uuwtW aocuty filfttO THE RED CLOUD CHEF A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar. RED CLOUD, iNEBKASKA, OCTOllEK ), 1908. volume xxxyi. NUMBER 41 l o 4 :J& w n 1 I I if ,Wa 1 &? . T:r. Ill i S. Copyright 1908 by 'jgs. Hart SchafTher & Marx &Zzr NE mistake men often - make is in not having clothes enough. They seem lo think two suits of clothes bought at one time, or two over coats, would be extravagant. The fact is, if you buy our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, two suits or two overcoats at a lime would be economy. A raincoat, shown here, or a fancy fabric overcoat for daily wear; and a black or oxford overcoat for dress occasions; a fancy weave suit of some new color and pattern for business, and a black or blue serge for changing occasion ally, and for dressier times; every man ought to have such an outfit. You'd find it economy; and the clothes will all last longer if you dont wear them continuously; get them pressed occasionly. We want to see our cusromcrs dressed right. We'll take care of it for you if you'll let us. This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes PAUL STOREY I R WESTERN WKUSTIi Hurl Harvey Is homo from Lincoln. Time to dig potatoes, It will soon f rooo up. Kov. It. K. Hill tins boon returned to tlio Itiuvalo charge. O. 1). Uurvoy'H visttoil tit Orin liar vey's Sunday afternoon O.K. Pitney ami N. K. Hiirvoy aio making molasses these ilays. Preaching every Sunday afternoon at Lone Tree, by Uev. Noyce, of River ton Mr. anil Mrs. liliuor Harvey are the proud patents of a baby girl, born hist week. John Burgess, ,Sr., of Wed Cloud, is visiting Ills son Clarence 011 Winners' Creels. .Joo Weed lias been boiling pours by the wngonload lately. They were ship ped in by Milt Lancaster. ' . rwuw.yTsa ManZnn Pile Kemetly comes ready to use with no.zle attached. Soothes, heals, reduces itching and inllatuma tlon. An operation for piles will not be necessary if you use Manan. Price r.Oc. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Henry Cook. ADDles ftr Sale. By the bushol or wagon load. 1'ick ing will commence September, 2.rith Four miles aouthcastof Webber Kans. A. S. Wilson. HHKUafATISM CURED IN A DAT. Dr.Detchom Roller forllbeumatlim and Neural gia radically curet In 1 to 3 days. Inaction upon tne ytm U remarkable and myiterloui. II removei at onoe tbe cause and thedlieaao Im mediately dlsappcan. Tbe firtt dose greatly benefits, 75 cents and fl. gold byll. E.Gntci drugglit. Red Cloud. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for lit postofllco at Rod Cloud, Nob., for the week ending Oct. S, 100S: Ernest Carpentor, J. B. Dronnen, L. J. Galbrotli, (5) Mrs. Eliza Scott. These will bo sent to the dead letter ofllce Oct. 2'J, 1908, if uncalled for boforo. When calling for above please say "advertised." $ T. C. Hacker, Postmaster. Ring's Little Liver Pills for bilious nesH,sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They keen you well. 2.rc. Sold by Henry Cook. Weather Report. The instrumental readings are from j government standard instruments ex posed in the manner recommended by the chief of the weather bureau: GUIDE ROCK. g Temp'riU'ro ;? S g : i j"- ? as ' 2f S" S-3 2 ! 5 B r - J" i : : r 3 o. 1 2 i2 Si uo 5 HIcaT :i 77 S4 .00 m clear 4 7U M .T SB POloudy 5 75 5H IS 8W Cloudy 6 J 71 47 00 NW Clear 7 D8 38 .48 M olear 8 I (fl 42 .00 NK Olear Very respectfully, Oct 1, 1008. CllAS S. LUI)IX)W, Co-Operative Observer. Subscribe for The get the campaign. Cliieli now and m WB JMk Jfm JHr School Days easier by giving your boy or girl one of our reliable fountain pens. We have. a line of worth-your-money pens from 75c up. A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A nice line here at $ 1 .00 and up. Every one worth the price. Don't forget that many eyes are permanently injured by wearing improper glasses or by doing without them. Special allention given to children's eyes. K?5t " v,tr"" ' i jf yyi TX j.'i Mr.Sliceley is still cpilto 111. W. A. Sccloy lias been on the sick list for a few days. The Mnrtial band gave a chlckou-pic social Saturday evening. Miss Mabel Alison, a niece of Mrs Charles Guy, is quite sick. Miss Ella Van Woert and Miss Dolla Watt, departed Sunday for Lincoln. Henry Soper and Tllllo Weigle wero married last Monday by Judge Edfion, at Bed Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watt felted over Sunday in Dillcr with Richard Lam bert and wife. Miss Blanche Ferguson aad Miss Eobby Fisher spent Sunday with Mrs. V. S. Smith, at Hyron. The Methodist ladles enjoyed the day Saturday cleaning the church. They made a big improvement in its appearance. Robert White, who lias been many ill weeks, is now enough better that he lias been In town n couple of times, but .Mrs Wliito has boon ill this last week with a severe attack of grip. NEWHOUSE Cash Jewole rs and Optometrists s BROTHERS C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors s t1mMmmWBn You are welcome always, either to look or buy. WWVWVvsAvvvW STILLWATER Another nice rain. And still it doesn't frost. Nearly every family has been getting in their winter apples. Harry Shadley lias a now buggy. Look out girls, who will get the first ride? Charles Molly pasted through this neck-o-woods selling watermelons one day last week. Wm. Hump had the bad luck to loso a valuablo horse a few days ago. Ono of his roans. A number of farmers arc building new cribs to hold tho immonse crop of corn soon to be gathered. James Uramwell returned from his visit to tho homofolks across the big pond in England, ono day last wook. Helen Pool, who is teaching school at Prairie Center. District 3.1, is board ing at Mrs. Minnie Killmigh's at pros out. A number of tho relatives living in thiw vicinity attended the Datcs-Dc-Wolf wedding on Saturday, October 3, at Ited Cloud Rev. Gordon, tho new minister on the Cowlcs circuit, which Includes Kck ley, is expected to preach at tho latter place Sunday, Octobor 11, at 11 o'clock a. in. Bucrctctta-Morhnrt- Miss Mabel Uiierstetta, ono of Tecum soli's fair daughters, ami Mr. ISlbort L. Morhart, of Ked Cloiid, wero married at high noon, Wednesday, October V, 11103, tho ceremony occurring at the homo of the bride's mother, Mrs. Kath arlno Uiierstetta, in this city. The par lor of the Hucrstcttu home had been tastily decorated for the occasion and a small company of rclatlvos of the principals, gathered to witness the im portant ovent. The ceremony was performed by Uev. Richard Pear son, of the local Methodist church. Following a soason of congratulations the company enjoyed a delightful four courso dinner. The bride is well known in Tecum sell and Johnson county, having been born and roared here. She is a lovely young lady of most pleasing personal ity Having graduated from the Te cuiiiseh High school with the class of 'O.'l she engaged lu teaching for Hvo years, two of which were in tho Mt. Auburn aehool. thin county, one in the Hunibolt school, and two in the 'le- eiimseh school. I lie lady has made u pronounced success at this work and stands high In tho ranlcs of the local teaching profession. Tho groom is t .e son of Adam Mor hart, the family being-one of the best known and highly respected in Red Cloud. Ho Is engnged in the hard ware business with his brothers, and thoy also manage the Red Cloud opera house, tho firm being Morhart Hroth crs. While the gentleman is not well known in Tccumsch his repututlon is. and it is all that could be desired. Mr. and Mrs. Morhart went to Red Cloud on the eveuingof the day stated, where they will go to housekeepiagat once, beginning their married life un der the most favorable circumstances, and the many friends of both will hope that they may enjoy many, many years of happy and prosperous wedded life. They will be at home to their friends after November 1. The above noticewas furnished us by the Tccumsch Chiefain. Bort is well known here as an industrious young man, and the Chief joins with a host of friends in wishing him and his bride a long nnd prosperous wedded life. THE PIANO CONTEST. Our Popular Lady Voting Contest has started oil' in pretty fair shape and we e.speet it to bo one of the biggest events that ever happened in tills part of the country. Tho vote Friday was: Mrs. Miles Doyle J),.'lU0 Miss Kuth Warren t:i,.'lOO Miss Ftankie Ward 1 1,875 .Miss itorniee Potter ll,.TiO M iss Vera Crubtlt 10,100 Miss Mary Francis IKK) 1 Announcement This Piano and Popular Lady voting contest will ho eoiuluetoil on strictly honest busino pilnelples, with perfect justice and fairness to all concerned. 'J-Pri.cs The llrst prize shall bo u L'liiekeriiig UroH. uptight, piano valued nt S.iOO. Tho second prize will bo a Ladles' lino gold watch valued at 830. The third prize will bo n liaudKonio sil or tea service valued tit $1121)0. Re sides those, other special prixca will bo oireicd from time to time. .'1 Candidates Any lady, married or single, in tills and adjoining coun ties is eligible In a place In the con test. Tho most popular lady is tho ono who shall receive tho most votos, and to her shall bo given tills high grade piano. Other candidates will roceivo prizes in order, according to their standing of votos. UatcS-DcWolf. At the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1M Dates, last Miturday at high noon, occurred tho marriage of their oldest daughter, Miss Myrtle, to KmoryU. Do Wolf. The hi hie is well known here, being born and raised in tills part of the county. The groom eamo lioro from tke eastern part of the state about a year ago, working for a timcon the Argus, und is at pre sent owner aud editor of the Chief Only the relntlves of tho brldo and groom wero present to witness the ccremoney, which was performed by Rev. George W. Hummel. After con gratulations tho guests were bcatod at tho)tabIo andja bountiful dinner served. Thcbrldcjand groom were the recipi ents of niuny handsome aud useful pres ents. They have gone to housekeeping in the Sellars property In the northeast part of town where thoy are at home to their friends Piitionize homo industry. Special prices on 3 to 5 hundred pound lots of old wheat Hour at Red Cloud Mills. I Tie in Votos In enso of n tto, tho value of tho prizes will bo equally dividod or n liko prizo granted to thoso tying. f Classes of Votos Thoso uro is sued in coupons as following: Now subscriptions, 000 votos for 81.00 Ronowals, .'100 votos for 81.00 Back subscriptions, .'100 votes for 81.00, (S General Instructions Names of contestants will bo printed in ordor according to standing aud the amount of their votes published regular after tho first count Is mado. Votes will not bo allowed on sub scriptions at less than regular price of tho paper. Votes onco deposited in tho ballot box cannot bo trunsfered to another. Agents' commissions nro to bo sus pended during contest, No contestant will boi allowed to compete for uioru thauj ono of tho additional special ptizos. Tho publisher will not toll whom anyone votes for, excopt in case of al leged error or Irregularity. Each contestant is requested to send us a cnbiuot size photograph for pub lication as soon as convenient. Mako up your mind who you want to vote for boforo coming to tho olllco as tho editor will positively not decide tho mutter for you. Contestants should keop n record ol their votes turned in oocli week, and see that our figures vorify it. All coupons must havo tho amount of subscription paid, number of votos cast, name of contestant voted for and name of person voting written legibly thereon. An awarding committoo of three re liable business men will bo appointed to make tho final count and distribu tion of prizes. Contest to run not less than ninety days; date of closing to be announced about thirty days in advance. Tbe contest shall close at 4 o'clock p. m. on tho date to be announBbd later. Two weeks prior to the date of closing, tho Judges are to take the ballot box, carefully looked and sealed, to tho batik announced, where it will bo kopt on n tablo in tho front window during business hours, mid in the vault at night until tho closo of tiio contest, when the Awarding Commit tee will tako chargo and mako UniiLi count. Subset iption blanks und voting coupons will bo furnished upon appli cation at this olllco. AH votes must bo accompanied by subscription moiioy. Hands cracked and bruised from husking, skin diseases, tan freckles, cuts relieved at once with I'lnesalve Carbolized (acts liko a poultice). Draws out inflammation. Price 2.'c. SohlW Henry Cook. vfnsLKjmemm n lMl'dllMATION f UKUAUU1MQ Farm os Business fcfA lll ion direct to Not particular about location, hear Jrom owueronly who direct to buvnr. ftlvi, nHr. deicriptlon arid itato when poieloa can be htd. Addiesi. L DAKBY3H1U. Bu MM RadUtar, H. T. Saunders Bros. Lumber Coal WlacrWIaTIHjl Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo havo in stook nt all times a compioio line or uuiiding Material anu uoou uoai. our prices reasonable Wo solicit your pati ugo. uou toi. w. Farmers In auritii i is ajej EitiSH ' 'l Imik rv )- fckji" j . r. V i' ' f , i ia