The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1908, Image 7

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I 5
I PRfffir TWR
i DEP03IT8.
In IiIh Bpocr.h or acceptance Mr.
Tftft puts himself squarely on record
as bolng oi)Kwc(t (o guaranteed dcpo
nltH. Ho snyi: "The Democratic, pint,
form locomiuoiidB n tnx upon nutlotial
banks and tijion such statu hunks hh
,niay come in. in the nature or on
forced Insurance (o rnlBo n guaranty
fund lo iny the depositors of any hank
which fnllH. Tim proposal 1m wholly
tmprncllcuhlo unless It Ih to ho ac
companied by a romplcto lovolutlou
In our banking system, with a super
vision ho clopo us prncllcnlly to cra
nio n government hank. If the pro
jiobiiI worn udoptod exactly an Uio
lromocrntlr; platform suggests, It would
Inlng Ilia whole bnnklng system of thn
country down in uilu."
I Why seek lo oonfuao thn peoplo on
a Mituplo propoRltlon? Wo aro sup
posed lo have government mumm vIkIoii
(Of national hanks no. Supervision
does not mf-nri a government hank; It
idmply moans that the national hank
Inspectors will do JiihI tin they aro
(Oxpoctod to do under existing law
inaKo tholr oxumlnuilon of Imnlui
thorough and niako proniiil and ofTcc
tUo correction of any Irregularities
dlBoovorcd. So It. will in. iiinifnit i.
ifrlghton tho pooiilo hy tho claim that
guaranteed depends meatm thorough
'HiiporvlHton of hanku. Tliat'H JUHt ox
aotly what thn peoplo want.
It In nbHiird to say that guaranteed
dopOHlta would "bring tho wholo hank
ling system or tho country down to
Whnt does "guaranteed donoslts"
moan? It iiiciiiib that the savings of
Itho masses shall ho Hocured so that
wlion men und women deposit their
(Imrd-oanied money in hanking IiihII
jtutlons, lliey need not wony for fear
'It will ho hmt through the lenkleHH
iiobs and dishonesty or hank ofllehila
Tho federal government doninnds of
Uicbo hankB Hocurlty for thn money It
dcr-OHltH. Ah a rulo state governments
and county governmenlH and munlcl
.pal govenunentH make Hlmllar inquire
monta. lint now that It Ih proposed
Ithnt depoullorH gunorally shall have
.Homo niich assurance for tho safe
kooplng or theJr wealth, wo are told
by tho Itopubllunn candidate for tho
iproBldency that the adoption or Huch
a plan "would bring tho wholo bank
ing nj-Bteni or the country down to
It Is to Hnvo tho hanking business
and to save tho pooplo's money that
tho plan of guaranteed deposits Ik
advocated by Democrats It Ih Strang"
Khnl Mr. Taft and the big bankeia
for whom ho spcnkH can not hoo that
uio guaranteed depoHltH Byatetn Ih ah
Molutoly necesHary for tho pioventlon
of punlt'B, for the Hare keeping or tho
imonoy of tho mnHsea and Tor (he pre
orvatlon of the hanking business In
tho linndH or Individuals.
Tn hla apooch of acceptance Mr
Tart, rerorrlng to the HiiggeHtlon that
trial by Jury bo required In all cases
of Indirect comtempt, Hays: "Never
in tho hlHtory or tho country has there
boon auch an lnldloiiH attack upon
alio judicial syHtom na tho proposal
ito interject n Jury trial between all
orders or tho court mndo after full
.hearing and the enforcement or auch
Uut tho United States Honato In
June. 1B9C. undertook to make Just
Huch prnvlalon. Senator Piatt of
Connecticut waa tho only Republican
o apeak agnlnst It. John .Sherman or
Ohio. William II. Allison or Iowa, En
neuo Ilnloor Mnlno, Joseph II. Hawley
kf Connecticut, Justin S. Morrill or Ver
mont, Knute NoIboh or Minnesota and
I'YuncIa K. Warren ot Wyoming were
iimong tho Republican sonatora pro
uont when thla hill pasaed. l'loaum
ably they voted for It. Theio una no
roll cnll. At loast thoy did not voto
Against it nor did they Hpeak against
In tho nenato at tho time and vot
Ing for thla moaBitrn thore wero bo
flldeH tho dlstlnguhdiod Republicans
nbovo named auch good lawyera as
David II. Hill or Now York. Senator
VJIlaH of Wisconsin, Senator l'ugh of
Aluhama, Sonator Ueorgo of Mlssla
alppl, and Wm. V. Allen or NubrnMni
13oe3 nny Republican bollovo that
John Sherman, William 11. AUIhoii, Kii
goao llnle. Joseph II. Hawley, Justin
H. Morrill, Knuto Nelson, all dlslln
gulnhed Republicans, would either cast
their voto ror or by their Bllonco ac
quiesce In "an insidious attack upon
(ho Judicial system?"
Dooa any ono believe that lawyera
llko Sonntoni Vlllaa, Alloa, Hill, Pugh
und George would participate In "an
liiBldlotiH attack upon the Judicial ays
line no ono ho misled on tho theory
hat Mr. Tuft has dcclarod for the In
oomo tax. Tho following la fiom Mr.
Taft'u speech or acceptanco: "I be
llevo that an lucomo tax, when the
inotoctlvo ttynlom or customs und the
lutornal rovonuo tax will not ftirnlsli
Income enough for govornmental
noods, cuu nnd should bo devised."
In othor wordB Mr. Taft Ic ror nn
income tax conditionally. Whenever
tho government can not Boctiro enough
roYOiuto through a .system or taxing
men nccordlng to what tho eat and
wear, thou ho would ho In ravor of
taxing thorn according lo tholr lucomo.
That's all!
Referring lo Mr. Tuft's speech of
accepiancc, tho Chicago Record-Herald
(Rep.) naya: "Tho speech Justifies
tho rallh of tho Republican massoa,
who bollovo, as wo have aahl, that
tho candidate Is moro piogresslvo
than IiIh platrorm. It HlampB him as
a Hlncero progreaslvo wlio heartily ap
proves and who would carry forward
(ho Roosevelt pollcleH. nnd who at tho
Banio time would Illustrate In IiIh acts
IiIh thought that the chief function
or th next administration 'In distinct
rroui and a progressive development
or that which has been performed hy
I'roHldetit Roosevelt Tho chnraetor
that sliluna through tho Hjieuch is that
or tho big, sane, sober man bent upon
equal Justice for all, and It will pro
hnhly hnvo no little 'effect with thoso
independent voterH whose support Is
invneii in tho closing words"
Mr. Tart did, It is true, haw a great
deal to say about Mr. Roosovelt and
the Roosovelt policies. Hut before tho
Recoid-IIerald can pnrsuudo tho mas
Ben that they may depend upon Mr.
Taft for lerorm measures It will have
to explain how U hmmnim tlmi in tiii
or his extravagant prairie ror tho
uooHoveit policies Mr. Taft yet re
laliiH the enlhuslaatle support or tho
representatives or apodal Intel ests.
For Instance, In the snme Issue In
which the Rocord-Herald sayB editor,
lally, "The speech JustllleH tho fiilih
or the Republican musses who hellevo
that the candidate Is more progreaslvo
than his platform." we 11ml thn foi.
lowing extracts from edltorlalB print
ed In newspapers that are generally
lecognled as the spokesmen ror spec
ial Interests:
Now York Sun: Mr. TaR'a apeech,
deplorable as It Is, will not loao him a
Republican vote. What a reller It must
he lo him today to havo tho feat fill
thing off hla mind, ami off his con
science; and how ardently ho muat
look roiward to tho time when he can
say things and do thlngH not becauso
(hey aro to mako votes ror him. but
because they aro tho right things to
say and the right things to do. Tho
nnusoatliiH Incubus beneath which ho
staggeiH in nonrly evory sentenco
would auiTocate any ordlnnry man.
William H. Tart deserves the prayers
an well aa tho votes or every decent
citizen in the country. And when
he Ih flood rrom his dread ohsesalon
and onco more walkn in sunahlno that
knowa no mortgage, ho will bIiow IiIh
rellow men that no vldsHltudes snvo
death alone can rorovor friintrntn nr
Hiibduo an honest man.
Milwaukee Sentinel: A pervading
tone or calm good aenao and a marked
absence or stump oratory claptiap and
stage thunder agreoahly characterize
Mr. Tart'B apeech or acceptance. It
thereroro affords a needed roller rrom
a atylo or declamation that has been
much dinned in tho oara or our peoplo
of lute yeara. "Come, lot ua reason to
gotlior," may ho callud the koynoto of
tho Republican candidate's discussion
of principles at Issue between tho par
ties. Tho speech, therefore ovlncea
that genuine reaped for tho lntolli.
genco und rundainentnl fairness of tho
peoplo which tho harangue or tho de
nmgoguo ulways lucks.
In tho samo Issuo, tho Record-Herald
prints an Interview with fieorgo
Gould In which that groat railroad
magnate gives onlhualaatlc endorse
ment to tho Republican candidate.
In hla letter or acceptanco Mr. Tuft
aya: "ir I am elected president I
shall urge upon congress, with overy
hope of Buccess, that a law bo passed
requiring tho filing In a federal olllco
or a statemont of tho contributions
iccelved by committees and cnndldalos
In eloctlons ror members of congreaa,
and In such othor elections as aro con
slltutlonally within tho control or con
gross. ftleantlmo tho Republican
parly by tho olectlon of n Now York
tieasmer has subjected all Its receipts
and expendltuiea to tho compulBory
obligation of hucIi a law."
Hut why "with every hope of sue
cess?" Hid the letter Mr Taft wrote to
Senator HurrowB, urging tho adoption
ot Buch a law, havo any effect upon
tho Republican congress?
Did tho leconimondatlon of Mr.
Roosovelt havo any effect upon tho
Republican congress?
Tho Taft letter and tho Rrtojwvolt
recommendation were Riven to con
gress while a presidential election
waa approaching, if a Republican con
gross would not act under Hiobo cir
cumstances with what reason does Mr.
Tart say that aftor tho presidential
election ho would urgo a measure
"with overy hope or success?"
Tho Republican party in national
com out Ion assembled voted down a
publicity plank by Hi yeas to 8S0 naya.
.Meantime let It bo romonibored that
the publicity favored by Mr Taft Is
an "Al-THR" election publicity. In
other words, the people will bo told
who tho llminel..! bnckora or tho Re
publican p.uty are when It Is too lato
ror the people to prollt by tho Infor
In hla speoch or nccoptanco Mr.
Taft anya: "With respect to tho elec
tion of senators by tho peoplo, per
sonally I nm Inclined to ravor It, hut
It Is hardly a party question."
What la It R it is not a pnrty ques
tion? it Is a public quo3ti( nnd a
very proasing one. Tho Democratic
party duclarod In favor of it. The Re
publican paity Is silent on It. And tho
host that tho Republican candidate
convinced slnco the convention or tho
popularity of (ho plank can do, Is
to say "poisonally. I am Inclined to
favor It." Hla remarks cloarly Indl
cato that ho does not attach Impor
tant to tho proposed reform.
CopjrluM liy W'hMoii I'awrrtt.
Gen Luke E. Wright as his latest
appointment to the cabinet position
Four-Year-Old "Tom" Gifted with
Really Remarkable Intelligence
Some Few of the Things He
Does Right Along.
Chicago. "Tom" Stevens, four
yeara old, Is percoclous. Here aie
some of the things he does:
Refusea to play ba.seball with the
ball used once by hlniseir and hla
mother, who is now dond.
Answers tho telephone or arouses
tho household when tho hell rings, if
some nuuit is not present.
Although not of school age, ho
knows Saturday aa tho school holiday
and holds special exerclaea thorefor.
Only comtnunlcatea with Uiobo
whoac acqualntace with him Is thor
oughly conventional; llkea doga and
CallH the family together at meal
tlmo and mourns when nny member
is Into; also, when tho head or the
house la late, IubIbIh upon the tele
phono being used to hi Ing that per
aon. This dooB not Bound bo wonderful
for a four-year-old, but when It Is ex
plained that Tom Is a cat and not a
child, the wonder of it can bo lmag
Incd. The telephone rang and Tom ran
for a nienibe.' of tho Stevens family,
whoro Tom makes hla home.
Tom Insisted on listening to tho
"Hollo, Tom," said a voice In tho
Tom shook hits head and walked
contemptuously away. It was not hla
A minute inter tho receiver again
rang, and no attempt was mndo to
answer. Tom becon lmwlliiL- tiu .
celver waa taken down nnd placed at
the cat's car.
"Hello there," aald tho voice
"Meoow-ur-ur-ur," lopliod Tom.
Then tho cat, rubbing hla arched
back agalnat the receiver, went Into
n long conversation ol me owa. purrs.
nnil guttcral gaapa. At "good-by" the
cat walked away.
Eveiy evening when Miss Stevens
cornea homo fiom her office at Firty
seventh atreet and Washington ave
nue, Tom la In the window waiting
that la every day but Saturday.
On Saturday tho cat opens the door
for hla mistress, nud for tho only tlmo
A Novel Feat
Broken Arm of New York Boy Mended
with a Nail.
Now York. Mending a broken arm
with a nail, an extraordinary feat in
surgery, baa Just been poi formed sue
ccaarully by Harlem hospital surgeons.
It waa a plan icsorted to aRer uaual
methods had railed, and when (ho
case seemed (o bo hopeless. Now tho
limb operated upon la aa sound as ever
it was.
Chailcs Nelson, 15 yeara old, wiillo
alighting rrom a car, Buffeicd such a
Bovoro fracture or hla light wrlBt that
ono bono hipped ovor another. He was
taken to (ho Hailem hospital and the
arm placed In a splint, but tho bones
did not knit.
Thereupon the suigeoiiB resolved
upon a novel method or treat moat. Tho
lad was put under tho Influence of
ether nnd an Incision was made In tho
Injured arm abovo tho wilst Joint.
What Is called tho shaft of tho bono
was piled open and tho two overlap
ping bones wero set togother.
Mcanwhllo a steol nnil about l',4
Inches long had been caiefully stor
illzed and medicated. A vise of cot
ton and othor mntorlal wns mndo for
tho arm, nnd, with an ordinary ham
mer, tho nail was driven Into tho head,
plnrcing both bonos In much tho Bamo
faahlon as two boards would bo fas
photograph reveals him, taken after his
made vacant by the resignation of Mr.
during the weok. puta a pan out of
doora without pei mission.
Saturduy, you see. a piece of raw
liver Is brought home for Tom's
weekly dinner Tom la always at the
door heroro his mistress comes, and
on no other evening will he go near
the door
A few months ago Tom's mother
died. Since then Tom. who was for
merly u regular I.ajolo on the parlor
diamond, declines to gambol with tho
Disease Kills When It Reaches Heart
Victim Weighed 510 Pounds.
PlttHburg. Pa AHer HtifToring Tor
19 years from elephantiasis. Mrs.
Anna 10. Lynch died at her home on
the state road near McKeesport. At
her death she weighed 510 pounds. He
roro her atlllctlon years ago Mrs.
Lynch wolghed IGf. pounds. Tho dla
eaae started similarly to eryalpelns
and tho lower llmba began swelling.
Her lert limb moaanred 85 inches
nround tho cair and tho right G5.
Finally tho whole body became affect
ed and the physlclnna claimed tho dla
eaae killed her when It reached tho
Mra. Lynch was fiO ycais old and
formetly an ardent worker of the first
Reformed church of McKeesport. Dur
ing the past several yeara she listened
to sermons by the aid of a telephone.
Many physicians of the United
States and Kuioie visited Mrs. Lynch
for the purpose of studying the dis
ease Catapulted Child Alive.
A I lea town, Pa. Two horses drawing
a double-seated carriage In which
wero Abraham Hudger and Abo Orman
and tholr fnmlllon lincumn c-lr.t.t.,.i
going down a steep hill at tho Lehigh
uap. in their lllght tho cairlago
struck a guaul rail along aide tho Le
high canal with auch forco that It
broke tho abaft and liberated tho
Aa tho team Jumped forward tho
rolns becatao entangled with the neck
of Clara, the aKyear-old daughter of
Orman, and shu waa jerked fiom her
mother's giaap and Hung high Into
tho air.
The pnrenta picked up tho child for
dead, hut were overjoyed to find alio
had received only a few bruises on
tho neck and shoulders.
of Surgery.
tened togother Tho splints wore then
Nelson rotumed to tho hospital re
cently, and it was found that his aim
was as strong as It had been before
tho aecldonl. A few minutes later tho
boy wan playing ball In the sticet.
Liquor Kills Other Poison.
Lebanon, Pa. Samuel Hiitnmol of
South Lebanon township was found In
a stupor, and nfter bulng revived nt
tho City hospital informed the phy
sicians or his having attempted to
take his own llfo by swnllowiiiK a
quantity of carbolic acid.
Hummel admitted having nerved
hlniseir for (ho deed by drinking a
quait of whisky und thla act saved his
Ho suffered moro from (ho effects of
tho liquor than tho othor poison.
Man Ordered to Wed.
Mllwnukoo, Wis. When August
Hloek waa arraigned on a chargo of
abandoning hla four children ho gavo
aa an oxcuao thnt ho didn't know how
to look aftor thorn slnco hla wlfo
Tho Judgu said that ir ho married a
woman within 30 days who would caro
for tho children ho would dlsmlsa tho
chargo, and niock Is looking for a
Wroth at His Failure to Start Revolt
of Mexican Worklngmen, with
Help from Their Fellow
Laborers In America.
Mexico City. A letter sent to his
brother by Rlchardo Florea Magon,
now in prison at Is Anenln.s. fin!..
and aont here to be translated, throws
some ngnt upon the methods or this
agitator who tried so dllliri.ntlv in
start a revolt or the Mexican working
men and overthrow Mm nin n.imin.
Ho said In (his loiter that It would
bo a good Idea to bum aomo or tho
argor factories bo that the workmen,
helng Idle, would be more susceptible
to advice lending to deeds or vlo
lenco. Ho also leffi-s to tho United States
as "a nation or plga who can not ho
aroused to enthualaam over anything."
He contended that Roosevelt waa ul
lied with Diaz to enalave worklngmen.
Speaking or liilnrvi.nHt.n
In case (ho i evolution succeeded, tho
letter, ns tianalated, aays
"We have thought much ovor tho
possible gringo Invasion on account of
tho revolution. It must bo remem
bered that it hns been iWI,lnl ,.f ,.
cliculate the levolutlonniy manifesto
for the jneelse purpoho that Diaz may
prepaio himself nnd that we may be
able to catch him unprepared.
"Aa jegards Rooaovelt, oven should
he not Invade, ho would send his
tioopa to tho fiontler and we would
miss the realization of part or tho
Plnn in not being able to amugglo
comrades fiom this nation, such as
tho various gioups in Texas.
"Hut that Is not all. With tho
American peoplo and the organized
workmen of this iininflameuahle coun
try, who me not susceptible to agita
tion, only the unions of Kl Paso took
action. Iloyonil this, with tho ex
ceptlon of Pasedenn. there haa been
nothing of a systematic sort, kucIi as
u lormni campaign in our ravor.
"Heie and thcie, fiom time to time,
paragraphs have appeared in the labor
or socialist papeia, but there has been
no leal campaign in our favor In splto
or the ract that the collusion of tho
two governments Is flagrant.
"Tho Americans aro incapable of
feeling enthusiasm or Indlgnntlon.
ThlB ia leally a lepublic or pigs.
"Some time tho grlngooa will have
to attack ua, so If it be when the
people uio in rebellion against Diaz, it
will precipitate the fall or the dicta
tor because tho people will aeo Roose
velt cleaily as allied to Diaz to en.
slave us, to lose us our autonomy."
Seven Have Accidents in One Day
All in Hospital.
Philadelphia. It was hoodoo dav ror
the Hodensteln ramlly or Hopoand
Palmer at i eels. Hy eight o'clock in
the evening the rather, mother and
flvo chlldien had been treated at St.
Mary's hospital tor some cauao or
other. '
The hoodoo atarted at breakfast
when the father, John Hodu-jsteln,
while attempting to carve tho meat,
carved his wrist Instcnd. Two hours
later his wife, Mary, tripped over a
root scraper and broke her right log.
About this time James, aged eight.
In attempting to catch a high ball
muffed It und suffered a broken noso.
Minnie, aged 15. fell fiom a hammock
and suffered lucerationB of tho acalp.
Then George, ton years old, stepped
on n maty nail.
At Mipper tlmo Harry, aged two,
while playing with a shoe button, got
It raatened up hla nose. Then, to cap
It all, Lilly, aged six, whllo going
down tho cellar stairs, tripped and
fell, bienklng an arm.
Police Gathered In Freaks.
Atlandc C'ltj, N. J. Tho pollco who
conducted the second rnld or tho sea
son on the board walk amusements,
obtained a fine assortment or rrcks!
among which weie half a scoro of
barkeis. ticket Belbjis, and "lecturers."
Within a few momonts after (ho ar
ilval of tho outfit, which turned tho
Jail into a good icpllca or a dime
musouni, tho wild man hocamo de
cently tamed, (ho initio leggod man
changed his legs ror his regulur cork
extremities, the snnko eator decided
ho would lather have a sandwich, tho
tattooed "lady" washed off hor "in
dellblo marks," and the beardod woman
changed "hor" skirts for trouaors.
Tho crowd waa gathered In hy a
aquad of pollco under ordors from
Chief Woodruff, who had warned all
sorts or How cry shows that thoy must
not run on Sunday. Several thousand
visitors weie piesont whon (ho ar
ros(s wero made, and appeared (o en
Joy (ho alghla or (ho rrcaks being
rushed to tho padol wagon.
Bishop Says to Kill Files.
Milwaukee, Wis. "The house fly la
to ua what tho wild beasts aro to tho
residents or Arrlca and India," do
clarea Charlea C. Grafton, Episcopal
bishop of Fond dii Lac.
"Aa Cod put man ln(o tho world to
Biibduo It, it la part or Ills duty (o put
out of oxistonco thoso who aro his
enemies in the propagation of dis
ease," ho said. "I havo known somo
persona who objected to killing flloa
becauso of their natural kindness to
animals, but tho truo charactor of tho
fly haa only lately been known.
"The hou80wIves ot tho country
should enter inio a crusado against
Truth and
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor
ingly, it is not claimed timt Syrup of Figs
nnd Elixir of Senna Ls tho only remedy of
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is tho best of jwrsonul and family
laxatives is tho fact Mvit it cleanses.
Bwectcns and relieves tlio internal organs
on which it act without any ilebilitating
after effects and without having t increase
tho quantity from tiino to titue.
It acts pleasantly ami naturally and
truly as a laxative, and ka component
parts aro known to ami apjwjved by
physicians, a.s it is frco from art objection
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine
manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and foraalo by all leading drug,
Albert's Particular Reason tor Inquiry
That Worried Nurse.
Albert waa a solcmn-cyvd, spiritual
looking child.
"Nurse," he said ono day, Inuving hla
blocka and laying his hand gently on
her knee, "nurse. Is thla God's day?"
"No, dear," said hla nurse, "thla is
not Sunday. It Is Thursday."
"I'm so sorry," ho said, sadly, am
went back to hla blocka.
The next day and tho next, in his
serious manner he asked tho samo
question, and the nurao tearfully Bald
to tho cook, "That child is too good for
this world."
On Sunday the question wns repeat
ed, and the nurse with n sob in her
voice, said, "Yes, Lamble. Thla is
God's day."
"Then whoro ia the funny paper?"
he demanded. Success.
Silaa Ha! Ha! Reuben
bunkoed again.
Cyrus Do tell! Whnt wns it this
Silas Why, Roulicn saw nn ad
that stated that for ono dolhir they
would send him some of the most ab
sorbing literature ho over read.
CyruB And what did thoy send
Silas Why, they sent him a pam
phlet entitled "How Blotters Are
Made" and another entitled "PolaU
on Turklsk Towela."
Laundry work at homo would be
much more satisfactory If tho right
Starch wero used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fubrio ls
hidden behind a pasto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys Uio
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality ot tho goods. This trou
ble can bo entirely overcomo by using
Defiance Starch, as It can bo applied
much moro thinly becauso ot Ita great
er strength than other makes.
None for Him.
"Woll, what does tho hat bill como
to this summer?" Inquired Mr. Jug
gins. "Lot mo sec," said Mrs. Juggins, pro
ducing tho long paper. "My Merry
Widow, Lottie's pink Morry Widow,
Ella's green and Mamie's mauvo Merry
Widow total $99.90."
"Geo!" said Mr. Juggins. "Nearly
a hundred! Woll, with tho ton conts
remaining, I gueaa I'd bottor havo my
old straw dono up again."
Tliis woman says that aftor
months of suffering Eydln. E.
I'lnkhnm's Vcgotahlo Compound
mndo her as woll as oror.
Mriudo E. Forgio, of Lcesburg,Va
writes to Mrs. Piukliam:
"1 want other suffering women to
know what Lydla I. I'lnkham'a Vege
table Compound haa dono for mo. For
months 1 suffered from fcmlnino ills
so that I thought I could not live. I
wrote yon, nnd nfter taking Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegotablo Compound, nnd
using tho treatment you proscribed I
felt llko a now woman. I am now
strong, and well uacver, nnd thank you
for tho good you havo dono mo."
For thirty yeara Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vcgctablo Compound, mndo
from roots and horba, hns been (ho
standard remedy for fomalo ills,
nnd has positively cured thousands of
women who havo been troubled with
displacements, inflammat ion, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
ixjriodio pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indigea
tion,dizzine8sornorvous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Mrs. Plnlshnra Invites nil slclc
women to writo hor for ndvlco.
Sho has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Moss,
. .ei "T' "-
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