The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1908, Image 8
IF ff !&' " V MARSHAL THE MENTAL FACULTY. M i f it r K' Mi s. ' if. System Neccnary to Get Bet Work 4"t ... from the Drain. r,, 4 -Ji :a r . -"; , . the normnl mind nets under law Hie mental faculties will not fclve mi their best unlcsB they nro mnrBhtilcii by system. They respond cordially to order, but they rebel against slipshod jaStbods. They hrc liUo soldiers. They must have a lender, a general who enforces order, method. The ma jority of people Rot very little out of their brains because they never learn to think systematically. Their mlndH nro Itko some country stores wbcro everything Is jumbled tip. There Ib no order or method anywhere. They broWBc. or coKltato, but they do not focus their minds and conduct their mental processes with order. Slovenly mentnl habits will desttoy the finest minds. The strciiKth and per sistency of our linbltnnl thought force mensuro our efficiency. The bahllunl thought-force In many people In bo feeble and spasmodic that they cannot focus their minds with sufficient vigor to nrcompllsli much, We enn quickly toll tho first tlmo wo meet a person whether his thought force Ih strong or weak, for every sen tence he utters will partake of Its quality. The person who has a nega tive thought-foice betrays his lack of Btrength In his cvoiy word. His lan guage Is weak, has no gilpplng quality. Hut tho man with a vigorous men tality takes right hold of you, grips your mind with eveiy sentence. HIb power thrills you, and you feel Imme diately that you are In tho presence of a strong personality. It Is the posi tive, tho nggresHlvo thought Hint cre ates, that Invents. The negative thought Is nlwajs weak. Succosb Magazine. WHAT THE LOG LINE WAS FOR. NEW YORK STORE: Passenger New to the Sea Receives ' Lucid Explanation. i OfllcciB on the coastwise and for 'lgn steamship lines are not limited 'to their regular duties, but nro expect ed to answer tho questions of curloui passengers besides Sometimes, how 'ever, tho passenger tako the matter .Into their own bunds, mid Instruct oth ers more Ignorant than themselves. The purser on a well-known liner tells of a lady who had made a pas sage befoie, and who In consequence 'ell a supeilor knowledge of maritime things. Scvotal ladles weio gtouped In tho Btcrn, this one among them, when their attention was attracted by tho log with Its long line nttnehed to tho rail. "Why, what can Hint bo?" Inquired one of tho party. "That?" said the knowing one. "Well, you see the vessel luiu to keep In communication with the land, and In order to tell just how far they have got on tho passage they keep one end tied to tho dork, and by looking nt the nmoimt of line paid out thuy can tell Just how far they tiro from the other side." "Oh!" exclaimed the other, nfter thlB lucid explanation. "Well, 1 linve always heard of the log, but I never knew whnt one was before. Thnnk you so much!" Youth's Companion. Remedy for Choking. "Raising the left arm iib high as you enn will relieve choking much more rapidly than the act of thumping ono's back," said a phytlclnu, "and It Is well thnt everyone should know it, forofton n person gets choked while eating where thoie Is no one near to thump lilm. Very frequently nt meals and when thuy nre at play, children got choked while eating, and the custom ary manner of relieving them Ib to nlnp them sharply on the back. Tho effect of this Is to set tho obstruction free. Tho same thing can bo brought about by raising the left hand of tho child as high as possible and the relief comes much moie quickly. In happen ings of this kind there should be no alarm, for If the child sees that older persons or paieutu get excited the ef fect Is bad. Tho best thing Is to toll tho child to raise Its left arm and lm mediately the difficulty passes nway." POTTER BLOCK, RED CLOUD Special Dress Goods Sale Commencing Wed, Morn., Aug. 26th All the New Fall Dress Goods Placed on sale at Special Prices. (5,r)C black Morlmir sale price 4Sc 75 " u " " 5c 0f " plaid Panama, sale price 4Sc $1 50 " Knebyonlali cloth, wale price i)8c 1 50 u Voile cloth, Hale price $1 12 1 50 " Chiffon Lorenzo Hale price 1 12 1 25 white and black plaid Panama, Hale price 85c 1 25 black French serge, Hale price 75 1 50 " striped Panama, sale price 1 12 1 25 " ntriped Panama, Hale price 85c 1 50 54 inch blk Chiffon Panama, Halo price 1 12 I ;5 fancy blue stripe suiting, Halt price 1 00 1 50 fancy blue Htripo Panama, sale price 1 12 05c fancy blue stripe Mohair, sale price 48c 1 50 blue Chi Hon Panama, sale price 08c 1 25 gray chiffon Panama, sale price 85c 1 25 green Chiffon Panama, sale price 75c 75c Copenhagan blue Panama, sale price .r)5c 1 50 " " " " " 1 12 75c white wool Batiste, sale price 55 05c white fancy Mohair, Halo price 4Sc American Thread Co's Best Thread, 200 yard Spools, sale price 4c per spool. Kloster-. silk all Colors 5c per spool. All Our Long White Silk Gloves on Sale at Half Price. Bargain Prices on Cotton Batts, Blankets,etc. SPECIAL DISH SALE Another Special Loi of Fancy China Pitchers and Platters on sale your Choice 25c Not more than 2 pieces sold to each customer on Ail the Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes sale at Special Prices. 50c and 05c fancy plaid, checks and stripes, wool suitings, sale price 25c. These are special nice fabrics for skirts. $1 15 and 1 25 fancy Panamas wool fabrics sale price 5(.)c per yd. gain. and other light weight This is sure a great bar- All the best Calicoes 5c. 12c Flanneletts, sale price 10c. 15c, ISc Llannelettes, sale price 12Ac. SPECIAL WAIST SALE Bargains in New Black Silk Waists at $2.75, $3.45, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.75. It will pay you to see them. 85 00 Silk Lined Net Waists at $2 95 80 00 SUk Lined Net Waists at ft 45 Special Values in White Waists at 50c and up. All the balance of our Summer Wash Fabrics on Sale At Half Price $1.50 Ladies' Wrappers and Alotlier Hubbards, Sale Price 98c 12Ac Hope Bleached Muslin at Se 15c Lonsdale Cambrics He 7c Unbleached Muslin 5c ISc Feather Ticking at 12AC Saunders Bros. Lumber & Coal Dealers RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Wo huve la btock at nil times a comploto lino of UulldiiiK Material and Good Coal. Our prices nro reasonable. Wo solicit your patron bro. Bell Tel. 00. Farmers hid. 71. Hastings College Hastings, Nebraska FOUNDED IN 18S2. LOCATION. Hastings is tho fourth city of Nebraska, having n population of over 12,000, and is supplhd with handsome public building", elegant residences, metropolitan stores, and beautiful churches, it is also an important railroad ctnter, being located on the C. B. & Q , St. J. & (1. 1. C, and N. V., and M. P. railways. Thero are also three branch linos of tho Burlington route, so that access is easy from any quarter. FACULTY. It consists of twelvo cultured men and women leprosenting eight differ ent universities and co leges. Post-graduate work at Harvard, Chi ago, Vale, l'rincton, Berlin ami Heidelberg gives their teaching and scholarship unusual breadth and thoroughness. DEPARTMENTS. HIb Wife. The agent stepped lnlHkly up to Mr. Meckly's desk and luld a small artlclo close to his riKlit liaiul. "I have heio a new letter opener," ' ho said, "a handsome aitlcle. to ho kept on the table In your library, say, t and" ' "Pardon me," Intoiniptod Mr. Meek' ly, without t iiuiing his head, "but I have already the best letter opener, ' and the quickest." i "How long have you had It?" per-' slated the agent. "You know thero are constant Improvements always be , Iuk Introduced." I "Mine couldn't bo Improved," re sponded the gentleman. "I've had lior for about two years now anniversary . v,. ...u .. ...mill), IICAl IllUIIlll. OlIUJ Stories. Don't Buy Land ntr Loan Money tn Real Estate without getting one of 'fuel's perfect Abstracts of Title. Tht olilest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. 810,000 bond tiled and approved. Represents tix of the best In surance companies doing busi ness In the state. LOANS MADE tn CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. O tTlce In Over In g Block. Phones: Bell 98, Farmcrs38 1 The Colleuk, offering two cources for degrees, with many eleotlves. 2 The Academy, otrering high school training under college professors. II The Noiimvl School, Issuing teacher's certlllcates under state author ity. 1 The CoNSKiiVATonv of Musif, with courses in voice, piauo, pipe oigan, violin, and musical theory. EQUIPMENT. Thort are four buildings; Ringland Hall, a men's dormitory and lefeotory; McCormlck Hall, tin principal recitation building; Alexander Hall, u women's nummary; iiiriicgiu uuiKiing, mo miriiry nnu selenium lalioratoiios mes tor conege scionco worn aro unsurp.issod and htut and electric light. Next year begins Srpt. 8, 1!K)3. ouir fro upon application to i Why Buy A Monument of Us BECAUSE- BECAUSE-BECAUSE- Our designs are made by the very best artists in the country. -Our material is first-class. Facil- all buildings have steam Handsomo citaloguo and illustrated souv A. E. TURNER, U. D. President. r v l She Expected Too Much. Mnmnia- Have you washed your face, Johnny? Johnny Yes'm. h Mamma And your hands? Johnny Yep. Mamma And your neck? ' Johnny Aw, see here, ma, I ain't a ' angel. C CHAS ALLSOP Mason lent work a specialty. Red Cloud, Neb. Yost Butler The Butchers Comer tiO TO No Caute for Alarm. "Oh, Is my husband shot?" cried tho , frlghtenod wife, as they bore tho limp j form of the premature celebrator acroBB the threshold of his homo. "No, madam," answered ono of the bearers, reaasurlnKly, "he'B only hU bot-" Robinson & Son If you want a Square Meal for 25 cts. Soda Fountain in connection with Restaurant. Soft drinks in season. Dealers in Fresh, Salt and Cured Meats Phones, Country 103 Boll 4 HARNESS Our stock of harness is complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any thing in the harness line, from a tie strap to the best hand-made work or buggy harness, call on us. We can satisfy you. All work is done with pneumatic tools, giving that distinguished look to every monument. BECAUSE Our prices are right. Many other reasons we could give but call and see for yourself or drop us a card. Overing Bros. & Co, Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA r s s s P Special prices on old wheat flour nt tho Red Cloud Milling Co. V avan'W'v WV'v 1 1 'x'AA"WN"N"r"? J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints and Movildings Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec- orating, rine paper nanging a specialty. Acme j brand paints. Bell phone 296. M VVWV,WVWVVW I vsV'vvyAvvA'vv,v JOE FOGEL North of Damcrell Uloek, Wo want a correspondent from every neighborhood in tho county. Call In and seo us or write us a lino about It. C A SCHULTZ Photographer Family groups and baby pictures a specialty. DamerellDlock. City Dray and Express Lne. F. Vf. STUDEBAKER, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Loweiji CITY AENT6 FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Offieng. 4 ' v '' (I ar " " -JrtWii JUi4 -