The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1908, Image 5

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    FsV H WaKW-fli ''tu M(Mi(i,i,
. I . ' &aBwWft H,'v F,lzu
7 CmmmtiAWWii ! iXfJikrV 1.. Hist of the wet
i NCifciKmi.idPWP I
ll WUS inVMI fl Hill Rt'
O K Ni Im'h is tin 'i k list Mils
as here fnim IJouldcr the Tickets for the Utah School Lecture
Course can he icserved nt Uattlo Mor
We arc now ready to show our
fall line of Watches, Jewelry, Silver-ware
Our purchase have been large
and we assure you a variVy of pat
lerns in fancy t'nd staple Jewelry.
I Mis. Fred Hun! was down from ilson's Kalrstoro Hntiu day, OutobtM-17.
Cowles Tuesday. '1 ho W. C. T. U. will moot with Mrs.
Mrs. Co leaves for Deuvor 1 inlay, S. C. Dickson Wednesday afternoon at
to visit hor son. ! !I o'clock. All members requested to
1 Lost A vale pin. Tinder pleiiso J be present.
i A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Hoby, of Nelson, at tho
Mitchell Jewelry
leave at tills olllee.
Mr. .1. M. Challln and wlfo.wero In
Guide Rock Saturday.
Hairy Lotson, of Idaho, Is In the
city visiting his mother.
Islah Heal was taken to Hastings
Saturday for tioatmcnt.
Walter Roby, of Nelson, Is visiting
iclatlves heto this week.
Mis Will Tabor returned the last of
the week from Illuo 1 1111.
Mis. Ciil Kennedy came down fioni
Mi Cook Wednesday.
(i Haskltis, who has 1
si.-k list lor the past week iu milch
Mis ,J. li. Kaley,or Umahu, is visit
iu at the homeol D..II. Kuleyund wile
this week.
Mr. and Mis. Edward Dickson are
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Iloyer,
Wednesday night. '
Tliero will be a special train run bc-
tweon Hed Cloud and Hastings during
the Frontier Festival, October H, 10
and 10, The train will leave Red Cloud
at (.:.'tO a. in., and returning leave Has
tings at lo::io p. in.
W.wil i- At once. .. or .11) y
men and women to take a com
;oiiug J
se in ?
IIOMI1 JIlllll '
Multlgr.ipliing.. Conise can be-eoni-
,, I pleted in from one mouth to sK weeks, p
leeti on the l , , ,., ,..,.. if
m iiui a position waning mr you as r
soon as tnii iiie read, . Salary s run ' Cw
ft f mi SI" to SW per week foi-jbegliiners
Who will be the lirst to enroll? Tuition S
for complete course SW. For further!
partleiilais address Hie Hebron Itusi
ness College. HcbronNcb.
.i i ..r .. i...U. 1 I.,, it
ine proim ihiiimiu u. ....UJ ,.., w... ,,,0 nrBt lumbt,r ()f Ul0 ,,, soll0t)1
Thursday, i cutertaininent course will appear at
Lorn Whitakor is iu Heatilee tbls ti,u 01,orn j10s0 ootober .. Holders
week attending the Hi othi en church , of seilS011 tiekots may reservo thoir
convention. I sc.ats at the Fair Store October IT.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Drown returned The entertainment course this year
tioine Monday from n doliglitful trip 'will consist of the best atti actions
in Colorado. I that arc available. All of them are
Mr John Durkeo and family moved ' stars in their respective lines, and no
into tho Mra. Joe Garbor house tho I one in the community
Mrs. Joseph Warreu is homo from
Ed Gnrbor was liere from Bci trice
Eerton Foe was down from McCook
Kd Kellogg icturned fioni Lincoln
15. M. Andoison was iu tho city
Gem go Morhai't spent Sunday in
Guido Rock.
Hoe Wells, of Cowlcs. was in our
city Sunday
C Imilcs Ilerrick amis up fioni Ninth
Branch Thursday.
Some good city lots to sell or
for stock. H. W. Cullifoid.
Foi: Sai.u Six room house, :i lots.
Inquire at Newhouse's store. tf
Charles Daggott, a former resident
of this place wii9 here Monday
Call and soo tho now lino of Picture
Frames at Argabright's Studios.
Miss Josie Igou returned Wednesday
from a visit iu Lincoln and Omaha.
Mrs. Clarence Wilson, of C'Htherton,
was shopping in Red Cloud Tuesday.
Miss Mary Potcrsou has boon visit
ing the homo of Mr. Copeland this
For Sale Stevens hammerlesa dou
ble barrel shotgun. Inqairo at this
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess went to
Rlverton the last of the week to visit
their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Mitchell returned
from a trip in Illinois and other points
the last of the week.
The Robekah lodge will meet next
Thursday night. Something doing,
Everj body come.
Mr. J. II. llobortson has boon dan
gerously ill for a few days this week,
but is now much better.
I'ineiiles for the Kidneys, .10 days'
trial St. oo.
first of the week
Wanikd A young lady who wlshe
learn typesetting. Call at the Chief
olllee for particulars.
Takon Up One black sow and seven
can ulionl to
miss them for tho prico of a season
ticket. Tho High school is putting
forth every oirort to mako this course
a success, the proceeds to go towards
a High school library. All people
who aro interested in high grade on
pigs. Owner call on Johu Shoop on the tcrtnnuM.nt and at the same time pro-
Jim Couldie eighty,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Amuck, of Guide
Rock, were visiting her father, Mr.
Holiiigraln, yesteiday.
Mrs. J. L. Minor and daughter Irene,
returned Friday fiotn an extended vis
it iu the western states.
Mrs. Elia Wright returned to Red
Cloud Niturduj. after spending a week
with her mother in Kansas
A banquet was gleu at the homo of
llolton Lotson, Saturday evening, in
honor of 13eit Morhurt.
Ills. Cot i Cobb and ehl.dien, of
Guide Rock, weie visiting at the home
ti.uloi ol J W. Kinsel, her father, Saturday
Hiing your Pictures iu at Arg.i
biight's Studios and select a frame out
of our now lino of mouldings now en
If you want a fountain pen that will
not leak in any position buy one of
Cotting the druggsit, gurantced satis
faction The city is this week extending tho
water mains out to E. U. Overman's
new residonco. Also through Piatt's
new addition.
Mrs. Llllio Doliug has returned to
her home in Oklahoma, after an ex
tended visit with her paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Smith.
J. W. Harpham has returned to his
home in Clayton, Kansas after twp,
weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs.
Richard Raunchey.
Those who desiro season tickets for
the lecture course and have not yet
been solioitedcan get tickets by call
ing on Prof. R.D. Morltz.
With every paid In advance subscrip
tion we are giving a pair of shears that
eannot bo purchased at any store for
less than 7.1c. Call and see them.
moto a good cause in our schools
should not fail to securo a season
ticket at Miss Moriison'.sJFalr Store.
The agreement between this country
andGieat Birtain that letters to Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, will
need only a two cent stamp instead of
live cents, went into effect Thursday
At pieseut the new rate of postage ap
plies only to the British Isles, but een
tually it may be extended so as to in
clude all of the British possessions,
and it may bo that In a few years one
may send letters to South Alrlcu or
India for the same postage that is le
qiiiied for a letter to bedellveied In
one's home town. The remarkable ie
ductiou in rates was agieed upon be
tween the two nations as the best
nieaiib of promoting commercial and
friendly relations between the United
States and Great Britain, and it is
qulto certain that beforolongGormauy,
France nnd Italy will be asking for a
similar arrangement with rogard to
letter mall in those countries. Post
master (ioneral Mcyor is entitled to
most of the credit for tho chanire.
Don't fall to attend the Rally Day
exercises at the Congregational church
I .... .!.... ,i i.v.ltii i.rnivrfillt
Hundreds of people testify - . ,. ,
to the merit of this pivpatation In the '
,..,.. .,i i .i to it" present,
relief of kidney trondle, lliettinuUsin.
lumbago, backache. I'ineiiles act di- Losi - A big l oil ot carpet, between
icctly on the kidneys, purify the j Red Cloud and the Peterson farm,
l.inm'i mill n, il.-.. vim fi'i'l like ii new south-west of the city. Liberal re-
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Oct.5.7,vJ9Q8. .
Alfred Brule to CallileBiulc, sw
4,'0, W,wd '.7'".. ril '.....$ 8000
Mary Merchow to Herman
Schmidt, Its 7 and 8, blk 5,
Rohrer's add, Blue Hill, wd.. 2330
Magdeline Rife to R D Moritz.
sw4 w2nc, e2 nw, 31, 1, 10, wd 11035
Edwin S Garber to Frederick
Young, pt se 3, 1, 9, wd 11000
Edmond O Parker to Edward M
Purker. e2 It 9, blk 10, Guide
Rock4wd 100
John Frasler, et al to J C Huat-
man, pt ue se 7, I, 11, wd 300
J C Hartman to Philip M Wolf,
pt ne se 7, 1, 11, wd .1000
porson. They tone the system
by Henry Cook.
waid on returning
Chancy, Red Cloud.
to Amuck and
Moitgages Hied, .1.1S1
Mortgages released 8(110
To fill your wants in what ever you may want in
the grocery line..
We arc getting a nice New line of Evaporated
Fruits, ihis years crop. They are fine, the flavor
rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet
pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters
for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catsup ect.
And Falger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and
Extracts ect.
Our Best Brand of Caned goods. Call for To White
Houso Brand.
Order To Show Cnusn.
St.mi. or Ni.iiiivsK.v In The County
Whiisii it C
oi m f
Bell Phone 4
Rural Phono 63
Ijohnson boner:
W rj ' v .WW '
r 'WkW
At 11 C ounty Com t held at the County
Couit loom In and for said county Mon
du September .'lst A. 1)., I.KI8.
Iu theinatterof the estate of Charles
F Heal Diseased,
On rinding ami llling the petition of
Julin I. Rial piayiug that administra
tion of said estate may be gi anted him
self, as Administrator, nnd Unit ho bo
discharged as guaidlan of said Charles
F. Heal.
Ortleied that Thursday the 1.1 dy
of October A. I)., 19(18. at one o.clock
p. in., Is assigned for hearing naid pe
tition, whom all persons interested In
said matter may appear at a County
Court to beheld in und for said County
and show cause why pruyerof petition
er should not be granted; and that
notice of tho pendency of said petition
and tho hearing thereof be glyen to all
persons interested In said matter, by
publishing a copy of this order in tho
Red Cloud C iicl, a weekly newspaper
printed iu said county, for three con
secutive weeks prior to said day of
(hi:ai.) County Judge,
for Fall and Winter
The Highest Grade Ready to Wear
Clothing in America
and Selz
Shoes in all the New Shapes and
Wilson Bros. Shirts
Stetson Hats
1 v-opynaia ivua
The House of Kuppcnlicimer
We handle all the high grade lines
made in Mens and Boy's Wear
See us before buving vour Fall
Outfit S
Prices Guaranteed
fj"iialey Qofhing go.
Always Reloable
First Door Norlh of Postofficc
m -irS
IW , T- t I'M .11 V t--r-rrSiSg-'llla Nickl, PWil" , S
7i) CbppwTo Mttle-. I P Maairpy.TMpya I if&s
-. Vl fi! 1 i9'
9xizi. m. ,. j? ssM
Commencing M
onday, October 12
We will giAe a Cooking Exhibition on the World's Famous
Don't failto come in and see the achievements of this great
stove. A professional cook will be here. $7.50 woth of high
class granite ware given away with Range sold during this
exhibit. Come in and get hot biscuits and coffee free this week.
loud Hardwares Implement Co.
H .
'i "li-sii L . .