:te FROM THE COMMONER MR. BRYAN'S PAPER THE FARMER'S INTEREST. A Cndlllar (Midi.) rentier of The Commoncrwrllon: "The farmers should 1)0 wttli us on (ho tariff mill trust quentlonn. Around licio the farmers nro getting yt cents ii pound for 1iI(1g, ngnliiBt It rents 11 your ago. Yet tlio prlco of leather Ik uh high as .It was last your, ntnl no Immediate prom Iko ot n reduction, and liln hIiucs and harness nro oohIIiik lilm fully uh much lis n year ago. This year our fanners received 15 centH for wool ugnlnst a prlco of 24 a year ago, yet the. Amur lean Woolen Company Hint controls nhout 70 per cent, of the leading woolen nitlln of the rotiulry lu charg ing uh much for woolen clotliH uh u year ago and the fanner must pay as much for his clothing as ho did hint year ind ho lu lucky If ho dons not pet moro cotton lu IiIh clothes than ho loon wool. Let us direct our efforts (o convince. I ho farmers mid laborers that tholr Interests lie with uh. Along that lino Ilea the road to victory." Ych, and the farmers should he with uu on Hie question of an eco nomical administration Thoy nhould lio with us In the protest against tlio 5xorcl8o of mbltrary power hy tlio tqtonkcr, whoiehy the Iioubo of ropre flontalircs has ceased to ho u popular Ijoverimieitt. Thoy nhould ho with uh In the con demnation of tlio misuse of patroiiitge; in tlio demand for lallroad regulation that will regulate; lu the advocacy of publicity for campaign contributions! boforo election day. Thoy should be with uh In tho oppo sition to that centralization, which would destroy our system of govern merit and ultimately make It necos snry for the farmer, as well ns other citizens, to look to tho national cap ital, rathor than to tho stato capital and tho county seat, when seeking re lief from corpora to abuses. Thoy should bo with us for tlio pop ular election of senators; for tlio In come tax; for tho guarantee to tho la boring men, as well iih to all men, tho light of trial by jury; for the farmer Iiiih a deep concern in tho welfaro of tho Inborlug muti who Is tho consumer of tho farmer's products. They Bhould be with us on tho guar nntco of bank deposit; for what shall It profit ti farmer If ho obtain high prices for his product, and then have no place where ho may, with absolute confidence, deposit hip hard-earned inonoy? They should ho with us upon the groat quosllnn, "shall tho peoplo rulo," for tho farmer has n deep mid abiding intorcBt In popular government; and If die docs not already know It, Investiga tion will raven 1 to him tho fact that In tho languago of tho Doniocratlo na tional platform, " 'shall the people rulo,' Is tho overshadowing isuiio which man ifests itself lu nil the quest tons now tindor discussion." TRIAL BY JURY, TOO! rtcforrlnR to the doclslon of tho Tlnltod States court of nppealH lu over turning Judgo Inndl' lino or tho Stan nrd Oil Company, tho Chicago Record Jlerald snyH; . v j.j i "Tho members of I'gf court sen 111 1ngly arraigned Judge Liuidhj, by In ference, us denying the right of trlnl by jury to the defendant corporation, of attempting to visit punishment upon a corporation which hnil not oven boeu indicted and or setting his personality and beliefs above the law." Many Ropubllcnu papers heartily approve tlio decision. Some of thorn nro Indignant that Judgo Lnndls "by inrcrenco" denied to tho Standard Oil Company "tho light of tilal by Jury," but thoy condemn tho efforts of Domo icrats who Insist that tho right of trlnl by Jury bo accorded to individuals In indirect contempt cases. UNFORTUNATE. I In the light of tho blttor criticism Visited upon Judgo Landls by Judgo OrosBcup In releasing tho Standard Oil Company from fine, It will not do, of Icourso, to criticise the court, although jwo have eminent Republican authority for such u course, I. e Theodore Roose velt's criticism of Judgo Humphrey's boot trust decision. We make bold to say, however, that tho New York ,Wirld puts It forcefully, although calmly, whon It says "It is uurortu Jtiato this most harsh condemnation -of a judgo by his higher associates should have been for bis attempt ade quately to punish tho Standard Oil 'Company." A SUGGESTION TO MR. SHERMAN. Associated Press dispatches say that Representative James S. Sherman, the Republican noniluoo for vlce-piesldont, will make a tour of tho west In behalf of tho Republican ticket. Vo sug gest that Mr. Sherman, who is Speak or Cannon's right hand man in tho bouse, toll tho peoplo what he thinks of (ho Republican revolt against Can nonlsm. Ily tho tlmo Mr, Sharninn gets through explaining to Republicans tho methods of the Cannon-Sherman oli garchy lu tho house, ho may liavo somo tlmo to devote to his wldoly ndver Isod "arraignment ot Doinocrats." NOT AN INCH'CONCEDED. Tho Npw York Evening Post says that tlio Democrats "practically con redo Now Yorlc to tho enemy." Tho Post is mistaken. Now York Is Demo cratic ground and every Inch of it will tg cgnUmtod. "AVR THE ELECTION." under date of New York, July 22, fol lows: "The report that the Standard Oil Company Is about to unnouiico an ' Increase of $500,000,000 In Its capital stock was leeolved with gieat Interest in tho financial dish let hero to-dny. Similar rumors have been circulated several times lu the Iiihi few years, paitlcularly in the went, but generally they have been met with denials by the Standard Oil Intel ests. A promi nent financier who has close lelatlons with tho Rlandnrd Oil Company said: '1 inn sure that It Is the same old story revived again and that there Is nothing lu It. Certainly this would bo a most Inopportune time to tako any Hiich action, with a presidential election only a few months ahead of us. I suppose It Is possible that some thing of that kind tuny he done somo time lu the future, but not this yenr not now.' " This would he "a most Inopportune tlmo" to pump a half billion gallons of water Into the Standard Oil stock. If anything like Hint Is done II will be In accordance with other Republican plans "after election." "After the election" the tariff will bo levlsed by a parly that dorlvcH Its campaign funds from the special bene ficiaries or tho tariff. "After tho election" tho contribu tions to the campaign fund will be pub lished when It Is too Into for tho peo ple to learn (lint tho trusts pny tho bills for the Republican campaign. "After the election" Standard Oil trust stofk will be vatorrd If that course nulls tho purposes of the Rock efellers and tho RogerseB; and "after tho election" should the people re elect the special privileges' party they will pay dearly for their Indiffer ence to tho solemn warning confront ing them on every hand. BUT THEY FORGOT IT. Tho New York Tribune saye: "Mr. Hryan Is not fortunato In his efforts to create political capital out of tho reasonable popular deslio for publicity In respect to campaign receipts and expenditures. A few weeks ago, whllo both tho nominees we.ro still lu the position or candidates tor tho nomina tion, Mr. ltrau, in what he conceived lo be a muster stroke of adroitness, Invited Mr. Tuft to express uu opinion as to the propile'.y of shedding full light on the funds employed In a con test for the presidency, tholr sources, amounts and distribution. Thereupon Mr. Tuft, who bad hesitated to as sume an authority not yet bestowed upon him, caused the fact to be made known that he had already declared lu writing for complete publicity, which left Mr. Hryan lu a Homewhut less com fortable position that ho had sup posed himself to bo assured of when liu addressed his complacent sugges tion to the prospective Republican can didate." put several Important -facts aro to bo remembered in this connection. Chalrniim llurrows forgot, to tell tho convention about tho "publicity letter" ho lecelved from Mr. Taft. The Republican congress forgot to pass a law providing for publicity. The Republican national convention, which nominated Mr. Taft, defeated, by a vote of 880 nays to 04 yeas, tho LaKollotto plank pi o tiling for pub licity. And the best the Republican party is .willing to do on -this Hue is tho prom ise that '"after llio election" Repub lican managers will take the peoplo into their confidence. NOT ISSUES1 Attorney General Wado H. Kills of Ohio, who wab a member of tho com mittee on resolutions in tho Repub lican national convention, Issued a Btntoment lu which, referring to the propositions voted down In tho Re publican convention, he says: "Of tho seven omissions he (Mr. Hryan) re fers to, six are In no sense Issues be fore tho peoplo at this time, nor hnn there boon any attempt to make them such hy the administration, nor by nny other lutluentlnl element In tho pnrty. Tho seventh concerns Injunctions." Many Republican papers suppressed this portion of Mr. Kills' statement. The reason for the suppression will bo readily understood when it is re membered that among tho proposi tions which Mr. Kills says are "In no sense Issues before the peopla" aro tho following: Publicity ot campaign contributions. Ascertaining the vnluo ot railroads. Tho national Income tax. Tho encroachment of predatory wealth. Popular elect Ion of United States senntors. Mr. Kills has, perhaps, noticed that since the publication ot his state ment the Republican cnndldnto for president has given proof that ho has discovered that tho people have some concern In the publiclty-of-campalgn-contributions' proposition. TREASONl We would not for tho world ongago In criticism of the court. Hut unruly there can bo no harm in reproducing a Republican editorial (for whoever knew a Republican editorial to bo out of accord with tho accepted rules ot pollto society?). Tho Now York Press, a Republican pnpor, referring to tho Grosscup decision, snys: "Tho judgment of tho court of ap peals, which calls for careful scrutiny nnd cool reading, can not alter tho pub lic conviction that the offenders be hind the Standard Oil corporation In Its robato crimes deserve to be in tho penitentiary and will to srnt thero when tho law Is enforced by Uiom who tako oaths to administer it." TYPICAL LUMBER A Scene In the Northern Timber Country. FOUGHT TO ALLIGATORS IN A DUEL TO THE DEATH. SaurianB In New York Zoo Settle Question of Supremacy While Spectators Look On Unable to Interfere. Now York. A light to tho death be tween two alligators furnished several hundred visitors to tho Hronx zoologi cal gardens with n spectacle rarely seen north of Mason nud Dixon's line. Tho conflict was waged In tho 40-foot pool outsldo tho reptile cage. Ono of tho alligators was "Captain," bo named because lie has always been master of tho aquarium tank. When ho slid out of tlio crato Captain Belit tled triumphantly over to tho larger pool and swam around it several times. Finally his malicious little eyes lighted on a staid-looking 'gator called Whltey, who has been In the habit of lording it over tho Hronx park alli gators. The two boss 'gators looked at each other for n minute or two. Finally, finding that it was impossible to catch each other napping, tho two great rep tiles closed with a rush. Hy tho tlmo tho keepers entered the inclosuro every other 'gntor had left tho pool. Tho men beat tho forms of tho two fighters with their poles, but thoy could not seo whero they were hitting becuuBo of tlio spray and the different positions which the writhing forms took every instant Once tho spray subsided a little and they saw that Whltey had bitten Captain's front leg entirely off. Tho two 'gators drew off for a minute. Whltey, moving moro quickly than Captain, will his thrco legs, could turn, saw a chnnco to get a death grip at the side of Ills head and rushed in again. There was a tremendous churn ing up of tho wntor for n minute or two. Whltey was swimming around and around tho pool, with the dend body of Captain In his jaws. Ho was cut and blooding In a dozen parts of his scaly 'body, and ono of his eyes was torn and filll of blood. Ho had torn two of tho logs off Cnptaln's body. The only way that tho keopers were ablo to get tho body from him was to lnsso his head and legs,- draw him to tho sldo of tho pond, and pry his jaws open with their poles. Even then VWWVSAVWyWVA FA T PEOPLE x- Gov. Hughes of New York Heeds Their Complaints. Now York. Nobody loves a fat man? Not so. Gov. Hughes loves tho fat man and woman. Also tho public servlco commission ot Now York has Indicated that Its affection nnd atten tion may rest permanently upon thoso who nro blessed with cxccsslvo avoir dupois. Tho public servlco commission since its formation has been busy cor recting tho ovlla of Now York, but until to-day It did not find itself con fronted by any question as Intricate and us fur reaching as thnt presented by tho Fat People's association. Tho complaint wns lu tho form of a protest a chortle nnd a roar from several nnd sundry persons, male and femriv, whoso prcBenco on tho weigh ing Bcnlo makes the lndlcnlor work overtlmo and whoso figures cannot bo called svelte by any stretch of tho English languago or Imagination. "Tho elevated roads' stairways arc too small." This was tho complaint. And being a wlso man ns well as i candldato for renomlnntlon, Gov. Hughes hearkened to tho protest. Commissioner Eustls ordered an In vestigation and Transit Inspector Frank Hcnnett wns called. "Tho stairways nro a Httlo narrow," said Mr. Bennett; "that is, when two persons of tho slzo of Mr. Taft nt tempt to pass each other." "Well, if Mr. Taft, going up Btalrs, should moot himself coming down," said Mr. Eustls, "what would happen?" If an Irroslstlblo forco moots an lm movablo body" began Mr. Dennett "Enough," Bald tho commissioner. "We will Investlgnto furthor and If JACKS tk,niwwv A FINISH. they had to lot nil tho water out of tho tank to stop his struggling. KNOW VALUE OF TIME. Baltimore Couple Set Record for Hasty Marriages. Philadelphia. Meeting for tho first tlmo nt four o'clock and being married at f:.15 Is tho record for rnpld flio matchmaking set by Charles Mac Gregor nnd Kstcllo Myers Snack, both of Haltimore, Mil., lu Philadelphia re cently. MncCrcgor is a wealthy real estate dealer. Ho is 30 and the brldo 22. Miss Snack had boon spending her vacation nt Atlantic City. Sho wns returning home via Philadelphia. Ab she stood In tho waiting room ot tho Itroad street station sho dropped her purse. MacOregor noticed tho fnllen purse nnd picked it up. When thoy discovered their homes woro in tho anme city tho way was easy. At 4:10 tho conversation turned to tho discussion of marriage. At 4:14 MacGrcgor was able to proposo with out changing tho subject, and one mln uto later he had been ncccpted. Tho dlfllculty then wns to arrange tho marriage. Aa MacGrcgor pondered upon tho difficulty he was aroused by a heavy slap on tho back. Behind him was Rev. David T. Neely, pastor ot the Asqulth Street Presbyterian church In Haiti moro, his own church. Tho min ister agreed to perform the coromony and tho pnrty went to tho homo of John J. Robinson, an lntimato friend of tlio groom, whoro tho ceremony was performed at C:UD o'clock. Will Soon Have Vast Estate. Greenwich, Conn. William G. Rockefeller has recently mado two purchases of land ndjolnlng his 400 aero Greenwich estate. The first pur chase was a part ot tho Mills Hasted estate, including Woodland, a beauti ful stream ami a stretch of pretty open country. Tho second was from Oliver D. Mend, president of tho Groenwlch National bank, nnd consists of 42 acres cast of an old road usually called Zachous Mead's lane. This property also adjoins land of George Lauder, Jr., nephew of Androw Carnegie. Mr. Rockofeller Is now quo of the largest landholders In tho town. HIb property Is situated on high ground north of tho village, whero thero is a I beautiful view of Long Island SOund. IN PROTEST necessary widened." the stairways will bo Burn Assailant of Girl. Greonvllle, Tex. Miss Viola Do lancey, 1G years of ago, living threo miles west of here, left her homo to get mail from the box", about 300 yards away, On hor return an armed negro, 19 years old, attacked hor. Sho dragged horself hoinaand wub found by hor molhor. Marshal Norman cap tured tho negro in tho bade yard of a farmhouse. The marshal oluded n mob nnd placed tho negro In tho coun ty Jail. At eight o'clock tho next morning Sheriff Hemsoll took tho negro, Ted Smith, to tho homo of his victim, who nt onco Identified him. Ono hundred men met Sheriff Homsell at tho jail, dragged tho negro to tho ndjaccnt squaro, plied wood nround him, sat urated it with kerosono and set it on lire. Hundreds of men, women and children watched tho negro burn. A second load ot wood wns placed on tho flro and tho hoy was burned two hours longer. A negro who donounced tho action was horsowhlppod. Baby Drowns In Soapsuds. St. Louis. Josoph Volaskl, tho 13- months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Volaskl, who was found with his head submorgod in Boapsuds In n wnshtub In tho yard of his homo, No. 219 East Primm street, was tlio Becond child in threo days to drown In a few Inches of wntcr. Tonoy Volaskl, six years old, screamed when ho found his brothor In tho tub. Mrs. Volaskl ran into tho yard and pulled tho baby from the water. Llfo was extinct. It la be lieved tho child was playing around tho tub when It fell In. CHANGES IN COLOR INDIANAPOLIS WOMAN HAS MANY TRANSFORMATIONS. For the Third Tlmo Remarkable Varl atlon In Tint of Skin Is Seen In Woman a Former Slave. Indlnnapolls, Ind. For the third tlmo In her life of CO years, (ho wlfo of America Masscy, a former olnvo who lives with George Lnswell nt Mln nesotii street and Churchman avenue, has turned from black to white. The llrst 1C yeaia of her llfo wore spent In slnvery as u housemaid and as sho can remember nothing about her parents she does not attempt to explain tho mystery 'which has battled ovoryono who has seen her, as well as numerous physicians who have exam Incd her. Having completed tho third transfor mation Mrs. Massey is now of a fair complexion. Her bkln is not light In patches, but Is completely white, with tho exception of thrco small brown Bpots on the right sldo of her face and one on tho left. A tint of pink on ench cheek adds n bit ot color to her appeoranco and tho curly hnlr, which is gray only In patches, brings addi tional contrast. When working about the houso hIio rolls her sleeves, show ing arms whiter than would bo ex pected on a woman with a fair skin. In mnklng tho first complete change from blnck to whlto and then from white to black, as well as in tho sec ond completo chnngo, Mrs. Massey sayH she noticed an itching sensation of the 3kln before tho appearance ot tho spots dark or light, as tho case might bo. Although she has not as yet noticed tho accompanying itching sensation, tho appearance of tho llttlo spots on the face has given hor ground for fear that tho roverso process In tho third transformation may not ho far off. Mr. and Mrs. MaBsey have a daugh ter, Mrs. Jeremiah Redman, 112 Nel son Btreot, where they spend mucb of their time. ART TREASURES DISAPPEAR. Rome Gossip at Once Connects Mop gan's Name with Their Purchase. Rome. A story has been going the rounds In which tho name of J. Pier point Morgan is mixed, as is usual when there Is any disappearance ot art treasures. This latest disappearance is that ol somo precious manuscripts ot Pales trina, tho composer of church music They were in tho custody of tho Basili ca of St. John Latoran. That Is in the direct care of Cardinal Satolll. Tho Btory Is that an American mil lionaire, known for his liberality nnd his lovo for collecting the rare nnd the beautiful In other wordB, Mr. Morgan heard of the MSS., saw them, and mndo an offer to buy them nt once. Tho offer was not accepted Immediate lymuch being mado of tho difficulty of tho sale bocauso of government In terference, of breaking the law, etc Hut when tho amount of the offer was doubled tho difficulties disappeared and both sides wcro happy, Tho report goes on to say that tho large sum thus gained will bo used on the Haslllca of St John L'ateran. It Is difficult to get at tho truth of such a story, but I urn assured thai the MSS. have really disappeared. SEES HIS IMAGE IN THE SKY. Nevada Man Tells of an Atmospheric Freak on Mount Davis. s Reao, Nov. The specter of nrock- nro, norotoioro oouevcu to do a super stition relating to Mount Jeff Davis, In Whits Pino county, has been veri fied by Stato Engineer Nicholas, who has jUBt returned from nn official trip to tho mountains, and now roports its height ns 14,700 feet, which is 200 feet higher than any other mountain in the United Stntes. Yenrs ago a band of Indians fled from the mountains bocauso of an lm oge of thomselves which appeared above the mountain In tho clouds, re flected many times their original size. Relieving it was tho Bplrlts coming to destroy them, thoy fled, and slnco then uono has dared return to tho moun tain. Nlcholns witnessed tho strango freak. While standing on tho apex of tho mountain his imago appeared on the whlto clouds to tho cast It was many times bis slzo. This condition 1b not unknown to the government, as there Is a record of a mountain in Ger many whero similar phenomena occur. Nicholas will tako tho matter up with tho view of determining tho cause. WHALE MADE A BONFIRE. Stranded Monster, Blown Up, Burst Into Flame. York neach, Mo. Tho 7C-foot whalo which camo ashoro a short tlmo ago at Phillips Covo at tho cliff nud was subsequently nnchnrcd off tho Nnbhlo light whllo tho promoters mndo a good business taking peoplo out In tholr motor bontH was towed out to sea and dynamited, Then camo n surprlso for tho dyna mltors. Tho explosives wont off all right, but another olfect than what was expected followed, for tho big whalo hurst into sheets of flnmo. The oil-soaked body burned fiercely all night lofc, giving n remarkable offoct from shore, which waa Hnod with spec tators. Tho flro spont ttsolf at' a lata hour In the morning. THECOMEANDSEESIGN Tliis 8ign is.permtuicntly attached to tlio front of tho limin building of tho LydJa E. l'inkham Medicmo Company, Lynn, Mass. What Docs This SIrii Mean ? It means that public inspection of tho Laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. Itmeans that thero is nothing about tho bus iness which is not "open and abovo board." It means that a permanent invita tion is extended to anyone to como and verify any and all statements mado in tho advertisements of Lydia E. rinlchani'a Vegetable Compound. Ls it a purely vegetable compound made from roota aud herbs with, out drugs ? Come and Sec. Do tho women of America continu ally uso as much of it a3 wc aro told ? Como and See. "Was thero ever such a person as Lydia E. Pinkhain, and is thero any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick woman aro asked to write V Como and Sec. Is tho vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and aro tho letters kept strictly confidential ? Como and Sec. Havo they really got letters from over ono million, ono hundred thousand women correspondents? Como and Sco. Ilavo thoy proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's vcgctablo Compound has cured thousands of these women V Como anil Sec. This advertisement is only for doubters. Tho great army of women who know from their own personal experience that no medicine in tho world equals Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for female ills will still go on using and being ben efited by it ; but tho ioor doubting, suffering woman must, for hor own sake,bc taught confidenue,forshoalso might just as well regain her health. Astonished Great Pianist. A collection of anecdotes of musical celebrities just published at Lelpslc contnlns this ono under tho head ot Anton Rubinstein. When tho great pianist was making his tour of tho United States ho sat ono dny In a railroad train looking out upon tho scenery. Suddenly a man sitting across tho aisle spat over Rubinstein's head out of tho open window. Tho master drew back nud gnzcii In aston ishment and anger at the vulgar Amer ican, who smiled and Bald, soothingly: "Don't worry; I know my distance." Tho extraordinary popularity of fine whlto goods this summer makes tho choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Deflanco Starch, being freo from nil Injurious chemicals, ia tho only ono which Is safe to uso on fino fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half tho usual quantity of Starch necessary, with tho result of perfect finish, equal to that whou tho goods were new. An Eye on the Future. Tommy'B maiden nunt had called at tention to somo of that young mnn's misdemeanors, thcroby causing him to be punished. Tommy pondered a whllo, thon asked, "Papa, will llttlo fiistcr Gladys bo un aunt to my chil dren when I am a man?" "Yes, Tommy," answered his father, much Interested. "Why do you ask?" "'CaiiHo sho might as well get mar ried and havo a homo of her own, for I don't Intend to 'low nny aunts to stay around my houso, making troublo for my children." Woman's Home Companion. That an artlclo may bo good as well as cheap, nnd give ontlro satisfaction, Is proven by tho extraordinary sale of Deflanco Starch, each packago con taining one-third moro Starch than can bo had of any other brand for tho eamo money. High Art In Blllvllle. "An' you say It took that artist two months to paint this llttlo plcturo?" "Shoro did!" "Well, all I'vo got to say Is, ho'.i too slow for this settlement. I could 'n' painted two houses un' four barns In thnt tlmo, an' not half tried." At lanta Constitution. SHiSilti TjraH mm H H IKfc BB WIIMWS'undM' N CW LAW obUlno4 PENSIONS JS2fig.MST9' UVli -LKiiFvi H