The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1908, Image 1

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A Newspaper That filves The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year For One Dollar.
Sjv Copyright 1908 by F
Hsv Hatt Schaflner & Marx &tir
NE mistake men often
c I othes
is in not having
enough. They seem to think two suits
clothes bought at one lime, or two over
coals, would be extravagant.
The fact is, if you buy our
Hart SchafFner & Marx
clothes, two suits or two overcoats at a time
would be economy. A raincoat, shown
here, or a fancy fabric overcoat for daily
wear; and a black or oxford overcoat for
dress occasions; a fancy weave suit of some
new color and pattern for business, and a
black or blue serge for changing occasion
ally, and for dressier times; every man
ought to have such an outfit.
You'd find it economy; and the clothes will all last longer
if you dont wear them continuously; get them pressed occasionly.
We want to see our cusromers dressed right.
We'll take care of it for you if you'll let us.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
The Brvnn and Nnry Bryan Clubs Ihlil
an Enthusiastic Mr.ctl$ nt the
Court House Msmliiy
Evening. ;
on MoihIii.v evening tiio Red Cloud And order your Magazines and
III, vii n Jul) upptMirt'il 011 tho streets In pat)crs throuuh us
11 grand torchlight parade led by the
Citizens Concut Hand. Tho line was
nboiit two block long, mid was 0110 of
tin1 most enthusiastic parados over
held In tho city. After parading tin
street-, they marched to tliecourt hotie
where tlii'y wore Joined by thu Mary
llryaii club mid n rousing meeting
whs held.
Tliu ladles furnished the principal
patt of the program, answering to tin
roll call with current events of the
campaign. Their roll eall showed that a Catalog,
the Mary Bryan club number seventy-
llve members. mbM
Mi'slo was furnished by a trio coin- '
posed of Misses Alpha Loiigton, Nllu
Argahright and Mr. G. V Argahright,
Also several Holos wore beautifully
rendered by Miss Josephine Mlzer.
During the evening Attorney 13. .Me
Neny delivered 11 short address oil the
issues of the present campaign.
V7 II t tm
we are local ngenis lor ine
Grumiaux news and Sub. Agency
and will furnish any combination
offered by any other agency. W c
will redeem Library slips of The
Magazine and Book Co. of New
York at full value. Come and get
i - 1
Man.un Pile Remedy comes ready to
use with nozzle attached. Soothes,
heals, reduces itching and inllamma-
i inn. An nnurntion for nlles will not
be necessary if you use Manan
.10c. Money refunded 11 not
Hold by Henry Cook.
Apples For Sale.
Ity the bushel' or wagon iqad. Pick
ing will commence September, 25th
Four miles southeast of Webber Kans.
A. S. Wilson.
Dr.Detchona Relief forKheomadam and Neural
gU radically cares In 1 to 3 days. I inaction upon
tne eyitcm li remarkable atid tnyaterloiih. II
removes at once tna cause and thedUeami Ira
mediately disappears. The first dose grcatl;
benefits, 75 cents and II. solo by II. K.Ontor
druggist, Ked Cloud.
Letter List.
List of letters reuiululng imciillod
for at postoflleo nt Ked Cloud, Nob.,
for th- week ending Oct. 8, 1003:
Eruest Carpenter,
J. 13. Drentieu,
L. J. Galbreth,.(5)
Mrs. Eliza Scott.
These will b sent to the dead lottor
office Oct. 22, 1908, If uncalled for
before. When calling for above please
say "advortlsed."
T. C. Hacker, Postmaster.
Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious
nebs.siclc headache, muddy complexion.
They tone the liver; do not gripe. Thoy
keep you well. Mc. Sold by Henry
Weather Report.
The instrumental readings are from
government standard instruments ex
posed in the manner recommended b,
the chief of the weather bureau:
g Temp'rafre f rf
I 2 i?" g 2.2
.' 2 S & :? e
i I : f --a o. I m
."2 KJ Ki 00 S Clear
a 77 '51 .00 lear
4 7U & .T SB ,. P ('ImiilT
5 70 &8 , 18 HV Cloudy f
0 71 47 00 NW Clear
7 68 38 .48 h l!lear
8 I 62 4tf .00 I NK
Very respectfully,
Oct 1, 008. Cha8 S. Ludlow,
Co-Operative Observer.
Subscribe 'for The
get the campaign.
Chleh now and
School Days easier by giving your boy
or girl one of our reliable fountain pens.
We have a line of worth-your-money
pens from 75c up.
A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A nice
line here at $ 1 .00 and up. Every one worth the price.
Don't forget that many eyes are permanently injured by
wearing improper glasses or by doing without them.
Special allention given to children's eyes.
. ti"' lJ
Cash Jewelers and Optometrists
C. B. 6c Q. Watch Inspectors
You are welcome always, either
to look or buy.
Iliad work is progressing finely.
Frank Blaukeiibakcr is building a
new granary.
A great amount of hay has been put
up Corn is turning out well.
Mrs. Whitely was called to Lyons,
Kansas to see her brother who was
sick. . '
Mlss'Grace Tunr.i&on, who has beeu
spcndtytrspme time in Kansas, isliorae
Q. N. Dlankenbaker has bought -a
manure spreader which he pronounces
a great success.
A number of relatives gathered at
tho home of Mrs. B. P. Points to cele
brate her biithday.
T. F. Jones, who is In the nursery
b slness at Iiidiauola, sent his daugh
ter Pearl a watch a short time ago.
Rcnl Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Kurt Ab
stract Co. for tliu week ending Wed
nesday, Oct. II. 11S
(leorge A Firkins to Hugh
Crully, pt n'2 nwl. in v
'd i 7o
Irving W Crary et al to Man
null .1 Garber. lots ft and (5,
blk 3, Guido Koek,icd
E II Keeney to Frunels A
Mills, lots I and 2, blk 7, and
lots I, A and 0, blk 8, Cowles
Charles J Piatt to Charles B
Smith, pt net, 2-t-ll, wd....
Charles J Piatt to Joseph W
McL'racken, pt nel. !M-11 wd l.ino
James Peterson to So'oman
Heck with, nel, c2 nw4, n'J
sel, sel se4, :I3'3-I2, qcd,
SjIoiiiiiii Beekwith to Albert
Skjebou et al, nel,3.1-3.S wd
Letlia I'rahm to Frank A WIN
co.v, pt out lot :i, Hohrer's
add to Blue Hill, wd
Frank A Wilcox to Lethit 10
Frahm, lots A and (I, blk A,
Swoe.y's add to Blue Hill,
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Mrs. L. D. Rajnolds.
Melvina Vandyke was bom in Web
ster county, Nebraska, May 2nd. 1870.
Her parents, William and Kmeiillis
Vandyke, being among tho pioneer
settlers of that locality, haying ro
moved there from Washington Iowa.
On May 4th, 1903, at Ited Cloud, Ne
braska, she was married to L. D.
Ilaynolds, of Montrose, Kas., at once
coming hero to reside, and during tho
past bIx years had formed a largo cir
cle of acquaintances and friends.
About Septembor 1st, 1008, she was
stricken with an illness which devel
oped into a i abeess on the brain and
on September 12th, 1008, she passed
on to tho great beyond. Tho sudden
ness of her ond shocked tho neigh
bors and relatives.
She leaves a husband to mourn her
loss and a llttlo daughter, Lillian,
three years old; also, her aged parents,
three sisters and three brothers.
Tho body was laid to rpst In tho
Mankato cemetory September 14th.
During much of her life sho was
deeply interested In religious work,
living in complete knowledge of tho
fact that wo all live In the "Sweet
bye and bye." Among her latest
rational utterances was an attempt to
sing a hymn she had but recently
heard, "Death is only a dream "
'1081 .10
Mortgages filed, J4800
Mortgages released 830(10
814'.'00 A0
An automobile accident occured last
Saturday while a parly of young men
wero returning from Hastings and it
seems almost a iiiirlclo that ho ono
was killed. Kd, Hass, Clayton Itnuuey
(Miiih Moedoiuid Claronue Frame went,
up to Hastings Saturday afternoon In
tho lal tor's, car and it wasoit returning
that evening that tho accident happen
ed. They wi-ro returning on the woflt
road by way of Hoseland. Thoy had
citmo about half way, whou in going
down it hill the front wheel wont into
a rut and throw tho cur off from tho
road and over an embankment. The
ear turned completely over with all
four of tho boys in it, and then onto
its side, catching Kd. Hass uuderuoatb.
Tho car had lo bo lifted up to get Kd.
out fom under it. Outside of tho lat
ter none of tho other occupants woro
hurt outside of a shaking up and a fc"
scratuho". Kd. however was pretty
badly bruised up, ami was confined to
his homo for several days.
Tin- aeeiilont happened soqulck thoy
are iiuabli to tell much about it, and
It was over buforu they hardly know
anything was wrong. Tho evening was
moon llnlitand the lights were practi
cally useless, and the roads could havo
been seen much easier had it been
It was not through any carelessness
on the part of Clarence Frame, who
was driving the car, that the accident
occurred. -Blue Hill leader
Don't Buy Land ntr Ltan
Money on Real Estate
without getting ono of Teel's
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
810,000 bond lllcd and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in tho state.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Office In Overng Block.
Phones: Bell 9a, rarmers3B
lumbers Coal
We havo in strok at all times a
complete line of Building Material
and Good Coal. Our prices are
reasonable. Wo f-ollolt your patron
age. Bell Tel. GO. Farmers Ind. 71
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cms ruuuvcti at. oucu wiiu t'liiesatvu
Carbolizud (acts like a poultice). Druws
out Inflammation. Price by
Henry Cook. 77;
We appreciate A share
of your Buisness and
Strive to Please,,
Moon Block
Amack 8 Clianey
i k