The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1908, Image 3

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Pmtmreqme Matt;
(1) Large cloche In
rose-pink tussore, lined
with black taffetas;
wide rose-pink silk rib
bon, and clusters of
pink and white roses.
Wardrobe Not Complete Without This
Special Garment.
In addition to tho tailored costume,
tho woman of limited lncomo hae to
worry over a Boparato coat, for no
longer will Uio ordinary utility gar
ment anBwer for any and ovory day
light and evening occasion. The
tailored separate coat is designed
chiefly to accompany tho satin orvollo
aftornoon costume which mlladl wears
to a luncheon or a brldgo, and, there
fore, It must not bo too elaborate a
character to bo worn in a public con
veyance. At tho samo time It must
bo loose and extend a trlflo below tho
knees. Abovo nil, its Bleoves must
be capacious, 'for the blouso or bodice
top of tho soml-drcssy costume Is cer
tain to bo of cruBhnble material. The
empiro coat is most readily slipped
into, and when not of Ottoman, taffeta
or satin, should bo of a flno broadcloth
trimmed preferably in somi-tone sou
tache, passomontorlo or chenille.
Tho greatest attention should bo
dovoted to the neck, which should
bo provided with a high band or
havo an attached ruche. This will
protect the throat qulto as well as a
fur piece an accessory which Is prone
to leave traco of its presence upon tho
neck finish of tho gown.
Attractive Garments Designed for tho
Tho first sketch shows a simple
llttlo dress of butcher linen; It is
mado with three wide box-plaits back
and front, which aro set to a yoke
cut in points; tho edgo of tbo yoke is
embroidered, but a fancy galloon or in
sertion would do just as woll; tho bolt,
which is .put below tho waist, Is
trimmed in tho samo way. A llttlo
slightly-puffed sleevo, Is set into nn
embroidered buff at tho elbow. Ma
terial required, 1 yard linen 40 inch
cb wido. (
Holland is usod for tho llttlo smock;
tho yoko is cut qulto plainly; tho front
and back aro smocked to it; feather
stitch is worked round the hem, cuff
and collar. The sleevo ,is set Into
a turn-back cuff at tho waist. Matorl
al required, 2 yards 32 Inches wide.
Little Girls' Frocks,
Cuto llttlo frocks of gingham or
llnon for small girls aro mado with a
full skirt gathored to a bolt, attached
to a blouse waist, which simulates a
front closing by means of a box plait
down centor front, decoratod with
largo buttons.
Tho neck Is llnlshed with a Peter
Pan collar and silk tio, nnd a breast
pocket is added on tho left front, just
like a grown-up waist.
Tho bIoovob aro throe-quarter
length full bishop, confined by band
cuffs. This model Is woll adapted for
school wear if mado from woolen
(2) White chip hat,
with a soft drapery df
plaited muslin passed
through little wreath's
of pink roses and tied
at one side.
mm. 1
Apartment Furnished in Egyptian
Style Is an Oddity.
A young woman recently turned
one of her small rooms Into Egyptian
headquarters and with a few well
chosen articles of furnlturo und pic
tures has made it very attractive. Tho
walls wero innocont of pnpor, since
it wns a now house, and they woro
painted a light buff with green trim
mings. The floor was oil finished, be
ing hardwood, and covered with a rug
in Egyptian pattern of buff, green and
yellow-brown. Tho scenes wero nil
taken from magazine and art Jour
nals and framed in gold frames, some
bright gold, othors dull. Tho narrow
frames looked neat upon tho buff
walls. Pieces of Egyptian pottery
or rather imitations of such added
much to tho attractiveness of the
room, and a few small bits of Egyp
tian brlc-a-brad Imparted additional
beauty of tho very cleverly arranged
apartment. It would bo quite nn easy
matter to furnish a room in this
stylo, and at comparatively little cost,
because thero Is every opportunity to
purchase at llttlo coBt everything need
ed for such. Of course mission fur
niture would bo used in a room of this
Children's Dresses.
It looks as If serges would take the
place of almost all other materials for
those drossy llttlo frocks that chil
dren will need when they trip off to
school. The patterns, aro good,
too, being in Jumper styles,, with
outlines mndo with piping, and the nn
derwalst of a soft material in like
color with the sleeves trimmed with
anchors or protty emblems suitablo
for such purposes. Ono dak-bluo
sorgo dress was, made plain with a
plaited skirt, each plait about two
Inches wido at tho waist line, grad
ually broadening at tho horn. I The
Jumper waist was nlso plnlttld in sim
ilar stylo- and mado with wido arm
holes, outlined with a narrow band of
woolen braid in a brick-red tono. Tho
V-shaped yoko was fashioned in tho
same manner. However, tho yoko had
a heading. about 2 inches wido, cut
tho shape of the yoko and outlined on
each side with braid; tho dress fas
tened with Biuall brick-red buttons.
Baby's Autumn Coat.
It Is not a minute too early to begin
making hnby's autumn clothes, and
particularly when they aro to bo hand
Beautiful coats may bo made of Bed
ford cord in whlto and finished all tho
way round tho edgo with buttonholed
scallops. They may be plain, oven
cut on tho kimono stylo, if desired, so
thero will bo no extra frills aud fur
bolows to annoy tho tiny wcaror. Fop
cold weather a lining may bo added
of white albatross, which washeB
Ono wise mother has mado a pad
ded jacket of two thicknesses of
habutal silk, interlined with a layor of
lamb's wool. It is then quilted so
that It will stand washing and clean
ing; it makes tho warmest little jacket
' Braid Coats Cheap.
Braid coats aro very much reduced
just now, so that women who like
this stylo of wrap would do well to In
vest in one. Lined with a soft silk,
theso coats will bo sufficiently warm
for early fnll wear, tho dress worn be
ing a llttlo heavier, of course, than n
summor frock, while they will como
In for prosent wear upon a number
of occasions.
The llttlo lnco boleros Hnoil with
chiffon and trimmed with chiffon frlllo
nro fetching and aro quite moderate
In price.
Heavy White Veils.
The. oxtra large, coarse, whlto veil
with a small squuru dot is to be at
tho top of fashion for tho early par?,
of tho season. It Is quite becoming
It must cover tho hat and bo fastened,
with a baretto at tho sapo of tlt
1 nock.
as Prepared in uermany.
Apple Dumplings Declared to Be Pr
fection of Cookery.
To ono pound sifted flour add the
slightly beaten yolks of two cggl, a
half level teaspoonful salt, and enough
water to mix Into a batter. Take caro
not to use moro water than is ncces
snry, ns tho dough must bo Arm
enough to hold Its form when dropped
Into cold water. Stir tho hntter woll,
until smooth, then ndd four small ap
ples cut into small cubes and mix
thoroughly. Hnve ready a pot of rap
Idly boiling united water. Drop the
batter In by tho spoonful and boll
without stopping, from 20 to ItO min
utes, according to size. Stir around
onco or twice so that nono will adhere
to the bottom of tho pot. Then cover
up again. Take out one by one, and
cut In even slices. Have ready a pan
of hot butter, drop In each Blico and
brown slightly on both sides. Serve
Immediately with butter and clnnnmon
or fruit sauce.
Tills recipe from an old German
cook book was sent with the nsBur
inco thnt It "was delicious."
est Results Achieved by Doing It Ip
Following Manner.
Have floor well scrubbed and frco
from tacks nnd llmo and thoroughly
dried bofore applying paint. Givo It
u coat of floor pnlnt of any desired
color every other day until threo coats
have been applied. Then got a varnish
tho color of tho paint and apply two
good coats of that and tho floor will
look flno and smooth. To cloan tho
floor, if a border only, first sweep tho
carpet aud let dust settle. Make a
duster by wrapping an old piece of
flannel around a broom haudlo bo that
It forma a round ball and over this tlo
a pieco of eiderdown. Go over tho
painted portion of tho floor with this
duster, evory once In uwhllo shaking
out tho dust. In this way tho floor
will always look nice nnd It will not
be necessary to clean with wntor,
which always dulls the paint.
Meat Roll.
One qunrt of flour, two teaspoonfuls
baking powder, one teaspoonful of
salt, two rounding tnblespoonfuls drip
pings; mix these Ingredients until of
the consistency of commeal, then
work in enough sweet milk to form a
dough easily handled. Cold water
may be used instead of the milk, but
a tablespoonful moro of drippings
must be used In this case. Roll the
,dough into a sheet one-fourth inch
.thick, using flour on tho molding board
to prevent the dough adhering. Spread
minced meat or fowl over this nnd ndd
salt and pepper, begin at ono end to
roll up ns for a Jelly roll; pinch the
ends together, using wntor to niakq
them adhere, thus preventing tho meat
from oozing out. Place In a buttorcd
dish and set In a steamer over boil
ing water for one hour; remove and
servo with left-over gravy or make a
tomato sauce. Cut into slices when
Salmon Salad. ,
Ono can salmon, ono head lettuce,
ono stalk colory. Garnish tho edgo of
n dish with lettuce leaves. Break up
tho salmon and tear In nieces tho lot-,
luce and place In the dish In nltornato
layers, together will, tho celery,
chopped fine. Add a llttlo salt and
popper. Serve with mayonnalso dress.
Ing mado as follows: Two eggs, two
tablcspoonfufs sugnr, ono cup cream or
milk, two teaspoonfuls mustard, - ono
cup vinegar and a llttlo salt Mix
eggs and sugar together, pour on tho
cream, dissolve tho mustard In tho
vinegar and mix in tho other ingredi
ents. Put a smnll lump of butter in
a pnn on the stove, and ,when hot
pour In tho mixture and boil, stirring
constantly until tho proper consistency
'a obtained.
Vegetable Marrow Squash.
Vegetable marrow squash, a great
favorlto in England, is coming into
favor hero very rapidly. Tho squashes
aro white and mottled green varieties,
and should bo -gathered .before tho
seeds hnrden. Too long on tho vines
tends to toughen tho meat. Vegetabla
marrow should bo peeled and cut in
small pieces, tho seed part cut out and
thrown away. Drop cut pieces in salt
wator, aud cook until tender. Drain
and pass through colander. Return to i
pan uncovered, nnd allow to steam on
back of stove. Add one teaspoonful
butter and little pepper. Serve hot.
Vegetablo marrow can also bo fried,
baked and stewed.
8ardlne Omelet.
Put a heaping teaspoonful of but-'
ler In a frying pan, and into this turn
a enn of smoked sardines, two olives
stoned and cut fine, a llttlo tabasco
and a bit of salt; then add a table
spoonful of chopped green chives and
set where it will simmer slowly. Beat
four eggs six minutes, adding threo
tnblespoonfuls of cold water. Put
tablespoonful In frying pan. When
warm put In eggs; while cooking keep
cutting them through with knife.
When barely sot put over top tho sar
dines. Fold omelet twlco and servo at
Test Eggs.
To tost eggs, put thorn In a pan
with Bufflclont cold wator to well covur
them. Tho good eggs will Ho on their
sides on tho bottom, Uio Ilghtwolght
ones will stand on the end, while the
bad ones will float on top,
Feather Cake,
Beat one cup of sugar and ono egg
togother, add threo tablespoons ol
molted butter and beat, add ono cup ot
milk nnd two cups or flour sifted with
Ihrco level teaspoons of baking pow
der. Flavor with vanlla.
The Company Feud
By William H. Wasscll, U. S. A,
(Copyright, by Shurtntory Tub. Co.)
When Private Murphy of F com
pany was backed up by his followers
to race with Private Johnson of E
company, no ono dreamed of the com
plications that wero to follow. For a
long time .Johnson hnd been the fleet
est man In the garrison, and 10 com
pany hnd gloried In his powers. They
bonstcd about him; they smiled Indul
gently when n man of another com
pnny was spoken of ns a runner. They
said that E company was tho best
company In tho regiment; nnd ns thero
was Bonio foundation for their claim,
the boasts milled tho spirits of tho
men of F company, because they also
laid claims to superiority.
Ono day a recruit came to F com
pany. Ho wns a well-built follow, and
It noon leaked out that ho was fleet
of foot. F company took him out on
tho prairie, measured off a hundred
yards, started him with n blank car
tridge, und timed him with the best
watch In tho company. Then they
danced bnck to tho barracks and
laughed E company in tho fnco. And
E compnny Jeered back at them, nnd
sent F company n chnllcnge tho mon
to run for all tho money tho two com
panies would draw on their next pay
day. This was moro than F com
pany had bargained for, but thoy had
confidence In their man, and the chal
lenge was nccopted.
Tho gnrrlson never forgot that race.
Llko unleashed hounds tho two run
ners shot from tho mark; not a breath
was drawn by cither E compnny or F
compnny ns tho contestants toro down
tho track sldo by side. Then n mighty
cheer went up from E compnny ns,
at the finish, their man forged ahead
and won by a ynrd! How they
screamed and hugged each other! And
thoy carried Private Johnson back to
barracks; they thought too much of
him to allow hi in to walk.
Tho cinder track orlglu of tho feud
had been nil but lost In a larger and
moro comprehensive rlvnlry, when ono
flno morning tho colonel's pretty nleco
arrived nt the post for a visit. Twenty
four hours after her arrival her heart,
hand, and dnlnty smile were nil vio
lently besieged by tho respective
second lieutenants of companies E
and F.
And then tho company fight found
a frosh inspiration, and was waged for
all it was worth.
When tho F company second lieu
tenant was allowed to take her sweet
ness to tho first post hop following
hor arrival, tho hearts of tho men who
slept on iron bunks in F company
were full of rejoicing.
When - tho second lieutenant of E
company stood highest in favor, E
compnny at onco proceeded in a body
to the canteen as a consequence.
But this is not a story of tho loves
of two second lieutenants. Absorbing
as was tho competition into which
theso officers of E and F companies re
spectively had "entered, and ardent as
wns the passion that insplrod it,
neither have more than an Incidental
Interest In this talc.
Ono October morning, tho Bontlnol
In rear of officers' lino saw flames
bursting from tho roof of tho colonel's
"Fire, number threo J" ho yollcd, at
tho samo tlmo firing his rlllo.
Tho' stillness of tho nutumnal morn
ing was gono. Bugles blew, tho re
vclllo gun wns fired, soldiers tumbled
out of barracks, officers dropped tholr
cards or their babies. The desorted
parado was at onco nllvo with men nnd
Uttered with flro buckets, with hose
carts nnd with ladders.
Tho second lieutenants of com
panies E and F rushed out of the
colonel's houso together. Between
them was Miss Wllckcns, but which
ono cnrrled hor, or whethor nolther
or both of them enjoyed this privi
lege, not oven tho colonel's cook could
toll. Thoy left hor reluctantly on tho
sidewalk, and each, with a parting
look of undying lovo, fairly flow across
tho parado to conduct his own com
mand to tho scone of danger. Tho
first sergeants' met' them half way
with tho hastily formed companies,
and back again they madly raced to
tho burning houso, easily beating all
competitors in a dead heat for first
place. '
In every woll-conducted garrison
each company Is assigned a flro duty.
Some bring tho laddors, othors the
hoso, and others, still, fire buckets.
For tho Iattor duty wero detailed
Companies E and F; but finding no
water for tholr buckets, thoy wero
ordered Into the quartors to carry out
tho colonel's belongings. With F
company rushed its second lieutenant.
A moment later ho hurried forth bear
ing a divan pillow undor each arm,
and his eyes caught tho second lieu
tenant of E company not only calmly
standing on tho sldownlk with Miss
Wllckcns; but actually wrapping his
enpo around her. A moment Intor
tho girl's protty shouldors woro cov
ored with another second Ileutonant's
capo, and from that tlmo on com
panies 13 nnd F worked without their
Junior officers.
Tho colonol's quartors were old, and
the puny streams of wator that woro
thrown upon the blnzo seemed but to
double tho anger of,tho flamcB. Tho
llttlo tongus of flro on tho roof grow
In spite of all effort to Bubdue It, un
til tbo attics wero n seething mass.
Black clouds of smoke pcurcd from
the second story windows, und n regi
ment of men stood by, nnxlous, will
ing, yet poworloss Company E nnd
Company F close to the building, each
longing for a first chance nt anything.
Among MIsa Wilckcna' possessions
was a maid, and Just ns the second
lieutenants ot Companies E and F
simultaneously asked to bo allowed to
do Bomothlng anything In her be
half, MIsa Wllckeus suddenly ex
claimed: "Oh, whcro'B Baker? Whero'u Bak
er?" "Miss Wllckens' mnldl" chorused
tho second lieutenants.
Thnt was enough for F company,
nnd moro thnn enough for E company.
With Just a second's start E. company
rushed again Into tho burning build
ing, up tho stairway, through n rain
ot water from tho hoso thnt coulfl at
tain no greater height, to gropo
through tho smoko nnd flnmu for tho
missing maid. Having started ahead
of F company, they blocked tho door
way and pneked tho stulrway so that
not a man of that hated body, except
llttln Dorgan, tho recruit, could get
Into tho houBC. '
Tho smoko wns suffocating, and E
compnny gasped for breath, but mnn
fully held to its tnsk. Flames -dartci'
Fainted In the Arms of Both 8econd
out from all parts of tho second floor,
but E company gave no thought to
Its Blnged hairs and blackened fnecs,
But where was tho girl? Was all their
search to bo' In vain?
"Where is she? Which is her
' And ns' tho flnmos rnged with an
over-increasing ferocity, tho waiting
crowd of soldiers felt tho premonition
of death in tholr hearts.
Suddenly a cheer broko from Bomo
ono In tho burning building. Thoy
had found her! Tho honrso, smoke
choked cheer ran through tho men on
tho stairway, swelling louder and
loudor, until tho outsiders caught it,
and sont It back to tho rescuers a
roar of npplauso for their bravery.
Ever so gently tho sweaty arms on
tho stairway stretched out to recclvo
tho unconscious form, thoughtfully
wrapped In woolen blankets; carefully
yet quickly, thoy passed her down.
Was Bho burned? Whore was tho
doctor? Givo her air. Get hor away
from that building.
And another cheer was glvon, a
cheer for E company. And to tholr
lasting credit bo it said that F com
pany started tho choer,
As tho last six bearers with their
unconscious burden reached tho side
walk; Mlsr, Wllckens glanced away
from tho fire up along the lino of of
ficers' quartors. Then she gave a llt
tlo shriek: "Thoro's Bakor! Sho
wasn't In tho flro at all!" and prompt
ly fainted in tho arms ot both second
At tho samo moment thoro wns a
lively scrambling In the woolen blan
kets. A second later, llttlo Dorgan,
tho F company recruit, was sprinting
across tho parado as though tho le
gions of Satan wero after him.
"Much obliged to E company!" ho
yelled as ho ran. "I know sho wnsn't
In tho flro! I knew it all tho tlmo!
But much obliged to E company for
carrying an F company man so nlco!"
Llttlo Dorgan got six months in tho
gunrd houso, but ho la F company'n
hero. A week nftor tho flro, a tall
"cit" camo out from tho east. Ho
did not know the difference between
"fours right" nnd "fours loft," but ho
know how to put a solltnlro ring on
tho proper flngor of MIbb WIlckenB
protty loft hand. Tho Bocond llouten
ants ot Companies E and F simultan
eously applied for leaves of absence.
A laugh Is better than all olse, so
to bo laughed at Is worso than all
else; thoroforo F company camo out
of the company feud with, flying colors,
Cured by Doan'a Kidney Pills After
Years of Suffering.
F. A. RIppy, Depot Avo., Gallntln,
Tcnn., Bays: "Fifteen years ngo kid
ney dlscaso attacked
mo. Tho pain In my
bnck wns so agoniz
ing I finally had to
givo up work. Then
came terrible attacks
of gravel with ncuto
pain nnd passages ot
blood. In all I pnnscd
25 stones, somo ns
largo ns a bean.
Nino yonra of this ran mo down to a
atato of continual wenkuess and I
thought I never would bo bettor until
I begun using Donn's Kidney Pills.
Tho improvement wnB rnpld, nnd nlnco
using four boxes I am cured nnd havo
uovor had nny return of tho trouble."
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
Fostcr-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
"Aro you trnlnln for a race, Jim
mlo?" "Nnw, wo'ro goln' to havo moat for
dinner to-day an I'm gottln' up nn ap
petlto." Laundry work at homo would bs
much moro satisfactory If tho right
Starch wero used. In order to get tho
desired stiffness, It is usually nocoa
sary to uao so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of tho fabric la
hidden behind a pnsto of vnrylnc
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but bIbo affects tho wonr
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
ble can bo ontlroly ovorcomo by UBlng
Doflanco Starch, as It can bo applied
much rnoro thinly bocauso of Its groat
er strength than otbor makes. '
Evory woman knows sho is shrowd
enough to manugo successfully any
kind of business she cares to en
cage In.
If Your Eyes Bother You
get rt box of PKTTIT'S EYE SALVE, old.
reliable, most huccc'shCiiI oyo remedy made.
All drugcistaor Howard BroH., Buffalo, N.Y.
If you would not censo to love man
kind, you must not censo to do them
good. Maclaron.
Smokers appreciate the quality value ol
Lewis' Kinclu Binder cigar. Your dealer
or Iacwls' Factory. Peoria, 111.
If you don't get the boat ot It, make
the best of 1L
lion. Georgo W. Honoy, Nntionnl
Chaplain U. V. U., ex-Cliaplaln Fourth
Wisconsin Cavalry, cx-Trcnsurer State
of Wisconsin, and ex-Quartermaster
General Statu of Texas G. A. It., writes
from 1700 First St., N. E., Washington,
D. C, as follows:
"I cannot too highly recommend yonr
preparation for tho relief of catarrhal
troubles In their various forms. Somo
members of my own family buvo used
it with most gratifying results. When
other remedies failed, Pcruna proved
most efficacious nnd I cheerfully certi
fy to its curative excellence."
Mr. Fred L. Ilcburd, for nine years a
leading photographer of Kansas City,
Mo., located at tho northeust corner of
13th and Grand Avcs., cheerfully gives
tho following testimony: "Itlsn proven
fact that Pcruna will cure catarrh and
la grippe, and as a tonic It has no equal.
Duuuuists havo tried to make mo take
BOiHGthing elso 'just as good,' but Pcru
na is good enough for nic."
Pe-ru-na in Tablet Form.
For two years Dr. Hnrtman nnd hi
assistants havo incessantly labored to
crcato Pcruna In tablet form, und their
streuuou.s labors have just been crowned
with success. People who object to
liquid medicines can now secure Peru
na tablets, which represent the solid
medicinal ingredlcnts.of Pcrunn.
. ' wMttrJ.' mMi ""g
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