The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1908, Image 5
g - .. 1 1 1 1 . A OTr ffj Durabilitv is . Makrrs David M.l'fjf Iter & Co. Chicago He Says He Dresses Bet ter Than Papa Hi is ""THERE is tone, color and beauty in every graceful line of these Wear better suits. featured in o.vnrv inrlv Trio rough and tumble life that children give their clothes don't affect Wearbetter "Suits. They're dressy and serviceable always. Shown in all popular colors, shades and designs. $4.00 to $10.00 PAUL STOREY The Clothier ; LOCAIETTES Glenn Walker went to Inavale Tues day. A. A. Hurdiek of Alma was In town Wednesday. Geo. Mctiintis of Houhler is visiting his mother. Geo. Tolland of Iliverton Sundayed in lied Cloud. Clarence Hurgess was down from Inavale Monday. Mrs. Ward Hayes departed for Kan sas City Tuesday. Joe Fogol attended the hall game at Seward Saturday. II. J. Clark of l'olk, Nebr., visited friends here tills week. A. II. Carpenter was a Franklin vis itor over Tuesday night. Miss Iaiuite Studebaker returned from Itluc Hill Saturday. Mrs. Ida Krrett returned to her home at Wray, Colo., Saturday. Some good city lots to trade for StOCk. II. W.'OKIr. 3-33 Miss I nna Lindley of Iliverton spent Sunday with relatives here. Dr. Nelson went to Hastings to piny ball with the team Wednesday. Gertrude Ulackledge gave a party at her home Friday evening. Fon Sam: Six room house, 3 lots. Inquire at Newhousc's store. tf Miss Hell Spanogle went to Denver Thursday for visit with relatives. Mrs. Geo. Hollister and daughter Marie, went to Lincoln, Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson has returned from a visit with relatives at Hastings. Mis Mabel' Thomas left for Wray, Colo., Saturday, for a visit with rela tives. Merlin Thompson of Stanford Is vis iting his sister, Mrs. Sherwood Al bright. Dr. Thomas returned from Hastings Wednesday where he attended a dental mooting. Mrs. .1. L. Miner and daughter Irene left Tuesday morning for a visit at Denver. Captain Schoonover had his hand split in the ball game at Friend, Tues day, which will put him out of the catching game for the remainder of the season. .J Henry Fowler and wife of Cowles visited relatives here the latter part of the week. lied Cloud lost two games at Seward, broke even at Friend and won two games at Hastings. Waxtkii A young lady who wishes leurn typesetting. Call at the Chief ofllee for particulars. H. E. Grice and family departed Wednesday morning for their new home at Houhler, Colo. Owing to a leakage In the new boiler at the power house the city was in darkness Wednesday night. Mrs. Doughman and daughter, of Dresden, were visitors with Mrs. .1. E. Itutler the first of the week. Mrs. Leta Gleason, who has been visiting Mrs. Taylor and daughter, re turned to Chicago, Wednesday. Patronize home industry. Special prices on 3 to 5 hundred pound lobs of old wheat Hour at Red Cloud Mills. The Indies of the Congregational church will hold their monthly market Saturday, Aug. 21), at Fulton's grocery. Mrs. LeTourneau and daughters re turned to their home at Concordia, Kas., after a visit here witli N. Long tin and family. Wilson Conner, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. L. II. Rust, returned to his home at home at Heaver City, Tuesday morning. Miss Beatrix Hurley returned to her home In Denver this week, after spend ing a couple of months here with her grandfather, D. It. Spanogle. Eben Person and wife of West Point, Nebr., childhood friends of Rev. A. A. Cressman, visited at the latter's home several days, returning home Wednes day. John Throne and wife left the first of the week for Peoria, 111., where they will make their future home, John having a position there as stenog rapher. N. W. McDowell and family of Stella Nebr., arrived in the city Monday ev ening and have moved into one of Mrs. Abel's houses in the south part of town Mrs. McDowell is a nelce of Mrs. J. II. Itobinssn. Look pleasant and don't forget to insure your property against loss by Fire, Lighting & Cyclone in one of the old line insurance companies repre sented by L. II. Fort ngent, Damerell block. S1000 cyclone policy only costs you 85 for 3 years. GRE0GEPTI5E The World's best Wood Preserva tive, and Vermin Destroyer. Absolutely guaranteed to prevent, decay on fence posts and wood work of all kind that is exposed to dampness or the action of the ele ments, ft will not blister the face or hands. Posts or boards can be handled at once after application. We have the agency in Red Cloud. G. L. C0TTING, THE DRUGGIST. While working for Frank Crablll. Merlin llutler had the misfortune to cut his left leg just above the knee with a corn knife which lie was using. He severed one of the tendons and an artery, making a bad wound which will lay him up for some time. The G. A. II. reunion of the south eastern district of Nebraska will be held In MeKinloy park at Cambridge, August 31 to September 5. A cordial Mlf.llon Is extended bythe manage ment for all to attend and join in the good time they expect to have. School, with the exception of the kindergarten in the north ward, will begin Monday morning. The kinder garten will not begin until a week later on account of the teacher, who comes from Mnssachusets, and is un able to get, here before that time. Wantiid At once, 2Ji or 30 young men and women to take a course In Multlgraphing. Course can bo com pleted In from one month to six weeks. We have a position waiting for you as soon as you are ready, Salarys run from Sift to 820 per week for beginners. Who will be the first to enroll? Tuition for complete course S'Jft. For further particulars address the Hebron Busi ness College, Hebron Neb. A number of our subscribers are so" far in arrears on their subscription that unless they come In and settle wc shall have to drop them from the list which we hesitate in doing. We sup pose that If yon do not want the paper you will have the manhood to come in and say so and not continue to re ceive something which you do not in tend to pay for. Look at the date on your paper and if you are in arrears come in and see us about it. Don't forget the nextexcurslon dates of the lied Cloud Investment Co. are tile first and third Tuesdays in Sep tember. While business is not very pressing on the farm take a few days outing and visit the "Newest Land of Promise," where good cheap land abounds with diversified crops, where the very sight of it will make you "open the latch of your pocket-book and say, I'm going to have some of that." TlIK IlK!) Cl.ori) I.VVKSTMKNT Co. Advance sheets of the premium list of the National Corn Exposition, to be held in Omaha during December, show that a ten ear sample of corn will win $1000 In gold on the grand champion sweepstakes award and in addition the same sample will win the Grand Prem ier Commonwealth Trophy, vahled at 81,000. Resides this large amount, in qualifying for the sweepstakes and trophy the sample will have won sev eral hundred dollars in cash and mer chandise premiums, thus making it the largest amount ever offered in a grain or grass contest. This is certainly making money on corn at least S2.10 per ear, and according to the Omaha paper the announcement of such a prize has excited so much wondei among the business men that many de clare their intention of renting n "patch" of ground next year and If money can buy good seed and give a crop of corn good caro, jump in after some of the prizes. Until they heard of the prizes which the National Corn Exposition offered, they did not think it worth while to play with corn grow ing, but 12500 is more than they win at the horse shows, golf tournaments and horse races. PUBLIC SALE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1008, at 10 o'clock, sharp, the undersigned will sell at public auction at his farm 2 miles south and 4 miles east of Red Cloud, and 1 mile south and 0 miles west of Guide Hock, the following property: lftO HEAD OF STOCK described as follows, 100 head of cattle, 20 milch cows, some fresh, bnlance fresh soon, 10 two year old heifers, 10 year ling heifers, 24 two year old steers, 14" yearling steers, 22 calves and 50 shoats. Terms Seven months time will be given on sums over 810, purchaser giv ing note and approved security, with interest at 10 per cent from date. 810 and under cash. Lunch on the ground. W. A. Kent P. V. Taylor Base Ball Red Cloud Rail Park BLOOMER GIRLS vs. RED CLOUD Monday, August 31st OXFORD INDIANS vs. RED CLOUD Wed. and Thut., Sep! 2 and 3 Oftsu Tke Kidneys Arc Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to tlie kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most imortaut organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin faking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon is your kidneys are well they will help nil the other organs to health. A trial will convince nnyone. If you arc sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on Us merits by all fA""-, druggists in fifty-cent d8JlimteffiESiiStQa Mid one-dollar size Mn0JWEnHi!jJ22u bottles. You may SSsmJlSs haven sample Ixjttlc nnotBiramp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you nave kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling hatnton , N. Y. Don't make any mistakt but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad ires9, Biughamton, N. Y on every bottle. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and all other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 2K times the quantity of the 30c she. Prepared only by the PINEULE VEBICINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL If you are a sufferer from that most distressing affliction, piles, and have tried many remedies without being benefited we can safely sav that Man San Pile Remedy will bring relief with the "rst application. For sale by Henrv Cook. Bees Laxative Couirh Syrup always brings quitk relief to coughs, colds, hoarsness. whooping cough and all Ironchinl and throat trouble. Mothers espcciallf recommend it for children, as it is pleasant to take. It is gently , laxauve. annum oe in every Home. Miiarauieeu. miki uy uenry cook. To those iitlllcted with kidney and , manner irouuie, backache, rheuma- Usui, Pitifules for the Kidneys bring I relief in the first dose. Hundred of people today testify to their remark- (able healing mill tonic properties. 30 days' trial 81.00. They purify tlm inuuu. rtmii oy uenry iook. Land! Land! Land! 81.1.00 an acre buys land that will produce he very largest yield of nil kinds of farm products, and will In crease In value in the next ten years as fast as the land did in Oklahoma, that is now selling for from 8.10.00 to S7.'t.()0 per ncre. The crops are elegant in the Pan handle where this land is located, and land sold on ten years time is in the reach of the man of moderate means, and some of our good citizens are taking advantage of it. Excursion dates: First and third Tuesdays in eacli month, The Red Cloud Investment Co. In the Potter llloulc. Piueules for the Kidneys, 30 days' 1 trial 81 00. Hundreds of people testify j to the merit of this preparation In the relter of kidney troudle, rheumatism, lumbago, backache. Pincuies net di rectly on the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feel 11kg a new Corson. They tone the system. Sold y Henry Cook. INFLAMMATORY UUKUMATI8M OUKBO IV 8 DAYS Morion U Hill, of Lebanon, luil,. ; "Mj wife bail Inflammatory lOiciimatUm In everj muicle sun Joint; tier suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost be yond recognition: bad luen In bed six weeki and bad eight ptiTslrlans. but weired no benefit until ihe tried Dr. Deletion's Ittllef cut Rheumatism. It nave Immediate relief and ibe was able to walk about In three dayi i hit sure. U MTi-d her life." Sold by II. K OrJce, Drusx'n. Iteil OlnuO nilEUMATIHM CUItKD IN A DAY Dr.DetrhoiiR Itullof forlUu-uniatlum and Neural Kla radically curta In 1 to3tlayn. Itt action upon the system Is remarkable and niymerloiu. II removes at once tlia catiMj and ilieilUeato Im mediately disappear. The first dote greatl) beui'flta, 7r cent and II. Mold by II. B. times druggist, Ited Cloud. Wood's Liver Medicine In llijuld form for malaria, chills and fever, regulates tho liver, kidneys and blad der, brings quick relief to biliousness, sick-headache, constipation. Pleasant to take. The 81.00 bottle contains 2K times the quantity of the 30c size. First doso brings relief. Its tonic efiects felt at- once. Sold by ITenry Cook. ASK FOIl AlLEVS TOOTEASE, A powder for swollen, tired, hot, smarting feel, Hunple Kent KKKK. Aim free Sample of the FOJT'KAUK SANITARY CORK-PAD, a new Invention, Address, Allen S. Olmsted, l.c Roy, N. Y. HERE 18 RELIEF FOR WOMEN. Mother Orar. a nurse In New York, discovered an aromatlo, pleaiant herb cure for women's , Ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It la the only 1 certain regulator. Cures female weaknesies and backacho, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists ,or by mall W cents. Sample FREE, Address, The Mother Orar Co., J Le Hoy, N. Y They Have teivedl New Fail Suits in all the New Shades. A new line of hats in all the new nobby shapes and colors. A full line of shoes in all the new toes. A big assortment to choose from. Come in and ask to see them. Glad to show you whether you arc from Missouri or not. Gomden-Kaley GLothing Go. ALWAYS RF LIABLE First Door North of Postofficc. FULTON MARKET FOR Bargains in Groceries A B G Goods Nothing hotter on tho ninrkot. "Wyandotte Cloanor unci Cleausor." Bettor than lyo or soap. Cloans ovory thing. Fulton Market, Damoroll Dlk FAfllflEHS should inspect our DEL A VA L CREAM SEPARATOR before investing in a machine. All we ask for the De Laval is a trial, and we would like to have you take one out and give it a fair test along side of any other separator made. It will cost you nothing to make the test You will keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the DeLaval. A 430 pound capacity separator for 975.00. Will yoi lire It a trial? Red Cloud Hardware end Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN Monday, Aug. 31-Llncohi Day Tuesday, Sept. 1-Ooveruor's Day Wednesday, Sept. 2-lIryan Day Thursday, Sept. a-Taft-Omaha Day Friday, Sept. 4 Parade Day Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits ever shown in Nebraska $30,000 in Premiums $12,000 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF NAPLES C00 people. Immense display of fireworks each night Liberates New Yorlc Festival Military Hand and Grand Opora Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of national reputation. State bands from Hebron. Ueatrlce, Aurora, St. Paul. Western League Base Ball Athletic Met Wild West Show New 823,000 cattle barn, 174x231 to hold 030 head of cattlo Now S10.000 steel frame Auditorium, to seat 4500 people, to be dedicated by Hon. W. .1. Urynn, on Wednebdny, September 2d For premium liht and entry blank, write J. K. Mellor, Sec, Lincoln, Nob. m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones nnd Windstorms, soe -NO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best In surance company inthnatta. JACOB BLLINOBR Auctioneer RED CLOUD, NEB. ( Tanners' phonw A 8 Bell phone 07.