The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1908, Image 7

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Pittutes by
Cojiyrlijlit, IW7, by A. U. MrClurtc & Co.
SYNOPSIS. Wllfrwl Vincent nml ArclillmM
TVrliuno nn- Introduced nt tho openUm of
the Htury, In KnKluud, tlu Inttor teltitliiK
Uii' talk'. Tho iilr on an outliiK nils
their train anil neeltltiK rec'ivnlliin meet
"tno Honorable AKtitlm wyeKiion,
wIhjhp liiinil Ih iiiticli coti;;lit after, lie
niiBH of her wealth Klvo other Aimtlm
WyrkliolTfi are Introduced. The deceased
Htefatlier. In an eccentric moment, made
IiIh will no that the teal AKatlia, heiress
to Ids forttino and tho castle at Wye,
KtiKland, inluht wed her ntllnlty. Thus
Mrs. ArmWtead, ehaiieron, was In duty
Iioiiiu! to Ituep the teal AKathu's Identity
unknown. An attempt hy Terhuno to
(rather a clew from the chaperon falls.
Tcihuno finds old honks containing pic
ture, of a former Ilaroness Wyckhoff,
which Is exactly like At-'.Uhii Sixth, whom
ho la rourtlnt,. Atratha Fifth confesses her
lovn for Vincent anil also that she Is the
real heiress. Ho spurns her proposal.
Many clews to Identity of the real
AKatlia prove fruitless. Axatha Fifth
later confessen she Is not the heiress.
Mote apparently unfailing clews mate! Inl
ine. CHAPTER V. Continued.
The next morning when Hhe catno
down to breakfast I inquired with
Kreat concern as to tho effects of the
accident of the day previous. She
replied most kindly that Bhe felt very
nearly as well as ever and thanked
mo earnestly for my Bharc in her tea
cue. In fact, her gratitude was so
profuse as to make mo uncomfortable,
and I protested volubly that what 1
had done was nothlnp. Nevertheless,
from that day on Agatha Second clung
to mo In a manner that was almost
touching. Vincent, to my surplse, In
stent! of taking advantage of his part
as hero, seemed rather anxious to
avoid tho girl, whereas, beforo our
mutual discovery, he liad seemed to be
quite taken with her. Although his
conduct was a puzzle- to me, yet 1 could
only rejoice that It was so, for it left
the field absolutely free to me, and I
felt as each day passed that now, In
deed, I was hotter on tho trail of that
twenty millions than I had yet been.
It was the first Sunday after the ac
cident and tho fouith of our stay. Wo
had breakfasted at eight and were
sitting around aimlessly waiting until
it was time to go to church.
When It was finally time to get
ready my head ached from tho sun,
for 1 had been sitting without my hat,
nntl I decided that I would not go that
morning, though there was a Mattering
chorus of protests when I made this
"I shall go," said Vincent, positive
ly, Just nB if anyono had disputed It.
"I always go, don't I, Miss Marsh?" ap
pealing to the secretary, who ws pres
ent, but who, of course, had been rath
er left out of tho conversation,
"Yes," sho answered, smiling nt him
faintly. "You always do ovor since
we've known you, that it. You're a
saint, Lord Wllferd." I3ut she laughed
as sho said It, and Vincent, for no rea
son at all, looked pleased.
Then tho girls all went into the
house to change their frocks, and Vin
cent, too, had to go and get himself
rigged out in all tho swcllness of his
llond Btrcet afternoon things.
"Aro you going to rido or walk?" I
asked him as ho came downstairs
ahead of the young ladies.
"Walk," ho said. "It's such a rip
ping day tho girls thought they'd llko
It. Tho phaeton is coming for us after
church. What's tho matter with you?
Wo shall miss you."
"Oh, Just a bit off my feed this
morning. Hut, Vincent, my boy, tlo
you realize thnt you're going to church
nil alone by yourself with six girls, tho
prottlest In England?"
"Sovcn," corrected Vincent, un
moved. "Tho secrotnry is going with
us this morning."
I shook my head at him admiringly.
"You're a wonderful follow," I told
him; "I couldn't mnnago seven of them
nt onco to save my skin. It keeps mo
busy enough when I take 'era ono nt
n time."
At this moment tho girls trooped
downstairs, Tnoy had their prettiest
gowns on and were fully awara of tho
nilmlratlon In tho eyes of Vincent and
myself. And that admiration was per
fectly excusable, for tho six Agathas
wero looking unusually lovely In their
llowored frocks, big whlto hats, nntl
tho dainty parasols to match tho wide
sashev, and 1 should havo been hard
put to it to say which was tho hand
somest. Hut ns they filed out of tho
big door I saw Vincent look longest
nt Uio secretary, who walked a llttlo
behind tho others, her plnln, dark blue
silk gown and llttlo rough straw bat
with tho pink roses being n conspicu
ous coutrnst to tho frills and furbo
lows of tho six Agathas. I thought
I had uover seen hor look so well, and
she passed us men without so much as
glanclug In our direction, thouuh Vln
T The I
Real Agatha
cc. I'h gazo. 1 thmmht, was n trifle I -
They had been gone some 15 min
utes when It occurred to mo that It
might tlo my head good to go out and
get sonic fresh air. Hesldos which 1
had begun to regret that 1 had per
mitted Vincent to go to ehuieh tho
only esquire of such a galaxy of beau
ty. So I put on my hat and strolled
out over the lawn and down the long
drive, and before 1 knew It I had
reached the bottom of the hilly road
and had set out over the fields. Tho
church party had gone by tho way of
the path over the fields, for that was
a shot tor totite than the main road.
As 1 walked quickly along tho well
beaten path between the thickets I
stopped suddenly anil stooped to pick
up a small dust-covered object which
proved to be a ptayor book. "One of
thoye careless girls has dropped It," I
said to myself, for they had all car
ried them. Opening It to find tho
owner's name. 1 was much agitated to
read on tho llylenf this Inscription:
"To my daughter Agatha, from her
father. Fletcher Iloytl," and tho date,
1000. It was, then, a gift which Fletch
er lloyd had made to his daughter only
two yeats before his death.
1 was wild with excitement In a
minute. I would keep the book, and
soino time when all the gills were
gathered together I would nnnounco
thnt I had it in my possession and
see If one of them did not betray her
self by asking me for It. Hut Fate
decreed that 1 bhould make my test
of the prayer book more speedily, for
I spied In the dlstnnce the white figure
of a girl hastening back. The path
was dusty and the sun was shining
right In her face, so I trusted she
had not seen me, and, putting the little
volume down just wliero I had found
It, 1 jumped behind the bushes. The
owner of the book was looking for her
proporty. On she came, running slow
ly and glancing eagerly from side to
sldo of the pathway. As she cumo op
posite me she stopped and snatched up
the book, and when she had run back
again tho conviction that tho Honor
ablo Agatha waB no other than Agatha
Fourth way forced In upon me.
So roused was I by tills event that I
turned my steps homeward at once.
Suspicion had now fallen on every one
of the six Agathas, but this this was
The Owner of the Book Was Looking
for the Property.
the most convincing of proofs! That
night I could hardly wait for the end
of the evening, so that I could drag
Vincent Into my room and disclose to
him my tlnnl and greatest discovery. I
was so full of excitement over it, be
sides feeling a certain pride In my wit
nnd sagacity which had led to tho dis
covery of so many important clews,
that I was rather disappointed when
Vincent received my disclosure with
"At it again, Arch," ho Bald, rather
gloomily, as ho sat cross-legged beforo
my fire in extreme deshabille, nnd
smoking his vile pipe. "What is tho
use? I should think you'd get tired
of pursuing tho elusive gold. 1 ndmlro
your patience, my boy, but I don't tnko
any moro stock In this 'clow' thnn I
did in your others. When you think
that you have now fastened suspicion
upon each ono of tho six fnlr ladles
who havo been christened Agatha I
marvel at the sanguine temperament
which permltB you to placo so much
Importance on this last find of yours."
He stopped, nnd I nnswerod him rather
sarcastically, as I didn't llko the gen
tle ridicule of his tone or his lack of
"it seems to me," I said, "that con
sidering how you've spent your tlmo,
my dear boy, you are a very poor per
son to look down upon my efforts to
turn this adventure of ours to hqiiio
account. Tho fact that I havo kept
my eyes open and used thoso faculties
of penetration and observation of
which I am the natural possessor to
discover n piece of information which
might provo of groat value, not only
to mysolf, but also to you-thls fact,
I say, Vincent, ought hardly to bring
upon mo your derision as well as your
lack of sympathy." I don't mind ad
mitting that I really felt hurt, and
Vincent saw thnt I did.
Ho took his pipe out of his mouth
and looked at mo with thoso big, truth
ful eyes of IiIb so penltontly that I
smiled Inwardly; then ho guthorcd up
his long limbs from my hearthrug and
camo and ensconced himself at my
feet ns I sat in my easy chair.
"Well thoro, then," he said, patting
my linnd as If I'd been an old woman
or a small child. "Poor old Arch'buld,
did I mako It cross? Well, It was n.
shame!" And ho smiled at mo with
such a mixture of contrition and fun
that I was obliged nftor a short atrug
glo to luttgh uuconstralncdly.
"Well, 1 suppose you will begin op-
l-M i MiCi'7 r ffi Ota 'JH
if &L ab "m
rallonn nrrordlnp: to your lntcst clow
io-mortow?" he laughed at me.
I did not answer him. and silence
fell upon us. I was pondering over
the problem and did not look at Vin
cent for a long while, but when I did 3
saw that his face wore a tumbled,
hopeless look, and that his whole at
titude Indicated profound dejection.
"Vincent," I Bald, leaning over him,
"wltnt's the' trouble?" I had been
noticing of lato that die had been sub
ject to fits of melancholy altogether
out of keeping with his churactor, and
I had como to tho conclusion thnt ho
had some trouble on his mind. I
wanted to know what It was, so that
1 could help him. When 1 spoko ho
turned his head slowly and looked nt
me n moment solemnly, then smiled
faintly, the very ghost of that splen
did, boyish smile of his, so that it went
to my heart.
"Oh, Arch," he burst out, "every
thing's wrong! Hut It's not my fault;
how could I help loving her?"
1 was amazed. What was tho boy
talking about, and who was It that ho
"Yes, sir," he went on; "I met her
four miles from town carrying an old
beggar-woman's bundle becnuso tho
poor old thing had hurt her foot. And
when 1 drew up the dogcart and asked
her to get In and tnke the bundlo too,
Bhe shook her head, nnd, by .love, sho
wouldn't get In till 1 let the old beggar-woman
get In, too!" Vincent
turned to mo positively radiant. "Ah,
Terhune!" he cried, "you don't know
what It Is. I love her so!"
And ns ho stood there, his fnco
transfigured, 1 grasped in a moment
the mennlng of the whole thing nnd
the understanding struck llko n blow
at my heart and I knew how dear tho
welfnre of this boy was to me. Some
how, Vincent represents to mo tho
things 1 might have been, and am not,
the things I might have won, and
have lost; he tepresents the Hist Hush
of my own youth. And now thnt I
had wasted those opportunities to lead
tho selfish existence of tho nvcrago
bachelor. 1 found n certnln Joy in
again experiencing those first throbs
of living that had been mine, In tho
person nnd life of young Vincent.
As he stood before me, glowing with
feeling, 1 felt that it waB for mo to
wipe that look from his face, cruel as
it seemed, and my anger at the wom
an who had so deceived the boy by
withholding from him tho knowledgo
that she was mnrrled helped mo to do
tho deed.
"Vincent," I said, slowly, "do you
mean do I gather from your ravings
that you honestly or care for this
person?" I had risen to my feet, and
ns I spoko Vincent's whole expres
sion changed In a Hash.
"Your luferenco is perfectly cor
rect," be said. Ills face went white and
there was war In his tone, for ho
perceived that I meant trouble.
Tho necessity of saving tho boy I
loved from the consequences of his
own folly took possession of mo, nnd
I was full of rago at Vincent and nt
thnt conscienceless woman In tho gray
gown who had entrapped him.
"You fool," I said, putting my faco
close to his square, cleft chin, "why do
you throw away your chance in life
like l hat? What do you want to let
yourself get entangled with tin ad
venturess for? Don't you know tho
woman's married? Sho confessed to
having ono husband; she may havo a
dozen, for all I know!"
Soldiers So Honored Chose for Their
Motto "Conquer or Die."
Hy general order 11 dated at Valley
Forgo, March 17, 1778, 100 men wero
selected from tho army to bo annoxod
to tho guard of tho commandor-in-chief.
Tho gtinrd then existing num
bered 80 VlrglnlaiiB nnd for that rea
son it wns ordered that the now mem
bers bo taken from tho troops of other
states. It was further prescribed that
tho men must be Americans born, 20
to SO ycarB, llvo feet eight to flvo feet
ten, of "robust constitution; well
limbed nnd men of established char
acters for sobriety and fidelity." Tho
ofllcinl designation of this forco was
tho commander-in-chief's guard, but
It waB commonly known ns tho llfo
guard nnd Washington's body guard.
Its first commondnnt was Capt. Caleb
Glbbs of Rhode Inland. He wns in
turn succeeded by Wllllnm Colfax of
Now Jersey, who had been mndo liou
tenant of tho corps when it was first
brought Into being. Tho motto of tho
llfo guard was "Conquor or Die." Cnpt.
Colfnx oventunlly attained tho rank of
general. Ills grandson wns Schuyler
His Excuse Was One That Few of the
Tribe Could Make.
Tho nverago nowspapor reporter Is
a young man generally not possessed
of too much money and who con
siders himself lucky if ho is ablo to
Bquaro accounts from week to week.
Hut thero Is ono newspaper reporter
in New York who does not havo to
bother about financial problems. Ho
rides down to tho olllco of his pnpor
overy day In his own nutomobllo. Tho
young man is tho son of a wealthy
Iron manufacturer. Ho Is a roporter
of tho common or garden vnrloty on
an afternoon newspaper and so far
bus managed to hold on to his job.
Ho showed up bo Into at his ofllco
tho other morning that his city editor
inquired, somowhat sarcastically,
whether ho thought ho was working
on a morning newspaper.
Tho cub tapped his highly polished
tan shoes with his slender cano,
flecked a bit of dust from his clothes
and struck the city city editor dumb
by replying:
"Well, you see, my man failed to
wako tno up o- tlmo."
Night Sweats & Cougli.
K. W. Walton, Condr. S. P. lty., 717
Van Ness St., San Antonio, Tex.,
writes: "During tho summer and fall
of lWtt, my annoyance from catarrh
reached that stngo where it was actual
misery nntl developed nlarmlng symp
toms, snob as a very tlecp-scatcil cougli,
night hweats, nnd pains In t he head nnd
chest. 1 experimented with several bo
eallctl remedies before I finally decided
to take u thorough eouroo of l'eruna.
"Twoof my friends had gono so far ns
to inform methnt the thing for me todo
was to resign my position nnd seek n
higher, more congonlalcllmnto. Kvery
ono thought 1 hat! consumption and I
wns not expected to live very long.
"Having procured somePeruna, I de
cided to glvo it a thorough test and np
plied myself nsslduously to tho task of
taking it, ns per instructions, in tho
"Tho effects wero soon apparent, all
nlnrnilng symptoms disappeared and
my general health beenmo fully as good
as It had ever been in my life.
"I havo resorted to tho use of Peruna
on two or three occasions since that
time to euro myself of bad colds."
Marino Inourance.
Marine Insurance Is tho oldest kind
of modern Insurance. Its principles
wero fitst employed In tho fourteenth
century by tho merchants of liurco
lona, In Spain, when that city was
tho capital of tho kingdom of Cata
lonia and when Its hardy mariners
wero second to none In tho world.
About tho samo time, nnd nlso at
Uarcclona, tho famous codo of marl
tlmo laws known ns tho "connulado
del mnr" was promulgated, which Is
tho foundation of tho present shipping
lawB of every country.
It Came Off.
The fair bather was in tho greatest
danger when tho heroic rescuer seized
her by tho hair. It camo off. Puffs
and colls and waves and ratB It
etrewed tho shuddering sen.
For a moment tho rescuer was
Then ho grasped tho tiny knob of
real hair that remained on tho lady's
hoad and drew her Into shallow water.
Did sho thank him for saving her
She didn't Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sheer whlto goods, In fact, any fine
wash goods when now, owo much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
aro laundered, this being dono in a
manner to euhnnco their textllo beau
ty. Homo laundering would bo equal
ly satisfactory If proper nttcntlon v;n3
given to starching, tho first essential
being good Starch, which bat) Btitllclcnt
strength to stiffen, without thickening
tho goods. Try Detlnnco Starch nntl
you will bo pleasantly surprised at the
improved appcaranco of your work.
Shower of Sulpnur.
Chnrolles, a small town .10 miles from
Mncon, in France, hns recently been
visited by a shower or sulphur. Tho
roofs, gnrilons, fields, vineyards, rivers
and ponds wero covered with n yellow
dust, nnd for somo tlmo tho peasants
in tho fields wero troubled by n sul
phurous biting odor which mado
breathing difficult.
In all its forms among all apes of horses,
ns well; as dogs, cured and otheis in tlio
Mine stable ptevented ftoin having tho
di'cno with Sl'OILVS DlSTlCMPIvlt
CUU1'. Kvcry bottlo guaranteed. Over
fiOO.OOO bottles Fold last year. JJ.S0 and
$1.00. Any good druggist, or bond to man
ufaetureis. Audits wanted. Write for
free book. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Con
U;;ioua Diseases, Goshen, lud.
The Sarcastic One.
'"Air cut, sir?"
"No; I wnnt It dono up In a bun nnd
fastened with a pink ribbon." Tho
One of the
of tho happy homes of to-day is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health nnd happiness nnd
right living and knowledge of tho world's
best products.
Products of actual exccllcnco and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which havo attained to world-wide
acceptance through tho npproval of tho
Well-Informed of tho World; not of indi
viduals only, but of tho many who havo
tlio happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best tho world affords.
Ono of tho products of that class, of
known component parts, an Kthical
remedy, approved by physicians anil com
mended oy tho Well-Informed of tlio
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is tho well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading druggists.
Positively cured by
these Llttlo Pills.
They nlso relievo DIs
troHfromI)yHpe))hln,Iu. rilpt-st Ion mid Too Ilcnrty
Eutliitf. A pcrfuct rem
edy fur Dizziness, Nun
Hen, DrowKlnesH, Had
TuBtti In tlio Mouth, Coat
ed Ton sun, l'a In In tha
They rcgulata the Iiowela. rurely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
A Timely Air.
During ono of tho political tours of
Mr. Cleveland, In which ho was ac
companied by Sectetary OIney, ho ar
rived during n severe storm at a town
In which he was to speak. As ho en
tered tho cntrlago with his friends
nntl was driven from tho station tho
rain changed to hall, and linmenso
stones battered and rattled ugalnst
the vehicle. A brass band, rather de
moralized by the storm, stuck bravely
to Its post and played.
"That Is the most leallstle music I
havo ever henrd," remarked the presi
dent, "What aro they playing?" asked the
secretary of state.
'"Hall to tho Chief with real hall!"
rejoined Mr. Cleveland.
Laundry work nt homo would bo
much moro satisfactory If tho right
Starch wero used. In order to get tho
desired stiffness, It In usunlly neces
sary to ubo so much Btnrch that tho
beauty and finenesB of tho fabric Is
hidden behind n pasto of varying.
thickness, which not only destroyn tho
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trail
bio can bo entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as It can bo applied
much moro thinly becnuso of ItH great
er strength than other makes.
The Real Test.
"Poor fellow, ho died In poverty,"
said n man of a poison lately de
ceased. "That Isn't nnythlng," exclaimed n
Boedy byntandor. "Dying In poverty
Is no hardship; It's living In poverty
that puts tho thumbscrews on a fel
low." Good for Sore Eyes,
for 100, cars PKTTIT'S KYK SA1AMC Imi
positively ctited ejo di-wes cvcryulicio.
All dtiiKKiHtHorllovardllri)s.,Ilnllalu.N. Y.
Trent yourself with respect, If only
for tho purpose of setting ti good ex
ample fur your nolghbors.
it buy Furs & Hides. Write forcataloir 1(W
N. v. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Mnny a man comes homo expecting
n good dinner und nil ho gets Is a cold
Lewis' RinRlo Hinder ntm!ht fie cipr h
pood quality all the time. Your dealer or
Lewis' l'nctoty, Peorin, ill.
Try to lovo your neighbor as your
self, but If you can't, don't.
Mr. Wlnslow's Hootlilnu Hjrrnn.
Vorrhtlilrcn tarttilnit, aoftcui tlio ituru, rcclucei ta
llamruallou, allHv puia, cured wind collu.
Tho burglar
quick scheme.
also has his get-rich-
It lour Fret Aclio or Ilurn
get n 2.V imrk.iKit at Allen's Timl-Kni'. It kItos
tinkle ii'lluf. Two million juckuiicH buhl ycurly.
Anyway, tho man who borrows trou.
bio Isn't asked to return it.
down,(ioamonth. Population L03 Angeles now 275, 000, increasing 35, 000 per year. Prop
erty bought now will double in two years. Write us for maps, information, bank references.
THE BURCK-GWYNN CO., 333 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.
gP Jlm T.7
! n frrJ
m i MM I, ,
m N J 8?
A Olf; .7 flL
m L t- ' ir
I jfK. -In f
Defiance Starch Company, Omaha, Neb.
Moro proof that LytUa B. PlnTc
Imin'H VoKofnbloCoiiinound saves
woman from Hurtflcuf operations.
Mrs. S. A. Willinms, of Gardiner,
Mnino, writes:
"I was a great milTercr from femalo
troubles, nntl Lydhi K. Plnkham'n Vege
table Compound restored mo to health
in three months, after my physician
declared that nn oporallou waa abso
lutely necessary."
Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 151 Olcy
foourno Ave. Cluonrro, 111., writes :
" I HiilTeretl from femalo troublert, n,
tumor and much inflammation. Two
of tho best doctors in Chicago decided
that an operation was necessary to savo
my life. Lydln K. Pinkhaiu a Vegctablo
Compound entirely cured mo without
nn operation."
For thirty years Lyriia E. Pink
ham's Vogutablo Compound, nuido
from roots nnd herbs, 1ms been tho
standard remedy for fomnlo ills,
and has iosit i vely cured thousands of
women who havo been troubled with
displacements, inilammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that lear-ing-down
feeling, llatulency, indiges
tion,dizzineso,ornorvou3 prostration.
"Why don't you tiy it V
Mrs. Pinklmm invites nil slclc
women to wrlto her for ndvlco.
Sho 1ms guided thousands to
health. Address Lynn, Muss.
T 1 o(tliipjpcre"
Keaders !,b"
3 buy
nnvthins adver
tised in its columns should instil upon
having what lliey otic (or, refusing all
tubititutes oi imitations.
Rltiiuri and bej'it.HM tho hair.
1'romutef a laxuriinl pmwlh.
Nvor Poll to llmtoro Ory
IIMr to It Youthful Color.
Cuici irlp iip,r fc liitr filling,
Ocml tl"'il Diwr.ili
"iSlJilSI Thompson's Eye Wafer
Nebraska Military Academy
l.iiieulii, rvelmiMiu
lil iMillillnKiinil uriiiiiidH. lriii.iics fur rulli mm ml
buhliit'st. Hc'lalUuiiurtiiipntfirriuni;lM)riiiinit('rli
yvars. I'urlufurimitfoii.uUdrossU.lMluywanJ.Huyt.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 38, 1908.
g THE DUTCH Yfr JfiSSk .
made or ?P Jr
High and sightly, located Yi block from car line, near
churclicsand schools. Streets oiled and graded, cement
sidewalks and curbs. Price, $400 to f Coo. Terms, tio
Bosoms, Collars
and Cuffs
never crack nor be
come brittle. They
last twice as Ions aa
thoso laundered with other
starches and givo tho wear
er much better satisfaction.
If you want your husband,
brother or son to look
dressy, to feel comfortablo
and to bo thoroughly happy
STARCH in tho
laundry. It is sold by all
good grocers at ioc npack
age 16 ounces. Inferior
starches sell at tho sarao
price per package but con
tain only 12 ounces. Noto
tho difference. Ask your
Insist on gutting it and you will never
uso any oilier brand.