A Mljy" 'JmmAr Mkrrs David M l'(.irlrer & Co. CliicJiiO He Says He Dresses Bet ter Than His Papa yilERE is tone, color and beauty in every graceful line of these Wear better suits. Durability is featured in every inch. The rough and tumble life that children give their clothes don't affect Wearbetter Suits. They're dressy and serviceable always. Shown in all popular colors, shades and designs. $4.00 to $10.00 PAUL STOREY The Clothier ro mm ssa M .loliu Modinc went to (Hide I! irk. Mi inlay. Mix. I.IN. Itllllll'll WCllt t) Kill. IKS it "Motility. Mrs Alice Kii'luiril returned to I'ln-icn Saturday. Mi. UvMr Teel was an cast-hound pai-rngcr Tuesday. Miss P.iquita studabukcr went to mm' Hill. Siittu-.Uv. Mis. Will I.Mson wont to Iowa Sun ln for a short visit Miss Ironr Hitlers returns to llrnk on IIimt. Wednesday. tf Chicago is t!s- returned wont to W I 10CALETTES C. II. (utter went to St. Joseph Wed nesday (.'apt Sehoonover went to Oxford Saturday. ltort .lohnson is here from Lincoln this week. Jasper Clark of Omaha is visiting In Keel Cloud this week. Some good city lots to trade for stock II. W. Gn.i.iKono. :i-13 Special prices on old wlieat Hour at the Red Cloud Milling Co. C. W. Kaley returned home from Lincoln Tuesday evening. Dr. Damerell is entertaining his brother and wife this week. Wilson Conner of Heaver City is vis iting his sister Mrs. L. II. Rust. Miss Ida Davis went to Kansas City Tuesday for a visit with friends. Miss Kdith Scott is spending a few days with friends in Grand Island. Mrs K. I!. Smith and daughter, Mrs. Doling, are visiting in MoCook this week. Mrs. W. K. Goer has as a guest this week Mrs. A. Htinsicker of Table Itouk. Pitcher ( larke was married In Lin coln Tuesday to a young lady from Den Moines, Iowa. Mlhh Bernice and Florence Potter ex pect to leave in a short time for Chi cago to study music. Waktkh A young lady who wishes learn typesetting. Call at the Chief otliee for particulars. Mr. and Mra. J. V. Roubal are the proud parents of a son, born to them Saturday, August, 15, 1008. A temperance meeting will be held under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at the Rrethren church next Sunday evening, August 2.1. Music will be furnished by the Rrethren male quar tet There will be short talks and an interesting and instructive program is promised. The reason for holding the meeting at tills time is because it is the last time that this quartet can sing together, as one of their number leaves in a few days for ills new hwine in Elgin, 111. An earnest invitation is xtondod to all to come out and help to make this meeting a memorable one. Mrs. C. J Pope's brother and wife came in from Lincoln, Tuesday. Glenn Walker entertained a number of friends Saturday evening at his home in the west part of the eitv. Mrs. Letourneau and two daughters of Concordia, Ias., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Longtin. Pationue homo industry. Special prices mi .'I to .1 hundred pound lots of old wheat Hour at Rod Cloud Mills. Confirmation services wore held at the Catholic church Saturday morning, when ten children were continued. I. II. Holmes went to Hurr Oak Tues day in Ills auto, and is detained there on account of several bridges being washed out. Mrs. Mary Fuller and little daugh ter returned to Kansas City Thursday, after spending a month here with her uncle, J. O. Caldwell, and family. Are you trying for that 110 in gold given the lady having the largest vot in the Piano Contest August L".'. Sec our announcement on another page of this issue. The house of A. J. Waskom. south west of the cemetery, was destroyed by ft" last Friday night, the result of being struck by lightning. The loss to Mr. Waskom will he about SI, Ol'O. Look pleasant and don't forget to insure your property against loss by Fire, Lighting fc Cyclone in one of the old line Insurance companies repre sented by L. II. Fort agent, Damerell block. $1000 cyclone policy only costs you 85 for 3 years. The "Mfcvericks" left Wednesday night on a trip which includes one game at Exeter, two at Seward, two at Friend, one at Hastings with Engle side, one at Hoi dredge and two at MeCook They wort the game at Exeter by the score of 4 to 3. J. E (Jaunt, assistant cashier at the State bank, returned from Garnctt, Kas., Sunday morning, where he was called by the illness of his mother who died a few hours after his arrival at her bedside. He has the sincere sym pathy of his many friends here. The ladies of the W. C. T. will meet on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. SO, with Mrs. John Dalstead, for the purpose of electing otlicers for the en suing year, and also to elect n delegate to the state convention at Hastings. All new members, as well as old, are rnn nnct ..it tri li lim.Knnt 1lt nnlikt rt President. .Miss uiaiijs .tone o her father. Dr. Jones. Mrs Log.in and daughter to lllue Hill. Saturday. Pitchers Clcgg and Clarke Lincoln Monday night. Miss Cora Loekhni't returned to her home at llludon. Saturday. Mrs. IM Rates is visiting with rela tives near Cowles this week. Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton tiud children went to (Jul le Rock, Sunday. Remember the Interstate G. A. R. Reunion datts, Sept. 7 to I-. Grant Turner is moving into L, II. Rail's house in the west part of town. Mrs. Lota (tlcason of Chicago is in the city, a guest of tlic Tunmrc fam ilies. Attorney L. II. Rlacklcdge was in Campbell on business a few days this week. The barn of Wade Knout, was struck b lightning Sunday night and ties t oyed. Fred Manilcrvillc andGiiT Kradhrnolc witnessed the ball g line at Superior. Monday. Mrs. Chits. Palmer anil daughter. Ilertha. returned Saturday from a visit in liiavalo. Wilbur Hamilton is moving into the house he recently purchased on north Mail, street. Frank lowdcu and two daughters, Rachel and Alison, went to Chicago Sunday morning. Elmer Koon and family left for Ok lioma Sunday, where they will make their future home. Fire caused by lightning totally des troyed a barn belonging to one of the Stone boys Tuesday. Miss Furgeson returned to Guide Rock, Sunday, after a visit with her sister Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton. II. Fent. the popular pharmacist at Cotting's drug store, is spending a week with relatives at Emporia, Kan. Will Rife, who has been working ac cident insurance here, returned to his home at Iteatrice the first of the week. Fol'xo -Itlack silk Jacket on the streets of Red Cloud. Owner can have same by identifying same and paying for this notice. W. E. Kiuisev Jr., of the Lebanon Times was a visitor at the ehautauuua last week ami found time to pay this otliee a fraternal call. Allle Itrown cut quite a gash in his wrist with a lathing hatchet, severing an artery and making a wound that will lay him up for some time. Miss Norma Richardson gave a lami dance Monday evening In honor of Miss Irene Xanders, Dainty refresh ments were served during the'evening. During the storm lost Friday even ing an electric light wire was cut in two by the lightning and fell across the street, where it lay until picked up and repaired by Supt. Rurroughs. At the Congregational church last Sunday evening Rev. Cressman spoke on the beauties and wonders of the Mammoth cave of Kentucky, which W.wnii At once. '.'" o'' t'i ming men and women to take a chum' In Multtgraphiug. Course can be com pleted In from one mouth to sl weeks. Wo have a position waiting for you as soon as ton are ready. Salary run, from S15 t S'.'O per week for beginners. Who will he the tlrst to enroll'.' Tuition for complete course S'.' For further I particulars address the Hebron Musi-1 ncss College. Hebron N'eb. Diiu't forget the uet excursion dates of the Red Cloud Investment Co. arc the tlrst and third Tuesdays in Sep tember. While business Is not very pressing on the farm tHko a few days tnitlng and visit the Newest Laud of Promise." when1 good cheap land abounds with diverslllcd crops, where the very sight of it will make you "open the latch of your pocket-book and say. I'm going to have some of that," Tin- Rr.ttCi.oro I.vi:simi:.i- Co. Not satislled with the dilapidated appearance around the court house, the county commissioners have given sonic gentlemen permission to cut the blue grass soil off a plot large enough to make a tennis court, which also no cessltatcs the removal of two trees. This hits been done, notwithstanding the fact that theie are three othei courts in town where these men could have played, and It Is to be regrattcd that the board of commissioner can be so itillitonccd by one or two men and allow what little beauty there (submit the court house grounds to be destroy ed. Is it not about time that we hud men in power who will take caie of our public property instead of allowing it to be defaced and ruined. bind! bind! bind! $15 00 an acre bins laud that will produce 'lie very largest yield of all j kinds of farm products, ami will in- i crease in value in the next ton years as fast as the laud did in Oklahoma, that is now soiling for from g.'.o.oo to frT5.no per acre. J The crops are elegant in the Pan- i handle where this laud is located, and , land sold mi ten years time is in the reach of the man of moderate means, and some of our good eiti.eiis are taking advantage of it. Excursion dates: First ami third Tuesdays in each month. The Red Cloud Investment Co. In the Potter Rlock. Wood's liver medicine is for the re lief of malaria, chills ami fever and all ailments resulting from deranged con dition of the liver, kidneys and blad der. Wood's liver medicine is a tonic to the liver and bowels, relieves sick headache, constipation, .stomach, kid ney and liver disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose. The 81 si.e contains nearly "' times the quantity of the 50c .size. Ill liquid form. Pleasant to take. Sold by Henry Cook. CREOGEPTINE The World's best Wood Preserra tivo, nnd Vermin Destroyer. Absolutely guaranteed to jtrevent decay on fence osts and wood work of all kind that is ex)Osed to dampness or the action of the ele ments. It will not blister the face or .hands. Posts or boards can be handled at once after application. We have the agency in Ned Cloud. C. L. GOTTING, THIS DRUGGIST. Sick head ache and hiloustioss re lieved at once with Ring's Little Live PUN. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not gripe or sicken, Good for all the family. Sold by Henry Cook. Pineules for backache. Utile golden globules, easy and pleasant to take. Act directly on the kidneys purify the blood nnd invigorate the entircsystem. Rest for backache, lame back, kidneys and bladder. 30 days trial SI. Guar anteed. Sold by Henry Cook. One application of ManZan pile remedy, for all forms of piles relieves pain, boothn, reduces inflammation, soreness and itching. Price 50c. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold by Henry Cook. proved verv Interesting to those pies- , ' " ior vie Kidneys, .m nays 1 ' trial Si. Guaranteed. Act directly on unl- the kidneys and bring relief in the first Roscoe Weesner has been having dose for backache, rheumatic pains, liis ' kidney and bladder trouble. Invlgor It : ate the entire system. Sold by Henry started a growth on one of his fingers ' " ' t , considerable trouble with one of hands as the result of a sandburr. It' which lie had to have cut out and has been u very painful customer. John Thornton, aged nearly seventy years, died at his home in Garfield township last Saturday. Deceased was born in New York State In 18.10. The f j-l 1 r..lHn!likI lllllIt III kill MSM1 tlwl ,.,, Operation for nllea will not buneevs 1. ....... H f .,. . .1 n ntiiliwlloil ltl T9lAI XT If I . . . .. . mime ..niiiuiij,uiiMiiii.reii v --..'.. nary llyoit use .Man .an pile remedy. Put up reaily to use. Guaranteed. Try It. Sold by Henry Cook. Roes Laxative cough syrup recom mended by mothers for young and old is prompt rlief for coughs, colds, croup, horseness, whooping cough. Gently laxative and pleasant to take. Guaranteed. Should be kept in every household. sll by Henry Cook. is- I.AM A'l'tlKY IU1KU.MATISU ('L't(BI) It- I 3 DAYS ' rt.iriun 1. Mill ill l.tiMiiuii lini. ), "M) iU Iir Inflauimatorr ItlioiuniUlMn In ererj miucl anil olat. tier tiitrerlnc wan terrlbli tin) tier bily inrt f('f Men Ntllea alinaslbe joud rccriKi.liluii. hid Ix-oti In bed li wi i ml hull elKht pb)lriim. but recplrpd m ki'iiuUt until the trlvil dr. lK'tcljou'a ltlhr -" Itlieumitltim. It itavc limned l hip relict and tht k tble in niCk luintln threw dive i n , Hire It v d liw l.f ' ""ii! 17 H K Orlce "H!t"it. Kcil I iii". HHKL'VtATisM ITKKI) IN A IUT. Dr.IlL'tchntu llillcf fcirltliiumillhin HinlNiural k'Ih rHillmlly enrm In l m:idn). In union upou ttib KjHein In reimirkahli? ami miMerliiiiK It removui nl mice th- rims mid ilio illsenso Im mcdlHloly dl'Mppear. Tim Htm done ereall,i betn at", ?A cent! ami II. sum h) II. K.l!iuc lUtiEKlfct, Iteil cloud rro TTf' 4 TT y 5 iney jicive arrived! New Fall Suits in all the New Shades. A new line of hats in all the new nobby shapes and colors. A full line of shoes in all the new toes. A big assortment to choose from. Come in and ask to sec them. Glad to show you whether you arc from Missouri or not. Gouiden-Kaley Clothing Go. ALWAYS RF LIABLE I'irst Door North of Postotfice. FULTON MARKET FOR Bargains in Groceries A i-Y Nothing better on the ttimk LI I IArVnC "Wyandotte, Cleaner and D J UUUU J Hotter thin lye or soap. (Jl wwwv hi(K .Y,.T,)M Makkbt, Di Nothing better on the maikttt. Cleanser." cans every. Damoroll IJIk nnsitiiMn FARMERS should inspect our DEL A VAL CREAM SEPARATOR before investing in a. machine. . All we ask for the DcLaval is a trial, and we would like to have you take one out and give it a fair test along side of any othr separator made. It will cost you nothing to make the test You will keep the best, and we are sun: that one will be the De Laval. A 430 pound capacity separator for $75.00. Will yon give It a trial? Red Cloud Hardware end Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. Wagoner, and the remains were interred in the Martin eemotcry. The IJryan elub will be addressed next Monday evening by Chas. Hesse, eantlidate for state senator on the Democratic and Peoples Independent tickets, and Mr. Steward. All are in vited to come out and hear these gent leman express their views. Meeting at the court house at 8 o'clock. We were favored last Saturday with a call from Geo. O. llrophv. Democrat ic and Populist candidate for railway commissioner. Mr. Itrophy is a pleas ant gentleman to meet, rrho has had many years experience in the rallwny service and if nominated and elected will make n conscientious anil etllcont Olllccr. j ASK Flt Al.t.Ks'5 l'0r KASK, Wo wish to call the attention of our pwrfariwallii.tlrii. kit, knartlnc feat. ,, , , , ., SunpUktut PltKK. AUo Kraa siiinpla f tho readers this week to the announc- ko t kas saniTAUY coltN PAD, a new mentof Attorney h. H. Illackledge, ' lywillon. AtMreii. Alle. h. uliuiteil. Lt Hoy. I who is a candidate for renomlnatlon - for county attorney on the Democratic ' HEItK IS HEI.IEK K()lt WOMRN. nn.i p.nnl.aTnrifnniliiit MfhntR Mr ' Mother Cirajr. a ittirfo In New York discovered and Peoples independent ulkois. .Mr. R1 nromailo. pleaiant herb rttre forwomen'a Illackledge has proven himself an of- lilt called auAtkai.IAN I.KAK. It Is the only ' . " h i i i it certain reitulator. Curei female weaknenei flcient servant of the people and he ,i backarlie. kidney. Madder and urinary Khmilil In. elected to nnnGipr term nt troubles At all rirUKKMs t.t by mall CO cents, siiouiit ue elected to anotner term or HampleHKRB. Address, The Mother Oray Co., office. U Hoy, N. Y NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, LINCOLN Monday, Aug. Ill Lincoln Day Tuesday, Sept. 1 Governor's Day Wednesday, Sept. '1 liryan Day Thursday, Sept. :t Taft-Ouiaha Day I'ritlay, Sept. 4 Parade Day Best Agricultural, Live Stock and Machinery Exhibits ever shown in Nebraska 30,ooo in Premiums $12,000 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races Pain's stupendous spectacle IHIUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CARNIVAL OF NAPLKS GOO people. Immense display of fireworks each night Liherattl'h New York Festival Military Hand and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons, eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of national reputation. State bands from Hebron, lleatriee, Aurora, St. Paul. Western League Base Ball Wild West Show Athletic Meet New S',':i,()00 cattle barn, 17x',':il to hold (j:i(J head of cattle New 10,000 steel frame Auditorium, to scat 1 .100 people, to be dedicated by Hon. W. .1. llryau, on Wednesday, September ','d For premium list anil entry blank, write . I. K. Mellor, Sec, Lincoln, Neb. IM INSURANCE; jacob blunqbr Auctioneer ' against Plro, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best In suxanoe company inthn stqte. RED CLOUD, NED. Farmers phoo A 9 Bell phone 37, ft Jtt -utfLAj-il ' m