lj" s rV ' SERIAL STORY Piclurct by Weil Walters Fiey Campbell Alehue Wilton a Copyright, 1907, by A. C. SlcClurs Co. SYNOPSIS. I.onl Wilfred Vincent una Archibald Tcrlnine nro Introilticccl m the opening of the story, In KtiKlnml, tho latter relatliiK the tnle. Thu jmlr on an outing inlsx their train and seeking recreation meet "tho Honorable AKsitlia WyckhofT." whoso hand Is much sniiRht nftnr. he rauso of her wealth. Five other Afiatlm Wyrkhoffs aro Introduced. The deceased Htepfather, in an eccentric moment, made liln will o that the real AKatlin, heiress to his fortune and the castle at Wye, England, mlslit wed her nfllnlty. Thus Mrs. Armlstead, chaperon, was In duty bound to keep the real Aetna's identity unknown. An attempt by Terhune to Kntlicr a clew from the chaperon fnlls. Tcrluino finds old books containing pic ture of n former HarnncRs WyckhofT, which Is exactly llko Agatha Sixth, whom ho Is courtlnn. ARatha Fifth confesses her love for Vincent and also that she Is tho real heiress. Ho spurns her proposal. Many clews to Identity of tho real Agatha provo fruitless. Agatha Fifth later confessea she Is not thu heiress, More apparently unfnlling clews material ize. Vincent confesses love for Mrs. Armlstead's secretary, Miss Marsh, who told Terliutio slio Is married. CHAPTER V. Continued. . The Inevitable happened, for Vin cent, with a hnlf-rtrtlculnto cry like n wild nnlinal, raised his clenched fist rind struck at me. Fortunately for us both, he struck wildly In his anger and I caught tho "blow on my arm. "You liar!" he shouted, "oh, you liar!" and In a rago that shook hlni from head to foot ho rushed from tho room and slammed tho door. I was sick at heart as I stood staring after him to think that matters had como to such a pass between Vincent and myself. Although no man 'can hear himself called a liar, even by his best friend, without resenting It, still, when tho first flash of my wrath had passed, I forgave him for It, for I knew that the heat of his passion would permit no satisfaction but vio lence, and, of course, If ho really cared for tho woman, tho words I had used were about tho mpst Insulting possible. However, I had done what seemed to bo my duty, and I only reproached my self bitterly for not having told him of the secretary's marrlago beforo his unhappy Infatuation had gained such headway. But ho had disarmed my first suspicions nnd I had nover dreamed that anything so serious was on foot. That was a restless night for me and It was dawn before I fell Into a light sleep. CHAPTER VI. When wo mot at breakfast the noxt morning thoro were no signs of the breach between Vincent and myself except his unusual pallor, which sug gested to mo that he, too, had spent a sleepless night. The girls wore Inclined to joke our solemn faces, but so long as tho meal passed off without disclosing that something was amiss between us I did not care. All day wo saw nothing of each other, but this was not unusual, aB wo always pursued different courses. I spent most of my tlmo with Agatha Fourth, the only honor able, whom I found to be a really de lightful girl and certainly tho posses sor of remarkablo musical talent. In the evening tho others went out to row on tho lake and left Agatha Fourth alono with me. Sho sat nt tho piano and played everything sho could think of, whllo I lay on a broad divan whero I could watch, her and listen to tho soft music. I supposo that my bad night had something to do with tho fact that I was boor enough to fnll BBleop whllo the beautiful Agatha Fourth wbb play ing for me. Certainly I know that I wbb guilty of that appalling rudonoss, for I was suddonly brought to a state of consciousness by tho sound of a clock striking. I counted tho strokes mechanically thoro were 12. I must have slept for hours, and, suro enough, the room was dark except for the fire light, and my Blighted hostess wns gono from tho piano stool. As I was about to rlso I hoard voices, and, turn ing, I saw on tho other sido of tho piano a man nnd a girl. Tho man wns Vincent, of courso, nnd I thought, as I looked at him sitting full In the bright firelight, that ho had never looked so handsome. Ills evening dross showed off hlB superb athletic form to tho host advantage, and his face was fresh nnd strong, with tho bronzo of his tnn extending to tho roots of his hair, which was cut close to conceal n wave In tho gold of It. It occurred to me at onco that his face had lost much of Its boyishness nnd ho looked overy Inch a man. Hut It took'mc somo tlmo to realize that tho girl who sat with him was nono other than the secretary. At first I could not toll what It was that had so changed her, whothor It wns her shimmering white ovcnlng in t I ff Real Agatha II Si If Edilh l Huntington ll n ' gown, or tho gleaming bracelets, until at last It came to me In a flash that It was nothing moro nor less thnn the glory of her hnlr that had wrought tho transformation. I hnd never seea tho socrotnry with her hair done any way but plainly and unbecomingly, but now It wns dressed as I knew It should have been dressed long ago. Sho wore It low on her long, slender neck, rolled at tho sldeH nnd rippling loosely back from her forehead, In shining waves nnd little willful rings held In place with big shell combs. And when at last It dawned upon mo that It wns renlly the secretory who was Vincent's companion, so breathless was I with amaze that at first 1 hardly Realized that I could hear perfectly what they were saying. And when I did realize It, I wanted to rlso nnd lot them know that I was there, but on second thought I saw that I must have been thcro for bo long that they would never believe that I had not heard the whole of their con versation. Furthermore, It occurred to mo that It might bo well If I Btnyed to hear what Miss Marsh had to say for herself. "And so I calmly took tho dress nnd put It on, Just to amuse myself," I heard tho secretary saying, "and did my hnlr tho way the others do theirs, you know. And It was so late I thought no one would llnd me here." "And If 1 hadn't left my pipe on tho table no one would hnvc found you, and I think what I should hnve missed!" Vincent's voice was elo quent. 'Of course, it wns very vain of mo, very vain," sho went on; "but you know when n girl hns to earn her own living sho gets a llttlo tired of all work and no play, and sometimes tho Impulse to pretend she's fortunate nnd happy and and pretty" the secretary Hushed under Vincent's gaze as sho faltered tho last word, and hurried on "and like the others Is so strong that It tomptB her to deck herself out In borrowed plumes and sit In an empty drawing room at 12 o'clock at night enjoying the Illusion for a brief hour." "No," said Vincent, softly, "I don't think It was vain; I think It was the most natural thing in tho world, nnd and I'm glad you did It," ho ended, rnthcr lamely. Tho secretary laughed, and I won dered whnt there was nbout tho sound rr a FT ! "I'm Not Married," She Said, Simply. that made Vincent rave over It. Then, as his eyes wandered to her hair, ho sighed, "Why slghest thou, oh, furnace?" she smiled nt him. "I was Just thinking about some thing." "About what?" "You don't want to hear?" "Ah! Butldo!" "All right, then." Ho turned on her swiftly. "I was just looking," he said, "at your hnlr. I'll bet tho angels have halos llko thnt." Tho secretnry blushed. "It's horrid hair," sho said, giving It a vindictive little pull that only brought It to a more chnrmlng disarray. "I hate the color of It. Why, when I wns a child I never could bear to have the heroines of tho fairy tales have a shining head of golden hair, and I used to think mine was gold, and one day when I said so and was told, 'No, your hair Is red, not gold,' I cried for days after ward." "You poor little thing!" ho said, his face as full of sympathy as if thoso teara had just been shed. And for tho life of her tho secretary couldn't help her Up trembling, though sho know it was absurd and was vory much ashamed of hcrsolf. Vincent broko tho alienee first. "Wo might do a llttlo on the 'Dead Bnrons of Wyckhoff,"' ho suggested. It was evident that our nffnlr of last night was uppermost In hU mind, for his nlr was very ab stracted, "No, thank you, my lord. This Is my evening off. I am no longer Miss Marsh, tho secretary, but Miss Marsh, tho lady of leisure." "I didn't think of it ns work, and I thought perhaps you didn't, either, when wo did It together." "Llttlo boys shouldn't think; It's a bad habit," alio said, severely; "be sides, you talk llko T In tho 'Dolly Dia logues,' " At this Vincent's face grow dospor ato, and I saw that sho had goaded him Into asking nor tho question that had been on his mind nil day, nnd I nearly fell off tho sofa In my efforts to hear without being seen. "Do 1?" ho said. "Well, that's bo cause I'vo something I'vo beon want Ing to nsk you all tiny long. It's some thing very personal, and, of courso, I've no right thnt Is, you won't think so," tho boy wns stumbling pitifully, "but I'vo got to know; It's so hard to bollovo iat you would do It dellbor1, atoly. Is It true?" "Lord Wilfred," said tho BlrlJ straightening up, "you must spenlJ more clenrly If you wnnt mo to under- stand whnt you have been saying." i "It's this," said Lord Wilfred, facing! her nbrupty nnd terribly in earnest "Someono told mo last night that yotr, wero a mnrrlcd woman. Is It trtto?" I could not see tho fuco of the scc-i retnry, but I could not help percolvlnH tho ring of truth In her voice. ' "I'm not married," she said, Blmply "I told Mr. Terhuno so becnuso I wanted to disabuse htm of n fnlsc Inh prcsslon ha wns laboring under. Hut) whnt Is It to you?" "This," said Wilfred, nnd ho lenned toward her suddenly nnd grasped hen hands nnd put his fnco within nn Inch, of hor I could sco by tho firelight Kb look of determination nnd Incffnblo ret lief. The secretnry gnvo a llttlo cry and drew back. I conjectured thnt Wilfred was on tho point of making, an irretrievable ass of himself, so I, Interrupted proceedings by knocking n book off tho sofa and rising to myj feet. At the first sound of tho book falling the two hnd Jumped to their, feet and stood, the girl shrinking closo to Wilfred nnd Wilfred with his arm thrown nround her. "Who goes there?" ho snld, sternly, ns he discovered my figure In the gloom, and "Ah! It's you, Terhune," as I enme Into the circle of light, In n tone I hope I mny nover hear from him again. Ab tho secretary naw who It was sho sprang away and was gono from tun room In a second. ! "Well," ho snld, with a sneer, ns tho curtnlnB closed behind her, "caves dropper, meddling nB usual. Whnt can I do for you?" I sat down on tho stool. "Sit down," I said, with quiet authority, "and wo'll tnlk It over." Ho snt down. In mo ments like this he forgets his inde pendence and remembers that nt ono time ho used to obey mo hnbltunlly. I wanted to comfort him, but I know my duty bettor. "Vincent," I said, np pcnllngly, "don't you see It won't do?( She's no match for you a girl with mi family and no money, nnd of her sta: tlon In life. Give It up, I Implore you. Think of your father. Thera has never been n mesnlllanco in the family; It would break his heart." Vincent raised his head. "Mrs. Armlstead aayB her family Is perfectly respectable," he said. "I asked her." "Perfectly respectable!" I repeated, contemptuously. "Think of n Vincent mnrrylng a girl who has nothing In her favor but tho fact that hor family was 'perfectly respectable!'" ' Vincent sighed pathetically and 1 delivered one moro blow. "Think," 1 said; "your brother Edmund Is over 40, unmarried, nnd a sufforcr from rheumatism of the heart, as you know. Supposo ho should die wouldn't you make n moro creditable heir to the tltlo If you hadn't tied yourself up to a wife of obscure origin a penniless Amerlcnn girl? And If you don't como Into tho tltlo you're only a younger son, nnd you know yourself your pro pensity for getting Into debt, nnd tho foreign olflce for a boy of your ago Is not a paying business. No, Vincent, you'ro not cut out for mnklng money, nnd It's cortnln you can't depend on your father forever. Can't you see how rash and foolish you aro to con sider such a thing?" I leaned over and put my hnnd on Vincent's shoulder. Ho turned his head, and when I felt his smooth cheek ngalnst my hand I knew thnt tho battle wns won. (TO HB CONTINUED.) ADMIRES NERVE OF FAIR SEX. Masculine Observer Concedes Their Superiority In One Respect. "Tho time I most admire a woman," said the gray-headed man, "Is when sho tries to get n bill changed. I ad mire her then for her splendid cour nge. Give a woman a ten-dollar bill that sho wants changed and she will walk unconcernedly Into any shop In town nnd request tho proprietor to give her two fives or ten ones or what ever denomination she happens to need. She nover offers to buy any thing to compensate him for his trouble. I have known my wife to got chango from a grocer, a butcher, a druggist, a stationer, a cigar dealer and a florist without spending ono cent in their stores. And all those tradesmen were perfect strangers. Sho simply wanted chango and walked In and asked for it. "Contrnst her calm serenity with tho dlshrag will of tho avcrago man In need of change. Ho would rathor bo shot than Just ask for It Ho will buy something ns an excuse for tho trans action, even If it Is something that ho couldn't mako uso of this Bide of doomsday and that ho has to throw away tho minute ho turns tho corner. In tho matter of economy alono It is a pity ho can't bo as bravo as a woman." Water as a Headache Cure. "Tho best euro I know of for a head ucho Is to wash your face," said a bright looking man. "Yes, I bellovo suddenly to cleanse your faco with cold water will open up tho pores and probably start tho blood In circula tion, nnd I know It will rollovo you of a headacho In a jiffy. I havo tried it myself a great many times nnd havo always been successful. There Is something In tho nature of a stimulant In tho cold water treatment that, braces me right up. My head when It aches gets hot and throbs, and tho water makes It coql and fresh. I have a theory, too, that peoplo don't wash their faces nearly enough, anyhow, In theso days of dusty asphalt atreots and soft coal smokes. Peoplo will bo much bettor off with their pores kept opon and clear of nil dust and dirt, nnd thero is nothing so good for the skin as soap and water." AVOID niSK IN BUYING PAINT. You tnko n good deal of risk 1( you buy white lead without having nbso Into ns8urnuco as to Its purity and quality. You know white lead In often nduttcrnted, often misrepresented. Hut thero'B no need nt all to tnko any chnnccs. Tho "Dutch Hoy Paint or" trndo mnrk of tho National Lead Company, tho largest makers of gen uine white lend, on a pnekngo of Whtto Lead, Is a positive gunrantco of purity nnd quality. It's us depend able ns tho Dollar Sign. If you'll wrlto tho NntlonnI Lead Company, Woodbrldgo Hldg., New York City, they will send you n Hlmplo and cer tain outfit for testing white lead, and n vnlunblo book on paint, free. LEST HE FORGET. No Roseate Postcard Without Its Thorn of Suggestion. Harold's mother we'll call him liar old went abroad a month ago, leav ing Harold under tho somewhat un substantial control of his elder slHters. In spite of tho Itemized directions with which even unto tho moment of final leave-tnlclng sho had not censed to bombard him, Harold's mother was fnr from sure that her efforts would havo any lasting effect. Her voyage was more or Icsh dis turbed by theso doubts, but beforo sho Inndcd on the other side sho hnd determined on a course of action. Llko nil small boys, Harold Is most cov etous of picture postcards and hnd looked forward to a harvest from hlB mother's trip. Ho got It. Every day sho sent at least ono card. And whatever else It boro In tho v:ny of Inscription, thero wns not ono which failed of this Introduction: "Just us soon ns you get this go nnd brush your teeth." DEEP CRACKS FROM ECZEMA Could Lay Slatc-Pencll In One Hando In Dreadful State Permanent Cure In Cutlcura. "I had eczema on my hands for nbout seven years nnd during that tlmo I had used several so-called rem edies, together with physlclaiiB' and drugglstB' prescriptions. Thu dlscaso was so bad on my hnndB that 1 could lay a slnte-pencll In ono of tho cracks and a rule placed acrosB tho hand would not touch the pencil. I kept using remedy nfter remedy, nnd whllo somo gave partial relief, nono rollovcd aB much ns did the first box of Cutl cura Ointment I mndo a purchaso of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment nnd my hands were perfectly cured nfter two boxes of Cutlcura Ointment nnd ono cako of Cutlcura Soap wero used. W. II. Dean, Newark, Del., Mar. 28, 1007." Microscopic Writing. A remarkablo machino mndo by a lately deceased member of tho Royal Microscopical society for writing with a diamond seems to have been broken up by Its Inventor. A spcdlmon of Its works Is tho Lord's prayer of 227 let ters, written In tho 1,237,000 of a square inch, which Is at tho rate of 53.8S0.000 letters or IS completo niblcs, to a slnglo squaro Inch. To decipher tho writing It Is nccossnry to uso a 1-12-Inch objective, which la tho high power lens physicians employ for studying tho most mlnuto buctcrla. $100 Reward. $100. The readers of tills paper "HI be pirated to Irani that tliere Li at least one dreaded disease that srirnco baa been able to euro In all Its sUikcs. and Hint U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bcInK a constitutional dlsrcuc, require a coiistltu tkmal treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken In tcrnallr. act Inn directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and Hiving the patient strength by building up tho constitution and assist ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have bo much faith In Ita ruratlvo powers that they orTrr One Hundred Dollars for any casa that It falls to cure. Send for list ot testimonials Address P. J. Clir.N EY A CO.. Toledo, O. Hold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hairs Family mi for constipation. Neither. "Soo here, I'm tired of complaining about thoso noises. Shall I appeal to tho pollco or leave it to Heaven?" "Don't say anything to tho pollco," replied tho janitor, soothingly. "Leave It to me." SPOIIN'S DISTEMPER CURE will cure any possible cnuc of DISTEMPER, PINK LYE, and the like among hones of all ages, nnd prevents all others in the same stable from having the disease. Also cures chicken cholera, nnd dog distemper. Any good druggist can supply you, or neiul to manufacturers. 50 cents and $1.00 a tat tle. Agents wanted. Free book. Spolin Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Gofclici), Ind. Only Colony of Kind. Tho colony of Darbary npes on the Rock of Gibraltar is tho only ono of its kind In existence, and is being pro tected by tho British government. Lewis' Single Hinder the famous straight fie cigar, always best quality. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Also Big-Headed. You can't nlways tell by appear ances. Many a narrow-minded man is qulto chesty. Mrs. Wlnslow'e Boothlnr fljrrap. For children teething, softens the Runs, reduces to flaminatloa, allajrs pain, cure wtndoollu. JttcauotUe. Thoro Is nothing llttlo to tho renlly great In eplrlt.DlckenB. aii t. t Curns Whllo Yon Wnllc Allen sFoot.KaMi furnirnsund bunions, hot, sweaty tallous Benin fett, !4o all DruntUts. He hns no forco with men who has no faith In them. FARMS FOR RENT or sale on crop pay nicntP. J. MULHALL, Sioux City, la. Lovo docs not stop at tho boundaries of liking. PUTNAM wTOST- Alr IWAk MAArll flThl0 Ktt(4 fa! aaUm iLaa aasaai mmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMi' n ii ii U! . a i i ,i i'sslk. fl TsTTl I TTTTTtTH fcA-iitiJtVJrfJ iiiiiiii.'.iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiimij iiiim::iiii.ii;I:7;T;;:ii;:iii;irni;T!i?'iiiniTmiifiiiniii; B ALCOIIOL-3 PER CENT AYcficfablc Preparation for As tho Stomachs and Bowls or ffiTCFPWffmomaa Promotes Digcstion.Chccrful ncss and Hcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not "Nakc otic Rnipt trotH DrSAMVemitMER Iimfk!i Sun AMMSJts Am'ttSttJ liprrmM - Hirm Suit Wmkrfti fttr Apcrfccll.cmeily forConslipn lion , Sour Stomach.Dinrrhocn, Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Ckntauk Company. NEW YORK. ? Guaranteed under tho Poodnn Exact Copy of Wrapper. r MH!1!III'1!!I:H!1 No More Constipation WSslVlssMMssH ET sHssssssssssssaBiBaHH Undo Snm Breakfast Food nnd keep your bowels open. Constipation is tho cause of nine-tcuthsof our troubles. Our leading doctors nru using this fixxl and recommending it to their patients. Wo guarantee this to do ns represented or your money back. It is matlcf from whole wheat, extract of celery and flax seed, nnd guaranteed under the pure food and drug net Recommended aud sold by nil grocer jobbers in Nebraska. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST FOOD CO.. Omaha. Nebr. TERRIBLE ACCIDENTI "Whnfs tho ninttor over thoro?" "Tho Bword swullower 1b boing choked by n llshbono." Laundry work nt homo would be much moro sntlsfnctory If tho right Stnrch wero used. In ordor to get tho desired stiffness, It Is usually ncces sary to uso bo much starch that tho beauty and fineness of tho fabric Is hidden behind a pasto of varying thickness, which not only destroys the nppcaranco, but nlso affects tho wear mg quality of tho goods. This trou ble can be ontlroly overcomo by using Deflanco Starch, as It can bo applied much moro thinly because of its great er strength than othor makes. To Discover Fish Shoal. Experiments nro being mndo In Europe- with u microphone for tho discov ery of tho presenco of Bhonls of fish. The Instrument Is sunk Into tho wntcr nnd tho constant tapping of tho fish against it uu they puss warns tho fish ermen. Tho extraordinary popularity of fine whito goods this summer makes tho cholco of Stnrch a matter of great Im portance. Deflanco Starch, being freo from all Injurious chemicals, Is tho only ono which Is safe to uso on fine fabrics. Its great strength ns a stiffen er makes half tho usual quantity ot Starch necessary, with tho result of porfect finish, equal to that when tho goods wero new. Had Something Coming. "That's tho parson that marrlod mo." "Shall I soak him ono for you?",, Slmpllclsslmus. i M STANDS FOR SsJgfTX .flSBBlK. f PAINT QUALITY jggll 1 I ITIS FOUND DMLYONg5tH!j I MADE BY Sf9 M X. THE m f X. OLD DUTCH jQjT WPROcess,yjy cSVouS ELECTROTYPES I In great rarlety for calo at thn tnwoit prices by I i. N.II.MK.Ull;MSrl-ltU(tl.,lSH,AiU.Sl.,CblcM I li'wiii nrnunia ! iwmn isj "GuaipB FADELESS DYES Alt,a J A..in. ...I ...ai . CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMtOINTAUPJOOMMNr. Mf MTORrTT. wv AV VH I fU 4ft or Stomach Trouble If You Eat Uncle Sum Autl-Dyspcptlc Breakfast Food. Tho lirentcst discovery of tho njin for overcoming constipation nnd stomach troubles. It i more nourishing thnn any other known food, building up thu ttystem. Thoro is more blood-nuking property in thuuu cereals than any other known food. Keep your stoinnch nnd bowels rht nntl naturo will do thu rest. It is pleasant to cat nnd very nutritious, overcoming nervousness nnd general debility. A small quantity is sufficient. A (tor eating this n few days every ono says that they feel stronger havo moro life and vigor overcoming that languid feeling that ono has when their stomach is out of order nnd thu bowels nro constipated. No morn uppcndlcltlM If you cut SICK HEADACHE I'oNltlviily curt-tl by these Little Tills. CARTERS lasjsHs; I Mney nmo rcucvo ijib- l"H ITTLE I trCHH f rum DyH:psU, In- g lfpU lillKPstlonamlTuoIk-iirty 113 I VtK iKatlnff. A perfect rt'in- Wt DIIIC Icily fur DIzilncKH, Nau- mm "I Llav Inc., DruwxtiieHN, Unit BJ iTttHtclnthoMoiith.Coiit- "I led Toiikug, Piilu In tlio , IbIuo, TORPID L1VEK. They regulate tlio UoweU. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. f W. t DonsilM make and Mlt mora man's) 3.00 unci S3.SO sliocs than any other manufacturer In the irorlil. be-. cuuso they hold their ahapo, fit better. and wear longer than any other make. Shoil it All Price, for Evirf Himbsr ct tht family, Um, Qoyt.noman, Mlttssa CMldrn W.l.DffUU. M.00 u4 $8,00 GUI tlf IBM euaot k HUll.4 a tar prlct. V. L. Dtutlu tl.OO ta4 I.OthMknthlMtUtliwil4 Tati Colo Jiuflelt l.I JtaicfiulwTi. I-'l'ake No riuti.tltule. W. L. Dout-lM turne and price Is lumped on bottom. Sold CTerywIifre. Bho muled from UttonrtO anr psit ot I ha world. Ctlalovne fit. W. U DOU0LAS, IS7 Sssrk St., Orocktoa. Ksjs. DEFIANCE STARCH SSS&FSSSS'iteA tarcties doilies nicest W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39, 1908. CARTERS iTTlE WlVER PJJX8. f THE DUTCH Yfr J9- , POY PAINTER VV&51 j,V - m 'H 6H "Ty'V ,t, i -S&A1 Ajttawitarwtya.. t -istul4ei.. UjLdL ft V. h m"r.2f T - r-fl