The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1908, Image 2

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Gleanings of Gotham
Interesting Bils o Nova from
(he Great Metropolis.
Dealt in Millions, Owes Grocery
as? f ,SJ
rinv YoiiK. AKaiiiHt nun Kuwin
Render, i;rentcst wonmn llnnncler,
diplomat and a Warwick or South
tAmeiicnn republics, who a few shoit
months ago wan dealing In mlllloiiH
and planning to llniuico thu involution
torn and bankrupt Hnnto Domingo,
Judgment hsm been tiled for a grocery
hill of $G2!I.SS. 'l'ho ungnllant i ocul
ist James llutler, and ho Biicd upon
Mrs. IU'iider's uoto of hand, tho Judg
niciil also including costs.
Mrs. Header, who has an offlco at
tr I! roadway, Is Bald to have spurned
matrimonial proposals from ox-Seim-tor
William A. Clnrk, Sir Thomas Mh
ton, Sir John Dowar, a Gcnnnn piince,
an Indian ditto and several other
promising ndmliers. Sho hnH buon
much In tho public eyo hIiico hIio
stormed the Htato depnitment at
Washington with letters of full au
thority to ticat for International
ngieomcntH between Santo Domingo
and any oilier old nation on earth. Sho
Hiied J. U. Unggiii, capltallHt, for
$;i,tfiO,000 damages for alleged Hlandor,
ntul she accused tho government at
Washington of conspiring to defeat
hor phuiH for thu roeBtubllshincnt of
the Dominican i ('public.
Sho Is a well-known flguro on
'change In thin country and In London,
and Ih young, handKoine nml well ed
ucated. Some joins ago sho was n
hodn fountain n,ttondnnt In tho west,
and Hi st camo to Now York an a
When her account nt tho corner
grocery hecinno ho lurgo ns to worry
tho dealer, thu wonmn financier gave
Hutlur her note for tho amount, hut
neglected to pay It when duo. She Is
still buying her grocetlcs from the
siuiio stoie, hut Hhe's paying cash for
thorn now.
Large Restaurants Tendency of Times
rrrr-wf ... MmiMZDo
ssssi rJA:j Mtomt&f wm$m& uxa
(fS WW wMwM i
fc -' tfj'i.t . t- i ri KffTj rftt-rvT
TUP, nnnouncement that (hero Is to
bo In Now York a now restnuiant
.iseatliig 5,000 diners nt onco will not
IDo rt-.HtirprlHo to those who have no
It Iced tho present tondency In cuch
matters. Tlio small intimate restau
rant ot tho first clabs Is almost a
ithiug of thu past in this city.
It small restnurants do oxlst they
tare rarely of tto samo gnulo as the
llargo ones. They arc small because
,tho proiirictor has not yet been suc
cessful cuotrglt to go in on a largo
scale. As coon as ho docs mnko
money and nttracts a sufficient mini
bor or customers ho is certain to mnko
Ills place Jiiht ns largo ns Ills resources
Them 1b no such thing hero ns a
rostuurnnt kept small for Its own sake.
In tlio European cities thero aio res
ItaurantB which havo existed prosper
ously for yearH and nuver Increased
their caimcity for guests by a single
square foot. It is moro customary in
IPnris for a proprietor who finds huc
cess in ono place to open another in
nome other part of tho town.
Tlieio are, for instance, restnurants
in the Champs Klysecs which aro con
ducted by proprietors with places else
wheio in the city. Thus it Is possible
to keep Eonio intimacy of atmospheio
In them. Hut tho demands on the ie
sources of these places are so smalt
that they aro not to be compared In
any way with the New York restnu
rants. If any restaurants havo tho
samo problems to meet that faco the
Now York managers they aro those
of tho largo hotels In London.
Ono reason why Now York restau
rants lmvo become so Inrgo Is thb re
cent union of tho hotel and tho res
taurant, Formoily hotel rcstnurnnts
weiu comparatively little patronized
by any save tho hotel guests. Tho old
Urunswlck a epinrtor of a century ago
tried to rival Dolmoulco's, which used
to stand opposite, and made somo
sort of stab at it in tho beginning, but
later It was only the restaurant that
I wus with tho opening of tho Waldorf-Astoria
that New Yorkers got
into tho habit of going to a hotel only
to use tho restaurant. Tho recent
erection of so ninny now nnd hand
somo hotels with tho effort nlways to
attract outside customers has nindo
dining in hotels quite as usual as eat
ing in a restaurant. So tho possi
bility of a quiet nnd unmusical meal
seems moro remote than over.
Photo by Wldon Fawcett
William McNelr, chief of the bureau of Rolls and Library of the state de
partment, who Is the official custodian of the Declaration of Independence.
Flathead Indian Land Comprises 12,
600 Acres and Will De Fenced.
Washington. Tlio bison rango in
the Flathead Indian reservation in
Montnnn, to establish which congress
at its last session appropriated $10,
000, lias been selected. The location
of tho tango Is the one recommended
by I'rof. Morton J. Hlrod of tho Uni
versity of Montana.
It lies directly north of the Jocko
river, near the towns of Havalll and
Jocko. Approximately 12.S00 acres
aro in tho tract.
Of the $10,000 impropriated only $10,
000 will bo available for fencing tho
range and constructing the sheds and
other buildings necessary for tho
piopor maintenance and caro of the
bison. Tho lemalulng $:10,000 will bo
paid to the owuois of tho laud, many
of whom are Indians Funds for tho
purchase of bison uio being inisod un
der the auspices of the American Bi
son society, which was largely Instru
mental lu securing the appropriation.
Tho first pei son to spend actual
money in the effort to pieservo tho
American bison from total extinction
was the Into Austin Corhln, who, many
years ago, fenced 0,000 acres nt Hluo
Mountain Park, New Hampshire, and
got a held. ,
The Corbln herd became, In course
of time, the iuspiiutlou of the national
movement which Is now furthered by
the Ameilcan llisou society. This so
ciety, of which Piesldent Roosevelt Is
honorary piesldent nnd William T.
Hornaday, director of the New York
Zoological paik, Is president, was
founded in 1001, and thu Montnna bi
son inngo is dhectly the result of its
Mr' '" aHUPL t
m' "' Wm lISH 'm
ffr" Iff' W ; ' U'm
WL. ' JrrfSMWilLi'' 'M
Buy and Sell for Ready Money Only
Honest, industrious and Re.
liglou8, They Are Celebrated
as Debt Payers.
Much Sympathy for Son of Senator Brice
ONH hears expressions of borrow nnd
sympathy on all hands for Stow
nrt M. Hrlce, Bon of tho lato Senator
Calvin M. Dfico of Ohio, whco mind
lias becomo ho affected that a court
lius appointed a guardian of his per-
Hon and estate. Tho Drico homo has
iieen in New York slnco tho Bonator'8
death, and when Stewart Hrlco camo
Lore fresh from his college athletic
honors nnd pitched Into practical poll
tics witli a forvor which Acceded
anything even his father ever showed,
a brilliant enrcer waa predicted for
Ho had wealth, high social posi
tion, moral courage and a cnpaclty for
making friends which has seldom
been equiilod. Ho soon bocamo a
member oX nearly every club In town,
and when, although n member ot Tam
many and a Democratic, alderman, ho
delivered a turritlc lecturo to Iilchurd
Crokcr ono night in tho Democratic
club, ho could nt that time, if ho had
pushed his advantage, havo become
so powerful that Crokcr to tho con
trary, Tammany hall could not hnvo
refused him the nomination for con
gress which his friends wanted him to
tnko. Hut Just then tho Spanish war
camo and lie sought instead service
in thu fluid.
Piesldent McKinluy mndo him n
captain and tho storlcB of correspond
ents told of him when, airily dressed
in a pair of khaki tiousers nnd a
sleeveless undershirt, ho picked up a
broken wagon spoke nnd attacked a
mob of Spanish who woro stealing
tho food Intended for refugeo women
and children, rends like a description
of ono of Ouldn's heroes. Ono of the
correspondents wioto that Brlco, who
Is a giant in strength, literally laid
out a dozen of thu thieving bullies nnd
chased a score of thorn halt a mile.
Ills Illness dates from his return from
Central America, whero ho went to
look nfter somu vnluablo tlmhor and
mining concessions controlled by tho
Itrlco family. It is hoped that his
mental malady may ho overcomo by
seclusion, rest nnd quiet.
Hayes City, Kan. "A lnrgo portion
ot tho population of Kills county Is
made up of Russians who have no
working knowledge of our hanking
system or disposition to learn any
thing about It," said a Hayes City
"They do their own banking. Their
strong box consists of n tin can or an
old boot nnd their safety deposit vault
Is a holo under tho barn or in the cel
lar. When they sell something they
demand tho cash and hldo It.
"It Is a conservative estimate to
say that mora than halt of tho actual
cash ot this county Is hidden," ho con
tinued. "Our deposits como chiefly
from tho Americans. Comparatively
few of tho Russians do any banking
business. We havo conducted a cam
paign among them for years, and
somo of tho younger element nro be
ginning to patronlzo us. Hut tho old
timers aro still holding off and prob
ably will conttnuo tc do so for the
rest of their lives."
Pet Imps 70 per cent, of the people
of Ellis county aro Russians. Moro
strictly speaking, they are German
Russians. Originally they went from
Germany to Russia, and later came
here. They aro a Bturdy, honest poo
pie, Industrious, very religious nnd
great monejvsavers. As debt payers
they are celebrated. They never lildo
behind tho statuto of limitation. If a
Russian buys a horse or a faun he Is
just as suro to pny for it as ho lives.
Mortgages aro only used as a protec
tion In enso of death.
Ninety per cont. of tho Russians
own their own farms, and they woik
them to tho very limit. Wheat Is tho
principal crop of this section nnd the
Russlnns arc the great wheat raisers
of tho bread belt. No sooner do they
reap ono crop thnn they go to plowing
for the next. It is a common thing
right now to see ono brunch or a fam
ily running a header and another the
plows In the same Held.
Everybody woiks, Including father.
Kvcn tho women and children take to
the fields during tho busy seabon. The
only rest n Russian gets Is on Sunday
mid lollglous holidays. No contingen
cy over arises to prevent a Russian
from lemcmbcrlng the Sabbath day
and keeping It holy. The samo Is true
of religious holidays, and tho Russians
havo many of them during tho busy
summer months.
It wns 32 years ago that the first
Russian colony settled In Kills county.
Slnco then they havo multiplied like
guinea pigs.
Syracuse Pastor Provides
Cribs and a Maid.
Syracuse, N. Y. Tho only church
nursery in the United Stutos was
opened hero for babies tho other Sun
day when the Centenary Molhodlst
Episcopal church, reconstructed dur
ing the summer, held its first service.
Thero was a maid in chnigo, blocks,
books of rhyme and a variety of toys
provided. Rov. E. L. Waldorf, tho
pastor, said:
"Crying babies will raise voices
without tho usual effect at a service.
The walls of the room will bp sound
proof. Lullabies will be sung nnd no
ono will be disturbed. Mothers may
leavo thu children In n cosy crib or
cuddled up on a couch with deep cor
ners and occupying rocKing cnuirs,
just outside tho double doors at the
rear of the balcony. So long ns tho
babies aro quiet they may stay with
their mothers."
When plans for tho reconstruction
of tho church woio bclr.fc considered
a suggestion for u nursery was made,
its adoption camo unanimously. Moth
ers and fathers liked tho andea and It
flguied in the mchltcct's instructions.
Parents with babies wero fearful that
their youngsters might annoy people,
and they did not bring them to chutch
and stayed homo themselves, said
Mr. Waldorf. Ho hopes by the now
Idea to have a larger congregation.
Coal Company Will Start Instruction
in Mining by Experts.
Wllkcsharre, Pa. Tho anthracite
coal mining companies have embarked
upon an educational scheme which,
the officials think, will do moro to
lessen the number of accidents than
any other which could be devised. Its
purpose la to givo to tho rank nnd fllo
of mine workers the opportunity to
learn mining from experts. They will
learn, at tho same time, how to pro
tect themselves and their fellows nnd
how to overcome the tllfllcult engineer
ing problems encountered In tho an
thracite fields.
At Lost Creek the Lehigh Valley
Coal Compnny opened the first school
October 1. A room has been fitted up
with desks, blackboard nnd other nec
essary paraphernalia. A refcrenco
library and periodicals devoted to
mining subjects ate also provided.
Everybody lu the" mine, from veteran
minor down to breaker boy, is invited
to attend.
Three nights every week a teacher
from one of tlio day schools In tho
vicinity will bo on hand to help tho
"pupils" with their studies. Engineers
nnd 'superintendents connected with
the company, as well as outsiders, will
attend tho school from time to time
and give assistance to tho mine workers.
After siiffcrlnjr for seven ycnrs
tliiswoniim was restored tohoalth
by LyiUa.K.IMnlclmin's Vegetable
Compound. Iteud her letter.
Mrs. Sallio French, of Pauraunln,
Ind. Tor., writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
" I had female troubles for seven
years was nil run-down, ntul so ner
vous I could not do anything. Tho
doctors treated rae for different troubles
but did nie no pood. While in this con
dition I wrote to Mrs. Pinltham for ad
vice and took Lydin K. Plnkbam's Vege
table Compound, and 1 am now strong
and well."
For thirty years Lydia E. Fink
hani's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, ha been tho
standard remedy for female ills,
and has posit ively cured thousands of
women who havo been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, llbroitl tumors, incpularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling;, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness,orncrvousprostration. Why don't you try it?
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Philclmm if thero is anything
about your sickness you do not
understand. Sho -will treat your
letter inconfUlcncotindndviso yon
free. No woninu over regretted
writinp; her, nnd because of her
vnst experience she has helped
thousands. Address, lynii. 31 assr
Imaginary Holidays.
I know a man who cannot afford to
travjl, and yet has a delightful way
of deceiving himself. Ho loarns nbout
tho cost of traveling, tho proper cloth
ing to ho worn, gets a timo tnblo, and
arranges excursions for himself to
various places, and then reads about
them In books of travel. To the man
with imagination it Is a captivating
occupation. Hearth and Homo.
With a smooth Iron nnd Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just ns well at homo as tlio
steam laundry can; It will havo tho
proper stiffness and finish, there will
lio less wear and tear of tho goods,
nnd It will bo a positivo pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to tho
Advice from a Wise Man.
After getting tho best of a man In
ono deal steer clear of him, for ho
will begin to sit up and take notice.
Marries Her Immediately on
Reaching Terra Flrma.
Famous Church Observes 60 th Birthday
ii.-S -
IMPRESSIVE services tho other dny
marked tho sixtieth anniversary of
tho foundation of tho Church of tho
Transfiguration, popularly known as
"Tho I-lttlo Church Around tho Cor
ner." Eminent Episcopal clergymen
.'offered their congratulations. The
fiormon was preached by Very ltov.
Dr. Wilfred U Robblna, donu of tho
general theological somlnary, with tho
faculty of which Rev. Dr. Qeorgo H.
Jloughton, tho founder, was long connected.
Tills is Uio houso ot worship which
Itishop Qroor described as "tho homo
body's church, tho Btranger'a church,
and everybody's church." It includes
In Its membership tho wealthiest and
the poorest, and all walks of life.
1 In tho seventies Josoph Jcfforson
went to tlio pnstor of a church at Mail
jlson avenue and Twenty-eighth streot
,to seo If lie could mako arrangements
for the funeral of George Holland, a
distinguished actor. Tho minister de
clined to road tho sorvlco, but re
marked that thero waB a littlo church
"around tho corner" that did that kind
of thing.
'God bless tho littlo church nround
the corner," said Mr. Jefferson.
That phiaso gavo tlio Transfigura
tion church Its world-famous name.
Theatrical peoplo havo legarded it
ever slnco us their homo. In tho old
days, llooth, tho elder Wnllack. Mr.
Jefferson and othor distinguished
members ot tho thcntrlcal profession
attended services thero.
French Tax on Bicycles.
Last year certain changes wero
mndo In the French blcyclo tax which
havo reduced tho amount of Its con
tilhutlons to tho revenue, but nono
tho loss tho tax brought in tlio not
contemptlblo sum of 0,500,000 francs
($1,300,000). Formerly tho blcyclo
was taxed every time It chnnged
hands, but now tho tax Is i)t per
sonal, but levied on tho blcyclo Itself,
and tlio otllclnl pinto, which Is the
proof that tho tax has boon paid, Is
valid for tho whole yctir. Tho tax on
ordinary bicycles, otc, was reduced
from six to thrco francs, whllo that on
motor-bicycles and tho llko Is main
tained nt 12 frnncs. It appears that
thero wero In 1907 Boniothlng over
2,000,000 ordinary bicycles in Franca.
Kentucky Legislature Orders Repairs
for Henry Clay Monument.
Lexington, Ky. Ily a stroke of
lightning seven years ago tho Henry
Clny monumont In the Lexington cem
etery was beheaded. A short time ago
a committee was appointed by Gov.
Wlllson to take chargo of tho work
of repairing the damage. Tho $10,
000 appropriated by tho last legisla
ture will bo used for tho purpose.
For nil this time tho onco hand
some statue has stood headless, and
thousands of people hnvo said with u
sigh, "What a shamo!"
Tho monument was erected by sub
scriptions from throughout tho coun
try, tho eastern peoplo giving tho
largest contributions, tho total cost
being $50,203.84. It was completed In
Jnnunry, 1SG9. The pedestal Ib CO
feet high, and the stntuo surmounting
it Is 12V6 feet high, making tho total
height from tho ground 132 feet.
It was on the night of July 23, 1901,
when lightning cut tho head clean
from tho shoulders nnd allowed It to
fall to tho ground, whero It wns burled
somo threo feet In tho earth. Tho
weight of tho Btntuo Itself was 13,000
pounds. Tho uoso and ono cur woro
broken off.
Numerous nt tempts woro mndo to
have tho state loglBlaturo make an ap
propriation for tho repair of tho monu
mont, but ench tlmo tho bill wiib con
sldored of littlo Importnnco and side
tiacKod, thero bolng somo fooling that
slnco tho monumont was built by pub
lic subscilntlon It should bo repaired
I In tho same way,
Several attempts were made to
raise funds In the latter way, but all
failed for want of lntorcst.
The committee appointed by Gov.
Wlllson will go to work and replace
the statue iib It was otlglnally.
Dayton, O. Away up In tho clouds,
whllo making a balloon nscenslon to
gether at tho Darko county fair, Dan
Cupid accomplished an aerial romance,
which, however, made tho earth trem
ble when the girl's father heard of the
coup. Tho principals wero James Q.
Wright, aerouaut, of 123 Hunter ave
nue, and Hazel F. Townsond, tho 17-year-old
daughter of Joshua Tbwnscnd,
a prosperoiiH Dnrke county farmor.
Tho latter came to Dayton nccom
panled by his daughter to consult
County Prosecutor Xovln respecting
tho legality of tho wedding which fol
lowed. Tho young couple had known
each other but a short tlmo boforo
they took tho trip to tho clouds to
gether, and, whllo far ubovo tho won
dering gnzo of thousands of people.
Wright popped tho question and tho
girl ncoepted, simply for the novelty
of tho thing.
When tho paients learned Hint tho
marrlngo was valid thoy giacefully
accepted the situation, but put a ban
on any inoie aerial trlpB. They havo
littlo hopo that Hazel will take heod,
howovor, as she made a balloon voy
age In Eaton lecently and Is preparing
to tnko many moio.
Instant Relief for All Eyes,
that nrc initntod from dust, heat, nun or
wind, lM-rri'IT'S EYE SALVE, 25c. All
(IruggistH or Howard Uros., Buffalo, N. Y.
It's n pity some people can't marry
for brains instead of money.
You nhvays got full value 5n Lewia'
Sinalo Hinder btraiRht fie cigar. Your
(lculur or Lew is' Factory, l'cona. 111.
A. woman sayB that all men may bo
equal, but nono aro superior.
FARMS FOR RENT or nks on crop pay
ments. J. JIUL1IALL, Sioux City, lu.
The wise mnn who has a good opin
ion of himself keeps It to himself.
Feet Acini Ho Alln' I'oot-IJnse
Oror.WUiOtnUluiimlulii. UvtuMtlinliailiinn. Herd Tor
tri-o trial package. A. ti. Ulaistod. Iju lloj, N. V.
The lovo of money Is the easiest of
all roots to cultivate.
ay bopermancwU overcome by proper
to.1 laxative
orm vefcufar
personal cltovts vviininc
tphcono truly ijencjicl
remedy, Syrup ojligs and 1
vmich cuabtcft oneloj
Loss of 15,684 Persons from Roll, but
Amount Is Largest Ever.
Washington. Tho report of tho
commissioner of pensions for the fis
cal year ending June 30 last, bIiows
that during tho year thero were 34,333
denths among civil wnr veterans who
wero on tho pension roll. This fall
ing off wns equal to nbout flvo per
cent, of tho total, and left 028,081 sur
vivors on tho roll. Tho number of
deaths wiib 3,132 greater than during
tho piovlous year.
The total number of pensioners at
tho end of the year was 951,687. Dur
ing tho year 51,350 pensioners of nil
classes wero dropped, and 38,082
ndded, making a net loss of 15,G84.
Tho stntomont also shows that 18S,
415 widows of Boldlors nlrcady havo
taken advantage, of tho law of tho last
session of congiDss increasing to $12
a month tho pensions to widows.
Tho actual expenditure for tho year
on account ot pensions was $153,093,
080, but on account of tho law Increas
ing tho rate to Individual pensioners
tho annual vuluo ot tho roll nt tho
close of tho year was $159,495,701, an
Incrooso of $18,044,821 over tho previ
ous year. Tho expenditure was tho
largest lu the history ot tho bureau.
Hundreds of Pounds of Pastry Go
Astray In England.
London. Hundredweights of wed
ding cake havo been loBt In the post
during tho wedding season this yenr,
nnd many complnlnts havo been re
ceived nt the post ofllco in conse
quence. A correspondent In a lotter
to a morning newspaper feinted that
ho recently dispatched 00 boxes of
wedding enko, propeily directed and
pneked, and that niatiy failed to reach
their destination.
Ho suggests thnt senders of wed
ding enko "should doso It with tartar
emetic" and so discover tho culprit.
"Cako In a majority of cases," Bald
a post ofllco official, "Ib packed hur
riedly after tho wedding hioakfast,
and In hundreds of Instances wrongly
addressed. Somo ot tho cheap boxes
sold aro too frngllo to hold their con
tents through tho post. Wo havo
fow enses of dishonesty In tho sorvlco
on this score. A piece of wedding enko
Is too small a temptation. Dorollct
wedding enko samples rench hundred
weights In a season. There Is a stock
ot It on hand now."
habit ft a ally So that assi jTancc to ua
turc may he gradually aSsponscdVifli
f?medic6,wlicn vcauircd, arc to assist
nature and not to 6up)piaittta natur.
at functions, vlucli must depend uUi
matcly upon propov uouri.shment,
proper eJovts,and vih-t living generally.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy trie genuine
Fig Syrup Co. only
oneMzeoaly, regular price aOtftrftottle ,
nml iut die prolecUon junt coll
nd divue ihtl U obuuied (rom
IWiCure. li you luv couch
ct colJ, ilisdl or etiious, twain til
ing 1W Cms lodiy and continue
until you cie well, Curattiecougii
whilo it ti Itnh, vlien n ttw uomi
I IWs Cure may be a'J ilwl you
will Dted. Tamou for lialf m ten
lury, Plcatant lo laite. Free hem
opiatci ted harmful Incrcdicnts.
At nil drucgUU', 23 .
"VV- 'Wrfw AKiJi . -J