The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1908, Image 1

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    State Historical Society
A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two WeMu Each Year Fer One Dollar.
'0"LTJME xxxvt.
RJBDOIiUin. S RKKASkA. OCTOHEll 2, 1908.
PENING the good clothes season
line of goods as we have ready
x wL
$ ' JBTOowmPB
M. a Zm
- Copyright 1908 by ZH
Dirt bcbifTner A: Mitx Q
Mr. M. Slieoloy Iihs been very poorly
again this wcuk.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wutt go to Dlller
Friday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Robert Garrlsou went ts Omaha
Tuesday to order furniture for her
new residence.
George Hagau is gathering his Wine
sap apples and delivering them to cus
tomers. He has some fine ones.
J. II. l'harris, of Bostwlck, delivered
a wagon load of tine pples in Guide
Rock Wednesday, at So cents per bush
el. Miss El J a Van Woert aud Mrs. Delia
Watt leave Sunday for Lincoln t visit
friends and attend grand lodge of the
Degree of Honor.
Miss. Maurer, who has had her den
tal parlor upstairs in the Hnyes block.
will occupy the room on the ground
floor back of thu State bank.
Ed Sawyer, who strained himself se
verely in doing some heavy lifting
while assisting his father in moving a
building, is reported a little better.
Mr. Kalley has receivedword that
her daughter, Mrs. John Shccluy, of
Hastings, was taken to a hospital in
that city for treatment last Saturday.
Miss Edith Crowell, of Creston.Ia.,
who has been visiting friends in Red
Cloud, came down to Guide Rock Tues
day and spent the day wlih Mrs. Van
Woert and daughter. Miss Crowell is
on her way to Denver.
Mr. Kelloy is homo from tho western
part of the statu where ho has been
visiting his son Hal.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Herrick and
dauchtcr Adah, of Campbell, and John
Stryker, of North Branch, visited Sun
day at C. L. Hcrrlck's.
Deans Harvey visited with his blstor,
Mrs. Ethel Herrick, Saturday and Sun
day. Hortcnse Grossman and children vis
ited at Mrs. Elllo Harvey's last Thurs
day. Mrs. Sadie Strickland expects to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones,
for a week or two.
fine, big melon;
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have made for us this season the best lot of clothes we have ever offered our friends.
There are a lot of new fabrics; and the new colors are as varied and attractive as
woven in stripes
New models and new kinks in style; new ideas in patch pockets, buttoned flaps
and that sort of thing; you 11 find just what suits you. In dark goods also; blue serges
and black thibets and the like, we'll show you the right things.
how well it will pay you to have it. Every Hart Schaff
ner & Marx garment is all-wool; and this store is the '
Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Orchard are the
proud parents of a Hue baby boy. Con
gratulations. This locality was visited by a two
inch rain last Friday night. Just what
was needed for the wheat.
Mlfcs Francis Nesbltt is threatened
with typhoid fever and Ray Palmer is
taking her place in the school room.
Curtis Dally is home from a visit in
Missouri. He also, while there, atten
ded the stock show and military tour-
Democrats Meet.
The biggest political gathering of
the campaign was held in this city last
Monday and Monday evening. The
llryan Marching Club and the Mary
llryan Club of 50 ladies had been ar
ranging for this meeting for several
days Hon. Henry C. Warrum, of Ind-
I iana, th principal speaker, arrived on
i iU)U c(lp,y mornnff traltl nn(i delivered
two powerful speeches; one In the af
tornoon and tho other in the evening
at thu opera house. His masterful
presentation of the issues were attcn
lively listened to by an interested au
dience. Hon. Fred Shepnard, of Lin
coln, Nebraska, spoko for forty min
utes on the character and home life of
Mr. llryan, and assured his auditors
that lie would receive nearly a solid
vote from his neighbors. It Is believed
that Mr. Warrum's speech, i. o , his ex
position of the workings of the present
high protective tariff and his cxplana
tlon of the Depositors Guarantee Bank
law has caused a number of voters to
think twice before they vote once,
and it might truly bo said of his
speeches to bo educational as well as
A regular program had been arranged
by tho committee and was to be a
Bryan banner day, but owing to the
high winds prevailing the large banner
that was to be raised was deferred to
some nuuro day when tuo cuius will
make another gala day for Red
At 7:.'K) p. in., headed by the Citizens
Cornet Baud, a torchlight procession
of several hundred of our citizens,
formed a lino of march on Fourth live
nuo and Main street, going north to
Sixth avenue, turning west two blocks
to Seward street, thence east to Main
everything in it is good,
are again a notable feature; tans and grays are
and plaids and other
in and look at some
a fine suit you can
street, goiug north on Main to opera
house, whore Captain Ward of the club
formed the torch bearers in open pla
toon. The band, followed by the Mary
Bryan club, marched into the opera
house. The sight of so many people
on our streets, the glare of the red
lights, the hurrahing for llryan and
Kern, and the general good feeling of
all present was well worthy a city of
more pretentions.
The Hlfth School lecture Course.
The Rod Cloud Lecture Course for
this winter will bo under the auspices
of the High school, the proceeds to go
towards a High school library.
Though called a lecture course it
would bo nioro properly namod an en
tertainment course. Tho course con
sists of none but high grade attrac
tions, in fact tho best that could be
secured in their respective linos. Tho
attractions consist of the following:
Ellas Day and Oranno Trultt Day.
Thu Vassar Girls.
Fishor-Shlpp Concert Company.
Though many have already sub
scribed for soason tickets, many more
have not yet beou canvassed, and with
in a week or ten days a commlttco
from tho High school will call on you
and we hope that the poople of Red
Cloud will give their hearty suppoot
to the nigh school students in making
this oourso u success.
ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to
use with nozzle attached. Soothes,
heals, reduces Itching and inflamma
tion. An operation for piles will not
bo necessary IfyouusoManKan. l'rico
TiOc. Money refunded If not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook,
Apples For Sale.
By tho bushel or wagon load. Pick
ing will commence September, 25th
Four miles southeastof Webbor Kans.
A. S. Wilson.
Dr.Dctchom Itellef for HheumatUm ami Neural
Kla radically curea In 1 toSdafi. Il action upon
ttie tjBtcm Id remarkable aud myiterloui. It
removes at once the came and thedlseaio lm
mediate); disappears. The flrnt doie Rreatlj
benefit. 75 cents and II. bold by II, E.Orici
drugRltt, Bed Cloud.
for fall, with such a fine
for you, is like cutting a
and there's enough for
attractile patternf, in an
of them. Let us
get for $20; and
The Public Benefited
Rochester People Greatly Interested In
the 6eicrois Offer of The I.
N. Hyde Co.
The people havo already demon
strated that they would rather tnut a
man who is naturally honest, than ono
who was honest only because hu had
to be.
Tho 11. M. Hyde Drug Co. have a' firm
ly established reputation for square
dealing and honesty. When thoy told
the poople that Rexall remedies aro
tho purest and most dependable rem
edies that it is possible for modern
science to produce, and that they would
tell the public exactly what each one
of these 300 remedies contained, and
that thoy sold Rexall remedies on their
own personal guarantee that they
would give entire satisfaction or the
medicine would not cost the user a
single cent, they wore believed.
Ever since this announcement thu
stores of Tho B. M. Hyde Drug Co.
havo beoh crowded by pctiplo buying
Roxall remedies; all of which proves
that The B. M. Hydu Drug Co. have
the confidence of the people aud that
honesty is the best policy.
There is no "cure-all" among tho
Rexall remedies, thero are 300 differ
ent and seperate medicines; ono for
each human ill, and each unquestion
ably the best of Its kind.
Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets are partic
ularly recomonded for the positive euro
of stomach Irritation, indigostion and
dyspepsia. They aro rich In bismuth,
subnltrate, pepsin and carminatives,
and are prepared by a special process
which perfects and enhances tho great
curative value of these well known
, medicinal agents. This remedy sells
for SSc.a package. Everyone suffering
from a btomach disorder should try
! Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, inasmuch as
they cost nothing ir they do not sat
isfy, Tho II. E. Grlcc Drug Co. aro certain
ly fortunato'ln securing control of the
sale of these remedies anil wo urge
everyone in need of medicine to inves
tigate and tako advantago of their
frank and generous offer.
Patronize home Industry. Special
prices on 3 to 5 hundred pound lots of
Id wheat flour at Red Cloud Mills.
all of us.
very prominent; they're
almost endless variety.
show you
prove to you
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Sept. 30, 11108.
Chas Allbop to E J Groat, et al blk 28. Red Cloud, wd.. S 400
Arther 11 Shoely to W II Brad
ford, pt sw 3, 10, wd 1500
Chas J Piatt to Edwd J Piatt.
ptne'2, 1, U, wd 500
Jas II MuNew to Ham G Eg
gers. sw 10, 4, uwd 8300
O D Hedge, sheriff, to Edwd II
Cowles, pt It 10 blk 31, Red
Cloud, sd
Franz Barta to Joseph Barta,
nSnw 20, 3, 11, wd
Franz Barta to Joseph Barta
c2nw2fi, 3, 11, wd
Eva E llurch to John C Harti
gan, Its 1 and 5 of 1,1, 12 and
nose, swse, and sc2se,30,2,l2r
Gilbert Woodsldo to Alice
Woodslde, und I pt nivl, 17,
I, 11, wd
338 15
Alico Woodslde to Cora Wood
slde, until, ptnwl", 4, ll,qcd
SI 003!) 15
Mortgages filed 88,200 00
Mortgages released
ncss,slck headache, muddy complexion.
Thoy tone the liver; do not gripe. They
keen you well. 2?c. Sold by nenry
Weather Report.
Tho Instrumental readings aro from
government standard Instruments ex
posed in tho manner recommended by
the chief of tho weather bureau:
J? Temp'rafre g"g H g
5 n ST l" J 5
' s s , 3B as
"Si M i ill SK Cloudy
ai 7 J it .TO SW P Cloudy
27 fill 8H .() NV Clear
28 w :u to N Clear
au 7fi ill ,oo 8B P Clear
:w 7(1 l! .00 NV Clear
Coll 70 ill .00 SW Clear
Very respectfully,
Oct 1, 1008. 1 Cii.vb S. Ludlow,
Co-Operatlvo Observer.
Subscribe for Tho Chleh now and
gut the campaign.
Our Popular Lady Votlnjr Contest has
started off In pretty fair shape and wc
expect It to be ono of tho biggest
events that over happened In this part
of the country.
The vote Friday was:
Mrs. Miles Doyle 10,300
Miss Ruth Warren 13,300
Miss Franklc Ward 11,875
Mlssllernlco Potter 11,350
Miss Vera Crablll 10,000
Miss Mary Francis 300
1 Announcement This Piano and
Popular Ldidy voting contest will be
conducted on strictly honest buslnegp
principles, with perfect justice and
fairness to nil concerned.
2-Prizos The first prize shall be a
Chiokoriug Bros, upright piano valued
at 1500. Tho second prize will be a
Ladies' fine gold watch valued at 130.
Tho third prizo will bo a handsome
silver tea sorvico valued at $22.50. Be
sidos these, othor speolal prizes will
bo offered from time to timo.
3 Candidates Any lady, married
or singlo, in this and adjoining coun
ties is eligible to a placo in the con-
tost. The most popular lady Is the
ono who shall reoolvo tho most votes,
ana to nor snail bo given tula nign
grado piano. Othor candidates will
rocolvo prlzos in order, according to
their standing of votes.
1 Tio in Votes In caso of a tlo, the
valuo of tho prizes will bo equally
divided or u like prizo granted to those
5 Classos of Votes Thoso nro Is
suod in coupons as following:
Now subscriptions, 800 votes for 81.00
Ronewnls, 300 votos for $1.00
Back subscriptions, 300 voles for $1.00
(5 Qonorul Instructions Names of
contestants will bo printed in ordor
according to standing and tho amount
of thoir votes published regular aftor
the ll'rfit count is mado.
Votes will not bo allowed on sub
scriptions at less than regular price of
tho paper.
Votes onco deposited in tho ballot
box cannot bo transfored to another.
Agents' commissions are to bo sus
pended during contest,
No contestnut will be allowed to
compote for nioro than ono of tho
additional special prizes.
-Tho publisher will, not tell whom,
nnyouo votos for, oxcopt nf caso of al
leged error or irregularity.
Each contestant is requested to send
us u cabinet size photograph for pub
lication as soon as convenient.
Makoitp your mind who you wautto
vote for before coming to tho ofllco as
tho editor will positively not decido
tho mutter for you.
Contestants should keep a record ol
thoir votos turned in each woek, and
8oo that our figures verify it.
All coupons must havo the amount
of subscription paid, uumbor of votos
cast, name of contestant voted for and ,
tiamo of porson voting writton legibly
An award. iik cotumlttoo of three re-
liablo business men will bo appointed
to mako tho final count and distribu
tion of prizos.
Contest to run not less than ninety
days; date of closing to bo announced
about thirty days in advance
Tho contest shall close at 1 o'clock
ft. m. on tho date to be announced
ater. Two weeks prior to tho date of
closing, tho Judges are to take the
ballot box, carofully locked and sealed,
to tho bank announced, where it will
bo kopt on n table in tho front window
during business hours, and in the
vault at night until tho closo of the
contest, when the Awarding Commit
tee will tako charge and mako tiual
Subscription blank s mid voting
coupons will bo furuishod upon appli
cation at this otllce.
All votos must bo accompanied by
subscription money.
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cuts relieved at onco with Pincsalve
Carbolizcd (acts like a poultice). Draws
out inflammation. Price 25c. Sold by
Henry Cook.
lumbers Coal
We havo in stock at all times a
comploto lino of Building Material
and Good Coal. Our prices are
reasonable. Wo solicit your patron
age. Boil Tel. CO. Farmers Ind. 71.
k ' A