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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1908)
M Bottle Mint Sauce. Gather mint leaves, wash und chop flno. Kill quart glass Jar half full of mint; fill Jar with cold wator. Seal and place In dark cool placo. This Is Just as fresh and green when opened as when fresh picked from garden. Does not loso flavor and Is always ready for ubo. Salt In Fire Kills Odor. When burning vegetables or other refuse In a stovo or furnace, throw a handful of salt Into tho flro ad thero will bo no unpleasant odor. County Largor Than State. Although tho Now Kngland states nro Hinall, tho average lr.o of the counties Is greater than In most of tho middle, western and southern HtateB. Worcester county, in Massa chusetts, is an cxnmplo of an eastern county that Is at tho same time largo In area and very populous. It is larger than the adjoining Btato of Khodo Inland. New Form of Chromium. Chromium prepared In tho electric furnaco by Molssan proved to bo slightly Bolublo In molten copper. Fur ther investigation has rovoaled a now form of chromium, which is crystolllno, has a density of 7.1, is chemically active, and burns with a brilliant flamo when heated alone in tho air, being attacked at red heat even by nitrogen. Not So. "Queer," muttered Undo Hooster, ns ho turned over tho magazine's pages of advertisements in a vain search for tho reading mattor. "Yo'd think that all theao hero automatic planner playln' inventions would 'a' guv our girls inoro time to help tholr mothers with tho housework. Yet si'tch don't seem to bo tho ca3o." The Gull.ble Public. "Sometimes," said Undo Kbcn, "it 'pears to me like do public was com posed of people hungln' 'round wnntln' to be fooled. An' dars alius mo' or leBs competition among do smaht men of do country 'bout who's gwinter hub do pleasures of teudlu' to do Job." Washington Star. Had Small Brain. A healthy, regularly-formed brain ol 24 ounces, scarcely half of tho normal avenge, seems to have been tho small est ever recorded for an adult. It was recently found in Daniel Ryan, a New York coachman, who died sud denly at tho ago of 4G. 1 Why He Never Spoke. Thero was n man In our town, and ho wns wondrous wise; ho never upoko unto his wife of his mother's cakes and pies. Tho secret of his wisdom guess it if you can; but if you can't behold it ho was a bachelor man. When He Takes Second Place. Though his wlfo frequently may liavo tried to make him realizo it, a man never realizes Just what an in cidental and insignificant thing ho is until tho Hnhy comes to tho houao. Syracuse Journal. Passes Unnoticed. A New Jersey man claims to liavo been bitten by dogs 3,000 times. After a life-time spent with New Jersey mosquitoes a Httlo thing like a dog blto passes unnoticed. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Society In Kansas. An Atchison woman wore a dress with a long train to a recent card party, and tho rest of tho guests spent two-thirds of their timo in jumping over It. Atchison Globe. Unchivalrous Suggestion. Women Ilko to jest nbout thero ho Ins no men In heaven, but they know well enough that If thero wero no men thero It wouldn't bo heaven for them. Somcrvlllo Journal. Will Find Cure for Leprosy. It Is estimated that there arc somo 3,000,000 lepers In tho world, but tho cure of leprosy Ib now regarded as be ing within mcasurablo distance. Certainly Something Wrong. "Oh. mamma," exclaimed little Net tle one day, "thero must be something tho nmttcr with tho baby; ho isn't crying!" One Reason for Bachelorhood. Occasionally a mnn remains in tho bachelor class because ho is skeptical as to the ability of a woman to support him. To Dislodge Bone In Throat. A raw egg swallowed at onco after n ilshbouo has stuck In the throat will usually dislodgo it. Cure for Earache. Tako tho heart of nn onion and licat and insert in tho oar and it will cure earache. The Contented Man. The man who Is thoroughly content ed is likely to bo a boro or a tramp. Miles of Human Hair. 4 Tho average woman carries 60 miles ol hair on her head. HERBERT E.GOOCH CO. UKOKIIKS AND )UAU:KS Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton rialn Office, jM.2o.; fraternity llldjt. Lincoln, Nebraska. Bull Phono .112 Auto Phono 2059 i iirupttt iiousn in Htnto FROM THE COMMONER MR. BRYAN'S PAPER THIS IS THE STORY. Tho most notable nml Important feature of tho opening of the Repub lican campaign at Youngslown, O., recently was not tho speech of Gov. Hughes, nor yet that of Senator Hoverldge. It was the part tho steel trust took in this formal launching of the Tnft campaign in Mr. Taft's own Btute. Tho Associated Pros dlspntches briefly indlcnted what happened in tltltf paragraph or Its report; "Along tho rust-red waters of the Mahoning river to-day tho great mills of tho Carnegie works of the United States Steel Corporation, the Republic Iron and Steel Company, and the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Com pany wero quiot, for a three day holi day had been declared, Including Sun day and Labor day. Youngstown is a Bteel town, nnd tho brawn and muscle of her chier industry formed tho body of tho parade which preceded tho dls charge or tho heavy political ord nance." Tho extended fipccinl report which tho Cincinnati Hnqulrer gives or tho big meeting throws more light on this highly interesting feature. Wo quote from tho Knqulror of Sunday, Sep tember G: "Tho commanding feature of tho day was tho parade which preceded tho speaking in Wick park. Thero wore a few over 112,000 men in line. Of these more than 10,000 camo from the Bteel mills. Supplied with uni forms at tho expense of tho com panies, tho tollers presented a strik ing appearance as they marched past tho reviewing stnnd. Hecauso or the opening a shutdown of the mills was ordered till next Monday, and tho oc casion made a holiday. Hut few or theso workers attended tho meeting in Wick park. This wns easily seen by the lack or uniforms in tho crowd. Probably not over one-tenth of the turnout came to hear tho speeches. They found other attractions that the holiday furnished and wero content to let others listen. "There were thousands or Hun garians, Roumanians and other Slav people in this division. Each man wore a khaki suit and carried a cano or Hug furnished by his employers. They wero divided into brigades and were organized on military lines, hav lng regimental and brigade ofllcers. "Ono of the unusual Incidents oc curred when tho parade halted at the Elks' club. Somo ono cnlled for a cheer for Taft. Out of the uniformed ranks in response came a roaring shout for Ilryan, and tho column moved on." This is tho story. It carries its own argument, and requires very Httlo comment by way or elucidation. Omaha World-Herald. THERE IS THE RECORD. Referring to tho Democratic cam paign text book for 190S tho Now York World says: "The Democrats lmvo stout rods in pickle Tor tho Republicans this year, as is proved by their campaign hook or 300 pages, but they apply none or them to tho Republican president. They are opposed to Jingoism, mili tarism and imperialism,' and yet the most warliko of presidents escapes criticism. They denounco extrnvn ganco nnd waste nt Washington, and tho mnn who is largely responsible for this reckless expenditure finds no ac cuser. They mako war upon tho priv ileged plutocrats or the tariff, the com bines nnd tho trusts, nnd yet the only president who over sent for a Harrl mnn and arranged for tho collection of a campaign corruption fund is no whoro condemned. They demand pub licity in cnmpnlgn expenditures, and yet a president who neglected at a critical time to Insist upon that policy is hold blameless. They reproach tho Republican party for Its fnlluru to on forco tho laws against tho pirates of Interstnie commerce, and yet tho pres ident, who holds that the laws aro too drastic and that thoy must bo modi flod, goes free of censure." Harsh words aro not necessary. Tho Democratic text book shows up the Republican record, and nothing could bo gained by bitter denunciation. Tho factB as to Jingoism, militarism, Im perialism, extravagance and wasto at Washington, tariff privileges enjoyed uy combines and trusts, Hurrlman's contribution to the Republican cam paign fund, tho Republican party's falluro to enforco tho luw, and tho Re publican record gonornlly these things aro all presented in compact form. Thero is tho record. Tho people may apply It and tho Commoner ho lioves they will apply It, so as to de feat tho political parly that is re sponsible for thnt record. In tho meantime anyone may obtain a copy or tho Democratic campaign text book ror 1908 for 25 cents. It will bo sent, postpaid, for tlvt sum. Ad dross Text llool; Department, caro Democratic National Committee, Audi torium Annex Hotel, Chicago, III. A lot of Republican papers aro de manding somo action to provont tho destruction of forests by lire. At tho samo tlmo thoy aro strenuously up holding a policy that puts a premium upoa tho destruction of thoao snnie for ests bv another method. HERE'S A REPUBLICAN BOOMERANG. An editorial printed In the Fort Woith tTex.) Record or September G, will give tho Republican standpatters something to think nbout. The Record's editorial follows: "Scattered over the editorial page of the New York Herald the following line In Italics appears several times: 'Mr. Ilryan promises u tnrlfT reform. Hut can ho deliver the goods with n Republican house of representatives and a Republican senate?' "The Herald is openly fighting Mr. Ilrynu, but tho Intended nttack upon him In this query Is pretty much of a boomerang. Kb logical answer makes more ror Mr. Ilryan than against him. The Republican party is pledged to tariff levlslon, yet the Herald asks: Can Ilryan bring tnrlfT revision with the handicap of a Republican senate and house? Does that mean that a body of Republican lawmakers means that thoro shall be no tariff revision? Does that mean that tho Republican promise for tnrlfT revision Is mean ingless? Very evidently the Herald so believes. Nor is the Herald alone In thai belief. "And If .Air. Ilryan, Democrat, enn not deliver tho goods of tnrlfT revision in spite or ii Republican congress, how will Mr. Taft bo able to accomplish tho feat? Tho Herald's argument Ib so loose and vulnerable ns to bo un worthy of any paper which aspires to the position In politics and Journalism which the Herald assumes to 1111. "Hut the onBWcr to the question Is that In the gathering together of tho body of men who will make tho next congress there has been in many cases a sucilflce or party afllllatloiiB ror tho naming of tho better mnn. Also, the men who will form the next congress are In many cases more patriotic than partisan. There nro Republicans who will Htnnd with tho Democrats for tariff revision in spito of all powers against it, bocauso tariff revision Ib a matter greater than parly at this time. It Ih going to be n pretty dim cult Job ir Mr. Ilryan Ib elected to prevent tarllT revision." THAT LEATHER BELTING PLA CARD. The following Ib u Pittsburg (Pa.) Post editorial: "Whoever in memory reenlls tho Garfield campaign can see those crim inally coercive plncardB on Ohio fac tories: This mill will shut down if Hancock Is elected.' Every manufac turing stnto In tho union in every cam palgn since lias been disgraced by tho same style of placnrd. West Virginia knows tho felonious device. Some times it Ib a promise, ns It must bo now, that mills will resume if Mr. Tntt is elected. In times when Re publican punlcB had not thrown thou sands Into Idleness and stopped the wheels, It has been a threat to closo; an assault upon tho American right to a free ballot. The promise Is an attempted bribe; the shut-down intim idation of more prosperous eniB has been an outrage upon the ballot. "Mr. Kern hns pilloried tho perpe tratois of this criminal offenso against the freedom of political choice, against tho uso of God-given intelligence by tho American workingmnn. Former President Parry or tho National Man ufacturers' association, which does such yeoman servico in exposing tho Iniquities or Dlnglcylsm, furnishing the details otherwiso procurable with great difficulty by the layman, de nounces unfair tactics like these by employers. Ho frankly confesses that tho election of Ilryuu and Kern would entail no disaster, no damaging effect upon business, nor would It at nil In tel fero with the economic conditions and the phenomenal wealth and re sources of America, which aro bound booh to restore that prosperity driven away by Republican Insensate folly und profligacy. "And now a contemporary uffects ig norance of where these placards aro hung. Every utterance or Mr. Tart is a demagogic plncurd when ho preaches that Mr. Hryan's election would incite a new panic or be nn obstacle to pros polity's return. Every false Bcreech by Ills organs is such n placard. Tho Leather Molting Company of Now York lias started tho placarding. ItB effect Is now gone." MAYBE YOU OVERLOOKED THESE FACTS: Senator Fulton went to Oregon nnd asked for re-election, and tho peoplo said: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Senator Hansbrough went to North Dakota for re-election, nml tho peoplo Bald: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Senator Klttredgo heard it In South Dakota, from tho peoplo: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Senator Long asked tho peoplo of Kansas for re-election, nnd tho peoplo shouted: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Senator Hopkins went to Illinois and asked for re-election, and two-thirds of tho Republicans of Illinois announced: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Almost one-hair or the Republicans of Iown, oven when asked by their dis tinguished Senator Allison, replied: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Tho voice or tho peoplo Is unmis takable. Wherever they have had a chanco to speak, thoy have earnestly lifted their volco, saying: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Thnt sontlment Is sweeping tho whole country: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" A groat many factories that closed during a panic that came under a Re publican administration nro promising to open and run full tlmo If another Jtepuuilcuu ndmimslrallon put In I power. j David's Kindness to Jonathan's Son Sunday School Lciion for Oct. 18, 1908 Specially Arranged for Tills Paper l.KKWN TIJXT-; ftiiiiurt 0. Memory tortf 7. . (SOI.DHN TIJXT. "Ami bo ye kind to hud nimllicr, tonilor-lirnrtol, forgiving one miotlwr."- ICpli. 4:32. fur from tho middle of Diivld's rvlKit. uliout the tlmo of tho clone of IiIh warn. Prof. WIIIIh .1. llpcelior thinks Hint "It wiih Miiliflcqui'iit to David's Krnit hIm nml wiim prnlmlily one of Hie eiirlleM of tlio frultH of his repent iini'o." PI.ACi:.- David wiih ut leiu.siilem. Me phllioMiietli lived near Mnhniinhn. where Haul's noil IhIiImihIh'IIi, by the nl,l of IiIh general, Aimer, luut undertaken to hold the klimdum during David's reign nt He bron. It was east of tho .lordiin, nbout half nay between tho Dead Sea anil the A'll of tinlllee. , Comment and Suggestive Thought. David's Mind Reverts to Forgotten Duties. Overlooked In tho great pres sure of the duties or defending and or ganizing his kingdom and building (hem up Into material and religious prosperity. David hud mi'de a league of friend ship with Jonathan, Snul's boh, which was to extend to tholr children. All the affection tills princo had lavished upon David now came back In full tide to prompt him to express his apprecia tion of It by kind deeds to somo of the famllr. Ho hud also loved Saul him self. As far tiB Saul was concerned It was a noblo example of doing good to enemies, according to tho precept, or Prov. 25:121, 22 nnd Rom. 12:19-21. Saul had soveral times tried to kill David; ho had drlvon him Into exile, und hunted him from plnco to place. There wiib a long, black chapter of wrongs in the past. He Finds MephlboBheth. Son of Jonathan. Zlbu, an ofllccr of tho house of Saul, reported to David that a son of Jonathan was living In the home or Mnchlr In Lodobnr, a placo not far from Mnhunaltu. Mephlboshelh, whose name wiib or iginally Mcrlbbaal, "Lord Mori" (1 Chron. S:ai; 9:10). was five years old (2 Sam. -1:4), when his father Jon at ban and his grandfather Saul woro slain on Mount Gllbon. When tho nuws enme of their dentil tho lioy's nurso took him and fled townrd Jczrecl, and In her haste let him fall. Ho was so Injured thnt ho was nil his lire lame in both root. Ileing llvo years old nt Saul's death ho must liavo been 12 or 111 years old when David became king over nil Israel. When, thorcrore, lie came to court he must have been !10 years old, was married, and had a little son (v. 12). Mephlboahoth, ns the representative or Saul's eldest son, had the precedence over Saul's other grandsons, and was Saul'B heir. Other Accounts of Mephlboshelh. See 1 Chron. 8:31-40; 9:40-44; 2 Sam. 4:4; 21:7; 10:1-4; 19:24-:i0. Mephlboshoth's Property Restored, and Himself Drought to tho Pnlaco. Tho oriental Idea was that nil tho fnm. lly or a rival claimant to tho throno should bo put to death, or removed from all possibility of inciting an in surrection. His inheritance from Saul was re stored to Mephibosheth. It must have been considerable. It was placed un der Zlbn, a steward, and tho revenues wero to bo sent to his master at tho court of David. Mephibosheth was Invited to alt at tho royal tablo as a part or David's household. Tho Syrian missionary, Rev. William Ewlng, says in tho Sun ilny School Times: "When two men eat bread together, this Is tho desert Micramont, the Blgn and seal of n cov enant of friendship, n leaguo for mu tual protection. TIiIb is so ir they ent hut once. Had David only on ono oc casion Invited Mophiboshoth to Bit nnd eat with him, ho would thenceforth have boon known as tho king's frlond, to Injuro whom would" bo to provoko the monarch's vengeance. Rut a placo 'continually' at tho royal tablo declared a relationship or a deeper and stronger kind. Ho who cats 'con tlnunlly' at an Arab's board has passed the conditions or mero 'guest' or 'frlond,' and Is acknowledged as identified with tho family In all its manifold Interests. David thus dovlsed light Hbernl things for tho unfortu nate son of tho beloved comrado of other days." Llko David, wo aro not to wait till tho needy como to us, but wo aro to search for any wo can help; canvass our Held, and find out who can bo In vited to eat tho bread of llfo continu ally with us In our class. Wo should orgunizo and train our elasB to go Into tho highway and hedges If need bo, and bring others In to enjoy tho good things of tho Uiblo with them. No ono should bo too busy to do nets of kindness to Individuals, and to pay by kindness tho dobts or lovo. "Elevation to power is a God-given opportunity" for remembering those who liavo been less successful. A woman camo to an oriental kln& to havo somo wrong redressed, and ho lefused hecauso ho had not tlmo. "Then," said she, "If you havo not tlmo to do Juatlco, you havo not tlmo to bo king." Great Men of Culture. Tho great men of culture are thoso who havo had a passion for dlfris lng, of mnklng prevail, for carrying from ono end of society to tho other, tho best knowledgo, tho best ideas or tholr tlmo; who havo labored to divest knowledgo or all that was harsh, un couth, dlfllcult, abstract, professional, exclusive; to humanize It; to mnkn It ofllclont outside- the clique of tho cultivated and learned, yot still ro- malnliig tho bint knowledgo and thought of the tlmo, and a true rouree, thorefoie. or Bweotnoss und light. Matthew Arnold. """'"'MuraBMifMaMaaHMMm flEszggsaLiSw tnaiHiTCj AI.COHOL-3 PKR CENT ANfcgclable Preparation for As similating ihcFooilaiwincgula ling rhe S lomachs and I towels cf Ml umiiMiLJiwjiKvn Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful ncssanrlHcsl.Contnins neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral Not Narcotic Krnpt rou DrSAMUEiimirsi AWAt(hStti Sii'ii SnJ ' kvtrmiiti lHJCfriitnUSrA Hirm Sttd Chin Suff Hinhrfrtt Xfivr A perfect llcmcily forConstipa lion . Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fc vcri sh ncss nnd Loss of Sleep Facsimile Signature of The ckntauii Company, NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the Foodanq Exact Copy of Wrapper. Let Me Send You a Package of Defiance Starch with your next order of groceries nnd I will guarantee that for Much Power from Niagara, Power generated n,t Niagara Falls U to bo distributed all ovor Canada. Hlds havo been nsked ou 10,000 tons ol structural utoel for tho Canadian gov ernment. Tho Bteel Is to bo used roi toworB which will support tho cablet used In transporting tho current. Al ready power gencrnted at Niagara li being sent to a distance of moro than 125 miles, and It is tho intention or the Canndlnn government to Jncreaso this dlstanco, suyB tho Scientific Ameri can. Towiib 'n every direction about Niagara will bo supplied. Cheap Labor in Ceylon. Tho wages or tho coolies who ralao tea in Ceylon vary from 8.33 to 11.C6 cents a dny. They nro, howovor, housed free, and got rlco at cost price. Txiwm SwrIij Hinder costs more than other !c cigars Stnokern know why. lour dealer or Lewis' Fnctory, 1'uorlu, 111. A succcssrul man Isn't necessarily a contented man. aim. Wlnalow's (toothing Ryrnp. For children teetlilnic, auficna the gunn, rrdurca In flammation, aliaa lala,curea wlml colli:. 2jo Imltlo. An occasional rnlluro doesn't dls courago a hustler. r d i n w-w I rail lb I Z- I V Ssw eBH BflHiPVp3l pj firv bHal ' YifliiaW VkV!aVa9a9i5SaMnl HaaiiiH CASTORIA For Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty. Years CASTORIA TMOtPtTUOOHWH, m TOMI ITTt you will, be better satisfied AW I with it than with any starch you .have ever used. I claim that it has no superior hot or cold starching, and It Will Not Stick to the Iron No cheap premiums nro fffvon with DKr'lANCB STAHCII, but YOU UKT ONH-TllinD MOIIB von youh monet than of uy other brand. DEFIANCE STARCH costs lOo for a lG-oz. packago, and I will refund your money If It slluks to tho iron. Truly yours, IIoNKfiT Jonw, 'Tho Grocery man lTvVrj ' J .: '' '"w.. "NC .-W I 9. io'TijiyrL.vtT r ,--- r fiance STARCH SIGK HEADACHE Positively cared by these LlHF.o Pills. CARTERS pjaj I 'iney (vino relieve Di.v BIXTrE treHHfrainUy8i)crfila,ii- I WM m IdlRCHtlonnuaTooIIeurtr IH I vLK I Kitting. A perfect rem- nil l c cJr for DlaztneHH, Nun- wM r!LI5 Inch, Urowhlci Uad JJJB TaHtelntUoMcmUi,Cuat- HHH led Tougue, Pnlu In tho S5S2 IBlile, TOKFID LIVKU. They rerrulato too Bowcla. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SAL15 cAT TUB LOWEST PRICKS DV A.N.KEU.OOGNEW.SPArEH CO. 73 W. Acluim St., Chicago T) 1 oiuVu paper de. jxeaaers jB'.jk tited in Its column should inuA upon having what they ask (or, refining all lUMhtutci Of imitation. . lAftKt'4 m HAIR BALSAM CIcaniM and btautinea tha bain lromottl Ituutlint Rrovth. HoTer fall to Utntoro Qnr Hair to lia Youthful OolorT Cum icalp tllmni hair itUlce. Ms, ami t mi at Druffhta CARTERS YlVER II "Ik 1 M W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 42, 1908. J "iTilUIThompson's Eye Water it"! lb -j -.?.,; "J M ?- - I $&' ''- iynil.iBWigsaapasosgaEf- pPBtanvi