h I'm Ti Why Buy A Monument of Us 9 9 BECAUSE Our designs arc made by the very best artists in the country. BECAUSE Our material is first-class. BECAUSE All work is done with pneumatic tools, giving that distinguished look to every monument. BECAUSE Our prices are right. Many other reasons we could give but call and see for yourself or drop us a card. Overing Bros. & Co., Artistic Monuments. 440-446 N. Webster. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA City Dray and F. W. 8TUDKBAKTCII, IMtOP. Goods Dehven-0 to anv oart of the city Charges as low as the Lowr CITY AGENTS POR ADAAtB EXPRESS CO. 'KI.KI'HOVKS. Residence 188 Offieiio. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paints and Mouldings Contractor for Papering, Painting and Interior Dec orating, rine paper nuuging a specialty. ncmc j brand paints. Bell phone 296. 3 SaHI' Hastings College Hastings, Nebraska FOUNDED IN 1SS2. LOCATION. Hastings is tho fourth city of Nebraska, having h population of over 12,000, and is supplitd with handsome public building's, elegant residences, metropolitan stores, and beautiful churches. It is also an important railroad center, being located on the C. B. &, Q , St. J. & (i. I. C, and N. V and M. P. railways. Thero ure also three branch Hues of the Burlington route, so that uccess is easy from any quarter. FACULTY. It cousists of twelve cultured men and women representing eight d lifer ent universities aud co leges. Post-graduate work at Harvard, Chi' ago, Vale, I'rincton, Berlin aud Heidelberg gives their teaching and scholarship unusual breadth and thoroughness. DEPARTMENTS. 1 The Colleok, olferiug two cources for degrees, with many electlves. '2 The Aoademt, olferiug high school training under college professors. :$ The Normal School, issuing teacher's certificates under state author ity. 4 The Conservatory ok Music, with courses in voice, piano, pipe organ, violin, aud musical theory. EQUIPMENT. There are four buildings; IUugland Hall, u men's dormitory and lefectory; McCormlck Hall, the principal recitation building; Alexaudor Hall, a women's dormitory; Carnegie building, the library aud scientific laboratories. Facil ities for college science work are unsurpassed and all buildings have steam heat and electric' light. Next year bogins Sept. 8, UK)8. Handsome catalogue aud illustrated souv enir free upon application to i A. E. TURNER, 11. D. President. Yost Butler The Butchers Dealers in Fresh, Salt d Cured Meats Phones, Country 10.') Hell r4 Express Line. HARNESS Our stock of harness is complete and up-to-date in every department. If you are in need of any thing in the harness line, from a tie strap to the best hand-made work or buggy harness, call on us. We can satisfy you. JOE FOGEL North of Danieicll Block. I'lnesalve carbollzed acts like a poul tice. Quick relief for bites and sting , of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns t and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by Henry Cook. Saunders Bros. Lumbers Coal Dealers KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Wo have in stock at all times a complete lino of Building Matetlal and Good Coal. Our pricos aro reasonable. We solicit your patron age. Bell Tol. 00. Fiirmers Intl. 71. Don't Buy Land nor Loan Money on Real Estate without getting one of Teel's perfect Abstracts of Title The oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster Co. S10.000 bond tiled and approved. Represents, six of the best In surance companies doing busi ness In the state. LOANS MADE on CITY PROPERTIES O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. Office In Ovcrlng Block. Phonos: Boll 98, Farmers 36 m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see NO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union lnsur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best In Burance company iuthe s''Ue C A SCHULTZ Photographer Family groups aud baby pictures a specialty DamerellBlock. CHAS ALLSOP Mason Cement work a specialty. Red Cloud, Neb. CO TO Robinson & Son If you want a Square Meal for M cts. Soda Fountain in connection with Restaurant. Soft drinks in season. Henry Diederich OKAl.KIt IN Boots, Shoes and Angle Lamps Repairing- Neatly Done. Wohe & Wright ngine Repairing a Specially Horseshoeing, lllacksinithlng .ird Wagonmuking JACOB ELL1NQER Auctioneer RIM) CI.Ol'I), NUM. Farmers' phone A 8. Hell phone 27. Plumb's Flour & Feed Store. You save money In buying your Hour in .inn-pound lots of him. H. H. AS HER Veterinarian ; Run Cloud-:-Nkhkaska 1 At Da v'3 old stand i " (Ciy Laundry J. P. HANSON, Propr Phone !. Red Cloud, Neb. ! O. A Nelson Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist. Ofllce, at my Barn. Dr Nellie E Maurer Dentist Damerell Block. Over Albright Bros, i Phone SCI Women as Well as Ren Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidiie trouble us ujmiii the mind, tlisCoUMgl'MllUllussillsdllll itmii, bc.iun, Mgur ami ilii-ir ful ness o(iii dis.ippe.it when the l.ldliev sin r out of o- 'er or ihi cased. Ktdltcv trouble litis become so prcii!eiit th.it it is not uncom mon for a child tol born afflicted with weak ktdiics. If the child imitates too often, if the mine scalds the llesh.or if, when the child tenches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is jet aflheted with bed wet ting, depend upon it, thecaitse of the thlli cult is kulnev trouble, and the lirsl step should be towards tho treatment of these important organs. Tins unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys ami hlmldcr ami not to u habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are inside numer able with kiducv "nil bladder trouble, and both need the same great reinedv. The mild and the immediate clfect of SwnmpRoot issoourcalied. It is sold by druggists, in hftv ceut and one dollar i sic bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a iion of Bwamp-iuot. pamphlet telling all about Suuiiip-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters receixed from sufferers cured. In writing I)r. Kilmer & Co., Hinglianiton, N. V , be sure and mention this paper Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, llinghainton, N. Y., on every bottle. Pinesalve ACTS like a rouuice Carbolized roans or iiindis MAK m itilmc MAKE A CUid INCOME fit tlltfflf II IM.I... .- ' itilmi( i J Uii iai le ,,i . ...ft. --'-- " lb.IL. . . . 1,0 OU b.M .h na. ... .,..., I.TIIK hl piuLUNd 111 MM Ml II. ... r. n.t. -..,...ui. r.,Ml.,MlKllBU7tU.. .. l.U U.H.M I. Ik II" HIWm. ..dll.r.l. .mI rt.Riuid f.t Ih. drtlUri tl .!., OII.M I.U ..III ... , LI... .....a.-- t " .. V ... .., uwwy vtBI1 nMM IPT m, ......(ia tttll. ri I.MMf .ln..tit. TI. V H liff.MVM.tl H.rl & w ui. rrvrll ttttb. -ulbrtMb Stir Dulling Midline Co., Akron.O. WANTED INFOUMATIQN KBQAUUIMO Farm or Business for iale. Not particular about location. Wish to hear trom owner only wbo will loll direct to buyer. Give price, do.crlptlon and atate vruen poiaenlon can be had. Addren. L DAMTSHIRE. Bt H9f Racktfar, N. T. L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer He-idenee' Pi i -t door -.mith of Hed Cloud .Mill, 101 SouMi Wi-bter Stieet. fan hf tnnii'l at hoine iy fore noon. Term i erf,. untile. Fred E. Maurer ATTOItNEY.-AT- LAW Notary Public. Pensions a Specialty, OHice over Postotllce. L. A. HASKINS KLOUU, l-'KKDand OHAIN Keiosine, CiHMiline Etc. Theme .17 L H. FORT Insurance Agent, Abstracter and Notary Public. DHtuerell Block. Phone 88. A, T. Walker ItKAL ESTATE, LOANS, and INSURANCE. First Door North of Postolllce. Wood's Liver Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) ForGhills, Feverand Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and all other symptoms of deranged Liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 2XA times the quantity of the 50c siie. Prepared only by the PINEULE MEDICINE GO,, CHICAGO, ILL. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClrtnHi and U-uiir.n tha btlr. I"romcl a luimunt (ruwth. HcTrr faila to Ilritor Gray llalr to lla Youthful Color; Cw. Klp Ultrur ttlr 11Uix. KcaiMHI4t al lutrlM --MITT I . MM I ft I ft 'jJjiKS?' H3lfflP7IU: -KtMiCLiLJg uwsWm Mm!B9ryE:JMMSM For the Very Best In GROCERIES Gall on IWeFARblW The Grocer All the Phones Low Rate Summer Tours Tojhe Pacific Const Dally low louiid trip lutes to l'oit land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Krauclsco, I T nu tnriitiiL. ntl him llattr Ultivlitl. aVJ1 illlUlUn IIMM a lll Ka,'ptwt JltflVIJ higher to include both California and I'uget Sound One whole business day saved by our new schedule to the l'n clllo coast. To Etvatern Resorts Daily low excursion rates to Canada, Michigan, Minnesota. Wisconsin, Mas sachusetts and New Y rk tourist re sorts; also low excursion rates to tour ist results in Maine, New Hampshire, aud Vermont. To Colorado and Rocky Mountains Dally low rates to Colorado. Utah, Wyoming. Hlnck Hills and Yellow stone Park. 1000 Families Wnnted For newly Irrigated lauds in the Iiig Horn Uasiu Wyo No ey lones or Hoods. Water your laud as needed. Soil is rich. Timber aud coal plenti ful. Price 110 to $.10 per acre. Per sonally conducted excursions llrst and third Tuesdays of each mouth. Write D.CIeui Denver, general agent, Laudseekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, for new folder. Its free. Write a brief description of your proposed trip, and lot us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. J. F. Edwards, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Qwiffc ESS sw M W y 11 I y J Wy Premium t Hams and Bacon Red Cloud. Nebraska. W. K. GEER Shoes Shoos iimdo to order. Repair work n specialty We want a correspondent from every neighborhood in the county. Call in and see us or write as u line about it. IJJjQM i&w f yj 1&P x- 2MmMffiHlVj i, s!SSMuWmnmu Fresh MPmk Meats wmM Wm. ym Koon UO !''' 5 WILL NOT BE CALLED GRANDMA. Writer Explains, Somewhat Venom ously, Why Women Dislike Word, "The woul 'gtatnlnia' Is d)lng out, said a lexicographer, or maker of die tlonatles, pausing In his labor on tho letter 11. "By HOllO. at this late, no such word will exist." "What will take Its place''" "Oh. 'naiinle,' nans,' lmelncks,' 'dearest sonic such rulib.Hh Yon sec." explained Hie lexicographer, "women think thai the) huw learned to stave off old age. A woman of GO, because she lias dyed hair, a painted faco, a llgure here distended and thero cramped, thinks that she looks young. Ab a matter of fact, she looks neither fish, llesh nor fowl No man can hear tho Bight of her Hut she thinks she looks young, ami, therefore, hhe won't he called giandnia' Youth is over for good, cm know -hex ond pernd venture we aie done with the long, long dreams of outh -when a little one is lisping 'grandma' or 'giandpa' at our knee So this old fool ti (litis her gtundchlldien to call her 'nans' or 'kitten,' and getting Into her wadded stieet gown, she trips rheumatic feet to the bcaut parloi for a face steaming." New York Press. LET THE CLOUDS BLOW OVER- "Absence Cure" Work6 Wonders In Cases of Conjugal Jars. When symptoms set In of an out break of conjugal Jars which may happen sometimes In the best regu lated families It Is a capital plan for husband or wife to go off on a solitary holiday for a few days, to let the clouds blow over If two persons start Jangling and gelling on one another's nerves, an "absence cure" woiks wonders, HoCh havo l lino for reflection anil repent ance. So If ou and the huslmnd are Irritating one another like mild mus tard poultices, go and stop a week with friends. Don't discuss your grievances with the hostess; calm down, forgive and forget, and stay away till you can ro turn In love and klndncsH. Slant separations taken at the rlcht moment, would save thousands of hot tempeied young couples fiom drifting to the ranks of the "unhappily mar ried." Pennsylvania Nature Story. Six weeks ago a woikman In tluj Pennsylvania repair shops In Alle gheny left two do.en eggs In nn aban doned tool box In the loiindhnuso. Steam pipes go Ihiough the box. All over the eggs a heavy laer of coal soot settled. Three weeks ago 14 Booty chicks ar rived. It wns found that the steam pipes kept the temperature of the box at 103 degrees. A second hatch of 2 chicks appeared, sooty but healthy. Another hatch is being prepared. Horn among the clanging noises of tho roundhouse, every chick so far dis covered Is deaf. Philadelphia Record. Going Back to the Sailor. In San Francisco tho campaign against rats, as spreaders of the plague, Is a subject of universal dis cussion A conversation reported by a writer In tho Call shows that the topic has reached even the children. "Wot they hunting up nil rntB for?" "Aw, don't yer know nothing? Rats has tho plague, an' If you see oue you'd better look out, 'cause you'll get It, too, maybe." "If you Just see a rat do you get It?" "Aw, don't yer know nothing? You've got the plague when you'VB been hit by a flea what's been bit by a rat what's been bit by a sailor." City Girl's Funny Break. "I'o heard a lot of stories about city people making funny breaks la the country," said a gabby friend of the Cleveland Leader man, who was Interfering with his work the other day, "but hete's one that really hap pened, and I think It's the limit. A New York girl was out at our place once aud it was the first time she'd over been away from the white lights. Well, she wanted to go out and gathei nuts at this time of the year. I hated to expose her Ignorance, so I merely said: 'Hut can you climb trees?' 'Mercy!' she exclaimed, 'haven't ou any elevators?'" "Banzai" Comparatively Modern. "Ilanzal" Is the only Jupanese word that mat Americans know. Accord ing to n contributor to Notes and Queries, It is only about 1G or 16 years old. Its birthplace was tho Im perial university of Tokyo. It was In vented by Dr. Shlgeno, ono of the highest authorities on Japanese litera ture, In responso to a request for an equivalent to the English "Hurrah." As a brief way of expressing con graulatlons "banzai" has traveled all over the world. He Liked Shakespeare. "Who Is ills feller Shakespeare?" asked a street urchin, us ho came nut of tho gallery ontranco to a theater. "I don't know who he Is," replied th boy's companion, "but he's on ter his Job, all right. Dat Monet' 'a 'bout d finest show I over see." And thus was tho immortal bard ot Avon paid n slncero It unscbolarlr compliment. Never Tested. "Havo you a tank in the building?" Inquired tho Inspector from the In surance office. "Wo hov," admitted tho Janitor. "What's; tho capacity?" "Faith, an' 01 nlver had monjv enough to foind out," Dohetulan Iftfi ulnc. I -JKS2WW