The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1908, Image 1

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S nto Historical Socloty
A Nf.wpanrr That Gives The Ntws Flftj-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar.
PENING the good clothes season
line of goods as we have ready
' ' '''WML F4?:W&P$m
Copt right Iic8 h
Halt Mbilfir- A. Marx
Taylor-Mltchcll. '
The marriage of Miss Rouluh Taylor
to Dr. Robert Sanford Mitchell was '
solemnized at the Taylor home on 0th,
Avenue, Tuesday afternoon at live
The ceremony began with the brid
al son,'. Do Korou's "Oh Promise Mo"
by Miss Zelln Taylor, with Miss Storey
at the piano. As the bridal hoiik mod
ulated into tho Mendelsohn march the
bridal party tooK tnoir places; tne kov.
A. A. Cressman of tho Congregational
cuiuuu ummouuK. -" -
as maid of honor and Mr. Edward " '
i...i. m,.!..4:n r:nn r.nilA wn.ln..
l'latt attenuing the groom, cuo
tiful ring servlco being used.
Tho brido is well known ns tho eldest
of the quartot of beautiful Taylor
wist ere, who with thoU mother have liv
ed tho past flvo years in our city. She
is a young lady of high culture and re
liuomeut. and in her simple princess
gown of poarl white satin made as
charming a picture as can be imagined.
Dr. Mitchell has grown up in our
midst, and in every way has proven
himself an exemplary young man. In
his professional caroor as doctor, ho
has achieved wonderful success, ami
fully merits tho groat .popularity ho
has attained. Tho brido and groom re
ceived many useful and elegant pres
ents from their friends.
Mr. and Mvs. Mitchell loft on tho
evening train for Chicago, and other
point of interest along Lake Michigan.
A number of theirfrionds accompan
ied them to tho station and there gavo
them a rice shower .and wished them
"bon voyago." May showers of heav
en's best gift be theirs ou tho journey
of lifo is tho wish of their host of
Mrs. E.E. llurr entertained the M.L.
K. club Wednesday.
The foundation is about completed
for M. Lovitt's residence.
The W. C. T II. ladies met Wednes
day at the homo of their president,
Mrs. John Young.
Mrs. II. K. Rich and Mrs. George
Reeve have been quite ill but are re
ported improving.
Miss Alta Largent departed for Fair
Toxat, Wednesday,' Her parents pro
ceeded her some three weeks ago.
fine, big melon; everything in it is good, and there's enough for all of us.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have made for us this season the best lot of clothes we have ever offered our friends.
5!..KJS2 iicic aica iui
fiRI?Sli ever- Browns
woven m stripes and plaids and other attractile patternf, m an almost endless variety.
New models and new kinks in style; new ideas in patch pockets, buttoned flaps
and that sort of thing; you'll find just what suits you. In dark goods also; blue serges
and black thibets and the like, we'll show you the right things.
Drop in and look at some of them. Let us show you
what a fine suit you can get for $20; and prove to you
how well it will pay you to have it. Every Hart Schaff
ner &
Rev. O. W. Pool wont Auburn to
attend the Nebraska conference of the
M-K. church which convened Wednes-
A market will be held at the post
ofliee Saturday, Sept. 20, by the Har
tist ladies. They will have on hule
pood tilings for the Sunday dinner.
The M. 10. otlieial board met Mondaj'
evening with Mr. and Mrs. CM. Albin.
At the close of the business meeting
tieijcious watermelons were .served
Fisk, widow of the late Dr. J.
H. Fisk, leaves Saturday to
home wUh lu!r sisti;r hl 0n
make her
age county
She is selling oil' her effects and
listed her house and lot for sale.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Port Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Sept. 18, WOS.
Elizabeth lluppert to August
Marker. set set, Oi-K), wd S3040
William .lames to P. T. Ilopko,
lotsS-'.i-lo,;blk 2, and lot 7, blk
2,Morey's add to Illuo Hlll.wd 1000
James Mcintosh to William P.
Poster, lots s and '.), blk 1,
Smith and Moore's add to Rod
Cloud, wd 1000
l'erl May t al to Philip Passler,
lots A IJ and w2, lot 0, blk A,
Nelson's sub dlv, and tho wJ
lot 0, Rohror's add to Illuo
Hill, wd 2700
August Martin to Kd Buss, n-'
nw4, 3-1-10, wd 3.r00
United States to Prick J. Peter
son, nw4, 22-3-lL', patent
SI 30.10
Mortgages tiled $11,100.00.
Mortgages released 2,000.00.
Bryan Day at The Bladen Fair.
Hon. Alec C. Young of New York
has been secured to deliver an address
at the faiv at llkiden Thursday, Sep
tember 21. Mr. Young is an able
speaker and will disenss politics from
a Democartic standpoint.
A special train will leave Ked Cloud
Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock, and
tho llryan club of Red Cloud will at
tend the fair in u body on that day.
Everyone is invited to take advantage
of this special train and attend the
fair. Mr. Young will speak at Illuo
II ill the same evening.
ui new lauud, emu 111c
are again a notable feature; tans and grays are
Marx garment is all-wool; and this store is the
of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Webster County Fair
At Bladen.
September 22, 23, 24 and 25.
Everyone interested in the welfare of
Webster County should attend the Pair
and bring the choicest of your products
to exhibit
September, 21st Entry Day.
A Special Train will leave lied Cloud
each morningaud return the same day,
leaving ltladen at 0:30 p. m.
Tuesday the 22nd at 1:30 p. in.
Red Cloud vs Franklin. The only
game during the fair.
Arrangements have beun made with
theTaft and Kryau clubs of the county
for two politcal meetings to be hold
during the fair. Wednesday the 23rd
at 10:30. P. S. Senator Norris llrown
will address the people at the fair
grounds. A large tent has bnen pro
cured and everyone will be provided for.
TheTaft marchingclub fromjled Cloud
will parade at 0 p. m
The Red Cloud baud furnishes music
during the fair.
Thursday the 2Uli.
The various Hryan clubs will form in
parade at 1) a.m. and march to tho fair
grounds where Hon A. C. Schallenbcr
ger will make an address at 10 a m.
The Hon. Alec C. Young, of New York
will speak in the afternoon.
Capt. Hardy, Champion Rifle shot of
the world will be seen each day of tho
fair, in fancy shooting free. His Au
tomobile stunt on the raco track alone
is worth coming a long way to see.
Tho citizens of Hladou havo oirorod
a Loving Cup costing S50 for tho
best twenty ears of corn exhibited at
tho fair.
Our raco program is good and all
racos aro filled at this date.
Tho management havo provided a
limited number of stalls on the grounds
for the use by thoso coming from a dis
tance, also freo hay and racks for all
Hut ono charge for ndmlssion to tho
grounds oach day, passes issued
for fall, with such a fine
for you, is like cutting a
new v-uiuia cue a& vaucu cuiu . cuucuaivc as
often as desired. .
Tho management proposes to let no J
ono go away without getting their
money's worth, so come to ltladen to
tho fair.-- A. E. Cox, Secy. J
Remember The Day. :
On Mondav Sentember 28tli. a beau-1
tif ill, magnificent Bryan banner will
bo unfurled to the breezes in the city
of Red Colud.
Speakers of National reputation will
address the people both afternoon and
evening All are cordally Invited to
attend and nssist.
"Shall the People Rule".
Ry order of committee.
- .
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postoillee at Ked Cloud, Nob.,
for the week ending Sept. 17, VMS:
Miss M 11. Iturg.
.lunette Cavcuaitgh.
Mrs. 11 E. Pulton.
Ross Johnson.
M. A. McNeil.
Prank Lacy.
Paul Sinback
S H. Williams.
Mrs W. W. Whlldins.
Thoso will 1H sent to tho dead letter
olllco Oct. 1st 1008, if uncalled for
before. When calling for abovo please
say "advertised." i
T. C. IIackek, Postmastor.
Apples For Sale.
l!y the bushel or wagon load. Pick
ing will commence September, S.lth
Four miles southeast of W6bbcr Kans.
A. H. Wilson.
ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to
uso with nozzle attached. Soothes,
heals, reduces Itching and inllammn-'
tion. An operation for piles will not ,
bo necessary if you use Manan. Price ,
JiOc. Money refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Ring's Little Liver Pills for
ncss.sick headache, muddy complexion,
They tone the liver; do not gripe. They
keep you well. 2.rc. Sold by Henry
, .
Patronl.o homo Industry. Special
prices on 3 to n hundred pound lots of ,
0ld wheat Hour nt Red Cloud Mills.
very prominent; they're
The Dog.
Tho dog Is man's most faithful
friend. A man may lie. but a dog
won't; a man may got drunk, a man
may slander his neighbor, a man may
embezzle and defraud, a man may
borrow money, a man may nteal
money, a man may go Into politics,
a man may knife his best frlsnd, a
man may run people down Ith an au
tomobile, a man may gamble himaolf
to ruin, a man may wasto his sub
stance In riotous living, a man may
go to heaven hut n dog won't. Can
these things bo truthfully spoken of
other friends man has about Ulm?
There Is a strong affinity between man
and the dog; it must be tho affinity of
contrast. Yet any man will reseat be
ing called a dog. Possibly the dog
would resent being called a man f !'o
understood I do not know. I only
know Hint nho nia:lin works but one
way; and If wo would say: "Man la
the dog's most faithful friend," thcro
would bo many n rnvll, saying that It
wns mighty lough on tho dog. Suc
cess Magazine.
Second Hand Buttons.
What becomes of all tho old but
tons? Is there n market for them?
Thero Is no accounting for pins, need
les or hooks and eyes; but buttons are
far more expensive. I know a young
matron who has moro than 4,000 but
tons of nil sizes nml stvlo nnd ma.
terlals, but she will never sow ono on
a chlld'B garment. "I could nover think
of using a second-hand button!" sho
says, putting her little foot down.
When sho wants n button sho sends
to tho shop for a card of now ones.
"Glvo tho old ones to Johnny nnd lot
him sell them," she said to her hus
band; nnd tho poor man has been try
ing for n month to find a purchaser for
Johnny's stock.
Village Income from Golf.
Tho village of Hrancnstcr, England,
lias mado an arrangement with tho
Royal West Norfolk Golf club under
which It receives four per cent, on
tho club'B gross Income, with a guar
nntco of not less than G0 In any year,
for tho use of tho land which has been
converted Into links. Each year tho
money Is distributed equally among
householders of not less than 12
months' residence. This year's (lis
trlbutlon has Just boon made, nnd tho
club paid over G3 10 shillings, an In
crease of 8 12 shillings up last year's
contribution. Tho amount sufllced to
Kivo cvory householder In Hrancaster
Jivo shillings nnd lenvo a balance In
Our Popular Lady Voting Contest has
started oil" in pretty fair shape and we
expect It to be one of the biggest
events that ever happened in this part
of tin; country.
The vote Friday was:
Mrs. Miles Doyle lS,ltO
Miss Ruth Warren 13,300
Miss Prankle Ward 1 1,S7"
Miss iternlee Potter U,0."0
Miss Vera Crabill 10,000
Miss wary i mucin 300
1 Announcement This Piano anil
Popular Lady voting contest will bo
conducted on strictly honest Imsltiog
principles, with perfect Justice nnd
fairness to all concerned. ,
'2 - Prizes Tho first prlzo shall bo a
Chlckoring Ilros. upright piano valued
at $.100. Tho second prize will be a
Ladles' lino gold watch valued at $.'10.
Tho third prizo will bo u handsomo
silver tea sorvico valued at S!2'2.ri0. Ho
sides thoso, othor special prizes will
bo oliored from timo to time.
.'! Candidates -Any lndy, married
or single, in this and adjoining coun
ties Is eligible to u placo In the con
test. Tho most popular lady Is tho
one who shall receive- tho most, votes,
and to her shall bo given this high
grade piano. Other candidates will
receive- prizes in order, according to
their standing of voteB.
1 Tie in Votes In case of a tie, tho
value of tho prizes will bo equally
divided or a like prizo granted to thoso
5 -Classes of Votes Thoso nro is
sued in coupons as following:
Now subscriptions, 000 votes for 81.00
Renewal, .'100 votes for . 1.00
Hack subscriptions, 1100 votes for 81.00
(! Cieneral Instructlons-Nanios of
contestants will bo printed in order
u' oniitig to standing and tho amount
or their votes published regular after
the first count is made.
Votes will not bo allowed on sub
seriptions at loss than regular price of
the paper.
Votes once deposited in tho ballot
box cannot bo transferal to another.
Agents' commissions aro tq bo sus
penned during contest,
No contestant will be.allowod to
eopiprtte Tor moro than ono of the
additional Npuoial piizes. -
The publisher will not tell whom
anyone votes for, except m case of al
leged error or irregularity.
Each contestant is requested to send
us ii cabinet size photograph Tor pub
Mention as soon ns convenient.
Make up your miiKl'vlm you want to
vote for before coming to tho olllco as
the editor will positively not decide
the matter for you.
Contestants should keep a record ol
their votes turned in each week, and
see that our llgures verify it.
All coupons must havo tho amount
of subscription paid, number of votes
cast, name of contestant votod for and
name of person voting writfon legibly
An award ng committee of three re
liable business men will bo appointed
to mako tho final count and distribu
tion of prizos.
Contest to run not loss than uluoly
days; (Into of closing to bo announced
about thirty days in advance.
Tho contest shall close at 1 o'clock
p. ni. on tho date to bo announced
later. Two weeks prior to the date of
closing, tho Judges aro to take the
ballot box, carefully locked and senled,
to the bank aunnuncod, where it will
bo kept on n table in tho front window
during business hours, and in the
vault at night until tho close of the
contest, when tho Awarding Commit
tee will take chargo and mako fluid
Subscription blanks and voting
coupons will bo furnished upon appli
cation at this ofllce.
All votes must be accompanied by
uibscription money.
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cuts relieved at oneo with Plnesalve
Ciirbolized (acts like a poultice). Draws
out inflammation.
Price 2.1c. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Lumbers Coal
We have in stock at all times a
compioto Huo of Building Material
nml Good Coal. Our prices are
reasonable. Wo solicit your patron
age. Boll Tel. CO. Farmers Ind. 71.
. (. . v
fcj Mmmi.briMu.imtfm