The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1908, Image 5

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W, I), ltouer'.i family is visiting- in
Kunsns, tills week.
Special prices on old wheat flour at
the Ked Cloud Milling Co.
Foil Sai.k Six room house, 3 lota.
Inquire at Newhouso's store. tf
Miss Edith Crowell of Creston. Iowa.
.lh vUlt.lntr frlanri&iti thn r.ltv thin wiplt. I
Mrs. h, A. llaskins left Wednesday,
.uiurulug for Iowa, for an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Oatman arrived
front California Tuesday, to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Oleic Fountain, arc the
proud "parent's of a baby Jgirl born
Miss Kva Meyers was married to
Kosuo Hurcn of llarmill, Mo., at Belle
vi le, Kansas.
draco Frisbie went to Lincoln Wed
nesday, where she will attend Wesley
an university.
Harry Studebakcr left Monday, for
Mcl'licrson, Kansas, where he will
attcnti schodl.
Wantkh A young lady who wishes
learn typesetting. Call at the Chief
otlleo for particulars.
Tho W. It. C. will meet Saturday
afternoon at :i o'clock. Every mem
ber is expected to be present.
Wilbur Peterson, who has been seri
ously ill the past few days, was report
ed as showing a slight Improvement
ilast night.
He sure and go with the excursion
Oct. Cth of the Red Cloud Investment
Co They sell choice farm land on
easy payments.
With every paid In advance subscrip
tion we are giving a pair of shears that
cannot be purchased at any store for
less than 7!ie. Call and see them.
The Kebekah's will hold a picnic
and basket diuuer lu Dan Oarber's
grovo Monday, September 31. All Ue
ekahs and Odd Fellows are invited to
attend. Hrlng your basket ami join
in the fun.
C. L. Crabill was married Tuesday, at
Hayes Center, to Miss Gertrude Ford
of that place. Tho young couple nr
rivod In Ited Cloud, Wednesday and
will make tholr homo on tho Crabill
ranch west of town.
Yaple Ilros. have sold their hotel
lease the proprietor, Hoy Oatmau, and
will give possession November 1st.
Tho boys have two or three hotel
propositions in view, but have not yet
decided where they will locate.
Itov. (1. S Miner and wife of Foo
Chow, China, home on furlough, after a
short visit with A. (. Green and fami
ly, resumed their journey to San Fran
cisco whence- they sail for China, to
ugain take up mission work there.
The Revival Meeting at the Brethren i soon as you are ready,
Church will continue next week.
Rev. Mishler is an eutliusiastie speak
er ami presents the truth in a practical
way. The following are some of the
subjects to be used. Monday evening,
illustrated by chart: "From Eternity
to Eternity, 'l Inclulllng'the' Resurrec
tion, Millenlal and the 'Judgement.
Ariugton's Comedians will be at the
opera house one night, September 22,
in the beautiful Southern comedy
drama, "My Dixie Girl." They have
with them this season the C'lagson
Family Ladles Orchestra, which is a
show in itself, and with their four big
specialty acts it is one of the best
shows they ever had.
lotin Ituigtvis went to Lebanon Tuesday.
A. X. Sibert went to Inavale Thurs
day to work for Mr. Hunter.
Uiul Waxtku For general house
work. Inquire at New house's
J. II. Kollegg went to Kearney Mou
day where he will attend school.
Uallie Thomas and Edgar Throne
left for MclMierson College, Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Gardiner of Orleans, is visit
ing hor parents Mr. and Mrs. L U. Fort.
G.A. Scoles, a former resident of
this vicinity, died at Longmont, Colo.,
llruoo Heokwith went to Lincoln,
Monday where he will atteud the uni
versity. Hev. Stinlor and wife went to Lincoln
the first of tho week to atteud con
ference. Mrs. Will Holtnos of Washington,
Kansas, has been visiting friends bore
this week.
Miss Pearl Mitchell departed for Mo
Cook Saturday, after visiting her uncle
James Mitchell
. Mrs. Willis Fulton loft Monday,
morning for a short visit with friends
in Fairmont, Nebraska.
Miss Elizaboth Sterns artlved from
Marysvlllo, Missouri, Sunday to atteud
the Taylor-Mitchell weddlug.
Darley Plumb left the first of tho
woek, for Iowa City, where goes to
study homeopathic medicine.
Mrs. John McQullcem, a former resi
dent of Red Cloud, arrived from Call
fomla Monday to visit old friends.
If you want a fountain pen that will
not leak in any position buy one of
Cottlng the druggsit, guranteed satis
faction. Oct. Cth is the date for the next ex
clusion of the Ked Cloud Investment
Co., to the cheap laud In Texas. Join
their crowd.
Those who desire season tickets for
the lecture course and have not yet
been solicitedean get tickets by call
ing on Prof It 1). Morltz.
Mrs. Luellyn George and children re
turned to Broken Bow, tho first of the
week after visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. David Larrlek.
Mr. Ed Tuylor left this morning for
Enid, Oknlhoma to resume- his duties
as principal of ono of tho city schools'
This is his second year there.
A special train will leave Red Cloud
for tho accommodation of visitors to
tho Bladen fair on Sopteniber 22, 23,
21 and 25. Train will leave KedTJloud
at 8:30 u. m., and returning leavo Wad
en at (5:!10 p. m.
Wa.ntkd At once, 25 or 30 young
men and women to take a course in
Multigraphing. Course can be com
pleted in from one month to six weeks.
We have a position waiting for you as
Salarys run
mmmmmmmmmmammmammmmmmmimmmmmKmimmmmimimmmKmmmaKmmKmmmmmmmiimmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiKmmmmmmmmmiam ,
I . .. .. . ..
JllliJiiil- s.
l!v-mlaflt M
fcSima I s
W 13.
Pirn th t
vv Iri a
1 Clothing Co. j
First Door North of Postoffice t
C. L. Cottlng is in Chicago, this weok
Mrs. R. S. MoBrldo is homo from
Hort Morhart wont to Tecumsoh
Mrs. Bomford, is on the siok list
this woek.
Flosslo Smith Is reported quite slok
this weak.
Robert Garner waa down from Ina
vale Tuesday.
Chas. Fort is visiting his parents
here this week.
Mrs. Heigle, is reported much better
at this writing.
Mrs. I. S. Real returned from Chicago
Saturday night.
Myra Grlffeth wout to Franklin
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Chas. Bennett was down from
Cowles Tuosday.
Miss Ruby White returned the last
of the week to Franklin.
Will West and family returned to
Naponce Monday evening.
Mrs. Frank Taylor roturned to Rlv
ort -n the first of the weok. ,
Mrs. Edith llnyos and children re
turned from Wllber Tuosday.
The Highest Grade
Clothing in this country is handled by us
All the new dope in swell clothing for
men and young men is found at our store.
It costs no more than common "Kike
stuff and is guaranteed by the maker.
Come to us' for good Clothing, Hats,
Shoes and Furnishing Goods.
" II r I -vP
cures made b;
i Kilmer's S
Root, the grea
L ney, liver and
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost evervbodv who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures mane uy ui,
great kid-
and blau
der remedy
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric ncid, catarrh of the bladder and
"right's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it w ill be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also u book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
JimlOUUf yoUliavCKluiicyur uiuuuci uuu-
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-ccnt and one-
dollnr size bottles are Home of 8wjnoot.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Riugliamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Always Reloablc
(In liquid form, pleasant to take)
ForC 111 I Is, Fever and Malaria
Headache, Biliousness, Comtipation and
all other symptoms of deranged Liver
quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire
Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood
The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 2i timet
the quantity of the 30c tixe. Prepared
only by the
from Sl.r to S20 per week for beginners.
Who will be the first to enroll'.' Tuition
for complete course S25. For further
particulars address the Hebron Ilusi
ness College, HebronNeb.
At about four o'olock this morning
tho alarm of tire, bought the .sleepy
citizens from their bods in a great
hurry. The trouble was discovered to
be in a house in the northeast part of
town recently purchased by Clarence
Lewis. Although the house was with
in the fire limits the department arriv
ed too late to bo of any use in saving
the property. The building was a
total losi, which will work quite a
hardship on Mr. Lewis.
RTvpS Trg
klMntiMrEr M
promrUr obtained In all countries, or NO HI.
Yuaoi-Marxs, careau and copyrights reiria
tend. Send Sketch, Model or l'Uoto, for free
report on puenuDimr. -L IUIWIII
TftlCTlY OONNDIMTUL. Patent practice
exrJotlTelr. Somu as reference
. WldtrkeiMeniraipuUtiaTeoothndv
twos qnnow.iooxMiB ana neii-patente, wnat tn-TenUoMDrlU-Bal'.Hew
to ant atrtMindoiher
JSOI Stveith St., WashlwiiM, D. C
Cl.tnM. .ixl breutlrlee the hair,
rrumut. a luxuriant growth.
trer Fail to Beetore Qrer
HMr to tta Youthful Color.
Curr. .rl it. a- hair 1 11a.
&.,ii.l M.;t DruitirUu
School Days easier by giving your boy
or girl one of our reliable fountain pens.
We have a line of worth-your-money
pens from 75c up.
A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A nice
line here at $ 1 .00 and up. Every one worth the price.
Don't forget that many eyes are permanently injured by
wearing improper glasses or by doing without them.
Special allention given to children's eyes.
LI l
i ?
Tf vnn fit., n -11 1V..I-..I- ffvitil tlltif lil.l.f
distressing ntlliction, piles, and have
irteti many reineiues wunoui oeing
benefited we can safely wiv that Man
San l'ile Hemedy will bring relief
with the first application. For sule by
Henry Cook.
IleeH Laxative Cough Syrup nlwavs
brings quick relief to coughs, colifs,
hoarsiiess, whooping cough and all
bronchial and throat trouble. Mothers
especiallf recommond it for children,
as it is pleasant to take. It Is gently
laxative. Should be In every home.
Guaranteed. Sold by Henry Cook.
Tn tlinoit fiflUftt.iil ti'Wli Irtilri..,. nti.l
uiutttiut tiuuuii:, uaijHui;iii.', i iiuuiiiu.-
tism, l'lneulcs for the Kidneys bring
relief in the first dose. Hundreds of
people today testify to their remark
able healing and tonic properties. 30
days' trial- 81.00. They' purify tho
blood. Sold by Henry Cook.
Pineules for tho Kidneys, 30 days'
trial 81.00. Hundreds of people testify
to the merit of this preparation in the
relief of kidney troudle, rheumatism,
lumbago, backache, i'ineules act di
rectly on the kidneys, purify the
blood and make you feel like a now
porson. They tone the system. Sold
by Henry Cook.
Murton L. Mil. of Lebanon Ind.. says, -'Mj
wife had tuOammatorr Hheumatlam In v verj
miiKCle ami Joint; hor aufferliiK w terrible
aud her budjr and face wero awnllen alraoitt be
yond recoKiilllou; bad bten In hod lx we-ai
and bad elKbt li)ilplii. but received no
benefit until he tried Dr. Deichon'B Ittllef (01
lUieumattam. It Kave ltnmedlatt rellot and
be wai ble to walk ahont In three dayi l am
ure It savi-d her life " 4nld hjr II a. Qrloe.
Drur't.Ked C'loim
Cash Jewelers and Optometrists
rm -.T?CTn-nrfT--l TafaiJW
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors f
You are welcome always, either
to look or buv.
Dr.Detcbona Relief for Rheumatism and Neural
Kta radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
tbe system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
remotes at once tbe cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
bent-fits, 75 cents and II. Sold by II. B. Gaici,
druggist, Rod Cloud.
A powder for swollen, tired, hot, smarting feet.
Sample sent FUKK. Also Free Sample of the
Invention. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy,
N. Y.
Mother Gray, a nurse In New York, discovered
an aromatle. pleasant herb cure for women's
ills, called AUSTRALIAN LEAF. It Is the only
certain regulator, cures female weaknesses
and backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles At all druggists or by mall 60 cents.
Sample FRKB, Address, The Mother Gray Co.,
Le Hoy, N. Y
For Sale.
A $2.r)00 Newspaper plant fully equip
ed for $500 cash. One 1'routy press,
ono jobber 12x18, ono jobber 8x10, one
paper cutter, one folde , three cabnots
case racks, onodoublostono, four large
htones aud racks, fcur chases, mailer
aud gulleyb, ono gas engine, one stup
id . About a 1U00 lbs of type and num
erous other articles all for $"U0 ciibh.
To sou thl plant write or c ill at the
Ch ef olltce.
FflflPRS 1
should inspect our
before investing in a machine.
All we ask for the DeLaval is a trial, and we
would like to have you take one out and give it a
fair test along side of any other separator made. It
will cost you nothing to make the test You will
keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the
X 450 pound capacity separator for $75.00.
Will you give It a trial?
Red Cloud Hardware
and Implement Co.
WM. WOLFE. Secretary.
Do you know that It .will pay YOU, aa
well aa US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices avebaok lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because we take especial oare
of and protect all can be classed as
Don't Buy land nor loan
Money on Real Estate
without getting ono of Teel's
perfect Abstracts of Title. Tho
oldest and most reliable set of
Abstract books in Webster Co.
810,000 bond filed and approved.
Represents six of the best In
surance companies doing busi
ness in the state.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
OfHce In Overlng Block.
Phonos: Belt 98, farmers 38
Farm or Busings
Not nnrtlcular about location.
bear irom owner only who
or sale.
.Vlnh to
will sell direct to buyer. Give price,
description and state when possession
can do uaa. Aaaress,
Our stock of harness is
complete and up-to-date
in every department. If
you are in need of any
thing in the harness line,
from a tie strap to the
best hand-made work or
buggy harness, call on us.
We can satisfy you.
North of Damercll lilock.
Al. Kluhy lifti been appointed truant
olllcer by thu board of education.
Pincsalve acts like a poultice
lEtrDOllZed forms or skih disease
Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid
form for malaria, chills and fever,
regulates tho liver, kidneys aud blad
der, brings quick relief to biliousness,
hick-headuclie, constipation. IMeasant
to take. Tho 81.00 bottle contains 2J.
times tho quantity of tho COo blze.
I'Mi-ht tlosu bring.-, relief. Iti tonlo
odocts felt at oncu. Sold by Ilenrv
Cook. J