The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1908, Image 8

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New Oliver Automatic Tnbtiliitnr,
n Twin Improvement to the Oliver
Ruling Device.
Just u simple, clean-cut mechanism
foi tubulating operated by a slngje
Yet that single key unlocks scores of
doors to added typewriter convenience.
It (loos away with the brain tension of
tabulating. The movements of car
Hugo nre controlled by unseen fingers.
The tabulator works automatically
with unvarying accuracy.
Equipped with tt new Automa'lc
Tabulator, which can be operated In
connection with the Oliver Line Rulfng
Device, the Oliver's sphere of usefulness
is unlimited.
In the work of
wrltlngand ruling
.Statlstlc(il reports
invoicesSta te
lne its, Inventories
I'll' I. I M t I II g
C heeks, Deposit
Mips, Cash Items.
Voiiehers.eahh and
credit sales, Trial
llalanees. 1'ay llolls, t'o,st Itccoids and
scores of similar tabulated records.
Oliver No. .1 lias no equal. It is the
only machine that covers the whole
broad Held of modern commercial
work in a satlnfaetory way. .
The Oliver Automatic Tabulator Is1
nu Integral part of every new inaehiue
furnished without a eiul of addition
al charge.
It cups the climax of a lung sviles of
improvements given to the world in
the magnillcent nev Oliver No. .".
Kneh of these remarkable innovations-
tlio Oliver Tabulathr and the
Oliver Killing Device supplements the
Together they form a combination
of untold value'in all branches of com-1
nierctal accounting. I
Thu Oliver Typewriter is lirst of all I
a correspondence machine supreme in (
splendid service. It makes work a,
pleasure by providing automatic means I
nf Kimciiic. tnliiihitliii'. rulitur. indica-1
ting exact printing point, securing
proper register, etc.
The saving of time, of mental calcu
lation, of manipulation, of extra atten
tion and of eye strain is an in-calculable
benefit to the operator.
And the gain In volume of work well
done without extra operative eiVort
means much to every employer.
Write for the new Oliver Catalog or
better still ask the nearest Oliver
Agent for a demonstration of Model
No. r.
The Oliver Typewriter Co.
1 16 S, 15th Street Omaha, Nebraska
GEO. CORNER, Local Agent.
Wecrtii jilnco hsu'ThI young mi'ii of tin? r'Klit
ralllicr In wrll iiiijlni,' xif Ktoiis ns I. oral Aki'iUh
for llio oilTur 'I ypuwtlif rlu territory not nlrt'iulv
tHkun If liitrrcxtc'd wrlto fur five copy ol book'
"Tlu Klo of tlio I.oi-hI A Kent "
Winter in
while tho low colonist rates nre in
effect. Daily through tourist sloopors
via Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt
Lake. Co ahead of the rush at the end
of the month.
fWEsrams tilts
First and third Tuesday each month to
the far west, northwest and southwest.
These make very low rate winter tours.
Tho best chances of tho day in the Blft
Hmti Basin and Yellowstone Valley.
Government irrigated lands one-tenth
down, remainder pro-rata In ten years
without interest. Corporation irrega
ted lands equally cheap and favorable.
A paramount and ruling fact in this
regon is the never failing water supply.
Do not make your new home in any
Irrigated region witho't a full rt idy
of tho water supply.
Write fo I). Clem Denver, (ienoral
Agent Landseeker.s' Information ltu
reati, Omaha, or U. E. Foe, Ticket
Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr.
L. W. Wakki.kv, . 1 A.,
Don't Buy Land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Teel's
perfect Abstracts of Title. Tho
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
810,000 bond Hied and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness In tho state.
W Cm MmmtEmmm
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Otflco IrrOvorlng Block.
Phones: Bell 98, Farmcrs3&
If , on are a snlYe ret. from that most
distressing alllietlou, piles, and have
tried many remedies without being
benefited we can safely sav that Man
Kan I'lle llemedy will bring relief
with the lirst application. For sale by
Henry Cook.
i Mother Orny. n iiurr c In New York dlicnvcroil
nu nromntlc. l(MMiit hcrli euro for women'
III, rolled Al'.sTKAI.IAN I.KAK. It la the only
ccrtnin ri'Kiuaior untcn remmo wcakncei
nml Imrkiirlic, kidney. Iiladdcr nud iirlnnry
trouble At nil (IriiKKlMn or by niRtl AOccnln
Sntnplu PKKK. Addrc", Tlio Mother dray Co.,
1.0 Hoy, N. Y
t HecH Laxative Cough Syrup always
brings quick relief to coughs, colds,
hoarstiess, whooping cough and ail
bronchial ami throat trouble. Mothers
especlallf recommend It for children,
as It Is pleasant to take. It Is gently
laxative. Should be in every liome.
(iiinrantccd. Sold by Henry Cook.
To those it diluted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache, rheuma
tism, I'incules for the Kidneys bring
relief in the lirst dose. Hundreds of
peoplo today testify to their remark
able healing and taule properties. :iu
days' trial They purify the
blood. Sold by Henry Cook.
Wood's Liver Medicine in lhitild I
rniMi ii""iin "'i'"!1 "' . .Vl',., '
regulates the liver. kidneys and bind-
der, brings quick relief to biliousness,
sloV-liendiiolie. constipation. Pleasant
to take. The VI.OO bottle contains 3'j
times the quantity of the .M)e size
First dose brings relief. Its tonic
elieets felt at once. Sold bv Ilenrv
For Sale.
A tTiliO Newspaper plant fully equip
cd for $.VK) cash. One Prouty press,
one jobber lilxls. one jobber 8x10. one
paper cutter, one foldc . three cabnets
case racks, one double stone, four large
stones and rucks, four chases, mailer
ami galleys, one gas engine, one slap
lei . About a 1(I(K) lbs of type and num
erous other articles' all for $500 cash.
To see till plant write or call at the
Cli ef ollce
The International Tuberculosis con
gress which Is is likely to have n wide
influence in this country on the war
against the drend dlseaso. So recent is
thetllscovory of tubercular bacilli that
there is not a man present atthe con
gress but who well roinembers Its en
tire hlsto y. Dr. Koch, who was the
original discoverer, was present. Not
withstanding the fact that the progress
in eliminating the disease is consider
able, as shown by the exhibits of all
nations on view at tho convention as
compared with the work yet tobedone
is trifling. Some startling figures given
by Prof. Irving Fisher, of Yale, at one
of the sessions demonstrate the Immen
sity of the ti-sk still before the profes
sion and should prove an awakening to
tho publioof tho necessity of wide and
concerted ett'ort of all classes If the
white plague is ever eradicated.
Prof. Fisher has gathered statistics
which show that consumption kills
l:ia,0(K) persons in tho United States
ovc y year. This is equnl to the deaths
from scnrlet fever, typhoid, diptherln,
appendicitis, meningitis, diabetes,
smallpox and enncerput together. As
it takes about three yours for tho dis
euse to run its fatal course he estimates
tho minnlmum cost of the Items of doc
tor's bills, medicines, nursing and loss
of earnings for each victim at 24, while
tho earning power, If life were not
cut short, is put at 88000. If this is mul
tiplied by 138,000, tho number of those
aflllctcd, it reachos the almost incalcu
lable sum of II, 000,000,000. He calcu
lates that of this amount,$4,000,000 fall
on the family, friends or physicians of
the victim, and ho concludes by assert
ing tlmt if one quarter of the lives are
to be saved it would be necessary to
invest M,000,u00,000. Less than one per
cent of this money is now being used
for this purpose. In preparing this
coldly statistical review of the loss in
dollars and cents the professor does not
forget to mention the more important
cost in broken heartsaiid disappointed
lives, which cannot lie uieasiiied. Five
million persons now In tlio United
States are doomed to fill consumptives
graves unless the crusade is moie ef
fectlve In another paper on the diet for con
sumptives he upset one of the theories
upon which many sanitoisa nro now
working, namely, that the victim of
pulmonary tuberculosis must Iks fed
and overfed and stuffed like Strasburg
geese From the experiments of Prof.
Chittenden, of Vnle, who has 'demon
strated that nthlotes have greater
strength nnd endurance when tnken
off of a meat and egg diet, he has
proved to his own satisfaction that
consumptives do best on a moderate
diet of non-proteld foods.
rxohuivelsr, sariii.w ittwmi.'" 4"""'w
WilfaT.iko tnyenton uliould lmv onr hand-
tKHoiUlowtool.ilnRn.lSlljilfmi,VVImt n-
STRICTLY CONntlFNtlll . .,,..,.... .7.T. rennicq wanyauureM.
L50I Seventh St., Yftshlnnton, D. C.
Of the Two, Panrjs of Toothache Are
Leas Easy to Bear.
"Yon of tlio younger generation,"
a!d tlio dentist, severely, "don't appre
ciate the importance of the conquest
of toothache that dentistry has made.
"Toothnclio Is the worst torture that
over ninicted mankind. Its pains
'lancinating' they nro technically called
arc worse than tlio pains of cancor.
Worse than cancer; that Is tlio truth;
I have heard It from physicians, I
havo heard It from three old peoplo
whom cancer finally killed. They nil
said that tlio pain of cancer at Its
worst was mild beside the pain of tlio
worst toothache.
"Toothnclio drove DcQiilncey to
opium-eating. DeQulncey, too, says
In his 'Opium Kator' like nil dentists,
1 have the passage by heart:
" 'No stronger expression of tooth
ache's Intensity mid scorching fierce
ness enn he Imagined thnu this fact
Hint, within my ptivnto knowledge,
two persons, who had Hiiffered nllke
under toothache and cancor, havo pro
nounced the former to bo, on the scalo
of toittne, by many degrees the worse.
In both, there are at times lancinating
pangs keen, glancing, arrowy radia
tions of anguish; and upon those tho
basis of cnmnarlsmi In rested
luirnvvmn mmiiiut ,,ni-nvvum?m. n.n
rcs,,lt llmt 1IIV Bated.'"
Their Method of Giving Warning of
an Approaching Storm.
I Ants as weather piophcts afford
! new testimony to the cleverness of
these small Insects.
I When you go out on a sptlng morn
! lug and find tlio mils busily engaged
hi clearing out their nests and drag
ging the sand and ItitH of earth to
tho surface you may bo Bliro that no
matter how cloudy it is there will
bo no rain tlmt day nnd tho probabili
ties nro for several dnys of good
If, however, you see the ants about
the middle of a spring or summer af
ternoon hurrying hack to tho nest
and a sentinel trotting out In every di
rection looking up strngglors nnd urg
ing them to go home ns soon ns they
can get there, you may figure on a
rain that afternoon or night.
When tho last or the wanderers is
found tho picket hurries In and Uto
nest Is securely sealed from the Inside
to keep out the water. It is seldom
that nuts arc taken by surprise by tho
approach of a shower.
Show Men Like Apes.
Prehistoric paintings recently un
earthed show man to have been llko
an npe. The only known examples of
paintings of men by prehistoric cave
decorators hnvo been discovered lately
by Prof. Itene Leaunel In tho Portel
grotto, a cave of Louhens, In Allege,
France, where Noulet already had
found qiintcrnury remains and human
bones. About 10 sketches In black
or red, only one in both colors, adorn
tho cavo as frescoes, and two repre
sent men of n primitive type, while
tho others show bisons, boars and
horses. Of tho human figures one bus
n long hend, with retrentlng forehead,
while tho othor shows a remarkable
apellko pose, with rounded back nnd
arms pendent In front. There is a
cruoching bonr, but tho horses ara
mostly galloping and poorly drawn, al
though the forequartcrs of n horse
are quite skillfully figured in black on
one of the darkest walls of the cavern.
One by Barnacled Ben.
"Yes, matw,",relatea Harnncled Ben,
retired seaman, "I certainly did see
some wonderful things when I was
cruising around the seven seas. Why,
once w had a sawfish to follow the
Nancy JoneB for 1,000 miles. Wo used
to throw oft th leavlnga from the
galley and when we'd hit a big calm,
why, the sawfish would saw up our
firewood in ntovo lengths. All we had
to was to toss tho long sticks over
nnd he'd saw them up In a Jiffy. Then
we'd take a long ruke nnd rake them
aboard. Nature faking? Never heard
of it, mate, never heard of It."
And Barnacled Ben lit his plpo and
shambled away.
His Deep Concern.
The kind old lady noticed a small
lad cnterlug a cobbler's with a small
"What havo you theie, honny?" sho
asked, kindly.
"Ma's slipper," replied tho lad; "you
see, there Is n tack out of placo In it
nnd I want to havo It fixed beforo ma
notices It."
"Ah, what a consldornto llttlo boy!
I supposo you nre afraid tho tack
might hurt your mother's foot?"
"Well, it isn't exactly that. You see,
tho tack Is sticking out on the solo and
this is tho slipper ma spanks me
Arabs Outlive Eskimo,
While It mny be true that tho whits
man loses in intellectual and bodily
power In tho tropics, Dr. Lulgl Sambou
maintains, ns a result of recent re
senrches, that tho average Arab Hvo3
0 . TH'.JCNCER. ... ..
2d years longer than tho average Ks-' when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lltng
klmo; that tho coast peoplo of South kamtoii, N. Y. Don't make any mistake
America are longer lived than tho
uiouniuin people, ui.u oiu tine is inucn
commoner In the southern countiies of
Lurepe than In tho norlhorn countries,
and that Spain (with a population
smaller by U.OOO.OOO) has 401 cente
narians to Knglnnd's 110,
Sufficient Reason.
"Aro you going to tho commence
ment?" "No."
"Why not?" ,
"I went to a commencement once." '
and Bacon
Red Cloud.
wur slock or Harness is
complete and up-to-tlate
in every department. If
you are in need of any
thing in the harness line,
from a tie strap to the
best hand-made work or
buggy harness, call on us.
We can satisfy you.
North of Damerell lSloek.
, HAIR DALGAM and tinutifin the lulr.
IVuiiiuiri u lutiitinnt growth.
Mover Fcitb to Jlcatoro Ory
ltnlr to lu youtlif-il Color.
Cure, .!) ill.imni hair ItlUcK.
S"e.atil SI iv. at J)ru?c!i
(In liquid form, pleasant to take)
For Chills, Fever and Malaria
Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and
all other symptoms of deranged Liver
quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire
Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood
The $1.00 bottle contains neatly 2K times
the quantity of the SOc sIm. Prepared
only by the
Oftei The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
arinary nnd bladder troubles were to be
traced to the kidneys,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
nml pu.ify the blood
that is their work.
Therefore, when ourkiduesnre weak
or out of order, you can understand how'
quickly your entire body is affected and
how eery organ seems to fail to do its
If you are sick or " feel badly," begin
taking tho great kidqey remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, becnuse ns soon
us your kidneys are well they will help
nil the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you are sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and iseold
on its merits by all
druggists in fifty-cent
and one-dollar size
bottles. You niav
haven snntnle bottle iT(imnfRwmrRnot.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder' trouble. Mention this paper
tmi J.c.u,cm er. inc "?""- wami -kooi,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad-
ness, Ihnghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Beara tho
Slgnaturo o'
"4VF a
taw u if
Srm8$?!5' 5Sv
-ii MiJL ffirli'Ti'T"i a
H3!llrL"SnhTvra''''rr H
'-" . ---.CTiiiiiM.iwr tn
-V Nvyv.- . - .
Wo a&ieGia$& Jk & &
of your Buisness and
pinve to Please.
ot the R, N. Lewis Hereford Herd at the
R. N. Lewis Farm three miles east and
one half mile north of Bladen, and five
miles west or Blue Hill Nebraska, on
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1908.
Commencing at 1 p. m.
Consisting of 44 head of Pure Bred Here
fords including 1 5 cows with calves at
foot, 12 cows and heifers, 12 yearling
heifers, 4 yearling Bulls, and the herd Bull
Duke 182323.
TERMS: Cash or tenlmonths time at 8 ner-
f . C CaUaH
S. IV. Hogate
S-VSV"V-'V'vWnAVvyv UVAVV..A. -V
Paper-hanger Painter and
Does patch-work and rebuilds chimneys
Everything furnished. Pricps rP9nnahi
Do you know that It will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at onryards? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, bat because we take especial care
of andproteot all can be olassed as
Free Free
Starting Monday, Oct, 12, 1908
The Tepee Theatre
Dinner Set Cmtest fo All luckj Individuals.
Given awny AltSOLUTELY I-MiEE, to the one holding tlio lucky number
Knch dinner set comprises 18 pieces of tlio Humous Semivporcelnln make
that retail regularly at 87 50 p- het. Dishes furnished by Turnuro llros.,
and on tllsplay lu their window .Saturday. Out. 10th 1D0S.
Owing to an error on coupons the winner will not bo required to bo in
theatre tit time of drawing. Only one number drawn every Saturday
and winner will havo ONE WEUK to show tho lucky coupon.
Start your accumulation of coupons and win one of these beautiful sets
of dinner china.
Remember contest opens Oct. 12 and continues ton weeks
Try Your Luck and bo a winner.
One coiq on given tiw-iy with each paid admission ticket of
- ns
v -" .
' -,' "v -7
m -tar m ts wf at frj-
0 Chaney
Wvv xVsVyv
wwniv.n.uewis, Bladen, Nebr.
Bell phone 162. V
Free Free
- ".
VMgt.JwM itW
fcjwaw jaunty a! iw t.
r- nam
- r-ME aiMtj9iiwwirac