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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
. ;.w-" , V The C hief E. B. DcWOLF, Publisher REP CLOUD, - NEBR. Tho Wright brothers appear to hnv ft flying start In 1'nrln. Tlio latest drink In New York is called tlio nvlator, but docs it product) a dlrlglblo jag? It nppcnrs Unit, nftor all, tho thrifty Wright brothers havo not packed nil their eggs In ono hnskct. Tho town of Ohoopco, in Georgia, la to havo another immo. No Bcnse In such a nniuo In a dry stnto. Count tfoppolln's nlralilp, however, In still a long wny from getting Into tho shlpsthnt-pnsB-ln-the-nlght class. Jnpan is planning to show the American sailors tho tlmo of their lives If they can learn to llko Japan ese cooking. A Georgia train ran Into a mulo nnd wns thrown Into a ditch. Tho mulo must havo been going nt a high rato of speed Georgia trains don't. An Illinois professor wants the malls closed aguliiBt fnlry tnles. Does tho man want to rob political lltern turo of ono of Its chief fenturoB? For resenting a practical Joko n Chicago man was thrown from n third story window nnd killed. It !b a rare gift to know when to it.ugli. Another pleasing fcaturo of the ncroplano Is that you can look at It, on It sails over your head, without having to dig sand out of your eyes afterward. "Mario Corelll," says her press agent, "Is about to wrlto n novel ngalnst tho drink habit." Thereby re claiming some of tho poor souls Bhc has driven to It. A western stenographer has brought nult ngalnst her employer because tho ofllco chair wns bo high that It hurt her spine. A little thing to got her back up about. A Now York musical comedy nuthor recently lost Boverul manuscripts by lire. Thin will mako tho work on tho stage manager that much easier In conducting rchenrsals. A Philadelphia motorman who has Inherited $150,000 refuses to quit working. Which shows that tho slow ness of Philadelphia pcopla Is not Incidental, but psychopathic. It In said that Izzot 1'nsha should not bo permitted to And nnylum In this country becauso ho has thrco wives. That may bo tho very reason why he Is most In neod of asylum. So tho auto Is not only putting n crimp in tho horse's business, but de priving thoso that remain In tho har ness of their nuclont privilege of run ning away. Soon It will bo: "Lo, tho poor horse." Cnrlylo Bald: "A dlsllko of notso Is a measure of clvlllzntlon," nnd tho neglect to protect a people against un necessary noises, declares tho Ohio Stnto .Journnl, is nn Indlcntlon of n crudo and Ignorant government. Some New Yorkers whoTvould rath er bo contrary than compromise a halr'B breadth havo gono to law over 23 cents. Wo suspect tho lawyors did not tnko tho caso for half tho amount of a successful Judgmont. A man in New York nto CO enrs of corn In ono evening, consuming n pound of butter In tho process. Tho fact that ho appeared to Buffer no In convenience from this meal may be rogarded ns classifying him zoolog ically. A rich citizen of Lincoln, Neb., tried to kill his wlfo becauso Bho would not talk to him ns much ns ho desired. Further proof of his Insnnlty Is afforded by tho fact that ho nt tompted to commit Bulcldo immediate ly nfterwnrd. What did tho king and knlscr talk about at their meeting? Nnvlrs, air Bhlpa, tho advanco of "radicalism," the situation In Turkey? Possibly, but tho chief topic must hnvo been how to spend ono's vacation with tho maximum of bcnoflt. Tho Russian dunia seems to bo gradually getting a grip on things. Tho dumn wns opposed to ono of the nrand dukes who wna nt tho head of tho council for national defense, and 'let tho cznr know It. Tho grand duko wan "bounced." Still, tho czar may hnvo been morely waiting for a Good excuse. Everything about that crulso of tho big fleet tends to show tho stanch ncsB of our wnrshlps nnd tho ndmlr ablo way in which thoy nro handled. Dispatches from Auckland say that nfter careful examination tho vcssols nro found actually in bettor condition than when they stinted. And they hnvo sailed many thousands of miles and been through heavy Btorms. Althougn "changing tho fnco of nature" Is a romurk frequently used to descrlbo Bomo important work of man upon tho earth, It Is usually UN tlo more than u flguro of speech, In, ft newly dovolopod Mexican oll-flold; however, tho remark might bo applied with Bomo justice Through tho care lessness of a workman, llro was com municated to tho BUbtorrnnean reser voirs of oil Bomo woeks ngo. Explo slonn followed which toro up tho whole nurfaco of tho earth for a onuaro mile, And Blnco then 90,000 harroU of tho oil pis bcon burning dally. J STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPnESS.PULPtT AND PUBLIC What lo Going on Here nnd There That Is of Interest to lite Read ers Throughout Nebraska. At a Bchool election hold to deter mlno whether or not tho city of He bron Bhould voto $20,000 bonds for tho purpose of building n new ward school, tho bonds carried by a majority of fifteen. While Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rurko of Friend were out riding in their nu tomohllo, tho machine wns overturned nnd Mrs. Hurke suffered tho breaking of a collar bono beside aomo other bruises. James Keith, n bnrtender from Rny mond, wns shot nnd killed nt Bridge- port by Mlchnel II. llagerty, n saloon keeper of that plnce, ns the result of a drunken dispute, Both men nro well known. Mrs. Dora Wilson, proprietor of tho hotel nt Mnnloy, went to Lincoln to attend tho funeral of her niece, Miss Ednu Kcnuett. While In n restaurant sho wns attacked with appendicitis, taken to a hospital and operated on and died next day. Leaving behind her a husband nnd flvo children, Mrs. Ernest Olson, liv ing nbout four miles north of Polk, Oescrted her homo In company with (liny Helvery, the hired man, camo over trom Polk to Central City with him In nn automobile, boarded tho train nt that place nnd has not been heard of since. Judge Grlmcn hold n brief session of tho district court nt Sidney mil sentenced tho following to tho penl tcntlnary: Henry Harris, burglary, eighteen months; Samuel Glm, for gery, two years nnd a half; Will La Maar, n hoy of 17, was sent to tho state reformatory for a period of four years for burglary. Word was received In Beatrice that In Eddloinnn, n young man whose home lu near Ellis, had died In South Omaha from an overdose cf cocaine. Eddleman was suspected of having robbed the storo of tho Jackson Drug company In Hentrlco. Ho was also HUHpected of other robberies nt Ellis and Plymouth and escaped from t:io olllccrs n few years ago. Sheriff II. U. Minor of Hurt county hnB apprehended Fred Clnrk and Ed Orr, half brothers, wanted at Mt. Ster ling, 111., for Jnll breaking. The men do not deny having taken French leave of tho Mt. Sterling prison. They had been given a preliminary hearing on a charge of assault with intent to kill, nnd wore awaiting trial In tho district court there when a Jail de livery was effected. A. E. Willlnms, living at T.H0 North Rovonth street, says the Lincoln Jour nal, has succeeded In gi owing In his yard a very perfect cotton plant, which Is now full of blossoms. It was planted in March and has been given enro enough to bring It to lull devel opment. Inasmuch ns It Is only ono of thirty Btnlks to conio to perfection, It does not appear thnt cotton can bo grown hero to advantage. Tho food commissioner has forward ed to County Attorney English of Douglas county Information that bIx iTstnurantB of Omaha nro selling Bklm milk nnd directs that they bo prose cuted under tho pure food law. Tho law requires that milk shnll test 3 per cent butter fat. Two nnd Blx-tenlhs per cent was tho best nny of tho res taurants In the list did, according to tho food commissioner's report. Tho annual convention of tho Lu theran synod of Nebraska opened In Hnardy. The following officers wero elected: now L. Groh, D. D., of Omn ha. president; Itev. Georgo W. Livers of Benedict, secretary; Dr. James H. Miller of Surprise, treasurer; Itev. C. J. ltlnger or Wayne, statistical Becre tary; Row M. L. Mellck of Omaha, his torlan. Tho nnnual reports showed a general ndvance all nlong tho lines. Food Commissioner Johnson Is pro ceeding ngalnst more farmers on n chnrgo of selling hoticn cgg3. Ho has nsked county attorneys to prosecute P. Smith of Rokoby nnd P. L. Cullen of Ashland for selling bud eggs to a storekeeper. It Is tho food commis sioner's policy to catch farmers by having Inspectors stationed nt coun try stores to cundlo eggs nnd tho llrst farmer that offers a bad egg Is Imme dlatoly detected. Somo boys at Shelton wero using a high, Blnntlng who ns a slldo for life nnd sliding down hnnglng by their feot. Whllo Hnrold Kestorson wns making a slldo tho fastening to which his feet wero attached broke, precipi tating him to tho ground head first. He alighted on his hands llrst with such force ns to break both arms at tho wrist, tho bones protruding through tho flesh. Although badly In jured It Is thought that his arms can io saved. Tho assessed valuo of proporty ap portioned to cities and towns, belong, lug to tho Chicago, St. Paul, Mlnneup oils & Omaha railroad, undor tho pro visions of the terminal tax law, Is In creased from $277,100 In 1007 to $135, 191 In 1908. A lottor received nt Fremont by her husband clears away tho myBtory which surrounded tho disappearance of Mrs. Olson. Mrs. Olsen is in Sweden staying with her pnronts. How she managed to get thero Mr. Olson says he cannot Imagine. Ho Bays sho did not havo any monoy that hoknow anything r.ljout. NEBRA3KA NEWS AND NOTES, Items of Greater or Lesser Impor tance Over the State. The Oxford roller mills wero de stroyed by llro. Tho loss Is $2,500. Burglars of lato havo been very uc tlvo In David City. Mrs. Mary A. Gllmoro of Otoe coun ty went Insuno and was taken to tho asylum. Sho Is very violent nnd had to bo strapped down. A young ninn of Mllford, named ntirkholdor, waB arrested by Sheriff Glllnu for attempted assault on a young woman named Erb. Elmer Tuttle, a young man raised lu Salem, was run over by a west bound nurllngton train nnd killed. Ho Is snld to havo been Intoxicated and wnB lying on the track. A rownrd of $100 has been offered for tho capture of a thief who stole a horse from Hodges & Bnldwln's barn In Fremont. Tho animal Is a big bay weighing 1,750 pounds. C, M. Earnest was nrrested In So wnd by Sheriff Glllnn for having stolen a team Juno 8 In Holt county. Ho sold It at Krolbnch. Ho was taken to O'Neill by tho sheriff of that county. F. Erlekson nnd family of Menahga, Minn., arrived in Fremont in nu auto mobile. They enme to visit Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, who rcsldo south of tho city. Thoy drove tho wholo dis tance In nn nutomobllc. Richard Prcttlo mnde nn application to Clerk Mundy nt tho district court of Dodge county for hearing under tho dlpsomnnlac act. Prettle says he Is n dopo fiend and ho wants to take tho Btato treatment at tho Lincoln nsylum. Tho flvo pcoplo who wero injured in Keith county, whon tho tank house collapsed, nro all alive. Frank Kalvlet, tho young man employed by Mr. Glr- mnn In his moat market, Is tho most seriously Injured. Ills leg may havo to bo amputated. Tho peach and nppo crop Is so henvy In this section, Bays a Nebraska City dispatch, thnt tho canning fac tory has contracted to put up some thing llko fifteen cnrloads of the3o two kinds alone. The tomato crop was fair, but tho corn crop short. Fremont's new $CO,000 Y. M. C. A. building was opened to tho public last week. A big crowd filled tho lobby, corridors and tho gymnasium. Tho swimming pool In tho basement called out tho admiration of tho smal boys and many others of larger Blze. Tho union lubor lodges of McCook observed Labor day with a big pic nic, nn address by Congressman G. W. Norrls nnd several unionist Bpecches, music by tho High school band, a ball game and numerous other games. Mrs. Seignrt of Hastings, who sev eral weeks ago was Injured In Donl phnn, Is stll In a serious condition nnd a suit may he Instituted ngalnst tho villnge of Doniphan or tho St. Joseph & Giand Isaud railroad for having im proper lighting. Mnrk Seltsl- ono of tho progressive young fnrmers of Pnwnco county, was so seriously Injured ns to cnuso his death. He was engnged In building a new residence on his farm, three and one-half miles east of tho city. Whllo upon him fatal Injuries. Thrco men, Joe nnd Jay Harrison nnd John Conrad, wero nncstou at Ponca for breaking Into John Coin's saloon. They got $21 nnd probably some whisky. After they were ar rested they gavo up the money, but nre hold under $500 bonds. With his nrm lu a sling ns the result of a collision with a Mexican blcyclo rider. D. E. Thompson, nmbassndor to Mexico, arrived in Lincoln in Ills spec ial car. Ho is on leavo of absence and will remain in this country suvernl weeks. This Is tho second tlmo tho samo nrm hns been fractured and Mr. Thompson said It had caused him con siderable discomfort nnd inconven ience. According to tho report of County Superintendent n. C. King, thero wero thirteen Bchools, In Otoo county thnt wero not ablo to open on account of tho shortage of tcachors and theso schools will hnvo to remain closed until teachers have been Becured. A month ago thero was n shortago of forty-seven teachers, but Blnco then tho shortago has been cut down to thirteen. Ono of tho heaviest real estato sales to occur In this section, snys n Suth erland dispatch, in a hmg tlmo, waa consummated during tho past fow dayB, when the famous "Duck Brand" rnnch, lying In tho enst part of Keith county, a few miles west of this place, pnssed from tho ownership of C. F. Kevin to P. P. Maddux of Miller, this Btato. Tho ranch embraces 75,000 acres of deeded lands and Is well stocked with cattlo, horses, etc. Tho story of the killing of n Mr. Por lick by Georgo Uoyer has reached Bridgeport. Uoyer, who is well known throughout thnt part of tho country, wns engaged In setting a post on tho section line between his plnco nnd that of Mr. Porllck, when the lattor ap peared nnd demnnded that tho post bo set back Boveral feet, alleging that It wns not on tho correct line. Hot words followed and In tho quarrel which ensued Hoyor struck Porllck on the head with a heavy tamping stako ho had been using. Hnrry T. Martin, Fred Thomn3, Larry Mullln and Lulu Wolfo, who were arrested at Decatur by Sheriff Phlpp8, churged with soiling liquor without a license, wero taken before Judge Sears whoro thoy all plead guilty and wero fined $200 nnd costs, which thoy paid. Shorlff White and two deputies from Ida Grovo, In,, who havo been In Cen tral City for several days, woro vo wnrded In their search by tho capturo of Ehlnor Johnson, who is wanted nt Idn Grovo on a chargo of statutory os. siuilt. Johson loft homo somo weeks ago and was traced to Control City. NEWS OF THE WEEK Most Important Happenings cf the Past Seven Days. Interesting Items Gathered From all Parts of the World Condensed 'nto Small Space for the Den- efit of Our Readers. Miscellaneous. An nttempt to assassinate Gov. Fort of New Jersey was thwarted by tho vigilance of tho postofflco nuthorltlcs who intercepted nn infernal machine addressed lo the executive.. An official statement iBsued by tho navy department nhows thnt nnval vessels now under construction num ber 20. Nearly complete returns show that Sonntor Ankeny was defeated for re nomination in Washington by 12,000 majority. Four women nnd a man. employes of a Chlcngo adding machine com pany, wuro fatally injured by an ex plosion of Illuminating gas In a wall safe In tho company's plant. Tho engine and nlno cars of a Mis souri Pacific freight train were wreck ed nenr Atchison, Kan. The fireman was killed and tho engineer seriously Injured. Tho Victor Manufacturing com pany's plant nt Leavenworth, Kan., was partially destroyed by fire cauBlng a loss of $12,000. While playing the organ In a Sunday school at Newton, N. C, Miss Hub linger wns stnbbed to death by a innnlnc who said he killed her be causo sho was a witch; Thirty-four persons were Injured In a wreck on the Erie railroad nenr Mendvllle, Pa., when the Chlcngo to New York express ran Into nn open switch. The road olllclals believe the accident due to train wreckers. The Eucharlstlc congress of tho Roman Catholic church In London wns brought to a close with a great parado of tho clergy. Hut tho pope's legate was not allowed to carry the Host through tho streets. In a suit for divorce filed at Kansas City, Mrs. Johnson of Iluckner. Mo., nllegcs that the blow which fractured her skull on the night of August 20 wns struck either by her husbnnd or by someone who made tho attack with his consent nnd knowledge. Tho caso has been a mystery to tho Jackson county authorities for several weeks. Many towns along tho north shoro of Lake Superior nro threatened with destruction by forest fires. Inhabit ants nro gathered along tho shoro ready to tnko to tho Inko should the worst come. The United States Marino corps won the Dryden tiophy, worth $1,000, at the Sea Girt shoot. Orvlllo Wright mado a flight at Fort Myer lasting 1 hour, 10 minutes and 2(1 seconds. Twenty-one cases against various railroads for violations of tho 28-hour cattle law have been filed at Topeka. Tho Japuneso emigration bureau has prohibited further emigration of Jn panose into Hawaii. Three business men of Now Orleans, La., have been Indicted on the chnrgo of nrson in connection with tho fire which recently destroyed thrco blocks of business buildings In that city, causing a loss of $1,500,000. Whllo the parents were awav from homo tho residence of J. C. Burdotto In Now Brighton, Minn., burned and flvo Binall children ranging from 5 to 10 years of ago met death by suffoca tion. Tho freight nnd passenger steamer Tennessee, running between KnnsnB City and St. Louis, struck a snag nnd sunk nt tho mouth of the Llttlo Blue, a few miles enst of Kansns City. Tho crew Immediately began removing tho cargo to Bhoro by means of a bargo. No ono was Injured. For tho first tlmo in 20 years a pure ly Americnn exposition will ho held In England next year. Tho supreme court of Oklahoma In nn opinion handed down In tho ense of tho Noble State bank uphold tho vn lldlty of tho stato depositors' guaranty law. While assisting tho Masonic lodgo In Inltlntlon ceremonies In Piedmont, Ok., Judge J. O. Lowo of tho district court died suddenly of heart disease. A complaint has been filed nt Oma ha, charging Charles E. Davis with murder In tho llrst degreo In connec tion with the shooting of Dr. Frederick Rustln. William Herbert Smith has been ap pointed to tnko testimony In tho con tempt caso of Buck Stovo company ngalnst Samuel Gompers nnd other labor leaders. Thirty days wero given each sldo to present testimony. Orvlllo Wright mado another record with his neroplnno nt Fort Myer, Vn., whon he succeeded In maintaining a flight for C5 minutes nnd 52 seconds. Tho fish nnd oyster firm of A. Booth & Co. of Chlcngo hns been placed In tho hands of n receiver by Judge Bethea of tho federal court. Tho town of Grand Turk, Turk's Islands, B. W. I., was devastated by a hurrlcnno and several lives lost. Tho coroner's Jury In tho Omaha sensational caso brought in a verdict that "Dr. Ruslln camo to his death by a pistol shot ilrod by a porson un known." Tho Iowa loi'islaturo Is In a dead lock over tho election of a successor to tho lato Senator Allison. Tho fight is botween tho Republican progres sives and tho standpattors. Tho National As'soclatlon of Post office Clerks has decided to meet in Atlantic City, N. J., next year. The McAlpIn trophy lu the natlonnj shooting turnament at Sea Girt, N. J wna won by the Ohio team. Orvlllo Wright, In three phenomena) flights nt Fort Myer, Vn., established; now neroplnno records. Two flights, of approximately ono hour each nint another In which Lieut. Lahm wns car-j rled as a passenger were mnde. Cardlnnl VnnnutolII, the pope's lc-1 gate, was formally received by the' prelates of tho eucharlstlc congress at) Westminster cathedral In London with; nil tho solemn splendor of the Roman, Catholic church. Tho Missouri Democratic and Rc-i publican stato conventions ndoptcdj platforms and adjourned simultaneous ly at Jefferson City by ngreomont In order thnt neither party should have, an advantage. An Americnn syndicate has secured an option on the house In Paris built nnd occupied by Benjamin Franklin. Whllo President Roosevelt was rid ing near Sngnniore Hill the other day, a nhot was fired close beside the road. Whether It wns nn uttempt on tho president's life or merely a hunter has not been detei mined. The Union passenger station nt Mem phis, Tenn., hns been destroyed by tire, causing a loss of $50,000. Constitutional Island, in tho Hudson river off West Point, has been pre sented to the United States govern ment by .Mrs. Russell Sage and Miss Anna Warner. The gift has been ac cepted by President Roosevelt. In the coroner's Inquest Into the death or Dr. Rustln at Omaha, Mrs. Abble Rice testified that the physician had told her that Charles E. Davis, a clerk In a local bank, and promised to kill him. Davis denied tho story. The stnto committees of the various political parties lu Missouri met in JelTerson City nnd organized. Laten convent lonn with tho vnrlous candli dates were held and platforms adopt ed. Walter S. Dickey wns elected chair man of the Republican and II. M. Rubey of tho Democratic committee. Mrs. It. B. LIU of Portland. Ore., has mysteriously disappeared In Paris. Th- commodities clause of tho Hep burn railroad act has been declared, unconstitutional by the United States circuit court for the Eastern district) of Pennsylvania. The clause was do-, signed to prevent railroads ownlnir coal mines. Battling Nelson clinched his clnlm to the lightweight pugilistic champion ship by defeating Joe Gans for the second time at San Francisco. Gans was knocked out in the twenty-first round. Tho Asiatic cholera Is rapidly spreading In t. Petersburg, Russia. A package containing $50,000 in se curities, nhlppcd by tho Capital Na tional bank of Snlem, Ore., to Port land, by the Wells, Fargo Express company, Is missing nnd Is thought to have been stolen lu Portland. A communion set given tho Congre gatlonal church of Princeton. Mas3 by Lieut. Gov. Moses Gill in 1707 hns just been found lu u deep closet un der tho church organ. The closet had not been used for nearly 100 years. Over $.'!.000,000 worth of timber and, other property has been doBtro'yed by tho forest fires lu upper Michigan. Personal. Bonjnhln Franklin Wright, tho vet eran editor of the Charles city Dnllj Press. Is dead In thnt city aged 71 years. Theodoro Roosevelt, Jr., rccontlj celebrated his twenty-first birthday at Oyster Bay. Mohammed El Torres, who was chief of the Moorish delegation at the Alegeclras convention Is dead at Tail gler. Kelr Ilardle, labor representative in tho British parliament recently nd dressed the Central Federated Laboi union at Now York. He urged Amerl can workmon to enter politics. E. II. Hnrrlman has accepted an Invitation to nddress the Trans-Missis-slppl Commerclnl congress at San Francisco next month. Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma has been sued by a Muskogee hotel keeper for an nlleged hoard bill of $1,122.25. Gov. Charles E. Hughes of New York Is to make two speeches in Kan sas in October. Count Tolstoi's eightieth birthday was celebrated throughout Russia re cently. Rush C. Lake, secretary of tho Mis souri stato Republican committee, has been granted a three months leave of absence without pay by Attorney Con oral Hadloy In whoso ofllco Mr. Lako Is nu nssistnnt. Henry M. Furmnn of Ada has been appointed a member of tho criminal court of appeals of Oklahoma by Gov. Haskell. During his eastern trip William J. Bryan Is to bo tho guest of David B. Hill at Albany. N. Y. Louis Gregorl, who attempted to kill Maj. Dreyfus nt Paris Inst Juno, has been acquitted. John Templo Graves was formnlly notified of his nomination by tho In dependence party for tho vice presi dency of tho United States boforo an audlonco of 2,000 persons at Atlanta, Ga. Senator Foraker was ono of tho call ers on Judge Taft at Cincinnati with whom ho held a lengthy confernnco. Wllllnm II. Taft nnd William J. Bryan, rival caudldntcs for tho pres idency nro to bo guests of tho Chicago Association of Commerce at a banquet on Octohor 7. Tho yacht of Thomas W. Lawson was run down and almost capsized near Boston by a fishing vcssol. Mr. Lawson's daughter-in-law had a nar row oscnpo from drowning. Cnpt. John K. Moore, Fifteenth In fantry, Is dond at Fort Leavenworth ufter a short lllnesB of typhoid fever. GRAVES IS NOTIFIED. Formally Apprised of Nomination on Independence Ticket. Two thousand persons listened to the formal notification of John Tem plo Graves ns nominee of tho Inde pendence party for vice-president of tho United States nt Atlanta, Ga., Friday. The presidential nominee, Mr. Hlugen, Wllllnm Rundolph Hcnrst and a score of other prominent men In tho party wero on tho platform. Mr. Graves was given an ovation. Clarence J. Shean, chairman of tho notification committee, In his address took up each of tho national Issues In turn In the endeavor to show why tho south should not vote for tho Democratic ticket and could not sup port the Republican policies and con cluded ns follows: "It was In recognition of theso con ditions as n protest against their con tinuation In use us an Invitation to the south to resume Its old policy In the nation's councils that led the In dependence party to select as one of Its standard bcareis in Its first na tlounl campaign, a man of the south, who understands her needs, reveres her traditions and glories in her achievements, John Temple Graves, of Georgia." Mr. Graves, In his response, said that the time Is surely and swiftly coming when It will be reckoned an honor sufficient unto the largest am bition to havo been the first cholco of the National Independence party for the second office In the republic. "For tho present the responsibility shnll evoke my serious and devoted toll. Beyond all personal considera tions 1 rcjolco in the courage nnd Cntholic patriotism whlca sends the Independence pany for a candidate to the central south. Platitudes havo been sprinkled thick upon the con ventions nnd protestations of frater nity have plastered the platforms of the older parties but fie Independ ence party with the sincerity which Ik Its record and wlih the directness which Is Its policy, cuts through tho wind of words and mockery of pro fession nnd conies for Its second can didate direct to the heart -and capltnl of Dixie. In grateful appreciation of the high honor and responsibility which you offer, 1 shall hopefully ap peal our case to the south and to tho country." WORK HAND IN HAND. Railroads and Employee Form an As sociation at Chicago. At a meeting held at Chicago Mon day by prominent i.illwny officiate and labor organizations, whose mem bers are employed on the railroads, the "American Employes' and In vestors' association" was formed. The following statement of tho meet ing wns made public by P. H. Mor rlsey, grand master of tlio Brother hood of Railway Trainmen: "Tho purposes of; the American Railroad Employes' and Investors' as-, socintlon shall bo by all lawful meth ods to cultivate and maintain botween Its members such a spirit of mutual Interest and such concert on the part of all of them for the welfare and prosperity of American railroads as will best promote their successful and profitable operation for the benefit alike of their employes, Investors nnd the public; to mcourngo by every proper method cordial and friendly feelings on tho part of tho public to ward American rallrovds and their business; to publicly provide means and methods for obtaining considera tion and hearing from nil legislative bodies and commissions empowered to enact laws, rules nnd regulations af fecting the conduct and operation of railroads; to do whatever lawful things may bo necessary in order to secure n fnlr return allko to capital and to labor Interested In American railroads, with due regard at all times to efficient service, fair treatment and safety to tho public." Night Riders Organizing. Night riders are organizing In north eastern Arkansas for the purposo of reducing the cotton ncreago for next year and compelling the holding of this year's crop for the minimum price set by tho International Farmern union congress which met nt Fort Worth recently. Three fnrmers In Craighead county and one In Poinsett county havo been threatened by a band of rldors and much anxiety Is felt by the cotton buyers and giuners. A farmer on tho road with cotton to Lake City for marketing Monday was turned hack by a band of 20 nion on horseback with orders to hoi J his cotton for tho "minimum price." Control Philippine Cholera. Tho outbreak of cholera Is reported In the Philippines ns assuming a more favorable aspect lu tho provinces. In Pangnsinan, Island or Luzon, whoro conditions wero most serious, the dls easo has been practically eliminated. A few cases nr still making their nppearnnco In Manila, the victims Including threo Americans. Tho authorities declare that tho cholera Is not epidemic and nro working ener getically to end Its sporadic sprcniT: It Is believed that the majority of tho cases In Manila havo been brought fiom the provinces. Held for Making Bogus Money. Georgo Sands, 79 years old, was nrrested by locnl authorities at his homo in Kansas City, Kns., Friday night, on a chargo of making counter felt money. Flvo glass fruit jars containing n total of 338 spurious Bllvcr dollars, wero dug up in bis hack yard. Tho coins nro pronounced to ho excollent Imitations of tho genu ino dollars. Plaster of parls, lead, zinc and quick silver woro found In Sands' homo and tho pollco say ho ndmlts having been arrested on a similar charge in Now Jersey. s I t I J