The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1908, Image 1

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    W v
A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two WeisKs Each Year For One Dollar.
t '
LADIES' HOSE. I Hack and tan
DRESS GOODS. For school
BLACK SILK. 30 in. I Hack
PERCALES. .10 in. percales at 10c yd Large line new Calicoes,
vv c i .
'v JJ " "JJW "V "Vr w w wV'v v-
lVIi&PIL. &&&
School Days easier by giving your boy
or girl one of our reliable fountain pens.
We have a line of worlh-your-money
pens from 75c up.
A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A nice
line here at $ 1 .00 and up. Every one worth the price.
Don't forget that many eyes are permanently injured by
wearing improper glasses or by doing without them.
Special allention given to children's eyes.
Cash Jewelers and Optometrists
or creepers inside of a good gr.ulc dark
law 1jom at 25c. Children's hose, black
dresses a nice line at 15c .10 in. wide
Taffeta Silk at $1.00 Hi In. IHaek Peau de Sole .Silk at $1.50
COTTON BATTS A lot 7.U lljrlit. Huffy, clean cotton at 85c roll
A few remnants in all grades of goods, cheap.
n Bvrtterick Patterns ve
You are welcome always, either
to look or buy.
blue ehuinbray at 50;
or tan. at J2 1-2, J5and 25 cents
half wool, all oolois, at 25c
((ordered Calicoes.
City Bakery and
I mil piopure.l to servo a square meal
at all times at .'.") cents n meal. Ice
euani, summer drinks, confectionery,
cigars and tobacco, ('armors, trade a
specialty. Hoard and room by day or
week. Giv' me u call.
.. .f ;::tvf
C. t " Hi'. ii.n . nm. i
-uj . .t... . . t i -. ,,. .i,
I. a -.11. ... i ... " " " vruiWK ! 111(1, (Niasa
OU..1.. ,nl WP M, M f.f r..k ......Ikn" rt fr CWcf
N W.MfiillnnlaitanMdynofi .rih.tbo.. .
B ) ...,,.n Tl. U. m ihmM! vriowI vs 4m
Hl.r.ror.otktuitti. liUAtftul m
lltflD'T IMt'l(ll k fffit 1.nt.l . . Ik. J. Iiii a...- ....,
y- "v'x'i"'?
B. & Q. Watch Inspectors
I "
The W. C. T. r. entertainment given
by the local union Friday evening. ",u """"r coumy c.miumi, hi ngn
August '.n, t the opera luiuse was a c"ltl Hall was as good as any in
very pleasing one in ctoit particular. t'-o state, and the live stock display
First the audience sang America, led "as especially good,
by a double cpmrtet, after which I lev. Clarence Hurgcss had a fine lot of
(J. V. Pool offered prayer. The quar- j fruit taken without leave, the other
tets then sang again, and during the day, and (). It. Harvey had a lot of
evening rendered tlve very pleasing grapes taken. This neighborhood
selections. Miss Malissa Lambert j needs an investigating eotumlttc or
ave a splendid impersonation. II ilph , some police or something of that sort
Hunter delivered a rousing oration on .
the subject of temperance, llotli these
,oung people were heartily applauded.
Fourteen little girls and boys pre
sented the play, The Sick llaby, each
doing their part well. In this play a
seemingly endless procession of neigh
bor women call to see how poor little
".lakey" is, each bringing and apply
ing her favorite remedy until finally a
dose of whiskey is given which nearly
finishes the babe. Dr. True is called
and gives them a plain talk condemn
ing the custom of doping infants with
liquor. Seven young ladies gave "A
Lark at Xouutuck Hall," (eeno at
boarding school). The girls were hav
ing an evening spread on the sly The
climax was i cached when tho alcohol
for burning in the chaffing dish could
not bo found. One of the girls saves
tho occasion by substituting the tonic
of which one of the girls was always
partaking. The oyster stew was
cooked alright and the temperance
lesson triught that nearly all patent
medicine contains alcohol to a greater
or less degree. There were many
humorous situations and each girl
carried her part well. The receipts of
the evening were SIM.'JO. Proceeds
above all expenses, S20.0S, goes to the
state W. U. T. V. work.
Frank Howrrd is visiting in Denver.
Kobt. Harrison's new house Is being
completed with all possible speed.
Charles Hodges and family arc home
from a visit with relatives In Missouri.
The W. (J. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
.I6hn Yung Wednesday afternoon,
September 1(1.
.loe llrittou is helping 'l). Jones at
the hardware store dining the absence
of Frank Howard.
M. Lovitt has bought the corner lots
acro-s the street from I. W. Crury and
is electing a dwelling on them.
Kobt. T. White is very ill at his
home east of town. He was thought a little better Wednesday.
The llaptlst ladies will spend the
lay next Thursday with Mrs. Frank
Fisher at her pleasant country home.
Mrs Andy Guy served the "coffee"
for the M. K. Aid society Thursday
afternoon. There was a "very large
'Mrs. Maude Lawrence of Omaha
who has been the guest of her sister
Mrs. C. F. Moranvllle, will return to
her home Saturday.
Frank Taylor has a number of men
at work remodeling the residence he
recently purchased. It will be two
stories high when completed.
Chas. Wehrley and wife have lost
their little daughter by death. It was
about ten mouths old and had never
been well. The fui.cral was held
The Misses Watt gave a line musical
Wednesday evening at the opera house.
Their pupils gave the first part of the
program. The second part was given
by tho Misses Watt, who rendered in
strumental and vocal duets and solos.
Chas. Moore gave some selections on
the saxophone accompanied by Miss
Lou Watt on the piano,
h. Dailey and family visited Sunday
at Kay Cochrano's.
Owen and Curtis Dailey leave this
week for a visit in Missouri.
John Harvey threshed a field of oats
last week that averaged soventy bush
els per acre.
Most of the schools arc stinting up
this week. Lone Tree Fchool begins
September 1 1.
Jloy Itibo and family of Falrbury,
who have been visiting at Franklin,
are visiting his sister, .Mrs. O. It Mar-V-V
Karl Harvey, who has been in Lin
coln the past six week, has gone west
on a three weeks trip through Denver,
Pueblo and St. Joe with a show herd
from Grand IsIhiuI.
Word reaches us that Miss Ilughcna
llroomfleld, formerly of Inavale, now
living near Stavely, Alberta, was
married to Hume Linton of Parkland,
Alta, Septuinber fltli.
The state fair visitor from this
iicigiiuoriioou nie nomr ami ieprt
tllu Mv n Minw ' VVW imillenlar I
MM... ll..l. ....... ... I.. . !
to protect fanners from thieves.
Fowlir Bcltlcr.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Fowler near Cowles Wednesday evon
lug, September I), 100S, when their
daughter, Miss Mabel, was united in
lnarrlago to Mr. George Peltier In the
presence of about forty relatives and
At seven o'clock Mb-s Lottie Dcakiu
took her place at tho piano and played
Lohengrin's wedding march. The
bridal party entering the room took
their places and Kev. Dcakiu of Cowles
spoke the words that Joined the lives
of those young people. Tho bride was
attended by her younger sister, Miss
Blanche, and Mr. Claude Martin acted
as groomsman.
After congratulations the guests
wore ushered into the dining room
where refreshments were served.
These young people are well and
favorably known, having lived in this
vicinity since childhood, and they
were the recipients of many handsome
and uselul presents as a token of the
esteem in which they are held. The
happy couple will commence house
keeping on the groom's farm north of
Cowles, where they will be at home
to their many friends after October 1.
To Parents.
Owing to tho fact that many of the
boys and girls of Red Cloud are fail
ing to comply with the compulsory
school attendance law, the board of
education has found It necessary to
appoint a truant ollleor, whoso duty
it is to apprehend these delinquents
and deliver them to the proper school
authorities. In doing this the board
and truant ofllcer are only complying
with the law. which reads as follows:
Subdivision 10 Sec. 1.
In city school districts every person
residing within such districts who has
legal control of any child not less
than T nor more than 10 years of age
shall cause, such child to attend tlio
public day school for the full period
each school year in which the public
day school is in session,
Sec. '.' The Hoard of lMucatlou In
clt'os shall appoint a truant officer
who shall qualify as police otlleer and
shall have authority to apprehend and
take to the pupllc school any child
found in violation of this act.
The Alaska-Yiikon-Pacifie Imposi
tion which is to be held at Seattle,
Wash., from June 1 to October 13, l'JO'.i
has made more rapid progress toward
completion than any other national ex
position ever held in thul'ultetlJStates.
On August 1st, the management was
able to estimate conscrvitavely that
tho exposition was US per cent com
plete in its physical work. There yet
remain ten mouths in which to put on
Mulshing touches and the management
is able to announce that without doubt
the Imposition will be complete In
every department on the day fixed for
the formal opening. Tho Exposition
Company is amply supplied with funds
for completing its work. The capital
stock of controlling corporation, fixed
at StiOO.OOo ban been fully subscribed
and paid in, and the several counties
of the State of Washington have con
tributed in the way of direct aid over
SSf'O.oOO more. Many counties will
erect buildings of their own which
will to a certain extent bo pseudo ex
hibit buildings. The Exhibition will
have ten large exhibit buildings, these
are: Manufactures, Agriculture, Mines,
Fisheries, Fine Arts, Machinery, Trans
portation, Oriental, European and
Forestry. In addition, there will bo
the usual complement of private ex
hibit buildings, concession buildings,
making a total of about one hundred
Manan Pile Uomody comes ready to
use with attached. Soothes, ,
heals, reduces itching and Inflamma
tion. An operation for piles will not
be necessary' If you ithoMiinZun. Price
SOc. Money refunded If not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook.
King's Little Liver Pills for bilious
ness, sick headache, muddy complexion.
They tone the liver; do not gripe. They
keep you well. USe. Sold by Henry
Our Popular Lady Voting Contest has
started off in pretty fair shape and wo
expect it to be one of tho biggest
events that over happened in this part
of the country.
The vote Friday was:
Mrs. Miles Doyle If, SCO
Miss Kuth' Warren 1,3000
Miss Frankie Ward 1 1,S75-
Miss Ilernico Potter 11,050
Miss Vera Crab! 11 10,000
Miss Mary Francis 30O
1 Announcement This Piano and
Popular L.ady voting contost will bo
conducted on strictly honest businoS
principles, with perfect JubUco and
niirness to an concoruori.
'J-Prizes Tho first prlzo shall bo n
Chlckering Uros. upright piano vnlued
atesOO. Tlio second prlzo will bo a
Ladles' fine gold watch vnluod nt 830.
Tho third prlzo will bo a hnndsomo
silver tea servlco valued nt ?22.r0. Bo
sidos those, other special prizes will
bo offered from time to time.
:i Candidates Any lndy, married
or (.ingle, in this and adjoining conn
ties is eligible to u placo in tho con
test. Tlio most popular lndy is tho
ono who shall recolvo tho most votos,
and to hot- shall bo given this high
grade piano. Other candidates will
receive prizes in ordor, according to
their standing of votes.
1 Tio in Votes In case of a tie, tho
valuo of tho prizos will bo equally
divided or a llko prizo granted to those
"i Classes of Votos Those aro Is
sued in coupons as following:
New subscriptions, 1100 votes for 81.00
Kenownls, IJOO votes for . 81.00
Hack subscriptions, JI00 votes for 81.00
(1- General Instructions-Names of
contestants will bo nriutod in ordor
according to standing and tho amount
of their votes published regular after
mo count is made.
Votes will not bo allowed on sub
scriptions at less than regular price of
tho paper.
Votes onoo deposited in tho bullot
box cannot bo transferod to anothor.
Agents' commissions aro fo bo sus
pended during contest,
No contestant will bn allowed to.
compote for moro than ono of the
additional special piizos.
Tho publisher will not toll v4iout
anyone votes for, oxcept in caso of al
leged error or irregularity.
Each contestant is requested to send!
us a cabinet size photograph for pub
Mention as soon as convenient.
Make up your mind who you waufcto
vote for before coming to tho ofllco ns
the editor will positively not decido
tho matter for you.
Contestants should keep a record of
their votes turned in each week, and
see that our figures vorify it.
All coupons must havo tho nmotint
of subscription paid, number of votes
cast, name of contestant votod for nnd
tiamo of person .-ottng written legibly
An award ng committoo of thrco re
liable business men will bo appointed
to mako tho final count and distribu
tion of prizes.
Contest to run not less than ninoty
days; dato of closing to bo announced
about thirty days in advance.
Tho contest shall closo at 1 o'clock
p. m. on tho dato to bo announced
tutor. Two weeks prior to tho dato of
closing, the Judges aro to tako tho
ballot box, carefully locked and sealed,
to the bank aunouucod, whoro It will
bo kept on a table in tho front window
during business hours, and in tho
vault at night until tho closo of tho
contest, when the "Awarding Commit
tee will tako charge and make final
Subscription blank' and voting
coupons will be furnished upon appli
cation at this ofilce.
All votes must bo accoinpaniol by
subscription tnonoy.
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cuts relieved at once with Pluesalve
Carbollzed (acts like a poultice). Draws
out inflammation. Price SSc. Sold by
Henry Cook.
limber &oal
Wo havo in stock at all times a
complete lino of Building Material
and Good Coal. Our prloos '
reasonable. V solicit yourpatroi;.
age. Bell Tol. CO. Farmers Iud. 71.