i .r.-w a y s. - RAISED FROM SICK OED. After All Hope Had Vanished. Mrs. J. H. Ucnnctt, 59 Fountain fjt.. Gardiner, Me., says: "My bnekused to troublo mo so ho vurely that at last I lind to give up. I took to my bod and stayed thcio four months, suffering Intense- pain, dizziness, hcaducho and In flammation of tho bladder. T houg h without hope, I be gan usluir Doan's Kidney Pills, nnd In three months wna completely cured. The troublo has never returned." Sold by all dealers. HO cents a box. Fobter-Mllburn Co., Huffulo, N. Y. NASTY. 7 i He You are getting on fine. She Am I swimming gracefully? He Urn yes. All except your face. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Alcrcury, i mercury mil Btiroly ilwtroy Iho iw-n-c of smell rtml completely tlermiKc I lie whole n)tcm when cnUTIiis It tliraiiKti the miiruui itiirtnn-s. Much article ftlmtilil tK-cr Iw u-ml except i)n prrcrli llotm Inun reputable pli Jlrlun-, .-, the Uttmiutt- the) ttllt di Li Ion Toll! la the kckxI yim ran ;xMlt)ly tie rive (mm them. Hull- CnUrrh furr-. nunuf.u turret liy I' J Cheney .fc fit . Toledo. O nmtnlin no mer tury. ami ii taken Internally, ncllmr. directly upon the lilwxl nml miieom mirfaes n( the n) stern. In Uii iriLt Hull's Catarrh Cure tie mire jnu Kit tin Kenulne. It Li taken Internally and nnde In Toledo, Ohio, liy r. .1 (Tii-ney fc Co. TcithnonltUi free. fiold i)V IiruiiElitM. Price. 75e. tier Dottle. 'lake Hall's l'umlly Tills for constipation. a warning. Handsome Percy Hasbrooke, tho young chauffeur, diew tho girl moro closely to him. "All tho world loves a lover, dear est," ho whispered. Hut Lotta (iolde'8 red lip curled somewhat skeptically. "You haven't interviewed papa yet, Percy," she warned him. With an ominous moaning sound tho great car sped on. Free The New Cook's Book. Write tho Jaques Manufacturing Company. Chicago, today and get their beautiful cook's book, edited by Mrs. Hill. It will bo sent absolutely free to any lady reader of this paper. Soo K. C. Halting Powder ad. In an other part of this paper. Life's Most Important Factor. I havo como to see that cleverness, success, attainment, count for little; that goodness, or character, Is tho Im portant factor In life. Romanes. Lewis' .Single Hinder Cigar has a rich tntitc. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria. 111. It's easy for a man to get In tho swift class if he's on tho down grado. WOMAN'S BACKACHE Tlio back is tho mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to troublo by aching. It tells, "with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in tho loins, weight in tho lower part of the body, that a woman's feminino organism needs immediatoattention. In such cases tho ono sura remedy which speedily removes tho causo, nnd restores tho feminino organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E-PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 0 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says : " I was troubled for along time with dreadful backnehes and a pain in my Bide, and was miserable- in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I rend what Lydia L. Pinlchiun'a Vegetable Compound had dono for others nnd decided to try it nf tor taking three bottles I can truly say that I never felt bo well in my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham : "I had very sovcro backaches, nnd pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegctablo Compound cured rna and made mo feel like a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, mtido from roots and horns, has been tho standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of womon who havo been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. mm aaaran HLlaP I WW MK$ics j & tiffi fli f f ijn i Hk .lFluff 'aaaalaHflaW KV',"'iiVMIk "viiiiiiiii FROM THE COMMONER MR, BRYAN'S PAPER A REPUBLICAN ANSWER TO MR. SHERMAN. In n speech delivered at Wilkes barre, Pa., September 10, Congress man James S. Sherman, the Republic an nominee for vico-presldont, mild that if Mr. Hryan's party was better than ho then ho pitied Mr. Hryan and that If tho party was not better than Mr. Hryan no ono could honestly sup port It. Then Mr. Sherman asked: "What act of tho Republican party has brought harm, has brought dis tress or disaster to our peop ? Our party has been commissioned by the people, almost without Interruption, for hnlf a century, to admlnli pi- the affairs of government. Is there In that record of faithful discharge of duty ought to excite fear, to mouse oppro henslon? In brief, what Is that record of accomplishments under our party's leadership?" Let tho Springfield (Mass.) Repub lican, a paper that Is supporting Tnfl and Sherman, answer Mr. Sherman's question. In its Issue of Thursday, June 25, after the Taft and She: man ticket had been placed In tho field, tho Spring field ltepublican printed nn editorial from which the following Is taken: "To supposo that Mr. Shermnn's nomination will ninko tho Umpire Btnte, or the east generally, tho Bafer for the Republican ticket is a curious idea. Tho Illinois dolcjvilion wus swung to tho Now Yoikcr by Speaker Cannon, ono of whoso lieutenants in congress Mr. Sherman has been for u number of years und whose presiden tial candidacy Mr. Sherman had fa vored bo long as New Yoik stato had remained uncommitted to another. It (Mr. Sherman's nomination) is politi cally damned by Mr. Sherman's record as a solicitor of campaign funds. As chairman of the Republican campaign committee- in 190G, Mr. Sherman was a collector of money for use In tho full elections. To illustrate the extent of his nctlvltles In that position, it is sufficient to quote from tho corre spondence mado public by President Roosevelt n year ago last April, In an swer to the celebrated letter Mr. Hur rlman had written to Sidney Webster. In tho letter of October G, 190G, which tho presldpnt wrote to Mr. Sherman, occurs this passage: "' ... As I am entirely willing that you should show this letter to U. 11. Harrlmnn, I shnll begin by repeat Jng what you told mo he said to you on tho occasion last week when you went to nsk him for a contribution to tho cnmpalgn fund.' "If Mr. Sherman ever did anything In public llfo to attract national atten tion, prior to JiIb nomination to the vice-presidency, It was his appeal to Harrlmnn for campaign funds In 1900, as revealed by tho president's letter. Harrlmnn at that tlmo had not be come so notorious and so obnoxious to tho American people as he became somowhat later, yet his business char acter and political standing were as well understood In tho nutumn of 190G by Republicans liko Mr. Shermnn as thoy are toduy. Taken In connection with tho campaign fund publicity Is sue, tho Sherman nomination seems to bo as audacious wo will not say In solent a performance as the Repub lican party in these later years of its history has been guilty of. Tho party was primarily responsible for tho falluro of congress at tho last sob sion to enact a publicity law; the party convention this week has de feated a publicity plank by 880 to 91; and Its record now culminates in the nomination for tho vice-presidency of a man who less than two years ar;o wont, hat in hand, to Hnrrlmuu's of fice begging for that sinister creature's money to help elect Republican con gressmen!" THE BIG GAIN IN MAINE. Referring to tho Maine election a Portland dispatch carried by tho As sociated Press said: "Tho feature of tho election was tho increaso In tho Democratic vote throughout tho stato. Every ono of tho four congressional districts showed gains, tho Increase over 1904 being 15,000 votes, and -1,000 over 190G." In tho state of Arkansas tho Demo cratic stato ticket was elected by n majority which tho Associated Press says "may exceed that received by Gov. John S. Llttlo two years ago, moro than G5.000." Certainly tho friends of Mr. Taft must whlstlo vigorously if they aro to keep up their courago In tho light of returns from Mnlno and Arkansas. Tho Philadelphia Ledger unwitting ly Invited Its readers to write and tell how thoy wore going to vote, and so many Republicans aro writing In to toll how gladly thoy will vote for Hry an this tlmo that tho Ledger will eith er havo to withdraw Its invltntlon or set its editorial in solid nonpareil. Tho administration definition of "pomlcious activity" seems to bo "ta king sides In a factional fight within tho party." Up to dato tho manufacturers who promlso to open up If Taft Is elected havo failed to toll us why thoy closed down. Tho formation of a rolling chair truBt Is reported. The trusta put tho rollers under the peoplo quite a while DEMOCRATIC TEXT BOOK. John Snylos in tho Huffnlo (N. Y ) Times: The Democratic campaign text book is out. It Is a classic worthy of our splen did leaders nnd ilgliteous cause. Looking nt it fiom nn external point of view tho book is as handy ns ono could wish, It Is Just the light size to carry In the pocket. Tho text is clear, good print. Its type emphasizes tho vital points and the general leading matter Is easy for tho eyes. The arrangement of the material Is a work of skill. Tho Buhjects are log lcnlly placed and each topic receives adequate tienttnent. The Issues of this cnnipnlgn belong peculiarly to the year 190S. To be up to date the campaign spenker must know this book by heart. Publicity of campaign funds Is n topic the people aro Interested In, and this little led handbook linn the sub ject In a nutshell. The guarantee of bank deposits Is a subject vciy much alive. The compilers of the text book anticipated this fact and made ample provision for It. The election of I'nlted States senators by the people nc cowls with the popular deshe for a larger rule by the people. '1 he book Is eloquent on the subject. The trusts come In for their pioper consideration. Tho trusts have the peoplo by the throat, and what with high prices and thounands of people out of woik they will get roundly scored before election, nnd If Hryan Is Inaugurated next March certain criminals will ornament prison cells. The book tells Its own story on the subject In graphic fashion. Tin Iff lobbery iccelves clear expe dition In tho book. All the buncombe about the benefits accruing fiom a system of taxation which makes the rich lienor anil the poor poorer re ceives tho drubbing it deserves. Republican extravagance In spend ing the people's money to support nn nrmy of a hundred thousand extra of Ucehohleis appointed by tho Roosevelt ndmlnlstiatlons Is held before the lend ers until ho feels tho wickedness of wholesale Republican robbery as never before. In fine, the Democratic cnmpalgn text book is lib full of facts as an egg Is of meat. Every Democrat should own a copy. This Is to bo a campaign of issues, nut personalities. The presidential can vass, therefore, will bo chiefly n dis cussion of public measures. Send your silver quarter to "Text Hook" department, Democratic na tional committee, Auditorium Annex, Chicago, 111., und procuro this book. Snturate yourself with It. Then go for tho Republicans and correct their errors. IN A NUTSHELL. Shnll we tax largo Incomes In Amer ica, as Is dono by progressive repub lics of Switzerland nnd France, also In Germany and England? The Democratic platform savs yes. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM SILENT. Shall wo elect United States sena tors by a direct vote, thus ranking it dllllcult, if not impossible, for million aires to control tho nntion through the upper house? Tho Democratic platform savs yes. THE R1-VUUL1CAN PLATFORM SILENT. Shall wo tako the duty off trust con trolled articles with arbitrary prices fixed upon tho customer without re gard to laws of supply and demand, all competition having thus been throt tled? The Democratic platform savs yes. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM SILENT. Shall a reasonable tax bo pnld by banks to create n guarantee fund to protect depositors, thus preventing runs on banks and money panics nnd thereby bringing into circulation hoarded wealth? The Democratic platform savs yee. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM SILENT. The scandalous and dangerous cor ruption by tho ubq of enormous cam paign funds points to tho decay of a free government. Shall wo know bo foro election, through publicity, whenco nnd from whom camo theso great contributions? The Democratic pint form savs yes. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM SILENT. Shall wo havo billion dollar ser-Blons of congress and a vnst array of office holders dictating presidential nomi nations? The Demociatlc platform condemns. Republican platform necessarily si lent. SPEAKER CANNON'S OPINION. An extract from a letter written by Spenker Cannon to Col. John N. Tay lor of tho Knowlcs, Taylor & Knowles Pottery Company, nt East Liverpool, O,, was published In tho Washington Post on April 5, ns follows: "I nm satisfied thcio will bo no tar iff revision this congress, but It goes without Baying that tho desiro for a change which exists In the com mon mind will drlvo tho Republican party, If continued in power, to a tariff revision. I do not want It, but It will como In tho not distant future." When revision comes, It will bo llko tho DIngley bill for tho trusts nnd not for the consumers. Good morning, havo you contributed your mite to tho Democratic campaign fund? Prosperity talks Into nn empty din ner pall ring hollow to tho curs of the out-of-work workingnjaaj FREETheNew A choice collection Of 80 recipes, with the latest baking helps and a fund of valuable information, edited by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, of The Boston Cooking School, the noted authority on Domestic Science. Elegantly illustrated and printed on finest plate paper. This artistic book absolutely free to every user of KG BAKING POWDER If you have never tried K C Baking1 Powder, this is the time to buy your first can, and get the beautiful "Cook's Book" for the asking. K C Baking Powder will please you better than any other or you get your money back. Guaranteed pure, wholesome, and the most perfect in action. Com-1 plies with all Pure Food Laws. No "Trust" prices. NOT DOLLARS, BUT EGGS. First Thespian When I wna play ing in Kansas City nnd getting my 200 a night Second Ditto Hold on, there, Monty; mnko thnt five! First Thespian No, Jack; upon my honor 200 a night regular. Eggs aro cheap there 8KIN TROUBLES CURED. First Had Itching Rash Threatened Later With Blood-Poison In Leg Relied on Cutlcura Remedies. "About twelvo or fifteen years ago t had a brcaklngout, and It itched, nnd stung so badly that I could not havo any pcaco becanso of it. Threo doctors did not holp mo. Then I used somo Cutlcura Soap, Cuticura Oint ment, and Cuticura Resolvent and began to got better right away. Thoy cured mo and I havo not boon botherod with tho itching since, to amount to anything. About two years ago I had la grippe and pneumonia which left mo with a pain in my side. Treat ment rnn it into my leg, which then swelled nnd began to break out. Tho doctor was afraid It would turn to blood-poison. I used his mcdiclno but It did no good, then I used tho Cuticura Remedies threo times nnd cured tho breaklng-out on my log. J. P. Hennen, Milan, Mo., May 13, 1907," Immunity. Satan had Just ordered moro coal thrown on tho fire. "By Tumlnous!" ho cussed, "but thnt last arrival Is a tough proposition. Tho moro I try to roast him tho moro ho smiles." Ho called tho chief stoker. "Well, what luck?" asked Satan. Tho stoker shook his head. "Ho'b still Bmillng," ho anBWorcd. "Where's ho from?" cried old Nick, out of patience. "Now York. Ho used to bo a base ball umplro In " "Sulphurous serpents! Why didn't you say bo hoforo? Tnko him down; wo can't fcaso him." -Bohomian Mag azlnc. Important to Mothers. Examlno carefully evory bottlo of CASTORIA a 8afo and auro remedy for infanta and children, aud soo that It Slgnaturo1of( In Ubo For Over JIO Yearo. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought uiacKweirs, Ma Twaddles Well, horo'B a "Na polcon of Wall street," who is well named. Pa Twaddles How's that? Ma Twaddles Ho's spending hla Inst days on tho Island. Cleveland Leader. PUTNAM OftlX IMAia NAAita ftkatfftifB mm A !! aaIhm (Lata. MMM Calar mnra nnnit nrlnhfar and fatlar rnlnra thin ant fij gtrawf without riwins apart. Writ lr (reo booUot-How to Dje. Blotch To get the Cook's Book " Secure the coupon from n 25-ccnt can of K C Baking Powder. Cut tliis out, write name und address nnd mail with coupon to Jaques Manufacturing Co., Chicago. Dept. 69. CALLED FOR SOME PUNISHMENT. Prisoner Altogether Too Deliberate for Life In Arizona. Arizona Judgo (to defendnnt in nn nssault-and-batteiy case) You say the complnlnnnt called you a liar and horse thief at least a dozen times be fore you knocked him down, eh? Defendant Yes, lr. Judgo Ho said you were a coward and quitter? Defendant Ho did. Judge All right. I'll let you off on tho nssnult charge; but don't bo In a hurry, mister I reckon I'll hnvo to flno you Jest about $50 for not knock ing him down sooner! Tho sheriff will tnko you In tow nnd boo that you cough up tho dust beforo you pass out. Illustrated Sundny Magazine Sheer wnlto goods, In ract, nny flno wash goodB when new, owo much of their attractivoncsB to tho way they aro laundered, this being dono In a manner to enhance their tcxtilo beau ty. Homo laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching, tho first essentlul being good Starch, which has sufficient Btrcngth to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will bo pleasantly surprised at the Improved apuonranco of your work. Nameless, But All Right. "What play did you see?" asked tho amlablo mistress of her maid, who had been taken by her best young man to tho thenter tho evening before. "They didn't tell tl,o nnmo of It," returned tho maid. "It said on the outsldo of the theater that It was 'As You Llko It,' and I did llko it, but I don't know tho namo." Now York Times. "SPOHN'S." This is the name of the Rrratcst of nil remedies for Dittemper, Pink Kye, Heaven, and tho like nmoiiK nil nup-4 of horse. Sold by DriipKixtB, Iluriiew Makcrn, or Fend to the manufacturem. $.50 and $1.00 a bottle. Agents wanted. Send for frco book. Fpolin Medical Co., Spec. ConUgioui Dise.iKU, Goshen, Ind. What has becomo of tho old-fashioned young mun whom tho girls tiBOd to say waB "too slow to catch a cold?" WR SUM, OUNS AM) THAI'S CHI3AI' A. buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 105 N. W. Hide & Pur Co., Minneapolis, Minn, It makes a protty girl hopping mod If a young man declines to dnuco at tendance upon hor. Lewis' Single Hinder straight 5c. You pay 10c for clears not ho good. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Obodlonco Is bettor than sacrifice. Latin proverb. FAKMS FOR TtKNT or ealo on crop pay ments. J. MULIIALL, Sioux City, Li. Whether liro shall bo desert depends on tho springs In your heart WIDOWS' ""''or NEW LAWobtalnod VBVMlT2Yrfk-7i2 by JOHN W. MORRI8, W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 41, 1908. FADELESS DYES lllliai Am flaa Ifta aaaLaaa satau all Iku VL -.-- aa.a a a. a olhar dm. Onn inn nar.ki to'EJ.tehM ---" najaaw W COOKS BOOK ! Reason. IIo that will not icason Is a bigot; ho that cannot reason Is n fool; nnd , ho that dares not reason Is a slavo.- . Henry Drummond. ' Mm. Wlnalnw'n NootlilnR Mjrrtin. Knr I'tilldrrii tcctbltin, toftuni llio Kiim, mliiroi In rUrnmntlon, allaj puln, turcn wind collu. ssc Untie. Sclf-rcnllzatlon comes through serv ice for social redemption. Vno Allrti'fi Foot-Kiisn rnrc&lrrl.iiililf!ir.ikwt.!iflnir r.i. ?-. 'ivi.il .iiiVii free A.a.Oluiktcil.lAillny.N. Y, All'n to bo fenred where all's to ba , gained. Byron. !Z5MGuaraH: SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by thcao Little Pills. The v also rcllevn Din. treHrt.'rom DyHpiHla,Io tUgPHtlonnndTooIIearttf Katlntf. A ierfct rem edy lor Dizziness, Nau Hen, DrowHlne-n, Unit Tnwte In tlieMouth, Coat ed Tunitur, Pnln In tho Hldo. TOHPID LIVEIt. They regulate tlio ltowela. Turcly Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. f XV. Tj. DoturlafmalcM and i1T mnn men' 3.uu anu bj.ou Biioe man any other manufacturer in tlio world, bo came they hold their (hape, fit better, and "wear longer than auy other make, Shoti ttAII Pflcei. for Every Hembir of tha, ramify. Mm, BoysWomen, HI tut i Chlldrtn' r.i.Uou!" I i.M ul tO.OO OUI Slf How nanii to iUjll at u; pile. W. L.Deulu tl.MtaA Fori Color SvtUli Pttd JTxIiwWTir. wm ana price It ilrnpl on bottom. Sold TtJ7whtrt. bhoe milled (ram factor ta awr a,t ot llw world. 'atlon fre W.U DOUaLAS. 117 Sparl St.. BmU.a. Mul, . .. jr .. ri " ab aUT aTK MM mm aLaT La m - fUaWBIf. mm mm m CARTERS VPITTLE OIVtK Wus. ; CARTERS . iTTlE TlVER j -m - (finvm A. fy r 'VJ V A ' TkkLr'U ' mWWWW V ,' 'wmUr ;m.M43i.r.& ii ''l i If atiiEfciiV JJ- ' ' ' ' - - - . . k . awammwmi