank deposit". 'Every voto cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Two Cent rate bill. Every voto east ror Ashton is an en dorsement of tho maximum fi eight rate bill. Every vote east for Ashton is an en dorsciucut of the pure food bilf. Every vote east for Ashton Is an en dorsement of tho anti-pass bill. Eury voto cast, for Ashton is an en doiscmcut of the physical valuation of railtoads Every voto east for Ashton Is an en dorsement of the election of U.S. Sena tors by direct vote of the people. Evory vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the publicity of campaign contributions. Evory vote cust for Ashton Ib a pro tost against Joe Cannon and his meth ods. Every voto cast for Ashton is pro test against ship subsidies and seclal, favors, Every vote cast for Ashton is a pro test aguinst tlio Aldrich-Veeland cur rency bill. Every vote cast foa Ashton Is a pro test against Uovrrnmentby Injunction Every vote eat for Ashton is a pro test against tho action of tlio last congress. Every vote east for Ashton is u pro test against trust and the trust mag nates. Every voto cast for Ashtou Is an en dorsemeut of the work of tho last Legislature. A vote for Ashton is a vote for tho pcoplo and reform. dlj HAnkiied to tlf fne. that it his hiit-n Over-confident about Norr i. It develops that Candidal Ash tod, his di'iiuicratlc opponent has not hem asleep. On Hie ofliur hand he hi s be ii ifdiis' after the McCml man's stateinun's congips-lonal lecord and showing it up in a in ii.uer that Is caus ing tho voters over tho dl-ttrlot to sot up in.l talco nntlua. A-dioti Is proving an ngresslvo mid eiroutiveoampaegnor and has spring a number of sensations In tho w.iy of hyp icrleies and decpt lon perpettnted b Xorris on the vot ers In eongerss. In lOOO Norrls carried the district by 1800 majority, this does not in the least scatc Ashton who is confident that he can convince more than 1700 repu' llean farmers and business men luthe district that Norrls1 record in congiess on the tariff as well ns (mat or issue of vital Impor tance to th'J individual citizen, that it is to their interst to vote for a change. Norrls was one of the pals of Joe Can non ami this one fact alone should cause the uo'ers luthe Mfthdlstrl tto administer an overwhelming defeat to Norrls. Norrls has been so con ident of stucss at the pol's Hie coining election that he litis MeCook atchito t at work drawing plans for amujiiift cent summer mansion at a lake res'irt In Wisconsin. The editor of this paper got these tacts fi'm an infltcntinl eit VM' and hairless ii in of MeCo 1; who hassieu tile plans and his wo-d can be relied upon. Now the question is, where did Nortis acciimuhtte all this wea'th to to lavish on a summer resi dence ata lake resoitV It is the same old story. In ability and mental cal iber Norrls N not weighty enough to reptecut this big district it congress. It known positively that he Is egotistical enough to bcleivo ho cm pjrpjtr.ita himself in congress. Hastings Repub lican Vote for Clack!c14;. A reckless county atl irney can soon make enough costs for the ouu'y to pay by starting niitiecessury cases, or oases in which lie l- not reasnnubly sure of a I'm vlction, 1 1 cuvi-r his sal ary -everal times cirer Out of twenty eigut criminal ca'-cs handled by .M . Uhukledge so far, nono have been disch lived on trial, which speaks well for his conduct of the bus ness and care in investigating cases boforehaud. Beside, by requiring the law to bo followed in depositing the county money, every bank luthe coun ty is now paying hit crest on the county money, and so far thU year, nearly 3700 Interest bus bem collected by the cuuuty Ity January the Interest will more than pay his salary. Voto for Hlacklcdgc! how About This, Mr. Voter? Cii fries ?. Rcssc i$ for You. Arc you for Him? ONE MOMENT, Pi.liASli Do j oil realize that Clirtrles It. Uese of Hod Clou I, IVoph-'s In ! p mien and Democratic candidate for S ate Si'iiator from thi 'J'HIi Seuairlal Dlslri't, eompilsliig Webster, Nuckolls mid Franklin counties, stands for and ngrtes to vole for thn very thing In the next h gls atoic that td) jier cent of tho voters In this dUti let. want? That Is a fact. HE STANDS FOR 4 The guarantee of bank deposits. Isn't this just tho very thing, Mr. Vo ter, that i on think Is light? Don't you think you em voto for him for this reason? HE IS IN FAVOR OF The election of United States sonatots by tho people by billot and not tho present system of ring rule. Don't you think ho Is right on this question? Isn't this another reason that you should voto for him? IT IS ADMITTED By all fair-minded men that the present system of assessment is wrong Ho will vote, if he is elected, to cluingo tills law so that each township can elect their own assessor. Don't you thluk this is tho proper thing to do? Then is it not iulvl.sablo.lo voto for Mr. Besse? His opponent does not stand for any of these measures MR. 13 ESSE Does not agiee with the present unjust system of taxation. Do you? Ninty-nino men out of evory hundred don't either. It frank with your self, Mr. Voter, and consider tho mittor. Don't you think Mr. Uus Is exactly right on these things? C Jtild ho havo a stronger platfoi m? You will certainly say, no. His nlutforty, is yours whother you" tiro of his political faith or not. Put your answer in the ballot box November .'lit. Don't allow' any blind-folded Issues to make you forgot such Issues us ' tho foregoing O'NE MORE REASON Mr. Hesse don't llko tho present primary law tho way It i.ow stands. It j needs fixing. Dou't you think so? Givo him your vote so ho will get u chanco to help fix it. l IN CONCLUSION f.AD I 3 -a uxa & r rrH fe'AV M j kzcn S um ssz&'eZxszzsn&jasgMM&m MM Allies I haw just a Ccir load a ,)ilfri seiimii riceived of fine which I am at lowest prices. Never lias n campaign been made in this district whoro the candidate has been so aggressive. Never has such a good platform been ottered the voters All men say the iss'ics aro squarely drawn and against the corporations controlling our legislature and state trovernmout. and ' .. .. Sfuthermore, that theso aro the only reasonable issues that are advanced.' wnat ArC Your Boys and G,rIs KCailnft. 'I hey arc bound to read something. Hen Davis 75c. per bit. Grimes Golden and Black Twigs $ t .00 per bu. Lower Prices In Large quan t i t i e s. New pure Buckwheat -flour Just received. An up-to date line of clem fresh groceries always on hand. Tbe GroeeF AH tho Phonos i Order To Show Cause. In Tho CouBiy Court Somk of our republican friends have taken us to task about tho articlo that appeared in Chief last week In regard to assessments and taxutlon- If these same men will take the trouble to investigate tho matter they will find that wo told tho truth. Rembmiiek when you go to east your ballot that Fred II. Gorlach io a man who understands legislation, ami he is 11 man that can not be bought by any of tho ' interests." If elected as rep resentative for Webstereounty ho will servo tlio people. Wo want to urge upon the voters of Webster county tho necessity of elect ing men to tho olllee of county com missioner who will be true to their trust, and who will sco that the finan ces of the county are more judiciously . bandied. If you voto for Martin and Chvtto you are voting for the right -won. TnEHK is no man in the 20th sena torial district better qualified to rep resent the people in the state senate than Chw. lb Ocase, democratic and peoples independent oandldote for state senator. Coming to Webster county lu tho early days, Mr. Besso .thoroughly understands tho needs of 'lie people nnd will always bo found championing their cause. (iOVKKNoii Sheldon holped to pass the new rovoiino law. Ho worked bind for that law lira AKGUKD THAT TUB PEOPLE COULD NOT IJE TUUSTED 'TO ELWm' A PKKOIXCr ASSESSOR AVHO WOULD ASSKSB FARM LAN' I) niOII KNOl'Q II 'J horefore ho want cd them appointed, Governor Sheldon liolds that tame view now and is bit Jterlv oppoued to"t he 'election of pice- 3nct OB608ors bydltect vote of tho'congresblonal committee people. Geo, W. Norrls, the "The Little Joker," How He Came by the Title. While II. It. No. 17701, a bill 0 the criminal code making it a crime for a member of congress to accept a re tainer fee I from a public service cor poration, wus'.under consideration In tho house ourjeongrcsf man took a stand against it. In order to empkasl.o his opposition to it lie Introduced an amendment and from that time on lias been dubbed tho "Little Joker." This nmcudmcut. reads as follows: "Any member of Congress who shall engage lntho piaetlee of Law, or who shall del Ivor lectures for pay, or who engages lu, fanning or (manufacturing, or have any oeeiipatloh whatever, or who shall patronle any railroad com pany for riding theieon, or who shall buy any material or sell any matuiial to any corporation shall bo hanged by the neck uiitlljdeiid and thereafter be prohibited from holding any otlleu of protlt or trust under tho goverment of Unltad States." Mr.Norrls considered it a jokofortnembcra of congress to be prohibited from representing- railroads and other pnbllo service corporations while they were drawing nalerie . as representatives of the people. This is the same Norrls who thought that congressmen were uot receiving enough payjaud voted to Increase his salary W0o ajycar. - After the salary increases Mr.JNorrls still thought each member ought to bo entitled to draw a salary from the "special interests," from the follows'that they wore elect ed to legislate against Air, HcpubUcaifjvolernreyou willing your representative should tnliu Mich a position iiguiust the people and yS eontlnuo to draw his sa'ary 'us your member of emigres? If so vote for NorrU. If not vote for Ashton 'the congressional campaign In this, the Fifth district, is hourly becom ing mvrj inteaestiug. The republican hab gradu Slule ot Nebraska. (. Webster ' oiialy. I At a County ourt held at tho Conn ty Court room in and for said county Monday. Octol er 20th A l , 100S Is tho matter of the estate of Lewis II. Chirk Deceased, On leading and 111 ng the petition of Phouix Ins ramie Company of Brook lyn N. V praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Ber uard McNeny, as Administrator OiinnitF.n, that Wednesday tho iSlh day of November A 1)., 11)03, at one o'clock p. in,, is assigned for hearing bald petition, when all poisons Inter ested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County and show enure why prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tlio Iteming thereof be given to all persons interested in said nintter, by publishing a copy of this order in the Red Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three consecutive woi-ks prior to said day of hearing. I. W. EiihOX ISE.M.) Cmnty .luilge. ? UK B U SB NES S BS0NTOE .INCREASE WHY? Because our prices on these goods are right-almost as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses. We invite you to the largest house in the county, one that pays taxes on $10,000 worth of goods while our competitors pay on $7,5 jo. You can readily see where to trade to get the goods. We are .here to stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We are not undersold by anybody. v Red Cloud Hardware a.nd Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. r s 1 They win reiiu trash unless you give them something better that is equally Interesting. Try the Youth'u Compan I'lit. vl'her is plenty of adventure in ,tho storl'M and horoos and heroines aie of the real kind, finding in tho line of duty opportunity for courage and unselfishness. .More than 208 such stor ies will bo published in tho G2 issues of tlio uew volumes for 100!). There will be fully ns litany nrtlcles, sketches and reminiscences to impart useful infor mation m the most agroeablo way fam iliarizing The Companion's read ers with the best that is known and thought in the would, Full Illustrated Announcement of The Companion for 1009 will bo sent to and address frco with sample copies of the paper. The new subscriber whoatoiice6omhw 81.7.1 for 1009 adding 50 cents for ox- jfSt ira postugo if ho lives in Canada) wiiy ' receive free all tho remaining is sues of 1003 bosidos tho gift of Tho Companion's Calendar for 100i) enti tled "In Grand mother's Garden" litho graphed in 13 colors TDK YOL'THy COMPANION 141 Berkely Street, Hoston. Mass I Pinesalve ACTS tiKE a poultice Cs&fbollZecl fobmb OF BUM DISEASE ,N til '!' f tllliit'o Statu of N'l'rnsuui,nUm (,()mjl. (.rl Webster Comity. ' la tlio umtler of tlio etuiof ulnwlcs V Ileal, Dcuetibcu. Notice Is litnuby tdvcu to all k6iih having olrtliiis nnd (iciimr.tls uimliiil Cliurle F. licit, lato of Webster ooutily, duqoufct'd, Hint the time llxed for llllim elitliiis uuiilnt sula estate Is hlx tuDiHhi troui the 20 day of Noveiube 100)!. 'All uoh iiertiuns are retiulrcd to present their olulms. with the vouchers, t the County Judge of ouM county, at his offloe therein, e ketore the th tay or Muy 1M9, od all olalms so filed n III he benrd before the xald Judge on the il duy of Muy 1009. ml one o'olocli p. m ;undthut the adiulnlhtrittor Is al lowed one yeur from the '.'Uliduy of Ool obcr 11)08. In which to pay the debts ultowed ounlnst suld entitle mid Btt!o the same. (Seat) I. W. EDSON. 'OUNTV Jl'IXJK. Buy Your Underwear At F. NBWHOUSB'S as to the B.K1L Superiority Jr 3F Of eT iSViiii CALUMET Baking Powder, Received Hlbett Award World's Pare Food ExpoiUle CUufo, 1M7. Ruben's Cotton Vesta, till sizes, 2.1c. Iiubon's Wool Vests, No 1 10c. Rise, 5o ns'y.e. Infants Wool Vests, button down front, No. 1 'J.'ic. Rise,. So a size. Clilldrens Wool Vests, whlto or gray, vests or pants, 'OOo, Children's Cotton Vests or Pauts, tloeco lined, 10l2jc, rise 2)ijC a size. Children's Cotton Vests, heavy fleeco lined, slzo No.'.l, 101Cc. Rise 2c. a size. Childrons Union Suits, iloccod lined, 25c. " '" " lioavj-, CO. " " '' " wool, size No. J, 7.1c. Rise 2'c a sizo. Ladles Cotton Vests or Pants, extra largo sizes, Sot-snug Vests or Pants SOc. Ladies Lightweight Union Suits, $1 00. Ladies Sot-snug Union Suits Sl'lfi. Ladles Wool Vests or Punts, 81 23 each, Ladles Half-Wool Union Suits, 81 00. . Before buying your Outing, Cotton BatsrTable Linen, Napkins, Dry Goods, Combs,. Collars, Hose or Gloves, look our stock over; if you don't find any thing to suit you, you are not forced to buy. We are always glad to show Goods. ... .. . We are l lcautjuaitca iui imiio. ,f f . 1 s -w V .11, ,11 0i -- rf B Bxitterick Patterns Z7 1 "Ta . . - , - H '7 I MriA v-0.il ?