The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1908, Image 5

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Miss Ada StliulU vlntted in Superior
SlltldllJ .
Hay l'rtlmor wis down frotu tmiwile,
Orrlu Tabor whs down from llluo
Hill, Wodnosday.
Mrs. Spraclier, of Cowles, was shor
pint; in Hod Cloud Monday.
Foil Sauk Six- room house, 3 lots.
Incpitrc at Newhousu'h store. tf
Dr. Tliotuns want to MeCook Wedues
day to attend a Dental meeting.
Charles Kellogg went to Kearnoy the
llrst of tho weok to attend seliool.
Mrs. Win. McCartney of Lebanon,
Katih.. was in the city Wednesday.
Mr. S. !. Kisur U visiting her daugh
ter in Smith county Kan.., this week.
I ho Myeis of Downs. Kims, is vis
iting his son Art here a few days tills
I'o-tmabtor Haeker and wife have re
turned fiom Iholf vacation trip spent
in Oklahoma.
lirandtna Hale, who has been suiter
lug witli erysipelas of the eyes, is bet
ter at this time.
Miss Myra Crilfuth returned lrom
Franklin satutd.iy, where she had
spent tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Cutter returned
from hu extended visit lu tho east, the
last of the weok.
Wantkd A young lady who wishes
learn typesetting. Call at the Chief
ofllce for particulars.
Quite a uuinber of the Taft club
from this place attended Taft day at
the county fair Wcduesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Itoscoo llurcu, aro vis
iting relatives hero this weok. Mrs.
Iturch was formerly Miss Eva Myers.
Misses Elsa Cathor aud Norma Hioh-
ardson loft tho last af the weok for
Lincoln, whore thoy will attend tho
He sure and go with the excursion
Oct. Cth of the Red Cloud Investment
Co They sell choice farm land on
easv payments.
Mrs. Carrie McKeoby returned from
I'uoblo, Colo., Saturday morning, where
sho has been visiting her son Fred and
wife for some time.
With every paid in advance subscrip
tion wo are giving a pair of shears that
cannot, be purchased at any store for
less than 7."ie. Call and see them.
The Rcbekah picnic held in Dan pleted in from one month to six weeks.
Garber's grove last Monday, was much We have a position waiting for you as
onjoyed by about seventy-five Rebel;-' soon as you are ready, Salarys run
ahs and Odd Fellows who attended. from 815 tp 820 per week,for,beg!niiers.
Some sneak, too low to be called a! Who wilI,b the first to enroll-.' Tuition
man. set lire to four stacks of whe!lt , r complete course S2.1. Lor fur her
belonging to Marcus Merrill last Sat-' particulars address the Hebron Rusl
urday, causing a loss to Mr. Merrill of ' Collcffe- "cronNeb.
about 8400. i Tho first number of tho High school
lirynti Day at tho Webster County I entertainment course will appear at
Fair was was tho biggest day of the the Pora hu October "' Ho ?e "
week. 210 tickets wore sold from this I of season tickets may reserve their
Place, besides tho largo number that
drove over.
If going to Cullfornia this full, .write
to Tho Sun, Exeter, Tulare "county,
California, for dlscrlptlve literature
about the profits of orange and fruit
growing in that section
The Lebanon, Kans., and Red Cloud
High school football teams will open
the season in this city next Friday
afternoon These teams have always
been evenly matched, and if you want
to s e a good game attend this one.
' Game will be called at 3:30. Admission
School Days easier by giving your boy
or girl one of our reliable fountain pens.
We have a line of worth-your-money
pens from 75c up.
ngaaiMMaMBVaHaMBaaBaaaaVBaiaaBMMaVMaaaBaV ay,
A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A nice
line here at $1.00 and up. Every one worth the price.
Don t forget that many eyes are permanently injured by
wearing improper glasses or by doing without them.
Special allention given to children's eyes.
Cash jewelers and Optometrists
Tied Sleeper was heie fiom Lincoln
Satin day.
Soiiio good city lots to soil or f.iado
for stock. . W. t'.ulllford.
Dell Ttirnure toturued the llrst of
tho wook from a visit in Missouri.
Loyd Itradbiook wn- up from Long
Islaud, KaiH., tho llrst of the weok.
Mlas Alia (Sard lotiirued te Lincoln
S ltiday, after visiting rolutlvos hore.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ivan Ulckeraou, of Ina
vale, visited relatives heie Saturday.
For Site Stoveus hatuiiiorloss dou
bio barrel shotgun. Iuqulto at this
Mr. Karmouy was down from Mo
Cook Sunday, visiting his mothor-lu-
law, Mrs. Cox
Oscar burroughs returned frouj
Franklin Monday, uheie he uttt tided ,
tho county fair.
If you want a fountain pen that will '
not leak n any position buy one of
Cottlng the druggslt, guranteed satis
faction Oct. Oth Is the date for the next ex
ciusion of the Red Cloud Investment
''o., to the cheap land in Texas. .loin ;
their crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith have re
turned to their home at Topckn,
Kansas, after a visit heie with relati
ves and friends,
Those who desire season tickets fot
the lecture course and have not yet
been sollcitedcan got tickets by call
ing on 1'rof. R.I). Morltz.
Fire destroyed about 100 tons of al
falfa hay for Ous Roats, who lives just
east of town, Satu-day morning. The
tiro was caused by spontaneous com
bustion. The hay was valued at about
L II. Rust brought to our ofllce a
fewdaysagoa sample of his second
crop of potatoes raisod this ear. Tho
first orquwas dug the first part of July
and the second crop planted on the
same irround a few days later The
potatoes were line and about as large
as the averago crop. There Is no
place that can beat Nebraska.
Tho Arlngton Comedians presented
'Dixie Girl" to a fair sized audience at
the opera house last Tuesday night.
The plot of tho play was well laid, and
with one or two exceptions the com
pany gave a very creditable perform
ance. The ladles orchestra was a
pleasing feature of the entertainment
and was much enjoyed by the audience.
Wantp.d At once, 2.1 or no young
nun and women to take a course in
Multiirraohlmr. Course can be coin-
LVlta . . . .... .
The entertainment course this year
will consist of the best attractions
that aro available. All of them are
stars in" their respective lines, and no
one in the community can afford to
miss them for the price of a season
ticket. The High school is putting
forth every effort to make this course
a success, the proceeds to go towards
a nigh school library. All people
who are Interested in high grade en
tertainment and at the same time pro
mote a good causo in our schools
should not fail to secure a season
ticket at Miss Morrison's Fair Store.
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors
You are welcome always, either
to look or buy.
Miss Ethel Mooie, of Lincoln, ts vis
iting Iter sister, Mr?. Charles Crabill,
this weok,
George Sheldon returned from Oma
ha Wednesday morning, where he lias
been taking medical treatment for
seveial weeks.
Fouurf Lrtdlos gold watch. Owtier
can havo satnoby provlngproporty and
paying for this notice. Itiqulro at
, Newhouso ltr oh.
Lost A big roll of carpet, between
Rod Cloud and the Peterson farm,
south-west of the city. Liberal ro
wan! on returning to Amack and
Chancy, Red Cloud.
Art Robinson and Art Myors woro
mixed up In a runaway Wednesday
i .... ... . . . .
'Ki w"c ino ouggy was lorn up
some. The boys escaped injury, but
their clothes wtro pretty badly soiled
Certain ingredients That Really Grow
Hair When Properly Combined.
Resorclti is one of tho most elllciont
conn destroyers ever discovered by
science, and lu connect ion witli llcta
Xapthol, whfoh is germicidal and anti
septic, a combination i- formed which
destroys the' germs which "rob Iho hair
of its natural nourishment, and also
creates a clean, healthy condition of
tho scalp, which provoiits tho develop
ment of now gorms.
1'ilocarpin, although not a coloring
iiiatto or dye, Is a well-known ingre
dient for restoring tho hair to its nat
ural color, wheu tho loss of hair has
boon caused by a disoaso of tho scalp.
Those ingredients in pi opor combi
nation with alcohol added as a stimu
lant and for Its well defined nourish
ing properties, perfect the most oiroct
Ive remedy that Is known for scalp and
hair trouble.
Wo havo a remedy which is chleily
composed of those Ingredients, in com
bination witli othor extromoly invalu
able medical agents. Wo guarantee
it to positively cuio diindruir and to
grow hair; ovon though tho scalp in
some spots Is bare of hair. If there is
any vitality left in the roots, it will
cure baldness. If tho scalphasaglazod
shiny appearance, its an indication
that baldness is permanent, but in
every other instance, baldness Is cur
able. Wo want oveiyouo troubled with
sea p disease or loss of hair to try Rex-
all W Hair Tonic. If It does not onto
duudrufr and grow hairto the satisfac
tion of tho user, wo will without ques
tion or quibble return ovory cent paid
us for It. Wo prlut this gutuauteo on
every bottle. It has effected a positive
euro in 911 per cent of cases where put
to a practical test.
Roxall "93" Hair Tonic Is entirely un
like, and in every particular bettor
than anything olso wo know of for tho
purpose for which It Is proscribed. We
urge you to try this preparation at our
entire risk. Certainly we know of no
bettor guarantoe to givo you. Tho
II. E. (Ineo Drug Co., Red Cloud, Nob.
llj Vamm jfta 'Oa.MfflaA
rmrmn vw hhmiivm
ot particular bomtlooatMa.
tar from wm alr wba
ract to bBTfr. Ojtr JjcUa,
bka4. Adi
CImiuf and betutlfUa th. hair,
l'romutet a luiuriant growth.
Never Fail to HMtor Oray
JUlr to It. Youthful Color.
Core. ' dlmtt halrMUiaf.
KwsBm i
' M )
The Highest Grade
Clothing in this country is handled by us
All the new dope in swell clothing for
men and young men is found at our store.
It costs no more than common "Kike"
stuff and is guaranteed by the maker.
Come to us for good Clothing, Hats,
Shoes and Furnishing Goods.
Always Reloablc
ii '
(In liquid form, pleasant to take)
For Chills, Fever and Malaria
Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and
all other symptoms of deranged Liver
quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire
Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood
The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 24 times
the quantity of the 50c slie. Prepared
only by the
Don't Buy Land nor Loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting one of Ted's
perfect Abstracts of Title. The
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
510,000 bond tiled and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in the state.
Rmd Cloud, Nmbr.
OIHcm In Ovmrlnm Block,
J7 !; , rarmmr39 I
Our stock of harness is
complete and up-to-date
in every department. If
you are in need of any
thing in the harness line,
from a tie strap to the
best hand-made work or
buggy harness, call on us.
We can satisfy you.
North of Damerell Block.
Dr.Detchom Relief for Hheumatlim a pd Neural
Kla radically cures In 1 to 3 daya. lu acM6n upon
tbe ijitem li remarkable aud myitetJooa. It
remoTOi at once Ibe cause and thedlioaae Im
mediately dliappean. The first doio greatly
benefits, 75 cents and II, sold by U. E. Umoa
druggUt.'Bed Cloud.
Kerosene, Ousolino Etc. 'l'hono 57
Insurance Agent, Abstracter
and Notary Public.
Damarell Block. Phone 86.
Clothing go
First Door North of Postoffice
should inspect our
before investing in a machine.
All we ask for the De Laval is a trial, and we
would like to have you take one out and give it a
fair test along side of any other separator made. It
will cost you nothing to make the test You will
keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the
A 450 pound capacity separator for $75.00.
Will you give It a trial?
Red Cloud Hardware
end Implement Ccn
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
Do you know that It will pay YOU, as
well as US, to boy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices aviraob lower, or at
least as low, as those of our oompetit
ors, but because we take especial care
of and protect all can be classed as
Paper-hanger Painter and
Does patch-work and rebuilds chimneys
Everything furnished. Prices reasonable.
Bell phone 126.
Plumb's Flour &
Feed Store.
You save money in buying your flour
in 500-pound lots of him.
Red Cloud-:-Nebraska
At Day's old stand
City Laundry
J. P. HANSON, Propr,
Phone 42. Red Cloud, Nab.
Henry Diederioh
Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps
Repairing Neatly Done. ,
Wohe & Wright
Engine Repairing a Specially
Horseshoeing', Blacksmlthing
and Wagonmaklng
family croup amd baby aloturas a
peolalty. DaiaarellilMk.
3 1
't j
- A