The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1908, Image 1

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Stta Hlitorlcul Soclot
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A Newspaper That filvcs Thr. Ni.hs Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For One Dollar.
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CHILDREN'S KOMPERS or creepers made of n good grade dark blue chainbrny at 50c
LADIES' HOSE. Mack and tan lace hose at 25c. Children's hose, black or tan, at J2 J-2, 15 and 25 cents
DRESS GOODS. For school dresses a nice line at I5c. 3(5 in. wide half wool, all colots, at 25c
BLACK SILK. r!0 in. Itlaek TafVeta Silk at $1.00 .1(1 in. Itlaek Peau de Sole Silk at $J.50
PERCALES. 30 in. percales at JOc yd. Large line new Calicoes, llordercd Calicoes.
COTTON BATTS A lot 71x81 light, Unify, clean cotton at 85c roll
REMNANTS. A few remnants in all grades of goods, cheap.
v Bvitterick Patterns n
dick McDonald vs. frank McMahon
McMahon has never been defeated at his weight and is conceded to one of the fastest
leg wrestlers in the country. He is in training at Superior and will be in the pink of con
dition for this match.
McDonald is training here and will be in shape to give a good occount of himself.
Come out and see a match that will be worth your time.
Farmers are still putting up hay.
Rufe Douthlt shelled corn on Tues
day. Weather Hue, rains not quite so fre
quent. The Texas fever has broken out
afresh in our midst.
The young daughter of II. F. Hudson
is reported tube on the slek list.
Bob. (irecnhulgh, John Ogllvlo Sr.
and Hoyd Vance are looking at Texas
hu.d this week.
Maud Hayer of Cowles reeently
spent a week with her sister Mrs. Win.
Peak and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlalr of Joe Davis Co.
III., are visiting Mrs. lis sister Mrs.
Fry and family.
F. A. Vance and wife leave this
week for Texas to visit relatives and
see the country so far famed of late.
School opened in our neighboring
township Pleasant Ridge Dist. 28 with
Mr. Thompson of Franklin County In
Clyde Albln and wife have lutely re
turned from a weeks stay in Texas
sightseeing etc. They also purchased
Dave Flsltel and wife are visiting
relatives in Otoe and Cass this week.
Dave expects to attend the State Fair
a day nr two also.
Mrs. Will Cling left on Monday for
llulValo Co. to visit with her brother
Will Ogllvie and sister Mrs. Kverett
llritton and their families.
One setting containing four stacks
of wheat belonging to Will Finney
was struck by lightning Saturday
morning. Help was called and two of
the stacks were saved.
A number of Stillwater people left
Monday for Lincoln to attend the
State Fair. Messers. Leslie Finney,
Koy Cro.lcs, Chas. Molley and his
brother in-law W. Dowler. J. H. Rich
ardson and wife loft Tuesday
Hckley S. 5. picnic was almost en
entirely spoiled by the rain which
came up justas dinner wasover. Rev.
Pool of (Juide Roek was present to
speak and the male quai tet and Miss
Hayes of Cowles were prw.scjJi.uKo but
alas the line calculations, It was all for
nothing. Juite a crowd wero present
also -i number were coming in the
afternoon. The ball game between
Cowler and (lulde Rock resulted in a
score of -J to 7 in favor of Cowles.
Everyone was in good humor in splto
of the rain.
teaches the primary school.
Mrs. . ). lturr is hack from
Ohio where she spent several
with her mother.
Dr. C. F. Moranvllle has been called
to attend his sister Mrs. Win. Mont
gomery at Amherst.
John Hamilton and sou, Armor Cross
and Hart Miner sent n car load of
fancy hogs to the State Fair.
Mrs. Fred Miller entertained the W.
C. T. 1. ladles Wednesday evening.
1 lee Cream and cake were served.
John and Wilbur Watt have returned
from Dlller where they have been visit
ing their sister Mrs. R. Lambert.
Miss Illllycr nuil Mrs. II tllyer's sister
and sister-in-law of Mrs. Chas. Olm
stede arrived Wednesday evening from
J. S. Largent's car of goods left Wed
nesday and the family went Friday.
The end of their destination is Lair
ThcM. H. quarterly conference was
held in Itnstwick Friday afternoon.
The communion will be held here Sun
day morning.
Rev. P. T. Mirtln has rented the
photograph gallery and has also
bought lots for a residence near the
school house.
Frank Taylor is building a barn on
the town lots which he recently pur
chased and he will soon begin remodel
ing the residence.
School will begin next Monday mid
the teachers are as follows: Prof. ('.
A. Parrlgo, Misses Mamie Tompkins,
llessteCrandall, ltella Young mid Mrs.
Perrigo and Mrs. Christine Potmore.
A big family reunion was held at the
home of Mrs. II. II. Crow Saturday In
honor of her son John S. Largcut and
family. There were present her sons
.1. S. and R. M. Largcut, Floyd and
Clcorge Crow and her daughter Mrs.
Wilson and their families, Mr. and
Mrs. Dunbar, Mrs. II. K. Rich and Mrs.
Julia Stratton. There were just thirty
at dinner.
School Days easier by giving your boy
-or girl one of our reliable fountain pens.
We have a line of worth-your-money
pens from 75c up.
A watch is a real benefit to any school child. A ' nice
line here at $ 1 .00 and up. Every one worth the price.
h -
Don't forget that many eyes are permanently injured by
wearing improper glasses or by doing without them.
Special allention given to children's eyes.
Cash Jewelers and Optometrists
TU Wlllllll IJM.mwM"M
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors
You are welcome always, either
to look or buy.
Dr..). II. Fisk died at 3 olook Thurs
day morning after a long Illness. He
was very old and has beeen in poor
health severul years. The funeral
was held Friday.
A big reception was given by the
Odd fellows and Kebecah's Wednesday
evening at their hall as a farewell to
.1. S. Largent and family who go next
week to their new home at Lair Texas.
The Quartette, the Misses Watt and
Messers Robertson an Hodges sang
several selections. Miss Marsh was
accompanist. Miss (Jnrtrude Lambert
gave a recitation.
Ice cream, cake and leu tea were
served. Though the weather wns un
favorable over a hundred participated
in the occasion
Mr. Lewis Osterbald is repotted
very sick.
Miss Laura Mason went to Webber
Kansas Sunday.
Mrs. Holse departed yesterday for
Woodbine Iowa.
(corge Philips is down from Red
Cloud this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reeve and baby
went to Lincoln this week.
Mrs. P. T. Martin Intends going to
South Dakota to sec friends.
Ralph Conyer attended the wedding
of a friend in Superior Sunday.
Emmet Ilagau and family spent Sun
day In the country with friends.
Mr. Fred Watt has built a new ad
dition and porch to his residence,
Mrs. Duke Tompkins had a sister
visiting her several days recently.
Mrs. Itufus Largent was initiated in
to the Royal Neighbor Lodge Friday
Waldo Crowcll and family have
moved into the house vacated by Louis
Robt. Harrison and J. I). Chrisman
went to Lincoln Sunday to attend the
State Fair.
Miss Mallssa Lambert departed for
Dlller Monday Morning where she
Miss Mabel Jorgenson lost her gold
watch one day last week.
Mrs. Jorgenson has been visiting in
Wisconsin the past week
A. T. Walker ami wife of Red Cloud
visited at 1. (). Walker's last Friday.
Juite a few western Websterttes arc
in attendance to the State Fair this
Mrs. Etllo Hawey U improving slow
ly. She has been quite sick the past
two weeks.
Most everyone Is haying these days.
Prairie hay was never more abundant
or in better condition and the crop
promises to be a large one.
Mrs. llorteiisc tirossmau spent last
Friday visiting her mother Mrs. Etlle
Hawey and her sister Mrs. Richardson
who is here from South Dakota.
Miss Wiunogeue Herrlck who has
been working forr Mrs. A. Arnold, re
turned to her home near Campbell last
Saturday. She expects to leave soon
for Kearney to attend school.
Woitl readied here Monday morning
from the western part of the state that
Sheim Phillips, formerly of this
neighborhood, died of heart failure.
The remains will be laid to rest in the
Campbell cemetery.
A party of sneak-thieves cut up a
melon patch for C. L. Hcrrick last Fri
day night. The same crowd has been
hunting prairie chickens lately and
had better pay a little better attention
to law. Breaking the law sometimes
spells trouble.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postofllco at Rod Cloud, Nob,,
for tint wook ending Aug.. 27, 1!K)8:
Lydla limit
V II. Blair
Haddie (iuilds
F. J. Ing
Henry A. Olson
Toln Norman
C. E. Neigle
F. (5. Palmer
C. R. Walton
Chas. R. Sephens
Thoso will bo sont to tlio doad letter
olllce Sept. 10th 1003, if uncalled for
bqforo. When culling for above plonso
say "advertised."
T. C. Hacker, Postmaster.
Hands cracked and bruised from
husking, skin diseases, tan freckles,
cuts relieved at onco with Plnesalvo
Carbolied (acts like a poultice). Draws
out inllnmmatlon. Price SSc. Sold by
Henry Cook.
Our Popular Lady Voting Contest has
started oil' in pretty fair shape and wo
expect It to be one of the biggest
events that ever happened In this part
of the country.
There has been a change In the
standing of the candidates during the
past week. Mrs Miles Doyle changes
from soeoud to lit st place, Miss Her
nice Potter from fourth to third, and
Miss Frankle Ward from fifth to
The vote Friday was:
Mrs. Miles Doyle 11,200
Miss Ruth Warren 1,3000
Miss llcrnlco Potter 11,000
Miss Frankle Ward 10,070
Miss VeraCrablll 10,000
1 Atuioiincoinont This Piano and
Popular Lady voting contest will bo
conducted on strictly honest buslno g
principles, with perfect justlco nnd
fairness to all concornod.
2 Prizes Tho first prize shall bo a
Chlckoriiig Bros, upright piano valued
at ?.'00. Tho second prize will bo a
Ladles' fine gold watch valued at 830.
Tho third prizo will bo n handsome
sliver ton service valued at 922.00. Bo
sldos theso, other special prlzos will
bo oirorod from timo to tlmo.
3 Candidates Any lady, married
or single, lu this and adjoining coun
ties is eligible to a place in tho con
test. Tho most popular lady is the
ono who shall recoivo the most votes,
and to her shall bo glvon this high
grado piano. Other candidates will
rocpivo prizes in order, according to
their standing of votes.
1-Tio in Votes In ease of a tie, the
vuliui of tho prlzos will bo equally
divided or a like prizo granted to thoso
0 Classes of Votes Thoso uro Is
suod in coupons as following:
Now subscriptions, 000 votes for 11.00
Renewals, 300 votes for $1.00
Back subscriptions, 300 votos for 51.00
0- General Instructions Names of
contestants will bo printed in ordor
according to standing and tho amount
of thoir votes published regular after
tho first count Is made.
Votes will not bo allowed on sub
scriptions at less than regular price of
the paper.
Votes once deposited in tho ballot
box cannot bo trausfeiod to another.
Agents' commissions are to be sus
pended during contest,
No contestant will be allowed to
compote for more than ono of tho
additional special piizos.
The publisher will not tell whom
anyone votes for, excopt in case of al
leged en or or irregularity.
Much contestant is requested to. send
us a cabinet size photograph for pub
lication as soon as convenient.
Make up your mind who you want to
voto for before coming to the ofllco as
tho editor will positively not decide
the mutter for you.
Contestants should keep a record of
their votes turned in each week, nnd
soe that our figures verify it.
All coupons must have tho amount
of subscription paid, number of votes
cast, namo of contestant voted for nnd
name of person voting written legibly
An award ug committee of threo ro
liablo business men will bo appolntod
to mako tho fluid count and dlstribur
tiou of prizes.
Contest to run not loss than ninety
days; ditto of closing to be announced
about thirty days in advance.
The contest shall close at 1 o'clock
p. m. on tho date to bo announced
later. Two weeks prior to the ditto of
closing, tho Judges aio to take tho
ballot box, carefully locked mid sealed,
to tho bank announced, where it will
bo kept on u table in the front window
during business hour.-, and in tho
vault at night until tho close of tho
contest, whtn tho Awarding Commit
tee will take charge and mako final
Subscription blanks and voting
coiipom will bo furnished upon appli
cation at this ofllco.
All votes must bo accompanied by
subscription money.
McDonald Ltses to McMahon.
Last Friday night Dick McDonald
of this city met Frank McMahon of
Superior in a wrestling match at the
latter place, in which McDonald was
defeated in two straight falls. McMa
hon Is the undefeated lightweight
champion, mid is a very demon at the
wrestling game Tho mutch was a
very pretty one to look at, the men bo
Ing very evenly matchod in strength
and knowledge of the game
A return match will bo wrestled
here Friday evening, Sept. It, mid all
who wish to seo one of the best wrest
ling matches that will ever be pulled
off In the city should uoUall to attend.
ManZau Pllo Remedy comes ready to
use with no..lo attached. Soothes,
heals-, reduces itching and Inllnmma
tlon. An operation for piles will not
bo necessary If you iisoManZnn. Price.
r.Oc. Money refunded If not satisfied.
Sold by Henry Cook.
Ring's Little Liver Pills for blllous
ness.sick headache, muddy comploxlon,
They tone the liver; do not gripe. They
keep you well. inc. Sold by Ilenrv
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