The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1908, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Ncbrnsktv
Americans Make a Mistake
Too Much Meat.
n Eating
Entrol In the Pontotllce t Hcd cloml. Nrh
m Second L'Ium Mutter
.Most Americans !ti the troplrs make
the mistake of eatltiK largo iinntltles
E. H. DkWOM''
Dlty Officers.
CVtitisllmen, lot witil
Comirltmen 2mt wntil
Siipt. t.lttlii inn! Wtci
MrtiMl,il .. .
Women Adopt Novel Means of Smug
gling Their Pet Dogs.
An eqttorry to the king of Saxony
wns recently Hiimmotiuil for endeavor-
InK to HiniiRKle n pet iIor ashore at of lioef and Halt meat. The heat anil
Dover, Knglnml. It was noticed that eheaiieot JIMi market In the world In
his wife, the countess, looked bulky found tUlit at our doors Spanish
round the waist when she landed, and mackerel at !',(. cents n pound can ho
on examination It was found thnt she had any day. Fifty cents will fur
had a (Ior In a Ikir hatiRliiR from her "IhIi llsh for fiO people. The lotigiHta
waist mid under her coat. This Is del mar Is n foity-second cousin or
really the most fashionable smiiRRllnR the Anieilcan lohs'er and altoveiher
toothsome. It may he oidored the
Political Annoucements,
For Riprr-stntatlvn.
Ulillitiu I' Iti'iiUel of Inavule tin
imiinees himself u eaniltiUte fur to
il uilii.itinti for ri'pi-i-si'titatlve from
tin- lllh ili-tret nf Nelirasloi. sulijrot
the will nf the liepiililicati voters at
lie ii'liiiin-lc tn In- liehl Septeiiihei' I.
for ,'ernmls.s!onr.r.
I Hi-ivliy IllltlOltllfi.' Ill.W'lf US II i-HII-
liilnti- fin- iiiiiiiiiiatiiin fur the olln'i-
County Officers
Oicrk DlMrlet Court. .
Sheriff -
tfupt. Public Instruction ...
.1 O.t'nlilwrll
. I, II Knri
.!.() Ilnller
.. ?.' AP'?,'k tlint lrt l'JHo nt the ptesent day.
ill I in rr ... .... ..
A. .McArthltr inj niimi'ii MmimHii' men 1111 "i".' uriuic iiiiu ui'livuu'ii 111 I V( at yolir ''iiNiiiisMiMirr lliilll llie si illsli'lct ill
ocrAn'ifrrroii,i. POt 'l0KH ,ia,kwanl n'"1 forward, to door. Wel.stei-i'.iunt.. siil-jcct to the will nf
. ai sui.. ""d from the continent, concealed In Mindanao coffee will not he found In the lieinooriitle anil IVoplcs lnii-p.-nil-
........ ...-- ii niiiii, in nuiiii. miicr means. uno oi i'- iniiini-i jusi now, nui senor lor-
the. most IiiroiiIouh ttlcks In this dl- rejon. our enlerptlsltiR Rtocer, will
rectlon was (old by a well-known vet- secute It soon. The writer will then
erlnary suiReon, who, two or three tell the ladles how to make coffee from
times a year, ban to administer mor- the best bean In the wot Id. The Sin-
phlft to n couple or very small iIors. Rapote colTee sold In the rhlne..e
Their owner Ih rather portly, and the stores Is Inllnllely superior to the com
mit! can be freshly
. (leu, V. lliiti'lil-ui.
I. W IMvill
K. W. !(
,1' .1 Lul....
, . riaiuii , ....
I, II iiliickU.ix" doRS pass the customs olllcers ipilte mlssaty brand
out vnter as I'spri'sseil liy tbi'tn at the
eniniliR primary eleotluli to he held I. I'.iiis.
I'iii:iii:iiii i; II. Ci.m n .
"liV'siou mMy "jiorIhr one above each breast roasted, without
, NtUt'"ter or i" I'Xly-
'"" "j- "fii wml'i! FEELS THE L0SS 0F HIS HOME.
'M'.'.rV;,:, Nature Student's Cruel
ever be
which no coffee
drunk. Mindanao
with the Hermit Crab.
j "At the seashore It Is an lntorestltiR
Weather Report. , experiment to look for those little
The Instrumental readings are from , HhelldwellltiR crnbs called hermit,'
government standard Instruments rx-1 Ha d " nntiiro Htmlont.
nn..l In 1... i.H.nn,..- liv . .". "'"- mu" '" '?" ""
. . . 1 . . . 1 Hliellliouse.
itie oilier or llie weatner imrenu:
Story Told of Daughter
Queen Victoria.
j? Temp'rM'rtj ? - tr
!Tk,"i If K 02 J
I t I 5" r -"
1 J : I n o o. -
14 M 111 i K 1 IiiiiiIt
1 (II (I 71 ' I1 I'loillly
. lt Ml B ,1J NIT fliniiljr
)7 HI B7 ii N loililf
18 HI V 1.1 fcK l Cloiiilj
I 'J 79 dl ,IU NT I'U-Mr
m 70 17 .dp SV I leM
lllu 1....I. .. I... I ..
j .... ......,,.,. , inn iimn 1)1 IIIUUlf iiuciice
at once leaves lilm. Houseless, he
Very respectfully,
Aur. ','(1, W08. Ciias S. littni.ow,
fo-Opuratlvo Observer.
(loofRe V. lterge, fusion candidate
for governor, at a Oemooratie rally at
rushes here and there, up and down,
j with a helpless, terrified and desper-
me air.
"Then you find another Hholl of the
proper shape and size, and you set
It In his way. He halts heroic It. He
takes Its measurement. As quickly
as possible he bustles In.
"Then his helpless and lost air van
ishes, mid, a haiiRhty and fearlcs
householder once more, he frowns out
at you from his window, as much as
to say:
"'Go on about your busliuss!'"
"Slater Sliiillleni," says the deacon's
A pretty story is told of Princess
Louise when her husband, the Duke of
ArRyle, then .Marquis of Lome, was
Governor General or Canada. She was
skotchliiR one afternoon in the nelRh
borhood of a town where she was to
he ptesent with the Governor General
nt some Rieat function In the after
noon. The day was hot mid she be
came thirsty, so she went to a nearby
cottaRo and asked for a drink of
water. The mistress of the housu was
IronltiR. " would gladly Rive you a
drink," she said, "but I have no water
In the house and I haven't time to ro
to Rot It, for I'm IronliiR a dress for my
dmiRhter to wear this afternoon when
she rocs to see the queen's diiiRht'T."
"Then," said the queen's daughter, "if
you will Ret me the water I will ro on
with the ItonliiR."
Teeumseh, on Saturday, AiiRiist 8 said: j wife, "I nm pained to hear that your
"Until last year we thought bank husband played poker the other nlRht
panics always went with Rcneral hard
times and tliat dnriiiR Rood tunes our
iiionev in the banks was safe. The
paniu last year, however, has alisolut
lv convinced the people that some
hind of legislation is necessary
make the banks a safe place to leave
our money not only during hard times
but during good times, The money
loss to the people occasioned by this
panic was very large. Hogs and cat
tle went down at least one-third im
mediately following the panic and
llreot)y due to the panic. And because
:orn and other feed was high the
farmers of the country sold as many
of their hogs and cuttle as were lit to
K'll ami at a heavy loss and because of
the money situation.
"Several months after the paiile con
gress convened and the people expect
!il some legihlatiun safeguarding their
depo its in the banks, but all
the tieimle in.t vviim tlu A 1. 1 t ..K
Mil which Senator
ami won a sum of money, and that
you encouraged him In his wickedness
by ace pliiiR bis wliinltiRH fiom him. I
have called to Hpeak to you about It,
and to reason with you as to"
1 "Wall u minute. Sister C'nntliv." In.
to. tfirrillltu Mm UIimIMohi "It I.. 1 .1....
I .-....,..., ....... .. .iiiii.iii, ,i in 11111T mill
jonn tienry went mid played poker and
won 120.40, and that 1 took the money
he won. but I did It to teach him a
lesson. I wouldn't allow a husband of
mine to keep such Ill-Rotten gains. And
I havo spent the money for pilzes for
the bridge party I am roIiir to rIvo
this week. You'll be here, won't you?"
"Indeed I shall, of course. I'm glad.
Sister Shunietn, that you have tniiRht
your husband such a valuable lesson."
A Threatened Drought. I
It Is said that a great drought I
for a short time, tlueatened to prevail
nt President recently. An order lor
six cases of beer had been left with an .
Oil City dealer In the brewery product
Objects to "Suffragette."
"It Is tlmr," observes a writer In the
London Chi oniric-, "that the term suf
fraRotto was abandoned, as the suffra
gist movement has taken Its serious
place In politics. The word Is not
worth preserving. It Is used as a term
of reproach and does not enrich the
lanRUURe. Women do not want the
veto In order to maintain n distinction,
but In order to obliterate It. They
want to be suffraRlsts und citizens just
in men are. Therefore, wo havo no
place for such a mongrel word as
'suffragette' In our political vocabu
lary. The latest addition to political
terminology is more useful. It is
'platforniula.' It was invented by
John M. Itobertann, M. P., and Is
Intended to describe something rather
Indefinite In the way of political
pledges something which is partly a
'formula' which politicians should
adopt ami at the same time is sup
posed to have u place In the party
pint form."
For .Slate. .Senator.
I heieby announce in.vsclf a candidate
fur the nomination for State Senator
fi-niii the 'Jilth district of Ncliinslit,siii.
j." to the will of the Democratic ami
Peoples Independent voters as express
ed l.,v them at the primaries to be held
-eptriuber I. I'.MW.
Cii.mii l.s lli:r.
Ftr RcpreseiUtive.
I hereby announce myself u candi
date for nomination as Representative
fiom the 4lth district of Nebraska sub
ject to the will nf the Democratic and
Peoples Independent voters as express
ed by them tit the primaries to beheld
N'ptrmber I. I'.mh.
I'. II. Gerlacli.
I t II I w Cut s llnnnl.l.tHl I.. .. .. u.. Ii
UKulluttv, 11 lie.' . ' . . V .. : u.u!l,,,M,-t ll
,,!. It...... .1 1 mi "" """ t UlilL 3WUUJII, mil
iuiiviMi IIV.IIUIIHVVII no wfvivilt t iiu
tvhnn thn nnnuliMion "o tilwn n l..n.i
AWrlch bill is generally condemned by lt on ,ho ferry ,)oat ,le wna H,opppi, )y
w.n; ciium won u a Mini sireei tneas-. the ferryman, who Is a stanch Prohibl-
"re. tlonlst
"You enn't load that on my
"The Deniocratlc platform adopted boat," ha said. "Why. It's poison. I'd
at Denver favors a luw guaranteeing rather handle rattlesnakes." And
bank deposits. Mr. ltryan, for u long n,th,r threats nor cajoling could In
time, has been battllug for such a law.l duce h,m to "oc'lo from his expressed
The Democratic party favors such a' 09ltlon- The beer was finally ferried
law in the states for state banks und I V" r,Ver ,U k,ffa- Ctty
in the nation for national bunks. I ' .
"The Republican platform adopted at
Chicago is silent on the bank guaran- Af , r" "'" w Y"a; u
i.i i ,. . . , , . At R dinner recently g ven In honor
tee proposition, and Mr. Taft in his of Augustus Thomas, the playwright,
acceptance npeeoh opposes the whole Mr. Thomas discussed Ms recent ef
idea of guaranteeing bank deposits. i forts at writing plays about telepathy,
"Aim to runner emyliasi.e their op- the occult, etc., and said
position to such a law the attorney
general of the Tinted States about u
week ago held that the national bank
iu Oklahoma enulil imt avail tliem
' selves of the state law, and that the
law could only apply to state banks.
"Is It not clear to everyone that Mr.
ltryan and the Democratic party are
"1 am compelled to admit that the
occult Is becoming populnr. Only the
other day a chorus girl wns entering
the lobby of a theater when she met
the muunger.
"Well. I declare, Mr. Drown,1 t-ho
exclaimed, 'ir this Isn't odd. Heie I
was Just thinking of you this minute,
and now you turn up. I always did bo-
trying to make the people's money "ovo "l osteopathy.' " Kehoboth Sun
wife in the banks and that those In tluy Herald.
control of the Republican party are " '
opposing it and helping out the bank-' Finished Him.
ers and Wall stioet'.' ' "Yes," prattled the artless damsel,
"I'.ven though some Republican can- ' "nvo ''W11 mothers and four sisters
'dldates in Nebraska iiiuy fiivnr Hi..
banl. guaranty plan, and even though
fie Republicans in Nebraska may put
n plank In their platform favoring tlie
plan, yet let the people remember
their national platform l.s silent and
Theio wore 16 In mother's family, and
14 In her mother's. It's funny about
our family. Now, my oldest sister"
"Maude!" gasped the young man.
"you mustn't tnko whnt I've been say
ing to you seriously. I hopo you or
understand that it was only n lllrta-
m,. ffi ...., i i.i.... . ..." ........ ....,
'i"i- , iiu mm we iiiusi won, aim mat when I asked you to be
have a law by congress before the na- eomo my wife, I er well, you under
tlonal banks in Nebraska can come stand, don't you?" Cleveland Leader,
tinder such a law. -
"I maintain that who cue-' Mysteries of Civilization,
fully studies tills bank guarantee plan "You have persuaded tho Indian to
will favor it. And why shouldn't he'.' Rivo up ills plctuiesque headdress and
In Oklahoma recently a bank fa' led hlnnkets and wear hats and tiousers,"
and within twenty-four hours everv 8a'1' ,l10 sardonic person,
depositor was paid in full I am also "Yt's; '" lll Interest of civilization."
reliably Informed that tho banks "Al"' ' sI'Pose It Is also In the In-
which have availed themselves of the l"st ,f civl"znt( that wo pay high
law in Oklahoma have increased their jV'0?.8 ,f0r Ulf ct-off gavments of
ii, 4, .... tno Indian and uso thoin for wall deco-
deposits more than four millions of rations."
dollars, and that the unsecured banks
Fencing with Umbrellas.
Recently a French publication print
ed a picture of some American Rlrls
fencing with umbrellas and stated that
they wero trying to acquire thus the
necessary skill and assurance to parry,
with a simple gesturo, an attack of
It is also stated that this sport was
not born In America; that for several
years In France a noted fencing mis
tress, Mine, Guillemot, at the same
time that she taught fencing with the
sword, for hygienic reasons, and for
personal defence, also taught her pu
pils to "play" with the umbrella.
The artlclo Mulshes by saying that
lt Is certainly "piquant" that this mod
ern application of an ancient sport was
taiiRht by a Parlslenno long before
America claimed the original Idea.
What He Overlooked.
"I mlRht have known that you would
refuse me," said the poor but other
wise honest young man who had failed
to Impress the fair maid. "There was
a metallic ring in your voice when I
enteied tho parlor that boded mo no
"Had you been a little more ob
servnnt," sho rejoined, "you might
nlso havo noticed n metallic ring on
my llnRer that Charlie Gotrox placed
there last night."
Thirty Boconds inter ills feet wero
following each other on the home
ward trail.
Where Sexes Are Equal.
Women nro privileged to innko n will
whon 18 years of ago In Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah mid Idaho, and In
these Btates tho wife mid minor chil
dren nro entitled to a homestead mid
j a certain allowance out of her bus-
I band's estate, which hns priority over
ordinary debts. Also in these states
there Is equality of Inheritance for
both sonos, women having been Instru
mental In making tho laws of these
have lost in deposits more than two
million dollars,
"Every voter should vote only for
candidates who favor buch a law." I
We want a correspondent from every
neighborhood in the county. Call In
and seeais or write us a line about lt. ' ton Post.
It Is.
"How aro you Retting on lu your
endeavor to win the hand of Miss
"Why, I heard that tho entire family
was down oa you, all but she?"
"Well, Isn't that doing flne?" Hous-
Not to Be Frightened.
The landlady's daughter looked up
from the dally paper.
"Hero's a singular thing, ma," sho
said. "A Gorman scientist declares
that eating meat causes heart disease."
Tho landlady sighed.
"I wish I could mako tho boardors
bellovo It." Clovoland Leader.
Not Quite the Same Thing.
"That model of yours Is a puzzle to
mo," Bald the artist's friend.
"Well," responded tho artist, dlplo
matlcally, "sho Is something or a
IV bounty Atttrnty.
I'o thr vnters of Webster Count,:
I beie'iv tcpcclfully announce tn,
self a candidate fur upon
the D.-ni emtio mid Peoples' Indepen
dent tiikets to ,he i.tllee of County At
torney subject tu the decision of the
voters at the primary election.
I. II Itl.AI lit. I. in, i .
3Y "Wt&sUv 5voVit o
ieMYeY SxmwYiow
JVeir liver Automatic Tabulator,
a Twim Improvement to the Oliver
Ruling Device.
Just a slmplo. clean-cut mechanism
foi tabulating operated by a single
Yet that single key unlocks scores of
doors to added typewriter convenience.
It do-saway with the brain tension of
tabulating. The movements of car
riage are controlled by unseen fingers.
The tabulator works automatically
with unvarying accuracy.
Equipped with its new Automa Ic
Tabulator, which can be operated in
connection with the Oliver Line Rulfng
D vie?, the Oliver's sphere of usefulness
is unlimited.
In the work of
writlnganil ruling
Statistiial reports
Invoices. State
ments. Inventories
etc L 1 s t I n g
Cheeks, Deposit
Slips, Casli Items.
Vouchers, cash and
credit sales. Trial
Italances, Pay Rolls, Cost Records and
scores of similar tabulated records,
Oliver No. r. has no equal. It is the
only machine that covers the whole
broad field of modern commercial
work in a satisfactory wav.
The Oliver Automatic Tabulutor is
an integral part of every new machine
furnished without a cent of addition
al charge.
It caps the climax of a long series of
improvements given to the world in
the magnificent nev Oliver No. !.
Each of these remarkuble innova
tionsthe Oliver Tabulnthr and the
Oliver Ruling Device supplements the
Together they form a combination
of untold value In all branches of com
mercial accounting.
The Oliver Typewriter is first of all
a corropiiiideiice machine supreme in
spleiilid service It makes work a
pleasure by piovitling automatic means
of spacing, tabulating, ruling, indica
ting evict printing point, securing
ptoper register, etc.
The saving of time, of mental calcu
lation, of manipulation, of extra atten
tion and of eye strain is an in-calcu-l
lable benefit to the operator. I
And the gain lu volume of work well
done without extra operative effort
means much to every employer. I
AVlte for the new Ohwr Catalog; -or
better still -ask the nearest Oliver
Agent for a demonstration of Model
No. r.. I
The Oliver Typewriter Co.
1 16 S, 1 5th Street Omaha, Nebraika
GEO. CORNER, Local Agent.
W ran pliuo nerl uiis iau of Hi r will
mllln'r t'i wll i)iiit IM' m l.oml akoiiIi
fo- ilit Hlr I im'lirln territory not alreyilr
lull,'-. r ivrlip for flit cit ! lioi
'Tli !(! if Itm l.iieul turut "
Net en to Creditors.,in .NT l III tl.C i ..Hl.lj (.ui.ri
III i In- nm ler nf the .liite of llnnM Nitron
ili-i'iH-nl Nnil.-p l licrrM M i'ii to hII I'Itmhis
liiiiini: rli-lini. nut ilriiiiimli. ml-mIhh lliirrlel
Ni'lmii. Intent Wi'liittr rtmiil) iKtoh-ciI Unit
ilf time llit'il Inr lllh u elilni'. iiuhiiim mii1 eh
line 1 l lui.tiitir mini I hu JM n) ii' AiiKiit
All kiit'li ir' !) ho- ri'ii'ilri'il to rei-ent llii'lr
clnliiix, wlili tlio WHiclitfi. to tlie County .IiiiIku
nf ri 1 1 omit)', nt lit (illlie therein, on or before
(lie 'JIM iliiy of Keliriir. I'.iM. mill nil elnlmi.
ho IIKmI "III tie liritnl hofori' tlie ull jinliri on
tlie i".' ul iluy of ri'lirimri. mm, t onu o'clork
i in., hihI lliiu the mlnilnl-trKlor Ik iillnncil one
ji'ik' Irotn llie '.M.)lli ihv of July tins In Hlilcli io
imy the ill lit iillo eil HitnliiM mill entate nml
rlllo the Mime
I. V. Hdkon
Ihkai.) County .Inline
11 1'u July 31- I vk.
(ireatest cleaner on earth for cut
glass, silver r gold, Ask for trial
package. Full itlze package 23 cents.
Newiiousk Huos.
We want, th public to kno.v tli it we still have Inr
grins in roil otfnto. We htivo truvolod over seven
teen ilifl'Mront counties In tho western of this
state nn I are now pto.iareil to show the !,itul
ion (mii K'tt any whore for the same money. We
tieg of ynti, who me thinking of buying n hniue m-Itive-tiuK
in real e-'ate, to go with so'm reliibU
ngHiit. who is a ooil judge of-Und, iitnl thnt will
work for your interest.
lust to slmwoti tlut we Iihvu a good country mid
mo d ting hiisiiiMSM on tli Hpiiare, wo wish to tell
you that wn hnv sold ovr .'I0,(X)0 acres in Clus
coii'it.T in th list tiM) year, mid you never hoar of
soy of our I'list-uiitrs trying to sell out mid go to
' or any otlier place. Out they will stand up ,
fur Xbruskii and also for tho niati thai .sold th'ii
NVii"iskn Imiil.
Tlia corn now, in Chine county, Ii better than it h
here. It Is now in tissel and wo look for it So. I
corn crop our. there this yj,ar. Now w do not Lk
you to take only our word for tills, but if you want
laud ask somebody about tho west that lias boeti
there mid knows the country well and also is a good
judge of land. Remember we nr not trying to sell
land ii thousand miles fiom home, but are selling in
old Nebraska whore wo know tho laud Is good.
Ask any me about tho west that has ever been out
witli ii, or Mr. Walker, who is (a loading roal estate
nun here and a friend to th west) well posted om
tho western ars of the stita, and is rt good judge of
Now remember, wo piy all the hotel and livery bills
of ourpio.pect've buyepy, and anyone that finds
that we have misrepresntod the land in Itny WHy
their transportation will cost thorn nothing. CM I
hi and see us and let us tell you of somo of the bar
Knitis we have.
Yours for a square biisiuess
WHY v.n should BUY
C? tLi
If you haveVA- it is your intention
to sometime provide them with a piano
It has come to be recognized as the KING
ot all musical instruments, and a girl's
musical education is worth more to her
through life than any other one accom
plishment. It is in fact, a NECESSITY.
But you already know this, and you
are only waiting till the conditions are
just right for you to buy her an instru
ment. In the Spring you wait to see
what the prospects for a crop will be, and
you promise the girls and yourself (and
the piano man) that if the crops are good
you will buy this season.
This season has been an IDEAL one.
1 he rains have fallen at the right time.
1 he sun has shone just long enough to
allow you to cut and stack your Alfalfa
and small grains; then when you thought
it might get too DRY the rains began
Have you noticed that Providence has
been very kind, even to cause the rains
which we wanted, to fall in the night after
the Chautauqua excersises were over for
the day.
Have You Anything fo Com
plain Almit?
. My stock of HIGH-GRADE pianos
is now complete TOO complete for my
pocketbook, unless f can turn them quick,
and I have waited for "conditions to be
just right" so long that I NEED MON
EY. If you expect to buy a piano any
iVJi'J1 Vn P,?y yu to Cct in the market
SOW. I will make you prices on the
basis of SPOT CASH sales, but if you
have not yet realized CASH out of your
crops and stock, I will take your paper
for a short time WITHOUT interest. I
can use your paper and you can use the
pianos; and "we'll all be happy then."
NOW DON'T WAIT. Call on me,
then you can see the pianps and make
the best BARGAINS. You will be sur
prised to find that you can buy STAND
ARD PIANOS as cheap as ordinary
"Stencils' are priced elsewhere. You
should take no chancer, in buying a piano.
It should be looked upon as a life-time
If you cannot come in, call up phone
1 1 6 and I will come to sec you.
Potter Block
77- Quality Ston'
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Subscribe for The Chief -one dollar one year.
v d.jv ,,
Vi. w L t M
l .
iiijHf-jn.ii i. h"""1"
i-dMf r ' '