The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1908, Image 3

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One of -the
of tho happy homes of to-day ia a vut
fund of information oa to the best methods
ei promoting health nnd happiness and
right living and knowledge of tho world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable! claitns truthfully presented
and which hnvo attained to world-wido
acccptanco through the approval of tho
Well-informed of tho World; not of indi
viduals only, but of tho many who havo
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing tho best tho world affords.
Ono of tho products of that class, ot
known component parts, an Ethical
romedy, approved by physicians nnd com
mended Dy tho Well-Informed of tho
World as a valuable and wholcsomo family
laxative is tho well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir nf Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
only, and for sale by nil lending druggists.
of 8entlment Evidently
Past with Husband.
A certain well-known Hostonlan has
been married long enough to havo ac
quired tho uvcrugo man's cynical atti
tude in respect of tho written expres
sions of devotion Indulged in before
Ono day tho Hubblto was going over
with hlo wlfo a mass of useless papers
that had accumulated in tho house
hold. They unearthed several largo
boxes full of lovo letters. Aftor n
hasty glance at them, tho buBband
"No use keeping this junk, I sup
pose? Here It goes."
The wlfo was hurt "Oh, Clarence,"
exclaimed she, "how can you bo so
brutal? Surely you don't want to de
stroy your own lovo letters to mo?"
"Well, keep 'em, If you want 'em,"
cheerfully assented the husband, "but
honestly, Helen, theso seem too soft to
fllo!" Lipplncott's.
YoungitefB First Efforto In tho Realm
of Natural History.
Four-year-old Clydo was a preco
cious youngster very talkatlvo nnd a
cIobo obsorver. Ho and his father wero
strolling through the moadows one
morning when Clyde observed, for tho
first time, somo tadpoles In a pond.
Ho wnded in nnd cried out In delight:
"Oh, father, what are thov?"
'Tadpoles, son," tho father replied.
"Ploase, father, lot's take them all
homo with us, then como back and
And tho mamma and papa, and we'll
have tho wholo family In our pond at
Tho father explained how Impossi
ble this would bo, and as ho walked on
a few stops a largo ugly frog hopped
across their path. Clydo's father .said:
"Look, Bon, perhaps there is tho papa."
Clydo was very thoughtful. Ho
looked at tho frog, then at his father,
then at, himself and exclaimed:
"Welf, father, was Uiero over so
much difference between mo nnd
His Lucid Answers.
They wero asking the eminent law
yer why ho took such a largo fee from
tho trust
"I think It was Its largeness that
made it easy to take," ho smilingly
Then tho state's attorneys, con
ferred. "And didn't you stop to consldor that
the money was tainted?" thoy asked
"No," he Ingeniously roplled, "1
pnly stopped to count It"
This olosed tho proceedings for tho
lny. Cleveland Plain-Dealer.
Warning Against Wasted Speech.
If it is lawful and expedlont for
thco to speak, speak those things
which mny edify. Gurdon.
Old Lady Got Well with Change of
A great scientist has said wo can put
pff "old ago" If wo can only nourish tho
body properly.
To do this tho right kind of food, ot
courso, Is necessary, Tho body manu
factures palsons'ln tho stomach and
Intestines from certain kinds of food
"tuffs and unless niidlclent of tho right
Iclnd is used, tho Injurious elements
ivorcomo tho good.
"My grandmother, 71 years old,"
wrltOB n N. Y. lady, "had been un In
valid for 18 years from what was
called consumption of tho stomach and
bowels. Tho doctor hnd given hor up
to die.
"I, saw so much about Grape-Nuts
that I persuaded Grandmother to try
It. She could not keep anything on hor
stotnnch for more than a fow minutes.
"She began Grnpo-Nuts with only a
teaspoonful. As that did not distress
hor and an she could retain it, sho took
a llttlo moro until she could tako all ot
4 toaBpoonfuls at u meal.
"Then sho began to gain and grow
strong and her troublo In tho stomach
was gono entirely. Sho got to enjoy
good health for ono so old nnd wo
know Grape-Nuts Baved hor Hfo.
"Tho doctor fwas astonished that in
stead of dying sho got woll, nnd with
out a'drop of mcdlclno after sho bogan
Ihq Grnpo-Nuts." "Thoro's a Roason."
Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Well
vlllo," In pkgs.
Ever read the- above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
Young umu, grunt rcHponslblllty at
taches to your first voto. As you bo
gin, so you aro llkoly to contltuio. Tho
momentum that carrion you Into a
party at tho beginning of your politi
cal Hfo -la nnl to keen you tu that
party unless some convulsion shakes
you out of It. Start right, and m
order that you muy start right, oxnnt
Ino tho ptluclplcs of tho purlieu and
tho policies which they ndvocato.
Thoro aro two groat 'party organiza
tions in thu United Stntes, ono GO
years old, nnd tho other moro than a
contury old. Tho Ropubllcnn party
has boon In power almost uninterrupt
edly for moro than half a century, and
under Kb reign abuses have grown up
which threaten tho porpolulty of tho
govornment nnd endnngor our civil
ization. So great aro these abuses
that Ropubllcnn reformers mo now
pointing out tlint something must bo
done nnd what can bo done? Tho
first thing Is to undo the things that
havo been done, and tho narly to
undo theso abuses is not tltojmtly
which has done them, but the party
which has protested against these
nbusos and pointed out fomedlos.
Tho Republican parly has turned
tho taxing power over to prlvnto Indi
viduals; It has allowed monopolies to
grow up nnd nssumo control of the
industries of tho country by giantlug
privileges by law and by giving Immu
nity to tho largo violators of tho law;
tho Republican party has permitted
tho fortunes of the piedatory rich to
become so largo that government Is
corrupted, politics debauched and
business polluted.
Tho Democratic party proposes to
withdraw tho taxing powor from pri
vate hands, to so legislate as to make
a prlvnto monopoly Impossible, and to
enforce tho law without discrimina
tion. It proposes to protect legitimate
wealth and punish thoso who attempt
to plunder tho public for private gain.
On which sldo do you stand, young
man? Aro you with tho masses in
their effort to rcstoro tho government
to Us old foundation and make It a
government of thcpcoplo, for tho peo
plo nnd by tho people, or aro you with
thu Republican leaders In their ef
fort to perpetuate tho party In power
by selling Immunity In return for
campaign contributions?
Thoro aro always two parties In the
country, and ono Is necessarily nearer
to the pcoplo than tho other. In this
country the Democratic party Is near
er to tho peoplojhan tho Republican
party. Its leaders havo moio faith
In tho people and uro moro anxious tc
keep tho government under tho con
trol of tho people. Tako tho election
of United StateB senators by tho pco
plo ns a test. Tho Democrats want
to give to tho voters a chance to elect
and to control their representatives In
tho United States .senate. The Dem
ocratic party in tho house of repre
sentatives passed tho first resolution
for the submission of tho necessary
constitutional amendment. They did
this eight years heforo any Ropub
Ucan congress did It Tho Democratic
party has thrlco demanded this ro
form in Its national platform. The
Republican party has not done so
Why do Democratic leaders Insist
upon this reform and Republican lead
ers oppose It? Thoro can bo but one
answer tho Democratic party Is near
er to the pcoplo than the Republican
party. Young man, will you stand
with tho pcoplo or against them?
The unswer to this question affects
your country. If you aro with the
people your Influenco, bo it great or
small, will hasten their victory. If
you aro against tho poople, your in
fluenco may retard that victory. Out
while in tho first Instanco it 1b your
country that may gain or lose by
your action, you must romerabor that
in tho lung run your own position In
politics will depend upon your con
duct You cannot fool tho people al
ways. You may lead them astray if
you dnro, but they will punish you
when they find you out. You may
work for tho people without their rec
ognizing It at first, but you can trust
them to discover the charactor of youi
work and to reward you accordingly.
Anticipating the publication by tho
DomocratB of their campaign fund, Re
publican managers havo sought to re
cover somo lost ground. They print
tho names of twe contributors, An
drow Carnegie and Mrs. Russell Sage,
and thoy announce that thoy will mako
other contributions public after tho
An Associated Press dispatch tells
tho story In this way:
"Now York, Oct 9. Tho fact that
Androw Carneglo has contributed f 20,
000 to tho campaign fund of tho Re
publican cause was announced to-day
by State" Chairman Woodruff. Mr.
Woodruff also announced that Mrs.
Erudite Librarian.
At the public library a citizen ot cul
ture and poetic tasto askod for Shel
ley's "Prometheus Unbound." Ho was
rather taken aback whoh tho librarian
replied with great hauteur: "We
don't keep any unbound books In this
Accidental Deaths In City.
There Is an averago ot nearly two
porsons killed each day in New York
city by falling from windows, down
etups, into oxcavatlons or In somo
Eucb manner
Ilussell Bngti contributed $1,000 to tho
Ramo fund. Thoro havo been no
other largo contributions from indi
viduals, air. Woodtuft said, but email
sums tiro coining In from various
sources. Ucorgo It. Sheldon, treas
urer of tlio lintlotint committee, when
naked nbout tho contributions, do
cllncil to discuss them, suylng that bo
would publish a list or nil tho con
tributions mntlo to thu Republican
committee nftor election."
If tho Republican managers aro
willing to make Cnruegln's contribu
tion public, why not give the names of
other heavy contributors? Tho expla
nation Is that Mr. Cnrncglo has given
tiwuy so nmny llbinrtvs out of tho
money which hu bus obtained thiough
b'u,,aue fnoiltlRin" nt the hands of tho
govornment that tho Republican man
agers tely upon his "popularity"
among tho pcoplo to prevent tho fact
of his contribution doing Injury.
Hut let it be remembered that An
drew Catncglo has good reason to
contilbuto to Republican campaign,
and wo need go no further than to
a Ropubllcnn newspaper for proof.
Several years ago It was re
ported that Androw Carneglo hnd of
forcd to pay $20,000,000 for tho Phil
ippine Islnuds, provided ho wus per
mitted to nusuro tho Filipinos tbnt
thoy would bo given their Independ
ence. Commenting upon this story, tho
Chicago Trlbuno tmld that thu steel
mngnnto "hns tried tho untlenco of
his friends sovorcly In somo ot his
late bids for notoriety." 'It ex
pressed tho opinion-that Mr. Carneglo
is constantly posing, and said "ho
scattered ltbrailes throughout tho
country, all of which are to ho called
for hint, and every ono of them Is 'ti
contribution to tho conscience fund.' "
Then the Trlbuno snld: "Mr. Car
negie mudo his money In a magnifi
cent way, but he should nover forgot
that ho mado It through tho undue fa
voritism of the government of tho
United Stntes. Owing to tho discrim
ination practiced In his favor by tho
tariff, ho was enabled to nntnss a for
tuno of $200,000,000, or moro, most of
which canto out of the pockets of his
countrymen through tho operation ot
unequal laws. Much has been snld of
tho benefit mining to workltigmcn
from the establishment of the Car
neglo works. Tho beneficent tariff
system permitted tho works to survlvo
and flourish, but thero aro somo peo
ple who havo not forgotten tho Home
stead strike, nor tho outrageous man
ner in which tho worklngmcn wero
treated at tho time by the employors
whoso brutality has seldom been ex
ceeded In tho history of labor agita
tions." The Ropubllcnn party has, In every
presidential campaign, nnd congres
sional campaign, been financed by tho
men to whom they have granted what
tho Chicago Trlbuno calls "undue fa
voritism." Does nny ono Imagine
that the tariff barons and trust
magnates will withhold contribu
tions from the Republican campaign
fund this year? Docs any ono bo
llovo that tho Republican parly will
over revise tho tariff In tho interest of
tho consumers so long as it obtains
Its campaign funds from tho tariff
Is anyone surprised that tho Repub
lican managers nro afraid of tho
It seems that tho cabinet offlcora
aro not given much opportunity to
mako campaign speeches. Thoy must
bo on hand for consultation beforo the
president can lsstto campaign letters.
Following Is an extract from tho As
soclatcd Press report concerning Mr.
Ilryan's Streator (111.) Bpocch:
"Addressing a cheering crowd at tho
banquet hero to-day, whero ho spoko
for nn hour, W. J. Uryan declared
that according to tho logic of tho
Republican party his election this
year can bo demnnded. Ho was dis
cussing tho pnnlc ot last fall. 'Accord
ing to their logic,' ho said, 'it is n Re
publican panic and I am the advanco
agent of prosperity. My election can
bo demanded as tho only euro for tho
hard times from which the pcoplo are
suffering.' Ho quoted somo recent
statistics showing tho number of busi
ness failures during the past few
years, nnd declared that the numbor
of such failures In tho nine months of
tho prosent year was greater than tho
failures for tho samo period in 1803.
'It 1b less than a week,' ho Bald, 'that
tho Republican papers of Chicago wero
tolling that 15,000 children were going
to school hungry every morning, nnd
that, my friends, Is not a past condi
tion. It Is that condition which ac
cording to Republican papers exists to
day. Tho Republican party ho as
sorted, 'was absolutely helpless to pro
pose a remedy.' Ho reminded busi
ness men that thoy wero to bo gov
erned 'not by prophecies and predic
tions of Intorested partlos, whether
thoy bo DomocratB or Republicans, but
that thoy aro to work tho question out
for Uiemselves, and not to accept an
argument unless that argument ap
peals to their common sense.' "
Workings of Conscience.
Suspicion always haunts the guilts
' mind. Shakespeare.
Cheese Kept for Ceremonies.
Saaen cheeso Is mado In Switzerland
from cow's milk. It 1b tho custom to
mako a saaen cheeso at tho birth of a
child nnd oat it at tho burial fcaBt or
oven at tho burial feaBt of a eon of tho
child for whom It is made.
Bicycle for the Blind.
An Englishman has Invented a hi
cyolo for tho blind. In reality. It is a
multlcyclo, carrying 12 riders, led by
a seeing porson, who doeB tho steer
Boy Had, at Least Once Seen Larger
Pedal Extremities.
A pupil of ono of tho public schools
In Chicago sends this communication:
' "Dear Sir: In our school this morn
ing an amusing dlnlogtto took placo.
"A primary tearhor of Chicago,
wishing to Ituptcss on her pupils tho
necessity ot greater quiet, said:
" 'I nni ti grent deal largor than any
of you, yot 1 dou't make nny uolso
when I walk around tho room.'
"'Perhaps,' ltmturkcd llttlo seven-year-old
Keuneth, 'you dou't wear
"'Oh, yes, 1 do,' quickly replied tho
teacher; 'just look. Did ou ever noo
nny larger than mine?'
"Kenneth surveyed them cnrefttlly.
. "'Yes,' ho replied, slowly, 'once In
ia show.'" Wavorly Magazine,
i -
Laundry work nt home would bo
much moro satisfactory It tho right
Starch wero used. In order to got tho
desired stiffness, it to usually noccs
Bary to uno bo much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fnbtlc la
hidden behind a paste of varying
,thlckneB8, which not only destroys tho
nppcarance, but nlso nffects tho wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
jblo can be entirely ovcrcomo by using
iDoflanco Starch, as It can bo applied
much rnoro thinly becnuso of Its great
er Btrcngth than otbor mnkos.
Woman Chosen City Alderman.
Mrs. II. J. Gates has just been elect
ed ono of tho six aldermen of Magce,
Tenn. For sovernl yearB Bbo ha
taken an active Interest In thu educa
tional work ot her town and wanted
to bo elected nlderman becnuso It
'would help her lu this work. Sho is
reported to havo mado nbout the most
Vtggresslvo campaign over witnessed In
Magce, if not In Tennessee Tho town
people spcmed pleased with her elec
tion, and oven thoso who voted ugalust
her bellovo bIio will make a lltat-claBS
Nothing Would Help Him Mother Al-
most In Despair Owes Quick
Cure to Cutlcura.
"Sovernl months ago, my llttlo boy
began to break out with itching sores.
I doctored him, but as soon as I got
them healed up In ono placo they
would break out In another. I waB
almost In despair. I could not get
anything that would help him. Then
l began to uso Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutl
cura Ointment, and after using them
threo times, the sores commenced to
heal. Ho Is now well, and not a Bear
Js left on his body. Thoy havo nover
returned nor loft him with bad blood,
as ono would think. Cutlcura Reme
dies nro tho best I havo over tried,
and I shall highly recommend them to
any ono who Is suffering likewise
Mrs. WllUnm Geedlng, 102 Washing
ton St, Attica, Ind., July 22, 1907."
Mercenary Marriages.
"Dlnna marry for the slllor, Jock,"
snld old Sandy, sagely, to his son, who
seemed to show symptoms ot the
awakening of a young man's fancy;
"gin yo dno, yo'll ayo regret it For
a'm tellln' ye, when I murrlt yo'r
mlther, I hadnn but no shlllln', forby
'.ho hnd auchteon penco. And for nil
tho 15 year o' oor marrlt life, I no'er
heard tho last o" tho odd saxpence."
F. C. Luck, lu Wct,t CoaBt Magazine.
Six months after mrrlago a man
discovers that ho has to got twice nB
angry in order to induco his wlfo to
notlco his wrath.
Positively cured by
these Llttlo Pills.
They nlso rcllcvn DI-trcisfromDypcila,Iu-dlcentlonandToalleurty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for IMxzlncsB, Nnu
wen, Drowsiness, Had
Tasto In tho Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Pain In the
They regulate tho Bonela. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simllo Signature
If emy cough you catch settles
Don't let tho cou&h hand on. A
ttrona lunss doubly to to weak
with rito't Cute. It act promptly
sHl7nkiv2i.h ABHfsTlsAT3t (11 llsTsv
reduces tho congestion, free tho throat of phlegm, clean tho clovrcniair
paiMget and ttopi tho cough. For nearly half a century tho uaiurpaued
icmcjy for tho w ortt formi of cough, coldt and chett complainU hu been
iy unrTnTji)
Arnbelln Ah, John, thoro was n
tlmo when you couldn't boo enough of
John Well, I can sou plonty of you
now, can't I?
Starch, llko everything elso, Is bo
ing constantly Improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho mnrkct 25 yenrs
ago aro very dlffcront nnd Inferior to
thoso of tho present dtiy. In tho lat
est discovery neflnnce Stnrch nil In
jurious chemicals aro omitted, while
tho addition of another Ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to thu Starch n
strength nnd smoothness never ftp
proached by other brands.
Wealth Not the Great Thing.
It Is not wealth that glvos tho truo
rest to life, but rclloctlon, apprecia
tion, tasto, culture. Smiles.
Pettlt's Eye Salve Restores.
No matter how Iwdly the cyea may bo
(lixenccd or injittcd. All dniKK'wts or How
nrd UroB., lJulwdo, N. Y.
When n mother sleeps soundly at
night It means that nono ot tho chil
dren has nny nchoB or pains.
wis sr.i.i. juns am tiiai's ciinAi
L buv Furs lliden. Wi it for catalog 105
N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Mitmenpolin, Minn.
It's easy for a man to understand a
woman If sho la n good cook.
Lewis Single Hinder straight Co cigar
mado of rich, mellow tobacco. Your deni
er or Lewis' Factory, Peorin, III.
Your uso of leisure thrown n light
on tho wholo of your Hfo.
If Yntir Foot Actio or llurn
tret a 2So pnrkiiKn of AlUm's KnoUKtiM. It HiTOt
t;iik relief. Twu million packncejnoia yearly.
It coBts more to got out ot troublo
than It doeB to keep out.
Mm. Wlnilow'ii Hoothlnrr fljrmi.
for children tcultilnir, ofuu jIiorupu, reduce In
rjmmaUon,lUyipia, cures wlnclcolU). 2icatotUo.
Thoro isn't much moat on tho bono
ot contontlon.
Get your size
White House shoes.
Sib vour feet
shoes snug pliable smooth
They are built over foot-form
lasts. That's why they fit.
v v r m
If you want
wr8.washinoto1 get a pan of
FOR MEN, $3.50, 4.00. 5.00 and 6.00. FOR WOMEN. $3.50, 4.00, 3.00.
Bailer Broun B ue Ribbon Shots for joangslen. Ask joir dealer for loco. tiM
This Is What
Catches Me!
I60X.1 One-Third Moro Starch
xsAsa. y.irMinvzMfj
I MMMwk WkwM
mlfJiui'l!lil imI 1 1 1 wwfo
on your lung, you havo weak lungs.
hapg-on ' cough U dangerous to
Get rid of it in tin beginning
and effectively ; ollayi the irritation,
Proof Is InoxlmusUlilo that
Lydla 13. Plnlclinm'fl Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through tho Change of Idfc.
Ttontl tho letter Mrs. E. Ilamon,
301 E. lxng St,, Columbus, Oliio,
writes to Mm. Pinlcham:
" I wns passing through tho Change
of Life, and suffered from nervous
ness, hcadnchcH, nnd other nnnoylngr
symptoms. My doctor told mo thai
Lydla K. l'liikham'rt Vegetable Com-
fKttind was good for me, and Ktitoe talc
ng It I feci bo much Inatter, and I can
again do my own work. I never fprgot
to tell my friends what Lydla. h. Pink
ham'H Vegetnblo Compound did for m
during this trying porlod."
For thirty yearn Lydla E. Plnlc
hnm's Vegolablo Compound, mado
from roots and horbs, has been tho
standard remedy for female- ill
women who havo been troubled with
displacements, inilammution, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
ivM'indln ivunn. h:inlmcho. that boar-
ing-down feeling, ilntuloncy, indiges
tion, dizziness oniorvous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Mrs. lMnklmm Invites all sick
women to -write lior for novice.
Hlio has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
73 W. Adams St., Clilcaao
nrriftUrr OTAOPU eMtMttowerkwIlhaoa
urcbM cloitiea uloart.
in a pair of dainty
in. You'll find the
snug, casy-fitb'ng new shoe,
House Shoes.
EbA MUrtif -Store
wMvcr .
. HasNo Equal, a,
No premiums, but one third
more starch than you get of
other brands. Try it now, for
hot or cold starching it has no
equal and will not stick to the iron
MfticM'i ''"
casM and txuUOM tha Into
otnAlMM m luxuriant fftowflk
NeTor rila to Btotj pray
(Sum Ktlp dlMuM bl tullBJL,
v arvt mitVei look like new i gold, .nil tor, nickel, to.
Will nov Mrutoh woaldellcuto urlce. l-rlco tfltta.
l. O. Jk) silO, Utatiou U, Waihingtoo, U. O.
"&! Ttompion'f Eyt W.tir
ncciivnc ci-iBOu
W tH trOav
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 44, 15KJfc
a4liiiil li'itl'i'
v ., a., if rY" "