Drown Bread for Two. f Ono cupful of flour, one cupful of In dian meal, ono cupful of graham flour, ono tenspoonful salt, three rounding Iteaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half cupful molasses, 1 cupfuls of milk (wator will do as woll). Mix all well together, turn into steamer and cook a littlo over two hours. I put mlxturo in a one-pound coffeo can, well greased. It Is then half full. Put cover on, sot In tho oven in a plo plate, keep water In plato until bread is done. Uread will rise and push cover almost off, then you can seo it is done. Marmalade for the Children. Save all nlco npplo skins, wash and put on to cook or simmer. Take or nngo skins that aro left after eating your oranges, wash them, put on to took in water. Whon cool cut up fine, strain your applo skins, sweeten to suit your taste, add orange skins, stir up. Cook ten minutes or until thick. Throw water orango Bkins were cooked in away. My children llko this on their bread lualend or butter, as thero is moro applo than orange to what I mako ror them and it is a lovely red color. UNCLE SAM $500,000,000 WEALTHIER By ELLIOTT D. YOUNG Treasury Officials Coin Great Amount of Emergency Currency. loj kP P I 0 I A L currency stretchers of the Unl tcd States government linvo ready $500,000,000 In emergency witi'H, created by the Aldrich Vtcclnnd law, which can be nut out at an limtnnt'H noticn to nip llnanclnl panics In the bud. Great progress was made hy the treasury oIIIcIhIh in getting the monster linn dies of notes Into shape to he Issued at a moment's notice. Hardly had the hill which created thia emergency cunency passed the gauntlet held up hy congress when treasury oillclals were at work to put Cash Must Be "Ready for Distribution, Jnder Aldrich - Vreeland Act, By the Time Congress Meets Hotv the t&orft of Getting Money in Shape Is Accomplished. In the meantime the dies were ciyt hy the- engraving hureau. Thia en graving required the greatest care for a single deviation in lines upon the copper plates meant that ti:e hill would he tin own out and the entire plate would necessarily hnvo to ho made over again. Dozens of experts weie put to work upon the plates. The dies made, the work of testing and finally printing was entered Into. It was perhaps a mouth after the measure was passed before the presses were set In mo tion In the printing otllces turning out notes of great and small de nominations. An army of clerks was rendered necessary to keen tab on the nlutes. paper and invoice the notes to the treasury department. As Hist as the hills were turned out hy the denartment of mliittnir Kuneilntond- ent Kalph, who is in charge of the entire bureau, personally Inspected samples and ordered them rneu over to tno treasury oillclals. They were 11 stored In the vaults in the treasury ofllces and are now ready to be turned out to banks enrolled in the enteigency cur- ency associations. ONE MAN'S MYTHICAL REASON. After Several Hours He Remembered His Dinner Engagement. Dinner had been icady and waiting 20 minutes. The wife of the tardy guest was very much embarrassed. Just to think that her husband was so rude as to be late at a dinner en gagement and keep all the guests waiting! After a while the belated one arrived, redfaeed and perspiring. ' sFjy'mmmmm m;jb xrk cr .- ui . Tf ! jsi - 'fzzx rf ". uhk i ry . - -' - &? i .3 mMSWm LAcoduDGE Y;HKE3C44HHHHHH!PHpBHBj at fmm avT?mWOQKJHJHA VA' It was is?!IWJiS "HfeSV the notes into such shape that they might be put upon the market. Acting Secretary Coolldge of the 'treasury overlooked the work and the hureau of engraving and printing which put out the currency was In charge of Superintendent Knlph. Knch day Superintendent Kulph de livered Into tho hands of the treasury lofTlclnls between $2,000,000 and $1,000, 000 In the new style notes, licforo tho end of summer there was over $100, 000,000 ready for delivery to the banks on call. Congress meets again in December and then tho legislators will be greeted by the grent outlay of cash. If there should be a panic this fall, which is far from likely, oillclals declare, this great amount of emergency currency would bo delivered to the strick en districts within a few hours and it is believed tho trouble would end with tho appearance of the cash. ' Up to August 1 only ono emergency currency association had been formed, ihut soon organizations began to ma teriallze all over tho country and the (interest In the now act was heightened (to a great extent. Tho banks of the (District of Columbia had their at tides or association approved by the secre tary of tho treasury about the middle "of July and to them belongs the honor of being the tlrst members or an or ganization authorized under the emer gency currency lnw. Tho banks In Now York and other financial centors were not disposed to fully commit themselves pending a de termination of the question whether a hank Join ing an association could withdraw rrom it after complying with all the requirements of the law. The, treasury oillclals regarded this question as purely academic hut they took the matter tin der consideration and a decision was reached on this point in a very short time. Tho act Itself is entirely silent on the subject The proposition of putting out such a great amount of currency was ono which lielil tho bu lean of printing and engraving in its throes for ninny anxious niont'hs, for It was pointed out when tho measure llnaily passed congress after a long tight that while it was decidedly improb able that there would be a panic this fall, it was certainly necessary Hint the currency bo ready lor deliverance in case unsettled condi tions should Introduce themselves Into Wall street and other big llnaneial centers or the country. Hut if the word or tho Trainers of the Aldrich Vreeland statute la to be believed no bucIi con ditions can arise, simply because of tho existence of tho emergency currency act. Most readers of congressional news In the dally papers remember well and followed closely tho struggle which took place in both the house and senatu coincident to tho passage of the bill. The senate refused to accept tho Vieeland bill, mnnu factuted in the lower branch, while tho house of representative could see nothing but evil things in the Aldrich measure that Is, tho majority. Speaker Cannon of tho house paid several visits to President Roosevelt at tho White House. Tho executive Insisted upon work being done by con gress, If it were only this law. Pinnlly tho opposition forces met In caucus and then thero was another caucus, most of the points In dispute being settled. Tho bill passed tho house with much acclaim rrom those who had aided In effect tho' compromise. Then camo tho strugglo In the senate with Sen utor LaPollette, Senator Gore, the blind legisla tor, and their aides In the rolo of the opposing minority, liveryono fa miliar with parliamen tary rules of congress knows that speeches are limited in the house, hut In the senate a man may hold the door for months, providing lie has something to talk about. Senator ha Pollette, the man who takes but little re his labors, spoko for 18 hours. a memorable speech because of its length. Then Senator (lore took his place and spoke for quite a whllo longer. All this wns done to keep Senator Aldrich and his friends from putting on pnssago tho compro mise measure. It was regarded as a certainty that the bill would pass and so the opposition's Idea In the beginning was to keep on talking until midnight March :!, 1009, in shifts of eight hours each. Whether It was by prearrangement or by acci dent, row will over know, but tho tact remains that when one of tho llllbuster aides neglected Ills cue, an Aldrich supporter Jumped Into the breach, secured the lloor and mndo tho motion to put tho bill on passage. It passed and ended one of the most spectacular llllbustors which legisla tive circles of tho country havo over recorded. Por that reason the United States now has ?500, 000,000 in emergency currency ready to put out at nn Instant'B notlco to stem tho tide which a panic would bring upon tho country. Then came tho work of engraving bills or every denomination In tho ofllces or tho bureau of en graving and printing. Pirst tho rough paper was received. It was cut up irao strips upon machines which cut many thousauris cf notes at ono time. Australian Country Homes. In tho HIuo mountains, throo hours from Sydney, aro mnny boautirul country houses, mostly bungalows with wldo verandas nil round, whero Sydney pcoplo fly in February nnd March to got nway rrom tho heat or tho city by the harbor. To Tempt the Fish. It was always the custom or tho Maoris, tho primitive inhabitants or New Zenland, to put the Urst flsh that thoy caught back into tho sea "with a prayer that It might tempt other llsh to come and be caught." Uncle Eben on Spellbinding. "Do dlfllculty 'bout some o' deso campaign speeches," said Undo Eben, "Is dat (ley makes mo so powerful en thusiastic dat I can't remember Jos' whut do gomman woro talkln bout!" Washington Star. j&mraR. TZZZJOfW RZDRICH "So sorry to keep you waiting." ho said. "Hut I was detained at the ofllco with an out-of-town customer. Just couldn't get away." The excuse sounded all right and was accepted by the hostess, but it was a myth. Tho truth was: Preoccupied, ho had gone homo from the ofllco at the usual time and found the house locked, much to his surprise. Whero In tho mischief wore his wife and children? ho wondered. Why didn't they toll him they were going away? He wont all around tho house and tried tho doors, but they were locked. Tiion ho round a pleco or iron In the backyard and broke open a window and ciowded in. Ho ciowded out through the window ror the evening paper and crowded back. Ho rend tho paper, and still tho wire and children didn't re turn. At 0:01) o'clock ho remembered tho dinner en gagement. While ho dressed nnd rodo 20 blocks the guests waited. Hut others have made tho same blunder. Kansas City 3tar. Two Things Worth Remembering. Learn theao two things: Novor bo discouraged becnuso good things get on so slowly here, and never fall daily to do that good which lies next to your hand. George MacDonald. Pined for His Freedom. Applying for a divorce, an old Geor gia negro said to tho Judge: "Hit only cost me a string or flsh tor git mar ried. Jedge, but, pleaso God, I'd glvo a whale tor git rid er her." Derivation of "Poster." Posters took their namo from tho fact that in former times tho footways of London streets were separated from tho drives by a lino of posts, on which advertisements were displayed. Logic and Beauty. A woman may not bo logical when 6ho undertakes to argue, but If she is only pretty enough, that doesn't mako any earthly difference. Soniervlllo Journal. A Merry Jest, lie "Miss Ticks is in town." She "Who's Miss TickB?" He "Why, Mlns Polly Ticks, don't you know?" Chi cago Hecord-Herald. City Without Newspapers. Bagdnd has no newspapors In which it would pay to advertise. There is really but ono publication, and that devotes its columns entirely to govern ciont notices. Correcting a Misapprehension. "You musn't call Gibraltar an Island, Johnny," said Mrs. Lapsllng. "It's a high point of land extending into tho epu, and is called a prominent tory." Manhattan's Dense Population. Manhattan Is tho most densoly popu I. ted Island In tho world. It has a. population of 99,150 persons to tho square mile. Ideals. Cherish Ideals as tho traveler chor lshos the north star, nnd keep tho guiding light pure and bright and high above tho horizon. Hlllls. Confidence. The surest way to destroy pcoplo's confldenco in you i3 to continually question the motives of others. Camel Can Carry Heavy Load. A camel is nblo to carry a load three times greater than the horse. Electrical Air Filters. Electric air filtration Is the idea of nn English engineer, and is lmcd on the discovery thnt a body positively oloctrlfled by 100 volts or more will become covered with soot in a single dny In a smoky atmosphere, while a negatively charged body remains clean. Inserting a sheet of wire gnuzo in the Intake flue of a ventllntlng sys tem nnd electrifying It by connecting to a 250-volt supply main, the gauze extracted a large quantity of soot from the air. New Klndc of Dogs. It is an nstonlshing phenomenon that 700 Pekingese, Poms, Japanese nnd toy spaniels should be collected at a ladles' show when It Is remem bered many of these species were not oven known in England less than 50 years ago. And now species continue to come. Tho flat-coated Austrian dachshunds and the huge Pyrenean watchdogs are both now anil are both species which have the host qualities in a dog, fidelity and intelligence. London Spectator. German Level of Comfort. Only by taking them Into considera tion enn you explain tho paradox that with higher rent, lower wages, and longer hours tho German working class maintain a higher level of do mestic comfort and physical vigor, and their children nro better cared for than our own. Dr. Arthur Shadwell, in London Times. Mourning Colors. Black Is practically tho prevailing color for mourning among Europeans nnd their kin tho world over, but other peoples havo other colors the Chi neso whlto; the Egyptians and Bur mese, yellow; tho Syrians, uky-bluc; 'tho Persians, palo brown; the Turks, vlolot. New York American. Bad Climate for Furniture. China Is n bad placo for furniture. In the summer months it is so damp thnt furniture put together with gluo falls apart and drawers stick, whllo In the dry months furniture goes to tho other extreme nnd often exhibits cracks half an Inch or more In width. High Winds on the Desert. In the sandy deserts of Arabia, whirling winds sometimes excavate pits 200 foot in depth nnd extending down to tho harder stratum on which tho bed rests. Be Not Pleased with Thyself. Bo always displeased at whnt thou, art, ir thou dcslro to attain to what, thou art not; tor whero thou hast pleased thyself, thero thou abides!. Francis Quarlcs. No Fear Now. ' No need to fear Japan. An oil trust has begun to work over there, and now the nation never will have any niouoy. Detroit News. t Accounted For. It's hard to tell what becomes or tho plii3, but a littlo girl up north hns Just coughed up a shoo button. Atlanta Journal. Origin of Term "Yankee." "Yankee" Is from endeavor of In dians to pronounce the word "En glish," which they rendered "Yens-hees." m i. I j3llll OXYjSENAT.ORIll rfe THE DUPLEX OXYGENATOR BOOKLET SENT FREE. Uvery sick man anil woman In ttiu land should read this great booldfit. Costs nothlni; to get It. It points tho way to lioirtist health, truo wealth, real happiness. Tho more you have suffered, thu soverer your ailment, tho more? you huvo "doctored" tho moro you need to read thin wondciful story nbout Oxygenator, ttio moat marwvelous discovery of tho nKo. No matter what tho age. It Is to your udvuntUKn to lead this booklet from cover to cover whether you havo stomach or bowel trouble, rheiiinatiRm. liver, Kidney or bladder disorder, catarrh, lung or bronchial trouble, blood or nervous disease, ailment or woakness peculiar to men or women, scrofula, HrlBlit's disease, blood poison, appendicitis, or what. It shows how thousands havo been cured by this wonderful dlscuvory without medi cine or knife, and ufter alt elso fatlod, ' THE OXYGENATOR SYSTEM cures all diseases with oxygen from tho nlr you breathe, which Is life Itnelf, No drugs, belt, battery or electricity. Danishes dlsenso In a. natural way. Kills you with now blood, now life utul vigor from heud to foot. Tho book lot oxplalns how and why, and proves It. Wrlto at onco for this valuablo booklet. Agents wanted In every town nnd city. No experience needed, tho literature explains all. Farmer, housowlfo or any good honest .person can act as ngent, all you havo to do Is to got a few Instruments at work, ami thoy will advartlso themselves. They arc, so simple In their work of curing disease, thnt any person can attach hem. Tor further Information call on or wilto C. C. Johnson, General Western Manager, Beatrice, Neb. L i A r. i WcWS