The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1908, Image 6

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Musings oS the Metropolis
News of New York Town
Outlined in Brief Form.
jit i tt 'fit
Gift of Birds to Point Millinery Moral
NHW YORK. Mrs. Frank K Hturgls,
known in society Jioro nnd In Leu
ox, Intends tlio gift of n rnllocllon or
raro nnd beautiful birds of paradise
which Kim litis JiihL pros( uleil lo tho
Aniorlran Museum of Natural History
iih a first aid for dislocated mllllnory
Sho Ik a member of tlio museum and
also n loading spirit In tho Audubon
society, wlilcli Is pledged to provont
tho daughter of birds for purposes
of hat ndornniont. Sovornl of tho
rarer bird skins cost $IU0 each un
mounted, and there Is not ono not of
high Intrinsic worth as well as of
scientific value.
Thcso birds aro found only In Now
Guinea and In n fow Islets off Its const,
nnd dcsplto their limited number thoy
are hunted remorselessly by "plum
ers" employed by wholesale milliners.
Tho plumage of tho male birds attains
lt dnzzllii; beauty In the mating sea
son, nnd tho killing thoroforo Is caus
ing tho species to disappear. F.nglnnd
lias recently passed a law which goes
into effect on January 1, 10l)!t, for
bidding tho further Importation of the
plumngo of such birds into the United
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw
fering from tho hnrdttp financial
condition that Is nllegcd to havo
driven her husband into bankruptcy.
She was in a real cstnto office on .Mad
ison avonuo tho other day hunting for
"a nlco country plnco," as sho put It.
Shu woro a gown of royal purple, n
big-brimmed hnt with a mass of blnck
fenthers, hlgh-hoclcd, low-cut shoes
which showed stockings to match her
"1 would like lo buy a Httlo house
on tho Hudson," sho snld, "sotnewhoro
near Nordlca'n place. I may want to
try my voice."
Though worried nt first by Harry
Thaw's bankruptcy proceedings, Eve
lyn Thaw declared that she believed
her own incomo from the shattored
forluno of tho slayer of Stanford
Whllo is safe. Sho Is spending her
Heart of Old Tenderloin District to Go
PLANS filed In tho building bureau
call for tho rcmovnj of the row of.
buildings on tho north' side of West
Thlrty-flret street, between Ilroadway.
tind Sixth avenue, which was a gonor-'
utlon ago tho heart of the old Tender
loin district. Tho old row of buildings
that formed tho core of the- llfo or tho
notorious section between West Thir
tieth street and West Thirty-sixth
street In tho days wlmn Alexander
Williams was "tho Czar of tho Ten
doiloln" Is to bo razed to make plneo
for an 11-story commercial building, to
be constructed for William It. H. Mar
tin, a clothing merchant, at a cost of
It wnB an odd coincidence that tho
cottrmnnd in tho old West Thlitleth
Ktieot pollco station, which was the
Gotham World's Most Cosmopolitan City
THERE is not In nil the world a
moro conglonmrato city than Now
York, nor ono that hn such a small
proportion or old nntlvo slock
Ouo or tho smallest groups in the
population of tho metropolis is rtom
old colonial nncestors which, accord
ing to tho most diligent Investigation,
does not number moro than .'11,000.
Thcio aro but fow nnto-rovolutlon fam
ilies roprcsontcd In Now York city,
and but compnrntlvoly row from colo
nliil New England sottlod here and loft
All told, tho descendants of Ameri
cans for two or moro generations do
not number moro than 1,200,000 In tho
population of Now York, and most of
thouo have como from othor parts of
tho country, particularly west or tho
Empire state Most of tholr nncestors
cnir.o hero within rour generations.
In order to point the moral mom
sharply n placard hits been prepared
for the ettse in which the collect Ion
Is displayed, which bears a map show
Ing how small New (Utltica la and also
tho legend:
"In vlow of tho limited area they
Inhabit, tho into at which the true
bltds of paradise aro now being killed
for mllllnory put poses renders It prob
able that they will soon bo brought
to tho verge of extinction. It Is great
ly to bo regtetted that these, the most
beautiful of feathered dentures,
should bo sacrltleed for no moro do
nlrnblo end than to gratify a season's
No collection In the wholo Institu
tion could be nitiilo more alluring thnn
Is tho ono which .Mis. Htttrglo has pre
sented. It Is In n well proportioned
case of walnut, patterned after those
seen In the establishments of Fifth
avenue modistes, and tho stuffed
birds aro displayed under a soft yel
low light. Of the S5 known varieties
of birds of paradise IK) are represented
in tho 70 specimens
Tho collection Is better than any
other in the United stales nnd is sur
passed only by collections lit London
and in Dresden. The varieties aro
named largely fiom members of tho
royal families of Germany. Tho as
Gomblngo was gathered after two
years' leseaieh by Frank M. Chnpmnn
of the museum stuff, who Is n noted
ornithologist ami has achieved remark
able results In the mounting of birds.
Far from "Broke"
$12,000 annunl allowance and tho $50,
000 settled upon her by Thaw without
Purchases of the latest gowns nnd
hats nnd liberal weekly gifts of cash
sent her mother, .Mrs. Chtules J. Hoi
man of Pittsburg, are amazing tho
frlonds of the former chorus girl.
Tho parent who was charged by
lawyers engaged In the Thaw trial
with having plotted to sell her dnugh
tor and accepting money from Stan
ford White, whoso Infatuation for Eve
lyn led to his death, is said to receive
at least a fourth of tho girl's money.
Checks and money orders for
amounts running Into tho hundreds
havo been sent to her homo In Pitts
burg. Evelyn's reckless expenditures have
been brought to tho attention of Mrs.
William Thaw, mother or tho prisoner,
who opposod the award of money to
her and Is oven now embarrassed by
hor son's Inability to pay her tho thou
sands ho borrowed In his fight for freo
(loin. It Is declined that only her son's
pica that Evelyn needed tho money
has provented a piotest from hor.
original Tenderloin .station, moved out
of tho ancient building that had been
used sinco 1809 to the new building di
rectly ucross the stteet. Tho block
that Is to be raxed within a fow days
1ms boon "closed" for seven years;
that Is, it has not been the scono of
wild night revels such iih It had up to
the tlmo Do very was ousted from tho
pollco department.
Tho dooniod buildings Include Tom
Gould's one-time notorious Sans Soucl,
-tlw. Illlink .,1111 1r..,.. II. .1 Tt
mu ui.u nun nuwiwi .in IHIUUllllll, HOW
merely a drinking parlor, the Star
and Garter, the old Emplie tlardon
and Phil Mllllguifs wlneroom.
Thero aro other places In the row
Hint stood the brunt of police raids In
spasms of reform that swept the city
from tlmo to time and compelled many
a commander of tho Tenderloin to go
unwillingly to another precinct. Thore
waB no cei oniony attending the romov
nl of tho police to the now station on
tho south side of West Thirtieth
streot. a . jyoo.uni) lortllke structure,
with iron-barred windows on four of
Its live Homy
Far more ihaii two thirds or the mm.
ulutlnn of New York city, or 11,037,000
or Its Inhabitants, came fium abroad
or were born ol torelgn parents. Of
ths the Jews lead all, with a popula
tion of Oin.OOO. All or these are not
f i om one country, but come from sev
eral lands, Uussla lending with tho
largest number, followed by Germany.
Polnnd. Hungary, and other countries!
There are mom lilsh hero who
came f nun Ireland or who were bom
or pnmntH who came from thero than
there are people In Dublin, or In other
words there am 820.000 or them. Tho
Italians come m.xt. with a population
of 01 1.000, which Is mom than all tho
residents of Naples. The Germans In
Now York who came hero from Fnthor
land or aro descendants or parents
rrom thero number mote than tho pop
ulation of Frankfort, for there are 300
000 or them.
ir these first and second generations
or rorolgners thero nro 7r,000 rrom
England and Scotland. 52,000 Hohonil
ans, fil.OOO Scandinavians, 02,000 Hun
garians, 10,000 French and 115,000
Greeks, Tuiks, Syilans, Chlneso, Jnp
aiiese and xoplos from other
countries not mentioned.
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U ' IfA' ' VBl
rrom tfrr(n;ri!i,roTlKM,l)j Undernoml .t UmlcrwouJ.N. Y.
On the rivers of India the clumsy-looking craft above seen are common
sights. The vessel is considerably different from the American row boat; the
prow of the craft is open and the oars are long, overlapping each other, and
are lashed to upright posts fastened to the sides of the boat.
New York Millionaire Hunter Says
Bruins Are Not So Big as Gen
erally Supposed, But Skin
Can Be Stretched.
Spokane, Wash. Charles Sheldon
of Now York, millionaire clubman, au
thor, mighty hunter nnd a Ynlo
man of 1890, has just returned
from u hunting expedition In tho
interest or science. lie has camped
nt the baso and nbove tho timber lino
on Mount McKlnley, tho "highest peak
In the United States, ior tho last 12
Judge Parts Wisconsin Pair at Trial
Held In Open Air.
Appleton, Wis. A half rotted stump
of what once was a giant of tho forest
served as tho witness stand, whllo all
outdoors, with a river view to tho
fore and a gentle, sloping hlllsldo to
tho rear, was tho courtroom when
Judgo John Goodlnnd, who for 12
years has presided over higher judicial
matters in the Tenth Wisconsin Ju
dicial circuit, gi anted a dlvorco de
cree to Mrs. Ada Ebellng from Wil
liam Ebellng.
Lnto in the afternoon Mrs. Ebellng,
ncpompnnled by her attorneys, mado n
flying trip in an automobile from
Green Hay to Appleton, with a vlow
to seeming a divorce. Judgo Goodlnnd
was nt his suinmor homo nt Telulah
Springs, on the Fox river, a few miles
east of Appleton.
Undaunted by this condition, they
sped to the jurist's home. Tlio at
torneys hastily piesented their case
and convinced the judge that tho de
fendant was willing that tho action go
by default, and wlthout-the formality
of going to tho courthouso Judgo Good
lnnd called a session of court on the
river bank. Mrs. Ebellng wns asked
a few stereotyped but necessary ques
tions nnd tho decree sepurntlng her
from the mau whoso wlfo sho bocamo
only three months previously was Is
Water Would Have Boiled In Desert,
So the Story Goes.
Los Angeles, Cal. Stranded In the
desert and dying fiom thirst, n large
party of Indians woro relieved by an
expedition cnrrjlng three wngonlonds
of wntermelons. Tho rescuers woro
unahlo to carry water, which would
have boiled la tho deseit, whore tho
thermometers icglstered 120.
Tho party, composed of Mojaves and
Yitnias, were crossing tho desert nenr
tho Needles when their water gave out
nnd tholr horses beenmo exhausted.
Ono young Indian volunteered to rldo
to Needles for aid.
Tho officials were puzzled as to tho
manner of rellof, however, as they
know water would boll or ovaporato
as soon as tho desert was reached.
Then tho watermelon plan wan hit
upon and all of tho Indians were
saved oxcopt ono old chler, who ex
pired beioro tho relier party came.
Girls Indicted for Giggling.
Hardlnsvlllo, Ark. Miss Efllo Snow
and Miss Mlnnlo Utloy, belles of Har
dlnsvlllo, havo been Indicted by tho
grand Jury on tho charge of disturbing
public worship. They gave bond ror
their appearance In court.
It Is alleged titnt the girls talked
and nlckored as thoy oxclumgcd gos
sip In church.
Frlonds of the young womon declare
that tho girls woro amused by the p
penraneo of somo ono In tho congre
gation and were unahlo to koop from
tittering. Thoy nro highly respected
in this community.
ss - - Hfll
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Mr. Sheldon offered his services to
the biological survey of the agricultu
ral department five years ago, and
sinco that time has given all tho spe
cimens or animals and birds ho
secured to tho government. Ho says
that tho 12 months ho has spent In
tho wilderness near McKlnley havo
been a most pleasant year. It gavo
him opportunity to study nature,
which Is his hobby.
Ho asks nothing for his work, and
docs not even take a set of moose
horns or a pelt of nny of the ninny
big animals ho has killed. Ho said,
among other things, In tho course of
a chat the othor day:
"I havo klllod about 40 or CO griz
zlies, and never havo I seen ono of
k S&Arv 9 r ft. m-j
mmmirH . tsk .,,
CowrlKlit by Wulilon KawcetU
A. C. Vrenn, the man who designed the new American flag which con
tains 40 stars. The additional star is added for the new state of Oklahoma
which was admitted to the union on July 4 last.
Pension Office
Commissioner Warner Reports, Show
ing Results Since He Took Post.
Washington. An Incronsoof 371,089
pensions Issued, with a saving of
?l,3l3,iiiiG out of the reduced appropri
ations for the maintenance or tho bu
reau during 1905-8, covering Ponslon
Commissioner Warner's administra
tion, as against tho period of 1901-4,
Is announced In n compilation of fig
ures given out at tho Interior depart
ment. Tho figures nro taken from
Commissioner Warner's report, which
will bo Issued shortly. Tho statement
"From 1001 to 1904, inclusive, thoro
woro Issued 510,251 certificates of pen
sion. From 1905 to 1908, Inclusive,
thero wero Issued, not Including 202,
577 Increases under tho net of April
19, 1908, mado by dlroctlono to pon
slons agents, 887,340. This makos an
Increnso or 371,089.
"From 1901 to 1904, Incluslvo, there
was paid as pensions 554,888,977,
ami from 1905 to 1908, Incluslvo,
$571,391,048, an lucrcaso of 1G,C02,
071. "The operating oxponsos of the bu
reau from 1901 to 1904, Incluslvo, wero
$15,281,748, and from 1905 to 1908,
Inclusive, ;13,077,1G2, u decrease of
"Whllo tho appropriations ror tho
maintenance of the bureau h" Seen
thorn thnt did not try to get away.
I never had any thrilling escapes, nor
did a bear ever chargo me. Hears aro
afraid of men and 1 havo novcr seen
any other kind. That might not Bound
llko a good Btory, but tho fact is I
havo longed to meet a boar that
would havo put up a fight. Then,
again, I huvo never killed a bear that
measured over C1 feet. 1 havo hoard
of bears being larger than that, but 1
havo never seen them. I can tako a
hear skin and make It 12 feet long,
but that would not only to stretching
the skin, hut tho truth, and I profor
the truth when It conies to my work.
Yes, my work, or Bport, as It may bo
"I Bpcnt a plcnsant winter In tho
Tnnaua, nnd I nm bringing back hun
dreds of specimens of mammals from
tlio little wood inouso to tho mooso.
I havo not any big heads. Thoy nro
what wo call maturo heads. In fact,
all that I brought down were maturo
specimens. Nothing will bo known us
to whothor I found any Bpecimons
until tho department at Washington
examines and compares them.
"I got between ten 'and fifteen griz
zlies. The largest wns GVi feet long.
Wo only measure tho hear from tho
tip of tho noso to tho baso of tho tall.
And all tho measurements nro mado
when tho animal after bolng killed Is
laid out on tho level ground. It Is
very easy to get a ten or twelve-root
pelt out of n six-foot bear, for row
skins stretch so easily ns a bear's hide.
I could havo mado somo or mlno largo,
but proiorred to bo accurate.
"Tho mooso and othor mnmmals
killed or trapped woro maturo speci
mens. I could have killed many ani
mals during tho winter, but proierrcd
to select only what I thought either
big or inhiy good specimens. I got
many mountain sheep, but those, too,
wero tho same as killed In other parts
of Alaska. In fact, I saw no new spe
cimens of any kind of animals or
When Mr. Sheldon went into tho
McKlnley district last July ho char
tered a steamer to carry his supplies
up tho Knntlshna, and ho then used
pack horses to the head of tho Tok
lat, where ho established headquar
ters. He had "Kid" Cartons, a noted
guide of tho Tanana, running between
Falrbnnks and his cabin all winter,
carrying in supplies and tnklng out
pelts and specimens of gamo. During
December and January Mr. Sheldon
made his way up tho slopes of McKin
ley to see what altitudo Bhecp and
other gamo ronmed in midwinter. Ho
lived abovo timber lino for somo
Saves Big Sum.
reduced ench year sinco 1901, thoro
havo been saved and covered Into tho
treasury as unoxpended of such ap
propriations sinco that year fl,343,
Each Baby Born In New York Adds
Big Sum to Real Estate Worth.
Now York. Tho tax department
lias sent Its nnuual report to tho
mayor. Tho total assessment of real
and personal property In this city Is
$7,158,190,400. Tho nssessed vnlno of
ordinary real estato, excluslvo of spe
cial franchises, is ?G,141,500,119, and
tho lucrcaso in tho nssessed valuo of
ordinary real estato Is 437,490,4G7.
Tho lncreaso In tho assessed valuo
of ordinary real estato exceeded tho
aggregato nssessed valuo of real os
tato or tho flvo stati of Florida, Mis
sissippi, Oklahoma, Orogon and Wy
oming, which have au area moro than
eight times as great as tho wholo state
of Now York.
Tho assossod valuo of real estato
in tho city of Now York, it Is assort
ed, not only Increases rapidly in the
nggrognte, but nt the sumo tlmo In
croasos per capita, nnd on tho avor
ago tho lncreaso In tho value off Now
York land amounts to $1,000 and In
taxable real estato to $1,500 for every
baby born In tho city.
Best Part of It.
A Now York woman flrod at o burg
lar who was entering her window. Of
course, she missed him, but the best
pnti of It Is that sho did not kill an
innocent passer by.
The Open Window.
The best part of a modern hotiso In
Its windows. To keep these open day
and night and to mnko tho nlr lnsldo
nppronch as nearly as possible tho
air outside should bo tho first busi
ness of the housekeeper. Oood
Her Discovery.
"It's funny how different pcoplo
took out of doors," said tho flat dwell
or. "Yesterday ns I stood In my
neighborhood waiting ror a car a man
looked nt me, hair smiled, thon took
off his hat. I wondered nt his cheok
until I discovered through boiiio sort of
mental process that he was my now
groccrymnn. It was tho first tlmo I
had seen him in his coat and hat."
An Uncommon Souvenir.
A small grocery on First avonuo has
ft souvenir for Wednesday. It Is a
tiny paper cornucopia or prepared
mustard which tho proprietor, who Is
a foreigner, hnnds tho customer with
ns much display of courtesy as if It
wero a little sliver knife, rork or
spoon, nnd which Is nccepted In tho
manner In which It is offered. N. Y.
Dentists Will Rejoice.
Comment Is being mado In tho pub
lic press on tho fact that in recent
photographs of public porsons most of
them aro represented with their
mouths open and quantities or teeth
showing. As It happens In most of
tho cases referred to tho effect Ib very
good, but It will not do for tho public
generally to havo itself so photo-'
Tyranny of the Servile.
It is the nature or somo minds to
Insult and tyrannize over Httlo people,
this being tho means thoy use to
recompenso themselves tor their ox
tremo servility and condescension to
their superiors slaves and flatterers
exact tho sanio taxes on all below
them which thoy pay to all abovo
them. Henry Fielding.
Extends Gutta Percha Supply.
Reports received from tho Hlack
eea coast and tho Caucasus afilrm that
ondeavorB to cultlvato and naturallzo
thero tho Indian rubber treo known as
"dlchopslB gutta" are proving eminent
ly successful. Considering how very
restricted is tho geographical distri
bution of gutta percha trees, great Im
portance Is attached to this discovery.
Emigrant Dumping.
Britain still regards the colonlos ns
dumping ground tor her Irreclaimable
criminals. She no longer sends thorn
out In convict ships, but when sho Bees
a colony recklessly ottering homo nnd
sanctuary to nil comers sho releases
her Jail birds and covertly packs thorn
off to tho new land. Melbourne Age.
His Somnolent Influence.
"I has been tol'," said Hrotlior Dick
ey, "dat my sermons puts rolks tor
sleep; but dat's all right. Doy Isn't'
doln nny harm whilst dey Is n-slcepln',
an' doy'll wako up fast enough w'en do
dovll blul's a fire under 'iim!" Atlanta
What a Doctor Learns.
A young doctor thinks a doctor Is
About tho greatest thing In tho world,
and talks a great deal about the dig
nlty of his profession, but an old doc
tor has very Httlo to say about tho
dignity of his profession, nnd takes no
medicine Atchison Globe.
Straight Path Always Best.
Nations as well as men havo gono
down to tho dust in dlsgrnco when
thoy fell away f:om tho rectitude of,'
morality and tho code or truth. Sub
tortugo and dishonesty havo paved tho
vay to extinction and oblivion, whllo
Integrity and manhood havo upraised
tho standard of commonwealths and
placed It on tho sun crowned heights
of victory.
Wonderful Swiss Machine.
An automatic machine capablo nt
threading 1,000 needles por mlnuto i3
a mechanical marvel of a largo Swiss
factory. The operation lncludos pick
ing up tho needle, propelling It to tho
Biiitablo position, tying a knot, cut
ting tho thread and roturnlng tho
needlo to Us assigned resting placo.
Learn This To-Day.
Tho courtesy with which I recelvo a
stranger, and tho civility I show him,
form tho background on which ho
paints iiiy portrait. John Paul Rich
tor. Lincoln Directory
Creamery Go.
Highest Prices Guaranteed for
See Our Agent In Your Town
or Write Us
Gasoline Engines
Our new 4 oyolo motor U iteslgnnd oa
poclnlly for farm uud b1io.