rl PW-4ttfcw'WfcilSin$-t J X i l I y; .1 New Oliver Automatic Tabulator, a Twin Improvement to the Oliver MfUllUg UCYH.C, Just a simple, clean-cut mechanism for tabulating operated by a single key. Yet that single key unlocks scores of doors to added typewriter convenience. It does away with the brain tension of tabulating. The movements of car riage are controlled by unseen ilnircrs. Tho tabulator works automatically with unvarying accuracy. I Equipped with Its new Automatic Tabulator, which can be operated in connection with the Oliver Line Ruling Device, the Oliver's sphere of usefulness is unlimited. In the work of wrltlngaud ruling Stiittstlinl reports Invoices, State- ments, Inventories etc. I. luting Cheeks. Deposit Slips, Cash Items, Vouchers, cash and credit sales, Trial Balances, Pay Rolls, Cost Records and BCor6s of similar tabulated records, Oliver No. ft has no equal. It Is the only machine that covers the whole broad field of modern commercial amrti Iti n KntlnflintorV WIIV. The Oliver Automatic l'abuhitor Is rLUyJBwj !.nfiSWlttitTcJnntdTClaytf trial .1.00. They purify tho al charge. blood- Soia bv ,k,,ry CooU' It caps the climax of a long series of , Improvements given to the world In the magnificent nev Oliver No. ft. Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid Each of these remarkable Inuovn- form for malaria, chills and fever, tlons tho Oliver Tiibuluthr and the regulates the liver, kidneys and blad- Oliver Ruling Device supplements the der, brings quick relief to biliousness, other. 'sick-headache, constipation. Pleasant Together they form a combination to take. The 81.00 bottle contains 214 of untold value In all branches of com- times the quantity of the ftOe size, racrclal accounting. First dose brings relief. Its tonic Tho Oliver Typewriter is tlrst of all efleets felt at once. Sold by Henry a correspondence machine supreme In Cook, snlendtd service. It makes work a .... pleasure by providing automatic means of spacing, tabulating, ruling, indica ting exact printing point, securing proper register, etc. The saving of time, of mental calcu lation, of manipulation, of extra atten tion and of eye strain Is an in-calcu lable benelit to the operator. And the gain In volume of work well done without extra operative uiiuri, means much to every employer, Write for.thc new Oliver Catalog -or better still ask the nearest Oliver Agent for a demonstration of Model No. ft. The Oliver Typewriter Co. 1 16 S, 15th Street Omaha, Nebraika CEO. CORNER, Local Agent. Wccati plnroMJverid MH'iiiinn'ii of llie r'Klit caliber ItMvtll iiHyltiK lo)ltliins h Loral ikouI fto-n10 WeMSS!. ! "Tho Hle of tho Local AkciiI." September Excursion Rates. VISIT THE OLD HOHEt Low rate Excursions to eastern cities and resorts. Northern Michigan Canada and New England, dally until September 30th. SEE THE WEST! Attractive low excursion rates daily to the Pacific Coast, Yellowstone Park, Utah, Colorado, Dig Horn Moun tains and the Dlnck Hills. LOW COLONIST RATES; During September and October to Puurct Sound, California and hundreds of intermediate points, IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS; READY VOH IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT at (Jar'and and and Powell, Wvo. ,. , . , : , til wuimicr i,ii,, uiuo. lit tine tMJiociv Personally conducted excursions to . 1 r i t ., , i ., ., . ,.,,!. i p. in., Is assigned for hearing aid pe the'o lands the tlrst and third Tues-,,,, , ,, , . , ,, titlou, when all persons interested In days of each month, (lovcruineut engineer at Powell shows the lnmlf I W matter may lPr at u County Also deeded and Carey Act lands. I Co,,rt to bc hel'1 in H,ul for bnW Cmmty Write IK CUm IHnttr, (lennal Agent, Lamlutk- ,uul bhow cnuse W,,J' Pniyerof petition ert' Jinonnutton Jlurtau. Omaha, far ntw folder vv should not be granted; and that lit Free, notice of the pendency of said petition n'ru??,JlZr''TLfny0"I H'T'i '""' nml U' & thereof be glyen to all analtlue ailvtte you time to make it the bett uay . ,, at the Ittiet coot. F. EDWARDS Ticket Agent. P. A., L. W. Waki:i.ky, O. Omaha. Lacking the "Ear for Mualc." ' Ho bears a great loss and sorrow who has "no car for music." Into ' one great garden of delights he may J not go. There needs no flaming ' sword to bar tho way, Blnco for him ' thero Is no gato called Beautiful ' which he should seek to enter. Blunt ed and stolid, ho stumbles through ' (life for whom its harp-Btrings vain- ' 'ly quiver. Yet, on tho other hand, I what does ho not gain? He loses the concord of sweet sounds, but ho ! spared tho discord of harsh noises. For the surges of bewildering har mony and the depths of dissonant eUsguBt, he stands on tho levels of . perpetual peace.-ault Hamilton. If you urc 11 sufferer from tlmt most distressing iilllletion, piles, and have tried many rcmedlcH without being benefited we can safely sav that Man Han Pile Remedy will bring relief with the tlrst application, lor sale iy vnry Cook. ItKltK IS HKMKK KOIl WOMKN. Mother (Irnr. n nitrrc In New Yurk. (Uncovered ml nruinntlr. (iIphmiiii herb ' f tire for women lll. culled AlhVriMI.IAN LKAK. It l the only riTlnln rcRiilntor. Cute fcnmlo wcsktieMei Ht.il hNckHClie. kidney. bladder bii nrlnnry tumble. At nil ilnmglpU or by mull 60 cents Mimile KIIKK. Adclrcn. The Mother (lrr o.. I.u liny. N. Y . , "t'cs Laxative Cough Syrup always brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hoarsness. whooping cough and all b 'onchlni and throat trouble. Mothers espcclallf recommend It for children, s It Is pleasant to take. It Is gently laxative, onouiu "e ; !""" Uuarantccd. & by Henry took. . . aK KOll Al'.Kn'S FOOT KASK, ,, hot , f t j,mp0gcnt KUhK. Ali Kreo cample of tbo V V-KASK saNITAHY coilN-l'A . now Invention. Address. Alleu 8. Dimmed, t o Hoy. -N- To those utlllctcd with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheuma tism, Pineulcs for the Kidneys bring relief In the first dose. Hundreds of people today testify to their remark . . heallntr and tonic properties. 30 For Sale. A ?2,00 Newspaper plant fully equip ed for $500 cash. One I'routy press, one jobber 12x18, one jobber 8x10, one paper cutter, one foldu , three eabnets case racks, one double stone, four largo .,..,.. ,m,i ....ni,., four chases, mailer and galleys, one gas engine, one stap le i . About a UUK) lbs of type and num erous other articles all for $."tH) cash. To see thl plant write or call at the Cli ef olltee Order To Show Cause. Siati: or. Nr.niiiixKA, i i Tho County WKIIVTKII CnUNTV. I Courts, J At a County Courtheld 1 nt .County bUlll b 1UUIII (II twit iui nwm vwitttv .- September, 11th, A. D., ll08. In the matter of the estate of Marg aret Lightfoot Deceased On reading and llllng the petition of Hdwiud Leroy Richer, Hied on the llthdayof Sept. A. D , 1008, praying for the examination and allowance of his final account of the same date, a decree of assignment of the lands belonging to said estate to the persons entitled to the same, and thereupon an order dis charging him from further burden and service in his said otlice as executor. Oittir.itr.n, that Thursday theSth day of October A. I)., 1 1IM, atone o'clock p m, Is assigned for hearing said peti tion when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county and show cause why prayer of petition er should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition ami hearing thereoi ue given to an per sons interested in the said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in the lied Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for threo con secutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. (hkai.) O. C. Thai, acting County Judge Order To Shtw Cause. Stack ok Nkiikanka In The County Wkiistkii County 1 Court: At a County Court held at the County Court room in and for said county Mon day September 21st A. D., UHI8. In the matter of the estate of Charles V. Heal Deceased, On rending and tiling the petition of .lohti I. Ileal praying that Administra tion of said estate may be granted him self, us Administrator, and that he bo discharged as gtutrdluu of said Charles F. Ileal. Oriii.roii timi 'rimi-kiiiiv tin. ir. ii v ' ., ,,... ., .. . ,, ..,., . , ,. persons interested in said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in the 1),,1 Pl,.n,l CM..I .. .......I.I w . .. s,u. vuiut, . nvunij ui:tvr!Uii:i printed in said county, for three con 'secutlve weeks prior to said day of ' hearing. 1 W. Edho.n . (hi:ai.) County Judge promptly obtained In all roiintriM, or NO HI. TRADE-MARKS, (.'areata mml L'onjrlgtiU rrula trixL Semt Sketch, Model or l'Loto, (or tie renort on natrnUhllllr. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 1'ateol pimcUcO i Wuleawtka Invenlora ahoiilcl hare onr hand. nooA on I w to obtain and Sell patent. What tn TentloriiutUpay.llowtoiiftapArtwrjtnfloIlirr TaiuAuiomiuruiauun. nent iiceio AuTaaarcai. D. SWIFT & CO. SOI Seventh St., Washington, D. C. DEVOTION THAT WAS CVSLIME. Great Cook True to His Very End. Art to the Kwcofflor. tho great French cook, cald at a dinner in New York that a good cook had the spirit of cookery born In him. "It In born In him," said M. Escof fler, "and in him It never dies. His first lisped baby word Is of food; and a sauce or a navarln Is the subject of his last dying breath. "Did you over hear of poor Gaston Laurent, the distinguished cook of Palllard'sT "Gaston went on a voyage to the South Seas in '95; his ship was wrecked, and ho and his party were captured by cannibals. "Doing plump, Qaston, alas, was tho first of tho Ill-fated party to bo con signed to the great Iron casserole. "And tho survivors say that noth ing could have been more touching and moro subllmo than Gaston's last cry from tho great pot, as the water began to smoko and bubble and he began to cook Gaston's last calm cry of a great artist: " 'Come, come! It Is already past the time for tho pepper and Bait! " TALI8MAN8 POPULAR IN MALTA. Odd 8haped Stones to Ward Off Ef fects of Snake Poison. Thcro aro still to be found In Mal ta a number of small stones shaped and colored like the eyes, tongues and other parts of serpents. Tho superstitious among the Mal tose connect these with the tradition that St. Paul when shipwrecked was cast on their Island, and that It was there that while lighting a bundle of sticks for a Are a viper fastened on the apostle's hand. St. Paul calmly shook the ropttle off into the flames and no harm followed. The natives wear theso stones as talismans, in which character they suppose them serviceable In warding off dangers from snako bites and poisons. They are found in St. Paul's cave, Imbedded In clay, and are set In rings and bracelets, nnd when found to be In the shape of a tongue or liver or heart are buns around the neck. They aro also tnken Internnlly, dissolve:'. Ir wine, which method Is attended, ac cording to some people, by moro Im mediate results. Quaint Fijian Plant. There Is nothing under the Bttn quite so quaint, so weird and witchlike ns the pnndnnus prairies of FIJI. The imndnniiB, or screw plant, as It Is called, Is a most grotesque specimen cf tho vegetable kingdom even at the best nnd In the early stages of Its growth. In Its very young days It Is of an extraordinary scrcwlikc shape and looks an though some unkind hand hnd taken hold of Us long, swordlike leaves and twisted them round nnd round. Later on If straightens out a bit nnd from It grow a number of tall wooden Btilts. Its foliage Is simple, a number of drooping, ragged tufts for all tho world like mops, nnd very mournful looking. Among these mops hangs the fruit, in shape like n pine apple, made up of hard red and yellow kernels, woody and fibrous, and quite uneatable from a European's point of view. A One-Sided View. "A member of the Georgia leglsla ture,"ho remarked, "Introduced a bill which provides that any man who is lured Into marrying a woman who bus by artificial means enhanced her beau ty may, If ho wishes, have the mar riage declared null nnd void. That Is to say, If tho bridegroom discovers that the bride Is compelled when she goeB to bed to hang any of her sup posed charms upon a chair he may consider himself free to wed again." "And what about It," asked tho lady, "If a bride dlscovors, after the cere mony, that the groom wenrs a wig or dyes his mustnche?" "Any woman who Is foolish enough not to know a wig or a dyed mus tache when she sees one ought never to make any complaint about It." His Vacation Method. Miss Lillian B. Hill, the writer of humorous advertisements, told a num ber of Duliith Jewelers, nt a recent Jewelers' linnquot, a good way to get off for a vacation without being missed from business. "During tho last Enster holidays," slio said, "I met a jeweler at a seaside hotel, "'Why, I thottght you were such n biiBy man,' I snld. 'How do you man ago your affairs here at the shore?' " 'O,' said he, 'I am Just keeping my advertisements out of the papors until my return, nnd so, you see, there are no nffnlrs to manage.'" Fresh Air. I hold to tho maxim "Die and let die." It nny one chooses tho fresh air method of departing this life by all means let him take it, but let him re spect tho right of other people to choose their own method for thorn selves. Fresh nlr has Its victims no less than foul. Tho tubercle bacillus does not enjoy fresh nlr, ft is true, but thero aru plenty of other bncllll which rejoice In it. If consumptives thrive out of doors, the suhjetrts of bronchitis mo genornlly only safe when they stay In, Dr. J. II. Clnrko, In London Chron icle. Cough Up. "The rnco for an office is like a street car." "How so?" "Always room for one more." "It also has tho pay-us-youcntcr I feature." Kansas City Journal. FIND WOMAN'8 WIT UNCERTAIN. Aa When This Wife Failed to Appreci ate Her Husband's Pleasantry. "Don't always rely upon the ready wit of a woman," said the man who is sometimes pleased to consider himself a,n oracle. "That ready wit business Ib sometimes prone to get 'wny off. "For example, my wife and children had been Btnylng In the country for several wcokB and I was regular with my letterB, as every loving husband should be. Finally on the day before my wife was to start for home I con cluded my letter to her with these words: " 'This will be the last letter I will write to you for a long, long time.' "When I got down to my office the next morning I found a telegram from my wife waiting for me. 'What on earth do yon mean?' read the dispatch. "Later a registered letter came from her. Sho had blotted almost every lino with tears. What it was all about I could not Imagine. "Then my telephone bell rang, and when I answered I heard my wife's voice speaking over the long distance 'phono. " 'Oh, John,' said she. 'Is that really you? I thought you nnd committed suicide!'" NEW ZEALAND'S WHITE ISLAND. Always Enveloped In Clouds of Steam Its Strange Lakes. White Island, In Australia, derives its name from the clouds of white steam In which it appears to be con tinually enveloped. Its area is only 600 acres, and its height about 880 feet above the sea level. In form nnd color It Is lll;n a retina. lug camel, while Its interior with Its ' gray, weather-beaten, almost perpen dicular cliffs, recalls the Coliseum at Rome. Overhanging the southern landing place stands a column of rock closely resembling a sentinel, which has been dedicated to the mem ory of Cnpt. Cook. The water of the Island Is of a pnle green hue, and any thing dipped into it becomes of a red brick color. The fumes of sulphur are always plainly perceptible. On a fine moonlight night a wonder ful sight Is afforded to any one who will sit in an open boat In one of the lakes of the Island. Covering an area of GO acres Is nn Immense caldron hissing and snorting and sending forth volumes of poisonous steam, while all chances of ogress appenr to be denied by the steep, silent nnd gloomy cliffs. His Little Family. Families of French-Canadian farm ers often run Into large numbers, a3 Is demonstrated by the following writ ten order received by the proprietor of a Quebec shoe store: "You will put some shoe on my little families like this, and send by Snn .Inmeson, the cnrrler: One man, .tenn St. Jean (me), 12 years; one woman, Sophie St. Joan (she), tl years; Hernvdes nnd Leo nore, 19 years; Honore, 18 years; Ce linn. 17 years; Narcisse, Octavla and Phyllis, 16 yenrs; Olivia, 14 years; Phllllppn, 13 years; Alexandre, 12 yours; Roslna, 11 years; Bruno, 10 years; Pierre, 9 years; Eugene, wo Iofs hlin; Edouard nnd Eliza, 7 years; Adrlen, 6 years; Camllle, 5 years; Zoel, I years; Joseph, 3 years; Moise, 2 years; Muriel, 1 year; HI lalre ... He go barefoot. How much?" Quaint Death Notice. This notice appeared recently In al German paper; "Bowed with grief and recognizing the wisdom of God, who decreed It, the widow nnd four chil dren of Hnrtwlg Langmnnn make known to their relatives and friends the entry Into eternal rest of a beloved husband and father. There will bo no oration at his bier, because no words could describe his worth or make our sorrow less. Flowers from those who shnre our grief should not be sent, be cause the custom was distasteful to htm who has gone. If a desire to show such a mark of respect exists let It find expression In gifts to tho poor, whose thanks we shall echo In the firm knowledge that the act would find favor with him whoso life was good ness." Church Tower His Pulpit. Sunday last being "Feast Sunday," the vicar of Selston, Rev. C. Harrison, hit upon tho novel Idea of preaching from the church tower. Tho greater ! l,art of tne congregation seated them- i selves on mo nignwny. Tho reverend gentleman took ns his text "Tho Builders nnd tho Tower," and, possessing n strong voice, his re marks were heard distinctly by tho largo crowd of colliers and others gath ered together, the weather being all that could be desired. London Even ing Standard. A Unique Cat. Hornce Elliott has a handsome shag cat which ho would not sell for lovo or money, nnd which is quite a curios ity. Sho wns never known to catch a rat or mouso or nnyflilng else, nnd Mr. Elliott has recently found out what tho troublo Is. You, of course, have heard of cross-eyed cnts. Well, this ono Is so much that way that when she attempts to catch anything sho Jumps in tho opposite direction. Rockland (Me.) Opinion. Diffusing the Annoyance. "You don't suppose we take board ers becouso wo need tho money!" ex claimed Farmer Corntossel, loftily. "I hnd some such idea," answered the man who had ventured to criticise. "Not at all. Wo Just gej these peo plo In from town to keep the mosqui toes from divotln nil their attention to our home circle." Excba'u J. PJumb'3 Floiur & Henry Diederich i? eea oCOl'6. jdi.hanu Angle Lumps You save money in buying your flour1 ep iiring" N?tly Djne. In ftoii-pouml lots of him. i H. E ASIIIiK VciTiiiiiriun Rkh Cloud-:- Nehraska .-t I 'AY' i old miiihI . Uy Laundryiph J. P. HANSON. Proor. MWLi I ' Phone 42. Rod Cloud. .Nan. CIYDE Paper-hanger Painter and Decorator. Does patch-work and e Everything furn f . t t 1 I cverytning turnisnea. WM USE LEAF A8 A STIMULANT. How Coca la Cultivated Preventive of Sleep and Fatigue. Coca Is the South American invlg orant. The shrub from which the coca leaves are obtained grows under fa vorable conditions to a height of about four meters. It is cultivated If Peru and Bolivia. At the time the crop is gathered the seeds are sown In beds, when they germinate and grow, and in two months the growing plants reach a' height of about a foot. The leaves, grown In tho proper sunlight and shade, are yellowish, small and thick.' This Is the kind of leaf that Is pre ferred for chewing by persons using the leaf ns a stimulant, fortifier nnd preventive of sleep and fntlguc In the performance of arduous work, inas much as they prevent rheumatism, from which miners suffer when work ing In mines that contain much water. Indians who masticate tho leaves of this plant can work 24 hours without eating or sleeping. Coca leaves are used by the natives when engaged In long and fatiguing journeys and by soldiers when subject to hardships und privations. They may be used with nil kinds of food and are said to cure dyspepsia, either tnl(en as an infusion In the shape of tea or by masticating the leaves. The life of the plant when perfect is 80 years. FUN IS A VITAL NECESSITY. Can by No Means Be Regarded as an Incidental of Life. Most people have the impression that fun nnd humer are life inciden tals, not necessities; thnt they are luxuries nnd have no great bearing upon one's career. Many think of fun ns frivolous, In dicating lack of serious purpose in life. There are parents who rebuke their children because they want to have fun and go In for a good time. Theso parents have yet to learn the great part which fun nnd humor play In the physical economy, nnd their Influence on the life. What a complete revolution In your whole physical and mental being comes nfter seeing a really funny piny! You went to the play tired, jaded, wornout, discouraged. All your mental faculties were clogged with brain ash; you could not think clearly. "When you came home you were a new being. Success Magazine. Converted by Medicine. A woman missionary, who was also a doctor, had a curious experience In Durmnh, where, upon her arrlvul, Bho found a village community dying off llko flies with cholera. Sho made a house-to-house Inspec tion, administered a specific, and, hav ing broken tho back of the mnlady, left behind her several bottles of tho medicine to bo used during her ab sence. Upon her return the hend man cheered her heart by tho greeting: "Teacher, wo have come over to your side; the medicine did us so much good that we have accepted your God." He led her to his house and Into the apartment sacred to his worship. There, arrayed upon the shelf, were tho medicine bottles, nnd he, with all his household, Instantly bowed down nnd prayed to them with thankful and contrlto hearts. Sad, But True. A precocious son of five years looked very philosophically at his mother ono day and remarked: "Isn't It wonderful how one's skin Is put on? Is It sewed together or pasted with glue?" Realizing tho folly of nny physlo- J loglcnl explanations she replied: "No, dear, It Is all In ono piece." Still n quizzical expression o'er- spread his face. Peering nt his moth er's forehead, ho raised his finger and exclaimed: "Well, mothor, I really think you have a seam ncross there." After the humor of tho remark had passed it awakoned a note of pathos, for that mother, with tho aid of tho mirror, discovered that the hitherto unobserved scam wns there, her first wrinkle. VrVoiii & Wright ; ngriy p.rs'i.ig t .ip-otnliy iliii-M"hi-i)i!r. I thieksiiii tiling ' nini Wiicomiiiwdiig CA57HULTZ 'grapher H.atiillt ifniiiiiii utiil lmliv ttff iifb it ";i-:,T,.,v' n..,.BI.M.k. BROWN. rebuilds chimneys T" It rrices reasonaoie. bell phone 162. 7 L A. HASKINS FLOUR, FEED nnd GRAIN Kerosene, Gasoline Etc. 'Phone 57 L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. Dunierell Block. Phone 83. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Feverand Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and oil other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The $1.06 bottle contains nearly 2K times the quantity of the 50c size. Prepared only by the PINEULE MEDICINE CO., CHICA60, ILL. Women as Weil as Men Are Maie Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouragcsandlessensniiibitionj beauty, vigor anu ciieertul ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of cler or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weakkidnevs. If the childurinatestoooftett, if the untie scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards thi treatment of these important organs. Tins unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women ns well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, m lifty ccut and one-dollar i size bottles. You may I have a sample bottle by mail free, also a nom of Qwamp-Root pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, liicummg many oi inetnousandsot testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Di. Kilmer & Co., Ttinghnmtou, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make nny mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature o' Those Amiable Creatures. Maud This Is my engagement ring, Isn't it lovely? Edlth-Porfectly ndor nblo! How Koucrous Fred was to give you such a valuable one! And to think that folks say that your father paid for It! Boston Transcript. " Inquiring Boy Ma, what did te moths eat before Adam and Eve wore clothes? Exchange cs-rw- nihVMrnirjgi,Huk KaHnWvH Bi.riTiiHfi3 -irrrni iibiibii 2&&&: ft .ft , 'i y..,, MrtM asi 4T' I