The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1908, Image 1

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    duw UUU.rlol 3ol
A Newspaper That filr:s Thn Nchs Fifty-two Wn!n farli Year For One Dol'nr.
V. .dWk'
M sSIIattSJu(rncrS. Marx jyfiT
$ai(3assii5 cmsssE&isf
11:1 ) T.SM III' IS' I" V
I)r ' 1 1I1 iih JleHl'iir lllt um t'lriu 1 1 Nn .
Kl r vl lij III nil t tti .1 .In v s ll m linn in...
tlib n 11 t ri!inrnti! mi 1 iiivmit'oi I'
rcui tit nl" iicj iy r io"' mi.l Oitnll. ti nn
mcJIrttctf ll'iiHii'iir. 'I lie llri ilui .IHl.
liClifULi. 75 CulitHiiHil il, soln b) II K U11K r
drugKlHt. Hod Cloud
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cuts relieved at once with Finesalvc
Carbolized (acts like a poultice). Draws
ont Inflammation. Price 25c. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Saum Aqemts Wanted SM.OO per
week or 400 per cent profit. All amp
lea, stationary, and art catalogue free.
We want one permannent agent in,
this locality for the largest picture
and frame bouse in America. Ex
perience unnecessary. Wo instruct
you how to soil our goods and furnish
tho capital. If you want a permanent,
houorab e and profitable position,
write us today for partip ilars, eat 1
logue and sample-. I'uwu Uiliivms
COMl'V.W. 131. W. T.ijlm st Chua-o
"Von will find it a great satisfaction to do
. More Home Baking
Yon will make biscuit, cake and pastry
clean, fresh and tasty better every way
than the ready made foods.
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is specially
devised for home use, and makes home
baking easy and a delight It will pro
tcct you from the dread alum baking
pn" " - which are too frequently found
"y :. " "j ;', ami insure
i w. j. yiof tho highest healthfuluess.
'u-Aijfci A ' .,
iost '
Oitober '
hum 1 .'n with In illinritKi 11
Kinder pli'iiso IcaU' at this
Through a mistaltpve stated that T.
F Joiies, of Walnut Cieck, was in the
nursery b siness at Indianola, Nebr.
Ho is in the insurance business at that
The State Journal is trying awful
hard to get people to give that dally
a trial. Its offer now la to send the
paper from date untlll January i) 1909,
for only 50 cent without Sunday, or
75 cents with Sunday. The publishers
feel sure that anyone who tries The
State Journal will stick. However,
they have adopted an absolute rule of
stopping every subscriber when his
term is out. If there is anything that
makos a man mad it is to subscribe
for a city daily and then have to fisht
with the pnb'islitMs to get it stopped
or pa t" - liictl in 1 0 -1 Psii't want
Th" . I ' ru l s 11 pi. m will in popu
. &mitt n iVtfigr jw
i; i:i
misraKe men o ten
is in not Having clothes
enough. They seem to ifiink I wo suits of
clothes bought at one time, or two over
coats, would be extravagant.
The fact is, if you buy our
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes, two suits or two overcoats at a lime
would be economy. A raincoal, shown
here, or a fancy fabric overcoat for daily
wear; and a black or oxford overcoat for
dress occasions; a fancy weave suit of some
new color and pattern for business, and a
black or blue serge for changing occasion
ally, and for dressier times; every man
ought to have such an outfit.
You'd find it economy; and the clothes will all last ' lorfger
if you dont wear them continuously; get them pressed occasionly.
We want to sec our cusromers dressed right.
We'll take care of it for you if you'll let us.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
! elm el
Mis . J
this week
Ibices was ii potted ill
Tho llaptlst ladies met with Mr8.XJ..chld was instantly killed.
E Vaughnn Thursday afternoon . t ,
xt r 1 m 11 1 j i , At the close of lodge Tuesday eve
Mrs. Duke Tompkins visited her rel-. ni.- ,0 ... .
atlves at Sappier, xtfrm g4aT
Mrs. fyam.;
Ethel .and.
Monday ihftemimu
A'o.'. &t ':'
Mrs. Minnie',
herat.'tB rUlthirwx' bMieri, OJT.C V.
Kd and fiT; B; Horaa viBe,
P. E Fairfield Is cdsipletra a' fine
cement cave on his property In tho
west part of town occupied by Emmet
Mis Sams, of Superior, who spent
seveial days with her daughter. Mil-.
Charles eM111dj, ictiiinel to In r
home 'J'li ursiiii .
Thi-r.- will be initiation at the De -
gree oi Honor lodge Tuesday evening,
Oct ber 27. All members uiged lo at- j
tend. The team will drill.
Charles Watt, son of Kranlc, Watt,
who has been employed at Wyinoiu the
past two veins, came up Sunday for a
a visit ami will probably lemaln in this
vicinity for the winter. '
Mrs Idellu Watt and Miss Ella Van
Woert returned front Lincoln Sunday
night, where they attended the tenth
session of the Degree of Honor grand
lodge, which c m venes every t o years.
Mrs. Jennie Watt went to Superior
Tuesday wi;li her mother, Mr. limit,
who started fioin there Wednesday to
lslt her son. (it oige Hunt and family
lit Lakewood, New Melco.
Mrs llertha Vaughan got 11 mm prise
on her giandinother. Mis. II. 15. Kieh,
Tuesday cloning. October l.'l, it being
her 7lst birthday. A numberof friends
were in attendance. Iicfieshments
were served. Some were unable to be
present on account of previous engage
ments. The ofilclal board of the M. E. church
mot with Mis. W. A. Seley Monday
evening and organized for tho year's
work. Uev. Pool is chairman, Mrs.
William Miner was elected tieasurer
ami Miss VanWoert seerotury. The
next meeting will bo hold at W. llloh
aids Monday evening, Not ember li.
J ho 1 1 M i 1 11 a il f un 'j t- .1
C ha I Iv is'ltl VI .1 1 t IIP 1 H 1
whk,m 1 i'viiiu noun luesiaj, Tiu-y
liad'ely reaeUod homo whun thev
I tvoru notified by phone that thq four.
v( "!oi:i:ij
often make
1 T In
yuir-old son of Choiles Kislibiiin had
been klllo I. The child was pitting in
a bug in the buggy j-Iit-.l lmi a
heav, 1 1 on md fellfioiu aboe It sup
ports In some manner uiviinr wiiv. the
imaH tenderod a ..! flllhn ,1C .-
iollowlng sisters: Mrs. 'McMurdy, Mrs
ri -t
-rank Perry, Garhard Olmatede, Mrs.
If. Massibirer. Mrs. Jrikn OhrmiOdaj-
Miu liinnle Ohmatede and Stuia Par,
'. The tables ware decorated with
ultand flowers. Fried chicken, rollsf
fcklea, fruit salad and various kinds
cake flnd cofx were served. There
?as B large attendance of members
and guests. During the evening tho
report of tho grand lodge session at
Lincoln was given by the delegato,
Miss 1511a VanWoert The sisters of
tli South -hie icfoiu-d a Mite of
lb n Ks for tin 11 mm pi ise supper.
' "
' t'haileh Mc.Monl and faiuil, sj.c t
edtiy with Clmilos Uan.and fniuilv
W. I-1 Ctowell, wife and daughter
imp the guests ol Mr. Orowell's btother
north of lied Cloud.
W. .. Lainbeit and son arrived Kri
day fioin Texas. He has samples of
fruit, corn, cotton, etc
Mrs. Emanuel Peteis started Tues
day for HollJn,'ham, Wash., wheieshe
will visit lor some time.
Mrs. L. D Watt and daughter Edna
went to Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Watt
was delegate to the Hebek.ih grand
Mis William hawser departed
in day for Lincoln, to visit her sister,
Mr-. Anderson. Two cousins will abo
be theie. one from Winchester, fnd.,
and tho other from Uolgrade, Nebr.
( arl C'fjno die 1 at Summetlleld, Kas ,
Wednesday morning of typhoidfeverV
He leaves a wife, three little ones,
his parents and one brother. Carl was
the eldust son of C. L. Conu and wife,
this place. Thoy were with him dur
ing his Illness and death. His wife is
a daughter of .1 hn Keiguson. The body
will bo brought here.
Theie was no SunduyKsehool or
oh'ireh servieOH at Ljne Tree Holiday
1 ' m.".1 of tii h
. iJte a , n '1 .1 i, 1 ; . 1 1 n 0
b)(T))ltHt vtejk from Hastings, win re
they were In atlanuande atUio uai nl-vrI,
wltli Mr. ttmum Knyuarl lint Weil
nevliiy afternoon, tlipy meet. next
week ultli Mrs. Georglo Walker.
Lost em Im( Wcrfiuwlny waning
s .111 w iin m be6en 0. !l. Harvey and
John 1 e Hi miners, alargp double slmwl
liiown 111 cdorand fringed all around
j iho.dgo, tho person or poruoim who
1 found It. will be rewarded and m)itu
t oiy, iivUmI If th. sliuwl is n'titriuii io
I Mis L. Herrlck.
Far IIic Alflf.i Palace,
1 .list how to (Mil tt lllfillfn mill vvluil
", Iiiih sent out a circ .tin' to N...
hMimI plant, IomoikI to tln Alfalfa nut- ' "I'liii'i" 1'iid.v voting cnntet, will lio
' r:u.:"su'r "'.v,;;1;;;'" " v ';r '" -f hv nVi::!;i;;:"s o':u,,,v.;i,,.&:ki,:.;,?.
I Inlciestitig buildings ol tlio National Iniiui'ss to nil oomorned.
son.,. i!imuMs hut Wiltliim lam.- m .". J 1 Ti1 ,,tf iU'"t vr,m hnU ,,u u
.,...1. . . . ",l !'""" .iHim-., hi ciikkoiliitf U10-. upiiKht pbino viiliiud
, pi rlnt. utluitt of the Nebraska nirnldi , mI f .V 0. The slcoi .1 pili' uill bo 1
lunsku growem which contains nomei ., "'" ,"i" wi" ''" ,l lI"ino
.nrumu.,0,, forKuiiv,.,. ,, ...lonslS.lrS.rtiS -whiM-p
nlfallu is mi liiiporiniit rmin bo ollVied from lime lollmi'.
Simples for exhibition should i.n
n'stif mrdiuin siz ,1 htitlUs with (he
1 lll'IIMPst pi.S-il.h, lt.Hcs fno
fniin mi t or luiiKi.sjriuvwh. uellcuied
mid in hheiixes thtee or Tour indies in
diameter nt Mm point wheio tied near
the center of the shciif, writes Mr.
Jumps. ,
"To o-ro alfalfa for oxhibltion do
not allow tho samples to lav In tho
sunlight aHor they aro cut. When the
stalks aro hooured, tie a triiiK around
tho butta, placing from fifteen to thirty
htalks on a string. Make tho hheaves
Hinnll'Mid provont uiould. Hang tliom
up iu a dark room to euro. When
ouiod tako down carefully, pack in a
box and hhip on a damp day ir possl.
The Ncbiaslcii superintendent isalso
secuiinj,' Mimples 1 1 om wrowt-rs show
ing the laiKcst possible amount of
bloom; alfalfa ho ids containing tho ipmnlity of seed, niirl plutitH
. I..... 1 1. .,
n.KMilM' II-. HUM II 1 1 me Hints lis pos
Tho admission of the National Corn
Exposition to be 'ield nt OM...1.1. n
ia uMmmiui it.ioiilut Utnaha, Do-
comber to I!), is to be r.0 cents, but
1110 Loan) 01 MiM-et.irsdee.dMl Ht 11 re- ' T'i( publNh,., J) , t, ji u7,om
' 1 1. 1 1 ' in ,im I miiri tn v tie;.i t mt'pi'i,ii fi., ct in ciiso tif
ll-M i: .,,, (, s, u,i,.hninv ' . I noj or n .gn'.irity.
bo oideiod fioin the 111 uiiigeiiieiil of ' ''' cm It hi int 1st. qoeslod lo sond
the , xposMio... ,00m (tnc .. ,7 fi,w 11
isinniiiig. uinalni. Those couiiuutioii
- -f...
11. .1 .,1 ..;... iv..' .-1.. .-. . . .
.....,h.t vouuiiii iiiuiytwo aumissions
in all, fof nfoi nl ng, lift er'fiooii and evo
niilg admission anil sell for J.l. Thoy
will not bo sold undor any clrcum
scauco8 after the oxposltlou opons iu
Decoaaber. -w -
Uttr list, .
List of letters remaining .on called
for at foit6ffloe at' Red Cloud, Neb..
for the week ending Oct. 32, 1908:
Mrs. C A. Brown,
Ralph Beland,
Frank Cortese,
Harold Cooko,
Bonnie Duvall,
Leta (ileason,
.1 W. Hat Meld,
Mr. Mealnil,
Miss On ons,
Mi-. Ella Sc tt,
Ait Vermillion,
John Witl iter,
Ellilo Wilson,.
U. A Whitham.
.These will be sent to tho dead letter
olllee Nov. 5, IMS, if uncalled for
befoie. When calling for above please
say "advoi Used."
T. C. Hacki:ii, Posl master. '
e appreciate M share
of y&s& Swsess a2?rf
Moon Block
ARimcMlr Ti P
;,v.-Ji,,Hafeb4A 4
nij.miii; -1:5
Our Popular Udy Voting Con test bus
started off In ijrt-tty fair shape and wo
expert It lo tiv one of the biggest
event that ever happened In thU 'purl
, ,,f ,ne """nlW
Tho vote Friday wan:
Mrs. Miles Iuyle 8I.1C0
Miss l'raultlo Ward llJiTb
Miss lint h Warren tfl.ttWi
MN Hornleo Potter lS.SM)
Mlh VcraCruljlll ll.'JIX)
M iss Mary I 'i-hucIm ,1()o
l-AnnouncementThis Piano and
I LndleV line irold wntch vhIii.mI m. :t(V
.1 -' ainlldiilcs -Any lady, man led
or Minjlo, in this and ndiolniiiir coun
tbs U eligible ton pbicn In tho eon
lest. Tho 11111,1, popular lady is tho
one who shall reeclvo the mosl votes,
and Lo her shall bo given this high
giade piano. .Other candidates will
teceive pilos in order, according to
their standing of votes.
1 Tie iu Votos Iu ease of 11 uo, tho
valuo of tho prizes will bo equally
divided or a llko prizo grantod to those
5-Classos of Votos Those nro la
sued iu coupons us following:
Now subscriptions, 800 votos for 81.00
uouowaiH, ;iuo votos ror . 1.00
Daok subscriptions, 300 vote's for ?i:00
0 General Instructlons-Namo& of
contestants will bo nrintod iu ordor
no.-ording to standing and tho amount
of their votes published regular after
tho llrst count is made.
oleswill not bo allowed on sub
scriptions at less than regular price of
1 ho p'iper.
VolisnniM dopolled in tho ballot
box ciintot be tr ie. to uuolhor.
Agents' ciimmissiooH me to )H sus
pended dining contest,
v, "n "" will bo allowed to
,.,,,, r,. moro t, f t,
' additional special piles.
l" "''". ". pii..(.Kii,i lor pub
iip.iilou as so o tis cofivi.ttient.
Makeup yout mind who you want to
tote lot beloro coming lo tho olllco as
tho editor will posiMvoly not di'cido
the matter for you.
Contestants should keep a record oi
their votes ttirnod iu each woek, and
soo that our figures vorlfy It.
All coupons mnjt haVe the amount
of subscription paid, qtimber of votes
oast, name of contestant voted for and
name of perfoo TQtiog written legibly
thereon. '
liable buslnaaa wapl be appointed
to make the final aanqt and dUtrlba
tlonofprizM. r
Contest tq run QQt Uss than ninety
days; date of closing to be announced
about thirty days In advanoe.
Tho contest shall olqse nt 4 o'clock
p. m. on tho date to bo announced
later. Two weoks prior to the dato or
closing, tho Judges aro to take tho
ballot box, onnmiUydookod and sealed,
to tho hunk iiuiim.tiUMil, whcio It. will
ho kepi on 11 table lb! tho ft ont window
luring bitslius-t hontM, md iM tho
vault at night uiltil tho close of thn
contest, wlup tho Awarding Commit
teo will tnku charge and make final
count. ,
Subscription blanks and voting
coupons will be furnished upon appli
cation nt I his ollico.
All votes must bo accompanied by
subscription money.
Pinesalve ACTS use a poultice
CarboliZed fobus or skim disease
1? x , M
j. 1
?'. "I
I'!!,1 U- ' '