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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1908)
I f .,' THE RED CliOUD CHEF A NcHJpapcr That Gives Thx Niks Flfty-twa Wctks Each tear For One Dollar. KED CLOUD, NEBKASKA, AUCJUST27, V.H)S a a a 4 9 9 4 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ., t VOLUME XX XVI. Miss Ruth Warren Wins $10 NUMBER 35 m T0 iscellaneous B CHILDREN'S ROMPERS or creepers made of a good grade dark blue chanibrny at 50c LADIES' HOSE. Rlack and tan lime hose at 25c. Chlldrcn'h hose, black or tan, at 12 J-2, 15 and 25 cent DRESS GOODS. For school drosses a nice line at J5c. .10 In. wide half wool, all colors, at 25c BLACK SILK. 30 in. ltiack TalVetn Silk at $1.00 30 In. Itlack Peau de Sole Silk at $1.50 PERCALES. 30 in. percales at JOc yd. Large line new Calicoes. Rordered Calicoes. COTTON BATTS A lot 7xs light, llulVy. clean cotton at 85c roll REMNANTS. A few remnants in all. grades of goods, cheap. Bvitterick Patterns ns At F. NEWHOUSE'S 7 " l gdll io l m "' - I J GUIDE ROCK. Dr. risk is very ill, with but little hope of recovery as he is of so ad vanced an age. V. F. Ciowell has rented of Mrs. Until. Ill, 1- I III. Ill, 111.11 tllllt. WAi. VIllMttl'll I . . . . . ........ this week ny l.ouis ustcruinii. CI The First Special Prlir. of $10 In (Hid Goes to Nlss Ruth Warren, Who Has 12,700 Votes When First Count Is Made. Our Popular Lady VotlnirContest has L'hns. Hodges Is away buying goods (Parted off In pretty fair shape and e for the store and visiting friends In ,"-' " ' " " """ "KK Missouri events that ever happened hi this part ... , , ... , ,, of the country. Misses Irene and Rlanehe lcrguson. Tu, ,,,, () thl. Cllll went to Lincoln Tuesday. 1 hey will . .... --(-,lbj(1(AAU.Uiu.ibaiAii.A"i SAY, HISTERI Do you know that it will pay OU. as well as US, to buy your HulldinK Ma terlal ami Coal at ouryurds? Not ouly that our prices avekaoe lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because we take especial care of and protect all can be classed a. REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT fr FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. 1 "" "jCi?r sA-zz ty VJ There are four leading makes of watches on the market and we sell them all. You can make no.mistake in buying one of us. Our extra large line gives you practically unlimited choice. No matter the size or grade, we have them. Cases of all grades enabling you to buy the watch you want. A written guarantee with every one of them. Price always held at the lowest notch. We invite inspection and comparison of goods and prices. Satisfaction or Your Money Back. NEW HOUSE BROTHERS Jewelers and Optlclaas B. & NWatch'Jnspecters Vote For the "Amendment. The "Proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to .Judicial Pow ers" should receive the vote of every voter at Hie coming primaries, without regard to party. The amendment was submitted by the last Legislature by the votes of members of all political parties men who have investigated the question and know the necessity for its adoption. The proposed amend ment was endorsed bv the Republican and Peoples Independent parties in their state conventions last spring and has just been endorsed by the executive committee of the Democratic State Committee, after a careful consider ation and full discussion of the ques tion witli many intliicntial men in that party. That the , measure is non-partisian and should receive the support of every voter in the state is further established by the following statement signed by the chairmen of the State Committees of the three great political parties of the state, via: In our hidLrement the proposed cuti stitutioual amendment increasing in number the judges of the Supreme Court, which is to be voted on at the coming primaries, is a step in the right direction. This amendment, if adopt ed, will enable the Court to hear and decide all eases without the assistance of Commissioners. The substitution of four judges for six commissioners will not only give the state a better working court, but will be a great savins of expense to lltiuants in that court, aud hence, a great bcncllt to the people of the state. We hope that every voter of our respcctlvo parties will vote for it at the coming primaries. nm. Hayward Chairman Republican State Coin. T. S. Allen Chairman Democratic State Com. C. II. .Manuel Chairman Peoples Ind'p't State Com. The adoption of the amendment re ferred to is of vital importance to the people of Nebraska without regard to party, and we hope that it may be unanimously endorsed at the primaries. Hands cracked and bruised from husking, skin diseases, tan freckles, cuts relieved at onco with Plucsalve Carbolized (acts like a poultice). Draws out intlammatiou. Price 2.1c. Sold by Henry Cook. IMtwrV I IHl.. Plllii fm l.lllnnv. ness,sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They , .. ...... ...nil .... l..l.l 1... TI....U.. ie. .sum uy uuiiry attend the Christian state convention at Ilethany. Charles Roland and family started Tuesday on their return to their home in Knnis. Texas. They drove to Su perior taking an early train from there over the Santa IV. Louis Osterblad and family moved to a farm this week. Mrs. VanWoert received news of the death August 21 of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Deyoe, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. She was eighty-five years old. Mrs. Harriet Shuinan went to Have- lock Thursday, where she will remain until spring. Miss Mallssa Lambert arrived home Saturday evening from Fnirbury. where she attended teacher's institute. Russell Vauirhan's many friends sympathize with him in his suffering. He had three lingers of the right hand crushed while operating the job press at the Signal olllee. .Miss Rortlm Wichmuim went to Lin coln Tuesday. Mrs. C. 1 Scherbacher is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Selphert, an'd two children of Denver. Emery Guy is out with a new deliv ery wagon. ( Rev. P. T. Martin attended the state convention of the Christian church at Ilethany this week. Mrs. Albert Coplen and two daugh ters started Tuesday morning for In diana to visit relatives. Mrs. Emmet lliigan and daughter Ethel arrived home evening from Kan cas City, where they had been the guests of relatives. R. W. McCalluiu and wife came home from Weeping Water Friday. Mrs. McCallum's mother, Mrs. Contryinan, came with them Mrs. Chas. Me.Murdv had u visit from her sister, Mrs. Ed Coppock, of Superior from Friday till Sunday. G. W. Hagan and wife and daughter Carrie were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. VanWoert and daughter. Miss Jessie McCalluiu went Lincoln Tuesday. After a day or two spent witli friend there she will go to Wis ner. where she teaches in the city schools. Win. Lowery and family reached home Monday evening from a visit at White Cloud, Kas. Tim Hendrickson has the contract for the new residencu of Robt. Gar rlson. John La went and family will leave next week for their new home In Lair, Texas. Mrs Julia Strutton has sold her town property to Frank Taylor. The teacher and classmates of Miss Alta Largent presented her with a line Riblo as a keepsake. She leaves next week with her parents for Texas. 1 tilft i nu tt I inmtvn wii the tlrst count was Miss Ruth Warren 12.700 Mrs. Miles Doyle 12.100 Miss Vera Crablll 10,000 Miss lleiniee Potter 10,300 Miss Frankie Ward lO.(HH) Now Is the time to help your favor ite candidate win the beautiful Chick- erlng Hros. piano which we are going to give away at the close of this con test. Remember, any lady, whether married or single, may enter this eon test, and because your name does not appear in this tlrst list is no sign that vou cannot win one of the priec The prizes arc: First, a Chlckeiing Rros. S.100 upright piano; second, a Ladies' Cold Watch valued ntS30; third, a Silver Tea Service valued at $22.50. and such special prizes as we shall de cide upon from time to time. The votes will be counted each week and published so that all may know just what progress the candidates are making. TO BRING ORANGE TREE NORTH. BotanliU at Work on Development of Hardy 3peclmen. Rotnnlsts in tho employ of tho I'tiltcd States department of agricul ture hope to bring Into being nn or ange tree which will ho "as sturdy as the apple tree; nn orange trco that will not perish In the chill of north ern winter, which In December will bear Its wrcatha of snow and In May Its garlands of bloom, and when aunt" mcr comes will yield fruit na Rood as. that Bweetened In tho south sun. This may bcoju to be an unnatural proposition, but It Only seems so. No violence upon the laws of Nature haa been or will bo attempted. It la simply an effort to make the citrus iron wlileh bears tho BWCCt tllblo Or- angc as hardy and lnsensltlvo to cold as the citrus tree which bears the bit ter, unediblo orange. Ry crossing n eitniB tree which grown in tho north and which bears tho unediblo fruit with tho citrus tree of tho south It Is sought to beget a plant In which wlU bo combined tho good trail of each. Government botanists aro comment that the resutls of this citrus marriage will be n scion that will grow and fruit at n latitude midway between tlm northern llmlta of tho sweet and bitter orange. If this should bo there might be groves In central Virginia, middle Kentucky, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, central Missouri and central Kansas. Think of orange groves around tho homes in Richmond, Louis ville, Cincinnati and Kansas City! Technical World. C0UN1Y COURT NEWS. NEW DIET HAS MANY FRIENDS, imioiiati: Estate of Henry Thewes, hearing on claims continued to September t. P.HW, one o'clock p. in. F.state of Anders Anderson, hearing on chums. One claim allowed Converts to "Sanltarlnnlem" BelnQ Made Every Day. SnnitarlaniBin, or half vegetarianism, has gained many convortH since Min ister Wii coined tho new word. Tho on c, a, us vue c,a ' t, of tho alomacW being tho seat lMate Andreas Miller. Anna Mliller q, , ,,, , ,mn,B,llnR im,at from appointed adinliiistrtrix. .,, ,,,,, , r.. lf . honies. Coieuls and fruits, vegetables, cur F.state John Thornton, petition for administration tiled. Set for hearing September 1", P.iOS Kstatc Andreas Miilleri bond tiled and approved. Letters of Tidinlnlstia tiou issued. Appraisers commission to F. C. Iluseliow and Otto R. Stoffregcn. '-IVll.. Mandeville vs. Smith Judgement for plaintiff. tJlobe Co. vs. Rose. Judgement for plaintiff. Sawyer vs. C. It. .t ). R. R. Co. Con tinued by agreement to Sept. 21, HtOS. rlll.MI.VAI.. State v. Hretthaucr. Held to Dist rict Court Rail furnished In sum of S200. REALLY WAS A SIMPLE MATTER. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab struct Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, Aug. 20, VMi. Deborah C Rjland to Charles A Roland, w2, swt, 1-1-U,wd SOOUO 00 Deborah C Roland to William Pltoland, o swl, 4-Ml, wd.. 0000 00 William P Roland to James M Roland, lot 1, Roberts add to Guide Rock, wd 1 .100 00 Austin A Davis to Fannie Crary part blk .1, Talbott's add to Guide Rock, wd J 30 00 W C Frahm, Treas., to L II Rust, lot II, blk :i, Red Cloud td .'!0 "10 Rlbcrt A King to John S Wag oner, lots 1, 2, II, and n.'tf t, blk 23, Red Cloud, wd 1000 00 William Rostock to Edward J Wratton, lot II, bile 3, Rusch ow's add to Rluo Hill, wd. .. 075 00 Prisoner's Acquittal Not Astonlshlnc Under the Circumstances. " 'The' Allen," said a New York poli tician, "took a cynical vlow of man kind. For ono thing, he did not be lieve In tilal by Jury. Humanity, ho would say, wns too corrupt to ndmlt of your getting 12 good men nnd true in a Jury box together. Then ho would tell his ham story. "A chap, the story ran, wns Indicted for stealing a multitude of hams some fiOD or 700. "The trial came. Tho evidence against tho chap was overwhelming. His lawyer leaned to him and wills pored: "'You aro a gone gooso. Thoro Is nothlug for mo to do,' "Rut the prisoner smiled mid e- piled: rlcd rlCc prepM-cd with meat extracts and gravies, tho various pastes from Italy deftly cooked In the Tuscan man ner with tomato cssenco nnd cheese, all these foods are gaining In pnuu lailty as the steak aud chop furore di minishes. The sanitarian does not banish meat from his menu, but neither does ho make much' of It, and tho red meats nml nm k aro rarely used. Chicken and llsh appear to bo the least harmful of dietetic solids, In his opinion. The person who resolves to cut down tho meat diet with a view to Improv ing his general condition will bo amnzod, the sanitarian declares, to nnd that after a fow days he will feel lighter, better in mind and capable of more effort. And hot water taken In ternally in quantity each morning upon rising produces such enects in con junction with a restricted diet that ono who persists in tho treatment for u. fow weeks will never go back to tho old program. Horses Made Deaf by Lightning. An unusual Incident occurred at Clark's CornorB, two miles north of ConesiiB Lake, when an electrical storm passed over the place. Tho bam on the Rartlott farm was struck by lightning during the night, and' when Stephen Rartlett went to the burn In tho morning ho found that the post between two of the horses stalled In tho barn was smashed to kindling. Although tho horses must have been lemleied sensoloss -by the shock, they did not show nuy Injury until after helm: hitched 'up. When Rartlett be- clucU to tno I snn to uee. lmV." luul . , ,... nl.t .... nt.nilllnil .Pl.1,1 .,V'f,t- tun. t mures iiiuj (mm uuiimi-uuum ,.....,. . "Mimt you got up thoie, please, mid (,, ,IU ,ut ns soon as he touched his .. . . ... i ..ii .i... ...i, i . . .. ... , , .. .. whip to tneni iney losponucu. jvu uv ainlnatlon showed tho animals had had their eardrums broken by the crash. Roth horses aro now stono deaf. Goncseo correspondence Roches ter Herald. - make a sneech abusing all the wit nesses. Considering tho size of your fee, you loso heart pretty quickly.' "So the lawyer made u most abuslvo speech. Rut the Judge summed up powerfully against tho ham stealer. After an absence of llvo minutes, how over, the Jury brought In a verdict of 'not guilty.' '"Well, I can't understand it,' said the prisoner's lawyer, as ho left tho court arm In arm with his client. '"I can,' sijld the other, with his calm smile. 'Every man on tho Jury had one of tho hams.' " Mortgages Hied, S.172.1. Mortgages released, none. 1.105.1 40 keep you well Cook. Pile Remedy comes ready to use with no.zle attached. Soothes, heals, reduces itching and iullamma tlou. An operation for piles will not be necessary IfyouusoManZan. Price 50c. Money refunded if not satlstled. Sold by Henry Cook. Some of Each. "Somohody told him that ho mustn't drink Ico water during hot weather nnd somebody olso told him ho muBt lot alcoholic beverages alone. You know how very obstlnnto ho Is." "Yes." "Well, ho mixes tho two." Figures and Numbers. "Figures don't He," remarked tho man who utters nphorlsma. "That's truo bo far as mathematics la concerned," answered tho campaign er. "Dut In politics a back number is liable to prevaricate some." Join the llryan club. New Work for Women. ' i The auto Urn Is tho latest outlet for tho energies of women, suggested as n means of income. Ono near Phila delphia is called tho Tulip inn nnd' everything nbout It Is in Dutch stylo, ns might ho supposed. Parties going; out from the city telephono for lunchea nnd dlnnors If desired, nnd when they arrive they find the tables nwaltlng their pleasure. Thoro aro hundreds of people who motor now who nro not members of Country clubs and Buch wnysldo farmhouses would, no doubt, nttrnct many. Why Journalism Is Popular. Journalism 1b very popular with Smith college girls, ns two years ago two graduates of the col lego applied for positions on a Doston newspaper nnd wero Immediately nccopted. This year thoro uro two vacancies, the young ladleB having married members of tho nowspapor Btaff. The editor now has mado application far two of this year's graduates and will hnyo no troublo in getting them.